Minerals 11 00101 v2
Minerals 11 00101 v2
Minerals 11 00101 v2
Environmental Evaluation of Gypsum Plasterboard Recycling
Karin Weimann 1, *, Christian Adam 1 , Matthias Buchert 2 and Juergen Sutter 2
1 Division Thermochemical Residues Treatment and Resource Recovery (FB 4.4), Bundesanstalt für
Materialforschung und -Prüfung (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, D-12205 Berlin, Germany;
2 Division Resources & Transport, Oeko-Institute, Rheinstrasse 95, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany;
m.buchert@oeko.de (M.B.); j.sutter@oeko.de (J.S.)
* Correspondence: karin.weimann@bam.de
Abstract: Gypsum is widely used in the construction sector, and its worldwide consumption has
been increasing for several decades. Depending on the lifetime of the used gypsum products, an
increase of gypsum in construction and demolition waste follows. Especially against the background
of a circular economy, the recycling of waste gypsum is of growing importance. However, the use
of recycled gypsum only makes sense if it is environmentally friendly. Therefore, an evaluation of
the environmental impacts of industrial-scale processing for the recycling of post-consumer gypsum
waste was conducted. The evaluation was performed with an established life cycle assessment
software. Original data provided by the industry and complementary data from a database for
life cycle assessments were used for the calculations. Two scenarios for recycled gypsum with
different transportation distances were calculated. These results were compared with the results of
the environmental evaluation of gypsum derived from coal-fired power plants (FGD gypsum) and
natural gypsum. The results showed that the utilization of recycled gypsum can be environmentally
advantageous compared to the use of natural gypsum or FGD gypsum, especially in the impact
categories of land transformation and resource consumption (abiotic depletion potential). For most
environmental impact categories, the specific transportation distances have a strong influence.
Citation: Weimann, K.; Adam, C.;
Buchert, M.; Sutter, J. Environmental
Keywords: gypsum plasterboards; gypsum waste; recycled gypsum; environmental evaluation; LCA
Evaluation of Gypsum Plasterboard
Recycling. Minerals 2021, 11, 101.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.Figure
Gypsum consumption
1. Gypsum in Germany
consumption (a) and the
in Germany (a) USA (b)USA
and the in Mt/a
(b) [15–17].
in Mt/a [15–17].
Gypsum is suitable is suitable for
for closed-loop closed-loop
recycling due to recycling
its chemicaldue to its chemical
composition. composition. It
It con-
sists mainly of consists
calcium mainly ofthe
sulfate in calcium
form of sulfate
three in the formphases
crystalline of three crystalline
with phases with varying
varying hydra-
tion levels: calcium levels: CaSO
dihydrate, calcium
2O (calcium CaSO 4 ·2Hdihydrate,
sulfate 2 O (calcium sulfate called
typically dihydrate, typically
gypsum), CaSO4 (anhydrite), and calcium sulfate hemihydrate, CaSO4 0.5H2O (bassanite).CaSO4 ·0.5H2 O
called gypsum), CaSO 4 (anhydrite), and calcium sulfate hemihydrate,
While gypsum(bassanite). While
and anhydrite aregypsum andoccurring
naturally anhydriteminerals,
are naturally occurring
calcium sulfateminerals,
hemihy-calcium sulfate
drate can be produced by dehydration in the thermal treatment of gypsum at a tempera- of gypsum at
hemihydrate can be produced by dehydration in the thermal treatment
a temperature range between ◦ C and 180 ◦ C (Equation (1)). This reaction, called
125 (1)).
ture range between 125 °C and 180 °C (Equation This reaction, called calcination, is
Minerals 2021, 11, 101 3 of 13
calcination, is reversible and, in contact with water calcium sulfate hemihydrate, is again
transformed into calcium sulfate dihydrate in an exothermal reaction (Equation (2)) [14,18].
