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Utilization of Industrial By-Products/Waste To Manufacture Geopolymer Cement/Concrete

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Utilization of Industrial By-Products/Waste to Manufacture
Geopolymer Cement/Concrete
Numanuddin M. Azad 1 and S.M. Samindi M.K. Samarakoon 2, *

1 Structural Engineering, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur 440033, India;
2 Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Material Science, University of Stavanger,
4021 Stavanger, Norway
* Correspondence: samindi.samarakoon@uis.no; Tel.: +47-518-32387

Abstract: There has been a significant movement in the past decades to develop alternative sus-
tainable building material such as geopolymer cement/concrete to control CO2 emission. Indus-
trial waste contains pozzolanic minerals that fulfil requirements to develop the sustainable material
such as alumino-silicate based geopolymer. For example, industrial waste such as red mud, fly ash,
GBFS/GGBS (granulated blast furnace slag/ground granulated blast furnace slag), rice husk ash
(RHA), and bagasse ash consist of minerals that contribute to the manufacturing of geopolymer
cement/concrete. A literature review was carried out to study the different industrial waste/by-
products and their chemical composition, which is vital for producing geopolymer cement, and to
discuss the mechanical properties of geopolymer cement/concrete manufactured using different
industrial waste/by-products. The durability, financial benefits and sustainability aspects of geopoly-
mer cement/concrete have been highlighted. As per the experimental results from the literature,
the cited industrial waste has been successfully utilized for the synthesis of dry or wet geopolymers.
The review revealed that that the use of fly ash, GBFS/GGBS and RHA in geopolymer concrete
 resulted high compressive strength (i.e., 50 MPa–70 MPa). For high strength (>70 MPa) achieve-
 ment, most of the slag and ash-based geopolymer cement/concrete in synergy with nano processed
Citation: Azad, N.M.; Samarakoon, waste have shown good mechanical properties and environmental resistant. The alkali-activated
S.S.M. Utilization of Industrial geopolymer slag, red mud and fly ash based geopolymer binders give a better durability perfor-
By-Products/Waste to Manufacture mance compared with other industrial waste. Based on the sustainability indicators, most of the
Geopolymer Cement/Concrete. geopolymers developed using the industrial waste have a positive impact on the environment,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873. society and economy.

Keywords: sustainability; industrial wastes; geopolymer concrete; pozzolanic binders; building

Received: 10 December 2020
materials; alkali-activation; sustainability indicator
Accepted: 1 January 2021
Published: 16 January 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

1. Introduction
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil- It is a well-known fact that, in every construction activity, cement plays a key role as a
iations. pozzolanic binder. The reaching of an alerting stage in global warming, due to the emission
of greenhouse gases (GHG), has shifted the attention of researchers towards green energy-
based construction practices, since the production of cement is a highly energy-intensive
process. Hence, in the search for alternative construction materials, researchers found the
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
geopolymer process more feasible, as per its technological and environmental benefits [1,2]
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
because manufacturing 1 ton of cement emits approximately 0.7 tons of CO2 into the
This article is an open access article
atmosphere [3]. The concept of geopolymers was first adopted by Prof. Joseph Davidovits
distributed under the terms and in 1978. These are the alumino-silicates that are formed with the dissolution of amorphous
conditions of the Creative Commons silica and alumina in a highly alkali-activated chemical activator medium at ambient tem-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// perature. According to Prof. Sir Joseph Davidovits, strong alkalis such as NaOH (sodium
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ hydroxide) and KOH (potassium hydroxide) are efficient to carry dissolving reaction for
4.0/). silica (SiO2 ) and alumina (Al2 O3 ) to form alumino-silicates [4]. Additionally, this reaction is

Sustainability 2021, 13, 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13020873 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability

Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 2 of 22

mainly influenced by the raw material characteristics, activator concentration, and curing
process (drying time and temperature). Alkalis are readily available in the market, and the
source of silica and alumina in abundance had been spotted by researchers in various indus-
trial wastes [5]. Many industrial sectors, like aluminium, steel, power plants and biomass,
have conserved these mineral values in the form of wastes. In aluminium, industrial waste
such as red mud (RM), PLK (partially laterite kondalite) and KK (kaolinitic kondalite) are
rich in minerals that can fulfil the requirement of the geopolymer process. Steel indus-
trial waste has an abundance of calcium and silica minerals, which are the key minerals
required for making different silicates of calcium and their mineralogical calcium silicate
phases [6,7]. Biomass waste such as rice husk and bagasse can be converted into ashes,
which show approximately 80–90% of silica in amorphous form. This amorphous form of
silica (SiO2 ) can be a cost-cutter for geopolymer processes [8]. It is also well known that
power plants’ burnt waste ash, like fly ash and bottom ash, also contains good pozzolanic
properties, which are being utilized in cement production as a 30% partial replacement.
However, through the process of geopolymerization, 100% of fly ash can be utilized as
a construction material [9]. The synergistic approach towards the use of industrial waste
can set a benchmark for manufacturing construction materials which enable CO2 emission
to be minimized. The mechanical properties of a geopolymer binder depends on its binder
ratio, type of waste material, mineralogical composition, methodology and mix design [10].
The utilization of the aforementioned industrial waste to develop geopolymer con-
crete/cement has a significant positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.
In this case, it is vital to identify the key indicators (i.e., environmental, social and eco-
nomic indicators) for sustainable building materials. In addition, the durability of new
materials and manufacturing cost of geopolymer concrete should be taken into account.
Moreover, the fly ash based geopolymer concrete has been manufactured with 30% more
cost effective as compared to the conventional cement concrete. Whereas, the compressive
strength has reached up to 62 MPa while OPC based concrete showed up to 21 MPa [11].
In addition, energy and cost analysis of geopolymer brick synthesis in comparison with
conventional bricks was found more economical as the production gained 5% profit for
the development of slag-based geopolymer bricks [12]. In case of embodied energy of
the geopolymer, the fly ash based manufactured geopolymer synthesis showed 40% less
energy requirement as compared to cement-based concrete. However, the chemical acti-
vator ingredients for alkali activation consumes 39% energy for sodium hydroxide and
49% energy for sodium silicate, which shows that the alternatives for alkali have to be
detected from some other liquid waste should have to be searched to make it more econom-
ical [13]. However, the low-cost solution for geopolymer synthesis has been accelerated to
find replacement to alkali-activators through industrial liquid waste fulfilling the alkali
activation demand. The Bayer’s liquid from extraction of alumina could be a cost-effective
solution, as this liquid waste contains sufficient number of alumino-silicates in the form of
geopolymer precursor [14].
The geopolymer research scenario could fulfil the sustainability requirements to
meet the construction materials’ requirement. However, the industrial waste from cited
industrial origins have the potential to cover the construction material requirement by
adopting the geopolymer process. The raw material availability, process output and recent
synthesis findings encourage the adoption of geopolymer process for development of new
sustainable building/construction materials. Therefore, it is vital to study the mechanical
properties, chemical characterization, and financial benefits/sustainability of different
geopolymer cements, manufactured using industrial waste/by-products, to understand
the research gaps. In summary, this literature review proposes the informatory guide for
civil engineers and industrial community to work together to develop these new sustainable
construction materials through the geopolymer process.
ty 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 3 of 22

2. Industrial Waste Materials and Their Chemical Compounds/Elements

2. Industrial Waste Materials and Their Chemical Compounds/Elements
A schematic form of a geopolymer
A schematic process isprocess
form of a geopolymer shown is in Figure
shown 1, which
in Figure includes
1, which thethe use
use of possibleofindustrial wastes from metal industries like aluminium and steel, thermal
possible industrial wastes from metal industries like aluminium and steel, thermal plants
plants like coal-based powerpower
like coal-based plants andand
plants biomass burnt
biomass burnt burdens
burdenslikelike rice husk
huskash ashand
bagasse ash. Theash.process inputs
The process are inclusive
inputs of the
are inclusive minerals’
of the evaluation,
minerals’ evaluation,ononthethebasis
of their
classifications, contents and reactivity with the suitability of chemical
their classifications, contents and reactivity with the suitability of chemical activators. activators.

Figure1.1.Process diagramfor
Process diagram forvalue-addition
value-addition to industrial
to industrial wastes
wastes through
through geopolymer
geopolymer synthesis.

The use of redThe use of red mud-metakaolin

mud-metakaolin based geopolymer
based geopolymer is discussedis discussed
in Dimas in et
Dimas et al. [15],
al. [15],
which states that raw material to liquid activator ratio at constant 3 M sodium hydroxide
which states that raw material to liquid activator ratio at constant 3 M sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) could be used to make red mud-metakaolin based geopolymer with the materials’
(NaOH) could be used to make red mud-metakaolin based geopolymer with the materi-
composition of red mud 85% + metakaolin 15%. This finding was observed at 3.1 g/mL,
als’ composition
whichof was
red mud 85%more
2.5 times + metakaolin
than the 2.015%.
g/mL This finding
ratio. wastheobserved
Further, change inatmolar
3.1 con-
g/mL, which was 2.5 times more than the 2.0 g/mL ratio. Further, the change
centration from 3 M to 3.5 M caused an extensive increase in the strength of materials, in molar
concentration from
3 M to15 3.5MPa
M caused an extensive
to 20 MPa. An analysis increase in the strength
of the mineral content ofof red
mud is given
from almost 15 MPa to 20 MPa. An analysis of the mineral content of red mud is given inon the
in Table 1. The pozzolanic activity of the geopolymer synthesis highly depends
major pozzolanic
Table 1. The pozzolanic activityminerals like silica (SiO
of the geopolymer 2 ), alumina
synthesis (Al2depends
highly O3 ) and calcium oxide (CaO).
on the major
It was found that the average pozzolanic content summation
pozzolanic minerals like silica (SiO2), alumina (Al2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO). It was (PCS) of the synergy between
found that the average pozzolanic content summation (PCS) of the synergy between red found
red mud and metakaolin based geopolymer was calculated up to 87%, which was
chemically suitable for making red mud–metakaolin based geopolymer. It is observed that
mud and metakaolin based geopolymer was calculated up to 87%, which was found
the ratio for the chemical compound, i.e., SiO2 /Al2 O3 > 2.5, shows promising strength
chemically suitable for making
behaviour red mud–metakaolin
in geopolymer based geopolymer.
synthesis, since binding minerals like SiOIt is and
Al2 O3 that
the ratio for the chemical compound, i.e., SiO2/Al2O3 > 2.5, shows promising strength be-
haviour in geopolymer synthesis, since binding minerals like SiO2 and Al2O3 chemically
react to make geopolymer alumino-silicates. The synergistic utilization of red mud with
metakaolin can be effectively adopted to reduce the environmental burden of landfills.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 4 of 22

react to make geopolymer alumino-silicates. The synergistic utilization of red mud with
metakaolin can be effectively adopted to reduce the environmental burden of landfills.

