Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
I. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson the learner should be able to:
Generate patterns;
Determine the nth term of the sequence;
Describe an arithmetic sequence, and find its nth term;
Solve problems involving arithmetic sequence
c. Checking of attendance
Is everyone present today? Yes sir
d. Setting of standard
Before we start, I want you to Students will check their microphone and
( check all your microphone if it is connections
functioning, your connection)
arrange your chair, sit properly,
listen carefully, and participate. Yes sir
Is that clear?
3. Review
I know that when you are in grade
school you already learned about Yes sir
sequence. Right?
Ericka what is sequence?
Sir, Sequence is a list of things (usually
Can someone give me an example numbers) that are in order.
of sequence? *students will be volunteer their self to give
Yes, Ma. Angelica, please stand up some example.
Okay, very good! Another one? Sir, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Yes, Desserie
Okay, very good! seems like you Sir, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
are ready in our topic
4. Motivation
So, before we go on to our main
topic, can you please think an
example of sequence? At least 5.
Write it on your paper.
I’ll give you 5mins to do that, then (whole class will start to do their work)
share what you list to your Yes, Sir!
Okay class you may start now.
Okay class time is up, share it now
to your classmates. And we will
check that after while we are
discussing about it.
B. Presentation
- 19 = 5 + (3 – 1) d
1 + 2 + 3 +… + 98 + 99 + 100
- = ( )
- =( 50.5 ) 100
- S100 = 5050
Did you get it class? Yes sir
I will give you another example
- What is the sum of the first 150 counting
- 1 + 2 + 3+ … 148 + 149 +150
- We will going to use the formula Sn =
a +a
( 1 n )n
Daisy may you please answer this problem?
- =
2( )
- =( 75.5 ) 150
- S150 = 11, 325
I hope that all of you understand the lesson
C. Generatization
So class have you understand our lesson for Yes sir