125◦ C – 180◦ C
CaSO4 ·2H2 O > CaSO4 ·0.5H2 O + 1.5H2 O (1)
CaSO4 ·0.5H2 O + 1.5H2 O > CaSO4 ·2H2 O + Energy (2)
recycling [32]. Pedreno-Rojas et al. compared the environmental impacts of the natural
gypsum production and the production of recycled gypsum from pre-consumer gypsum
Pedreno-Rojas et al. compared the environmental impacts of the natural gypsum produc-
waste in Spain. The LCA evaluated the processing for natural and recycled gypsum, in-
tion and the production of recycled gypsum from pre-consumer gypsum waste in Spain.
cluding calcination, but without transport. The results showed significantly lower envi-
The LCA evaluated the processing for natural and recycled gypsum, including calcination,
ronmental impacts from the production of recycled gypsum [33]. Another LCA in Spain,
but without transport. The results showed significantly lower environmental impacts from
conducted by Suarez et al., also compared recycled and natural gypsum. In this investi-
the production of recycled gypsum [33]. Another LCA in Spain, conducted by Suarez et al.,
gation, the results for recycled gypsum were also lower in all impact categories. However,
also compared recycled and natural gypsum. In this investigation, the results for recycled
the low transport distances (seven km) influenced these results [34].
gypsum were also lower in all impact categories. However, the low transport distances
This paper focusses on recycling GPW and the environmental impacts resulting from
(seven km) influenced these results [34].
the related handling and processing in Germany. The recycling process was evaluated on
This paper focusses on recycling GPW and the environmental impacts resulting from
the industrial scale, and the assessment included real transportation distances as well [21].
the related handling and processing in Germany. The recycling process was evaluated on
This evaluation filled the gap between gypsum recycling on a lab scale and the validation
the industrial scale, and the assessment included real transportation distances as well [21].
of theevaluation
This transportation andgap
filled the gypsum recycling
between gypsum under real conditions.
recycling Furthermore,
on a lab scale the re-
and the validation
sults were derived from the recycling of post-consumer GPW and with regards to
of the transportation and gypsum recycling under real conditions. Furthermore, the results recycled
gypsum that meets
were derived from thethe comparably
recycling ofhigh-quality
GPW andfor gypsum that are
with regards to required
from the German gypsum industry [24,25,35].
gypsum that meets the comparably high-quality standards for gypsum that are required
from the German gypsum industry [24,25,35].
2. Materials and Methods
2. Materials and Methodsevaluation was performed to calculate the ecological effects of
This environmental
the production of recycled
This environmental gypsumwas
evaluation from post-consumer
performed gypsum
to calculate plasterboard
the ecological waste
effects on
of the
an industrial scale. The evaluation included a comparison with data
production of recycled gypsum from post-consumer gypsum plasterboard waste on an from the extraction
of natural gypsum
industrial scale. The and the use ofincluded
evaluation FGD gypsum. To clarify
a comparison the data
with influence
from ofthetransportation
extraction of
for the evaluation
natural gypsum and of the
the use
production of recycled
of FGD gypsum. To gypsum,
clarify thetwo calculations
influence with different
of transportation for
the evaluation of distances were conducted.
the production of recycled Accordingly, four model with
gypsum, two calculations scenarios were
different de-
portation distances were conducted. Accordingly, four model scenarios were designed.
The environmental
basedononthe international
the international standard
standard forfor
cycle as-
sessments ISO 14040/44 [36,37]. The calculation of material flows and energy
assessments ISO 14040/44 [36,37]. The calculation of material flows and energy consump- consumption
was carried
tion out with
was carried outUmberto (Umberto
with Umberto NXT universal,
(Umberto IFU Institut
NXT universal, IFUfuer Umwelttechnik,
Institut fuer Um-
Hamburg, Germany),
welttechnik, Hamburg,a Germany),
software fora life cycle assessments
software for life cycle [38].
assessments [38].
2.1. Investigated
2.1. Investigated Recycling
Recycling Process
The processing
The processing ofof the
the gypsum
gypsum plaster
plaster waste
waste was
was carried
carried out
out in
in the
the stationary
stationary gypsum
recycling plant of a medium-sized company. The objective of the processing is the
recycling plant of a medium-sized company. The objective of the processing is the removal removal
of impurities,
of impurities, as
as well
well as
as the
the separation
separation of
of gypsum
gypsum from
from cardboard
cardboard and
and paper.
paper. AA simplified
flowchart of
flowchart of the
the recycling
recycling process
process is
is shown
shown in
in Figure
Figure 2.
