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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
School Division of Bulacan


Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations.
Performance Standard: The learner can formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equation.
Learning Competency: Solves quadratic equations by factoring.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Illustrates quadratic equation.
b. Solves quadratic equations by factoring.
c. Appreciate the use of factoring in solving quadratic equations.


A. Topic
Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring

B. References
DepEd K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Mathematics

C. Materials
Cartolina, printed pictures, flash cards, illustration board, marker and tape.

D. Values Integration
Cooperation, participation, activeness, discipline, teamwork.

E. Teaching Strategies
Discussion, Cooperative Learning Approach, board work and answering activities.


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
- Everybody stands up. Please - Let us bow our heads and feel the
lead the prayer ________. presence of our Almighty God. In the
name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit……. AMEN.

2. Greetings
- Good morning class! How - Good morning, Ma’am! We are
are you today? feeling great Ma’am.

- That is good to hear.

3. Classroom Management
- Class, before you take your - (Students will pick up the pieces of
seats, kindly pick up the papers or trash around them and
pieces of papers or trash arrange their chairs silently and
around you and arrange your properly.)
chairs silently and properly.

- You may now take your - Thank you, Ma’am.


4. Checking of Attendance
- Is there any absent for - Nobody is absent, Ma’am.
today’s class?

- Very good! Perfect


B. Review
From our previous lesson, we - (students will raise their hands and
have discussed about the different answer)
types of equations such as; linear
equation, radical equation, quadratic
equation, and rational equation.
I have here some examples of
equation (flash cards), and all you
must do is to tell what types of
equation it is. (answers)

Flash card #1
- radical equation

Flash card #2 - quadratic equation

- linear equation

Flash card #3
- rational equation
Flash card #4

Good job everyone! It seems that you

understood our previous topic, let us now

C. Motivation

Class, before we proceed to our new

lesson, I have prepared an activity for you.
The title of this activity is “4 pics 1 word”.

In this game, there are four pictures linked

by one word, and your aim is to work out
what the word is from the set of letters
given below the pictures.

I will divide you into four groups. The first - Yes Ma’am.
group to get the correct answer is the
winner. - None Ma’am.
Are the instructions clear?

Do you have any questions?

(pictures will be given to the students)

Group #1



Group #2 - ZEROES

Group #3


Group #4

Group #5

(Students will do the winner clap)


The group who got the correct answer first

is group # _____. Let’s give them a winner
clap. - I think our lesson for today is
(Teacher will demonstrate how to do the finding the zeroes of quadratic
winner clap) equation using trial and error
D. Presentation of the Lesson

Class, from the activity we had a while ago,

what do you think will be our lesson for


At the end of the lesson, the students

Very Good! Our lesson for today is about should be able to:
solving quadratic equation by factoring. a. Illustrates quadratic equation.
You can use trial and error in some cases. b. Solves quadratic equations by
c. Appreciate the use of
E. Presentation of Objectives factoring in solving quadratic
Before we start our discussion, you need equations.
to know first what you should accomplish
at the end of the lesson.

Okay, kindly read the objectives, yes

Thank you, ___________.

F. Lesson Proper - (Students listen attentively)

- I think you are all ready to become a

student who is MATHalino, MATHgaling
and MATHusay. So let us start! - Quadratic equation, Ma’am.

- Again, our lesson for today is all about

Solving Quadratic Equation by
Factoring. So, so far you have learned in
your previous lessons how to solve linear - (Students listen attentively)
equations, which include constant terms –
plain numbers – and terms with the
variables raised to the first power.

- So now class, what do you called an

equation containing a second-degree

- Okay very good!

A quadratic equation is an algebraic
equation of the second degree in x. The
quadratic equation in its standard form is
ax2+ bx + c = 0, where a and b are the
coefficients, x is the variable, and c is the
constant term.

- Finding what to multiply together

to get an expression.

- Okay class, so this morning we’re going

to learn how to solve quadratic equation.
There are different ways to solve quadratic
equation, such as factoring, by extracting
the square roots, by using quadratic formula - Ma’am, 6 and 1.
and by completing the square. But for the
time being, we shall deal only with
quadratic equations that can be factored. - 3 and 2, Ma’am.

- So, class what do you mean by factoring?

Yes, _________.

