Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics VI
Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics VI
Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics VI
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a) writes decimal numbers in column.
b) multiplies decimals and mixed decimals with factors up two decimal
Subject Matter
Topic: Multiplication of Decimals and Mixed Decimals with Factors Up to
Two Decimal Places
References: Math Beyond Time for Grade 6, Josefina V. Suarez
Materials: Activity Sheets
Values focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness
Learning Experiences
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Who will lead the prayer today? Our Father…. Amen
d. Checking of Attendance
Say present if your name is called.
1. Review
Before we start our lesson for today, let us
review your past lesson yesterday. Cher, we have studied about addition
What have you studied yesterday? and subtraction of decimals.
Very good.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation How much will 4 dozens of apples cost?
1. What is being asked? Ma’am, 20.25 costs of one apple and 4
dozens of apple.
That’s right!
2. What are given?Very good!
3. What operation is needed to solve the P20.25 x 48=N
4. What is the number sentence?Correct! 20.25
5. What is the solution to the problem? X 48
Yes. 16200
Correct! 8100
Answer: Four dozens of apples will cost
Problem Solving Example: (let the pupils think and solve the problem)
How many 50 centavos are there in P25.50?
3. Generalization
How do you multiply decimal by (Pupils will do the activity)
whole number?
Multiplying decimal by a whole
number will result to a product with the same
number of decimal places as to the given
5. 89.7 x 10
6. 635.89 x 100
7. 6.5 x 0.001
8. 175 x 0.5
9. 0.28 x 0.85
10. 42.56 x 0.25
A. Make 5 problem cards with answers written at the back.
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