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Detailed Lesson Plan in English VI Date

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English VI


At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
a. Define and identify pronouns
b. Appreciate the use of pronouns in our daily lives and
c. Use pronouns correctly in sentences.

a. Topic
b. Reference:
quipper, page 2-9
c. Materials:
envelops, instructional materials


Teacher’s Response Student’s Response
Let us all stand and prayer.
Our Father who are in heaven,
holy be your name, your kingdom
come your will be done on earth
Amen! as it is in heaven.
Good Morning class!

Please wear your Id’s before I will

check your attendance. Kindly raise Good morning to Ma’am!
your hand and say “present ma’am” as
I call your name.

Very good class you have a perfect Yes, ma’am.

attendance kindly give yourself an
excellent clap
Before we start our lesson I will again
remind you about our three rules
which are?
Raise your hand if you wanted to
Sit down and listen properly.
And lastly?
Need to learn something before
the class ended.
Very good class.
This time we will have another
activity, it is called “jumble bee”. I
prepared three envelopes containing
words and you are going to arrange
to form a sentence. The first group
who will arrange the right sentence
will be the winner. And by that you
will have +2 on you seatwork later
okay? Now go to your respective

Team Blue
1. I love eating healthy food.

Team White
1. Jenny offers me a
refreshment. (student’s go to their perspective
Team Yellow
1. The crayons are yours.

The reason why we do such things
today is to lighten us up. Because I’m
going to teach cases of pronouns.

Pronouns have three cases:

A. Subjective Pronoun
-act as the subject in the sentence.
Person Singular Plural
First I we
Second You you
Third He, she, it they
I love eating healthy food.
-In this sentence, the subjective pronoun
is I. it is the doer of the action and used
in first person singular.

You are so dedicated to your work

-In this sentence, you is the subject. It is
the one being talked about in the
sentence. It is second person singular
but sometimes, it could also be used as
second person plural.

We love eating nutritious foods.

-The subject pronoun in the sentence is
we. It is in the first person plural form.

B. Objective Pronoun
- act as the direct object, indirect
object or object of the preposition in the

A direct object answers the question

“what” or “who”. An indirect object
answer the questions “to whom” and the
object of the preposition is found after
prepositions like to, for etc.
Person Singular Plural
First Me Us
Second You You
Third Him, her, Them


Jenny offers me a refreshment

-The pronoun me, is the indirect object
in the sentence. It answers the question
“to whom”. It is in the first person

Christine saved her from drowning.

-The pronoun her, is the direct object in
the sentence. It answers the question
“who”. It is in the third person singular.

The gift that arrived is for them.

-The pronoun them, is the object of the
preposition in the sentence. It is in the
third person plural.

C. Possessive Pronoun
- show ownership or possession.
Person Singular Plural
First Mine Ours
Second Yours Yours
Third His, hers, Theirs


The pencil is mine.

-The possessive pronoun in the sentence
is mine. It states that the pencil is
owned by the speaker. It is in the first
person singular.

The crayons are ours.

-The possessive pronoun in the sentence
is ours. It shows that the speaker owned
the crayons. It is in the first person
That beautiful voice I heard from the
recorder is here.
-The possessive pronoun in the sentence
is hers. It indicated that a female owns
the voice. It is in the third person

At this point we are goin to do
another activity. I will give you
manila papers then you will be
writing 2 sentences under the three
cases of pronouns. Go to your
respective group before you start the
Yes ma’am.
activity. Is it clear?

But let me remind you about our

standards in having an activity.

1. Work cooperatively and

2. Keep the workplace clean.
3. Respect each member of the

You will be graded by the following

Content 30%
Collaboration 30%
Organization 20% (the students will do the activity)
Presentation 20%
Total 100%

I will give you 5 minutes to do the


Did you understand our lesson?
Yes ma’am.
What is pronoun?
Pronoun is word that replaces noun
or noun phrases.
Very good!
What are the three cases of
The three cases of pronouns are
Great. Thank you for answering. subjective, objective, and
I’m glad that you really understand possessive.
our lesson.

Encircle the correct pronoun to complete each sentence.
1. Jenny studies hard so she could apply to a good school. (she, he, it, they) is
2. Charo loves bags. This bag on the table is (his, hers, ours, yours).
3. Jenina is my younger sister. There are so many things I want to buy for (her,
hers, she, he).
4. The car that was parked next to our house looks luxurious. (it, she, they, we)
really caught my attention.
5. Robert and Ron are twins. (he, they, she, we) look alike.

Prepared by: Prepared for:

Rhoma P. Tadeja Veronica B. Madagsen

Student Teacher Subject Instructress

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