Lesson Plan Example
Lesson Plan Example
Lesson Plan Example
I- Materials:
Activity Sheets
II-Instructional Objectives:
By the end of the class, students will be able to
III- Introduction: In this lesson, we discuss the rules for multiplying decimals and see
examples of multiplying decimals. Understand how to multiply decimals and the steps
V- Learning Process:
Arian, what did you tell your neighbor? Teacher, I told Jerry that I can use
decimal numbers when I buy at the store,
when I travel, and budget my money.
You are correct Adrian.
Is there anyone else who would like to (Mary, raises her hand)
Yes, Mary When we do cooking, teacher. Some
recipes have numbers with decimals in
You are right, Mary. When we cook, we
look at recipes and sometimes the
numbers involved decimals.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Very good!
2. What are given? 20.25 costs of one apple and 4 dozens of
Yes, Raiza. apple.
Very good!
0.214x0.1= 0.214x0.1=0.0214
0.214x0.01= 0.214x0.01=0.00214
0.214x0.001= 0.214x0.001=0.000214
3. Generalization
Thank you for cooperating in our class Thank you and bye Teacher.
today. Please be ready for a quiz
VI. Evaluation
A. Do a budget plan using your school allowance for 1 week. Be sure you include
decimals in it.
Weekly Allowance:
Date Description Amount