G7 - Linear Equation Final
G7 - Linear Equation Final
G7 - Linear Equation Final
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as
applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
B. Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts of algebraic expressions, the properties of real numbers as
applied in linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
C. Learning Competency: The learner solves linear equation or inequality in
one variable involving absolute value by: (a) graphing; and (b) algebraic
methods. (M7AL-IIi-j-1)
D. Learning Objectives:
1. explain the concept of solving linear equation involving absolute value,
2. recognize the importance of understanding and solving linear
equations with absolute value, and
3. plot and solve linear equation involving absolute value by using
algebraic method.
I. Procedure
A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Checking of the orderliness and
cleanliness of the classroom.
Good Morning Class.
Here are my classroom policies:
1. Listen and avoid unnecessary noises.
2. Pay attention when someone is talking.
3. Raise your right hand if you have
B. Review .
What is Literal Equation? Literal equations are equations involving letters and
Who can give an example of a Literal Some common examples of literal equations are
Equation? formulas in geometry like the area of a square is
given by A = s2, where s denotes the length of a side
of the square and A denotes its area.
Yes, very good
C. Motivation
2. Analysis
Okay for the group one, are you sure with
your answers? We are not really sure, Ma’am.
Yes, you have different answers. How Yes, Ma’am. At first, we are the same but throughout
about group 3. Is there any similarities the process it becomes different.
your answer to the answer of group 4? I think Ma’am, no one got the correct answer but I
observe that we have the same process of
Group 4, what can you say about the answering.
answers of all groups?
3. Abstraction
X=a or x = -a
x-6=4 x – 6 = -4
x=4+6 x = -4 + 6
x = 10 x=2
Let’s have an another example:
Who wants to answer?
Solve /x + 5/ = 4
None, Ma’am
H. Application
For example, we have here an coordinate
plane, it has negative and positive
Is it possible to have an negative directions
real world setting?
No, Ma’am….. Yes, Ma’am…..
Very good, are you ready for your quiz?
Yes, Ma’am.
IV. Evaluation
In a 1 whole sheet of paper.
Use the number line method in solving the
equations. Then plot the solution on the
number line.
1. /x - 9/ = 8
2. /x + 4/ = 10
3. /x/ = 10
V. Assignment
In a one whole sheet of paper, solve each
equation algebraically, then graph the solution.
a./x/ = 8
b./3x/ = 10
c./3x - 2/ = 13