Proforma Mte 3104 - Decision Mathematics
Proforma Mte 3104 - Decision Mathematics
Proforma Mte 3104 - Decision Mathematics
Course Pro Forma Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian (Matematik Pendidikan Rendah) Course Title Course Code Credit Contact Hours Language Of Delivery Prerequisite To Entry Semester Learning Outcomes Decision Mathematics (Matematik Keputusan) MTE 3104 3(3+0) 45 hours English Nil One/ Two 1. Define the various tools in decision mathematics
Cikgu Madrid
Topic 1 Content Introduction What is Decision Mathematics? Tools in Decision Mathematics Types of searches Linear search algorithm Indexed sequential search algorithm Binary search algorithm Linear Programming Types of Linear Programming problems o Infinitely many solutions o Empty feasible regions o Unbounded feasible regions o Degeneracy o The Simplex Method in Linear Programming Hours 1
Graphs Definitions of graph, edge, degree Types of graphs o simple graph o walk, trail, path, cycle o Hamiltonian cycle o digraph o incidence matrix o planar graph o bipartite graph Networks Kruskals Algorithm Prims Algorithm Dijkstras Algorithm Critical Path Analysis Introduction and definition of Critical Path Analysis The elements of a network diagram : dummies, events, key even, symbols. Constructing a network diagram Analyzing a network diagram Resource Management Algorithms Introduction and definition of Algorithms Ways of communicating algorithms
Cikgu Madrid
Heuristic Algorithms First-fit Algorithm First-fit decreasing Algorithm Full bins Methods of Sorting Interchange sort Bubble sort Shuttle sort Quick sort Total
Coursework Examination
50% 50%
Parramore, K. et. al (2004). Decision Mathematics 1 D1. 3rd ed. UK. British Library Publication. Parramore. K. et. al (2004). Decision Mathematics 2 and C. 3rd ed. UK. British Library Publication.
Additional References
Hebborn , John (2000). Decision mathematics. UK : Paperback. Savage, Sam L. (2002). Decision making with insight. UK : Paperback. Smith, K.J. (2001). The nature of mathematics. 9th ed. CA:Thompson Learning.