Checklist: Environment, Health and Safety
Checklist: Environment, Health and Safety
Checklist: Environment, Health and Safety
Is there evidence personnel are required to remain on site for the required periods following
decompression including medical lock attendants and compressor attendants, and other required
maintenance personnel? Note: During this period the personnel can undertake light duties only,
which would include showering and changing.
Is there evidence that following work in compressed air all hyperbaric operatives wear a suitable
badge / label indicating that they are compressed air workers for 24 hours, as required by the BOCW
Is there evidence that interventions are only carried out in one tunnel area of the project at any one
13 Time? Note: Concurrent interventions will not be allowed.
Is there evidence the extraction of an injured person through the air lock system is practiced by
14 hyperbaric operatives on site prior to any intervention?
Is there evidence that prior to any intervention the Tunnel Manager reviews the required work
together with the expected ground conditions, face pressures, air losses, surface, features and local
Is there evidence the following safety procedures are applied to works within the chamber including:-
• Use of the working platforms and access equipment supplied
• Use of fall protection equipment where necessary
• Use of the special equipment provided for handling disc cutters
• The key to the remote cutter head panel remains with the operating crew, key lock-out procedure to
be in place.
17 • Permanent communication is maintained with the Lock attendant
• Use of the service ports provided and do not trail service connections through the access doors
• Use of the emergency lock for emergency personnel access only. Note: Tools and materials to be
sent through the materials lock.
• Personnel locks are kept clean at all times and personnel are to change clothing prior to
oxygen decompression.
Is there evidence all Lock Attendants and Medical Lock Attendants are trained in first aid and
qualified to carry out compressions, decompressions both on the TBM and therapeutic
recompressions in the Medical Lock?
Is there evidence of a person responsible for the condition and maintenance of the surface plant
19 including testing and certification of equipment as required.
20 Other comments?