Adding Dissimilar Fraction
Adding Dissimilar Fraction
Adding Dissimilar Fraction
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 75% level of proficiency
should be able to:
a. define dissimilar fractions,
b. perform the right procedure in adding dissimilar fractions; and,
c. appreciate the importance of fractions.
1. Prayer
Everybody stand up. Let us pray. (the students will bow their heads and pray)
2. Greetings
3. Checking Attendance
4. Checking of Assignments
Pass your assignment forward then pass it (the students will pass their assignments)
sideward to your right.
5. Recall
What is + ?
Ma’am, .
Very Good.
What is + ?
Ma’am, .
That’s right.
Excellent class!
B. Motivation
1. I will group you into two groups namely
Red team and Blue team.
2. Each group will receive letters that
members must form to make a word or
words and post it on the board.
3. The fastest group to form the jumbled
words will win the game and receive
(the students will play the game)
Very Good.
C. Lesson Proper
Dissimilar fractions- are fractions with ( the student will read the definition)
different denominators.
Very Good!
That’s right.
For example:
+ =?
5= 5,10,15,20
4= 4,8,12,16,20
+ = =1
Another example…
For example:
10 9
+ = = =1
Another example…
Do you understand?
Do you have any question?
D. Application
+ =? + =?
+ =? + =?
+ =? + =?
+ = =1
+ =
+ = =1
+ = =1
Very Good! That is also correct!
E. Generalization
Very Good!
How do we add dissimilar fractions? Ma’am, there are two ways to add dissimilar
First way, change dissimilar fractions to similar
fractions using equivalent fractions.
Second way, by using cross multiplication or
sometimes called butterfly method.
Excellent answers!
Excellent class!
I’m glad that you have learned our lesson for
+ =? Answers:
+ =?
+ = =
Solution - 3 points + =
Final Answer - 2 points
IV. Assignment
Scoring Rubric
Criteria Excellent (8-10) Good (5-7) Fair (3-4) Poor (2-1)
Shows very
Shows nearly Shows some
Shows full limited
complete degree of
Mathematical understanding of understanding
understanding of understanding of
Concepts the concept as of the concept
the concept as the concept as
Used evidenced in the as evidenced in
evidenced in the evidenced in the
work presented. the work
work presented. work presented.
The computations
were presented
The computations were
logically and The computations
were presented incoherent and
done accurately. were presented
Solving the logically with inaccurate. The
There have been logically but with
Problem minimal omissions students are
alternative considerable errors
or errors in unable to
solutions offered in procedure.
procedure. follow the
that all lead to the
steps taken in
same answer.
the solution.
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