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Thiago Motta Thesis

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The relationship with the ball began for me, as for almost all children, as an "object
gift”, as a birthday present given to me by my father as a boy.

Right from the start therefore, thanks to the sentimental, affective and emotional component
resulting from the paternal gesture in a family environment, a symbiotic bond sprouted for me
and natural with the ball.

The ball became the most precious object for my expressive field which was the game of
football at home, on the street, alone or with friends, dreaming of becoming great
footballer and the desire to have fun and score goals to beat the opponent whoever it was.

This relationship was consolidated even when the

transition from the typically recreational childhood game to the first more structured experiences
in soccer and football clubs.

The ball, in this transitory phase, between childhood and adolescence, from a simple "object" of
recreational play became a "tool" for teamwork, an expression of a form
more complex than collective play.

Thanks to the ball, the horizon of the game expanded from the circle of family and friends to
that of the new family, the football one.

And the game, from a recreational expression was increasingly transformed into a competitive expression,

as a projection not only of an idea of individual and collective movement, but also how
personal enhancement of belonging to a group, a family, of football devotees.
Although acquiring increasingly accurate expressive notions, also linked to the different
types of ball (football with eleven and five-a-side football), the emotional component was
still present. Both by maintaining personal affection for the "gift object" either
expressing collective affection for the team's expressive "tool".

The ball in both cases – recreational personal or as a collective team tool –

it was confirmed as the most precious asset, the supreme asset of the game.
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Losing it - during any game situation - therefore meant unconsciously

not only lose the object of high personal value (– the gift from the father -), but also the
indispensable tool to express belonging to the group-team, to the family

Losing the ball therefore became a sort of individual and collective football "crime".
to be repaired in the most decisive way, both on the road with friends by weighing the game
personal, but above all in the field, in a competitive environment, through team play.

With my move to Barcelona, Spain, all these founding elements came

expanded, deepened and perfected, reinforcing awareness of the centrality of
ball and its management, individually and collectively, as an expression of the game
of football.

In any case, it was a natural evolution, with the ball understood both as an “object
affective" and as a "collective tool", but with a finalized cultural study
to improve ball administration skills during the stages of the match, both
from a personal point of view ("the ball is mine") and collective ("the ball is ours").

The very perception of losing the balloon no longer revealed itself as a simple
football "crime", but also as a stimulus for reflection not only to develop the best
conservation strategy, but also that of loss prevention, and of course
of recovery.

In short, the ball and its management became the fulcrum of a personal philosophy and
more structured collective interpretation of the game, which in fact also laid the foundations
winners of the future Barcelona in La Liga and in Europe.

The arrival in Italy allowed me to enrich and consolidate my technical and tactical baggage,
but this time according to different types of football philosophy. And not necessarily
focused on the balloon object/instrument, but on the alternative occupation of the spaces e
the consequent disposition in the field also in function of the opponents and the respective ones
doctrines of football expression.
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The cultural diversity of Serie A, for the multiplicity of the approach or for the contrast of

notions dear to me, has allowed me to fuel even more my reflection on centrality

of the ball in the expression of both personal and collective play, completing

beliefs and principles, even in the application of opposing football fundamentals.

Fundamentals that have in fact exalted universal mechanisms by putting them to the test

of the approach to play through the universal and natural prism of the object/tool


In this sense, the intellectual disparity of "masters" such as Gianpiero Gasperini at Genoa and

of José Mourinho at Inter can be summed up in a comparison of experiences: in the interval

during the Milan derby on August 29, 2009; in the management of the attack maneuver of the
red and blue club.

If both technicians required the control of the game through the verticalization of the

maneuver, the method of obtaining it was diametrically opposed.

Mourinho at Inter preferred verticalization between the lines, as it became clear to me in the end

of the first half of the 2009 first leg derby. After the first 45' we were ahead for

3-0 over Milan. A discard obtained with very close game criteria and ball management

to what I felt most suited to me. In the tunnel at the exit from the Mourinho locker room mi

however, he ordered to play the rest of the match Focusing me no longer on control, but on

disengagement and on the vertical openings, behind the AC Milan defensive lines. In the second

time we only scored one more goal, for the final 4-0, but that year we won

the treble anyway.

At Genoa, Gasperini required more elaborate management of the verticalisation. Not

only through direct passages between the lines, but favoring an organized structure of

steps. Often, in my role as director, I served number 9, Milito, in

direct way, for direct verticalization. Instead, for Gasperini it was necessary to verticalize

taking advantage of the intermediation of the players on the trocar. In this system, the maneuver is not only

it developed vertically, but it also allowed me to participate in it in a way

proactive, being able to present myself in the sector of the opposing area and therefore multiply the

resources to score. With a game of vertical passes directed at the forward - he made me

instead one day Gasperini noticed - , I could maybe put Milito in shooting condition, but

I automatically excluded myself from the action and consequently reduced the alternatives
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creative team to get to the goal.