Table 1. Chemical compounds in red mud, fly ash, slag, rice husk ash and bagasse ash.

Raw Materi-
SI als/Minerals Fe2 O3 Al2 O3 SiO2 TiO2 Na2 O CaO LOI SiO2 /Al2 O3
1 Red mud [15] 41.43 20.61 7.36 10.28 0.43 8.92 9.91 78.32
2 1.84 40.98 52.66 1.42 0.56 0.18 ND 95.66
Slag (GGBS)
3 0.2–1.6 7–12 27–38 ND ND 34–43 ND 34.2–51.6
[16] 2.52–3.42
Rice husk ash
4 0.26 0.39 94.95 ND 0.25 0.54 ND 95.6
5 Slag (BFS) [17] 1.2 9.6 32.30 2.2 0.5 38.5 ND 43.10
Zinc mine 5.17
6 19.23 6.40 25.15 0.09 0.23 0.83 18.68 50.78
tailing [17]
7 1.10 43.50 52.50 1.80 0.30 0.20 1.30 97.10
8 Bagasse ash [8] 3.0 5.0 65.0 ND ND 9.0 17 82.00 13.00
9 SFCC [18] 0.91 41.57 48.09 0.85 ND 0.22 2.19 90.79 1.15
10 GGBS [19] 0.30 8.51 40.30 ND ND 37.01 ND 86.12 4.70
Bagasse ash
11 3.0 5.0 65.00 ND ND 9.0 17 73 13.0
WTR: Water Treatment Residue; SCBA: Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash; PCS (Pozzolanic Content Summation): SiO2 + Al2 O3 +Fe2 O3 ; SFCC:
Spent Fluid Catalytic Cracking Catalyst.

Another study on pozzolanic mineral-rich industrial wastes was carried out by Sun-
deep et al. [16], to utilize GGBS (ground granulate blast furnace slag) and RHA (rice husk
ash) as a supplementary binding material to develop geopolymer concrete. The study
was conducted to determine the technical and mineralogical feasibility of pozzolanic-rich
mineral waste GGBS and RHA, to reduce the dependency on fly ash for geopolymers.
Different material compositions with different ratio of SiO2 /Al2 O3 were used, from 2.58 to
3.42 in GGBS, varying percentage compositions with fly ash, i.e., 0–100% replacement.
Meanwhile, 2.58 to 3.57 SiO2 /Al2 O3 was analysed from 0–20% replacement of RHA with fly
ash. The chemical compositions of GGBS and RHA are shown in Table 1. It was observed
that the highest SiO2 /Al2 O3 ratio at 3.42 for 100% GGBS replacement to fly ash does not
show promising results, compared to the minimum ratio of 2.52. Similarly, it was observed
that the replacement of fly ash up to 20% could be possible with RHA because an excess
of alumina-silicates beyond the ratio of 2.5 disrupts the geopolymer process and creates
an unreacted geopolymer mass which decreases the strength. Hence, it can be noted that
the exact optimization of the activator ratio is required for the development of predefined
strength-specific geopolymer concrete.
A different origin with multi treated waste as a raw material for geopolymer synthesis
was conducted by Paiva et al. [17] with zinc mine tailing, metakaolin and slag-based
geopolymer synthesis, in which they found that the metakaolin, having an amorphous
form of composition and a sufficiently considerable range of PCS, shows that the synergistic
proportions of metakaolin with slag can produce geopolymer composition with more
than 20 MPa strength. The average materials SiO2 /Al2 O3 ratio was observed as 5.1 &
7 which may have a strength-effective effect due to materials stabilizing properties in
geopolymer reaction. It was also evident that the curing and setting properties of the
mentioned geopolymer compositions could be well controlled, due to the highly stabilized
geopolymer properties of raw materials. However, metakaolin with mine tailing based
geopolymer compositions showed up to 22 MPa in (50:50) mass contribution, rather than
15.4 MPa in (50:50) with slag.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 5 of 22

The use of the biomass-based materials due to rich pozzolanic mineral components like
SiO2 have stretched the material utilization from RHA and bagasse ash (BA). As discussed
from Pryscila Andreao et al. [8] the study has investigated on the mineral contents of
bagasse ash for the replacement of cement. Thermo-mechanical treatment was provided
to bagasse ash to achieve the desired chemical composite, similar to Portland cement.
As a result of the investigation, they concluded that recalcination and grinding of ash can
subsequently increase the strength performance of concrete. As per the investigation,
the activated amorphous silica increased the reactivity due to calcination and continuous
grinding. The final content of silica in treated bagasse ash was observed at around 70–75%,
which played an important role in increasing the pozzolanic reaction efficiency.
Trochez et al. [18] assessed the precursor-based methodology to utilize spent fluid
catalytic cracking catalysts (SFCC) for geopolymer synthesis. The study was carried to
understand the trend for different changing parameters in SiO2 /Al2 O3 and Na2 O/SiO2
molar ratios. It was reported that the formation of alumino-silicates was associated with
the formation of zeolites. Optimized compressive strength of up to 67 MPa was observed
for SiO2 /Al2 O3 and Na2 O/SiO2 ratios of 2.4 and 0.25, respectively. Thus, this investigation
could set a new criterion for spent liquid wastes as a precursor for geopolymer liquid that
can reduce the commercial consumption of sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
In some studies, the ratio criteria for geopolymer compositions were utilized with
Na2 O instead of Al2 O3 . An investigation was conducted by Sisol et al. [19] on the
SiO2 /Na2 O ratio and the content of Na2 O as an alkali activated precursor to develop
hardened blast furnace slag-based geopolymers. The varying ratios of SiO2 /Na2 O at 0,
0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 were adopted in a series of investigations, to assess the mechanical
strength of compositions. The highest seven days’ compressive strength was observed as
44.2 at 1.2 ratio factor, whereas 28 days’ compressive strength was observed as 52.7 MPa.
A similar study was adopted by Ruzkon and Chindaprasirt [20] for different alkali ratios,
to assess the feasibility of bagasse ash for low-strength porous geopolymer mortar synthe-
sis. The constant 10 M NaOH to sodium silicate ratio was used as 2.5 at 65 ◦ C accelerated
curing condition, which proficiently produced 11.6–15.8 MPa strength geopolymer mortar.
The chemical compounds of the above-cited industrial wastes are shown in Table 1.
Hence, from the cited investigations, it is found that pozzolanic contents like SiO2 ,
Al2 O3 , Fe2 O3 and CaO play an important role in making geopolymer mineral bonded
alumino-silicates. As per the above-cited work of Sundeep et al. [16], the SiO2 /Al2 O3
ratio of approximately 2.5 is identified as a best possible cost-effective alkali activator
ratio which could be maintained during the activator optimizations. Ratio of SiO2 /Al2 O3
more than 2.5 could hamper the geopolymer reaction due to unreacted surface efflores-
cence effect. The equally balanced amount of pozzolanic minerals in the waste benefits
the geopolymer reaction to form stabilized concrete. Geopolymer raw materials, like red
mud, fly ash and slag/GGBS, can be considered a reference geopolymer raw material,
since their mineralogical composition shows balanced contents of pozzolanic compounds,
i.e., Al2 O3 , SiO2 Fe2 O3 &CaO, which undergo geopolymerization, to form oxides of calcium
and alumino-silicates of activators with the raw material. Hence, high strength (70 MPa)
development in geopolymers has been identified in slag-based materials, whereas mate-
rials like red mud, fly ash, RHA and bagasse ash need geopolymer precursors for their
reaction. Hence, wastes like red mud, fly ash, slag, rice husk ash, mine tailings, metakaolin,
spent liquid waste and bagasse ash can also be utilized to develop low strength (10 MPa)
to high strength (70 MPa) geopolymers.

