Introduction To The Course
Introduction To The Course
Introduction To The Course
• Dynamic Programming
• Unbounded Knapsack
• 0/1 Knapsack
• Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition By Thomas H. Cormen,
Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein.
• Published: April 5, 2022
Grading Criteria
• Quiz 1 (Before Mid) 15%
• Mid Exam 30%
• Quiz 2 (After Mid) 15%
• Final Exam 40%
4 Major Parts of the Course
1. Mathematical Tools: necessary for the analysis of algorithms. This will focus on
asymptotic, summations, recurrences.
2. Sorting: this will focus on different strategies for sorting and use this problem
as a case-study in different techniques for designing and analysing algorithms.
3. Collection of various algorithmic problems and solution techniques: Dynamic
programming, greedy strategy, graphs.
4. Introduction to the theory of NP-completeness: NP-Complete (non-
deterministic polynomial-time complete) problems are those for which no
efficient algorithms are known, but no one knows for sure whether efficient
solutions might exist. These algorithms give solutions in a very long time.
For example, your boss gives you the problem and ask to solve it in an hour.
how can you justify that the problem is not solvable in one hour using NP-
Course Objectives
• Analyse the worst-case running time of an algorithm as a function of
input size
• Solve Recurrence relations
• Understand and implement Divide and Conquer strategy
• Understand the concepts of Dynamic programming
• Understand the concepts of Greedy Algorithm
• Understand the concepts of Graph traversing
• Understand and explain basics of Complexity theory
• We will use math a lot in this course.
• This course is all about how to design good algorithms.
• Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) course dealt with how to design
good data structures.
• This is not really an independent issue because the fastest algorithms
are fast because they use fast data structures, and vice versa.
• We said in DSA that using a good data structure helps to improve the
performance of the program.
• So, a good data structure is base of a good algorithm.
• In this course, we will not focus on data structure, but our primary
focus is to design efficient algorithm.
• The fact is that many of the courses in computer science deal with
efficient algorithms and data structures.
• In general, the whole Computer Science domain is based on the data
structures and algorithms.
• A good understanding of algorithm design is a central element to a
good understanding of computer science and computer
• This course is the base for the other primary courses like Compiler
Construction, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep
Learning, Operating Systems, Database Management Systems etc.
What is Algorithm?
• An algorithm is any well-defined computational procedure that takes
some values, or set of values, as input and produces some value, or
set of values, as output.
• An algorithm is thus a sequence of finite computational steps that
transform the input into output.
• It is like a mathematical function e.g., 𝑓𝑓(𝑛𝑛).
• A good understanding of algorithms is essential for programming.
• However, unlike a program, an algorithm is a mathematical entity.
• Algorithm is independent of a specific programming language,
machine, or compiler.
• Algorithm design is about mathematical theory behind the design of
good programs.
• Algorithm is independent to programming language.
• Algorithm is Independent to the Computer hardware.
Criteria of the Efficiency of an Algorithm
• In order to design good algorithms, we must first agree on the
criterion for measuring algorithms.
• The emphasis is on the design of efficient algorithm.
• How an algorithm is good, efficient? What means good? We need a
mathematical proof.
• We will measure algorithms in terms of the amount of computational
resources that the algorithm requires:
• Running Time
• Memory
• We want the analysis to be as independent as possible of the
variations in machine, operating system, compiler, or programming
• Unlike programs, algorithms are to be understood primarily by people
and not machines.
• Thus, gives us quite a bit of flexibility in how we present our
algorithms, and many low-level details may be omitted.
Model of Computation
• In order to say anything meaningful about our algorithms, it will be
important for us to settle on a mathematical model of computation.
• Ideally this model should be a reasonable abstraction of a standard
generic single-processor machine.
• We call this model a random-access machine or RAM.