Detailed Lesson Plan Mathematics 3
Detailed Lesson Plan Mathematics 3
Detailed Lesson Plan Mathematics 3
Mathematics 3
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify the fraction of each set
b. Represent fraction using region, sets, and number line (M3NS-IIIb-72.5)
c. Cooperate in the class actively
II. Subject Matter: Kinds of Fraction
Reference: Enfolding Mathematics in life
Materials: cut-outs, cartolina, pictures
Values: Unity and cooperation
III. Procedure
Let us all bow our head and feel the presence of our
Almighty Father. In the name of the father and of the son and
of the holy spirit amen.
Jesus you are good and wise I will praise you when I rise.
Hear this prayer I send, Bless my family and my friends.
Help my eyes to see All the good you send to me. Help my
ears to hear Calls for help from far and near. Help my feet to
go in the way that You will show. Help my hands to do All
things loving, kind, and true. Guard me through this day in
all I do and all I say. Amen.
a. Drill
Group 1
Group 1
Group 2
Group 2
Group 3
Group 3
Group 4
Group 4
Our lesson yesterday was all about Odd and Even numbers
b. Review
Class, what was our lesson yesterday?
Very Good!
c. Motivation
This time, I will call 2 students to come here in
front to demonstrate something. Please observe
because later I will be asking questions. P2: He shared 1 slice of equal part.
After slicing the cake into 4 equal parts I want the P1: I feel happy.
second student to take 2 slices of cake, 1 for you and
please give the other one to your classmate.
So, in how many equal parts did the first student slice
the cake?
Okay, good!
B. Instruction/Delivery:
This morning we will tackle a new lesson, but
before that we will read first our objectives
a. Identify the fraction of each set
b. Represent fraction using region, sets,
and number line.
c. Cooperate in the class actively
A. Activity
Alright! This time I will group you into 3 groups.
Each group will have different task to perform and
report but before proceeding to your respective
groups these are the standards that we need to Yes, Teacher Cha
follow while doing the group activity
Is that clear?
Group 1
Group 2
Direction: Read and answer the word problem.
Group 3
1 2
0 1 2 3
How many numbers are there above the
How many numbers are there red line? Write your answer in the upper
portion of the box. 1
above the red line? Write your
answer in the upper portion of the Until what number is the black line?
box. 2
Write your answer in the lower portion of
Until what number is the black the box.
line? Write your answer in the
lower portion of the box.
0 1 2
0 1 2 3 4
P1: The problem asked for how many slices of cake did she
How many numbers are there above gave?
the red line? Write your answer in
the upper portion of the box. P2: We draw a cake and divide it into 6 equal parts.
Until what number is the black line? We color the parts that are taken away.
Write your answer in the lower
portion of the box.
B. Analysis
What was your task? Our task is to identify the fraction of shaded parts.
So, what is asked in the problem? We notice that there are shaded parts of each group of
Right, what did you do? Each group of fractions are in set.
What else?
We noticed that from 1 whole it is divided into 8 equal parts.
Excellent! Let’s give group 3 a Powerful clap 3 times.
Class this represents fraction using number line. The There are shaded parts.
long line that you see is called number line and the
marked in the number line is called numerator. The It is called Numerator
equal part of a number line is called denominator.
I have here another example. Who can come on the It is called denominator.
board and write the fraction of this figure?
What else? We notice that the whole is divided into equal parts
And what about the equal parts of the whole?
It is called Numerator
It is called denominator.
Thus, what is the fraction of the shaded part? 4 of them are shaded.
How many
0 equal parts
1 does the number
2 line have?
Very good!
The representation of fraction is called number line.
I have here another example.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Who can write the fraction of this number line?
C. Abstraction
Very Good!
Good job!
D. Application
Group 1
Direction: Represent the fraction using region.
Janice bought 1 whole cheese cake. She
slices the cake into 3 equal part. What
Group 2
Direction: Represent the fraction using number line.
Group 3
Direction: Represent the fraction using sets.
IV. Evaluation 2. B
3. A
1. A. 2/4
B. ¾
C. 1/4
3. A. 2/6
B. 1/5 5. B
C. 2/7