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Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144

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Construction and Building Materials

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Pressured recycled gypsum plaster and wastes: Characteristics

of eco-friendly building components
Rodrigo H. Geraldo a,b, Janaína D. Souza a, Sofia C. Campos a, Luiz F.R. Fernandes a,c, Gladis Camarini a,d,⇑
School of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban Design, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Rua Saturnino de Brito, 224, Campinas, São Paulo CEP 13083-889, Brazil
Sorocaba Engineering School (FACENS), Rodovia Senador José Ermírio de Moraes, 1425, Castelinho km 1,5, Alto da Boa Vista, Sorocaba, São Paulo CEP 18087-125, Brazil
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas (IFSULDEMINAS), Praça Tiradentes, 416, Inconfidentes, Minas Gerais CEP 37576-000, Brazil
University Center of Minas South (UNIS), Avenida Alzira Barra Gazzola, 650, Bairro Aeroporto, Varginha, Minas Gerais CEP 37031-099, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 Gypsum plaster (commercial – CGP and recycled – RGP) was mixtured with waste.
 Uniaxial loading-pressure was applied to mold the specimens.
 Results show good mechanical performance of CGP or RGP with waste.
 Loading-pressure specimen is a good technique to precast bricks and blocks.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this paper is to study some characteristics of a component to buildings made with gyp-
Received 2 June 2017 sum plaster (commercial – CGP and recycled – RGP), and wastes (red ceramic – RC and porcelain – PW)
Received in revised form 25 January 2018 by loading-pressure. Bricks were prepared with a solid mass composition containing 50% (by weight) of
Accepted 27 September 2018
binder, 50% (by weight) of waste, and very small water/dried powder ratio (0.22). Specimens were
Available online 9 October 2018
molded with uniaxial loading-pressure (10 kN) before setting times. Compressive and flexural strengths,
porosity, and microstructure were evaluated. The compressive results were in the range of 12.3 and
33.9 MPa, higher than the minimum required by Brazilian Standards to building components
Gypsum plaster
Recycled gypsum plaster
(2.5 MPa). The low water/solid mass ratio and the uniaxial loading-pressure before setting times con-
Gypsum plaster waste tribute to decreasing the porosity, which was shown in the dense microstructure. The obtained results
Composite show that these components present a good quality building component.
Red ceramic waste Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Porcelain waste

1. Introduction Gypsum plaster (calcium sulfate hemihydrate) is a material lar-

gely employed in civil construction. It is produced by the calcina-
Building components production, such as those based in cement tion of the mineral gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate) in low
Portland and red ceramic, consumes energy and pollutes the envi- temperatures related to other binders. The gypsum plaster can also
ronment [1]. The use of wastes on alternative materials for build- be produced from recycling natural gypsum and/or synthetic gyp-
ing components can provide products of quality with lower costs sum, such as phosphogypsum from the production of phosphoric
and energy consumption [2]. acid, FDG gypsum from power plant flue gas desulfurization units,
Some studies already reported the feasibility to make compos- fluorogypsum from hydrofluoric acid industry and others [7–10].
ites with gypsum plaster and waste materials [3–6]. Based on these In the calcination process, the dihydrate loses water to become
findings, this study used two different industrial wastes in mix- hemihydrate [11,12]. When the hemihydrate is in contact with
tures made with commercial and recycled gypsum plaster: red water the hydration and the crystallization process occur and the
ceramic waste (RC) and porcelain waste (PW). material harden and acquires strength [13].
The gypsum plaster can be considered as a low energy
environmental-friendly binder [14]. The calcination temperature
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban for gypsum plaster production is low, in the range of 125 °C –
Design, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Rua Saturnino de Brito, 224, Campinas,
180 °C, it loses water vapor and the carbon dioxide emissions come
São Paulo CEP 13083-889, Brazil.
from the kiln heat [12].
E-mail address: camarini@fec.unicamp.br (G. Camarini).

