I Objectives
I Objectives
I Objectives
1. Prayer
2. Cleaning
Pick-up some pieces of paper, arrange The students will pick up the pieces of
your chairs, and sit properly. paper and trash then the class will sit
Take your sits. down.
Thank you ma’am
3. Greeting
Good morning class.
So how are you doing today? Good morning teacher!
Nice! ( answer with different responses)
4. Checking of Attendance
Is everybody here?
Very good, keep up the good work! Yes ma’am!
B. Priming B. Priming
I assumed that you already learned on
how to read whole numbers. Now, how
can you read these whole numbers?
2,021 four-thousand seven hundred thirty-eight
15, 725, 893 two thousand twenty-one
Very good! fifteen million seven hundred twenty-five
thousand eight hundred ninety-three
Class, before we proceed to our
discussion, I’ll show a picture here that
contain 100 blocks (show picture to
students) C. Activity
This picture shows the 50 out of 100
blocks are shaded. Now what is the About fraction ma’am
fraction of this?
Please write it on the board Because we use one half which is part of
If we add one-half to another one-half, whole
what will be the size?
Very good!
E. Abstraction
4 5 23 5
+ = ∨1
9 6 18 18
4 5 4 x 2 5 x3 8 15 23 5
+ = + = + = ∨1
9 6 9 x 2 6 x 3 18 18 18 18 Yes ma’am
None so far ma’am
How to subtract similar fraction?
3 1 2
− =
5 5 5
5 3 2 If the two denominators of fractions are
− = ∨1
2 2 2 not the same, find first the least common
5 1 4 denominator.
− =
3 3 3
5 4 7
− =
6 9 18 G. Evaluation
5 4 5 x 3 4 x 2 15 8 7
− = − = − =
6 9 6 x 3 9 x 2 18 18 18
Is everything clear?
Are there any further inquiries?
F. Generalization
H. Assignment
:Prepared by