RPP Bahasa Inggris Fraction Revision 221123 (1) Finish
RPP Bahasa Inggris Fraction Revision 221123 (1) Finish
RPP Bahasa Inggris Fraction Revision 221123 (1) Finish
I. Objective
Through the process of observing, questioning, gathering information. The student
is able to justify/associate and discuss/communicate:
1. Explain the meaning to the Fraction Number
2. Explain and perform operations of fractional number
3. Solve problems related to fractional numbers (ordinary, mixed, decimal,
We will study material regarding Grace: Miss, what are the operations on
fractional number in the form of fractions?
Miss will create a group, consisting of 2 All student: Students rush to do activities
Group 1: David, Keyza
Group 2: Jasa, Grace
Sitting in groups is okay
All student: Students do their activities in
For group 1, try to determine the groups
5 3
fraction result of + =...
8 8
5 Grace: miss group 2 already...
For group 2, determine the result of 5
5 we got the answer
2 Grace: So miss, because the denominators are
+ =...
5 5
equal then we can add them up as usual. So +
how to solve it? 5
2 5
5 7
David: finished missing the answer or 1
Group 2's answer is correct, so what if 8
group 1 has finished?
So now you have to compete to David: miss
answer quickly for question 2.
3 1
the question is + =...
4 2
David: David is explaining on the blackboard
Can you try to explain where you got So, because the 2 fractions don't have the same
these results? denominator, we first find the least common
you write on the blackboard multiplication (LCM) of 4 and 2, we find the
3+2 5
LCM is 4 then it will be =
4 4
5 minutes later
All students: Wait a minute! miss
is everything finished?
Known: Tina has 1/4 kg of flour
Tina bought back 3/4 kg of flour
Tina uses 2/4 kg of flour
1. Determine the result of All students: students just listen and write
subtracting the following questions
60 20 15
A. − − =…
60 60 60
5 9
B. − =…
6 24
12 7
C. − =…
36 42
2. Ahmad, Beno, and Cepot must
complete a project within a
specified time period.
Therefore, the work will be
divided according to each
individual's abilities. Ahmad
completed of the section,
Beno completed of the
section, and Cepot completed
of the section. Determine
the number of parts worked by:
a) Ahmad and Beno
Keyza: I'm the only one praying, miss
b) Ahmad and Cepot
Father in heaven…… amen
c) Beno and Cepot
that's all the work at home
All students: see you miss…
Our lesson only ends here. who wants
to close prayers?
Thank you all see you next week
IV. Evaluation
Right now, it is time to know if you truly understood our lesson today. Now you
work on the worksheet that has been given, there are written instructions for doing
V. Assignment
study the next chapter because the next chapter is still continuous with the current
1. make a shading that represents
2. What is the value of the fraction represented by the area in the image below?
3. Nina bought kg of oranges. But remembering that his friends were coming, he
bought more kg oranges. How many kg do all oranges weigh?
4. Tina had a ribbon 5 m long, then gave the ribbon to her sister m long. How many
ribbons does Tina have left?
5. Calculate the following fractions:
2 5
a. +
5 6
7 1
b. −¿
9 3