- Factoring is the process of finding the

factors. Factors are the integers that are
multiplied to produce an original number.

For example, what are the factors of 6? - (Students listen attentively)

Yes, ______.
Okay very good! When we multiply 6 and
1 the answer is 6.
What else? Yes, ________
That’s right! 3 times 2 is also equal to 6.

- In solving quadratic equation by factoring,

we must follow the following steps.



1. Write the quadratic equation in

standard form.
2. Factor the non-zero side.
3. Equate each factor to zero and solve.
4. Checking.

Let’s have some examples.

x2 + 7x = 15

Step 1
x2 + 2x –15 = 0
Step 2
Factor the first term which is x2
(x )(x )

List all the factors of c (-15)

-15 x 1 15 x (-1)
-5 x 3 5 x (-3)

Among all the factors of c (-15),

choose the numbers with the sum resulting
to b (2).
-15 + 1 = -14 15 + (-1) = 14
-5 + 3 = -2 5 + (-3) = 2

Therefore, 5 and -3 are the factors that

will satisfy our equation. Add it to the
factors of our first term.
(x + 5)(x - 3)

Step 3
- Yes, Ma’am!
x+5=0 x–3=0
x = -5 x=3

Step 4
For x = -5 - The equation is already in the
standard form Ma’am.
x2 + 2x –15 = 0
(-5)2 + 2(-5) -15 = 0
25 – 10 – 15 = 0

For x = 3
- We’re going to factor the left side
x2 + 2x –15 = 0 of the equation Ma’am.
(3)2 + 2(3) -15 = 0
9 + 6 – 15 = 0
- x times x Ma’am.
Did you understand class?
Okay let’s have another example.
- Student A will answer 32 and 1 or -
Solve : x –12x + 32 = 0
2 32 and -1.

- Student B will answer 8 and 4 or -8

- Class, what have you noticed from the and -4.
given equation?
- No Ma’am. 16 and 2 / -16 and – 2
- Alright, very good observation ______. are also factors of 32.

Since the given is already in its standard

form, we can now proceed to the next step.

- What are we going to do next?

- It’s -8 and -4 Ma’am.
- Very well said, ______. (-8) plus (-4) is equal to -12.

- Let us first factor the first term which is

x2, So what are the factors of x2?

-That is right! How about the factors of c

(32)? Can give you give one? - We will equate each factor to zero
and solve the equation.
- What else?
- (Student will write the answer in
the board.)
- Is that all? (x – 8) = 0 and (x – 4) = 0

(x – 8) = 0 (x – 4) = 0
- Good job class! So we have, x=8 x=4
32 x 1 -32 x -1
8x4 -8 x -4 - We will proceed to checking
16 x 2 -16 x 2 Ma’am.

- From these factors, which one has the sum - (Student will write the answer in
of b (-12)? the board.)

- Very well said, ______. x2 –12x + 32 = 0

Alright so therefore we have, 82 – 12(8) + 32 = 0
(x - 8) and (x - 4) 64 – 96 + 32 = 0
- Then what will be our next step?
- (Student will write the answer in
the board.)
Can you do that ______?
x2 –12x + 32 = 0
42 – 12(4) + 32 = 0
That’s great, ______! 16 – 48 + 32 = 0

- Yes, Ma’am!
- And for the last step? - No, Ma’am.

- Very good! Who wants to do the checking

for x = 8? Yes, ________.

- Good job! How about for x = 4?

- (Students listen attentively)
- Is it clear now?
- Do you have any questions?

For the last example, solve:

2x2 – 4x = 30 - No, Ma’am.

Step 1:
2x2 – 4x - 30 = 0

Step 2: - No, Ma’am.

In factoring, we can use trial and error
method to find the factors that will make
the equation correct.
So if we factor the first term which is 2x2,
we have:
(2x )(x ) - Yes, Ma’am.

By trial and error, try all the possible

factors of c (-30) using foil method.

Use 3 and -10

(2x + 3)(x - 10)
2x2 – 20x +3x – 30 = 0
2x2 – 17x – 30 = 0
Is it the same with our original equation? - (Student will write the answer in
the board.)
Let’s try 2 and -15,
(2x + 2)(x - 15)
2x2 – 30x +2x – 30 = 0
2x2 – 28x – 30 = 0
Is it the same with our original equation?