0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144 137

A large amount of gypsum plaster waste (GPW) is generated CGP was used without any pretreatment. RGP was obtained
during the production and application of gypsum plaster in civil from GPW generated by local construction sites. GPW was col-
construction. GPW is a non-inert material with potential to con- lected, sun-dried to remove the moisture, and manually crushed
taminate the groundwater [15]. The sulfate in landfills can be con- with a rubber hammer. Thereafter, the material was grinding
verted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) under anaerobic conditions which through a hammer mill crusher with 80% of the passing particles
can cause odor problems to landfill employers or surrounding res- lower than 0.297 mm. The resultant powder was homogenized
idents, and also pipe corrosion [16]. and calcined in a stationary kiln at a constant temperature
GPW can be reused or recycled, having similar performance (150 °C ± 5 °C) for 1 h. After calcination, the powder material was
than the original gypsum plaster [7,17]. GPW calcination demands homogenized again and RGP was ready to be used.
low energy consumption. Suárez et al. [18] showed that the energy Table 1 shows the chemical composition and the physical char-
spent on gypsum recycling process is 65% lower than the one con- acteristics of CGP, RGP, RC, and PW. Figs. 1 and 2 show the particle
sumed to obtain natural gypsum. Camarini et al. [19] showed that size distribution and the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the
when properly calcined, the energy consumption to GPW recycling materials, respectively.
(447.12 kcal/tonne) is similar to natural gypsum production The chemical composition was obtained by X-ray Fluorescence
(439.65 kcal/tonne). (XRF). The analysis were conducted with a wavelength dispersive
Ceramic materials are produced by the mixture of clay, sand X-ray spectrometer (Shimadzu XRF 1800). Particle size distribution
and other natural materials which are fired in the range of and bulk density were made according to [33], and specific gravity
1000 °C – 1250 °C to make bricks and tiles. They represent a large according to [34].
volume of the total construction and demolition wastes generated XRD patterns were collected in a Philips Analytical X-ray
worldwide [20,21]. Red ceramic waste (RC) is generated during (model X’Pert-MPD) with Cu-Ka radiation (1.54060 Å), 40 kV,
production and using bricks and tiles in buildings. The landfill dis- 40 mA, and in the 2h range of 10–60°. Inorganic Crystal Structure
posal of RC is still common [21,22]. Only in Brazil, the annual gen- Database (ICSD) was used to identify the crystalline phases.
eration of RC is estimated at 6.5 million tonnes/year [23]. The chemical composition of CGP and RGP did not show signif-
Porcelain waste (PW) used in this study comes from electric icant differences and the main compounds are SO3 and CaO. The
insulator wastes. Globally, there is a high demand by electric insu- wastes main compounds are SiO2 and Al2O3. After the recycling
lator and a large quantity of waste is generated, which is mainly process, the chemical characteristics of gypsum plasters are similar
composed of porcelain [24,25]. PW is a dense and hard material, to the commercial ones, with changes in some physical properties
and the correct final disposal is an important issue for producer
industries [26,27]. The generation of PW in Brazil is in order of
25,000 tonnes/year, and in Japan, only one industry generated Table 1
3700 tonnes in 2015 [28,29]. Compositions and physical properties of CGP, RGP, RC, and PW.
The use of the wastes as raw materials contributes to the sus- Elemental composition (%) CGP RGP RC PW
tainable development and decreases natural resources consump-
SiO2 0.15 0.15 63.50 71.71
tion [30]. RC and PW were already employed in the production Al2O3 0.08 0.05 12.06 13.62
of building materials. Studies reported the use of RC as a pozzolan K2O 0.05 0.04 6.21 5.47
addition in Portland cement and in alkali-activated binder, and as Fe2O3 0.05 0.02 10.94 2.06
TiO2 – – 1.49 0.57
fine and coarse aggregate in concrete [20,28,31,32].
MgO 0.02 0.06 1.55 0.24
San-Antonio-González et al. [5] reported the feasibility of pro- P2O5 0.71 0.74 0.89 0.81
ducing gypsum plaster composites incorporating RC. The authors CaO 27.04 27.80 1.18 1.59
obtained materials for interior cladding walls with properties Na2O 0.54 0.80 – 0.46
(mechanical strength, hardness, and capillary water absorption) SO3 60.79 62.07 – –
LOI 10.33 8.00 1.66 3.00
that reached the minimum requirements established by Standards
Others 0.24 0.27 0.52 0.47
to be applied in buildings. Physical properties
The present work studied some properties of building materials Specific gravity (kg/m3) 2610 2570 2650 2550
made with commercial and recycled gypsum plasters, RC, and PW Bulk density (kg/m3) 648 280 1120 1097
by loading-pressure. While previous studies reported the produc- CGP = commercial gypsum plaster, RGP = recycled gypsum plaster, RC = red ceramic
tion of building materials made with commercial gypsum plaster waste, PW = porcelain waste
and wastes, the present paper tested the use of wastes also with
recycled gypsum plaster. The materials were produced by the
application of uniaxial loading-pressure before the initial setting
and some properties, such as compressive and flexural strengths,
porosity, TG/DTA, and microstructure were investigated.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials

The materials used in the study were commercial gypsum plas-

ter (CGP), recycled gypsum plaster (RGP), RC, PW, and water from
the municipal supply.
RC used in the study is composed of grounded red ceramic tiles
waste. The material was used without any pretreatment. PW was
obtained from a Brazilian insulator industry. The material was
crushed, milled until obtaining a fine powder, sieved (95% passed
on a 45 lm sieve), homogenized, and stored in a sealed container. Fig. 1. Sieve analysis.
138 R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144

CGP = commercial gypsum plaster, RGP = recycled gypsum plaster, RC = red ceramic waste,
PW = porcelain waste.
A = albite; B = bassanite; G = gypsum; M = mullite; Q = quartz; R = rutile; S = sillimanite
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of CGP, RGP, RC, and PW.

Table 2
Mixtures design of samples produced by the application of uniaxial loading-pressure before the initial setting.

Mixture Solid mass composition (wt%) W/SM Maximum load (kg)

CGP 100 – – – 0.22 1000
RGP 100 – – –
CPG + RC 50 – 50 –
CGP + PW 50 – – 50
RGP + RC – 50 50 –
RGP + PW – 50 – 50

CGP = commercial gypsum plaster; RGP = recycled gypsum plaster; RC = red ceramic waste; PW = porcelain insulator waste; W/SM = water/solid mass ratio.

of the recycled material. The bulk density of CGP is more than 2 binder and waste in mass percentage had better workability and
times higher than the RGP. the specimens did not have cracks.
XRD of RC and PW show three different phases. RC has the crys- A third trial was made with 25% (wt%) of binder and 75% (wt%)
talline phases: quartz (PDF# 01-085-0457 46-1045), albite (PDF# of waste (solid mass). The mixture had a very low compressive
01-071-1151 10-393), and rutile (PDF# 16-934). PW had the strength and the specimens fragmented with handling.
phases: quartz (PDF# 01-085-0457 46-1045), sillimanite (PDF# The mixtures of the first and third trials were discharged and
01-074-0274 38-471), and mullite (PDF# 01-073-1389 15-776). the work was continued with the mixture proportion of the second
CGP has bassanite (PDF# 01-083-0439 41-224), and RGP has bas- trial, which is composed of 50% (wt%) of binder and 50% (wt%) of
sanite and a small peak of gypsum (PDF# 01-086-0944 36-432) waste, considering the solid mass. The specimens were molded
observed at 11.5° 2h. with a water/solid mass ratio of 0.22, a value close to the minimum
required to gypsum plaster hydration that is about 17% (wt%) [35].
2.2. Experimental mixtures The water/solid mass ratio was also established after some trials
with different ratios. The objective was to use the lowest ratio, cap-
Different proportions of the binder and waste were initially able to completely hydrate the gypsum plaster and provide the
investigated. The best experimental mixture was obtained by some required workability to mold the specimens. Table 2 shows the
trials. mixture compositions and the identifications of the samples.
The first trial was 75% (by weight) (wt%) of binder and 25% (wt Fig. 3 shows the specimens production process, which is com-
%) of waste (solid mass). The mixture resulted in high compressive posed of five different steps: A) the powders in dry state (gyp-
strength, but it had low workability (the pastes stick on molding sum + waste) were mixture and homogenized; B) part of the
apparatus) and after drying, the specimens had cracks. mixing water was applied on a sponge on the bottom of the mold;
In order to improve the workability and eliminate the cracks, it C) the dry and homogenized mixture was powdered on the sponge;
was made a second trial with 50% (wt%) of binder and 50% (wt%) of D) remained water was added and the specimens were molded by
waste (solid mass). This mixture containing the same quantity of uniaxial loading-pressure until reach the maximum specified load
R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144 139

CGP = commercial gypsum plaster, RGP = recycled gypsum plaster, RC = red
ceramic waste, PW = porcelain waste.
Fig. 3. Steps of specimen production.

of 10 kN; E) the samples were demolded and cured at ambient con- mined with the Vicat apparatus according to Brazilian Standard
ditions until testing ages (average temperature of 25 °C ± 5 °C and [36]. The setting was counted from the mixture of powder and
relative humidity of 60%). In Fig. 3F is shown a sample of the pro- water. The test was made with a water/solid mass ratio of 0.6 (nec-
duced brick. essary to achieve some workability to mold the sample). For this
The uniaxial loading-pressure was made by a hydraulic press test, the samples were manually prepared (with no loading-
(Marconi MPH10S with 100 kN capacity). It was used a mold with pressure).
thick wall and a force to mold the specimens.

