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Lesson Plan para TTL

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics for Grade 7

I. Objectives

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of algebraic expressions, the
properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one

Performance Standard:
The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic
methods in solving problems involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and
inequalities in one variable.

Learning Competency: Adds and subtracts polynomials (M7AL-IId-2).

Learning Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1.Subtract polynomial by combining like terms,
2.Manipulate the algebraic tiles in subtracting polynomials; and
3.Demonstrate the steps in subtracting of polynomials.

II. Materials
Blackboard, Chalk, Other Instructional Materials, Worksheets, Activity Sheets,
and Alebraic Tiles.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Response

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer

May I request Mr. Barcala to (Mr. Barcala leading the prayer)

lead the prayer.

2. Checking of Attendance

Before anything else, may I (Picking up the pieces of paper)

request everyone to please pick-up
the pieces of paper under your table
and keep all the unnecessary things.
Thank you!

So now, let me check the

attendance first. Please say present if
Present Ma’am!
your name is called.

Algo? Barcala? Delector? Villones?

Okay very good! No one is

absent from the class.

3. Checking of Assignment Yes Ma’am!

Since we have an assignment,

did everyone submitted it already?

Very good!

4. Recalling of the Classroom


Now, let’s recall our classroom

rules whenever we are having our
So we have, L-E-A-R-N.

L - listen to instructions
E - enter and exit prepared
A - always try your best Yes Ma’am.
R - respect others
N - notify teacher or anyone if
something wrong has happened

Are we clear everyone?

B. Developing Activities

a. Drill

Let’s have a drill!

Let me group the class into 2. So

group 1 will be MATHayog and
group 2 will be MATHibay. As you
can see here is your incentive charts.
And whenever your group
Yes Ma’am!
participate and got the correct
answer, your team will gain fruits.
So, at the end of our discussion
whoever gained many fruits means
they become fruitful during our Yes Ma’am!

So, is that clear everyone? 1. 7

2. 2
I have here a flash cards that 3. -17
contains simple problems, so all you have 4. -3
to do is to perform the given operations. Is 5. -5
that clear?

Sets of expression:
Yes ma’am!
1. 15 - 8
2. - 6 + 8
3. (-9) - 8 Our topic last time was about classifying
4. 3 + (-5) algebraic expressions which are
5. -9 + 4 polynomials according to degree and
number of terms.
Did everyone enjoy and at the
same time learned about the drill?
b. Review

Before we go to our new topic

this morning, let’s have a short recap
to our previous topic. So may I ask
Ms. Delector to please tell us what
was our topic last time.

Okay very good! You may sit

down Ms. Delector.
Clap: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
So, who among you here can
give an example and will try to Yes Ma’am!
answer it?

Yes, Mr. Algo?

Good job! So, it seems that

everyone of you already knew on
adding of polynomials. Let us give
everyone 5 claps. Ready, 1, 2, 3, 4,

So, are you ready moving to our

new topic?

C. Presentation of the Lesson

Our lesson for today is all about

Subtracting of Polynomials.
Anybody who have an idea of
adding and subtracting polynomials?

As an introduction to our new

topic, let me discuss first about the
Algebraic Tiles.

Each tiles represents a specific number. No Ma’am.

Let’s have first the positive one:
4x4 Yellow Tile = x 2
2x4 Yellow Tile = x
2x2 Yellow Tile = k / constant

And the negative one:

4x4 Red Tile = - x 2
(Exploring the Algebraic tiles)
2x4 Red Tile = - x
2x2 Red Tile = - k / - constant

Okay, any question class?

Alright, let’s proceed.

Why it is necessary for us to have these

Algebraic tiles during our lesson today?

So, these Algebraic tiles will help us in

subtracting and adding polynomials.

Okay so now, I will distribute to you these

algebraic tiles for you to explore. You
have 2mins. for exploring, your timer
starts now!

Times Up everyone!
Yes Ma’am.
So now I will give you first an example as
how you will be able to use this algebraic
tile in subtracting a polynomial.

(x ¿¿ 2+3 x − 4)−( 2 x + 2 x −3) ¿

First, let’s represent these polynomials

here using the algebraic tiles.
So, we have one 4x4 yellow tile + three
2x4 yellow tile and four 2x2 red tile since
it is a negative constant number.

Is that clear class?

Okay let us proceed to the subtrahend, so

in representing the subtrahend using the
algebraic tiles we will first distribute the
minus sign (-) in all the polynomials,
mainly in the 1st term, middle term, and
the last term.

So, we will have now −2 x 2 − 2 x +3. And

then, this is where we can now represent
our algebraic tiles.

We have two 4x4 red tile – two 2x4 red

tile + three 2x2 yellow tile.
Yes Ma’am.

So, we can now subtract the polynomials.

In subtracting polynomial, we need first to
distribute. Since we’re already done, we
will now change the operation to addition.

Of course, in subtracting polynomials we

will add the similar terms. So, we have
here: x +3x − 4 Yes ma’am! (Clap hands)
−2 x − 2 x +3

x + x −1

So, for our first given polynomial we have

our final answer: x 2+ x −1

Did you get it class?

Okay, very good!

And of course, now you will try to solve

for the difference of polynomials with the
use of these algebraic tiles. Just like what
I did on the board.
So, are we all set? Kindly clap your hands
once and say, “yes ma’am”.
Yes ma’am!
Very good, thank you!

So, I will post the given we have:

(4 x¿ ¿ 2−5 x −3)−(2 x 2 −3 x −4 )¿

Both groups, MATHayog and MATHibay Cheering both groups.

will show on their algebraic tiles’ solution
in subtracting of polynomials. I will give
a 5mins to answer. Your timer starts now.