3. Surface Morphological Characterization through Scanning Electron Microscopy

(SEM) for Engineered Geopolymer Concrete
The microstructural analysis provides evidence of the physical microstructure of
geopolymer. This has been conducted by Koshy et al. [21] on aluminium industrial waste,
i.e., red mud and thermal power plant coal burnt i.e., fly ash, for micro structural geopoly-
mers’ characteristics, within varying ages of 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days. It is
reported that, after 7 days of curing, fly ash showed a rounded but loose pattern, due to less
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 6 of 22

reactivity of particles with alumino-silicate gel around them. It was reported that red mud
itself contains appreciable amounts of soda, which accelerates the geopolymer alkaline-
dissolving reaction with silica and alumina particles. After the complete consumption
of reactive soda, the dissolution of fly ash stops. The morphological interface and bond
of fly ash with alumino-silicate gel showed a weak zone of precipitation, which leads to
loosening of fly ash particles and causes cracking to start, due to early hydration; the fly
ash particles get carved, due to the strong alkaline environment.
Al Bakri et al. [22] studied power plant coal burnt waste, i.e., fly ash, as a mechanically
activated precursor, to study the effect of fineness on the compressive strength of fly
ash based nano concrete. The fly ash derived from coal combustion was mechanically
nano processed by means of a high-energy planetary ball mill (HEPBM). The particles’
morphological behaviour was kept under scanning observation, for unprocessed fly ash
and processed fly ash, for 2 h, 4 h and 6 h. The geopolymer process was adopted for
the development of alumino-silicate gels, to strengthen the concrete matrix. A time-
based strength study from the first day to the seventh day was investigated to compare
the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete due to changes in the curing period.
As a result of the investigation, it was noted that the fineness of the pozzolanic material
plays a vital role in the development of alumino-silicate gels, which strongly influences the
development of compressive strength. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of
fly ash processed at nano level at different intervals are explained above.
Hence, based on the above studies, it can be predicted that the appropriate addition
of alkali is an important requirement to prevent early hydration and extra etching of
the feed materials. In order to maintain the morphological characteristics of the feed
raw materials, it is necessary to develop algorithm-based alkali optimizing models to
calculate exact amount of alkali activators’ requirement for geopolymer concrete mixes.
The contribution of fineness can also play a vital role in intermolecular bindings between
the particles, due to mechanical activation characteristics that enhance the mechanical
strength of concrete mixes.

4. Geopolymer Synthesis
Geopolymer synthesis can be processed and synthesized by both dry and wet systems.
Bayuaji et al. [23] reported two different methods for the synthesis of fly ash based geopoly-
mers in dry and wet forms. Similar to cement concrete mix designs, they considered
geopolymer as a cement, and a water to binder ratio was decided as per molar concentra-
tion or dry density of activator compounds, i.e., sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium
silicate (Na2 SiO3 ). In their study, they found that dry geopolymer has an easy method of
geopolymer synthesis. The dry geopolymer could have advantages over wet geopolymer
systems, due to its ease of manufacturing and in situ applications. Abdel-Gawwad and
Abo-El-Enein [24] successfully demonstrated dry geopolymer synthesis with their novel
modifications to prevent hydrophilicity of the dry geopolymers. They adopted the use of
water-absorbing compounds to prevent lump formation in dry geopolymers. This study
shows the promising incorporation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ), sodium carbonate
(Na2 SiO3 ) and prissonite (P), followed by mechanical milling to stabilize the dry activators.
The steel industrial slag, i.e., granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS), was used as an activated
pozzolanic material, to develop new-age dry geopolymer cement. Chandra Padmakar
and Chandra Kumar [25] worked on the synthesis of geopolymers, using steel industrial
waste slag through liquid-based geopolymer synthesis. The main contents of the liquid
activators used were a 10 M sodium hydroxide solution and a solution of sodium sil-
icate solution. The geopolymer mix was formed, containing GGBS and metakaolin in
place of cement, since the chemical constituents of granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)
and metakaolin show an appreciable amount of alumina and silica-based geopolymer
precursors. These geopolymer precursors can be utilized to provide alkali-activation to
the geopolymer mixings. Kiran Kumar and Gopala Krishna Sastry [26] investigated fly
ash-based geopolymer concrete, using a liquid activation process.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 7 of 22

The geopolymers can also be synthesized with liquid activators, using sodium hy-
droxide and sodium silicate at ambient temperature. From the above-cited reference,
it could be noted that the synthesis of geopolymer can be adopted by both wet and dry
process routes. Moreover, dry geopolymer synthesis has better workability, compared to
wet geopolymer synthesis, since the wet geopolymer synthesis involves a slow process
from raw material preparation to the decision on the molar concentration of activator
solutions. The strength-specific study was conducted by Gum Sung Ryu et al. [27] on the
synthesis of fly ash based wet geopolymers. The study shows the effect of different molar
concentration studies with varying sodium hydroxide and silicate ratios, e.g., 6, 9 and
12 M, and also with different percentage variations, e.g., 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0.
The findings show that synergic use of two activators, i.e., sodium hydroxide and sodium
silicate, plays a vital role in the development of compressive strength. It was reported that
the increasing molar ratio of 12 M sodium hydroxide with 50% sodium silicate solution
was limited to 47 MPa strength, whereas 9 M sodium hydroxide solution reflected a result
close to 47 MPa. Meanwhile, the percentage variations of sodium hydroxide to sodium
silicate (NaOH:Na2 SiO3 %) show the compressive strength of 47 MPa at the optimized ratio
of 50:50. This illustrates that the geopolymer strength can be altered, by variations in the
molar ratio of activators.
An effective temperature treatment for geopolymers is evident through the work
of Nan Ye et al. [28]. The studies were aggressively focused on evaluating the effect of
temperature treatment on red mud and GBFS-based wet geopolymers. The wet system was
adopted to ascertain the moisture requirement for geopolymer formations during tempera-
ture studies, to prevent drying shrinkages and cracks. A series of trial runs of temperature
effects was carried out from 100 to 800 ◦ C, with progressive evidence of 25 to 50 MPa
in strength increment. Furthermore, geopolymer material was also found suitable for
fire-resistant construction materials. An added physical material development of thermal-
resistant geopolymer was investigated by Cheng and Chiu [29] for the development of
fire-resistant geopolymer panels, which were synthesized by a slag-based geopolymer
matrix. It is evident that the slag-based geopolymer could withstand extreme temperatures
up to 1100 ◦ C and could sustain the post-treated strength till 79 MPa. As an accelerated
procedure for geopolymer nanoscale alumino-silicates’ dissolution, the lower alkali-water
ratio was observed at around 0.026. The contribution of biomass industrial waste for
making geopolymer was studied by Zabihi et al. [30], who investigated the effect of rice
husk ash, which was added as a SiO2 mineral contributor to the wet geopolymer system.
The use of fibres with RHA as a 100% replacement was adopted to develop cement-free con-
crete. The fibrous properties and pozzolanic properties of RHA contributed to a strength
development of 65 MPa, with 63% CO2 less energy-intensive outputs. Additionally, the
contribution of biomass, e.g., bagasse ash, to geopolymer synthesis satisfied the making of
medium-strength geopolymers, as reported by Rukzon and Chindaprasirt [21]. The deliv-
ered synthesis comprised of low, porous, medium-strength, complete waste and accelerated
the cured geopolymer route to optimize the desired low-strength-based geopolymers.
As per the cited reference, the suitability of the geopolymer synthesis system could
be well adopted in both wet and dry processes, since the alkalis have good ability to
be converted into a dry powdered form and also show a solute nature to make aqueous
activators. The important synthesis parameters with their findings are stipulated in Table 2.

Table 2. Different geopolymer concretes from different industrial wastes.

Activator Compound Optimized

SI Reference Synthesis Waste
(NaOH: Na2 SiO3 ) SiO2 /Al2 O3 Ratio
1 Ridho Bayuaji et al. [23] Wet GBFS (1:2.92 M) ND
Abdel-Gawwad and
2 Dry GBFS Dry NaOH 2.87
Abo-El-Enein [24]
Chandra Padmakar and GGBS &
3 Wet (1:2.5) 2.61
Sarath Chandra Kumar [25] metakaolin
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 8 of 22

Table 2. Cont.

Activator Compound Optimized

SI Reference Synthesis Waste
(NaOH: Na2 SiO3 ) SiO2 /Al2 O3 Ratio
Kiran Kumar and Gopala Fly ash, GGBS (1:2)
4 Wet 3.6
Krishna Santry [26] and nano silica (weight/weight)
NaOH = 6 M, 9 M & 12
5 Ryu et al. [27] Wet Fly ash & 4.13
Constant NaOH 9 M
for fly ash (100, 75, 50)
Red mud &
6 Nan Ye et al. [28] Wet (1:6.9) 1.7
7 Cheng and Chiu [29] Wet KOH (5–10 M) 2.37
Sodium hydroxide 10
8 Zabihi and Mohseni [30] Wet Rice husk ash 3
Sumrerng Rukzon and
9 Wet Bagasse ash (10:15) 13
Prinya Chindaprasirt [21]

5. Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Cement/Concrete

The mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete made from industrial waste are
given in Table 3. Tran Viet Hung et al. [31] carried out a study evaluating the mechanical
properties, in which they investigated the strength behaviours of fly ash based geopolymer
concrete for compression, flexural, elastic modulus and tensile loadings. The mechanical
properties of flexural strength and the characteristics of bending tensile strength were
compared with cement concrete compositions. It was concluded that the tensile strength of
geopolymer concrete shows promising behaviour, compared to that of cement concrete,
which directly indicates that the cracks in the geopolymer concrete are less than normal ce-
ment concrete. Another study on the synergic utilization of fly ash and slag was performed
by Sofi et al. [32], for the synthesis of fly ash slag-based geopolymer concrete, in which they
compared the geopolymer fly ash-based concrete with conventional, ordinary Portland ce-
ment concrete. The observed mechanical characteristics of geopolymer concrete were seen
to be similar to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in the case of compressive strength and
standard deviations. However, split tensile strength and flexural strength were observed
to be quite differentiated, with a 2 MPa strength range. The modulus of elasticity was
reported to be more promising than OPC concrete. The density of geopolymer concrete
was in the range of 2147–2408 Kg/m3 , whereas the OPC concrete showed a density range
of 2300–2600 Kg/m3 . Compressive strength was achieved in the range of 47–56.5 MPa and
showed increasing strength from 10–15 MPa strength in between 7 and 28 days. This may
be due to evidence of polymerization reaction even after 7 days of curing, up to 28 days
at ambient room temperature conditions. The other mechanical properties of this study
are shown in Table 3. The geopolymer processes also have room for analysis on a singu-
lar liquid activator medium. The study of Fernandez-Jimenez et al. [33] shows similar
research on the engineering properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete. The fly ash
based geopolymer synthesis was bifurcated in two liquid medium systems, via sodium
hydroxide based and sodium silicate-based aqueous activators. The sodium hydroxide,
which was denoted as the N activator, was kept at a constant molar concentration of 8 M,
whereas the W activator, i.e., sodium silicate, was kept at a molar concentration of 12.5 M,
while the homogenous mixture of both the mixtures was kept at a 15:85 ratio. The N and W
based geopolymer syntheses showed promising results in compressive strength, which was
34 and 43.5 MPa, respectively, compared to OPC concrete’s 42 MPa. The accelerated curing
showed a rise in the compressive strength up to 60 MPa at 672 h, compared to OPC concrete
at approximately 30 MPa at a similar time of curing. Regarding flexural strength, the trend
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 9 of 22

shows a linear regression from 4.62 MPa to 8.80 MPa from 20 h to 90 days. The other
mechanical strength properties of this literature are stipulated in Table 3.