Let’s try 6 and -5,

(2x + 6)(x - 5) - (Student will write the answer in
2x2 – 10x + 6x – 30 = 0 the board.)
2x2 – 4x – 30 = 0
Is it the same with our original equation?

Step 3: - Yes, Ma’am.

(2x + 6) = 0 (x - 5) = 0 - No Ma’am.
2x = -6 x=5
2 x −6
2 2
x = -3

Step 4:
for x = (-3)
2x2 – 4x – 30 = 0
2(-3)2 – 4(-3) – 30 = 0
2(9) + 12 – 30 = 0
18 – 18 = 0

For x = (5)
2x2 – 4x – 30 = 0
2(5)2 – 4(5) – 30 = 0
2(25) – 20 – 30 = 0
50 – 20 – 30 = 0 - (Students will arrange themselves
0=0 holding the flashcards and forms the
factors of the equations given by the
- Are we clear now? teacher.)
- Do you have any question?
Equation 1 answer,
G. Application 10 members will arrange
For this time class, we will do an themselves holding the following:
activity entitled “HUMAN (x + 7) (x – 3)
Are you all ready? Equation 2 answer,
I will divide you into two groups, 10 members will arrange
each group will be given set of themselves holding the following:
numbers, variables, and symbols. Each (x + 2) (x + 8)
member will hold a specific numbers,
variables, and symbols and will arrange
yourself forming the correct factors of -(students clapped their hands)
the given equation. The first group to
arrange themselves with the correct
factors will be the winner.

These are the sets that will be given to (possible answers)

each group.
- be patience (using trial and error
) x - ( 7 + - discipline/following the rules (used
the step-by-step process of solving
3 x + ( ) 2 8 quadratic equation)
Equation 1
x2 + 4x - 21 - cooperation and groupwork (in
doing the human factoring activity)

Equation 2
x2 + 10x + 16

Congratulations group ____! I will give

you a reward later. Please give group ____ - Okay, Ma’am, so the Quadratic
five claps. Equations can be solved using the
following steps:

H. Valuing 1. Write the quadratic equation in

- Quadratic equations are used in many standard form.
real-life situations such as calculating the 2. Factor the non-zero side.
areas of an enclosed space, speed of an
object, profit, and loss of a product, and
- The last two steps of solving the
many more.
quadratic equation by factoring
While you are listening and trying to solve Ma’am, are:
quadratic equation, what values or good
3. Equate each factor to zero and
qualities have you use or developed?
4. Checking.

- Yes, Ma’am. In my opinion

I. Generalization Ma’am, these steps make it easier to
solve quadratic equation.
- Now, I want to test if you really
understood our topic.
- _______, How do you solve quadratic
equations by factoring? Can you give me
the first two steps? - (students clapped their hands)

- Alright, very good!

- Then, what are the last two steps, _____?

- So, class do you like this method?

- That’s very nice to hear, _____. And I

agree with you also.

- Very Good class, because you really

appreciate the use of this method in solving
quadratic equation.
- Give yourselves a round of applause.

IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

- I think you already understood our topic

for today. So, now get 1 whole sheet of
paper and solve the following quadratic
equation. This activity is good for 20
minutes only.

Solve the following equation by factoring.

- (students actively participated and start
1. x2 – x = 12
2. x2 – 14x + 40 = 0
3. x2 + 10x = (-25)
4. 2x2 – 2x – 8 = 0

Expected answers:
1. (x + 3)(x – 4)
2. (x – 10)(x – 4)
3. (x + 5) (x + 5)
4. (3x + 4) (x – 2)

(After 20 - (students followed)

- If you’re
done, pass
your paper to
the person in
front of
(After 20 mins…)

- If you’re done, pass your paper to the

person in front of you.

V. Assignment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

- Now, class for your assignment,

study in advance about how to solve
quadratic equation by Completing the
Square. That will be our next lesson for
the next meeting.

- By the way that’s another method or

way in solving quadratic equation.
- Yes, Ma’am.
- Do you understand class?
- (students cooperate)
- Okay, keep your things and pick up
the pieces of paper before leaving.
- Goodbye and thank you Ma’am.
- Goodbye class.

Prepared by:

Sarah Jane Tamayo, LPT

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