After presorting with an excavator and/or manually, the gypsum waste is fed into
the system. In the first sorting step, ferrous metals are removed by a magnetic separator,
Minerals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13
After presorting with an excavator and/or manually, the gypsum waste is fed into
the system. In the first sorting step, ferrous metals are removed by a magnetic separator,
followed by
followed by various
various comminution
comminution stages.
stages. During
During thethe comminution,
comminution, predominantly
predominantly shear shear
forces are used to separate the gypsum from the cardboard and paper.
forces are used to separate the gypsum from the cardboard and paper. Due to the limit for Due to the limit for
TOC (total
TOC (total organic
organic carbon)
carbon) in
in recycled
recycled gypsum,
gypsum, the the removal
removal of of paper
paper fibers
fibers is
is of particular
importance. Furthermore,
grain sizes cancan
sizes be be
generated andand
separated in the
separated insub-
sequent classification
subsequent stage.
classification stage.
It is of fundamental importance for the environmental evaluation of a processing processing to to
account. The proportions of the waste fractions
take all wastes or residues into account. fractions inin gypsum
recycling depend
recycling dependon onthe
thethe operating
operating company
company and,and, accordingly,
accordingly, the
the quality
quality of input
of the the input material.
material. Therefore,
Therefore, largelarge differences
differences in theinamount
the amount of waste
of waste ma-
after after processing are possible.
are possible. In the
In the present
present case,
case, theinput
the inputmaterial
material (predominantly
used gypsum plasterboards from constructionconstruction sites)
sites) usually
usually originated
originated from
from the
the selective
dismantling of buildings. Accordingly, only a few unsuitable materials
dismantling of buildings. Accordingly, only a few unsuitable materials had to be re- had to be removed.
moved. Dependingon the specific input material,
on the specific aboutabout
input material, 2% to2% 3%toof3%the
of material
the materialoccurred
occurred as
as wasteafter presorting
after and and
presorting magnetic separation.
magnetic The removed
separation. The removedpaperpaper
and cardboard waste
and cardboard
waste amountedbetween 10% and
between 10%17%and of17%theofinput material.
the input Correspondingly,
material. Correspondingly, the the
of recycledgypsum
gypsum ranged
rangedfrom 80%
from 80%to 88%.
to 88%.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. System
System boundaries
boundaries for
for the
the evaluation
evaluation of
of RC-gypsum.
RC-gypsum. Sf*:
*Sf: Substitute
Substitute fuel.
gypsum and FGD gypsum and part of the respective calculations. The different moisture
contents of the investigated gypsum types (natural gypsum 1%, recycled gypsum 3–5%,
and FGD gypsum 8–10%) affect the energy consumption of the processing and, accordingly,
influence the results of the environmental evaluation [21]. The drying is performed after
transportation to the gypsum producers and before calcination.
Besides the drying step, the production phase, including calcination, and the utiliza-
tion phase are not part of this environmental evaluation in all four scenarios.
The system boundaries for the calculations of the environmental impacts from the pro-
duction of natural gypsum were similarly determined. They included the following steps:
• recovery of natural gypsum from the deposits,
• transportation to the gypsum plant,
• the drying process,
• transportation to the costumer,
• transportation to a landfill after the use phase, and
• landfilling.
The system boundaries for the production of FGD gypsum were similarly determined.
They included the following steps:
• transportation to the gypsum plant,
• the drying process,
• transportation to the costumer,
• transportation to a landfill after the use phase, and
• landfilling.
In contrast to RC-gypsum, the system boundaries of natural and FGD gypsum include
the steps of transportation to a landfill after the use phase and landfilling. These steps
are not necessary for RC-gypsum, because in this scenario, a recirculation of the material
is included.