Finally, in France, the educational and intellectual path of the concept of play is expressed

through the centrality of the ball, it has gone from theoretical value to practical expression and


And not only in Carlo Ancelotti's PSG, but in particular in the one managed by Laurent

Blanc, through an overwhelming domination in a championship with technical and tactical precepts in

antipodes to this approach.

Contrast that has done nothing but enhance the superiority of a philosophy applied in a first

player time on the pitch, translating individual management synthesis experience to

service of the football collective, in technical and tactical terms; and then how

PSG Under 19 coach, in the function of transmitting these principles to young people

founders, for a global and stratified vision of football, but based on the element

primordial and natural of football: the ball.

Hence, the proposal of this thesis to entrust a reading of football through the centrality

of the ball understood as an "emotional object/work tool", also in its meaning

psychological (Part One), understood as team and individual mastery to cultivate

through specific technical exercises, to ensure the widest choice of construction

and evolution of the collective and personal game, illustrated with a practical case of action where

the different aspects dealt with here are included (Second part).
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Throughout my career as a footballer I have often observed how team mates are
self-limited during training and matches, from a technical point of view, causing a
reduction of the tactical scope of the team, as well as individual.

Top-level football is a sport in which responsibility for performance is shared, but

where the technical element of the individuals is also predominant which is identified in the ability of the
ball control and management.

The ball can be defined as a work tool but through which they express themselves
the capabilities of each member of the team, i.e. of the working group united by the
main goal of scoring, and by extension, of victory.

A goal that can be achieved through a variety of approaches and schemes e

interpretations of the game, based on the characteristics of the players, opponents and
strategies implemented; but which still starts from the basic element: that is the touch
of the ball that has a primordial value from a technical point of view, with his
implications on the game action, from a mental point of view as a tool
realization of the different psychological stages that contribute to the overall formation
of the individual, but also affective/emotional that go back – as mentioned
in the introduction – to the embryonic value of the balloon object.

Hence the importance of mastering the footballer's work tool, namely the
ball which in its central peculiarity of the game of football also becomes the thread
conductor of a series of reflections on the mental approach of the individual and its consequences
practices on the result and on the expression of the team, understood as a complex of
personalities that may or may not be in tune to achieve the goal


Going back to the observation, during his career, of those comrades who limited themselves to expressing themselves

own skills of technical mastery, therefore the importance of control emerges

of the professional competence that involves the translation of the definition of the ball
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from work tool to tool for the realization of the personality of the individual

player and, consequently, that of the team to which he belongs.

From being a simple game/work object, the ball thus becomes an instrument of

improvement of psychological-mental skills to face challenges, goals and

difficulties that derive from its professional use, but which bring collective benefits

relevant, according to a virtuous cycle that allows the individual to develop and contribute –

according to one's own means cultivated and improved – to the attainment of the fulfillment of


It is therefore necessary first of all to define the personality of the single player/individual,

shaped by genetic predisposition and by the first and fundamental childhood experiences,

in a specific social and cultural environment where he was able to express himself.

A definition that is linked to the fundamental evolution of the relationship with the ball that

refers – as mentioned in the introduction – to the player's childhood

himself in his emotional and affective relationship with the balloon object.

On the other hand, according to some studies supported in the youth field, up to 11 years of age

affiliative dimension of playing sports with friends, meeting new ones and being able to have fun

remains predominant and then widens in pursuit of the excitement of competition and

of the enthusiasm that derives from it up to the age of 14; to finally develop and maintain not only

an adequate physical form, but also and above all a sporting competence that permits

to establish itself, to make a difference as an individual in the collective, and thus contribute to the

achievement of the shared goal within the group/family that represents the


Consequently, without going into the Freudian meanders of definition and development

of the personality, it is however necessary to understand the concept of drive as an endogenous drive

outwards, characterized by an origin, a goal and therefore an object.

Personality, according to the philosopher Umberto Galimberti for example, represents the whole

Of the psychic characteristics and modes of behavior of the individual who in the

Their integration constitutes its irreducible nucleus, even in multiplicity and diversity

of the environmental situations in which it expresses itself and finds itself operating.
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Personality therefore allows you to integrate and organize physical and psychic elements, for
Facilitate the adaptation of the individual to the environment.

The individual/footballer actually finds himself acting in a complex context, expressing himself on
multiple levels, from the moment of training to the continuum of the game, in a specific place, -
the stadium-, exposed to the pressure of thousands of fans and the media, both in a way
punctual (the match), and daily through newspapers, TV broadcasts and last but not least i
social network.

The importance therefore of expressing one's skills with serenity becomes

fundamental not only for the direct expression of the individual footballer, but also for the
his relationship within the work group/family/team and with the context
external environment.

