A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1
At the end of the lesson, the pupils can:
a. Identify the digits in a 2-digit number,
b. Realize the importance of understanding the place value of a digit; and
c. Select the correct place value of the digit of the given numeral.
2. Presentation
At the end of the lesson, the pupils can: At the end of the lesson, the pupils can:
A. Identify the digits in a 2-digit number, A. Identify the digits in a 2-digit number,
B. Realize the importance of B. Realize the importance of
understanding the place value of a understanding the place value of a
digit; and digit; and
C. Select the correct place value of the C. Select the correct place value of the
digit of the given numeral. digit of the given numeral.
Let’s proceed.
Okay, how many watermelons are there? There are 16 watermelons in the picture,
3. Discussion
Today, our topic is “Place Value: Ones and
Can you all read our topic today? Place Value: Ones and Tens
(The teacher will let the pupils read the topic) (The pupils will read the topic)
Do you understand?
4. Generalization
Which is in Tens place value digit? Our Ones place value digit will be 5, Teacher.
Wonderful ideas, pupils! Let’s give ourselves Our Tens place value digit will be 4, Teacher.
a round of applause!
5. Application
IV. Evaluation
Now, we will have our quiz. Get your pencil.
Read the direction carefully. You will be
given 5 minutes to answer.
Demonstration Observer:
Resource Teacher