3.1. Global
3.1. Global Warming
Warming Potential
Potential (GWP)
In the
In the impact
impact category
category forfor climate
climate change,
change, FGD
FGD gypsum
gypsum shows
shows the
the highest
highest environ-
mental impacts,
mental impacts, resulting
resulting from
from transportation,
transportation, landfilling,
landfilling, and
and drying.
drying. TheThe outcomes
outcomes for
recycled gypsum in comparison to natural gypsum are dependent on
recycled gypsum in comparison to natural gypsum are dependent on the transportationthe transportation
distances. The
distances. The emissions
emissions are
are related
related to
to the
the diesel
diesel consumption
consumption during
during transportation
transportation and
landfilling. The results for the four scenarios are shown in Figure
landfilling. The results for the four scenarios are shown in Figure 4. 4.
Figure 4.
4. Results
Results for
for the
the global
global warming
warming potential.
potential. *eq.:
eq.*: equivalents
Minerals 2021,
Minerals2021, 11,
Minerals 2021,11, FOR PEER REVIEW 8 8ofof1313
3.3. Eutrophication
3.3.Eutrophication Potential
EutrophicationPotential (EP)
In Figure 6, the results for the calculations of the eutrophication potential are shown.
dominatedby bythe
This impact category is dominated by the use of electricity for the processing and, also, by
high proportion
proportion of lignite-based
lignite-based resources
Compared to
the high proportion of lignite-based resources in the German electricity mix. Compared
to natural
natural gypsum
gypsum andand FGD
FGD gypsum,
gypsum, both
both scenarios
scenarios for recycled
for recycled gypsum
gypsum showshow a signifi-
a significantly
to natural gypsum and FGD gypsum, both scenarios for recycled gypsum show a signifi-
cantly eutrophication potential.
eutrophication potential.
cantly higher eutrophication potential.
Figure 6.6.Results
Figure6. for
Resultsfor the
forthe eutrophication
theeutrophication potential.
Figure Results
3.4. PhotochemicalOzone
3.4. Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)
The impactcategory
potential isisalso
dominatedby bythe
The impact
emissions causedcategory photochemical
by transportation
transportation and ozone creation potential is also dominated by the
emissions caused by and landfilling.
potential, caused
thethe by transportation
scenarios forfor and landfilling. Unlike
RC-gypsum in the category globaland
ing potential, scenarios RC-gypsumoutperform
outperformthe thescenarios
scenarios forfor natural
natural and FGD
ing potential,
gypsum (see the scenarios
Figure 7). for
the outperform
emissions linked the
to scenarios
the energy for natural
consumption and FGD
gypsum (see Figure 7). Although the emissions linked to the energy consumption during
gypsum (see Figure 7). Although the emissions linked to the energy consumption during
Minerals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
Minerals 2021, 11, 101 9 of 13
Minerals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
the processing of RC-gypsum are higher than those resulting from the processing of nat-
the and
the FGD gypsum,
processing the overall
of RC-gypsum
RC-gypsum are POCP
arehigher for
higherthan RC-gypsum
thanthose shows
thoseresulting from
resulting a the
frombetter performance.
the of natural
processing of nat-
and and
gypsum, the overall
gypsum, POCP
the overall for RC-gypsum
POCP shows
for RC-gypsum a better
shows performance.
a better performance.
Figure 8. Results for the eutrophication potential.
3.6. EcologicalDamage
3.6. The impact
Ecological category
Damage land(EDP):
Potential transformation
Land Use is ismainly
Transformationinfluencedbybythe theuse
natural forestsduring
during the
the quarrying
quarrying of
natural gypsum,
gypsum, whose
whose extraction
extractionsites in Germany
sites in Ger-
The impact category land transformation is mainly influenced by the use of near-
are often
many located
areforests in the areas
often during
located of old
in quarrying
the areasbeech
of forests (seeforests
Figure (see
9). Renaturation measures can-
natural the of old beech
natural gypsum, whose Figure 9). Renaturation
extraction sites in Ger-
not compensate
measures for the ecological damage completely. The values calculated for landfilling
many arecannot often compensate
located in thefor the ecological
areas damage
of old beech completely.
forests The values
(see Figure calculated
9). Renaturation
for derived
landfilling from converting
are compensate
derived fromforother areas
converting into landfill
otherdamage sites.
areas into landfill sites.
measures cannot the ecological completely. The values calculated
for landfilling are derived from converting other areas into landfill sites.