Each of these levels of expression presents potential difficulties that contribute

to the inhibition of the player himself, through a limited or conditioned use of the ball
understood – again – not only as a basic work tool, but as a multiple
detector of the psychological-mental potential on which to intervene, to ultimately facilitate the
creation of a virtuous team spirit, which allows to achieve the objectives
set yourself.


The achievement of a goal must be approached as a compelling challenge,

inevitably accompanied by a dose of stress intended however as a vital element in the
mechanism of adaptation and survival of the individual.

Stress and its management thus become a first indicator of personality

of the individual/footballer and his ability to keep it within a bearable limit
such as not to interfere with decision-making, emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes.

The first element of stress derives in the soccer player from the ability to
demonstrate a mastery of the ball through which he aspires to integrate into one
team, carving out a technical relational space with his teammates, with the intent
primordial to be able not only to express oneself, but also to experiment oneself in a phase of creativity
of the game, perhaps making mistakes that are not subject to excessive criticism, e
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however always with the intention of completing the path that leads to the goal of victory.

In this context, the stress associated with the lack of technical mastery of the ball and the

its management, derives from a feeling of limitation perceived as threatening, due to

a request from the environment and classified as excessive with respect to the perception of

own ability to deal with it.

The mechanism in practical terms reveals itself for example in the impression of the isolation of a

player both in the work phase in training and – with more harmful consequences – in


Not just through the team's lack of involvement

player/individual who does not express adequate skills for the job with personality

of the group, and to its goal of victory; but also in the act of "hiding", by denying

availability to the partner in areas of the field and phases of the game generating greater situations of

difficulties and therefore stress.

In this sense, an exchange of jokes during a broadcast on the

social media, by former champion Didier Drogba on his experience at Chelsea where he found himself

compared to technically less gifted teammates and for this – in his own

anecdote – considered inferior but above all unreliable, as well as an object of ridicule in

veiled way in the presence of the partner, but direct and more ferocious in mini-group chats


Resuming therefore the need to identify the solution to the problem, it must be considered

ambivalence if one takes into consideration, for example, the theory of the sociologist Aaron

Antonovsky who noted how the stressful events are opposed on the one hand resources

personality characteristics, and on the other hand specific environmental ones such as the network

supportive social relationships.

In full, therefore, the links with the direct teammates with whom you face i
moments of difficulty.


Returning to the indispensable ability to manage stress, induced by inner stimulus ed

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external, it is necessary to reinforce the principles of coping and resilience.

The first, coping, is considered in psychology as a highly challenging process

test the resources of the individual, through actions and emotions connected for essentially
reduce the risk of harmful consequences that could result from an event
stressful, and contain negative emotional reactions, as highlighted by Francesco
Riccardo in Education for the Development of Personal Potential (ed. Calzetti Mariucci).
By resilience instead we can mean, according to the terms of the psychologist Edith Grotberg, the
human ability to face life's adversities, overcome them and emerge from them strengthened e

In short, resilience also includes the ability to use the experience born of situations
difficult to build the future.

But this intrinsic ability must be brought out, cultivated and developed in the
player right through the fundamental working tool, which is the ball, creating
a habit, reinforcing its natural and spontaneous use for improvement
personal and collective interaction, right from the moment of training, thus permitting
to develop mutual trust between individuals and groups, spreading harmony and respect
shared for choices and objectives, reducing the possibility of the arising of conflicts that may
compromising team bonding, performance and therefore the result.

In the course of my experiences as a footballer, in this sense, I have noticed how in Spain
for example there is inherently more quality among players, but it certainly works for
establish a greater familiarity with the ball, understood as a primordial expression of
player craft.

Going back to my experience in Brazil, I can certify that the work of the footballer, in
training, cannot ignore the ball, as it is considered as a method
natural expression of the player.

As opposed to situations of preparation linked to an exasperated use of

tactical component that can have beneficial effects on the predisposition of a team to
occupy the spaces, according to the different phases of the game, but risks depriving the player
of the habit of having a personal relationship with the ball, perhaps touched only a few times
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during an entire session.


The ball also intervenes as a means to develop the emotional intelligence of the
player himself, which underlies the relationship that constitutes the essence of the spirit of
team, among the diversity of individuals.

In fact, emotional intelligence favors communication exchanges, the ability to solve problems,
stimulating the individual and collective construction process.

It is also true that only when one is aware of one's personal competence one is
able to master a social competence, understood as the ability to manage
relationships with others, through empathy, social skills that foster bonds
collaborative, consolidating consensus and support around them.

Also in this reflection by Riccardo, the parallel with the indispensability of serene use
of the ball emerges by force, given that the main purpose of emotional intelligence is
that of helping to make optimal decisions, fully aware on a rational level and
emotional, to positively involve others in the achievement of a goal

Again Riccardo underlines how each member should be within the groups
self-aware, because awareness is the starting point of everything

Self-awareness is cultivated in the team environment even when the coach,

to satisfy the players' need for satisfaction, according to studies by Tammy Horne e
Albert Carron, prepares behaviors and exercises that allow you to improve skills
personal, involving the commitment of all players.

