Chap 11
Chap 11
Chap 11
Network Optimization
11.1 Introduction
Network optimization is a special type of linear programming model. Network models have three
main advantages over linear programming:
1. They can be solved very quickly. Problems whose linear program would have 1000 rows and
30,000 columns can be solved in a matter of seconds. This allows network models to be used
in many applications (such as real-time decision making) for which linear programming would
be inappropriate.
2. They have naturally integer solutions. By recognizing that a problem can be formulated as
a network program, it is possible to solve special types of integer programs without resorting
to the ineective and time consuming integer programming algorithms.
3. They are intuitive. Network models provide a language for talking about problems that is
much more intuitive than the \variables, objective, and constraints" language of linear and
integer programming.
Of course these advantages come with a drawback: network models cannot formulate the wide
range of models that linear and integer programs can. However, they occur often enough that they
form an important tool for real decision making.
11.2 Terminology
A network or graph consists of points, and lines connecting pairs of points. The points are called
nodes or vertices. The lines are called arcs. The arcs may have a direction on them, in which case
they are called directed arcs. If an arc has no direction, it is often called an edge. If all the arcs in a
network are directed, the network is a directed network. If all the arcs are undirected, the network
is an undirected network.
Two nodes may be connected by a series of arcs. A path is a sequence of distinct arcs (no nodes
repeated) connecting the nodes. A directed path from node i to node j is a sequence of arcs, each of
whose direction (if any) is towards j . An undirected path may have directed arcs pointed in either
A path that begins and ends at the same node is a cycle and may be either directed or undirected.
A network is connected if there exists an undirected path between any pair of nodes. A connected
network without any cycle is called a tree, mainly because it looks like one.
11.3 Examples
There are many examples of using network
ows in practice. Here are a few:
11.3.1 Shortest Paths
Consider a phone network. At any given time, a message may take a certain amount of time to
traverse each line (due to congestion eects, switching delays, and so on). This time can vary greatly
minute by minute and telecommunication companies spend a lot of time and money tracking these
delays and communicating these delays throughout the system. Assuming a centralized switcher
knows these delays, there remains the problem of routing a call so as to minimize the delays. So, in
gure 11.1, what is the least delay path from LA to Boston? How can we nd that path quickly?
1 7 1
7 2
1 2 3
0 8 18 31
i 1 | 10 21
2 | | 12
The problem is to determine at what times the tractor should be replaced (if ever) to minimize the
total costs for tractors. How can this be formulated as a shortest path problem?
11.3. EXAMPLES 137
7 2
2 4
4 4
4 end
start 3
1000 2
10 3000
2000 2
AREAS 4 2000
2500 1
9 7
in an application where goods are at a warehouse, one problem might be to assign customers to
a warehouse so as to meet their demands. In such a case, the warehouses are the sources, the
customers are the destinations, and the costs represent the per{unit transportation costs.
Here is another example of this:
One of the main products of P&T Company is canned peas. The peas are prepared at three
canneries (near Bellingham, Washington; Eugene, Oregon; and Albert Lea, Minnesota) and are then
shipped by truck to four distributing warehouses in Sacremento, California; Salt Lake City, Utah;
Rapid City, South Dakota; and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Because shipping costs are a major
expense, management has begun a study to reduce them. For the upcoming season, an estimate
has been made of what the output will be from each cannery, and how much each warehouse will
require to satisfy its customers. The shipping costs from each cannery to each warehouse has also
been determined. This is summarized in the next table.
You should nd it an easy exercise to model this as a linear program. If we let x be the
ij 0 for all i and j .
This is an example of the transportation model. As has been pointed out, this problem
has a lot of nice structure. All the coecients are 1 and every variable appears in exactly two
constraints. It is this structure that lets the simplex algorithm be specialized into an extremely
ecient algorithm.
What denes a transportation model? In general, the transportation model is concerned with
distributing (literally or guratively) a commodity from a group of supply centers, called sources
to a group of receiving centers, called destinations to minimize total cost.