Minerals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13
Minerals 2021,
2021, 11,
11, x101
10 of
of 13
Figure 9. Results for land use transformation (ecosystem damage potential (EDP)).
Figure 9.
9. Results
transformation (ecosystem
(ecosystem damage
damage potential
potential (EDP)).
3.7. Ecological Damage Potential (EDP): Land Use, Total
3.7. Ecological
3.7. EcologicalDamage
Potential (EDP):
(EDP): Land
Land Use,
Use, Total
In contrast to the impact category “land transformation”, which contains changes in
In contrast
In contrast to to the
the impact
impact category
category “land
“land transformation”,
transformation”, which
which contains
contains changes
changes in in
the quality of land after usage, the category “land use, total” stands for the complete land
the quality of land after usage, the category “land use, total” stands
the quality of land after usage, the category “land use, total” stands for the complete land for the complete land
use (Figure 10). The values for recycled gypsum caused by processing are comparatively
use (Figure
use (Figure 10).10). The
The values
valuesfor for recycled
recycled gypsum
gypsum caused
caused by by processing
processing areare comparatively
higher. This is mainly due to the use of lignite-based electricity and the related usage of
higher. This
higher. This isis mainly
mainly due due toto the
the use
use of
of lignite-based
lignite-based electricity
electricity and
and the
the related
related usage
usage ofof
lignite mining sites. As a result of the land usage for landfilling and the land use caused
lignite mining
lignite mining sites.
sites. As
result ofof the
the land
land usage
usage forfor landfilling
landfilling and
and the
the land
land use
use caused
by upstream chains from the production of landfill sealings, the total land use of natural
by upstream
by upstream chainschains from
from thethe production
production of of landfill
landfill sealings,
sealings, the
the total
total land
land use
use of
of natural
gypsum isishigher
higher than
gypsum scenarios. The The
scenarios. totaltotal
land land
use for
gypsum is higher than for both recycled gypsum scenarios. The total land use for the pro-
productionof FGD
of gypsum
FGD gypsumis in the
is in same
the range
same as
range for
for RC
the 200
RC scenario.
200 scenario.
duction of FGD gypsum is in the same range as for the RC 200 scenario.
Figure 10. Results for land use, total (EDP).
4. Discussion
The evaluationofofthetheenvironmental
environmental impacts
impacts of of
thethe recycling
recycling of gypsum
of gypsum wastewaste
on anon
an The evaluation
industrial scale of the environmental
shows—in comparison impacts
to the of the recycling
results for naturalofand
FGD waste on an
industrial scale shows—in comparison to the results for natural and FGD gypsum—a pre-
industrial scale shows—in
predominantly positive butcomparison to the
differentiated results for natural and FGD gypsum—a pre-
dominantly positive but differentiated picture.
dominantly positive
Thecalculations but
calculations for differentiated
for RC
RC 100 picture.
The 100 gypsum
displayedthe thebest
the following
the following five (of
calculations for RC
categories: 100 AP,
GWP, gypsum
POCP, displayed
land use the best results inand
transformation, theland
use five
(of seven) impact categories: GWP, AP, POCP, land use transformation, and land use (to-
200200 impactshowed
gypsum categories: GWP,
better AP,than
results POCP, land and
natural use transformation,
FGD gypsum inand
the land use (to-
categories of
tal). RC gypsum showed better results than natural and FGD gypsum in the categories
gypsum showed better results
use transformation than natural and
and overperformed FGD
natural gypsum
gypsum ininthethe categories
categories of
of POCP and land use transformation and overperformed natural gypsum in the catego-
APPOCP anduse
and land land use transformation
(total). Furthermore, the andresults
for RC 200 natural
gypsumgypsum in thecategory
in the impact catego-
ries of AP and land use (total). Furthermore, the results for RC 200 gypsum in the impact
ries of APwere
of GWP and better
land usethan(total). Furthermore,
for FGD gypsum. the results for
Regarding theRC 200 gypsum potential,
eutrophication in the impactthe
impacts of RC 100 gypsum and RC 200 gypsum were larger than those of natural and
Minerals 2021, 11, 101 11 of 13
FGD gypsum. This can be explained by the German electricity mix, which included a
comparatively higher proportion of lignite-based electricity. The extraction of natural
gypsum is the most influential parameter in the impact category ADPelem. . Therefore, the
resulting value for natural gypsum is several times higher than the values for RC-gypsum
and FGD gypsum, which are approximately at the same level.