In a working group, collective satisfaction is achieved even when the individual succeeds
to find and impose its own technical identity within the group itself.
This is how personal motivation, social cohesion and inter-collaboration develop
group, reasoning in terms of "We", limiting the problems of rivalry, negative for
morale and results.
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Net of the tactical knowledge that derives from it, the ball as a tool also becomes

the main expression of the competence of the single player, where for competence yes

means the ability linked to knowledge and experience acquired in a certain area of

activity: that is, knowledge and know-how brought together.

In professional fields, therefore, the ability to provide effective services expresses al

better the meaning of competence understood also as dexterity in using in a way

intentional and effective their knowledge in the field of production and resolution of the


The ball, therefore, in my opinion becomes the expression of the competence for the production

of team play, according to the tactical values chosen, but also to face that

Through the expression of the football competence of the ball, we are not limited to

Mastery of the execution, therefore understood as technical ability to control the ball,

but the reasoning is extended to a certain representation of the structure and criteria of

this competence, as a potential expressive element of a global and collective idea of the

team play.

Thus becoming an essential pivot and connected to the ability to master situations

complex that arise precisely in every game.


Without ever losing sight of the need to contribute to the development of the personality of the

player/individual, leading him to face the moment with confidence and greater certainty

of stress caused by an unnatural relationship with the ball which leads to limiting one's own

expressive possibilities in the field, we arrive at the theme of self-awareness.

Concept that allows you to predict how to deal with the various with greater preparation

situations that life/game entails, adopting functional behaviors and attitudes

to your goals. Also exhibiting skills and abilities that produce flexibility and versatility

behavioral, both individually and collectively.

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Through self-awareness we increase the ability to control emotion,

bringing it from a harmful intensity to a stable level, thus transforming it into something

pleasant that facilitates a state of serenity, essential to self-mastery, of

expressive tool that represents the ball, and of one's role within one's own

community, the team.

Even awareness therefore leads to easier management of stress, so far

attributed to the lack of mastery of the expressive tool of the ball for a


Identified this technical lack in the mastery and management of the ball as

potential source of stress, it should be remembered however that the solution also passes through the

ability to effectively communicate discomfort, both verbally and non-verbally.

Therefore, the impact of empathy understood as the ability to put oneself in one should not be underestimated

clothes of the other, thus perceiving emotions and thoughts.

Lack of mastery of ball control technique actually risks

consequently multiply the obstacles to healthy communication, useful not only to

single individual to feel part of the group, but also to the group to avoid it
form further forms of censorship.

Censorship understood in this case, as unavailability on the part of the comrades of

team to involve the element considered least technically gifted, who exhibits

through her lack of personality and self-awareness the whole

team to further stressful situations.

In addition to dangers also induced by the ability of the opposing team to identify

just as easily the weak point of those who oppose him and to put the move into practice

consequent to benefit from it.

In practical terms, therefore, the lack of empathy can facilitate the censorship of

spontaneity of passing and movement of the ball between players.

As a result, the indispensable glue of team solidarity deteriorates

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which allows us to face the obstacle with an attitude of "we", or in any case denies it
a wider solution potential, effectively reducing the number of possible solutions with

the exclusion of the partner considered less suitable.

Failure to manifest technical mastery of the ball can induce the player
himself to defuse the mechanism of empathy, but also the rest of the companions a
avoid reproducing it, if by empathy we mean the ability to immerse ourselves in other people's reality for

understand points of view, thoughts, feelings, emotions and pathos.

In practice, the principle of sharing on which the concept of solidarity is based is blocked

team, of belonging to the group with its tactical but also emotional implications.

The consequences are potentially harmful because they can directly undermine the
balance of group life, causing a negative spiral in attitudes
reciprocal of individuals.

With the more distinctly gifted elements not only tending to isolate the less a
comfortable, but which also limit their work considering that the more physical role is theirs
by right to those with less technical ability.

It is the typical case of strikers with great technical skills who refuse defensive work
considering it a duty for those comrades who do not have sufficient technical skills
they have to compensate by doing at least the dirty work.

An attitude that irremediably leads to the unraveling of the relational fabric in

field, pushing even the less self-confident player, less gifted in mastering the
ball, to give up not only to expose himself during the possession phase, but also to give up

to involve himself more vigorously in teamwork, precisely because he is rejected by the others o
however no longer willing to be regarded as a lower-ranking element
within the team.

Thus a process of deterioration of individual choices is triggered

collective, with a limitation of the perspectives of the game and of identifying the flaws
opponents, with the added risk of being further destabilized by the attitude
of the opponent if able to grasp and exploit the weakening of the collective strength that
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face up.


