Tacloban City
I. Objectives
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of
algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as applied in linear
equations, and inequalities in one variable.
Performance Standard:
The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical,
and algebraic methods in solving problems involving algebraic
expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
Learning Competencies:
The learner subtracts polynomials.
Learning Outcome:
At the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1. Subtract polynomial by combining like terms,
2. Manipulate the algebraic tiles in subtracting polynomials; and
3. Demonstrate the steps in subtracting of polynomials.
II. Content
A. Topic:
Subtracting Polynomials
B. References:
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages:
1. Moving Ahead with Mathematics II. 1999. pp. 166-168*
2. NFE Accreditation and Equivalency Learning Material.
Studying Polynomials. 2001. pp. 14-19, 21-23
3. BEAM I – Module 6: Polynomials 4. EASE I – Module 8: Power
of 0 5. DLM 1 – Unit 3: Algebraic Expressions
C. Materials:
Blackboard, Chalk, Other Instructional Materials,
Worksheets, and Activity Sheets
III. Procedure
Amen. Amen.
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Checking of Assignment
Very good!
L - listen to instructions
E - enter and exit prepared
A - always try your best
R - respect others
N - notify teacher or anyone if
something wrong has happened
B. Developing Activities
a. Drill
Sets of expression:
1. 7
1. 15 - 8 2. 2
2. - 6 + 8 3. -17
3. (-9) - 8 4. -3
4. 3 + (-5) 5. -5
5. -9 + 4
Before we go to our new topic Our topic last time was about classifying
this morning, let’s have a short recap algebraic expressions which are
to our previous topic. So may I ask polynomials according to degree and
Ms. Delector to please tell us what number of terms.
was our topic last time.
Okay so now, I will distribute to you these (Exploring the Algebraic tiles)
algebraic tiles for you to explore. You
have 2mins. for exploring, your timer
starts now!
Times Up everyone!
( x ¿¿ 2+3 x−4)−(2 x 2+ 2 x−3)¿
x 2+ x−1
Time is up!
D. Discussion
So, what have you learned during the In subtracting polynomials, we first
activity we did using the algebraic tiles? combine like term then perform the
indicated operation.
Yes Ms. Villones?
E. Guided Practice
F. Independent Practice
G. Application
1. (3 x 2 + 4x + 2) - (5 x 2 + 4x + 5)
2. (20 x 2 + 12x + 1) - (8 x 2 + 9x - 5) Yes ma’am.
3. (16 x 2 + 8x +9) - (11 x 2 +5x + 3)
H. Generalization
Time is up!
As our quiz, let’s answer these equations. You will have 10 minutes to solve it.
1. (2 x 2 + 3x + 1) - (4 x 2 + 3x + 4)
2. (4x + 3) - (6x + 11)
3. (27 x 2 + 18x + 2) - (8 x 2 + 9x - 5)
4. (9 x 2 + 6x +3) - (16 x 2 +4x + 2)
5. (8 x 2 + 9x + 8) - (11 x 2 – 9x + 8)
1. - 2 x 2 - 3
2. - 2x - 8
3. 19 x 2+ 9x +7
4. - 7 x 2 + 2x +1
5. - 3 x 2+ 18x
V. Assignment
(No assignment)
VI. Remarks
VII. Reflection
a) No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation __________________
b) No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who
scored below 80% ____________________
c) Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught with the
lesson ____________________
d) No. of learners who continue to require remediation _________________
e) Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
f) __________________________________________________
g) What difficulties did I encounter which principal or supervisor can help
me solve? _________________________________
h) What innovative or localized materials did I use/discover which o wish to
share with other teachers? __________________________________