In general, source i has a supply of s units, and destination j has a demand for d units. The
i j
cost of distributing items from a source to a destination is proportional to the number of units.
This data can be conveniently represented in a table like that for the sample problem.
We will generally assume that the total supply equals the total demand. If this is not true
for a particular problem, dummy sources or destinations can be added to make it true. The text
refers to such a problem as a balanced transportation problem. These dummy centers may have zero
distribution costs, or costs may be assigned to represent unmet supply or demand.
For example, suppose that cannery 3 makes only 75 truckloads. The total supply is now 25
units too little. A dummy supply node can be added with supply 25 to balance the problem, and
the cost from the dummy to each warehouse can be added to represent the cost of not meeting the
warehouse's demand.
The transportation problem has a couple of nice properties:
Feasibility. As long as the supply equals demand, there exists a feasible solution to the
Integrality. If the supplies and demands are integer, every basic solution (including optimal
ones) have integer values. Therefore, it is not necessary to resort to integer programming to nd
integer solutions. Linear programming suces. Note that this does not mean that each destination
will be supplied by exactly one source.
In the pea shipping example, a basic solution might be to ship 20 truckloads from cannery 1
to warehouse 2 and the remaining 55 to warehouse 4, 80 from cannery 2 to warehouse 1 and 45 to
warehouse 2 and, nally, 70 truckloads from cannery 3 to warehouse 3 and 30 to warehouse 4. Even
though the linear programming formulation of the pea shipping example has seven constraints other
than nonnegativity, a basic solution has only six basic variables! This is because the constraints
are linearly dependent: the sum of the rst three is identical to the sum of the last four. As a
consequence, the feasible region dened by the constraints would remain the same if we only kept
six of them. In general, a basic solution to the transportation model will have a number of basic
variables equal to the number of sources plus the number of destinations minus one.
Exercise 79 Formulate the following production problem as a transportation model. The demands
for a given item are 150, 250, 200 units for the next three months. The demand may be satised
excess production in an earlier month held in stock for later consumption,
production in the current month,
excess production in a later month backordered for preceding months.
The variable production cost per unit in any month is $6.00. A unit produced for later consumption
will incur a storage cost at the rate of $1 per unit per month. On the other hand, backordered
items incur a penalty cost of $3.00 per unit per month. The production capacity in each of the
next three months is 200 units. The objective is to devise a minimum cost production plan.
Exercise 80 Avertz RentaCar needs to redeploy its automobiles to correct imbalances in the
system. Currently Avertz has too many cars in New York (with 10 cars excess) and Chicago (12
cars excess). Pittsburgh would like up to 6 cars, Los Angeles up to 14 cars, and Miami up to 7 cars
(note that more cars are demanded than are available). The cost of transporting a car from one
city to another is given by:
Pittsburgh Los Angeles Miami
New York 50 250 100
Chicago 25 200 125
(a) Formulate this problem as a transportation problem. Clearly give the nodes and arcs. For
each node, give the supply or demand at the node. For each arc, give the cost. Assume that unmet
demand at a city has no cost but that no city can end up with excess cars.
11.3. EXAMPLES 141
(b) It turns out that unmet demand costs $50/car in Pittsburgh, $75/car in LA, and $100/car
in Miami. Update your transportation formulation in (a) to account for this change.
11.3.4 Assignment Problem
A special case of the transportation problem is the assignment problem which occurs when each
supply is 1 and each demand is 1. In this case, the integrality implies that every supplier will be
assigned one destination and every destination will have one supplier. The costs give the charge
for assigning a supplier and destination to each other.
