DLP Jorbet
DLP Jorbet
DLP Jorbet
in Mathematics II
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
a. solve routine and non-routine problems involving division of numbers using
appropriate strategies
b. demonstrates understanding of division of whole numbers including money
c. apply division of whole numbers including money in mathematical problems and real-
life situations.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
3. Classroom set-up
Before you take your sit, please pick
those scattered pieces of plastic and paper
under your chair. Student will pick those scattered pieces of
plastic and paper.
1 and 1 2
2 and 2 4
3 and 3 are 6 for me
4 and 4 8
5 and 5 10
Little fingers in my hands.
I can clap then
I can snap then
I can roll then up and down
Little fingers pretty dancing
I can count to 1 to 10.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Very good!
8÷4= 2 teacher!
Very good!.
2. Setting of Standards
C. New lesson
1. Discussion
Do you understand?
Yes teacher!
2. Application
Am I clear class?
Do you understand?
Am I clear?
Okay, class here is rubrics to follow for
your group activity. Yes, teacher!
Rubrics o mga sukdanan sa paghatag ug
puntos sa matag buluhaton sa grupo.
10 Na human ang buluhaton sa saktong
oras ug saktong mga tubag (adunay
pagtinabangay sa matag membro)
8 Nahuman ang buluhaton sa saktong
oras adunay pipila ka mali nga tubag
(adunay pagtinabangay sa matag
6 Nilapas sa gigahin nga oras ug adunay
pipila ka mali sa tubag (adunay
pagtinabangay sa matag membro)
4 Wala na human, pero adunay mga
pipila nga saktong tubag (may
pagtinabangay sa matag membro)
0 Wala na human ang buluhaton, ug mali
ang mga tubag. (walay pagtinabangay
sa matag membro)
Okay, I will give you 10 minutes to
answer the problem. Okay, your time starts
- Jessa has 35 lollipops. She wants to
divide these equally to her 5
1. How many lollipops will each of her
classmates. How many lollipops will
classmate get?
each one get?
2. 40 and 5
3. Division
1. What is the question?
4. 35÷5=7
2. What is the given number?
3. Which operation will you use?
4. What is the correct answer?
- Mara has 36 oranges to share. She
decides to equally give these oranges to
her 4 friends. How many oranges will
each of her 4 friends receive?
1. How many oranges will each of her
friend receive?
1. What is the question?
2. 36 and 4.
2. What is the given number?
3. Division
3. Which operation will you use?
4. 36÷4= 9
4. What is the correct answer?
- Bert has 18 apples. He wants to give his
2 friends an equal number of apples.
How many apples should he give to
each of his friends? 16-4=12
1. What is the question? 8-4=4
2. What is the given number? 4-4=0
3. Which operation will you use? GROUP 3 ANSWER
4. What is the correct answer? 1. How many apples will each of her
friends get?
----------DARNA!!!----------- 2. 18 and 2
And the winner is Group _____! 3. Division
4. 18÷2=9
Okay, class paste your answers on the 18-2=16
board. Let us check if the winner’s answers are 16-2=14
correct. 14-2=12
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer the following problems, show your solution and follow the
What is the What is Which What is the correct
question? the given operation will answer? Present your
number? you use? solution.
1. Marie has 16 cookies. If she
will give these equally to her 4
brothers, how many cookies will
each one get?
2. Dennis has 24 pieces of
candies. He will put them in 3
boxes. How many candies will
there be in each box?
V. Assignment
Answer the following problems and show your solution and follow the steps.
1. Tom puts 60 eggs equally in 10 boxes. How many eggs are there in each box?
2. There are 35 apples and Jon arranges them in 5 plates. How many apples are
there in each plate?
Prepared by:
Johnvert O. Adayo