Hence the importance of the concept of critical thinking, understood as the ability to

examine the situation and to take a personal position on it, according to the

Galimberti's definition, which explains how this ability constitutes the foundation of a

responsible attitude towards experiences, and autonomous towards

environmental conditioning.

Therefore, the need to insist on the will to attribute to the

player a mastery of the technical means of control and management of the ball, for

facilitate not only the freedom to think critically, but also the ability to resolve

driven by creative thinking.

When by creative thinking we mean the ability present from childhood to think

possible alternatives of solutions to difficult situations, by blowing up schemes

behaviors that act as a brake. Just as - in this interpretation -

it happens with the doubt caused by the technical limit, perceived by the player himself in the

ball control and management.

Creative thinking is linked to the principle of sharing and exchanging ideas, like this

essential for team play. Albert Einstein stated that if logic leads from

a point A to a point B, the imagination leads everywhere.

Thus fighting self-censorship, the personal limitation induced by one's technical limits

in the mastery of the work tool that the ball represents, they guarantee themselves

inexhaustible and infinitely valuable psychological-mental resources for the player e

the coach who can thus count on individuals capable of making decisions directly in

field, without succumbing to the fear of losing the ball, thus losing it to the

team, and consequently losing credibility in the eyes of his teammates and last but not least

of opponents.

If the stress about it becomes intense and unmanageable, the likelihood is higher that

the individual/player gives up the decision process, or decides to postpone it from time to time

time, weakening the fabric of the game. In the field it translates precisely with the problem
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of not making oneself available to one's companions in the construction of the action, self-censoring,

The problem of the inability to make a factual decision arises, according to the terms of
by the psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa, also taken up by Riccardo, when a motivated individual
to reach a goal he cannot do it automatically or mechanically, or even
through an instinctive activity or a learned behavior.

Training in mastering and managing the ball allows you to

develop not only skills with the purpose of solving the problem to be faced in
match preparation and then on the pitch, but also critical thinking, creative thinking and
management of the emotional aspect in relating to peers, the environment and opponents.

In fact, the focus on technical training in mastering and managing the ball
induces a phenomenon of "debridage", also typical of the process of
brainstorming, which in the training of creative thinking allows to single out for each
problem a greater number of solutions.

Knowing that in general when you have only one solution you feel
caged; on the other hand, conflict emerges in the case of two possible alternatives; while with three
alternatives you can actually feel free.

The same can be true on the playing field, if the conditions are not only created
tactics, but also psycho-mental suitable to allow the player to elaborate and
face the choice with the indispensable security, spontaneity and certainty in one's means
with respect to the ball, and in return with respect to the companions, with whom to interact and from whom to feel at

in turn protected; compared to the opponents on the field and the environment that puts him in turn
under pressure.

The latter is a paradigm which in any case can have beneficial effects not only for the
player of limited technical ability, but also for that of high technical competence,
who can thus express their talents with greater freedom, putting them at the service of one
team from which he still feels supported and protected. And this is also thanks to the fact of
having extended one's trust to those less technically gifted, but motivated comrades e
strengthened in their role within the team, through commitment and growth in the
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mastery and management of the ball, fueled by mutual empathy

also cultivated in training.

You go so easily from a team with a few protagonists to a team of

protagonists, according to their own aptitudes and talents placed at the service of the collective. Where also

the champion contributes to the collective effort because he receives the advantage not only of

team, but also personal, to express their talent and collect their

deserved honors. And if even the star player of the team applies to carry out for example

a work of sacrifice in the recovery of the ball, you automatically go to reinforce the strength

collective ball recovery. Even when it is lost by the less gifted player

technically which in turn finds itself comforted by the collective compensation of its own

By reinforcing the personality of the subject / player, creativity and creativity are therefore increased

communication skills, because by feeding technical mastery in the use of the ball, yes

promotes mental well-being which in turn increases the motivation to take

care of self and others.


It follows, in this virtuous process, supported by a careful maturation of skills

individual techniques, the awareness of self-efficacy, understood in the sense of

Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura, as a belief about one's own abilities

organize and execute sequences of actions necessary to produce certain results.

Hence the conviction of being able to effectively face any test, feeling up to it

of the event, with specific tasks, involving motivation, personal resources and
the action.

The parallel with the player's role on the pitch is also evident considering that if

the individual considers that the result of his performance may vary according to his own

direct commitment, will accrue greater expectations to successfully reach the goal

prefix; also convinced that this result may also be repeated in the future,

consolidating perseverance in overcoming the difficulties that may arise at the moment

of carrying out its task.

Without underestimating that – according to the approaches of Schunk and Zimmerman cited by Riccardo
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– mastery and presence of models of effective individuals who deal positively with

challenges, stimulate the learning of new skills and strategies in others.

Hence, therefore, the experience lived by observing averagely capable companions from the point of
technical view that, in a virtuous collective context fueled by highly

technical and willing to contribute to a common goal without prejudice, increased

as the months and training go by, your level of mastery and management of the
ball. Bringing an increasingly essential contribution to the expressive possibilities of
team itself on the pitch.