Example 11.3.1 A company has three new machines of dierent types. There are four dierent
plants that could receive the machines. Each plant can only receive one machine, and each machine
can only be given to one plant. The expected prot that can be made by each plant if assigned a
machine is as follows:
1 2 3 4
1 13 16 12 11
Machine 2 15 0 13 20
3 5 7 10 6
This is a transportation problem with all supplies and demands equal to 1, so it is an assignment
Note that a balanced problem must have the same number of supplies and demands, so we must
add a dummy machine (corresponding to receiving no machine) and assign a zero cost for assigning
the dummy machine to a plant.
Exercise 81 Albert, Bob, Carl, and David are stranded on a desert island with Elaine, Francine,
Gert, and Holly. The \compatibility measures" in the next table indicate the happiness each couple
would experience if they spent all their time together. If a couple spends only a partial amount of
time together, then the happiness is proportional to the fraction of time spent. So if Albert and
Elaine spend half their time together, they earn happiness of 7/2.
A 7 5 8 2
B 7 8 9 4
C 3 5 7 9
D 5 5 6 7
(a) Let x be the fraction of time that man i spends with woman j . Formulate a linear program
that maximizes the total happiness of the island (assume that no man spends time with any other
man, no woman spends time with any other woman, and no one spends time alone).
(b) Explain why exactly four x will be 1 and the rest will be 0 in an optimal solution to this
linear program. This result is called the Marriage Theorem for obvious reasons.
(c) Do you think that this theorem will hold if we allow men to spend time with men and women
to spend time with women?
: net
ow generated at .
bi i
0 if is a demand node,
bi < i
= 0 if is a transshipment node.
bi i
The objective is to minimize the total cost of sending the supply through the network to satisfy
the demand.
Note that for this model, it is not necessary that every arc exists. We will use the convention
that summations are only taken over arcs that exist. The linear programming formulation for this
problem is: PP x
Minimize P c Pi j ij ij
Again, we will assume that the network is balanced, so b = 0, since dummies can be added
i i
as needed. We also still have a nice integrality property. If all the b and u are integral, then the
i ij
Now you have a minimum cost
ow problem. Add c l to the objective after solving
ij ij
2. Upper bounds on
ow through a node. Replace the node i with nodes i0 and i00. Create
an arc from i0 to i00 with the appropriate capacity, and cost 0. Replace every arc (j; i)
with one from j to i0 and every arc (i; j ) with one from i00 to j . Lower bounds can also
be handled this way.
3. Convex, piecewise linear costs on arc
ows (for minimization). This is handled by in-
troducing multiple arcs between the nodes, one for each portion of the piecewise linear
function. The convexity will assure that costs are handled correctly in an optimal solu-
Can't do
1. Fixed cost to use a node.
2. Fixed cost to use an arc.
3. \Proportionality of
ow." That is, if one unit enters node i, then you insist that .5 units
go to node j and .5 to node k.
4. Gains and losses of
ow along arcs, as in power distribution.
Note that although these cannot be done in a single network, it may be possible to use the
solutions to multiple networks to give you an answer. For instance, if there is only one arc
with a xed cost, you can solve both with and without the arc to see if it is advantageous to
pay the xed cost.
Exercise 82 Here is an example of a problem that doesn't look like a network
ow problem, but
it really is:
A company must meet the following demands for cash at the beginning of each of the next six
Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
Needs $200 $100 $50 $80 $160 $140
At the beginning of month 1, the company has $150 in cash and $200 worth of bond 1, $100
worth of bond 2 and $400 worth of bond 3. Of course, the company will have to sell some bonds to
meet demands, but a penalty will be charged for any bonds sold before the end of month 6. The
penalties for selling $1 worth of each bond are shown in the table below.
Month of sale
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 $0.07 $0.06 $0.06 $0.04 $0.03 $0.03
Bond 2 $0.17 $0.17 $0.17 $0.11 $0 $0
3 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0.33 $0
(a) Assuming that all bills must be paid on time, formulate a balanced transportation problem
that can be used to minimize the cost of meeting the cash demands for the next six months.
