Construction and Building Materials
Construction and Building Materials
Construction and Building Materials
h i g h l i g h t s
Use of rubber in Cold Recycled Mixes containing 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement.
Comparison between Traditional and Cryogenic Crumb Rubber in Cold Recycled Mixes.
The presence of Crumb Rubber influences the volumetric characteristics of mixes.
The use of CCR seems to be less detrimental than TCR for mechanical characteristics.
The use of TCR or CCR generates similar mechanical responses for fatigue life.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Today recycling is one of the most innovative and interesting techniques for the rehabilitation of des-
Received 27 February 2014 tressed road pavements. In recent years the increased interest in this process, has led to the development
Received in revised form 30 May 2014 of various alternative methods for the recovery and the reuse of road bituminous materials. Cold recy-
Accepted 30 June 2014
cling is, among the recycling techniques, certainly the most studied and developed: it allows the recov-
ering of bituminous material from an existing pavement without the addition of heat, whilst ensuring the
creation of high quality bound base layers. A wide range of materials have been tested together with
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and, consequently, there is a large number of variables that can be
Cold Recycled Mixes
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
considered in the mix-design process of new eco-friendly Cold Recycled Mixes. In particular, the present
Cryogenic Crumb Rubber research involves the use of Crumb Rubber within a mixture containing 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pave-
Ambient Crumb Rubber ment, cold recycled with bitumen emulsion and cement. Two different Crumb Rubbers were adopted:
Rubberized mixture one from the ambient production method, and one produced with the cryogenic process. The goal of this
Fatigue life research project was to analyze and evaluate the different physical and mechanical characteristics
Workability induced by the shared use of two different types of Crumb Rubber in the Cold Recycled Mixes.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Background the surrounding environment and the population [1]. This leads
to the using of eco-friendly construction techniques, to reduce
For the modern road infrastructure engineer the concept of sus- the use of virgin raw materials and to promote the recycling and
tainability often requires to focus on various main design aspects: reuse of the so-called secondary raw materials (materials which,
economic, environmental and architectural. In recent years the after complete initial use, may be used repeatedly in production
trend is to reduce the cost of construction, maintenance and the as starting material). An ever increasing number of innovative
negative externalities (habitat fragmentation, noise and air pollu- and environmentally friendly materials has been launched on the
tion, landscape alterations) caused by the new infrastructure on market, and others are still under study, with the step of character-
ization of the materials of crucial importance. In the field of road
engineering, the use of recycled materials has become important
⇑ Corresponding author.
because of the limited availability of aggregates and the difficulties
E-mail addresses: (G. Dondi), piergiorg.tataranni2@unibo.
and excessive disposal costs for milled materials [2].
it (P. Tataranni), (M. Pettinari),
(C. Sangiorgi), (A. Simone), Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) and Rubberized Asphalt Concrete
(V. Vignali). (RAC), were investigated in this study. Cold Mix Asphalt has gained
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Dondi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 370–375 371
increasing popularity in the last ten years for its versatile proper- emulsion, temperature and aging time. The study has firstly
ties. The benefits of using this eco-friendly material are above all focused on the mix-design with particular attention to the materi-
the reduction in energy consumption and emissions during als compactability and workability [12]. Gyratory compaction was
production and laying. Hence, compared to the traditional hot the application of choice for the laboratory densification process.
technique it is possible to design high-performance paving without Mechanical tests either static and dynamic were selected for the
the addition of heat [3]. There are many other advantages of using mechanical characterization of the specimens. Eventually the use
cold technique, for example Cold Mix Asphalt mixtures can be pro- of Indirect Tensile Fatigue tests has been introduced to assess the
duced in concrete plants. Since the laying is carried out at ambient fatigue strength of each mixture [13].
temperature materials can be handled with more flexibility in
time. CMA mixtures can be used in many fields: from the rehabil- 3. Materials and experimental program
itation of more or less deep layers to the functional upgrading of
high traffic roads, and minor maintenance activities. The materials used in the experimentation are: Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
Highway engineers around the world have tried to incorporate (RAP), Traditional Crumb Rubber (TCR), Cryogenic Crumb Rubber (CCR), Cement
(C) and Bituminous Emulsion (EM). A small amount of water was added to the mix-
scrap tire rubber in asphalt pavements since the 1950s [4]. The
ture to regulate the workability and to reach the maximum dry density during
task was difficult and early applications of rubber in Hot Mix compaction.
Asphalt concretes provided little or no benefit. It was not until
the 1960s that a formulation was discovered that brought clear 3.1. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), Traditional Crumb Rubber (TCR) and Cryogenic
profits. After a long period of research the so-called Asphalt Rubber Crumb Rubber (CCR)
was introduced in the United States market in the mid 1980s and
today is considered an environmentally friendly alternative to RAP was collected from a single highway pavement, milling the full depth of
asphalt concrete. The material was subsequently divided into three different frac-
conventional asphalt pavements [5]. Though few authors and stud-
tions: coarse RAP 10-10+ (10–30 mm), coarse RAP 5-10 (5–10 mm) and fine RAP
ies highlighted some environmental issues regarding hazardous 0-5 (0–5 mm). Table 1 summarizes the properties of the aged asphalt binder recov-
fumes and emissions [6]. According to the ASTM definition, Asphalt ered from the same RAP. The Crumb Rubber was obtained by two different pro-
Rubber is ‘‘a blend of asphalt cement, reclaimed tire rubber, and cesses: ambient and cryogenic. In the first one, rubber is processed through a
certain additives in which the rubber component is at least 15 percent hammer mill shattering it into smaller particles. The product is classified into
specific gradations. The whole process occurs at ambient temperature.
by weight of the total blend and has reacted in the hot asphalt cement During the cryogenic process instead the rubber is cooled down to 80 °C using
sufficiently to cause swelling of the rubber particles.’’ liquid nitrogen before being milled. The product is dried and classified into specific
Crumb Rubber markets encourage the development of new sizes. Compared to the Crumb Rubber worked at ambient temperature, CCR parti-
technologies that use the material, and nowadays there is a large cles generally have smoother surfaces (Fig. 1), because the material is worked
almost in its vitreous phase. Ambient processing has the advantage of being more
number of different solutions [11]. For each application the mate-
rial characterization is a basic step to understand the fundamental The RAP, TCR and CCR grading curves are represented in Fig. 2.
properties of the materials used.
Generally there are two different techniques to incorporate rub- 3.2. Recycled mixtures
ber either hot or cold in the bituminous mixture. The first one is
the wet process, in which rubber is inserted in the asphalt cement Cold mixes are designated depending on the material types and characteristics
of the mix [7]. In the dry process, instead, rubber is incorporated used in the mixture, as shown in Table 2. The aggregate gradations of all the design
mixtures used in this investigation were based on the Fuller’s curve using the fol-
directly in the mixture blend [8]. The rubber particles in the first
lowing formula:
case act as bitumen modifier pairing the effects of traditional
modifiers (SBS, EVA, etc.) [9] and in the second case they become d
P¼ ð1Þ
part of the mixture mastic and contribute to the layer endurance D
during its service life. Asphalt Rubber is not the solution to the
where P is the percentage passing the sieve d, d is the aggregate size being consid-
waste tires problem, but when utilized by agencies preferring its ered, D is the maximum aggregates size to be used, n is the parameter which adjust
beneficial engineering characteristics such as durability, flexibility, the curve assumed 0.5.
strength, road noise attenuation and resistance to cracking, it Both the TCR and the CCR are added into the mixture in volumetric replacement
to fine fractions of RAP (RAP 0-5). The preliminary materials characterization
contributes significantly to the reduction of the amount of waste
focused on workability and volumetric characteristics evaluation in order to under-
tires [10]. stand how the presence of rubber influences these fundamental properties. During
this phase, two different percentages of rubber were analyzed: 0% for the reference
2. Scope mixture (NCR) and 3% (TCR and CCR). As a result of different manufacturing pro-
cesses, TCR and CCR have different granulometry. Compared to the Crumb Rubber
worked at ambient temperature, CCR particles have smoother surfaces and in fact
The present research starts from the idea that Crumb Rubber
a higher percentage of finer particles. The theoretical maximum density, related
can be advantageously used in a Cold Recycled Mixture containing to two different percentages of rubber, was calculated following the mathematical
100% aggregates from Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements [12]. The aim procedure of EN 12697-5.
is to evaluate the different properties associated to the bituminous The adopted binder was a cationic bitumen emulsion (61% bitumen content)
with a 55 pen grade SBS modified bitumen (Table 3). The cement, used as active fil-
mixture by using either Traditional or Cryogenic Crumb Rubber.
ler, was a typical Portland Cement 32.5. Its function was to increase the mixture
The former is produced at ambient temperature and here it was mechanical properties in terms of resilient modulus, temperature susceptibility
named Traditional Crumb Rubber, but it appears as Ambient and water damage [14].