Table 3. Mechanical properties from several studies by researchers.

Mechanical Properties
Activator Ratio Density CS (MPa) STS (MPa) FS (MPa) MOE (GPa) A/B Ratio Temp. & Time Waste

Viet Hung et al. [31] 2.5 ND 52.07 33.65 ND 7.31 33.65 0.41–0.48 60 ◦ C/24 h Fly ash

Sofi et al. [32] ND 2147–2408 47.0–56.5 2.8–4.1 ND 4.9–6.2 23.0–39.0 0.45–0.59 23 ◦ C RT Slag & fly ash

Fernandez-Jiminez et al. [33] 8 &12.5 M 2400 29.0–43.5 ND ND 6.86 10.7–18.4 0.40&0.55 85 ◦ C/20 h Fly ash

Gum Sung Ryu et al. [27] 6, 9 &12 M ND 15.2–47.5 1–5 ND ND ND 0.5 60 ◦ C/24 Hrs Fly ash

140 ◦ C/15–
Gunasekara et al. [34] 7% (w/w) 2000–2682 31–64 ND 150–175 3.95–4.95 18–27 ND Kaolin & fly ash
90 min

Abbas et al. [35] 10–16 M NaOH 1835 35.8 2.6 245 5.5 ND 0.25 & 0.61 60 ◦ C/48 Hrs Low Ca fly ash

Chamundeswari and
(1:2,2.5,3.0) 2445 8–12 0.21–0.71 ND 0.2–1.7 ND 0.45 27 ◦ C RT Fly ash & metakaolin
Ranga Rao [36]

3, 4, 5 & 6 M
Gautam et al. [37] 2322 50–70 2.78–6.1 ND 3.3–5.9 ND 0.46–0.62 Ambient RT GBFS & fly ash

3, 5 & 7 M
Madheswaran et al. [38] (NaOH & ND 25–60 3.96–5.3 75–100 ND 13.5–14.14 0.65 Ambient RT GGBS
Na2 SiO3 )

6, 8, 10 & 12 M Red mud, fly

Singh et al. [39] 2400 8.8–56 2.4–2.8 120 4.75–7.62 ND ND Ambient RT
NaOH ash & GGBS

Kishore K et al. [40] 10 M NaOH 2400 20–65 1.0–6.0 ND 1.0–6.0 ND 0.4 Ambient RT RHA & GGBS

Jaya Kumar et al. [41] 12 M NaOH ND 11–38 3.2–10.5 ND ND ND 0.5 60 ◦ C/24 Hrs Fly ash & bagasse ash

CS: Compressive Strength; STS: Split Tensile Strength; FS: Flexural Strength; MOE: Modulus of Elasticity; ND: Not Defined; M: Molar; A/B:
Activator to Binder Ratio.

The effect of different molar concentrations of geopolymer synthesis was investigated

in a study conducted by Gum Sung Ryu et al. [27] on fly ash based geopolymer concrete.
Varying concentrations of sodium hydroxide were adopted, 6 M, 9 M, and 12 M, to examine
concrete reactivity. Additionally, in order to optimize the raw material reactivity, five dif-
ferent percentage composition doses were investigated as (NaOH:Na2 SiO3 = 0:100; 25:75;
50:50; 75:25 and 100:0) ratios for an activator medium. The maximum compressive strength
achieved at 28 days was 44.8 MPa at 12 M NaOH with 50% sodium silicate activator
medium. Additionally, the maximum split tensile strength was observed as an increasing
trend of 1–5 MPa with increasing molar concentration ratio. The curing condition was
adopted as accelerated type, having a 60 ◦ C curing medium for 24 h. Geopolymers have
a wide variety of syntheses, not only in cement and concrete but also in the synthesis of
concrete ingredients like aggregates. Gunasekara et al. [34] conducted an extensive study
on the synthesis of geopolymer aggregate concrete, in which the density of the geopolymer
concrete was adopted in varying ranges from 2000–2682 Kg/m3 . Temperature-cured ag-
gregates at a maximum of up to 140 ◦ C were adopted to ensure complete stabilization of
the geopolymer matrix. As a geopolymer aggregate synthesis, the concrete was tested at
different durations, viz. 7, 28 and 90 days. The increasing strength trend was from 26 to
37 MPa with varying density from 2000 to 2200 Kg/m3 . The varied testing conditions of
dry and wet were also examined under compression testing, which showed 31 MPa in wet
testing and 64 MPa in accelerated 140 ◦ C cured testing.
Research advances for the requirement for high-strength geopolymer can also be
achieved, as in the study of Abbas et al. [35], in which they worked on the development
of high-strength lightweight geopolymer concrete, with strength conforming to around
36 MPa. Low calcium fly ash, along with alkali activators, were used as geopolymer
precursors. The authors succeeded in the synthesis of geopolymer with a low-density
concrete mix up to 1800 kg/m3 . The flexural strength was observed to increase by up
to 3% from 28 to 56 days. The authors stated that this lightweight geopolymer concrete
can be used as an insulated high-strength geopolymer that shows comparably less ther-
mal coefficient than normal concrete. Chamundeswari and Ranga Rao [36] conducted
research on the effect of molar concentrations on geopolymer mix designs for different
intervals of time with different molar concentration ratios. The study shows that the
compressive strength increases with increasing molar concentration of alkali activators.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 10 of 22

Through this study, it was recorded that the compressive strength of 1:3 (NaOH:Na2 SiO3 )
shows an increase in strength, compared to the 1:2 molar concentration ratio. As discussed
above, not only are light-weight high-strength geopolymers being studied; in their study,
Gautam et al. [37] show that the high strength of geopolymer concrete can be developed
up to 71 MPa with the use of slag and fly ash as a raw material. They investigated the
development of high-strength geopolymers with different molar concentration studies,
which varied from 3 M to 6 M of sodium hydroxide activator. It was reported in their
results that the strength developed at 28 days was around 50 MPa for a 3 M activator
solution, around 65 MPa for a 4 M activator solution and around 71 MPa for a 6 M activa-
tor solution. The authors clearly mentioned that the increase in molar concentration can
alter the compressive strength of the geopolymer mixes. Studies in which the strength
is extended up to 52 MPa with optimizing molar concentration can be witnessed in the
work of Madheswaran et al. [38]. They studied the effect of varying molar concentration on
different GBFS-based geopolymer grades. The study was conducted to obtain the possible
trends in strength changes due to the molar concentration changes of alkali activators.
From the findings, it was reported that a 7 M sodium hydroxide alkali activator shows
promising behaviour, compared to that of a 3 M sodium hydroxide solution. The com-
pressive strength of the 7 M solution attained a maximum of 52 MPa, compared to 3 M
at 16 MPa. However, the utilization of red mud as a pozzolanic binder with a synergic
approach with other industrial waste like GGBS and fly ash (FA) have shown promising
strength results: up to 56 MPa at 28 days at ambient room temperature, as investigated
by Singh et al. [39]. The optimized material replacement for red mud in geopolymer
concrete was suggested as 30% with the combination of GGBS and FA. The optimized
strength parameters are stipulated in Table 3. It was reported that the percentage of red
mud replacement and different molar concentrations affect the strength properties of the
geopolymer concrete. As silica-accelerated agents, in the form of synergic use of biomass
waste, viz. RHA and bagasse ash, can nurture the pozzolanic reactivity of high-strength
waste materials, such as GGBS and fly ash, they can effectively consume biomass waste,
to obtain value additions. The investigations performed by Kishore K et al. [40] and Jaya
Kumar et al. [41] show that strength achievements of up to 65 MPa in the synergic use of
RHA and GGBS could be possible at ambient room temperature at constant 10 M NaOH
concentration, whereas the accelerated curing at 60 ◦ C can make a partial utilization of
bagasse ash with fly ash to develop a low-strength geopolymer up to 38 MPa. However,
the high molar concentrations (12 M) of the bagasse and fly ash based geopolymers are
optimized by the studies, but the strength development confirmations were identified by
this study.
According to the literature discussed above, mechanical strength parameters like
compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile strength could be achieved similarly to
conventional concrete mix designs. It can be seen that the compressive strength of geopoly-
mer concrete reached with fly ash 15–50 MPa, GGBS 25–70 MPa, red mud 8.8–56 MPa,
RHA 20–65 and bagasse ash 11–38 MPa. Furthermore, the effect of molar concentration
on the strength of geopolymer concrete is an observed factor since the dissolution rate
and efficiency improve when the molar concentration of the alkali activator increases. It is
observed that molar concentration ranges from 6 to 10 M of NaOH and sodium silicate
are suitable for complete geopolymerization reaction for all industrial wastes. High molar
concentrations show better compressive strength than their lesser molar concentration
counterparts. The molar concentration also contributes to the dissolution of minerals like
silica and alumina that contribute to the formation of alumino-silicate gels later; as the cur-
ing period increases, it strengthens the concrete mix. As shown in Table 3, it is observed that
the effect of temperature on geopolymers varies from material to material. Slag, as a raw
material, shows an equal mineral content of SiO2 ad CaO; it does not need accelerated
temperature curing and can be polymerized to form good-strength geopolymers, while an
excessive amount of SiO2 in fly ash needs accelerated temperature curing because the
excess of silica content leads to slow drying conditions, as shown in Table 3, because of
Sustainability 2021,
Sustainability 13,13,
2021, x FOR
873 PEER REVIEW 1122of 22
11 of