(b) Assume that payment of bills can be made after they are due, but a penalty of $0.02 per month
is assessed for each dollar of cash demands that is postponed for one month. Assuming all
bills must be paid by the end of month 6, develop a transshipment model that can be used
to minimize the cost of paying the next six months' bills.
[ Hint: Transshipment points are needed, in the form C = cash available at beginning of
month t after bonds for month t have been sold, but before month t demand is met. Shipments
into C occur from bond sales and C ,1. Shipments out of C occur to C +1 and demands for
t t t t
months 1; 2; : : : ; t.]
Exercise 83 Oil R' Us has oil elds in San Diego and Los Angeles. The San Diego eld can
produce up to 500,000 barrels per day (bpd); Los Angeles can produce up to 400,000 bpd. Oil
is sent to a renery, either in Dallas or Houston. It costs $700 to rene 100,000 bpd in Dallas
and $900 to rene 100,000 bpd in Houston. The rened oil is then shipped to either Chicago or
New York. Chicago requires exactly 400,000 bpd and New York requires exactly 300,000 bpd. The
shipping costs (per 100,000 bpd) are given as follows:
Dallas Houston New York Chicago
LA $300 $110 | |
San Diego $420 $100 | |
Dallas | | $450 $550
Houston | | $470 $530
(a) Formulate this problem as a minimum cost
ow problem. Clearly give the network. Give
the cost and capacity on each arc and the net supply requirement on each node.
(b) Suppose Dallas could process no more than 300,000 bpd. How would you modify your
Exercise 84 A company produces a single product at two plants, A and B. A customer demands
12 units of the product this month, and 20 units of the product next month. Plant A can produce
7 items per month. It costs $12 to produce each item at A this month and $18 to produce at A
next month. Plant B can produce 14 items per month. It costs $14 to produce each item at B this
month and $20 to produce each item at B next month. Production from this month can be held in
inventory to satisfy next month's demand at a cost of $3/unit.
(a) Formulate the problem of determining the least cost way of meeting demand as a balanced
transportation problem. Give the costs and node supplies, and describe the interpretation of each
node and arc.
(b) Suppose no more than six items can be held in inventory between this month and next
month. Formulate the resulting problem as a minimum cost
ow problem. Draw the network, give
the interpretation for each node and arc, and give the supply/demand at each node and the cost
and capacity for each arc.
these gains and loses. For instance, if 3 units of
ow enter an arc with a multiplier of .5, then 1.5
unit of
ow exit the arc. Such a model can still be represented as a linear program, and there are
specialized techniques that can solve such models much faster than linear programming (but a bit
slower than regular network
ow problems). The optimal solution need not be integer however.
The standard example of a generalized network is in power generation: as electricty moves over
wires, there is some unavoidable loss along the way. This loss is represented as a mutliplier. Here
is another example on how generalized networks might be used:
Consider the world's currency market. Given two currencies, say the Yen and the USDollar,
there is an exchange rate between them (currently about 110 Yen to the Dollar). It is axiomatic of
a arbitrage-free market that there is no method of converting, say, a Dollar to Yen then to Deutsch
Marks, to Francs, then Pounds, and to Dollars so that you end up with more than a dollar. How
would you recognize when there is an arbitrage possibility?
For this model, we use a node to represent each currency. An arc between currency i and j
gives the exchange rate from i to j . We begin with a single dollar and wish to send
ow through
the network and maximize the amount we generate back at the USDollar node. This can be drawn
as in gure 11.5.
.6659 .013493
.1966 111.52
5.0852 .008966
11.6 Conclusions
One class can only provide a bare introduction to this area. The points we would like you to take
away are:
1) Networks are an important subclass of linear programs that are intuitive, easy to solve, and
have nice integrality properties.
2) Problems that might not look like networks might be networks.
3) Networks provide a useful way to think about problems even if there are additional constraints
or variables that preclude use of networks for modeling the whole problem.
In practice, you would generally save using the fastest network codes until the nal implemen-
tation phase. Until then, linear programming codes will tend to be suciently fast to prove the