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Lesson Plan

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Quadratic Equation by Using the Quadratic Formula


At the end of lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify and understand the concept of quadratic formula

b. Remember the quadratic formula for future use
c. Solve quadratic equation using quadratic formula and apply it in real problems.


A. Subject Matter
Solves Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula
B. Learning Competency
The learner solves quadratic equations by using the quadratic formula.
C. Code:

D. Days: 1 day

E. Time: 1 hours


F. References
K-12 Curriculum Guide Mathematics, Prentice Hall Algebra 2 With Trigonometry Isbn
971- 27-0433-5
G. Other Resources: Internet

H. Materials

Visual aids, whiteboard markers, whiteboard, eraser, tape, scissor, sheets of paper.



A. Preparatory Activities


It’s my pleasure to see all of you again. Let’s start

the class with the prayer. Anyone who wants to lead the
prayer? Ma’am.

Okay Mr. Armel, lead the prayer. Let’s bow and head and feel the presence of
the lord. We thank you Lord for this day, we pray
that we have a lot of learning we gain today and
we can apply it to our real-life. This is our prayer.
Greetings In Jesus Name. Amen.

Good morning class!

Good morning, Ma’am.
Good morning classmates, it’s nice to see you again.
Checking of the classroom condition

Ok before you take your seats kindly pick up those trash

under or besides your arm chair.
Yes, Ma’am.
You may now sit down.
Thank you, Ma’am.

Checking of attendance

Is there any absent today?

None, Ma’am.
That’s nice! And clap for everybody because we are
perfect attendance today.
(Students will clap their hands)

Checking of assignment

Ok please pass your assignment and we will check it.

Ms. Andrea, please answer the assignment.

(Andrea will go at the front and write the answer
on the board)
B. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting
New Lesson

So, last meeting we have tackled about solving quadratic

equations by completing the square. Now, I want to test
what you have remember in our last discussion. Everyone,
who wants to give an idea about completing the square.
Yes Carlos.
Ma’am, Completing the square is a technique for
rewriting quadratics in the form (x + a) ² + b.
Very good!

Now, who can give an example about it?

Yes, Luisa.
Ma’am, for example, x² + 2x + 3 can be rewritten
as (x + 1) ² + 2. The two expressions are totally
equivalent, but the second one is nicer to work
Very good! I’m glad that you learned in our previous with in some situations.


C. Establishing a Purpose for the Plan

Ok class, let’s moved on. This time we will having an

activity and this activity entitled “PICK ME”. I will group
you into two. Defending on the google meet arrangement
I will assign everyone a number.

Ok? Please read the directions on the board.

(Students will read the directions written on the
Every group need to choose a number to answer. Each board)
number has equivalent points and has 30 seconds to

Do you understand?

Ok group leader please choose between head or tail and I Yes, Ma’am.
will toss a coin. The winner will decide which group will be
the first to play.

Ok let’s start!!!

Congratulations Group 1, you got highest score and your Yes, Ma’am.
group is the winner.

Give Group 1 a congratulation clap. Go! 1, 2, 3 ,1, 2, 3 Congratulations

D. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the


Okay, based on the activity you have done, what do you

observe? any idea? Ma’am.

Ok very good Mr. Frederick. A Quadratic Equations.

So, before we proceed to our proper lesson, let us first

the objective that we need to attain after this class
discussion. Are we clear with that? Yes, Ma’am.

That’s good. Everyone, please read these objectives.

At the end of the learning period the students At the end of the learning period the students
should be able to: should be able to:
1. Identify and understand the concept of quadratic 1. Identify and understand the concept of
formula; quadratic formula;
2. Remember the quadratic formula for future 2. Remember the quadratic formula for future
use; use;
3. Solve quadratic equation using quadratic formula; 3. Solve quadratic equation using quadratic
and formula; and
4. Apply formulas in real life problems.
4. Apply formulas in real life problems.
Take note that class.


E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

New Skills # 1

This time, we will be going to group you into 4 and we are

going to have a sort of activity just to further check your
understanding of the lesson. Simply you are going to
solve the equation in the board. This activity entitled
“FEELING TIME”. You can choose the emoji that you want.
But all of this emotion has a question and you need to
answer a head of time and you get a price if you are
correct. Are we clear with that class?
Yes ma’am.
That’s great to hear that.

Let’s start the activity.

20 load - 3 minutes to be solved

2𝑥² + 5𝑥 − 7 =0
20 load - 60 seconds to be solved

2𝑥² + 5𝑥 – 3 =0

20 load - 1 minute to be solved

𝑥² + 8𝑥 + 12 =0
20 load - 2 minutes to be solved

5𝑥² − 7𝑥 − 6 =0

Very good every group, your reward will be given after this
class. Please remind me.


F. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing

In our previous meeting, we have discussed on how to

solve quadratic equation using completing the square

So today, our topic is Solving Quadratic equation using

quadratic formula. Let’s first define quadratic Yes, ma’am.