Time is up!

Very good! I see both works presented

well on the board. Okay let’s check both
answers if its correct.

From group of MATHibay:

They got the correct answer. In subtracting polynomials, we first
combine like term then perform the
Do you agree group of MATHayog? indicated operation.

Okay now let’s check your work.

Your group got the correct answer also.

Good job everyone! Since both of your

groups participated and got the correct
answers also, you will be given 1 fruit
each in your incentive chart.

D. Discussion

So, let’s proceed to our discussion. This

morning we are going to learn about
subtracting of polynomials.
12 students raise their hands
So, what have you learned during the 8 students raise their hands
activity we did using the algebraic tiles?
Undecided ma’am.
Yes Ms. Villones?

Very good. Ms. Villones is right. We

combine first the like term and then
perform the indicated operation.

Do you have an idea now as how are we

going to subtract polynomials without
using the algebraic tiles?
Yes ma’am.
So, I just I wanted to ask first, do you
think we can use the same process in
adding of polynomials with subtracting of
polynomials right now?

Who says yes?

Who says no?

How about the others?

You might be wondering why we did the

same process in adding polynomials here
in subtracting polynomials. This is
because we first change the sign of the
subtrahend then perform the indicated
operation which is the addition so just like Yes ma’am.
what we did in adding of polynomials.

Okay it’s that clear class?

Now let us proceed to subtraction of


In subtracting a polynomial, we can

always remember this acronym:
C – copy the minuend
C – change the sign of the subtrahend
C – combine similar terms
A – add the numerical coefficient
C – copy the literal coefficient

So, these acronyms will serve as our

guide in subtracting polynomials.

Are we still in, class? Yes ma’am.

No ma’am.
Okay let us have an example.

We have:
(4 x¿ ¿ 2− 6 x +2)−(2 x 2+ 3 x −2)¿

Follow the guide:

C – copy the minuend
4 x −6 x +2
C – change the sign of the subtrahend
−2 x 2 − 3 x +2
C – combine similar terms Yes ma’am.
2 x −9 x +4
A – add the numerical coefficient
C – copy the literal coefficient

So, this is now the answer or the (Answering)

difference of the given polynomials.
2 x −9 x +4

Do you understand class?

Any question?

Okay very good! It seems like you clearly

understood our discussion for today.

Let us proceed with our activity now.

E. Guided Practice

I want you to return to your group. Each

group will be given 5mins to answer the
given polynomial and you will present
your answer on the board. Yes ma’am.

Is that clear, class?

I have here a given of:

(6 x ¿¿ 2+5 x −3)−(− x + 3 x +1)¿

Your 5mins starts now. Yes ma’am.

5 minutes is up, everyone. 1. -13x2+8x

2. 6x2+x+8
Let’s check the answer from group 3. 7x2+7x-14
MATHayog. How about the group of 4. 3x2+x+10
MATHibay? 5. 4x2+3

Okay, good job everyone. Both groups

got the correct answers.
So, with that both groups earned 1 fruit.

F. Independent Practice

Okay, since we’re done answering

activities by group, how about we do it

Can you do it now, class?

Yes ma’am.
Okay very good!

So, for now I have prepared 5 sets of a

polynomials. All you have to do is to raise
your hand if you know the answer. (Answered)

Is that clear?

Given: (Answered)
1. (- 8x2 + x + 10) – (5x2 – 7x + 10)
2. (7x2 – 3x + 6) – (x2– 4x – 2)
3. (x2 – x + 1) – (-6x2 – 8x + 15) (Answered)
4. (5x2 + 2x + 7) – (2x2 + x – 3)
5. (2x2 + x + 4) – (x2 + x + 1)
Good job, everyone!

G. Application

So, this time let us have a short activity. I

want you to answer these expressions.
You have 5mins to answer and I will call
you randomly to solve for it.

1. (3 x 2 + 4x + 2) - (5 x 2 + 4x + 5) Yes ma’am.
2. (20 x 2 + 12x + 1) - (8 x 2 + 9x - 5)
3. (16 x 2 + 8x +9) - (11 x 2 +5x + 3)

Are you done class? (Posted)

Okay very good.

May call on Mr. Barcala to solve for item SUBTRACTING POLYNOMIALS

number 1. - in subtracting polynomials you have to
Very good! change all the signs of the second term or
the subtrahend and then apply the
How about Ms. Delector to solve for principle in adding polynomials.
number 2?
That’s right!

Last, can you answer it Mr. Algo? No ma’am.

Good job! All of you got the correct

answer. Let’s give a round of applause.

H. Generalization

To sum up our lesson for today, we will (Participating)

have another activity.

The same groups; MATHayog and

MATHibay. I will give each group an
envelope. Each envelope contains jigsaw
puzzle pieces. Your task is to solve the
puzzle and paste it on the board.

Are you ready?

I will give you 5 minutes to solve it. Your
timer starts now.

Time is up!

Very good.

Everybody, can you please read what is

posted on the board?.

Good job! Let’s give everyone a round of


So, any other questions? Clarifications or

violent reactions?

Okay if none, let’s have a quiz.

I. Differentiation.
For your performance task, I want
you all to come to the front. From the
discussion earlier (about adding and
subtracting polynomials), I want you to
choose whether you prefer creating a
poster or a jingle. Those who prefer to
make a poster, go the left side - the latter
being at the right side for those who
prefer in making a jingle instead.

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