M7Ns Ib 1
M7Ns Ib 1
M7Ns Ib 1
Bl. Benedict XI
June 11, 2019
8:00 – 9:00
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Describe and illustrate universal sets, subsets;
b. Use Venn Diagrams to represent sets and subsets.
Visual aid
A. Routinely Matters
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
B. Introduction
1. Our lesson for today is all about the union and intersection of sets and the difference
of sets.
2. Consider the set consisting of whole numbers from 1 to 10. Let this be set U.. Form
smaller sets consisting of elements of U that share a different characteristic.
3. As you can see, we can illustrate the differences of the union and intersection of sets
through a Universal Set and a Venn diagram.
C. Interaction
1. Can you form three more such sets?
2. How many elements are there in each of sets?
3. Do any of the sets have any elements in common?
D. Integration
I will pick a couple of students to go in front of the class to can illustrate the differences
of the union and intersection of sets through a Venn diagram.
IV. Assignment
Direction : Let the universal set U be all the elements in A, B, C and D. Each shape
represents a set.
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