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Geogebra Concept Handbook

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An Introduction to GeoGebra 4.0

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Table of Contents

1 GeoGebra installation setup.............................................................................3

2 About GeoGebra .. ...........................................................................................4
3 Importance of GeoGebra..................................................................................
4 GeoGebra 4.0 interface.....................................................................................
5 Menu bar.............................................................................................................
5.1File in menu bar..............................................................................................
5.2Edit in menu bar..............................................................................................
5.3View in menu bar............................................................................................
5.4 Perspectives in menu bar.............................................................................
5.5Options in menu bar........................................................................................
5.6Tools in menu bar............................................................................................
5.7Window in Menu bar.......................................................................................
5.8Help in Menu bar.............................................................................................

6 8th class activities

6.1Chapter 4: Understanding Quadrilaterals
6.2Chapter 7: Practical Geometry

7 9th class activities

7.1Chapter 2: Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry
7.2Chapter 3: Lines and angles
7.3Chapter 4: Polynomials
7.4Chapter 5: Triangles
7.5Chapter 7: Quadrilaterals
7.6Chapter 8: Heron’s Formula
7.7Chapter 9: Coordinate Geometry
7.8Chapter 10: Linear Equations in two variables
7.9Chapter 11: Area of Parallelograms and triangles
7.10 Chapter 12: Circles

8 10th class activities

8.1Chapter 2: Triangles
8.2Chapter 3: Pair of Linear Equations in two variables
8.3Chapter 4: Circles
8.4Chapter 5: Areas related to Circles
8.5Chapter 7: Coordinate Geometry
8.6Chapter 9: Polynomials

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1. GeoGebra installation setup

Procedure 1:
1. Go to your computer terminal
2. Open terminal and run the below command
1. sudo apt-get install update
2. sudo apt-get upgrade
3. sudo apt-get install geogebra

Procedure 2:
1. Open terminal and run the below command
1. sudo apt-get install update
2. sudo apt-get install geogebra-gnome

Note: while running each command make sure that, the password entered by you is correct because
of hidden password.

Procedure 3:
1. Go to https://www.geogebra.org/
2. navigate to app downloads then download Geogebra based on your system requirements

Note: When using different versions of GeoGebra, the differences between them are minimal.


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2. About GeoGebra
 GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematics software that allows users to explore and
visualize mathematical concepts through interactive tools and features. In simple
terms, GeoGebra is a software tool that helps you learn and teach mathematics by
making it interactive and engaging.

 It's commonly used for educational purposes and helps users understand various
mathematical topics by providing a platform to create, manipulate, and experiment
with geometric shapes, algebraic equations, and more.

 The software for all levels of education brings geometry, algebra, spreadsheets,
graphics, statistics, and calculus into one engine.

 Free and open source : available for free and source code is opened for
develpoer. This accessibility has contributed lot in Its success in educational

 Interactive applets : applets can be emebedded with websites and can be shared
with others this helps the user to explore mathemetical concepts in GeoGebra
without installation.

 Community and resources : GeoGebra has large online community where user
can share there work and collaborate on projects.

3. Importance of GeoGebra :
You may heared the line “If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should
teach the way they learn” .Ignacio Estrada

As we know there many students who are affraid of mathemetics and but its because of
the way we teach is more teacher centred, specially in mathemetics but with the help of
GeoGebra we can do some changes in our teaching which should be student centered as
well. How....................? Lets do one small activity

Activity : Draw a Circle of any Diameter and show that Diameter is equals to twice of
the Radius. If we do this activity on chart/blackboard we need the following

Try to do this with both methods one is as we do regularly, and second with the help
of GeoGebra. Then you will get to know the importance of GeoGebra.

Material Required : Chart/ Black board, Pencil/ chalk, Geometry box, eraser, sketch pens/
color chalks. But in case of unavailability, GeoGebra came into existance to make
mathemetics more interactive and easy to learn and do the projects with the help of large
number of tools and features.