Miss Nicole, can you please read the definition on the


Quadratic equation is any equation that can be

rearranged in standard form as 𝑎𝑥² + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0.
Why do you think the value of “a” must not be equal to Where x represents unknown, and a, b and c
zero? Mr. Franco? represent known numbers, where 𝑎 ≠ 0.

It is because if ever the value of a become equal to

Ok very good. zero, then we cannot call it quadratic equation
since there is no 𝑎𝑥² term.
Let me show you how quadratic formula derived.
I have an example here. Let’s try to find the x through
quadratic formula.

Given: 𝑥²+ 4𝑥 − 21 = 0

First, we need to identify the values for a, b, and c.

We just need to follow the standard form of quadratic

equation which is 𝑎𝑥² + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0. The we got the value
of A=1, b=4 and, c=-21

Then we just plug a, b and c into the formula:

Therefore 𝑥 = 3, 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = −7
Did you get it class?

Any question? Yes mam, we get it.

None ma’am.


G. Developing Mastery

Okay, I think you are ready now for the next task. I will
group you into 3. Each group will bid a specific set of
questions. With your group, choose again a leader which
he/she is the one who will raise hand for the bidding.
Each group will be given a time of 20 mins which serves as
your money for bidding. Each raise of hand will worth
1min less to your actual minutes. The time that remains
on your actual minutes will be the time for your group to
solve each question. After your time end you will show
your answer to all of your group question to be checked.

Is the instruction clear?

Yes, Ma’am.
Let the bidding begin!!!

For the first set.

A. 2𝑧 2 + 𝑧 − 28 = 0
B. 3𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 10 = 0
C. 𝑥 2 − 2𝑥 − 5 = 0

Let start with letter A, who wants to bid for letter A?

Group1 for 1min
Group2 for 2 mins
Group3 for 3mins
Group 1 for 4mins
Is there any bid? If there is none then A would be on group Group 3 for 5mins

Let’s go for letter B. Group 2 and 1 you are the two

bidding for this set since group 3 have their equation.

Ok let’s start. Any bid 1 and 2?

Group1 for 1min
Group2 for 2 mins
Group1 for 3mins
Ok group 1, want to bid and raise? If no, then B is for Group2 for 4 mins
group 2.

Since last item left, I will give it for group 1 and time will be
minus is only 2 min. C is for group 1.

Ok let’s have another set of equations.

A. 2𝑥² − 5𝑥 − 3 = 0 and
6𝑥² − 5𝑥 − 1 = 0
B. 2𝑥² + 4𝑥 − 15 = 0;
.𝑟² + 12𝑟 = 18
.5𝑥² + 𝑥 = 3
C. .2𝑥² = 7𝑥 + 8
.𝑥² + 3𝑥 − 5 = 0
.3𝑥² − 2 = 8𝑥
.5𝑥² − 3𝑥 = 10

Ok let’s start the bidding again!!! This time it will be

worth 2mins every raise of hand.

Ok who wants to bid for letter A? (Nothing raises their hands)

Ok any bid? There is none, then A is for group 1.

(Nothing raises their hands)

Letter B?

Ok, another bid group 3? If there is none then B is for

group 2.

And since there is one set left, I will give it to group 3 for 4
mins less in their time. C is for group 3.

Ok let’s review the time of each group. Group 1 you

have 10 mins to solve, group 2, have 12 mins to solve and
group 3 has 11 mins to solve.

Solving starts now!!!!!!!

H. Making Generalization and

Abstraction about the lesson

Before we proceed with your short evaluation, let us

have a quick generalization of what was discussed.

What is Quadratic Equation? Quadratic equation is any equation that can be

rearranged in standard form as 𝑎𝑥 ² + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 = 0
where a represent known numbers, where a≠
What is the quadratic formula used in solving quadratic 0.
a short evaluation to
the lesson.

whole sheet of paper
silently. NO
I. Evaluating Learning
At this point, you will be given further
check your understanding of

This is an individual task. Get 1

and answer the given question. NO

Activity: Solve the following:

1. 2𝑥² − 14𝑥 + 24 = 0
2. 𝑥² + 3𝑥 − 10 = 0
3. 2 𝑥² − 11 𝑥 + 1 4 = 0
4. 4 𝑥² + 4 𝑥 + 1 = 0
5. 2 𝑥² + 7 𝑥 − 9 = 0
6. 6. 𝑥² + 13 𝑥 + 12 = 0
Are you done? If yes, please pass your papers forward and
copy your assignment.

J. Assignment

Research and study the ff.

1. The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation.

2. The sum and the product of roots of quadratic


Did you get your assignment? Yes, Ma’am.

If that’s so, may I request everyone to stand and bid

me a Goodbye. Goodbye Ma’am.

Goodbye, Class! Thank you for teaching us. God bless you!

Prepared by:
Jessa Mae A. Naquita

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