Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement
Subject Verb Agreement
I. Objective:
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a. identify the rules in subject-verb agreement;
b. write correct sentences through proper subject-verb agreement; and
c. construct their own sentences using correct subject-verb agreement
II. Subject Matter:
▪ Topic: Subject Verb Agreement
▪ Materials: teacher-made visual, whiteboard, pictures
▪ References: English 7 (pg. 29 to pg. 31 LM) (pg.25 TG) EN7-G-I-a-11
▪ URL:
A. Preliminary Activity
The teacher will ask someone to lead the
prayer. Father in heaven, bless us this day. Give unto
us thy graces and wisdom to understand our
I am requesting everyone to stand up, please. lesson. Teach us and guide us for our lesson
May I ask someone to lead the prayer this morning. Bless our parents, teachers, and
voluntarily? school officials, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Classroom Management
After a minute….
- You may now take your seat class. Thank you, ma’am!
Good morning, my dear students! Welcome to
our English class!” Good morning, Ma’am Clara!
Checking of Attendance
How many are absent today? Ma’am, no one is absent, everyone is present.
Now, before we move on to our new topic let’s
just have a quick review first.
Can you tell me what is our topic yesterday?
B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson, let’s play a game
first. This game is called 4 pics one word. I
present here four pictures and then task you
with guessing what specific word fits with the
theme of the photos presented.
Am I understood? Yes, ma’am!
What do you think is the word being portrayed (Student’s will raise their hands)
in this picture? Anyone who can give me the
word portrayed in the picture posted on the
Rhealyn: Subject Ma’am.
Yes, Rhealyn?
Very good! You got the correct answer, but Rhealyn: I guessed that it is the word SUBJECT
how did you guess that answer? because all of the given pictures are related to
our subject areas like Math, English, Filipino
and Science.
Yes, I think it is very obvious.
Yes, Angela can you give me the answer? Angela: Agreement, ma’am!
Lesson Proper
Alright, so let’s proceed to our lesson proper,
today we will be discussing the subject-verb
Very good. In the first sentence, is the subject All the encircled words are verbs, ma’am.
plural or singular?
Please keep in mind that Singular subjects take Also plural, ma’am.
singular verbs and plural subjects take plural
verbs, that’s the general rule of subject-verb
C. Discussion
Give me another example, Geraldine. Geraldine: The teacher and Analyn were busy
Thank you.
Another example, Marcela! Marcela: Neither the students nor the teacher
is present.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Ma’am.
As you can see, class the given example by
Marcela is singular because the closest subject
to the verb is singular which is the teacher.
D. Application
Pg. 30. More of verbs.
Directions: Choose the correct form of verb
inside the parenthesis.
E. Generalization
V. Assignment
Directions: Give at least 5 verbs and use it in a sentence using the Subject-Verb Agreement
Clara B. Serapion