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Steps followed in GeoGebra :

1. Open GeoGebra tool and go to Circ and Arc tools and
2. Select Circle with center through point and Draw the circle on graphics view
3. Go to Line tools and select segment between two points
4. Select the ponits of a circle to draw a segment
5. Create a object using input bar and select α = 2 * a i.e. Radius of the given circle and
enter to get the Diameter
6. Go special object tools ans select insert text box and assign
Dieameter of circle = 2 * Radius(a) = α to show the results dynamically

After step 2 After step 3

After step 4 After step 5

After step 6 Dynamical result

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4. GeoGebra 4.0 interface

Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Graphics View
Spreadsheet View protocol
Quadrant II Quadrant I
(-,+) (+,+)

View 2
Algebra View
(-,-) (+,-)
Quadrant III Quadrant IV

Input Bar

5. Menu Bar : The term “menu bar” typically refers to a graphical user interface element in
software applications.

(1) File in menu bar: A popular menu choice File" often includes a number of commands
for managing files and processing documents.

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1) New Window : You can create a new GUI window if you are working with more than
one project activity as shown in the figure above

2) New : This option same is as new window the only difference is it allows you to create a
new document or project by closing present GUI window, it usually opens a new, blank file
for you to work on.

3) Open : This option allows you to open an existing file from your computer's storage. You
can browse your file to locate and open the desired file.

4) Open Webpage : This option allows to enter the URL of your applet which is present in
your GeoGebra.org profile account
An applet refers to a dynamic and interactive mathematical visualization or
application that is created using the GeoGebra software. Applets are typically embedded in
webpages. This enables collaborative problem-solving and peer learning.
5) Save : You can use this option to save the current document or project. If it's a new
document, it often opens a dialog box for you to specify the file name and location.

6) Save As: This option lets you to save a copy of the current document with a different
name or in a different location. It's useful when you want to create a duplicate or save a
document with a different file name.

7) share : This option allows to upload your document / project at your GeoGebra.org
account by signing your profile

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8) Export : This option allows to export your file as different types of file extension
required by the user

9) Print preview : This option allows you to print the current document or project. It
typically opens a print dialog where you can configure printing options.

10) Close : This option is used to close the application. Before exiting, it might prompt you
to save any unsaved changes in your documents.

(2) Edit in menu bar : The "Edit" menu in the menu bar typically provides various options
for editing mathematical constructions and objects within your GeoGebra worksheet.

1) Undo : Using this option, you may reverse the most recent modification you made in
your GeoGebra worksheet.

2) Redo : After using the "Undo" option, "Redo" enables you to reapply the modification
you just made by using undo option.

3) Copy : This will Copy selected objects to the clipboard. You can paste these objects to
another location of GeoGebra worksheet.

4) Paste : Allows to paste objects from the clipboard into your current worksheet.
5) Copy Graphics view to clipboard : Using this option allows you to quickly conduct
operations on all worksheet items at once.

6) Object Properties : This option pop-up a dialogue box that lets you to modify specific
properties of the selected object, such its coordinates or equations.

7) Select all : The "Select All" option allows to select all of the mathematical objects or
components that are present in current GeoGebra workspace. This includes points, lines,
shapes, and any other objects you've created in your current workspace.

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(3) View in menu bar : In “View’ includes the Options for managing the display and
appearance of your mathematical simulation as well as its overall design in GeoGebra's
workspace E.g. in my case i have managed to display and appearance of Axes, Grid,
Algebra, Spreadsheet ,Graphics, Keyboard, Input in Input Bar, Tool Bar options are
checked, and Graphics 2, Construction Protocol are Unchecked

(4) Perspectives in menu bar : The Perspective menu bar is not a typical feature in
GeoGebra. However, Perspective in menu bar provides the user to chose appearance of
Graphical view in corrent Geogebra worksheet, user can select different perspective
based on specific concept.

1) Algebra & Graphics : By selecting this perspective, Geogebra provides a Algebra

view where you will see the value of Free Objects and Dependent Objects and plane
Graphics view

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2) Basic Geometry: By selecting this perspective, Geogebra provides a plane Graphics

view with minimal set of tools which are enough to work with basic geometry as shown in
below fegure.