Anxious moments therefore become potential challenges, stimulating and positive, contributing
to acquire further motor and therefore technical skills. In summary, strengthening the conscience
collective strength of the team.

Riccardo still remembers, in the book already mentioned, as the safest athletes in the sporting arena
of their effectiveness show greater ability to concentrate especially through
the control of intrusive thoughts and an adequate management of stress factors, accepting
the risks of competition more, showing themselves ready to face the inevitable
moments of crisis.

Psychologists Jessica Militello and Patrizia Steca also underline how the sense of
personal effectiveness is decisive both in the training phase, promoting

high-level construction and refinement, both in the competition phase, when optimizing the
choice, dispensing effort, execution and orchestration in the different activities.
Without forgetting that the conviction of increasing one's ability increases the
intrinsic satisfaction with the performance, making it interesting.


Thus a further step is constituted which, again through the use and appropriation of the
technique of mastering the ball, also leads to strengthening motivation, understood as

force that pushes to act, directing behavior towards specific goals, supporting
the effort required to reach them, acquiring and managing external, environmental stimuli.

A motivation understood as intrinsic as it allows the individual to accomplish

an activity because it is stimulating, a source of pleasure, always feeling satisfaction
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more competent, regardless of external stimuli typical of extrinsic motivation. AND

therefore able to assume the correct behavior without being discouraged by

difficulties associated with your business.

Adversity consequently becomes part of a whole, to be managed – according to the model

Expectations-Values of 1983 by AA.VV. - precisely as a component of a

game, waiting for the right moment to show their potential and skills.

The athlete therefore gets to give the best of himself in the balanced search for his own limits,

finding an incentive to improve, thus fueling the virtuosity of the team.

One then arrives at a state of adherence not only to one's own abilities, but also to

integration with the context in which the subject finds himself expressing himself.


In an ideal model, where global harmony is established at team level,

the individual/player can converge towards a state of flow, understood as a condition

mental in which the athlete is so immersed in his performance to experience a

lived in serenity and concentration, in total absorption. A kind of trance that can

combine physical activity and consciousness, in maximum concentration, ingredient

essential for performance excellence.

Pelé himself, Riccardo recalls, described his flow as “a strange calm, euphoric

with the impression of being able to run all day without getting tired, dribbling anyone,

almost physically crossing the opposing team”.

Without wanting to aim to make every player a potential Pelé, it should still be underlined

how all the components described up to now in their psychological meaning find in reality

a common thread of their expression in the concept of technical mastery of the

professional/affective tool of the balloon.

For each stage, in fact, the confirmation of the usefulness of the appropriate and serene use of the balloon,

allows you to promote and consolidate the psychological-mental aspects that contribute to making
mature football player athlete.

Last but not least, the fact emerges as evident that the technical and psychic maturity of the individual

player contributes in turn to develop a model of collective intelligence that

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animates a team, without the natural hierarchies imposed by personality criteria and
competencies of individuals harm the life of the group/family for the achievement
of the common goal, represented by victory


This global expression of one's personality and established skills

team in turn has a direct impact not only on team performance
itself, as a summation of the mutual completeness of the individuals, obviously orchestrated
in a context of prearranged game philosophy and tactics; but also on the team
adversary who finds himself facing a collective and unitary block, ready to sacrifice
common in the face of adversity, with a shared and protean game paradigm that
enhances individual skills put in common to achieve the objective for which
everyone takes to the field.

Consequently, cultivating the single touch of the ball, understood as a basic element, such as
first affective gesture linked to childhood, as a spontaneous sign full of feeling and
pleasure, a natural relationship develops with the ball which leads to the development and al
strengthening of mental and technical resources, to contribute to the deployment of
expressive ability of the individual and that of a team force that not only facilitates
resolution of the moment of adversity to be faced in the game, but it will also inhibit the
opposing team forced to add an extra hostile variable.

Thanks to the habit of the individual in the natural and serene use of the ball, one contributes to
thus forming a global dissuasive group effect against the adversaries, forced
to adapt their game by including a further risk of danger, not only induced
by the difficulty of contending the objective with the opposing group, but also by the one provoked
from every single element that benefits from the technical, physical and mental coverage of the
rest of the team you belong to.

This paradigm that I would define as collective inhibition of the opponent contributes to
transferring an additional stress factor right onto the opponent due to the difficulty of
include in your own game the risk of suffering that of the opposite team, which implies
a further consumption of precious mental and indirectly also physical energies.

In a more concrete way, a team that finds itself facing a supportive, harmonious group,
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polyvalent in the various skills compensated by an attitude of sharing

of the talents of each, beyond individual limits and the common goal, will be induced to

assume an attitude at least cautious even in the simple work of pressing

or recovering the ball, fearing exposure to full and reactive force

of the opponent.

