Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 4
Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 4
Detailed Lesson Plan in Math 4
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson student are expected to:
A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competencies
Before we start our lesson, let’s review Ma’am our topic yesterday is Adding and
or lesson yesterday. So, what again our subtraction similar fractions
topic yesterday? Anyone?
Can you please state Frist your going to add numerator and just
copy the denominator
how? Very good
C. Lesson Proper
1 2 2 1 1
x = and =
2 2 4 4 4
2 1 3
So class + is equals to? 4
4 4
• Developing Mastery
• Generalization
Adding Dissimilar ma’am
So class what again are topic for today?
What again the steps in answering Adding First you need to get the LCD, find fraction
with Dissimilar fraction? that are equal to a given fraction and the last
one is add the numerators and use the
common denominators.
IV. Evaluation
2 1
Heiley bought of apple of orange. How many kilogram of fruits did she buy
and 8
in all?