(1) Move : Drag or Select objects

(2) Move Graphics View : Drag the Graphics view or one axis (Shift + Drag)

(3) New Point : Click on the graphics view or on a line, function, or curve

(4) Midpoint or Center : Select two points, one segment, circle or conic

(5) Segment between two point : Select two points

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(6) Line through two points : Select two points

(7) Circle with center through point : Select center point, then point on circle

(8) Parallel Line : Select point and parallel line

(9) Perpendicular Line : Select point and perpendicular line

(10) Intersect Two Objects: Select two objects or click direclty on intersection

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(11) Polygon : Select all vertices then click first vertex again

(12) Rigid Polygon : Select all vertices then click first vertex again

(13) Vector Polygon : Select all vertices then click first vertex again

(14) Regular Polygon : Select two points and enter number of vertices

(15) Insert Text : Click on the graphics view or on point to specify position

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(16) Angle : Select three points or two lines

(17) Reflect Object about Line: Select object to reflect, then line of reflection

(18) Rotate Object around Point by Angle: Rotate object

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3) Geometry: By selecting this perspective, Geogebra provides a Grid Graphics view

with all the set of tools which are used to work with any activity or project in geometry as
shown in below fegure.

 To know how these tools are helpful to work with any activity in Geometry, we will do
one simple activity i.e. Draw a line of two points and measure the distance between

 For this acticity we need to follow below steps:

Step 1 : Select the tool Segment between two points

Step 2 : Click anywhere on the Graphic view, the point(A) will be added then again click
on Graphic view for some distance point(B) will be added with a adjacent line A,B.

Step 3 : Select the tool Distance or length and click on point A and point B to get the
distance between points A,B.

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4) Spreadsheet & Graphics :

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(5) Options in menu bar : Options in menubar provides some more options to interact
with specific view of a Geogebra worksheet such allow the user to select Discription to be
displayed, font size, language and to do changes in settings

1) Algebra descriptions : Includes Value, Definition, Command

2) Point Capturing : Includes Automatic, Snap to Grid, Fixed to Grid, Off which are used
to capture the specific point on canvas
(1) Automatic : (Default point capturing) "Automatic" helps in two ways.
 One is to capture and insert the point exaclty on intersecting lines by clicking
around intersecting point of the canvas.
 Another is to change the position of the point, Geogebra gives the hint of
intersecting lines

(2) Snap to Grid : This is same as automatic capturing.

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(3) Fixed to Grid : “Fixed to Grid” helps in two ways

 One is to capture and insert the point exaclty on intersecting lines only. That is only
on extreme ends, in other words point can be placed only on vertices not on edges
 Another is while changing the position the point it automatically place the point on
extreme ends only.

(4) Off : If “Off” selected, user can able to place a point anywhere on canvas area.

3) Rounding : The Rounding can be used to round a number. For instance, you may use
the rounding(4 or 2 Decimal places) to round an integers to 4 or 2 decimal places
i.e. A=(-3.2551,3.0785) , a=1.2576 if 4 Decimal places used
A=(-3.26,3.08) , a=1.26 if 2 Decimal places used

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4) Labeling : The labeling option allows the user to specify how labels are applied to
newly created objects automatically. The below figure differentiate the types of labeling
options available in GeoGebra 4.
(1) Automatic
(2) All New Objects
(3) No New Objects
(4) New Points Only

5) Font Size : In GeoGebra 4, the font size available for labels and text objects typically
range from 12pt to 32pt.

6) Language : By Default the language is set to English (US), there are 46 languages
available in GeoGebra, allowing the user to use the software in their preferred language.

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7) Settings : This is section allows the user to change specific properties of the objects

(1) Default : The default settings in GeoGebra may vary depending on version, platform.
Below figure gives the idea of settings that user can customize. Basically there are four
tabs i.e. Basic,Color,Style,Algebra and may vary depending on object properties and
perspectives. I will select one object(Point) to show, what are the properties we can
change in settings.

 Basic : Gives check box options from which user can check either to show/hide
specific object

 Color : Gives color palette from which user can select color of the specific object.

 Style : Gives the options to change style of the object such in my case i have
selected point its gives the options of
 point thickness(1,3,5,7,9)
 point style (circle,square,trianlge etc.)

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 Algebra: allows the user to select the equation form and its provied three form of
equations to be displayed as shown in below figure respectively i.e. Cartesian
Coordinates, Polar Coordinates, Complex number

Cartesian Coordinates Polar Coordinates

Complex number

(2) Graphics : Basically there are four tabs i.e. Basic, xAxis, yAxis, Grid from where you
can alter the changes you want in your graphics view

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(6) Tools in menu bar : GeoGebra provides veriety tools that allows the user to explore
and visualize the mathemetical concept easily. Here are some key tools as follows

Note : When using different versions of GeoGebra, the differences between tools are

(1) Movement Tools

(2) Point Tools
(3) Line Tools
(4) Special Line tools
(5) Polygon Tools
(6) Circle and Arc tools
(7) Conic Section Tools
(8) Measurement Tools
(9) Transformation Tools
(10) Special Object Tools
(11) Action Tools
(12) General Tools

(1)Movement Tools : Allows the user to select and move the objects around grahics view

(2)Point Tools : Allows the user to create points and provides veriety of point tools which
helps the user to create points for specific operations.

