Detailedlesson Plan in Math
Detailedlesson Plan in Math
Detailedlesson Plan in Math
Multiplication of Integers
I. Objectives
a. To Multiply Integers correctly and predict whether the sign of two multiplied Integers
results in a positive or negative integers.
a. Topic
b. References
Villano M., Mupas L., Degolacion R., Chua S. (2012), 21st Century Mathematics: A Vision for a
Better Future 7, page 88-100, Phoenix Publishing House Pascasio, Ponsones, Ocampo, Tresva
(2013), Math Ideas and Life Applications 7, page 46-59, Quezon City, Metro Manila
c. Materials
1. Greetings Students
Good to hear, So before we start our day let us Mark: Let us all stand up and bow our head
pray first . Mark can you lead the prayer and pray.
Father God
Yes Jessi
3 is the multiplicant ma'am
Very good , Remember class that multiplicant is
the first number that is being multiplied by the
2nd number
How about the multiplier? Mark: 4 is the multiplier ma'am which is the
number being multiply in multiplicant
What about the 12 number here what do you
called it. Angel: The 12 number ma'am is the so called
So this two the multiplicant and multiplier is
called factors and the answer when we multiply
this two is we called Product.
Now that you are ready had reviewed the parts
of the multiplication, you are now ready to
start a lesson.
3. Motivation
1. ctduorp ____________
3. Mluitlpicainot ____________
4. ltipmureil_______________
5. gertIners______________
B. Developmental Activity
2 Discussion
Yes ma'am
Chorus: 4 ma'am
-4x-1= 4
Yes Ms.___________
Ok for you to know class when multiplying to
numbers with different signs the product is
negative. Do you understand class. Yes ma'am
-20x-5= 100
5x-2= - 10
6x10= 60
3. Generalization
4. Application
Is that clear?
(after 3 minutes)
Times up!
Now let’s have group number one.
Thank you group 2.
5. Values infusion
Since you now have full of knowledge, get your ball pen and 1whole sheet of pad paper
and answer the problem below.
DIRECTION: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it
on the space provided before each number.
a. -5x 7 = -5
b. 12 x 3 = 39
c. -13 x 5 = 65
d. none of this
a. -24(3) = -72
b. 8x10 = -17
c. 23x-4=
d. none of this
a. Divition of Integers
b. Subtraction of Integers
c. Multiplication of Integers
d. Addition of Integers
V. Assignment
Multiplication of integers : Find the product.
2. 5 x 4 = 7. -10 x 2 = 12. -4 x 10 =
3. -7 x 7 = 8. -7 × 5 = 13.5 x 3
5. 10 × 5 = 10.9 x 7 = 15.1 x 3 =