The results show that transport distances and landfilling have a significant influence
on the calculation results of the impact categories of GWP, AP, POCP, and land use total.
This can mainly be explained by the environmental effects of diesel consumption. Another
factor is the avoiding of landfilling as a result of gypsum recycling in the corresponding
scenarios. Furthermore, it is important that the input flows of FGD gypsum and gypsum
waste into the respective system boundaries are unencumbered, due to their origins as
by-products. The use of secondary raw materials and the related waste reductions have a
calculable positive effect on the results of environmental evaluations.
Previous studies have stated that the environmental impacts generated by GPW
recycling are clearly lower than the comparative values in all inventory categories. Several
authors from Spain, the country with the largest gypsum production in the European
Union, came to this result [13,33,34]. Compared to these studies, it must be stated that the
results of our calculations seem to be not so straightforward. Besides the use of different
calculation methodologies, this can be explained by several facts. On one hand, these
studies calculated their tests with considerably shorter transportation distances, which
affected the results, especially by avoiding emissions due to diesel consumption. On the
other hand, in our study, post-consumer GPW was recycled, which means, that—compared
to the recycling of pre-consumer gypsum—this material contains more impurities, and
greater efforts during processing are necessary. Furthermore, in Germany, the quality
standards for recycled gypsum that must be met are comparatively higher. This study
showed that the recycling of post-consumer gypsum is feasible and can be environmentally
advantageous. However, the importance of a good presorting accuracy on the construction
sites should be emphasized. Therefore, good communication between the demolition
contractor and gypsum recycling company is required to keep the amount of occurring
waste materials low.
The development of new sources for gypsum is a further important element for
future gypsum production. Therefore, the authors are going to investigate the usability
of synthetic gypsums from industrial wastes (e.g., phosphogypsum or gypsum from food
production) and, also, from gypsum fiberboards. An environmental evaluation of the
different investigated recycled gypsum types will also be an important part of that work.
Since the electricity mix in Germany will change due to the planned shutdown of coal-
fired power plants, it can be expected that the environmental impacts related to electricity
consumption will decrease. In the upcoming years, the share of renewable energy in the
German energy mix should lead to a better performance of recycled gypsum in the impact
categories EP, AP, and, also, GWP.
5. Conclusions
Working towards greater resource efficiency in the construction sector is essential for
addressing global issues such as slowing climate change and moving towards a circular
economy. Therefore, the recycling of building materials is of particular importance. Based
on the findings of this evaluation, it can be stated that the recycling of post-consumer GPW
from the construction industry is feasible. Furthermore, although the meeting of high-
quality standards is essential, the procedure, including comparatively long transporting
distances, can be environmentally advantageous compared to the investigated natural and
FGD gypsum scenarios.
Especially in Germany, where a replacement of FGD gypsum in the upcoming years
will be required, recycled gypsum is of increasing importance. The results presented in this
study showed that GPW recycling on an industrial scale can be eco-friendly. Additionally,
the need for a substitute for FGD gypsum is expected to lead to further GW recycling
Minerals 2021, 11, 101 12 of 13
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.W. and C.A.; methodology, K.W., M.B., and C.A.; data
curation, J.S. and M.B.; writing—original draft preparation, K.W.; writing—review and editing, K.W.,
C.A., and M.B.; project administration, M.B.; and funding acquisition, M.B. and K.W. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Federal Environmental Agency (UBA), grant number
FKZ 3715343200.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to a confidentiality agreement with a
company that provided some of the original data.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Nadja Schuetz and Holger Alwast.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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