Poultry Science
Poultry Science
Poultry Science
50 definitions of terms
7. Incubation - the process of keeping eggs warm and humid in order to allow them to hatch
8. Candling - the process of shining a light through an egg to check the development of the embryo
10. Pullet - a young female chicken that has not yet started laying eggs
12. Spent hen - a hen that is no longer producing eggs and is ready to be sold or disposed of
13. Brooding - the process of keeping young chicks warm and safe in specially designed areas
19. Litter - the material used on the floor of a chicken coop to absorb moisture and waste
21. Free-range - chickens that are allowed to roam and forage outside of their coop
22. Battery cage - a small cage used to house multiple chickens in a small space
23. Genetics - the study of heredity and the traits that are passed down from generation to generation
26. Selection - the process of deciding which animals to breed based on desirable traits
27. Artificial insemination - the process of introducing sperm into a female's reproductive tract to
achieve fertilization without natural mating
28. Embryo transfer - the process of transferring fertilized eggs from one bird to another for incubation
31. Disease - an abnormal condition that affects the health of the bird
32. Avian influenza - a highly contagious viral infection that affects birds, including chickens
33. Newcastle disease - a viral disease that affects chickens and other birds
34. Marek's disease - a viral disease that affects chickens and causes tumor’s to develop
35. Parasite - an organism that lives on or inside another organism and feeds on it
36. Worms - a type of parasite that can live inside a chicken's digestive system
37. Coccidiosis - a parasitic disease that affects chickens and other animals
38. Biosecurity - measures taken to prevent the spread of disease, parasites, and pests
41. Salmonella - a bacteria that can cause food poisoning in humans and is commonly found in chicken
42. Egg production - the process of laying eggs for consumption or hatching
43. Egg quality - a measure of the freshness, appearance, and nutritive value of eggs
45. Yolk - the yellow part of the egg containing the egg's nutrients
46. Shell membrane - the thin, protective layer that covers the egg white and yolk
47. Hatchability - the percentage of viable eggs that hatch into chicks
48. Fertility - the ability of a male and female bird to produce fertile eggs
49. Embryo development - the process of the fertilized egg developing into a chick inside the egg
50. Egg candler - a device used to shine a light through an egg to check for fertility and embryo