2.3.2. Compressive and flexural strengths

2.3. Methods Compressive and flexural strengths were performed at the ages
of 7, 28, and 56 days (Versa Tester machine, maximum load of 150
2.3.1. Setting times kN).
To understand how the waste addition could affect the binder Prismatic specimens (30 mm width x 30 mm thickness x
setting, the initial and final setting times of the blends were deter- 100 mm length) were molded for compressive strength test. The
140 R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144

compressive strength was evaluated in both specimen edges (two rate of 10 °C.min1 was used from room temperature to 1000 °C
results for each brick) by dividing the maximum load by the under a nitrogen flow of 50 mL.min1. TG and DTG curves were
applied load area. plotted on the calcined sample mass basis to compare results on
Prismatic specimens (30 mm width x 15 mm thickness x a same composition basis. This analysis can contribute to under-
100 mm length) were molded for flexural strength test. There is standing if the RC and PI could have any react with gypsum or only
no Brazilian Standard for gypsum flexural strength analysis of this acts as filler materials.
kind of specimen. So, the tests followed the ASTM C 78-02 [37] that Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by secondary electron
allows using this specimen dimension to the test. Thus, flexural images of some specimens were obtained (SEM-EDX LEO Electron
strength was obtained by the three-point-bending test, and the Microscopy/Oxford 440i with 20 kV and 100 pA). The samples
distance of the supporting cylinders was 84.68 mm. were analysed with 7 days and they were coated with gold before
The results of flexural and compressive strengths were statically SEM observations. A specimen produced in the conventional way
analyzed by multiple comparisons of averages. (no pressing charge) containing a water/gypsum plaster ratio of
The tests made were: analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Scott- 0.6 was also observed by SEM. This specimen was made to observe
Knott multiple comparison test with a 95% confidence limit to the microstructure differences between specimens with and with-
compare the group of means. Scott-Knott test was applied using out uniaxial loading-pressure.
the SisvarÒ software.
ANOVA test results are necessary to show that there is a signif-
icant difference among the data set considering compressive or 3. Results and discussions
flexural strength results.
Scott-Knott test was applied to compare the group of means. 3.1. Setting times
The method has the advantage of separating the averages into dis-
crete groups, without superimposing them. In this work, the Scott- Fig. 4 presents the setting time results of the gypsum mixtures.
Knott data are the medium values of flexural and compressive From these results it was observed that RC and PW retard the set-
strengths obtained from the specimens at different ages. In this ting times. The results are in accordance with those obtained by
test, no mean can belong to more than one group; the test determi- Khalil et al. [4].
nes the constitution of different groups, whenever significance is The longer setting times in samples with RC or PW occur
found in ANOVA. The Scott-Knott test interpretation consists of let- because the mixtures have less quantity of binder to react with
ters distribution (upper case and lower case) organized according water and thus the reaction develops slower. The total increase
to the original group of treatments. Same upper case letters or of setting times was so calculated and the results are shown in
lower case letters indicate similar statistics results. Table 3.
Table 3 data shows that the waste addition affects more the CGP
2.3.3. Total water absorption and voids setting development than the RGP one. In both gypsum types, the
The effect of loading-pressure and wastes addition in porosity, RC increased the setting time at a higher rate than PW. In all of the
total water absorption and voids were evaluated as follows. At
the age of 28 days, the specimens were oven-dried (40 °C ± 2 °C)
for 120 h and after air-cooling to room temperature, the dry weight
was obtained (Dm). Thereafter, the specimens were immersed in
water (23 °C ± 2 °C) for 3 h in a container with a vacuum pump
installed to remove the entrapped air and accelerate the process,
since the gypsum plaster does not resist long period immersed in
water. The saturated mass of the specimens immersed in water
(Sb) was obtained using a hydrostatic scale. Then, the specimens
were removed from the water and their surfaces were dried with
a cloth and weighted, obtaining the saturated mass (Sm).
Total water absorption (Wa) and voids (Vo) were calculated by
Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively.
Wa ¼ 100ðSm  Dm Þ=Dm ð1Þ