its high content of SiO2 . Geopolymer synthesis can be done at Ambient varying temperatures,
Kishore K et al. [40] 10 M NaOH 2400 20–65 1.0–6.0 ND 1.0–6.0 ND 0.4 RHA & GGBS
from 23 ◦ C to 140 ◦ C. It has been observed that fly ash 15–50 MPa,RT GGBS 25–70 MPa,
red mud 8.8–56 MPa, RHA 20–65, and bagasse ash 11–38 MPa geopolymer 60 °C/24 concrete satis-
Fly ash &
Jaya Kumar et al. [41] 12 M NaOH ND 11–38 3.2–10.5 ND ND ND 0.5
fies the strength criteria in concrete applications. Among this, slag-based Hrsgeopolymer bagasse with
fly ash,
CS: Compressive Strength; STS: Split red mud,
Tensile and biomass
Strength; wasteStrength;
FS: Flexural can be used
MOE: toModulus
develop of high-strength
Elasticity; ND: competitive
Not De-
fined; M: Molar; A/B: Activator in comparison to normal cement concrete. Moreover, as discussed by Viet
to Binder Ratio.
Hung et al. [31], porosity can be controlled to decrease the effect of weathering actions,
The comparative
indirectly reducing thestudiescompressiveof geopolymer-based
strength of concrete. compositions of different industrial
wastesThe showcomparative studies of geopolymer-based
different mechanical strengths. Figure compositions
2 represents the of different industrial
bar chart-based com-
wastes show different mechanical strengths. Figure 2 represents
parison of fly ash and fly ash with other waste-based geopolymers versus the strengths the bar chart-based
for compression, of flysplit
ash and fly ash
tensile andwith otherloadings.
flexural waste-based As geopolymers
described byversus the strengths
Viet Hung et al. [31],
for compression, split tensile and flexural loadings. As
singular fly ash based geopolymer concrete shows permissible strength limits described by Viet Hung et al.
to 52
singular fly ash based geopolymer concrete shows permissible
MPa compressive strength, 5 MPa split tensile and 7.31 MPa flexural strength, comparedstrength limits up to 52 MPa
compressive strength, 5 MPa split tensile and 7.31 MPa flexural strength, compared to
to normal cement concrete, whereas the synergic use of GGBS and fly ash showed more
normal cement concrete, whereas the synergic use of GGBS and fly ash showed more
promising behaviour, compared to fly ash based geopolymer concrete. The strength de-
promising behaviour, compared to fly ash based geopolymer concrete. The strength
development is directly correlated
is directly correlatedwithwiththe material’s
the material’smineral composition,
mineral composition, which is shown
which is
Table 1. GGBS and fly ash contain a considerable amount of
in Table 1. GGBS and fly ash contain a considerable amount of SiO2 , CaO and SiO 2, CaO and Al2O3. Sim-

Al2 Okaolin and metakaolin have a similar minerology of pozzolanic contents and, hence,
3 . Similarly, kaolin and metakaolin have a similar minerology of pozzolanic contents
hence, high i.e.,strength,
it could be i.e.,possible
it could to be synthesize
possible to >50 MPa for
synthesize flyMPa
>50 ash for
based geopolymer
fly ash based
geopolymer compositions. The additive use of fly ash and GGBS can possibly attain theuse
The additive use of fly ash and GGBS can possibly attain the synergic
pozzolanic-rich aluminium aluminium
use of pozzolanic-rich industrial waste, i.e.,waste,
industrial red mud, to mud,
i.e., red obtain a high-strength
to obtain a high-
strength performance
performance factor forfactor for its
its bulk bulk utilization.
utilization. In addition,
In addition, biomass biomass industrial
industrial waste,
waste, either
rice husk rice
ash husk ash or bagasse
or bagasse ash, hasash, has aofscope
a scope of utilization
utilization for geopolymer
for geopolymer synthesis,synthesis,
as a sup-
as a supplementary
plementary cementitiouscementitious
material,material, to also develop
to also develop low-strength
low-strength geopolymers.

Figure 2. Graph showing synergic fly ash based geopolymers’ compositions versus compressive strength.
Figure 2. Graph showing synergic fly ash based geopolymers’ compositions versus compressive strength.
The mineralogical and stabilized morphological characteristics of GGBS, i.e., slag,
The mineralogical
have evidence and stabilizedgeopolymer,
of high-strength-based morphological characteristics
as shown in Figure 3.ofThe
GGBS, i.e., slag,
have evidence
strength of high-strength-based
behaviour geopolymer,
of GGBS-based geopolymers as shown
confirms goodinstructural
Figure 3.stability
The mechanical
compression, tensile and flexural behaviour. GGBS shows high strength (>50stability
behaviour of GGBS-based geopolymers confirms good structural MPa) com- under
compression, tensile
pressive strength, (>5and flexural
MPa) tensilebehaviour.
and (>5 MPa)GGBS shows
flexural high strength
loadings, not only(>50
as a MPa)
pressive strength,
waste-based (>5 MPa)but
geopolymer, tensile
also and (>5 MPa) aflexural
demonstrates similarloadings, not only aswith
strength behaviour a singular
husk ash and geopolymer, but also
fly ash. However, demonstrates
although a similar
high strength (>50strength
MPa) is behaviour
possible withwithredrice
mud, for compressive strength, it has less (<2 MPa) tensile and flexural load
husk ash and fly ash. However, although high strength (>50 MPa) is possible with red stability.
mud, for compressive strength, it has less (<2 MPa) tensile and flexural load stability.
y 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22

Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22

Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 12 of 22

Figure 3. Graph showing synergic GGBS-based geopolymers’ compositions versus compressive strength.
Figure 3. Graph showing synergic GGBS-based geopolymers’ compositions versus compressive strength.
Figure 3. Graph showing is
Geopolymer synergic GGBS-based
remarkably geopolymers’
influenced compositions
by accelerated versus compressive
temperature curing,strength.
since the
geopolymer reaction has an effect
Geopolymer on temperature
is remarkably influenced conditions, as shown
by accelerated in Figure
temperature 4. Geo-
curing, since the
geopolymer is remarkably
reaction has an influenced
effect on by accelerated
temperature temperature
conditions, as shown curing,
in since4.the
polymer has huge scope for temperature-based synthesis, as it is been observed in the
has huge has an effect
scope for on temperature conditions,
temperature-based synthesis, as
as shown in Figure 4. in
it is been Geo-
table that the geopolymer synthesis carried out at room temperature for GGBS-fly ashobserved
polymer has
the table that huge scope
the geopolymers for temperature-based
geopolymer synthesis synthesis, as it is been observed in the
red mud-fly ash-GGBS based showedcarried out at room
compressive temperature
strength greaterforthan
50 ash
table that the geopolymer synthesis carried out at room temperature
and red mud-fly ash-GGBS based geopolymers showed compressive strength greater than for GGBS-fly ash and
MPa, except for fly ash-metakaolin based geopolymer. However, the accelerated temper-
50 mud-fly
MPa, exceptash-GGBS based geopolymers
for fly ash-metakaolin basedshowed compressive
geopolymer. However, strength greater than
the accelerated tem- 50
atures at 60, 85 and
except 60,do
for 85 cause
flyand 140effective
◦ C do cause
basedeffective in the strength
in the strength
However, of geopolymer
accelerated temper-
concretes made by fly
atures at ash
concretes made
60, andand
85 bylow-strength
ash°Cand basedeffective
cause industrial
based waste likewaste
increments inkaolin
thelike and bagasse
strength and
of bagasse
ash. Hence, fromash.this study,
Hence, fromit can
this be noted
study, it that
can begeopolymer
noted that concrete
geopolymer can be
concretes made by fly ash and low-strength based industrial waste like kaolin and bagasse prepared
can be for
targets with
for Hence, high
from pozzolanic
this withithigh
study, mineral
can valued
be noted waste
that materials
geopolymer waste like
concrete GGBS,
materials fly GGBS,for
can belike
ash and red mud,fly ash and red
high-strength mud, whereas
targets cured
with high thermally cured
low pozzolanic
pozzolanic low pozzolanic
mineral mineral mineral
valued waste waste geopolymer
materials like GGBS, fly
could be developed be developed to high strength by thermal curing.
ash andtoredhigh
whereas by thermal
thermally curing.
cured low pozzolanic mineral waste geopolymer
could be developed to high strength by thermal curing.