A strength expressed not only by the more distinctly technical individuals, but also by

those less gifted who, however, thanks to specific training for improvement

daily mastery and management of the ball, help to complete the

potential of the group.

Reinforcing the overall awareness, the ability to manage stress, to face

the phases of the game with more confidence and courage, thanks to a better conscience and knowledge

deep of one's means, individual and collective, in a positive spirit that liberates,

multiplying them, creative resources and freedom of action in the field, facilitating the

belief that you can successfully achieve the set goal.

However, everything begins with the first touch of the ball, the basic element of the game, and first

intimate moment of judgment of the value of a soccer player.

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The concepts expressed in the previous chapter of a “solidarity, harmonious and multipurpose group

in different skills”, have emerged from my personal football experience, but

also from the observation of various tactical phases in the matches I studied and observed.


Observing, for example, the game from Leeds United coached by Marcelo Bielsa, I have

found those elements of "collective technique" trust present in all individual players,

thus actively participating in all the various phases of the game.

To better explain the concept of collective "technical trust" let us consider

then a Leeds United action under construction in the opposition half:

center fielder, Stuart Dallas, is often seen leaning horizontally to the

lateral midfielder, Jack Harrison, calling the pressure of the team back to them

opponent in order to obtain advantageous spaces behind the pressing lines.

Having obtained this effect, or tactical advantage, it is very interesting to note how the defender

remains available to the teammate in possession of the ball or 1) proposing

himself in the space created or 2) requesting the ball to himself, to then play it again in

vertical diagonal, again to use the advantage of the space created as a result of the

pressing, towards the other midfielder on the opposite side.

I take for example this typical action, among the many of its tactical baggage, of

Marcelo Bielsa to highlight some points that I consider important :

A) The most obvious one which concerns the awareness of all the elements of the

team to be protagonists tactically useful for the development of the game, determined

by their self-confidence in possession of the ball; determine passing lines or

proposing themselves in the spaces by all the elements happens, in my opinion, only thanks

to a conscious and natural relationship with the instrument of the game, the ball.
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B) That possession of the ball should not be confused with a sterile, and therefore

useless, series of horizontal passages, but rather it must be preparatory to one

verticalization as effective and rapid as possible. It is often confused - it is not up to it

to me to say whether right or wrong - the concept of possession of the ball with a game

transmitted through horizontal lines; these examples of the Bielsa game – among many

available by evoking the Argentinean technician - instead allows you to explain how the

theoretical concept of possession of the ball must absolutely foresee the

vertical transition in the shortest time possible.

C) By emphasizing precisely the speed I mentioned above, it is fundamental

develop to the maximum, together with the development or improvement of one's own abilities

techniques, even an ideal physical form, precisely to allow you to maximize the

advantage of the spaces obtained thanks to possession of the ball.

D) I think it is interesting to also describe the concept of freedom of choice carried out in

this case by central defender Stuart Dallas, at the same time that he

opt for movement, with or without the ball, in the spaces created behind the lines of the

pressing opponent, or in waiting by proposing for a special

pass line. I consider these mechanisms, which obviously also arise

by tactical indications from the coach, they gain their maximum effectiveness only

thanks to the conscious application of the players themselves and that this comes not

only from their knowledge of tactical strategies, but also from their natural and,

where necessary, improved relationship with the instrument of the game, the ball.


As for the other phases of the game, and more precisely in the non-game situation

possession, the movements made by the Germany national team are very interesting,

coached by Joachim Low, during the 2014 World Cup played in Brazil, and the 2016 European Championships,

played in France.

It is evident how in their tactical organization the principle in the players is well present

"to think about attacking while defending and to think about defending themselves while attacking".

In fact, in the match played against Italy during the 2016 European Championship, I was a lot

hit by the differential of steals in the opponent's half between the two

teams: 5 balls for Italy, 22 for Germany.

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The Germany players, when they lost the ball, all positioned themselves at one
maximum distance of 5/10 meters from their opponents, ready for immediate pressing
immediately complicating the exit of the ball for Italy.

These are elements that also reside in Jurgen Klopp's tactical philosophy, in the non phase
possession, when he himself declares: «The counter pressing is one of the best plays, the
best time to win possession of the ball is when you have just lost it e
your opponent is still in the orientation phase of the passing lines,
thus making him spend useless energy trying to keep the ball in vain».

Concept that translates into high pressing, always with the ball as the focal point, always
with two players positioned in the central part of the pitch to maintain balance

There were moments in the game when Germany's defensive line was at non
more than 10 meters from the Italy area, with the intention of stifling restarts.