Vo ¼ 100ðSm  Dm Þ=ðSm  Sb Þ ð2Þ

where: Wa = total water absorption (%); Vo = voids (%);
Dm = oven-dried mass of the specimen (kg); Sb = saturated mass of Fig. 4. Setting times results of gypsum and waste mixtures with water/gypsum
the specimen immersed in water (kg); and Sm = saturated mass of plaster ratio of 0.6 and no pressing.
the specimen (kg).
The tests were performed on prismatic specimens (30 mm x
30 mm x 100 mm). The result is the average of three specimens Table 3
of each composition. Specimens were produced in the conven- Increase in setting times results of samples with waste when compared to the
respective gypsum plaster samples (CGP or RGP).
tional way (no pressing charges) using a cubic mold (50 mm x
50 mm x 50 mm) and a water/gypsum plaster ratio of 0.6. These Mixture Increase in setting time (%)
were made to compare the effect of uniaxial loading-pressure on Initial Final
porosity characteristics. CGP + RC 92 60
CGP + PW 67 52
2.3.4. TG/DTG analysis and SEM observations RGP + RC 55 9
To observe possible chemical changes in experimental mix- RGP + PW 23 9

tures, the thermal behavior was determined on about 15 mg using CGP = commercial gypsum plaster; RGP = recycled gypsum plaster; RC = red cera-
a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA-50 M Shimadzu). A heating mic waste; PW = porcelain insulator waste; W/SM = water/solid mass ratio.
R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144 141

mixtures the effect was more sensitive to initial than final setting Table 4
times. In the mixtures with recycled gypsum plaster and waste Scott-Knott test with 5% of significance.

(RGP + RC and RGP + PW) the final setting times were very close Mixture Age (days)
to those presented by the mixture made only with recycled gyp- 7 28 56
sum plaster (RGP). In this case, the waste addition resulted in an
Compressive strength
increase of the setting time of only 9%. CGP 26.1 a A 33.9b A 29.98c A
As expected, the recycled gypsum plaster sets faster than the CGP + RC 15.2 a B 16.0 a B 18.82b B
commercial one [38]. Setting time is an important parameter for CGP + PW 14.1 a B 14.3 a B 14.9 a C
building components industries. The fast setting is desirable RGP 14.5 a B 14.9 a B 13.2 a C
RGP + RC 15.2 a B 16.0 a B 18.8b B
because it allows a higher stability in a short period of time,
RGP + PW 16.2 a B 12.3b B 14.8 a C
increasing the productivity. The low water/solid mass ratio used
in components molded by uniaxial loading-pressure contributes Row data: the same lowercase letters indicate similar statistical results (strength
evolution with curing time).
to a faster gypsum plaster setting. Gypsum plaster building compo-
Column data: the same uppercase letters indicate similar statistical results
nents made in the conventional way require more water for work- (strength values among the groups).
ability during production, which result in longer setting times [35].