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 veriety of point tools are as fallows

1. New Point : Allows the user to create points on coordinate plane(Graphics view)

2. Point on Object : Allows the user to create a point which is fixed to an object, and this
new point can be moved only on spcific object or within the specific (Region)object on
which it was created.

3. Attach or detach Point : Attach Allow the user to connect(attach) the point to specific
object or region where as Dettach allows the user to Disconnect(dettach) the point from
specific object or region.
Attach works as point on object where as follows

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Dettach works as new point(any where) as follows

4. Intersect two Objects: Allow the user to create new point as intersection.

5. Midpoint: Allow the user to create Midponit of a line or segment.

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6. Complex number: Allow the user create a complex number which contains the values
as Real part, Imaginary part, Imaginary number

(3) Line Tools : Allows the user to create Lines and segments with the help of verity of
Point tools.

1. Line through Two Points : Allows the user to draw the continuous(infinite) line through
two points

2. Segment between Two Points : Allows the user to draw the continuous(infinite) line
through two points

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3. Segment with given Lenght from Point : Allows the user to draw a segment by
specifying the length by selecting a point from which user want a segment

4. Ray through Two Points : Allows the user to draw a Ray by selecting two points from
which user want a Ray

5. PolyLine bewteen Points : Allows the user to draw a Many lines at the same time by
selecting at least three points successively, to draw PolyLines draw a line AB|BC|CD and
ends again with first point i.e. DA where A is the first point

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6. Vector between Two Points : Allows the user to draw a Many lines at the same time by
selecting existed point or by drawing new points.

(4) Special Line Tools : Allows the user to create Special Lines such as Perpendicular
lines, parallel line etc.

1. Perpendicular Line : Allows the user to draw a Perpendicular lines by selecting existed
line. Here Perpendicular lines are the lines that
1. In the same plane
2. Always intersect
3. intersect to form 90 degree(right angle)
4. One line has slope m, other has slope -1/m

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2. Parallel Line: Allows the user to draw a Perallel line by selecting existed line.
Here Parallel Line is line that
1. never intersect.
2. always the same distance apart
3. have the same slope and Symbol is ||
4. e.g. Railroad tracks

3. Perpendicular Bisector : Allows the user to draw a Perpendicular Bisector lines by

selecting existed line.
Bisector means to cut in two equl parts where as Perpendicular means two lines
meet at a right angle.

4. Angle Bisector : Allows the user to draw the Angle Bisector line by selecting existed
line. Angle bisector means cut the angle in two equl parts

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5. Tangent : Allows the user to dereclty draw the tangent of a circle.

6. Polar or Diameter Line : Allows the user to draw Polar of a circle.

7. Best fit Line : Allows the user to best fit Line

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(5) Polygon Tools : Allow the user to draw a specific type of polygons with the help of
verity of Polygon tools.

1. Polygon : (Poly- Many , gon-corners) allows the user to draw a shape with many
corners, a shape that is 2-dimentional(flat), closed, straight sides,
To draw a polygon select atleast three new points or existed points successively
that includes triangle,square,rectangles,haxagones etc.

2. Regular Polygon : allows the user to draw a shape with many corners having sides of
equal length and angles of equl size. By just selecting two points you need to just enter the
number of vertices of a polygon

3. Rigid Polygon : allows the user to draw a shape which cannot be changed means a
shape can’t be pushed to make a different shapes, a triangle is the only rigid polygon.

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4. Vector Polygon : allows the user to draw vector polygon

(6) Circle and Arc Tools : Allow the user to draw a specific type of Circle and arc with the
help of verity of Circle and arc tools.

1. Circle with Center through Point : Allows the user to draw a Circle by drawing a new
point or by selecting existed once which will be the center of the circle.

2. Circle with Center and Radius : Allows the user to draw a Circle by drawing a new
point or by selecting existed once by just entering a radius of circle


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