A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 5
I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. define proportion
b. solve the missing term in a pair of equivalent proportion
c. show teamwork in a group activity
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Finds the missing terms in a pair of equivalent proportion
Reference: https://youtu.be/pNmh3CmnZFk?si=QyQ1V9UDEf4mdItt
Materials: Laptop, marker,
None teacher
Sounds good!
Checking of Attendance
May I know who is absent from this class?
Classroom Rules
Before anything else, I have here classroom rules that you need
to follow:
Sit properly
Listen to the teacher carefully
Raise your right hand if you want to speak or
Respect each other
Are we all clear with the classroom rules class? Did you
understand these rules?
Very good
efore we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
efore we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before we begin the lesson for
today, let us first have a short
recall of what we had in the last
Before I introduce you to our new topic, who can recall what was
our topic yesterday?
B. Awareness
This time class, we will be going to sing and dance class.
Are you excited to sing and dance class?
How was the dance and song class, did it help you
energized? No teacher because there
is no indicated number of
Very good. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause. biscuits in the problem that
Amy gave to the 15 girls in
the orphanage.
C. Activity
I have here a word problem and I want you to read and analyze It means that we need to
it carefully. find the missing value or
term teacher for us to
Word Problem: make a ratio from the
number of biscuits that
Amy went to the store to buy biscuits for the children in the Amy gave to the 15 girls in
orphanage. After buying, she gives 10 biscuits to the 5 boys in the orphanage.
the orphanage. How many biscuits would she give to 15 girls in
the orphanage?
How about in the number of biscuits that Amy gives to girls in the
orphanage. Does it have a ratio?
Based from our activity earlier class, what do you think will be
our new topic for today? Do you have any idea class?
What is a proportion?
A proportion is the statement of equality between two ratios
a: b=c: d
a- First term
b- Second term
c- Third term The means teacher is 27
d- Fourth term and 4 while the extremes
is 12 and 9.
What do you think is the first, second, third, and fourth term
class? Yes Michelle?
The second term (b) and the third term(c) will be our means.
The first term(a) and the fourth term(d) will be our extremes.
What do you think is the extreme and means in this example?
Yes Shaina?
12:27= 4:9
Here we can see that the product of the means is equal to the
product of the extremes.
1:20=5: n
__=___ - n= 100
1 1
Step 4: Check
To make sure that we already make the product of the
means equal to the product of the extremes, we will be going to
check it by substituting n to its value.
E. Abstraction
Very good. The first step is to get the product and the means.
Excellent class I can see that you understand our topic for today.
F. Application
To apply what you have learned about our topic for today, we will
be going to have a game. Do you want to play a game class?
Okay, very good. But before I will introduce to you our game for
today, I will first group this class into 2. This will be the group 1
and this will be the group 2. Kindly go to your group and form a
Very good.
Our game for today is called “Find Me”. What each group need
to do is to answer the word problem by find the missing term in a
pair of equivalent proportion. Each group need to find its missing
term by showing your solution. So each members of the group
will solve, cooperate and show teamwork to solve the word
problem. After solving, I will ask one representative of each
group to explain their solution and answer in front of the class.
Group 1
Aling Susan plans to cook mixed seafood for their dinner. She
mixes 2 pieces of shells for every 3 pieces of small squids. How
many shells will Aling Susan need to mix with 12 pieces of
Group 2
A store sells globe and hourglasses. The ratio of the
number of hourglasses to the number of globes in their
stockroom is 5:3. If there are 20 hourglasses, how many
globes are there?
IV. Assessment
I. Directions: Find the value of n in each of the given proportion. Show your
1. 3:10= n:30
2. 8: n= 4:15
3. n:12=6:9
4. 16:4=24: n
5. 2:5=6:n
6. 16:20=n:35
7. 3:4=6:n
8. 2:5=n:15
9. n:18=32:48
10. 16:20=n=35
V. Assignment
Study in advance for the next lesson.