3.2. Mechanical properties The specimens that contain RC had better performance than
those made with PW in all proposed mixtures at the age of 56 days.
3.2.1. Compressive strength All the mixtures had low variations on strengths with age. The 28-
Fig. 5 shows the compressive strength results. The statistical day compressive strengths were between 12.3 MPa and 33.9 MPa.
analysis by Scott-Knott test was applied to compare the group of The compressive strength results of all mixtures were higher than
means at different ages (Table 4). the minimum required for some building components: ceramic
The Scott-Knott data are composed of the mean values of com- bricks (1.5 MPa), soil cement bricks (2.0 MPa) and concrete
pressive and flexural strengths obtained from the specimens at dif- block (2.5 MPa). The results are also higher than the minimum
ferent ages. In the rows, the same lower case letters indicate value required by Brazilian Standard for gypsum plaster that
similar statistical results (strength evolution with age). In the col- is 8.4 MPa [39]. These results indicate a possible application of
umn, the same upper case letters indicate similar statistical results these mixtures for interior cladding walls, partition walls, plates
(strength values among the groups). The same letter can be upper- for ceiling, and other precast components.
case or lowercase and they are used to differentiate operations. For Compressive strength results of RGP + RC at 28 days were
e.g., the letter ‘‘A” (uppercase letter) and the letter ‘‘a” (lowercase slightly higher to those achieved by San-Antonio-González et al.
letter) are used only to differentiate operations. The important [5] with gypsum composites containing RC and made with com-
thing is to use the same encoding in all tables for an easy mercial gypsum plaster (CGP).
interpretation. The ANOVA test to compressive strength results (F 23.73, P-
CGP had the highest results for flexural and compressive value 3.01-5 and F crit 3.325) shows that there is a significant dif-
strengths at all ages. CGP had higher mechanical properties than ference among the data set (P-value  0.05 and Fcrit < F).
RGP, which was also observed by Bardella and Camarini [17] in Considering the Scott-Knott test for compressive strength, the
pastes molded with no loading-pressure charge. results showed low changes with time (lower case letters in the
The addition of wastes decreased the compressive strength of rows). The samples CGP + PW, GGP + RC, RGP, RGP + PW, and
CGP specimens. At the age of 28 days, the compressive strength RGP + RC reached similar statistical values at 7 and 28 days, which
of CPG + RC and CPG + PW decreased 52.7% and 58.3%, respectively, indicate no strength development over time. In CGP + PW and RGP
when compared to CGP. These results are in accordance with Eires mixtures the maximum compressive strength was already
et al. [3] and San-Antonio-González et al. [5], which also reported achieved in 7 days.
the strength loss with the addition of waste in gypsum plaster The statistical results between the tested groups confirm that
composites production. the wastes decreased the compressive strength of the specimens
The results show that RGP did not have a significant strength made with CGP. However, the addition of RC and PW on mixtures
loss with the addition of waste. Scott-Knott test showed that made with RGP did not affect their mechanical performance (upper
RGP + RC or RGP + PW had similar results with RGP, even contain- case letters in the columns).
ing 50 wt% less binder.

3.2.2. Flexural strength

Fig. 6 shows the compressive strength results. The statistical
analysis by Scott-Knott test was applied to compare the group of
means at different ages (Table 5).
The addition of wastes decreased the flexural strength of CGP
specimens. At 28 days, the strength of CPG + RC and CPG + PW
decreased 27.3% and 39.2%, respectively, when compared to CGP,
and confirmed by Eires et al. [3] and San-Antonio-González et al. [5].
The ANOVA test to flexural strength results (F 11.40, P-value
0.00071 and F crit 3.325) shows that there is a significant differ-
ence among the data set (P-value  0.05 and Fcrit < F).
The Skott-Knott test to flexural strength results shows a signif-
icant increase to CGP + PW from 7 to 28 days of age. The results of
the other mixtures indicate that the maximum flexural strength
was already achieved at the age of 7 days.
Fig. 5. Compressive strength results. The lines indicate some examples of values The results of flexural and compressive strengths obtained from
required by Brazilian Standards to different building components. the specimens indicate that the uniaxial loading-pressure applied
142 R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144

Fig. 6. Flexural strength results.

Table 5 Fig. 8. TG and DTG of the specimens.

Scott-Knott test with a 5% significance.

Mixture Age (days)

The increase in water/gypsum plaster ratio results in higher
7 28 56
porosity [42]. So, the lower porosity of CGP molded by loading-
Flexural strength pressure when compared to CGP conventional is due to the low
CGP 9.5 a A 8.25 a A 9.31 a A
CGP + RC 5.14 a B 5.99 a A 6.07 a B
water/gypsum plaster ratio, and to the compaction applied to the
CGP + PW 2.59 a C 5.00b B 4.17b B specimen during its production.
RGP 5.35 a B 6.73 a A 5.23 a B CGP + RC presented water absorption more than 50% higher
RGP + RC 7.7 a A 6.24 a A 5.41 a B than CGP, indicating that RC addition resulted in an increase of
RGP + PW 3.39 a C 4.35 a B 4.83 a B
porosity. San-Antonio-González et al. [5] observed that the use of
Row data: the same lower case letters indicate similar statistical results (strength RC in gypsum plaster composites decreased the capillary water
evolution with curing time). absorption of the composite (up to 23%).
Column data: the same uppercase letters indicate similar statistical results
The amount of water necessary for gypsum hydration is low
(strength values among the groups).
and additional water is usually necessary to obtain good workabil-
ity. This additional water evaporates and leaves pores in the hard-
before the initial setting was favorable to develop higher mechan-
ened material, decreasing the mechanical properties [4]. The
ical properties. The same was observed by Gmouh et al. [40] that
uniaxial loading-pressure applied before initial setting allows the
achieved a flexural strength about twice than non-loading-
use of a low water/gypsum plaster ratio and contributes to the
pressure gypsum plaster specimens, and by Zhou et al. [41] that
porosity reduction. Thereafter, higher final strengths than those
obtained gypsum blocks with hardness of 1.47 GPa using
achieved with gypsum plaster components made in the conven-
tional way are also obtained [40].

