Activity 4 - Deductive Teaching
Activity 4 - Deductive Teaching
Activity 4 - Deductive Teaching
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:
a. Identify preposition and prepositional phrase
b. Use appropriate prepositions
c. Underline correct prepositions in a sentence .
II. Subject Matter:
● Topic: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrase
● Reference:
● Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Worksheets
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
- “Requesting everyone to please rise. - The assigned student will go to the
(Name of the student), Kindly lead the front and lead the prayer.
- “ Good Morning Class!” - “Good Morning Teacher Raulene, it’s
nice to see you today! God is so
Checking of the Attendance
- “Who is/are absent for today?” - “The secretary will tell the absentee/s
for today.”
- Last meeting we discussed the
Anyone from the class could explain - An imperative sentence is a group of
what is imperative? Yes John? words which expresses a complete
thought in a form of commands as well
as requests. This sentence usually
ends with a period.
-Very Good! You got it right John.
-What about an example for a request, -Please bring those books here.
can you give an example for us May? Kindly pick up the pieces of paper on
the floor.
Very Good! Seems like you truly
understand what is Imperative and the
difference of Command from Request.
Can I request everyone to do the -(students do as told)
Rainbow Clap?
- Yes Ma’am.
Alright! All your answers are correct.
The words you have pasted made
connections or relationships that made
our sentences more meaningful. Am I
right class?
So at this juncture speaking of
relationships, sentences always
contain ideas which need to be related
to other ideas to form a new and
complete thought. In short, we can
form a new complete idea by
combining two or more ideas.
Very Good!
B. Generalization
-For today we will be discussing -Sort of ma’am.
Preposition and Prepositional Phrase.
Are you all familiar with this?
1. Place or position
→ at, by, in, over, from, near,
around, among, in front of, in the back of,
on top of, beneath, to, up, on, against,
under, beside, between, inside, outside
☻I want to travel around the
☻Rico put his favorite shoes
on top of the cabinet.
☻Ophelia is hiding in her
grandparents' house.
2. Direction
→ toward, into, by way of, from,
out of, to
☻My mother and I went to the
☻Andrew had walked for 30
minutes from their house.
3. Manner
→ by, on, in, with, like, through
☻I can release my feelings
through writing poems.
4. Time
→ at, by, in, before, until, during,
at the end of, in the middle of, at the
beginning of, since, after, on
☻I am a Boy Scout member since
☻We will have our warm-up
exercises before the discussion of the
☻You should finish your work at
exactly 10:30 a.m.
5. Agent
→ by, with
☻The ball was thrown by
6. Accompaniment
→ with
☻World War II made me left
the city with my relatives.
7. Similarly
→ like
☻My bird can fly like an
8. Purpose
→ for
☻We must study hard for our
own future.
9. In the capacity of
→ as
☻I can share my knowledge as
great teachers can do.
10. By reason of
→ for
☻I always go to school for I
know, it can also help to improve my
☻Brent reads the sentences
below. (adverb of place)
☻I was amazed every moment
you smile before. (adverb of time)
☻Life-giving knowledge is
found in the Bible.
☻My assignments were
checked by my seatmate.
C. Values Integration
- Yes Ma’am.
D. Application
Directions: The class will be divided
into five groups. Each group will
construct 1 paragraph containing
prepositions and prepositional
phrases. Choose one volunteer to
read it aloud in class.
- Conciseness -5
- Delivery- 5
- Content- 10
E. Evaluation
For me to further assess that you truly
understand our discussion, let us have
an activity.
Activity 1:
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the
appropriate prepositions. Choose from
the list below. (Some prepositions may
be repeated.)
Activity 2:
Directions: Underline the prepositional
phrase/-s in each sentence.