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individual’s personality is the complex of mental characteristics
that makes them unique from other people. It includes all patterns
of thought and emotions that cause us to do and say things in
particular ways. Personality development is, developing a
personality so as to create a strong positive impression about self
with the targeted group. It is very important to maintain one’s
personality to prove in a long run.
Skills are acquired through practice and patience. A skilled person
uses less time, energy and resources to do a job and produces
quality results. Enhancing Life Skills enables us to adapt to
situations and people and helps us to lead a healthy and positive
WHO has defined life skills as “abilities for adopting positive
behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the
demands and challenges of everyday life

 (a) Self Awareness.

 (b) Empathy.
 (c) Critical Thinking
 (d) Creative Thinking
 (e) Problem Solving Skills
 (f) Decision Making.
 (g) Interpersonal Relationship.
 (h) Effective Communication
 (j) Coping with Emotions
 (k) Coping with Stress.
Traditionally, modern psychological studies suggest that
factors such as the ones listed below have a lasting
effect on an individual’s personality

a) Hereditary.
b) Self-Development.
c) Environment.
(d) Education.
(e) Life-situations.
(f) Past Experiences.
g) Dreams and Ambitions.
(h) Self-Image.
(j) Values.
 Hereditary. Your personality can be influenced by the genes you may have inherited from either
mother’s or your father’s side or a combination of both. Apart from inheriting physical attributes, lik
height, weight and skin/hair color, psychologists have ascertained that our mental aptitudes and
temperaments which have the potential for influencing our personality are to a certain extent,

 Self-Development. Of the other factors, self

self-development is the most important factor that ca
influence one’s personality. Self
Self-awareness is the key; it entails believing in oneself and one’s
capabilities. It implies that despite one’s family and environmental background or one’s current
circumstance, one remains in control/charge of molding his/her personality. Such a person is aware
that personality is a changing, evolving process and does everything possible to enhance his/her

 Environment. Our environment can also play a significant role on our personality. Right from e
childhood through all the stages of development, our home and family, our school and teachers, ou
friends and colleagues at work, all exert influence on the development of our personality. Besides
these, the location where we live and the society we associate with, the country of our birth and the
culture we have adopted, are all critical factors that influence our personality

 .. Education. Education falls into two categories; school smarts and street smarts. Thus, the mo
effective way of shaping one’s personality is to have a taste of both types and experience both worl
School smarts are the knowledge gained from school while street smarts are the learning that come
from even the most unlikely sources.

.Dreams and Ambitions. Dreams and

ambitions shape our personality in a way that it facilitates
our goals. We start to set priorities and change the way we
are in order for such priorities to be fulfilled. Hence, these
aspirations are perhaps the strongest factors that develop
our attitude towards work and career.

. Values. Personality of an individual is greatly influenced

by the values a person strongly believes in. A person who
adheres to high moral standards is a well-respected
respected member of
he society. He is known for his integrity and is trusted by not
only his family members, but also by his colleagues and friends.
The characteristics of such a person having a strong moral fibre
ngrained into his character can have a significant influence on
he personality of an individual.
A creative person has the following
(a) Curious
(b) Seeks problems.
(c) Enjoys challenge.
(d) Optimistic.
(e) Able to suspend judgment.
(f) Comfortable with imagination.
(g) Sees problems as opportunities.
(h) Sees problems as interesting.
(i) Problems are emotionally acceptable.
(j) Challenges assumptions.
(k) Doesn’t give up easily: perseveres, works hard.
Decision Making:-
ecision making is a complex process. Good
decision making depends on understanding
the situation well, being aware of our choices
and, above all visualizing the consequences
of our choices. Some of the major steps to be
followed while making a decision are – define
the problem, gather and analyze the relevant
data, postulate solutions to the problem,
analyze the implications of each alternative,
select and act on the best alternative, follow-
up and modify the approach if necessary..
Introduction :- Communication is sharing ideas, opinions,
thoughts, feeling and understanding through speech, writing,
gestures or symbols between two or more persons. We are
communicating all the time with others.

ere are three ways of communication as under

(a) Aggressive

(b) Passive

(c) Assertive.
ective Communication involves:-  Reducing the Communication Gap. The
following steps will help in reducing the
(a) Verbal Communication communication gap:-
 (a) Plan ahead.
 (b) Involve others to contribute to plannin
. (c) Listen to the suggestions made by
. (b) Non-Verbal Communication

 (d) Speak with purpose and be specific.
 (e) Justify your stand without upsetting
others. (f) Have sense of humor
(c) Listening  . (g) Have empathy.
 (h) Do not be judgmental.
 (j) Do not underestimate the ability of othe
to contribute
 . (k) Observe the body language or the non
verbal communication of others.
 (l) Be transparent to inform others of the
planned activities and get feedback.
 (m) Make modification in the plan to suit t
 . (n) The words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are very
powerful. Learn to use them appropriately
Stress is a very common phenomenon and is universal
in nature. It is our body’s reaction to people and events
and to our own thoughts.
ress Management Techniques
Take Deep Breath
Talk It Out.
Take A Break.
Create A Quiet Place in Your Mind
Pay Attention to Physical Comfort. (f) Move
Take Care of your Body
Manage your Time
Know your Limits.
Have a Good Cry.
Talk Less, Listen More.
How to Change Your Mindset  There are some basic principles
Get the Best Information of time management
Only Role Model the Best People.  Develop a Personal Sense of
Examine Your Current Beliefs
Shape Your Mindset with Vision and
Goals  Identify Long-Term Goals.
Protect Your Mindset  Concentrate on High Return
Find Your Voice Activities.
Put an End to Perfectionism  Weekly and Daily Planning.
Look at the Evidence  Make the Best Use of Your Best
Redefine What Failure Means Time.
Stop Worrying about What “People”  Make Use of Committed Time.
 Manage Your Health.
NTRO:-The interview is the final test most
people have to clear in getting a job. Some
colleges and scholarship committees also
require interviews. Being chosen for an
nterview means someone is interested in your
skills, knowledge and experience.

nterviewing is one of the most important skills

one can have in the workplace. You cannot
move in or up without passing the interview.
Yet as important as it is, few people ever take
he time to study material on the skills needed
o master that process. They go in to an
nterview, answer the questions as best as they
can and hope for the best. However, there is a
echnique to interviewing. It’s just as important
as your CVs’, skills, experience, and

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