It remains clear that if the counter pressing is not carried out quickly, or
the central parts of the field are not covered immediately, they are given greater
possibility of the lethality of the opponent's counterattacks, thus facilitating their possession of the ball.
In the 2014 World Cup, Germany's pressing was even more evident ,

highlighted in the match against Brazil, where the positions of the two full backs,
Howedes and Lahm, and the three central midfielders - Khedira, Schweinsteiger and Kros -
they were constantly in the opposition's half in support of pressing actions
of the attack line formed by Ozil, Klose and Muller.

Also in this case it is worth noting the constant advanced positioning work from
part of the central midfielders in order not only to prevent the usual easy phrasing of the
Brazil , but above all to regain possession of the property in the shortest possible time

Among many potentially useful examples, I have chosen the examples of these two teams, Leeds
by Marcelo Bielsa and Germany by Joachim Low, to reiterate the following concepts in which
I believe a lot:
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A) to get a dominant kick you must not be afraid of the ball.

B) for an attacking kick you need to want and get possession of the ball.
C) The defensive phase must be aimed at the fastest possible recovery of the

It is clear from these analyzes of mine that the ball is always the focal point of mine
attention, as I believe that when the team positions itself consistently ed
homogeneous with respect to the position of the ball, not only automatically reduce the
tactical options of the opposing team, but above all increase the tactical effectiveness and
also physics of his own team.
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With the path traveled so far, I wanted to highlight the primordial value

of the balloon object, from its sentimental and emotional incipit linked to the pure concept
childhood game, from which the ambition to make it a lifestyle choice then branches off
professional; thus deepening the influence of his indispensable mastery, from

a mental and psychological point of view, single and team, to allow to transpose
up to the highest competitive levels its virtuous effect, as a tool of the trade; For
therefore come to the examination of those technical exercises that in my opinion in their practice
daily life can contribute to the best preparation for the match, understood in turn
as a moment of catharsis because it is the culmination of the final satisfaction of descending into
field, as a recognized member of a group aimed at conquering the goal of

Regardless of the types of exercises that can be adopted by each coach, I mean
however, underline how particularly profitable reproduction in training is

of potential match situations, using an equal number of players for each

game phase: from the defensive exit to the construction, up to the finalization, without
omit the recovery and relaunch maneuver. But always and in any case in presence
of the tool of the trade: the balloon.

Only in this way is the player allowed to complete himself, through presence
constant of the ball, and to feel not only at ease from a technical point of view, but
also prepared from a tactical point of view, in a collective context that enhances them

personal qualities that he was able to comfort during the week, through a constant "dialogue".
with mates.

A "dialogue" that takes place in the context closest to the real moment of expression
collective, through the shared universal language: football.

If you like, the more this common language is practiced and cultivated, the more the dialectical exchange

becomes lush, and the final recital engaging, making full use of the talent of
each component that takes place precisely in the "momentum" of the match, understood as
collective expression.
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Reproduce the different potential perspectives of match action also allows for
link different types of exercise to each training session. A variety a
in my opinion, it is also essential to get out of the routine of daily work that it can
lead to a flattening of the workout itself and compromise that balance
virtuoso that the centrality of the use of the ball instead entails.

Getting out of the repetitiveness of everyday working life helps to foster a climate of
curiosity and enthusiasm which are indispensable not only from an individual point of view, but also at the same time

team spirit, which is thus comforted in turn by the reassuring effect of sap
face in competition what has been experienced in virtuous and creative terms, but still
pragmatic, in training.

Where in any case the ball must remain as the central point, just for
develop and consolidate individual characteristics, while simultaneously facilitating
the collective amalgam.

In short, even in training the ball turns into that common thread that has the
multiple effect of facilitating the reproduction of patterns as realistic as possible to apply
then in the game, in turn acting as a link between the different phases of the game, but also between the

various team departments, as well as between individual players.

All by feeding an anti-routine approach that allows you to defuse the associated risks
to the repetitiveness of the gesture which inevitably lead to a drop in concentration and
quality of the work produced.

A coach therefore cannot disregard an organic approach, since it is organic

in its complexity it is his team, understood as a harmonious whole of
individuals who work daily to take the field together.

The fact remains that the intrinsic victory of each coach, beyond the resulting result,
lies in being able to create a daily work environment that allows you to put yourself at ease
ease, increasing their technical capabilities, each individual player, making it a
indispensable element to the group, which in turn was reassured by the consolidation of the spirit
team that compensates for the limitations, enhancing their skills, to finally be able to deploy the
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best elements available.

This virtuous movement is obtained by choosing to impose the constant presence of the unique
element that involves an emotional charge that blossoms from the playful activity of childhood e
it flourishes, to spread luxuriantly, up to the highest level of competitive competition.

A game tool that then becomes the craft of any player


And this one universal element, which – according to the outline I wanted to illustrate in
this thesis - crosses the temporal dimension, from childhood to adulthood, permitting
to develop the sentimental sphere in multiple psychological and mental effects, encouraging in
the technical work, single and collective, in an organic way, also to avoid repetitiveness
daily, it is simply the ball.

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