Figure 4. Graph Graph showing temperature

Figure 4. temperature
showing vs strength.
compressive strength.
Figure 4. Graph showingvs compressive
temperature vs compressive strength.
The activator to binder (A/B) ratio has a notable effect on the strength of geopolymers.
The activatorTheto binder (A/B)
activator ratio has
to binder a notable
(A/B) ratio effect
has on theeffect
a notable strength
onthe ofstrength
the geopolymers.
From Figure 5, it has been observed that compositions with A/B ratio,of geopolymers.
with a range
From Figure 5, it
From has been
of 0.4Figure
to 0.65,5,have
it hasshown compositions
been observed
with the
A/B ratio, with
with greater
the A/Bthan range
of range of
MPa.a How-
0.4 to 0.65, have
0.4 shown
to 0.65, promising
have showncompressive strengths greater
promising compressive than
strengths 50 MPa.
greater thanHowever,
50 MPa. However,
the lowest A/B theratio
ratio wasasobserved
0.4 in theascase of the
0.4 in GGBS
case+ofRHAGGBS composition. The
+ RHA composition. The
2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 22
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 13 of 22

reason for the remarkable compressive strength of up to 65 MPa for the GGBS+RHA com-
ever, the lowest A/B ratio was observed as 0.4 in the case of GGBS + RHA composition.
position could be assumed
The to the
reason for be remarkable
the development of silicates
compressive strength ofof
up to 65andMPaoffor
since the mineralogical contents
composition of assumed
could be GGBS and
to beRHA show rich of
the development pozzolanic minerals
silicates of calcium andlike
of alumina,
SiO2, Al2O3 and since
contrast, thecontents
GGBS ratio, i.e., 0.59
and RHA showfor GGBS+FA
rich pozzolaniccomposi-
minerals like SiO2 ,
tion, could haveAlexcess pozzolanic
2 O3 and accumulation
CaO. In contrast, during
the highest A/Bthe process,
ratio, i.e., 0.59which may lead
for GGBS+FA to
the developmentcould
of anhave excess pozzolanic
unreacted accumulation
mass that reduces during the process,
the compressive strengthwhich may lead to the
of geopoly-
mers. development of an unreacted mass that reduces the compressive strength of geopolymers.

Figure 5. Graph5. showing
Graph showing activator/binder
activator/binder ratio vs compressive
ratio vs compressive strength. strength.
Remarks:Remarks: FA—Fly
FA—Fly Ash; Ash;
Granulated Granulated
Blast Furnace Slag; Blast
K—Kaolin; Furnace Slag; K—Kaolin;
MK—Metakaolin; BA—BagasseMK—Metakaolin;
Ash; RM—Red Mud;BA—Bagasse Ash; Ash.
RHA—Rice Husk
RM—Red Mud; RHA—Rice Husk Ash.

6. Durability of Geopolymer Concrete

6. Durability of Geopolymer Concrete
6.1. Alkali-Silica Reaction
6.1. Alkali-Silica Reaction
Investigation of alkali-silica reaction provides both the mineral’s feasibility to react
andofthealkali-silica reaction provides
amount of degradation that couldboth the mineral’s
hamper the geopolymerfeasibility
matrix toduereact
to unreacted
and the amount of degradation that could hamper the geopolymer matrix due to unre-
or free soda state. According to the study reported by Patil and Allouche [42], it has been
acted or free soda that,According
state. in geopolymer reaction,
to the studyexcess alkaliby
reported of Patil
and Allouche is susceptible
[42], it hasto reacting
with the silica of reactive aggregates, which distorts the
been seen that, in geopolymer reaction, excess alkali of alumino-silicates is susceptible tobonds between the pozzolanic
reacting with theingredients. The permissible threshold expansion was studied as per ASTM C1260 for
silica of reactive aggregates, which distorts the bonds between the poz-
fly ash based geopolymer concrete in comparison to OPC. However, it is reported that
zolanic ingredients. The permissible threshold expansion was studied as per ASTM C1260
geopolymer pastes using different reactive aggregates show less expansion, compared to
for fly ash basednormal
concrete. concrete
Further,inincomparison to OPC. However,
the case of slag-based geopolymers, it isFernandez-Jiminez
reported that and
geopolymer pastes using
Puertas [43]different
investigated reactive
surface aggregates
morphologicalshow less expansion,
studies compared
on alkali-activated to
granulated blast
normal concrete.furnace
Further, ininthe
slag, whichcasethey
of slag-based
observed that geopolymers,
the geopolymer Fernandez-Jiminez
compositions did not andshow sur-
Puertas [43] investigated
face cracking, surface
and themorphological
expansion rate was studies on alkali-activated
supposed to be observed to granulated
be slow, compared to
blast furnace slag, concrete.
in which theyIt isobserved
reported that
thesurface expansion
geopolymer in slag-based
compositions didgeopolymer
not show concrete
surface cracking, and the expansion rate was supposed to be observed to be slow,the
was observed due to the presence of oxides of calcium, which develop hydrates of
sodium calcium silicate.
pared to OPC concrete. It is reported that the surface expansion in slag-based geopolymer
However, the work by Garcia-Lodeiro et al. [44] found a contradiction on the point
concrete was observed due to the presence of oxides of calcium, which develop the hy-
that there was no significant expansion of surface cracking in fly ash based geopolymer
drates of sodiummortars.
calcium silicate.
The authors stressed the slow hydration and slow zeolite reaction, concluding that
However, the
the work
presenceby ofGarcia-Lodeiro
minerals usually et al. [44]infound
occurs gaps ina contradiction
the pozzolanic on the point
matrix, which, hence,
that there was nodosignificant expansion
not exert cracking of surface
pressure cracking
on the surface in fly
of the ash based
geopolymer geopolymer
matrix. Alkali-activated
mortars. The authors
red mud stressed the slow
geopolymer hydration
concrete and slow
was studied zeoliteetreaction,
by Ribeiro concluding
al. [45], who identified the ef-
that the presence of minerals usually occurs in gaps in the pozzolanic matrix, which,
hence, do not exert cracking pressure on the surface of the geopolymer matrix. Alkali-
activated red mud geopolymer concrete was studied by Ribeiro et al. [45], who identified
the efficiency of alkali-silica reaction in the geopolymer matrix, due to the presence of a
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 14 of 22

ficiency of alkali-silica reaction in the geopolymer matrix, due to the presence of a high
concentration of alkali in the raw materials’ mineral compositions that could bring about
a positive rheological change. Since the alkali-silica reaction mechanism creates surface
and sub-surface expansion, a study by Ha Thanh Le et al. [46] investigated rice husk and
cement paste studies, to find the possible raw materials to mitigate the alkali-silica reaction
expansion. As a concluding remark to the study, it was suggested that using rice husk ash
with fine ground particles would show complete reaction efficiency. The oxide composition
of calcium silicate and hydrates reacts with the sodium and potassium of the minerals
and with the siliceous minerals of RHA. However, the study of bagasse ash conducted by
Ramjan et al. [47] shows that the finer the particle size of the raw materials, the greater the
alkali–silica reactivity, since the fineness of the particles increases the mineral reactivity
and makes it more amorphous; it was observed that even the high loss of ignition of the
bagasse ash does not alter the alkali–silica reactivity. Thus, the authors encourage the use
of bagasse ash as a supplementary binder.
From the above-cited reference, it is evident that the possibility of alkali–silica re-
action has a higher chance in calcium-based geopolymers (i.e., since this reaction forms
hydroxides of calcium, which have a deteriorating and surface-expanding nature). Hence,
the development of sodium-based alumino-silicates should be the priority for the formation
of sodium-based geopolymers. The alkali-activated geopolymer slag, red mud and fly
ash based geopolymer binders are found to be suitable, due to the mineral-stabilizing
properties in alkali–silica reaction because of their multi mineral compositions, whereas the
biomass ash, like rice husk and bagasse ash, needs more fineness treatments, which could
indirectly hamper the cost benefits of geopolymers.

6.2. Effect of Acid Attack

The degree of deterioration of concrete also depends upon the acid exposure conditions
and the period of exposure. Davidovits et al. [48] stated that metakaolin-made geopolymers
show up to 7% mass loss when immersed in 5% sulphuric acid [H2 SO4 ] solution for a period
of 30 days. It is also evident that the sustainability of fly ash based geopolymer morphology
could be retained for more than three months when exposed to nitric acid [HNO3 ] liquid
suspension. Temuujin et al. [49] investigated whether the acid and alkali resistivity of
fly ash based geopolymers is due to their mineralogical contents, which strongly resist
and neutralize the effect of acidity, due to chemical equilibrium. The complete and high
solubility of pozzolanic minerals like alumina (Al), silica (SiO2 ) and ferrous oxides (Fe2 O3 )
enables the geopolymer matrix to be more stable, due to the complete reaction mechanism.
The acid resistivity of slag-based geopolymer concrete was studied by Ozcan and Burhan
Karakoc [50]. In this research, a 5% aqueous acidic medium was investigated, to study the
acid resistivity of slag-based geopolymer concrete. The acidic suspensions of phosphoric
acid (H2 PO4 ), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) were used for 12 weeks,
to see the resistivity of the slag-based geopolymer concrete. It was noted that visible surface
degradation was greatly observed in the case of 5% H2 SO4 and HF, whereas the effect
of alkali attack was less in the case of 5% H3 PO4 and HCl. It was noted that the acidic
medium distorts the geopolymer concrete matrix about 3 mm from the concrete surface.
Another acid resistance study was performed by Singh et al. [51] on aluminium industrial
waste, i.e., red mud under 5% acidic suspension of H2 SO4 and acetic acid (CH3 COOH).
The cylindrical specimens of red mud based geopolymer concrete were immersed in
an acidic medium for 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 84 days, in order to monitor the weight loss,
visual deformation, strength loss, and physical appearance, as per the procedure specified
by ASTM C 267- 01. The red mud based geopolymer paste showed better resistance
towards the acidic medium, compared to the cement-based paste. No surface degradation
and weight loss of more than 7% was observed in all different compositions. The weight
loss of the geopolymer matrix was observed much more in the sulphuric acid than in the
acetic acid. However, the authors successfully found the percentage utilization of red mud
to be up to 30% of the total mix. Another study of an acid resistance test was carried out on
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 15 of 22

RHA by Kim et al. [52] in an acidic suspension of 5% H2 SO4 and 5% HCL. The findings
were that the RHA-based geopolymer showed good, reduced capillary liquid flow through
its material matrix. This resulted in the development of acid-resistant geopolymer concrete,
compared to normal cement concrete.
It was evident that the effect of acid causes geopolymers to deteriorate, due to the
presence of unreacted alkali in the geopolymer matrix. Hence, it can be assumed that a
stable amount of alkali should be incorporated, to prevent the involvement of an excess of
free soda. The presence of free soda reacts with the bonded alkali and causes the polymer
bond to deteriorate. Insufficient soda/alkali could also hamper the reaction mechanism,
since the free unreacted silica and alumina could become involved in the acid reaction,
which creates spalling of the concrete.

