L6 D2
L6 D2
L6 D2
Uses of Rates and Word Problems Involving Rates
October 7, 2024; 8:00AM – 8:45AM
A. Content Standards
By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to use percentages in different contexts.
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
(Write the LC code for each)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to do the following:
a. Identify rates.
b. Express rate as unit rate.
KBI: Listen Attentively, carefully follow instructions and participate actively in class.
1. Laptop
2. Visual Aid
3. Chalk
4. Folder
5. Paper and Pen
C. Learning Strategies
Hands-on learning
Peer Teaching
Accountable Talk
Teachers’ Activity
Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
May I request everybody to please stand. Jasmine, kindly lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
How are you today?
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up the pieces of papers on the floor and arrange
your chairs properly.
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
Do you have any assignments?
B. Activity
Before anything else, let’s have an activity and at the same time a review from your
previous discussion.
The activity is called “Unit Rates will Rate me”, I will group you into four, this
column will be group 1 and so on. I will paste on the board five items of rates, what
you’re going to do is to express the given rates into unit rates or ratio but in simplest
form. I will give you answer sheets, that’s where you will put your answer. Working
collaboratively is expected in this activity.
The exciting part of this activity is the first group to submit their answer to me will be
given 10 points, the second will get 7 points, third will get 5 points and the fourth will
get 2 points. Please note that the groups who did not work collaboratively nor
teamwork will get 0 points for all the members of the said group.
1. 3 out of 12
2. 40km to 60km
3. 18 wins out of 36 games
4. 200 words in 5 minutes
5. 300 books in 15 shelves
C. Analysis
1. What did you do in each item/ problem?
2. How were you able to answer each problem?
3. Do you have any idea about our topic of discussion?
D. Abstraction
You mentioned earlier that the first thing you did was express the rate to fraction
which is a good start to arrive to a correct answer.
E. Application
On your scratch, try to answer the item number 3 from the previous activity.
F. Generalization
In this lesson, we embarked on an exciting journey through the world of rates and unit
rates. Right?
May I call a volunteer to share what is his/her insights from our discussion for today.
No, ma’am
Yes, ma’am
Yes, ma’am
None at the moment ma’am.
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
(Students will get a one whole sheet of paper and will accomplish the task given)
Directions: Answer the problem below. Write your answer on a ½ sheet of paper.
Aliyah can jog 6 km in 2 hours. At this rate, how many kilometers can Aliyah jog in 5 hours?