Crumb Rubber (ACR) in several scientific publications. The research
focuses also on the influence of particle size of the two different
types of Crumb Rubber on the mechanical behavior of mixtures. Table 1
Properties of the aged asphalt binder from RAP.
The rubber particles are incorporated directly into the mixtures
blends and become part of their mastics. Unit RAP 10-10+ RAP 5-10 RAP 0-5
The lack of specific technical requirements and procedures test- % Binder (on mass of RAP) % 3.10 3.27 6.13
ing and controlling Cold Recycled Mixtures with Crumb Rubber Penetration @ 25 °C dmm 9 7 7
demands for a careful preliminary research step. Variables that Soft. point °C 73.8 75.5 78.8
Dynamic Visc. @ 60 °C Pas 52,625 58,015 95,305
play a significant role include: percentages, type and particle size
Heptane insolubles % 42.4 41.2 39.6
of rubber, type and gradation of RAP, percentage of bituminous
372 G. Dondi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 370–375
Fig. 1. Pictures by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM): Cryogenic Crumb Rubber (left) and Traditional Crumb Rubber (right).
The second phase was focused on the study of the stiffness modulus according
to EN 12697-26. In particular, the variation of modulus with curing time and the
thermal sensitivity of the mixture at different temperatures were evaluated. In
order to define the potential contribution of Crumb Rubber in terms of performance,
in the third step the fatigue strength was studied by means of the Indirect Tensile
Fatigue test according to BSI DD ABF 1995.
All tests for mechanical characterization either static and dynamic were carried
out on samples at complete curing.
were prepared with 3% of cement and 5% of bituminous emulsion. (80%) is twice that of the TCR (42%). This may negatively affect
One mixture was without rubber, while TCR or CCR were inserted the meshing, and the consequent cohesion between the mixture
into the other two mixtures. Three samples were manufactured for constituents, resulting in a lower degree of compactability and in
each mixture. Figs. 3 and 4 and Table 4 summarize all the gyratory a substantial reduction in strength for the TCR mixes.
compaction curves and the respective compaction models.
From the analysis of the gyratory compaction curves for each
6. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus results analysis
mixture and from the comparison of their models, it emerged that
Crumb Rubber incentivized the self-compaction of the mixtures. As
A servo-pneumatic testing machine was used to characterize
for the degree of densification attained at the end of the compac-
the mixtures in terms of stiffness modulus according to EN
tion, the mixtures with rubber have obtained a greater degree of
12697-26. Tests were carried out in the indirect tensile configura-
maximum density. The mixture with CCR has achieved a degree
tion. For the ITSM, the impulsive load, with rise-time of 124 ms,
of 92% of maximum density, while the one with TCR has reached
was adjusted to achieve a target horizontal deformation of
91%; the mixture without rubber stopped at 90%. The 1% gained
7 ± 2 lm. The measurements were repeated along two diameters
by the CRC on the TCR may be attributed to the different particle
and an average ITSM was calculated. To evaluate the thermal sen-
size and type. It is possible to hypothesize that the particle size
sitivity of the mixtures tests were performed at 10, 20 and 30 °C.
of Crumb Rubber influences to some extent the characteristics of
For each mixture 4 specimens were tested; the average stiffness
workability and final density of the mixtures.
modulus measured at each temperature is reported in Fig. 7. The
The degree of maximum density achieved by samples contain-
temperature dependency was described using the following ana-
ing rubber, cannot prescind from the nature of the material intro-
lytical model:
duced in the mixtures. The elastic behavior of the rubber in fact
favors the compaction during the densification process [12]. All log S ¼ a T þ b ð2Þ
specimens containing Crumb Rubber exhibited an increase in vol-
ume with respect to the degree of density achieved at the end of where S is the stiffness modulus at temperature T, and a and b are
the gyratory compaction (Fig. 5). For this reason and for a proper experimental parameters depending on the material. Temperature
preliminary characterization of materials it is indispensable to ana- sensitivity is represented by the parameter a: a higher value means
lyze the so-called ‘‘springback’’ exhibited from the specimens with a more temperature sensitive material.