6.3. Effect of Sulphur Attack

Fernandez-Jiminez et al. [53] performed a test to examine the effect of reactive sulphate
on geopolymer, which is indicated as a key test to evaluate the sustainability factor of
concrete under the influence of sulphur mediums. It was reported that the fly ash based
geopolymers did not undergo deterioration when they were subjected to sea water and
sodium sulphate solution (4% Na2 SO4 ). Bakharev [54] studied the mechanical behaviour
of class F fly ash based geopolymer concrete. It was observed that the variation in flexural
strength, from seven days to three months of exposure, was decreasing in nature. Accord-
ing to the observations, the minimum strength decrement was seen for the geopolymer
paste, which was exposed to 5% sodium sulphate and 5% magnesium sulphate solutions.
However, the mixtures of these two sulphate solutions reported strength deterioration after
five months of exposure. Ismail et al. [55] reported the sulphate attack disrupting the fly
ash-based geopolymer bond when it was subjected to liquid suspension of an aqueous
magnesium sulphate. It was observed that, after three months of exposure, no consider-
able physical changes had been noted in the case of sodium sulphate liquid suspension.
The reason behind the deterioration of the geopolymer matrix was observed to be due to
the formation of calcium sulphate dehydrates, which particularly seem to be damaging in
a magnesium sulphate solution. From the above study, it is evident that sulphate attack
has degrading properties for geopolymer concrete, but the effect of this sulphate could be
neutralized by the addition of some sulphate-stabilizing activators.

6.4. Carbonation and Permeability

Bernal et al. [56] investigated the effect of carbonation and permeability for slag-
metakaolin based geopolymer concrete under accelerated carbonation, for 28 days at
20 ◦ C. It was observed that the decrease in strength occurs as the carbonation is initiated.
The correlation between the pore space and the rate of carbonation was found to be similar
for series of different percentages of metakaolin-based geopolymer samples, unlike slag-
based geopolymers. It was suggested that the porosity is not the only factor affecting
the strength loss for carbonation compounds. There must be a convolution effect, due to
alumino-silicate gel chemistry, that defines the undamaged strength after the carbonation
process. Olivia and Nikraz [57] reported lower liquid permeability of geopolymer concrete
cured at 60 ◦ C for 24 h duration than Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) based concrete,
due to denser material media and less pore interconnectivity. They also concluded that
the water to geopolymer solid ratio influences the properties of geopolymer concrete.
The carbonation and permeability properties of geopolymer were found to be superior to
those of cement-based concrete. The benefits of small pore space ratios of geopolymer and
the absorbing properties of carbonate enable the geopolymer to be more sustainable than
normal cement concrete.

7. Cost and Economics

Regarding the cost concerns of geopolymers, many researchers have been trying to
work out how to prepare a cost-effective geopolymer process and parameters. Thaarrini and
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 16 of 22

Dhivya [58] carried out a study to compare normal conventional cement concrete with geopoly-
mer slag/bottom ash-based concrete, in order to establish the feasibility of geopolymer for
commercial applications. In this study, the geopolymer concrete (GPC) was compared with
different grades of conventional cement concrete. The research findings show that M30-
grade GPC was 1.7% costlier than M30-grade cement concrete, whereas GPC showed good
economic benefit in the case of higher grades than M30. The authors worked on a cost anal-
ysis comparison of M50-grade GPC and M50-grade cement concrete, in which they found
GPC to be 11% cost-effective, compared to conventional concrete. Siming You et al. [59]
worked on the techno-economic feasibility of geopolymers, based on fly ash, iron oxide and
calcium oxide as a precursor. The research findings show that variations in the materials
for geopolymer compositions play a vital role, since the chemical activators, NaOH and
Sodium Silicate Na2 SiO3 , are the key elements for the cost economics of geopolymers. An-
other study on red mud (RM)/coal gangue (CG)-based geopolymer concrete was carried
out by Junjun Geng [60]. The research reveals the mechanical properties and chemical
polymerization route of geopolymers. As a chemically activated precursor for red mud
based geopolymer, CG can decrease the molarity of the chemical activator required; i.e.,
more dilution to the alkali activator is possible, as the raw material itself contains activated
chemical compounds like SiO2 and Al2 O3 , which reduces the high molar concentration
of the alkali activator and, hence, the cost of the geopolymer is reduced. It can be seen
that pre-activation of raw materials is vital to make the geopolymer composition more
cost-effective. This study opened the way for low-cost geopolymer synthesis and made the
utilization of red mud as an ingredient in geopolymer concrete more cost-effective.
Biomass industrial wastes, like RHA and BA, however, are rich in one of the poz-
zolanic chemical ingredients, i.e., SiO2 . Their role in geopolymer reaction starts when the
polycondensation of alumino-silicates starts. As a single raw material based geopolymer,
biomass ash may have some process restrictions, due to the excess silica, but its contribution
to low-cost building materials like bricks can be considered. Poinot et al. [61] investigated
a study on RHA-based geopolymer building materials and their cost comparison with
conventional fired clay bricks. The cost comparison of energy consumption showed that
the geopolymer-based technique requires 1% energy (heat), whereas the fired clay bricks
require approximately 58% energy (heat), which shows that the firing process required for
900–1000 ◦ C firing could be reduced, to achieve low carbon-based concrete manufacturing
for concrete construction. This research work indicates that the geopolymer bricks can
be produced at a similar production cost to that of clay bricks, with a reduced environ-
mental impact, making them viable on the market as an alternative low-cost, low-energy
source for building material. Another research work on biomass-based geopolymer was
carried out by Syed Nasir Shah et al. [62]. The authors showed a unique way to design a
framework to pursue lightweight geopolymer concrete with the use of industrial wastes,
including bagasse ash. They elaborated on the studies pertaining to lightweight concrete
production; some additional properties like low-thermal conductivity and low density
could nurture low-cost, medium-loaded construction activities.
As per the above-cited references, in studies, the geopolymer synthesis, comprised of
RM, GBFS and FA with biomass waste, efficiently showed cost-effectiveness for geopolymer
material synthesis. As given in Table 1, the minerology of the discussed industrial wastes
shows promising pozzolanic efficiency on other additives, but the synergistic use of biomass
waste, along with metal industrial waste, can be possible. Hence, it is possible to develop
lower-cost higher-strength geopolymer concrete, in comparison to normal cement concrete.

8. Sustainability Indicators of Geopolymer

Numerous studies in the literature demonstrate their work on sustainable indicators,
which shows the environmental and economic benefits of geopolymers. Based on the
indicative performance, the sustainable indicators are broadly classified into three cat-
egories: i.e., environmental (e.g., mitigating climate change), social and economic (e.g.,
Operational cost, long-term saving) as discussed by Danso [63]. Environmental indicators
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 17 of 22

could include acid resistance, less embodied energy-intensive processes, groundwater