3.3. Total water absorption and voids 3.4. TG/DTG

Fig. 7 shows the results of total water absorption and voids at Fig. 8 presents the results of TG/DTG.
the age of 28 days. In all the results there are two common loss of mass. The first
As it was expected, the results show that the CGP specimens curve is attributed to the loss of combined water in the range of
molded by uniaxial loading-pressure before the initial setting 60 °C to 240 °C, related to the decomposition of CaSO42H2O and
had lower water absorption and voids when compared to CGP pro- CaSO4∙1/2H2O [43]. The second is due to the calcium carbonate
duced in a conventional way, with no loading-pressure (CGP decomposition and occurs at 550 °C and 690 °C, related to descar-
convent.). bonation of CaCO3 [44].
As expected, the loss of mass related to combined water of CGP
and RGP is higher because in these samples there is more gypsum
than others, and the hydrated and possible unhydrate products are
more concentrated.

3.5. SEM images (microstructure by SEM)

Fig. 9 shows the SEM images of CGP conventional, and the

loading-pressure charge specimens CGP, CGP + RC, CGP + PW,
RGP, and RGP + PW.
The CGP paste SEM made in the conventional way (no loading-
pressure charge) (Fig. 9a) shows the needle-like crystals formed
after hydration. CGP (Fig. 9b) and RGP (Fig. 9e) show a denser
and more compact microstructure than CGP conventional
(Fig. 9a). The hydrated gypsum crystals are more interconnected,
having a dense and compact microstructure. CGP + RC (Fig. 9c),
Fig. 7. Total water absorption and voids of specimens at 28 days. CGP + PW (Fig. 9d), and RGP + PW (Fig. 9f) show gypsum crystals
R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144 143

a) CGP – no loading-pressure charge b) CGP


e) RGP f) RGP+PW

Fig. 9. SEM images.

interlocked with each other. In the images, it is also observed some porcelain – PW) to building components production. The mixtures
particles of RC or PW dispersed in gypsum matrix. were designed with 50% (wt%) of binder and 50% (wt%) of waste,
The results show that the uniaxial loading-pressure affects the with a water/solid mass ratio of 0.22. Before setting it was applied
gypsum plaster microstructure. The microstructural characteristics a uniaxial loading-pressure to mold the component.
of recycled gypsum plaster are similar to commercial one, the same The compacted mixtures had good mechanical performance and
as observed in materials made with gypsum molded in the conven- lower porosity when compared to conventional gypsum. The
tional way (no loading-pressure charge) [45]. microstructure analysis showed higher gypsum crystals
The usual microstructure of gypsum plaster is characterized by interlocking.
well-defined needle-like crystals [42]. The uniaxial loading- The addition of waste results in longer setting times. In samples
pressure applied before the initial setting, the crystals are com- produced with commercial gypsum plaster, the waste replacement
pacted and the arrangements of the crystals affect final mechanical resulted in lower compressive strength; however, when it is used
properties [46]. By pressing, the gypsum crystals are well inter- recycled gypsum plaster, reference samples presented results sim-
locked and favor the formation of an entanglement of crystals, ilar than those with waste. The 28-day compressive strengths were
which allows a compact microstructure and benefits the mechan- between 12.3 MPa and 33.9 MPa, which are higher than the mini-
ical properties [41]. mum required by several types of building components, according
to Brazilian Standards, showing a good perspective to recycling
waste materials.
4. Conclusions The results indicate that is technically feasible to produce an
eco-friendly material, with good mechanical performance using
This study investigated mixtures of gypsum plaster (commer- recycled gypsum plaster and wastes. The production of gypsum-
cial and recycled) with industrial wastes (red ceramic – RC and based building components molded by uniaxial loading-pressure
144 R.H. Geraldo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 191 (2018) 136–144

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