rubber at the end of compaction. The ITSM modulus values for the mixture without rubber are
The mixtures with rubber denote a reduction of final density greater than CCR and TCR mixtures at each temperature. The mix-
achieved at the end of gyratory compaction appreciably higher if ture with CCR undergoes an average decrease in stiffness of 20.3% if
compared to mixes without Crumb Rubber, where only the curing compared to the mixture without rubber at each testing tempera-
effect is responsible of the volumetric variation. This reduction is ture, while for the TCR mixture this reduction reaches 25.4%.
very evident especially in specimens with TCR (4.7%). The reduction in stiffness modulus is more likely due both to
how the rubber particles interact with the binding matrix while
final cohesion is achieved [12], and to the stiffness of the rubbers
5.2. Indirect Tensile Strength results analysis
Finally the Crumb Rubber influences the stiffness modulus at all
Once cured, all the specimens prepared with the same compac-
the studied temperatures without affecting significantly the ther-
tion energy were tested with the Indirect Tensile Strength test at
mal sensitivity of the mixtures. This trend is confirmed by the
25 °C according to EN 12697-23. Results are represented in Fig. 6.
parameter a which varies between 0.015 and 0.020.
From the analysis of the histogram, it can be seen how the spec-
imens without rubber show greater ITS, while the mixture contain-
ing TCR exhibit the lowest values. In particular specimens with 7. Resistance to repeated loading
cryogenic rubber showed an average reduction in strength of
17.4% compared to mixtures without rubber. As for mixtures with The Indirect Tensile Fatigue test is a simple and fast method for
TCR, their resistance values are reduced by 31.6%. These results testing the resistance to crack initiation of asphalt mixtures [17].
clearly reflect the influence of the kind of Crumb Rubber used, in According to traditional ITF Testing, the fatigue life is defined as
particular their different particle size, and are also in accordance the total number of load applications before fracture of the speci-
with the considerations made on gyratory compactions. In fact, men occurs. All tests were performed in the stress-control mode,
as already mentioned, the TCR has a coarser gradation than CCR, hence the magnitude of the applied stress pulse is maintained con-
for instance the CCR percentage passing at the 0.6 mm sieve stant until failure. According to BSI DD ABF 1995 the failure points
Fig. 3. NCR gyratory compaction curves (left); CCR gyratory compaction curves (right).
374 G. Dondi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 370–375
Fig. 4. TCR gyratory compaction curves (left); comparison between compaction curve models of each mix (right).
Table 4
Gyratory compaction curves models.
Material a b
1_NCR_3.0C_5.0E 2.8855 75.338
2_NCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.2903 73.527
3_NCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.3329 72.477
Model NCR 3C_5E 3.1696 73.781
1_CCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.3560 74.570
2_CCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.1714 76.019
3_CCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.3381 74.863
Model CCR 3C_5E 3.2885 75.151
1_TCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.2379 74.554
2_TCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.1822 75.231
3_TCR_3.0C_5.0E 3.3807 73.429
Model TCR 3C_5E 3.2669 74.405
Fig. 7. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus vs. temperature at 10, 20 and 30 °C.
were expressed as a function of initial horizontal tensile strain at
the centre of the specimen (e0) calculated as follows:
results (Fig. 8) are expressed as a relationship between the initial
r0 ð1 þ 3v Þ strains e0 and the number of load applications that correspond to
e0 ¼ 100 ð3Þ the maximum value of the N/Ds ratio.
Comparing the mixes, the presence of Crumb Rubber influences
where r0 is the tensile stress at the specimen centre (kPa); Sm is the the fatigue resistance; in particular the use of TCR and CCR leads to
stiffness modulus (MPa) at the testing temperature; m is the Pois- an extension of the fatigue resistance at 110 microstrains of more
son’s ratio, assumed to be 0.35. than two times.
The definition of fatigue failure in laboratory test on bituminous Recent research studies showed that the fatigue tests consume
mixtures is a controversial topic [16]. In this study the evaluation much time at low strains so, generally, researchers have used a
of fatigue life by means of ITF tests, was assessed according to number of extrapolation techniques to predict the fatigue life. This
the energetic approach that defines failure using the N/Ds ratio is permissible if the tensile strain is far from the so called fatigue
between the number of the Nth load cycle and the corresponding endurance limit. The endurance limit is defined as the tensile strain
axial displacement measured on the sample (Ds) [18]. Fatigue below which no fracture or fatigue damage occurs: Monismith
G. Dondi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 370–375 375
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