rechargeable concrete as a sustainability indicator [63]. Meanwhile, for measuring sus-
tainable geopolymer concrete/cement, the use of self-compacting concrete or the use of
self-healing concrete can be used as an operational cost indicator. Moreover, the use of
light-weight concrete/fire-resistant concrete water phobic/geopolymer concrete can be
used as long-term savings indicator as less material consumption.
Geopolymer synthesis shows environmental and economic sustainability, based on its
raw material inputs, low carbon process and the vide variety of eco-friendly material prop-
erties, as discussed above. Mehta and Kumar [64] conducted research on acid resistance,
which is an environment sustainability indicator, as suggested by Danso [63]. The study
evaluated the feasibility of fly ash slag-based geopolymer concrete. In this comparative
study, fly ash slag-based geopolymer concrete was evaluated with normal ordinary Port-
land cement-based concrete. Acid suspension media of 2, 4 and 6% of sulphuric were used
to perform acid resistance tests, through which the geopolymer-based concrete showed
good resistance towards the acidic medium and was observed to show a 1–2% compressive
strength decrement. Tempest et al. [13] carried out an embodied energy analysis of fly
ash based geopolymers, which could be defined as an energy-consumption sustainability
indicator. The geopolymer fly ash-based material energy requirements were compared
with normal cement concrete. The geopolymer components and cement synthesis-based
components were arithmetically analysed to obtain the embodied energy requirement.
It was noted that the fly ash based geopolymer concrete showed 30% less embodied energy
for 1 m3 of production. Here, the authors stressed that the geopolymer concrete showed
a smaller carbon footprint and a satisfactory relationship between the environment and
economy could be achieved. An advance in geopolymer technology, with promising appli-
cations, is encouraging for the development of a special type of concrete. Chen et al. [65]
investigated the development of red mud-GBFS based pervious concrete for the applica-
tion of groundwater recharge, which could be classed as an environmental indicator for
climate change, during the rainy season, with added quality of rainwater purification by
adsorption of heavy metal ions. The observed compressive strength was up to 18.53 MPa,
which seems sufficient for lightweight road pavements. The authors stressed the use of red
mud for the synthesis of geopolymer concrete, which seems feasible for the function of rain-
water filtered purification. Biomass and aluminium industrial waste not only contribute
to strength but also to the light weight of geopolymer concrete, due to their low-density
volumes. Thang Nguyen et al. [66] investigated the synthesis of lightweight geopolymer
concrete, which can be classified as a long-term saving economic indicator, as expressed
by Danso [63]. The geopolymer synthesis was done with the help of red mud and rice
husk ash. The geopolymer concrete was developed for densities of 1205 to 1621 kg/m3 .
The successful examination of temperature resistivity up to 1000 ◦ C for two hours was
evaluated. It was noted that the red mud-rice husk ash based geopolymer concrete showed
increased strength from 36 to 166% after exposure to high temperature. This study confirms
the high-temperature resistivity that can come under the category of sustainable economic
indicator for operational cost of geopolymer synthesis.
Energy-saving methodologies have always been a part of lean construction practice,
comprising pre- and post-construction. Patel and Shah [67] investigated the development of
self-compacting geopolymer concrete, which could come under the economic indicator of
operational cost to reduce extra efforts of engaged machineries. The geopolymer synthesis
was done by using slag (GBFS) and rice husk ash as a raw material. The development
of the self-flowing and compacting properties of geopolymer concrete has been greatly
increased, due to the stabilizing properties of slag and RHA. The complete reactivity in the
geopolymer medium tends to create gel-pore interactions faster, and concrete shows self-
compaction. The main advantage of self-compacting concrete is faster construction and the
fact that it requires less manpower, reducing the overall cost of production. This research
work suggests the effective use of biomass waste, i.e., rice husk ash (RHA), for lightweight
geopolymer concrete, which substantially reduces the structural load on the foundation,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 18 of 22

enabling savings of excess materials. In terms of sustainability, the waterproof property

of geopolymer concrete could come under the economic indicator of maintenance cost
reduction for water proofing for the long service life of the structure. Liang et al. [68]
investigated the development of waterproof geopolymer concrete with metakaolin and
rice husk ash. The findings show that the use of RHA with metakaolin-based geopolymer
not only improves the silica (SiO2 ) content but also imparts strength properties in the
development. The enhancement of the waterproofing property is observed, due to the
formation of alumino-silicate and calcium-silicate hydrates. This microstructural property
was developed because of dissolving reaction carried by alkali towards excess of silica
(SiO2 ). That enables the development of a compact microstructure and reduces inner gel
spaces. This mechanism preserves the strength and enhances the softening coefficient.
McGrath et al. [69] reported on Life Cycle Analysis, i.e., energy involved in the synthesis
of geopolymer concrete, as an environmental indicator of fossil fuel consumption and an
environmental indicator for solid waste utilization in the Malaysian context. The authors
also suggest that the construction industry can possibly have a way to consume a huge
amount of industrial waste, since the material consumption in construction sectors is high,
involving around 8% of global CO2 emissions. The comparative study of geopolymer
concrete and normal cement concrete is found to be more environmentally feasible in the
context of embodied energy analysis. Only the cost of activators and transportation could be
involved for geopolymer concrete synthesis, unlike the case for normal concrete. According
to the literature, geopolymer synthesis confirms important sustainability indicators to
leverage the scope for the development of a geopolymer construction practice. Table 4
shows the sustainability indicator-based geopolymer findings for different geopolymer
materials derived from aluminium, steel, biomass, and power plant industrial wastes.
However, the biomass industrial waste, i.e., bagasse ash, did not perform as a special
sustainable indicative geopolymer concrete.

Table 4. Sustainability indicators achieved by different geopolymer concretes.

SI Reference Dimension Indicator Test/Analysis Type of Geopolymer

Fly ash and slag
1 Mehta and Kumar [64] Environmental [63] Acidification effect Acid resistance test
Fossil fuel Embodied energy
2 Tempest et al. [13] Environmental [63] Fly ash
depletion analysis
Groundwater recharge
3 Chen et al. [65] Environmental [63] Climate change Red mud
with water purification
Heat-resistant &
4 Thang Nguyen et al. [66] Economic [63] Long-term saving Red mud and RHA
5 Patel and Shah [67] Economic [63] Operational cost Self-compacting GBFS and RHA
6 Liang et al. [68] Economic [63] Maintenance cost Waterproof RHA and metakaolin
Fossil fuel
7 McGrath et al. [69] Environmental [63] depletion & solid Life cycle assessment Geopolymer concrete

9. Conclusions
Based on the literature review of industrial wastes or by-products, the geopolymer
process can have considerable potential to utilize industrial wastes and fulfil the sustainable
construction material demands. The chemical characterizations show the formation of
mineralized alumino-silicate from industrial wastes like red mud, fly ash, GBFS, RHA and
bagasse ash, as shown in the surface morphological characterization section. Surface
and subsurface morphological characterizations demonstrate that the reactivity of supple-
mentary cementitious materials can be improved with the use of micro-scale materials.
Industrial waste based nano materials can be used as a precursor for chemical pozzolanic
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 19 of 22

to enhance the mechanical properties. Based on the studied literature, the compressive
strength of geopolymer concrete has reached using fly ash 15–50 MPa, GBFS 25–70 MPa,
red mud 8.8–56 MPa, RHA 20–65 and bagasse ash 11–38 MPa. To attain high compressive
strength, it is vital to study the effect of influencing factors (i.e., binder ratio, molar concen-
tration, curing temperature, slump, flexural and split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity
and chemical pozzolanic activity) on the compressive strength. The durability studies
for geopolymer concrete for alkali-silica reaction, acid attack and sulphate attack showed
promising results up to 84 days compared to OPC based concrete. However, there are
few or no long-term durability studies given in cited literature. Since alkali activators
play an important role in geopolymer synthesis, the work on the molar concentration of
alkali activators can aggressively proceed, in order to create cost-effective alkali activators.
This technique has a flexible room to proceed for dry as well wet synthesis. The global
warming potential of the cement industries always alerts the environmentalist, due to the
excessive contribution to CO2 emission during the process of cement production; hence,
the supplementary industrial rejects can be utilized as a feed material, in order to decrease
the energy requirement. The cost of alkali activators affects the energy consumption of
geopolymer concrete; hence, it is necessary to find a possible low-cost alternative source.
Overall, the geopolymer technique is helping in a scientific way to develop low-cost,
sustainable, and desired mechanical strength construction materials to drop-down the
environmental burden.

10. Future Research

The earlier research on scientific information about the evaluation of the chemical
and physical properties of geopolymer concrete/materials is appreciated. According
to the literature, the industrial waste-based geopolymer concrete approach successfully
proved the evidence of geopolymer concrete having strength of up to 70 MPa. However,
the metal and power industrial wastes, like red mud, GBFS and fly ash, could have further
future development for the synthesis of impact-resistant ultrahigh-strength (>100 MPa)
geopolymers for bunkers and military structures. These futuristic applications for special
types of concrete, like blast- and abrasive-resistant geopolymers for surface/subsurface
critically loaded structures, can be developed. Moreover, the use of biomass waste can work
as an alkali-activated additive to pozzolanic reaction efficiency of geopolymer processes.
The red mud-slag-fly ash based geopolymers show promising properties that can be further
developed for high value end applications. In addition, the following areas need to be
investigated in the future:
• The resource augmentation policies for geopolymer supporting industrial waste could
be framed for countrywide applications. A complete standard code could be devel-
oped for geopolymer, according to the resource material origin and the mineralogical
behaviour of the industrial waste.
• Since less work has been instigated for the development of fire- and blast-resistant
geopolymers, to develop high-performance concrete with strength greater than 70 MPa,
the work could be initiated by the implementation of nano converted industrial waste,
to improve the pozzolanic reaction efficiency.
• The cost economics of the geopolymer can be calculated from various liquid industrial
waste like Bayer liquor, which efficiently contains alumino-silicates.
• The development of geopolymer porous concrete could be introduced in low water
table areas, in order to maintain the water level, due to geopolymer infiltration capaci-
• The global warming potential of the cement industries always alerts the environ-
mentalist, due to the excessive contribution to CO2 emission during the process of
cement production; hence, the supplementary industrial rejects can be utilized as
a feed material, in order to decrease the energy requirement.
• Very few works have been initiated for making geopolymers from aluminium-based
industrial rejects, and many of the industrial wastes are not identified across the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 873 20 of 22

different industrial sectors. Hence, the resources’ efficiency and their implications
could be the frame for introducing country-level geopolymer applications.
• Industrially oriented geopolymer process parameters could be set to develop area-
and resource-specific products, under the theme of the circular economy concept.
• Environmentally sustainable development could be initiated by performing life cycle
assessment of geopolymer products. Additionally, geopolymer, as a new construction
material, can be initiated to study energy simulations and embodied energy calculation
for new industrial waste-based construction materials.
• Structural dynamic studies could be instigated, to establish the technical sustainability
of geopolymer materials in building and infrastructural development. Additionally,
the bond behaviour of geopolymer with reinforcement could be studied, to design
safe, eco-friendly, and economical construction practices.

Author Contributions: Both authors contributed to the preparation of the paper. N.M.A. mainly
contributed to all the sections, conclusions and the answering of reviewers’ questions. S.S.M.S.
contributed to the abstract, analysis of cited literature, defining research questions, revising it
critically for important intellectual content and conclusions. Both authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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