Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9
Department of Education
Region III
School Division of Bulacan
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of quadratic equations.
Performance Standard: The learner can formulate real-life problems involving quadratic equation.
Learning Competency: Solves quadratic equations by factoring.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Illustrates quadratic equation.
b. Solves quadratic equations by factoring.
c. Appreciate the use of factoring in solving quadratic equations.
B. References
DepEd K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Mathematics
C. Materials
Cartolina, printed pictures, flash cards, illustration board, marker and tape.
D. Values Integration
Cooperation, participation, activeness, discipline, teamwork.
E. Teaching Strategies
Discussion, Cooperative Learning Approach, board work and answering activities.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
- Everybody stands up. Please - Let us bow our heads and feel the
lead the prayer ________. presence of our Almighty God. In the
name of the Father, and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit……. AMEN.
2. Greetings
- Good morning class! How - Good morning, Ma’am! We are
are you today? feeling great Ma’am.
3. Classroom Management
- Class, before you take your - (Students will pick up the pieces of
seats, kindly pick up the papers or trash around them and
pieces of papers or trash arrange their chairs silently and
around you and arrange your properly.)
chairs silently and properly.
4. Checking of Attendance
- Is there any absent for - Nobody is absent, Ma’am.
today’s class?
B. Review
From our previous lesson, we - (students will raise their hands and
have discussed about the different answer)
types of equations such as; linear
equation, radical equation, quadratic
equation, and rational equation.
I have here some examples of
equation (flash cards), and all you
must do is to tell what types of
equation it is. (answers)
Flash card #1
- radical equation
- linear equation
Flash card #3
- rational equation
Flash card #4
C. Motivation
I will divide you into four groups. The first - Yes Ma’am.
group to get the correct answer is the
winner. - None Ma’am.
Are the instructions clear?
Group #1
Group #2 - ZEROES
Group #3
Group #4
Group #5
Step 1
x2 + 2x –15 = 0
Step 2
Factor the first term which is x2
(x )(x )
Step 3
- Yes, Ma’am!
x+5=0 x–3=0
x = -5 x=3
Step 4
For x = -5 - The equation is already in the
standard form Ma’am.
x2 + 2x –15 = 0
(-5)2 + 2(-5) -15 = 0
25 – 10 – 15 = 0
For x = 3
- We’re going to factor the left side
x2 + 2x –15 = 0 of the equation Ma’am.
(3)2 + 2(3) -15 = 0
9 + 6 – 15 = 0
- x times x Ma’am.
Did you understand class?
Okay let’s have another example.
- Student A will answer 32 and 1 or -
Solve : x –12x + 32 = 0
2 32 and -1.
(x – 8) = 0 (x – 4) = 0
- Good job class! So we have, x=8 x=4
32 x 1 -32 x -1
8x4 -8 x -4 - We will proceed to checking
16 x 2 -16 x 2 Ma’am.
- From these factors, which one has the sum - (Student will write the answer in
of b (-12)? the board.)
- Yes, Ma’am!
- And for the last step? - No, Ma’am.
Step 1:
2x2 – 4x - 30 = 0
Step 4:
for x = (-3)
2x2 – 4x – 30 = 0
2(-3)2 – 4(-3) – 30 = 0
2(9) + 12 – 30 = 0
18 – 18 = 0
For x = (5)
2x2 – 4x – 30 = 0
2(5)2 – 4(5) – 30 = 0
2(25) – 20 – 30 = 0
50 – 20 – 30 = 0 - (Students will arrange themselves
0=0 holding the flashcards and forms the
factors of the equations given by the
- Are we clear now? teacher.)
- Do you have any question?
Equation 1 answer,
G. Application 10 members will arrange
For this time class, we will do an themselves holding the following:
activity entitled “HUMAN (x + 7) (x – 3)
Are you all ready? Equation 2 answer,
I will divide you into two groups, 10 members will arrange
each group will be given set of themselves holding the following:
numbers, variables, and symbols. Each (x + 2) (x + 8)
member will hold a specific numbers,
variables, and symbols and will arrange
yourself forming the correct factors of -(students clapped their hands)
the given equation. The first group to
arrange themselves with the correct
factors will be the winner.
Equation 2
x2 + 10x + 16
IV. Evaluation
Expected answers:
1. (x + 3)(x – 4)
2. (x – 10)(x – 4)
3. (x + 5) (x + 5)
4. (3x + 4) (x – 2)
- If you’re
done, pass
your paper to
the person in
front of
(After 20 mins…)
V. Assignment
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Prepared by: