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Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

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Construction and Building Materials

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Rheological properties and compressive strength of construction and

demolition waste-based geopolymer mortars for 3D-Printing
Huseyin Ilcan a, b, Oguzhan Sahin a, c, Anil Kul a, b, Gurkan Yildirim b, d, *, Mustafa Sahmaran b
Institute of Science, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering, Kırşehir Ahi Evran University, Kırşehir, Turkey
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom


Keywords: Entirely construction and demolition waste (CDW)-based ambient-cured geopolymer mortars with rheological
Geopolymer properties fitted for 3-dimensional additive manufacturing (3D-AM) were developed in an effort to combine the
Mortar advantages of improved waste minimization, development of green materials and easy/fast/accurate materials
Construction and demolition waste (CDW)
production/processing. CDW-based hollow brick (HB), red clay brick (RCB), roof tile (RT), concrete rubble (C),
3-dimensional additive manufacturing (3D-
and glass (G) were used for the development of geopolymer binders while C was used solely as fine aggregates.
Rheology Mixtures were activated by different combinations of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2),
Alkaline activator and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) as the alkaline activators. Rheological assessments were made based on the
empirical test methods including flow table, vane shear and modified mini-slump tests. Compressive strength
measurements were also made. Finally, two representative mortar mixtures with low and high viscosity were
printed via a laboratory-scale 3D printer and the rheological properties were correlated with printing behavior of
geopolymer mortars. Overall, the study showed that entirely CDW-based geopolymer mortars without any
chemical admixtures having suitable rheological properties for 3D-AM can be manufactured successfully. The
empirical test methods utilized are adequate in determining the rheological properties of CDW-based geopolymer
mortars suited for use in 3D-AM. The designed entirely CDW-based geopolymer mortars with adequate
compressive strengths were shown to be capable of extrusion via 3D-AM free of any defects/discontinuity,
capable of maintaining its initial shape under the effect of the weight of consecutive upper layers and fully
matched with the designed printed structure.

1. Introduction man-made CO2 emissions globally [1] with a ratio higher than 900 gr
CO2 per kg of PC [2].
Construction activity-related overexploitation of natural resources Meanwhile, as the countries’ infrastructure crumbles, the construc­
(e.g., high levels of concrete production, extraction of raw materials, tion and demolition waste (CDW) industry has become one of the main
landfilling of wastes) and greenhouse-gas emissions are among the sectors contributing to the global solid waste production. In EU, CDW is
major problems contributing to environmental degradation and climate the largest waste stream, by volume accounting for one-third of all the
change. In this regard, huge amounts of conventional concrete produced waste produced. In 2017, the amount of CDW only in the USA was
can be considered very important as the material constitutes ingredients approximately 569.4 Mt and the amount of CDW generated from de­
like Portland cement (PC) and aggregates, acquirement/production of molition processes was nearly 94% [3]. In China, the annual rate of
which is quite troublesome economy-/environment-/health-wise. In this increment in CDW production is estimated to be in billions in the
regard, PC manufacture is of great importance since it is a very energy- forthcoming years [4]. In the following 20 years, Turkey will demolish/
intensive and carbon-emissive process requiring huge amounts of nat­ reconstruct 8.2 M structures (nearly 21% of its total registered building
ural raw materials (e.g., limestone, clay, gypsum) together with fossil stock) following the new infrastructural transformation action plan [5].
fuels to be burnt. PC production alone is held responsible for up to 9% of Examples clearly point out for the seriousness of the CDW issue on a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: gurkanyildirim@hacettepe.edu.tr (G. Yildirim).

Received 3 January 2022; Received in revised form 28 February 2022; Accepted 9 March 2022
Available online 14 March 2022
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

global scale and therefore, tackling CDW properly is critical, and pro­ parameters (yield stress and plastic viscosity) of the geopolymer mortars
longed sustainability requires the production of eco-friendly construc­ were measured by using a rheometer for every 5-minute intervals and
tion materials. the mixture’s open-time was determined to be 20 min. It was also
Considering the undeniable negative effects of PC production, latest concluded in this study that higher printing time gap between consec­
research efforts are being increasingly concentrated on the development utive layers decreased the bond strength while lower printing speed and
of greener binders. In this regard, geopolymers are potential alternatives nozzle standoff distance resulted in higher bond strength results. Panda
of PC for the realization of binder materials with less energy requirement et al. [17] examined the effect of mixture design on the fresh and
and CO2 emission. Produced by the reaction between aluminosilicate hardened properties of geopolymer mixtures containing different
precursors (e.g., blast furnace slag, fly ash, calcined clays, natural poz­ amounts of FA, GGBS and SF as aluminosilicate precursors and blend of
zolans) and alkaline activators (e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hy­ sodium silicate and NaOH as alkaline reagent. The rheological proper­
droxide, calcium hydroxide, sodium silicate), geopolymers have been ties of geopolymer mixtures (thixotropy and buildability) after different
gaining significant attention from construction industry in recent years resting times were evaluated by using a rheometer under different
[6,7]. The abovementioned mainstream precursors, which are mainly implementation protocols. It was stated that geopolymer do not have
used to produce geopolymers in literature, are highly demanded by the thixotropic behavior compared to ordinary PC-based mixtures due to the
PC and concrete industry at costs higher than and/or comparable to PC absence of colloidal interaction. Similar statement was also made in
given their proven performance and successful use as supplementary other studies [18–22]. Annapareddy et al. [20] worked on the fresh and
cementitious materials [8]. In addition, these precursors may necessitate hardened properties of cementitious materials including ordinary PC-
high transportation costs, pre-treatment and not even be available for a mortar (PC + recycled glass aggregate) and geopolymer mortar (FA,
certain area of interest, where geopolymers are planned to be manu­ GGBS and SF + potassium silicate + recycled glass aggregate). Rheo­
factured at the first place. It is therefore critical to find alternative source logical properties of these mortars were compared by performing vis­
materials (i.e., precursors) compatible to be used in geopolymer pro­ cosity recovery tests by a rheometer, slump measurements and visual
duction for an easier and widespread production/application. Consid­ inspections on the freshly printed materials and it was concluded that
ering the fact that CDW generation is ubiquitous in the world and CDW PC-based binder showed preferable thixotropy recovery behavior
is mainly landfilled in the clean areas and/or used for low-tech appli­ compared to geopolymer most probably due to the absence of colloidal
cations (e.g., non-structural road base/sub-base filling), CDW-based interaction available in the geopolymer. Nematollahi et al. [23] inves­
materials (e.g., concrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics, glass) can be used in tigated the fresh and hardened properties of geopolymer mortars (FA +
producing geopolymers for the sake of effective, innovative and high- NaOH/Na2SiO3 + silica sand) with various contents of polypropylene
grade waste valorization. Recent works of the authors have presented fiber. For testing the rheological response of the mixtures, testing
a detailed literature review focusing on the utilization of CDW-based methods including visual inspection, flow table (dynamic agitation) and
materials in geopolymer paste production [8,9]. shape retention ability (static loading) were utilized. It was concluded
Along with the material-related breakthroughs, operation-related that the threshold for optimum workability of mixtures for 3D-printing
breakthroughs utilizing advanced manufacturing technologies need to as a result of the flow table test including 25 drops of the flow table was
be made to achieve truly sustainable construction practices. In this re­ 134–158 mm. It was also observed that there were incontrovertible
gard, 3-dimensional additive manufacturing (3D-AM), which is defined directional variations on the hardened properties of the printed struc­
as the layer-by-layer deposition, is a new generation sustainable method tures. Incorporation of fiber into the mixtures enhanced the shape
of construction attracting considerable interest recently thanks to its retention ability, compressive strength in the perpendicular directions,
significant advantages over traditional techniques including increased deformation capacity and fracture energy while decreasing the inter­
geometrical design flexibility, cost efficiency, fast construction speed, layer bond strength beyond a certain level. Bong et al. [24] performed a
low labor requirement and labor-related mistakes, formwork freedom study to develop 3D-printable geopolymer mortars (FA/GGBS +
lower potential of waste generation in practice and others [10–14]. For [Na2SiO3 (two different types)/NaOH or K2OSi3/KOH] + sand) sub­
satisfactory 3D-AM applications, material designed to be printed needs jected to ambient curing and focused on the effects of different param­
to have certain fresh-state properties including; mixtures must (i) be eters including the type of alkaline activator, ratio of silicate-to-
extrudable to be easily transferred/evacuated, (ii) be buildable to hydroxide solution and viscosity of silicate solutions on the fresh and
withstand the pressure from its own and consecutive upper layers hardened properties of the mortar mixtures. Extrudability, buildability
without losing its shape and (iii) have adequate open-time to be printed and open-time of the mixtures were evaluated by the time-dependent
during a certain period. visual and dimensional inspections after printing. According to the re­
In a number of research studies, geopolymer technology merged into sults, the type of alkaline activator solution and SiO2/Na2O ratio of the
3D-AM technology has been of focus. Panda et al. [15] developed a 3D- Na2SiO3 solution were considerably influential on the open-time and
printable geopolymer mortar by using fly ash (FA), ground granulated buildability of the mixtures. It was reported that the lower SiO2/Na2O
blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and silica fume (SF) as aluminosilicate pre­ ratio of the Na2SiO3 solution leads to longer setting time/open-time due
cursors with potassium hydroxide and potassium silicate as the alkaline to lower rate of geopolymerization reactions. The higher ratio of silicate-
activators. A printable thixotropic zone (an interval for yield stress) for to-hydroxide solutions resulted in slower geopolymerization reactions
3D-printability (in terms of extrudability and buildability) was specified and thereby relatively longer open-time. It was also concluded that the
in the study. Moreover, it was revealed that the minimum threshold rate of the geopolymerization reactions was influential on the shape
limit level of 10,000 (which is specified by the area of hysteresis loop retention ability of the geopolymer mortars. Kashani and Ngo [25]
between the up and down curve of torque-speed graph obtained from investigated the effect of material-/operation-related parameters on the
rheometer test) was required for the thixotropic behavior of the mix­ 3D printability of geopolymers (FA, GGBS and SF + sodium meta-silicate
tures suitable for 3D-printing application although this limit level can powder). Rheology and open-time of the mixtures were investigated by
vary according to some points/parameters (e.g., test equipment, mixture performing time-dependent tests with rheometer and Vicat needle,
design and shear rate applied by the rheometer). In another study, Panda respectively. The study concluded that a balance among mechanisms
et al. [16] examined the effects of the different operational parameters being influential on the open-time, initial yield stress and time-
(e.g., print speed, printing time gap between layers, nozzle standoff dependent variability of rheology should be ensured to develop a geo­
distance) on the tensile bond strength of 3D printed geopolymer mortars polymers properly fit for 3D-AM applications. Panda et al. [26] inves­
produced by using FA, GGBS and SF as aluminosilicate precursors, po­ tigated the effect of material-related parameters (i.e., water-to-solid
tassium silicate as the alkaline activator and river sand (with the ratio, activator-to-binder ratio, addition of nanoclay, molar ratio of
maximum particle size [Dmax] of 1.15) as the fine aggregates. Bingham activator) on the fresh-state/rheological properties of geopolymer

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

nanocomposites (FA/GGBS + potassium hydroxide/potassium silicate aggregate on the rheological properties and compressive strength of the
+ river sand [Dmax: 2 mm] + nanoclay for some mixtures) to assess the CDW-based systems were also investigated. Finally, the performance of
extrudability and buildability performances of the mixtures alongside selected geopolymer mortar mixtures with the properties fitted for 3D-
with their shape retention ability and buildability aspects. According to printability was validated via laboratory-scale 3D-AM applications.
the results, increase in the molar ratio of activators, and decrease in the
activator-to-binder/water-to-solid ratios increased the viscosity and 2. Experimental program
yield stress of the mixtures. Addition of nanoclay into the geopolymer
mixtures was found to lead to improved ability to recover the thixotropic 2.1. Materials
behavior of the mixtures. With the purpose of developing a printable
one-part geopolymer mixture having lower environmental impact, CDW-based materials (hollow brick [HB], red clay brick [RCB], roof
Panda et al. [27] have performed a study, which utilized the same tile [RT], glass [G] and concrete rubble [C]) used in this study were
testing procedures on geopolymer mortars (FA/GGBS + potassium hy­ obtained in the assorted form as a result of the selective demolishment
droxide/potassium silicate + river sand [Dmax: 2 mm]) manufactured in practices performed in Turkey. After the initial acquirement, CDW-
the work of Panda et al. [26] to evaluate the fresh properties of the based materials were reduced in size with the help of jaw crusher and
mixtures. Visual and dimensional inspections after printing were also milled separately in laboratory-type ball mill for an hour to obtain
other methods used for determining the printability performance of the powdery materials. The photographs of CDW-based materials right after
mixtures. In addition, direction-dependent mechanical tests were per­ the initial collection and ball milling are shown in Fig. 1. At the end of
formed on the 3D-printed specimens. According to the results of this the milling process, oxide compositions (Table 1) and particle size dis­
study, increasing the GGBS content of the geopolymer mixtures led tributions (Fig. 2) of the CDW-based precursors were determined by
mixtures to have higher yield stress, thixotropy and mechanical performing X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) using wavelength of
strength. It was shown that the printed geopolymer specimens had 0.1–50 Å and laser diffraction analysis having particle size range
anisotropic mechanical properties due to their layered structure. In sensitivity of 0.02–2000 µm, respectively. A true representative spec­
addition to the studies briefly discussed above, further studies posi­ imen of each powdery material was taken from the different portions of
tioned especially on the mechanical performance of 3D-printable geo­ the powder batches and oven-dried before the analysis. XRF results
polymer mixtures containing main-stream precursors can be found in indicated that the major oxides available in the chemical composition of
the open literature [28–37]. the clay-originated precursors (RCB, RT, and HB) were SiO2, Al2O3 and
To the best of authors’ knowledge, in literature, there are no studies, Fe2O3, which are fundamentally important oxides for the geo­
which focus on the novel aspects of combined use of 100% CDW-based polymerization reactions [39–42]. Different from the clay-originated
geopolymer mortars and 3D-AM technology, excluding the recent work precursors, the main oxides of C and G were SiO2, Na2O and CaO.
of the authors, where geopolymer binders with CDW-based precursors As can be seen from Fig. 2, there are certain differences in the grain
were manufactured suitable for 3D-AM applications [38]. Given the size distributions of CDW-based precursors, although an identical mill­
scarcity of the subject and for the achievement of truly sustainable ing procedure and period were followed for all the materials. The grain
construction practices both at the material and operational levels,
recently published work of the authors has been taken one step further
herein. Different from Şahin et al. [38], in the current study, CDW-based Table 1
Oxide compositions and specific gravity of CDW-based materials.
geopolymers were incorporated with CDW-based fine recycled concrete
aggregates to obtain geopolymer mortars with fresh properties fitted for Oxides, % HB RCB RT G C
3D printability. By doing so, the ratio of CDW utilization was signifi­ SiO2 39.7 41.7 42.6 66.5 31.6
cantly increased, which is highly beneficial for the sake of enhanced Al2O3 13.8 17.3 15.0 0.9 4.8
waste upcycling through effective/innovative ways. Different CDW- Fe2O3 11.8 11.3 11.6 0.3 3.5
CaO 11.6 7.7 10.7 10.0 31.3
based materials used for the study were the wastes of hollow brick
Na2O 1.5 1.2 1.6 13.6 0.45
(HB), red clay brick (RCB), roof tile (RT), glass (G) and concrete rubble MgO 6.5 6.5 6.3 3.9 5.1
(C). For the alkaline activation of geopolymers, sodium hydroxide SO3 3.4 1.4 0.7 0.2 0.9
(NaOH), sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) K2O 1.6 2.7 1.6 0.2 0.7
TiO2 1.7 1.6 1.8 0.1 0.2
were used either singly or in binary/ternary combinations. The alkali
P2O5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.1
content of the mixtures was manipulated by modifying the ratio of use of Cr2O3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1
these activators and the effect of the alkaline activator content/combi­ Mn2O3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1
nation on both fresh and hardened-state properties of ambient-cured Loss on ignition 7.8 8.0 7.5 4.3 21.1
geopolymer mortars was evaluated. Besides, the influence of recycled Specific gravity 2.89 2.81 2.88 2.51 2.68

Fig. 1. Digital camera images of the CDW-based precursors after initial collection (top) and ball milling (bottom).

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Table 2
Chemical formulations and PDF numbers of crystalline phases in accordance
with XRD analyses.
Crystalline phase Symbol PDF number Chemical formula

Quartz Q 96–101-1160 SiO2

Crystobalite Cr 96–900-8230 SiO2
Diopside D 96–900-5280 Al0.6CaMg0.7O6Si1.7
Mullite M 96–900-5502 Al2O5Si
Akermanite A 96–900-6115 AlCa2Mg0.4O7Si1.5
Calcite Ca 96–900-9668 CaCO3
Muscovite Mu 96–101-1050 Al3H2KO12Si3
Foshagite F 96–901-1044 Ca4H2O11Si3

centered around 2θ of 28◦ .

In order to manufacture the mortar mixtures, geopolymers were
incorporated with fine recycled aggregates obtained from CDW-based
Fig. 2. Particle size distribution curves of CDW-based precursors and fine concrete rubble (C), which was also used in the mixture designs of
recycled concrete aggregates (FRCA). geopolymers partly as will be presented in the following section. The
maximum aggregate size of the FRCA was limited to around 2 mm to
size distributions of RT and RCB were similar to each other, while HB prevent possible blockage and transportation problems endangering the
was slightly coarser than them. C was coarser than clay-originated 3D-AM process by taking the particle size limitations caused by the
precursors (RCB, RT, and HB). G was the coarsest among all the mil­ pump size/capacity of the laboratory-scale 3D-AM system into account.
led CDW-based materials, yet 70% of its particles was still finer than 45 After the CDW-based concrete rubble was crushed in a jaw crusher, it
µm. Differences in the grain size distributions of the materials were was sieved through a sieve having 2 mm-opening to obtain FCRA and
expected due to natural differences in the properties of raw materials used directly without any treatment to improve the performance. Par­
such as density, hardness, pore structure, etc. Considering the fact that it ticle size distribution curve of FRCA is given in Fig. 2.
is difficult, impractical, energy-intensive and cost-inefficient to bring As alkaline activators, sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH), calcium
each one of the CDW-based materials into similar particle ranges, no hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and sodium silicate (water glass – Na2SiO3) were
additional steps were taken to change/modify the particles size distri­ used in different combinations and utilization rates, as will be detailed in
butions. This was also done for the possible future studies, which are following section. NaOH was white, solid and in flake form with purity
likely to focus on collective milling of different types of CDW-based more than 98%, maximum 0.4% sodium carbonate, 0.1% sodium
materials to better simulate the real-time field conditions, where such chloride and a maximum 15 ppm iron. Ca(OH)2 was in powder form
wastes are obtained altogether following the construction and demoli­ with a purity of 87%. Na2SiO3 was a sticky, viscous, colorless liquid
tion applications. In Fig. 3, X-ray diffractograms of the precursors, which containing solid material by 55%, with the density of 1.39 gr/cm3 at
were obtained as a result of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses per­ 20 ◦ C and SiO2/Na2O ratio of 1.9.
formed by using powder samples, are shown. XRD analyses were carried
out with a scan range (2θ) of 5–55◦ and an increment of 0.02◦ to identify 2.2. Mixture proportions
and characterize the mineral/crystalline phases of the precursors. In
Table 2, crystalline phases detected for different CDW-based precursors A dry base mixture design was devised to efficiently investigate the
are shown with the details including the symbol, particle diffraction file impact of alkali activator type, concentrations, and combinations on the
(PDF) numbers and chemical formula of the phases. Clay-originated rheological properties. While 80% the dry base mixture was composed
precursors (HB, RCB and RT) had similar XRD patterns containing of clay-originated CDW-based precursors (HB, RCB and RT), C and G
amorphous to semi crystalline phases. The major crystalline peak of were both used equally by 10% of the total weight of the base mixture.
RCB, RT and HB with the highest intensity belonged to quartz phase Considering the fact that the oxide compositions and particle size dis­
with the peak mainly centered around 2θ of 27-29◦ . Diopside, mullite, tributions of HB, RCB and RT were close to each other, they were used in
crystobalite and akermanite were also detected at minor quantities in equal amounts, by 26.67% of the total weight of the base mixture
clay-originated CDW-based precursors depending on the type. For C, the (Table 3). C and G were used at limited amounts to support the system of
major peaks detected were quartz, diopside and calcite with minor peaks base mixture in terms of CaO and SiO2, rather than changing the Al2O3
of muscovite and foshagite. Without any identifying crystalline peak, G balance. The dry base mixture was also incorporated with FRCA,
was amorphous in nature, which was represented by a broad hump following the aggregate-to-binder ratio of 0.35, which was constant for
all mixtures.
In order to optimize the dry base mixture for 3D-AM purposes in
terms of rheological properties and compressive strength, NaOH, Ca
(OH)2 and Na2SiO3 were used solely or in combination for alkaline
activation. Three different alkaline activator combinations were used
including the single use of NaOH, binary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2, and
ternary use of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3. Optimum alkaline activator
combination and utilization rates were decided based on a systematic
study performed step by step. First, the single use of NaOH as the sole
alkaline activator was tried, followed by the binary use of NaOH and Ca
(OH)2. For these mixtures without Na2SiO3, NaOH with molarities of
7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 M and Ca(OH)2 with utilization rates of 0, 4, 8 and
12%, by the total weight of binder were used crosswise to activate the
previously-decided CDW-based dry base mixture. By combining NaOH
with Ca(OH)2, it was aimed to benefit from the advantages provided by
Fig. 3. XRD patterns of CDW-based precursors. the calcium addition in the geopolymer system such as fast stiffening,

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Table 3
Proportions of geopolymer mortar mixtures.
Alkali activators CDW-based precursors (g) FRCA Si/ Na/ Ca/
NaOH Ca(OH)2 Na2SiO3 /NaOH Na2SiO3 (g) (1000 g) (g) Al Si Si
Molarity (M) Amount (g) Rate (%) Amount (g) HB RCB RT G C

7.5 99 0 0 – – 266.7 266.7 266.7 100 100 350 5.66 0.17 0.30
4 40 5.66 0.17 0.35
8 80 5.66 0.17 0.40
12 120 5.66 0.17 0.45
10 132 0 0 – – 5.66 0.21 0.30
4 40 5.66 0.21 0.35
8 80 5.66 0.21 0.40
12 120 5.66 0.21 0.45
12.5 165 0 0 – – 5.66 0.24 0.30
4 40 5.66 0.24 0.35
8 80 5.66 0.24 0.40
12 120 5.66 0.24 0.45
15 198 0 0 – – 5.66 0.28 0.30
4 40 5.66 0.28 0.35
8 80 5.66 0.28 0.40
12 120 5.66 0.28 0.45
10 132 4 40 1 132 6.04 0.22 0.33
8 80 132 6.04 0.22 0.38
12.5 165 4 40 1 165 6.14 0.26 0.33
8 80 165 6.14 0.26 0.38
15 198 4 40 1 198 6.23 0.30 0.32
8 80 198 6.23 0.30 0.37

initiation of polymerization without high-temperature curing, and under laboratory environment set at 23 ± 2 ◦ C and 50 ± 5% relative
improving the compressive strength of the matrix with the formation of humidity until the predetermined complete testing ages of 7 and 28
further Ca-based gel structure [43]. Na2SiO3 was incorporated into some days. The remaining portion of the fresh mixtures was utilized for the
of the developed geopolymer mortar mixtures activated by the binary determination of rheological properties.
use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 (the ones with 10 M-, 12.5 M-, 15 M− NaOH
and 4%-, 8%-Ca(OH)2) and the utilization ratio of Na2SiO3 was decided
based on the constant Na2SiO3/NaOH mass ratio of 1 for all mixtures 2.4. Testing methods
prepared by the ternary blend of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3. The
water-to-binder ratio (w/b) was also constant for all mixtures at 0.33. The testing methods used throughout the current work mainly
No chemical admixtures were used during the preparation of the mix­ focused on the evaluation of rheological properties and compressive
tures to prevent any interactions with the alkaline activators, which strength of CDW-based geopolymer mortars with the ultimate charac­
might endanger the geopolymerization. Proportions of the CDW-based teristics fitted for 3D-printability. Rheological property characterization
geopolymer mortar mixtures manufactured in the study are shown in was made by using the fresh-state mixtures via flow table, buildability
Table 3 in detail. and vane shear tests. Compressive strength test was used to have an idea
about the mechanical properties of the mixtures. Following sections
2.3. Mixture preparation and curing were devoted to details related to the abovementioned test methods.

Preparation of geopolymer mortar mixtures started with the prep­ 2.4.1. Flow table test
eration of alkaline activators. First, NaOH solutions were prepared at This test was used for investigation of rheological behavior of CDW-
desired molarities by thoroughly dissolving the identified amounts of based mixtures against mechanical agitation triggered by the dynamic
solid flakes of NaOH within the tap water. Due to high levels of heat responses of flow table to simulate both concrete pump and 3D printer,
release taking place after the exothermic reactions between NaOH so­ to observe the performance of the mixtures more clearly. Simple
lutions were allowed to cool down to ambient temperature before use. empirical method performed by Kazemian et al. [44] and Kim et al. [45]
Powdery Ca(OH)2 and liquid-form Na2SiO3 were directly incorporated for 3D-printable mixtures was used. The test was performed in accor­
into the mixtures. dance with ASTM C1437-15 standard by using a truncated mold. First,
A mortar mixer was used to mix all the ingredients homogenously. the fresh mixtures were filled into the truncated mold placed on the flow
The mixing procedure included the the following steps: (i) first, all the table in two layers and each layer was tamped 20 times with the help of a
solid ingredients (precursors, FRCA, and Ca(OH)2 (if available for a tamper. Then, the mold was removed slowly and flow table was dropped
given mixture) were dry mixed for 60 s at low speed, (ii) NaOH solution 25 times in 15 s. The diameters in two perpendicular directions were
was then slowly added to the mixer and all the ingredients were mixed measured after dropping to determine the flowability of the mixtures
together in the presence of NaOH solution for 60 s at low speed, (iii) (Fig. 4). By using the spread values measured after the test, flowability
Na2SiO3 was added to the mixtures (step (iii) was only followed the index (Г) values, as defined by Kim et al. [45], were calculated for each
Na2SiO3-containing mixtures), (iv) all ingredients were continued to be mortar mixture by using the following:.
mixed for 90 s at low speed and (v) resulting mixture was mixed at a
d1 d2 − d02
medium speed for additional 60 s and the mixing process was Γ=
After the completion of mixing, cubic specimens measuring 50 mm where, d0 is the internal diameter of the mold (100 mm), d1 is the
were prepared after casting fresh mixtures into pre-oiled molds. These maximum flow diameter and d2 is the diameter perpendicular to d1.
cubic specimens were first kept in their molds with their surfaces Tests were firstly performed on the fresh mortar mixtures immediately
covered with plastic sheets for 24 h at 23 ± 2 ◦ C and 50 ± 5% relative after mixing and repeated after 30, 60 and 120 min from the initial
humidity. After the initial 24 h, the cubic specimens were ambient-cured mixing to evaluate the rheological changes of the mixtures over time.

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 4. Schematic drawing (top) and representative images (bottom) showing the details of the flow table test.

2.4.2. Buildability test features of the pocket-type vane shear tool (Fig. 6), the test was used for
Buildability test, a modification of the “mini-slump test” specified in the comparison of shear yield stress values of geopolymer mortars.
ASTM C1437 standard, was recommended by Nematollahi et al. [23] Time-dependent results can be also associated with the setting time of
and used herein to determine the buildability performance (shape the mixtures. For this test, pocket-type vane shear apparatus (with the
retention of the mixtures under static load) of the CDW-based mortar shear stress capacity of 0–10 N/cm2 and vane diameter of 48 mm) was
mixtures. Each fresh mixture was placed in the mini-slump mold (the used for determining the resistance of mixtures against shear stress.
same truncated mold used in the flowability test) shortly after the initial For the test, firstly, the vane shear apparatus was fully immersed
mixing and the mold was slowly removed after 1 min of resting period. upright into the fresh mortar mixtures. After that, the hand knob located
Then, a glass plate was placed on top of the fresh specimen to ensure at the top of the apparatus was turned clockwise gradually until
homogeneous distribution of the loading. A 600 g static load (including achieving the free rotation of the vane and then released. Thereafter,
the weight of the glass plate) was applied to the fresh specimen for 1 min shear yield stress applied by the fresh mixture to the vanes was read
(Fig. 5). At the end of 1 min, the deformation of fresh mixtures was from the graduated scale of the apparatus and noted. This test was
measured in two perpendicular directions by considering the final applied to the mixtures immediately after the completion of mixing
height of the sample, and the average height was recorded. Mixtures (time zero) and repeated after 30, 60 and 120 min from the mixing to
having lower vertical deformation (slump) or higher final height were monitor the changes in the rheological properties of mixtures over time
considered to have better buildability. (open-time).

2.4.3. Vane shear test 2.4.4. Compressive strength

Vane shear test is a simple and effective method to measure flow Compressive strength tests were performed by using a hydraulic
characteristics of mixtures at fresh state [46,47]. It was used in this study testing machine with 150-ton capacity at a loading rate of 0.9 kN/s in
to assess the initial rheological properties of mortar mixtures at fresh accordance with the ASTM C109 standard [48]. Six ambient-cured cubic
state, as well as their open-time performance. Considering the vari­ specimens with 50 mm dimensions were tested at the curing ages of 7
ability of specific yield stress values due to the type and dimensional and 28 days, and the results were averaged.

Fig. 5. Schematic drawing (top) and representative images (bottom) showing the details of the buildability test.

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 6. Schematic drawing (a) and representative images (b) showing the details of the vane shear test.

3. Results and discussion outcome considering the higher dissolution rates of the precursors at
higher alkalinity [52,53]. The inclined trend in the flowability index
3.1. Effect of NaOH on the rheological properties may also be attributed to the non-balanced surface charge of the pre­
cursors by Na+ ions, which can lead to the generation of more repulsive
The results of the empirical tests performed to determine the rheo­ forces and lower yield stress [51]. From this perspective, it can be stated
logical properties of geopolymer mortars and trends obtained due to that 7.5 M− NaOH led to lower flowability results due to its limited ef­
varying NaOH molarities were presented in Fig. 7. For an easier com­ ficiency of dissolution of the precursors compared to other concentra­
parison and clarity, the left-side y-axis of the figure was designed to tions. Although further increments in the NaOH molarity were expected
include both vane shear stress and flowability index, although these to increase the flowability results in line with the abovementioned
parameters were denoted by different legends. An overview of the re­ statements, the trend reversed after 10 M. As stated, while the dissolu­
sults indicates that there is a turning point for all the rheological prop­ tion rate of the precursor was one of the influential factors for the
erties tested with the increases in NaOH molarity. The flowability index, increased flowability obtained at a certain NaOH molarity (10 M), the
which was in an upward trend, and the buildability and vane shear stress presence of non-balanced surface charges in the precursor also seems to
results, which were in a downward trend, displayed opposite trends after be one of the influential factors on the flowability results. Considering
a certain turning point, where the NaOH molarity was 10 M (Fig. 7). the balance of the surface charges of precursors, due to increased Na+
For further discussion on the observed behavior, the reaction order concentrations in the matrix with the increased NaOH molarity, after 10
and integrity of the geopolymerization mechanism, which directly affect M, the surface of precursors is charged with more positive charges,
the rheological parameters, should be considered. Basically, geo­ repulsive forces induced by the negative charges on the surface of pre­
polymerization is a set of reactions consisting of the dissolution of pre­ cursors decreased; thus, geopolymer matrices exhibited higher yield
cursors into aluminum and silicon species and polycondensation of stress [51]. Evident increments took place in the viscosity of NaOH so­
aluminosilicate monomers in alkali-activated aqueous solution [49]. lution after 10 M, which led to higher yield stress for the geopolymer
Throughout this reaction mechanism, the OH– ions provided by the al­ suspension, can be related to decreased flowability results as well
kali hydroxide initiate the process of breaking down the structural bonds [54,55]. With the increased molarity, the amount of ionic species also
of silicon and aluminum available in the precursors, while Na+, Ca2+ increases significantly limiting the mobility of ions, which may be
and similar positively charged alkali metal ions are responsible for another reason for the lower flowability results beyond 10 M− NaOH
neutralizing the anionic components that dissociate from the precursors [52,56]. The geopolymer mortar mixtures produced here incorporated
[50]. The ion balance of the suspension and the interaction potential large share of clay-originated CDW-based precursors (Table 3), and the
(zeta potential) of the precursors are directly affected by the alkalinity layered structure of clayey precursors is also likely to lead to a reduction
and ion concentration of the alkaline activator, which can also affect the in the flowability after 10 M− NaOH due to inter-particle friction causing
formation of geopolymerization products in the medium [51]. There­ increased viscosity and stickiness [57].
fore, the properties of alkaline activators and viscosity/ion content of Buildability results of the mixtures decreased up to turning point (10
suspension have a vital role on the rheological properties of geo­ M− NaOH) and then increased (Fig. 7). The decrement in buildability
polymers [51]. Increment in the flowability index with an increase in the from 7.5 to 10 M was related to increased flowability and decreased
NaOH concentration up to certain level (10 M− NaOH) was an expected yield stress, possible causes of which were discussed above. After 10
M− NaOH, buildability of the mixtures increased was observed. This was
most probably due to the acceleration of dissolution of precursors and
condensation reactions leading to enhanced geopolymerization and
proper stiffening of the matrix through the formation of reaction prod­
ucts contributing to the rigidity and load bearing capacity of the mortars
[58]. At different NaOH molarities, vane shear stress results followed a
similar trend to buildability results (Fig. 7), therefore explanations for
the trend observed for buildability results can be considered valid for the
vane shear stress results as well. Although these empirical test methods
are considered to be basic and less sensitive to have an understanding on
the exact rheological response of the materials, they are clearly useful in
acquiring a collective result for the straightforward determination of
rheological competencies of such materials for real-time 3D-AM
Time-dependent flowability index and vane shear stress results of the
mixtures were given in Fig. 8. Flowability index results of the mixtures
Fig. 7. Changes in the vane shear stress, flowability index and buildability of were in a decreasing trend, while vane shear stress results were in an
geopolymer mortars activated by the single use of NaOH solution at increasing trend with respect to time. Similar to the time zero
different molarities.

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

mixing (time zero). Considering that the increase in the NaOH molarity
leads to acceleration in the polymerization reactions [60,61], the dra­
matic decrement was an expected finding for the mixtures activated by
15 M− NaOH. The mixtures were capable of flowing under relatively low
shear forces at the end of 60 min; moreover, even the mixtures that
exhibited the highest vane shear values at the end of 120 min still had
the capability to flow. Considering this, it may be stated that 3D-AM
operations via the hydraulic pressure applied by the concrete pump
can be maintained on the CDW-based geopolymer mortars at least 120
min, although different parameters (e.g., hydraulic pressure of the
concrete pump) need to be taken into consideration, which are out of
scope of current work.

3.2. Effect of Ca(OH)2 on the rheological properties

Buildability and flowability index results of geopolymer mortar

Fig 8. Time-dependent changes in the vane shear stress and flowability index mixtures activated by the varying molarities of NaOH solution (7.5–15
of geopolymer mortars activated by the single use of NaOH solution at M) and utilization rates of Ca(OH)2 (0–12%) were presented in Fig. 9 to
different molarities. demonstrate the effects of Ca(OH)2 on the fresh properties of geo­
polymer mortars. Open-time performances of the geopolymer mixtures
measurement, after the end of 30, 60 and 120 min, the highest flow­ were shown in Fig. 10 with respect to vane shear stress and flowability
ability index value was obtained at 10 M− NaOH, with the decreasing results at time zero and 30, 60 and 120 min after the initial mixing to
order at 12.5 M-, 7.5 M-, and 15 M− NaOH. The consistency of the vane analyze the time-dependent changes in the rheological properties.
shear stress tests performed at time zero and after different open times Dissolution and condensation start to take place on the surface of pre­
was also valid. The observed time-dependent trend in both flowability cursors upon contact between the alkaline activator and precursor
index and vane shear stress results was anticipated as the poly­ [62,63]. Therefore, the type, rate, combination and distribution of the
condensation phase and aluminosilicate gel precipitation progressed activators in the medium are effective on the rheological properties of
with time [59]. The inverse relationship between the vane shear stress geopolymer mixtures even at the first contact between the precursor and
and flowability index results held true for all the time intervals. activator during initial mixing.
After 120 min, the highest decrease in the flowability index results According to the obtained results shown in Fig. 9, decrements in the
was obtained at 15 M− NaOH while the lowest decrease was observed at flowability index results were observed with the increments in the Ca
10 M− NaOH, compared to the results obtained immediately after the (OH)2 utilization ratio in the mixtures regardless of the NaOH molarity.
Such decrements can be attributed to the effects of Ca(OH)2 on the

Fig. 9. Buildability and flowability index results of geopolymer mortars activated by the binary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2.

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 10. Time-dependent changes in the vane shear stress and flowability index of geopolymer mortars activated by the binary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2.

geopolymerization reactions and microstructure of the matrix. Presence and charge neutralization (charge-balancing) acting as network/ion
of extra OH– ions in the presence of Ca(OH)2 can promote/enhance modifiers that propagate geopolymerization and decrease mixtures’
dissolution of aluminosilicate precursors, hence lead to the formation of flowability [65,70–72]. Up to 12.5 M− NaOH, changes in the flowability
more active groups that will react with the dissolved ions to produce results with respect to the increased Ca(OH)2 utilization rates were
rigidity-improving products [62,64]. However, a balance needs to be clearer. However, for 15 M− NaOH, the effect of increased Ca(OH)2
ensured regarding the concentration of OH– ions since higher ionic utilization on the flowability was not as apparent as in lower NaOH
concentration causes lower ionic mobility on the one hand, but accel­ molarities (Fig. 9). This can be due to the limitations in the mobility of
erates the condensation thanks to higher amount of dissolved species the ions, which result in slower geopolymerization because of the exis­
available in the medium on the other hand [56,65]. Another possible tence of negatively charged ions as mentioned previously [52,56]. In­
reason for the observed decrement in the flowability can be related to crements in the buildability results were observed with the increased Ca
the reactions between increased amounts of Ca(OH)2 available in the (OH)2 utilization rates, irrespective of the molarity of NaOH solution
medium which reacts with the dissolved aluminate/silicate species and (Fig. 9). Such increments in the buildability results with the increased Ca
precipitates C-S-H and C-A-S-H gels providing rigidity, and extra (OH)2 utilization rates were expected and found attributable to the
nucleation areas for the further formation of geopolymerization prod­ possible reasons affecting the flowability results as discussed above.
ucts [6,62,65–68]. Furthermore, during the formation of C-S-H and C-A- Vane shear stress results of CDW-based geopolymer mixtures at the
S-H gels, H2O molecules in the medium are consumed locally, which initial fresh state increased with the increments in Ca(OH)2 utilization
results in an increment in the pH as a result of the increased concen­ rates, regardless of the molarity of NaOH solution (Fig. 10). This
tration of OH– ions triggered by condensation reactions (as opposed to outcome was expected taking the effects of Ca(OH)2 on the micro­
dilution effect) and consequently leads to further dissolution of the structural development of geopolymer mortars as discussed above.
precursors and formation of geopolymerization [65,67,69]. Moreover, Moreover, the increments in the vane shear stress results can be
enhanced/faster dissolution of precursors can be attributed to the for­ explained in a way that Ca(OH)2 addition is favorable for the formation
mation of less protective layers of geopolymer gel on the precursor of additional geopolymeric gel products, which create attractive
particles because of the existence of less Si ions and lowered Si/Al ratio bridging forces increasing the yield stress and viscosity of the system
available in the medium as a result of the reactions between the Ca and [73].
Si ions. Calcium therefore yields better dissolution of particles by pre­ Vane shear stress and flowability index results were also recorded 30,
venting the formation of protective layer on the precursor particles, that 60 and 120 min after the completion of initial mixing to observe the
inhibits further dissolution [66]. Addition of Ca(OH)2 can cause incre­ time-dependent changes in the mixtures’ rheological behavior, which
ment in the surface cohesiveness, which can reduce the flowability of the has undeniable effect on the 3D-AM application considering the neces­
mixtures as well [65]. Increased availability of Ca2+ ions with the sity of maintaining adequate fluidity throughout the printing process.
addition of Ca(OH)2 can also lead to a stronger electrostatic attraction For each mixture, vane shear stress results increased, which was realized

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

via recording continuously increasing counterforce against the motion dynamic load, although slightly. Vane shear stress results equal to or
of the blades of vane shear apparatus, and flowability index decreased greater than 10 N/cm2 (beyond the capacity of apparatus) do not mean
with the extended periods of time due to ongoing geopolymerization that the mixtures have completely lost their workability and hardened.
reactions. The availability of Ca(OH)2 in the reaction medium with the Such discrepancies in the results can be attributed to the differences in
dissolved CO3 or CO2 has been reported to lead to the formation of the testing methods. Overall, the mixtures activated by 10 M− NaOH at
CaCO3, which can be another reason for the increments in the shear all Ca(OH)2 utilization rates had longer open-time periods (even 120
stress and viscosity during different resting periods in addition to the min after the initial mixing), although they were workable and capable
ongoing geopolymerization [64,74]. Although, Ca(OH)2 addition into of being tested via flow table and vane shear apparatus.
geopolymers with main-stream precursors was found to have accelera­
tion effect on the setting time of the mixtures [6,65,67], the influence of 3.3. Effect of Na2SiO3 on the rheological properties
Ca(OH)2 on the open-time performance of CDW-based geopolymer
mortar mixtures was not obvious according to vane shear and flow table Taking the test results obtained from mixtures prepared by the bi­
test results. The reason for not observing the fast setting in the presence nary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 into account, Na2SiO3 was finally
Ca(OH)2 can be attributed to low Si content available in the CDW-based incorporated into the geopolymer mortar mixtures to modify/upgrade
precursors used compared to conventional mainstream precursors (e.g., the properties, especially at the hardened state, considering that the
metakaolin). At the initial phase, dissolved Ca2+ tends to react with Si in incorporation of Na2SiO3 would provide extra reactive Si ions in the
the medium to form strength-improving products. However, during reaction medium. Since considerably faster hardening response was
geopolymerization, available dissolved Si ions in the medium can be obtained in the trials performed at Na2SiO3/NaOH mass ratios higher
limited/diminished, thereby effects of Ca(OH)2 on the setting time may than 1, Na2SiO3/NaOH mass ratio was chosen 1 for all the mixtures
be inhibited as dissolved Ca+2 ions may not be capable of reacting with prepared by the ternary use of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3. In mixtures
the dissolved Si ions with the extended periods of time. with the ternary blends of activators, Ca(OH)2 utilization ratio was
While determining open-time performance of the mixture, it was chosen to be either 4 or 8% of the total weight of the binder as these rates
considered a time where the capability of vane shear apparatus (10 N/ have resulted in higher strength and more stable consistency for the
cm2) and flow table test was exceeded. Entirely CDW-based geopolymer mixtures with the binary blends of NaOH and Ca(OH)2. For NaOH,
mortar mixtures activated by the binary combination of NaOH and Ca molarities of 10, 12.5 and 15 M were chosen considering the effects of
(OH)2 showed an open-time performance ranging from 60 to 120 min, Na/Si ratio on the geopolymerization mechanism. Flow table and vane
except the mixtures activated by 10 M− NaOH. Although the vane shear shear tests (0, 30, 60, 120 min after the completion of initial mixing) and
apparatus was incapable of measuring the consistency of some mixtures buildability test were performed on the produced mixtures. Flow table,
activated by 7.5 M-, 12.5 M-, and 15 M− NaOH after longer resting pe­ vane shear and buildability test results of the geopolymer mortars per­
riods (60–120 min), flow table test results showed that the mixtures formed shortly after the preparation of the mixtures were illustrated in
were still in fresh-state after the given resting periods and flowed under Fig. 11. Test results of mixtures activated by the binary (NaOH + Ca

Fig. 11. Vane shear stress, flowability index and buildability results of geopolymer mortars activated by the binary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 on the left or ternary
use of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3 on the right.

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

(OH)2) and ternary (NaOH + Ca(OH)2 + Na2SiO3) use of activators were equipment). To conclude, mixtures produced by the use of ternary
shown together in Fig. 11 for an easier comparison of the fresh prop­ blends of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3 as the alkaline activators had
erties and better display of the effect of Na2SiO3 on these properties. higher flowability (lower viscosity) initially compared to those pro­
When the flowability results were evaluated, it was observed that the duced by the binary blends of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 although these mix­
addition of Na2SiO3 into the geopolymer mortar mixtures made a sig­ tures exhibited faster setting/hardening and rapid increase in shear
nificant contribution to the initial flowability at the fresh state (Fig. 11). resistance over time. Apart from the abovementioned statements, with
When other variant mixture parameters (e.g., NaOH molarity and Ca the changes in the molarity of NaOH and utilization ratio of Ca(OH)2,
(OH)2 utilization rates) were the same, although it is a high-viscosity the rheological behaviors of the mortar mixtures produced by the
fluid, incorporation of Na2SiO3 solution, irrespective of the mixture ternary blends of alkaline activators were found to be similar to mixtures
configuration, caused significant reductions in the viscosity of the produced by the binary blends of alkaline activators. Since the changes
mortar mixtures, thereby higher spreading levels under the effect of in the rheological properties of different mixtures based on the varia­
agitation induced by the flow table test. Higher flowability of the tions in NaOH molarity and Ca(OH)2 content were discussed previously,
Na2SiO3-containing mortar mixtures can be attributed to plasticizing no further comments were made here.
and deflocculating (dispersing) effect of the alkali silicate solutions due
to the absorption of silicate species on the precursor powder surfaces, 3.4. Effect of different alkaline activator combinations on the compressive
which results in negative surface charging of the powders, and thereby strength
interparticle repulsive forces between the similarly charged particles
[51,75–79]. Although the initial flowability of the Na2SiO3-containing Average compressive strength test results of 7- and 28-day-old geo­
geopolymer mortars was high, according to the results of flow table tests polymer mortar mixtures produced by the single use of NaOH, binary
performed after different resting periods of 30, 60 and 120 min starting use of NaOH + Ca(OH)2 (Fig. 12-a) and ternary use of NaOH + Ca(OH)2
from the completion of initial mixing, it was found that the mixtures + Na2SiO3 (Fig. 12-b) were presented in Fig. 12. For the mixtures acti­
hardened rapidly by losing their fluidity/consistency in less than 30 min, vated by NaOH singly, increased NaOH molarities resulted in general
regardless of the different mixture design parameters. This was a likely increments in the results, irrespective of the age. Strength development
outcome and attributed to the increased amounts of reactive soluble was expected given the increments in the amounts of dissolved particles
silica coming from Na2SiO3, resulting in an enhancement/acceleration and increased surface area of dissolved particles that were charged by
in the geopolymerization reactions/gel formation (e.g., C-S-H) and faster the cationic ions of alkali activators with the increments in NaOH
water loss, thereby faster hardening and shorter open-time period molarity [52,53,60]. For the 28-day-old specimens, excessive in­
compared to mortar mixtures without Na2SiO3 [72,76,80–83]. It is also crements in the NaOH molarity (15 M) caused no changes or slight
possible to mention as one of the reasons of rapid hardening response of decrements in the compressive strength results. This finding can be
the Na2SiO3-contaning mixtures that the incorporation of Ca(OH)2 as an attributed to the excessive number of ions in the system causing repul­
additional Ca2+ source in these mixtures provided more wide-spread sive forces between particles [52,54,56]. As a result of the repulsion-
availability of the Ca2+ ions in the medium to react with [SiO4]4- from induced restriction on the ionic mobility, heterogeneous regions con­
Na2SiO3, and thereby led quick “primary C-S-H” formation causing sisting of non-reacted particles may form, which eventually act like
hardening [84]. Considering the fact that one of the main requirements flaws in the microstructure of the matrix.
expected from 3D-printable mixtures is sufficient open-time period, Incorporation of Ca(OH)2 into NaOH-activated mixtures resulted in
which necessitates maintaining acceptable flowability for the pumping/ compressive strength results to increase, as Ca(OH)2 gets involved in the
extrusion of the material over a certain period of time, the tendency of alkaline activation process and modifies the characteristics of the reac­
Na2SiO3-containing geopolymer mortars to lose their flowability rapidly tion products. More specifically, such increments can be attributed to
(significantly reducing the workable time period of the mortar mixtures) the effects of Ca(OH)2 including the enhanced dissolution of the pre­
makes these mortar mixtures relatively unsuitable for the 3D-printing cursors with the higher-alkalinity medium, ionic charge balancing,
purposes, especially for the cases, where high volumes of material and seeding effect, CaCO3 formation and further formation of strength-
therefore longer production periods are necessary. improving products, leading to more compact, homogenous, and finer
Similar to the flowability results, there was a general trend in the microstructure [6,56,64–66,70–72,74]. Additional products formed in
vane shear stress and buildability results of mixtures with and without the presence of Ca(OH)2 are likely to fill the voids and pores of the
Na2SiO3. A decreasing trend of initial viscosity of the geopolymer matrix during ambient curing bridging different geopolymerization
mortars was observable in the presence of Na2SiO3 as evidently inferred products, hydrated phases and unreacted precursors, thereby increasing
from the buildability and vane shear stress results (Fig. 11). After the the compressive strength of the mixtures. Although the increased Ca
buildability tests, the average final heights of mortar mixtures with (OH)2 utilization rates within the mixtures activated by higher-molarity
Na2SiO3 were measured to be markedly lower than those without, (12.5 and 15 M) NaOH, favored the compressive strength development
irrespective of other mixture design parameters, which means that the at the end of 28 days of ambient curing, for the mixtures activated by
incorporation of Na2SiO3 caused easier collapse under static load, lower-molarity (7.5 M and 10 M) NaOH, the effects of Ca(OH)2 utili­
thereby reduced capability to remain in position. For the studied mix­ zation beyond 4% were not considerable. This outcome can be attrib­
tures, in terms of 3D-AM applicability, it can be therefore stated that the uted to the excess amounts of lime disrupting the optimal gel binder
incorporation of Na2SiO3 can cause mixtures not to retain their extruded structure and delaying the formation of additional products as it can
shapes under self-weight and stresses embarked by the consecutive disturb the Si/Al ratio locally, which can cause less homogeneous
upper layers. Besides, it was clear that the resistance of the mixtures to microstructure [65]. Moreover, extra lime may not be involved in the
the shear force imposed by the vane shear stress test device decreased geopolymerization products and may remain unreacted, which leads to
significantly with the Na2SiO3 inclusion as can be followed from Fig. 11. the formation of flaws in the microstructure. Such behaviors are more
On the other hand, as in flowability results, the vane shear tests per­ evident at lower NaOH molarities due to the existence of lower available
formed over different periods of 30, 60 and 120 min after the completion reactive dissolved Si and Al species because of lower dissolution of
of mixing showed that Na2SiO3-included mixtures became stiff in less precursor particles at lower alkalinity [52,53].
than 30 min, irrespective of the different mixture compositions. Based In accordance with the results shown in Fig. 12-a, Ca(OH)2 addition
on these findings, it can be stated that Na2SiO3 inclusion caused rapid was more favorable/influential for the 28-day ambient-cured geo­
hardening of the CDW-based geopolymer mortars and had a lower open- polymer mortars considering 7-day results. Such finding could be
time; therefore negative effects on the extrudability/buildability and attributed to the lowered alkalinity at later age because of ongoing
transmission of the mixtures through a closed system (e.g., 3D-printing geopolymerization during ambient curing, since C-A-S-H formation with

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 12. Average compressive strength results of geopolymer mortars activated by the use of different alkaline activator combinations. (a) Binary use of NaOH + Ca
(OH)2, (b) Ternary use of NaOH + Ca(OH)2 + Na2SiO3 (*represents the mixtures containing Na2SiO3).

the incorporation of Ca(OH)2 is more prevalent at lower alkalinity levels into the binary blend of NaOH + Ca(OH)2 is an effective option. Im­
[56]. Overall, the alkalinity is one of the main parameters determining provements noted in the compressive strength results of geopolymer
the compressive strength of CDW-based geopolymers. On one hand, the mortars in the presence of Na2SiO3 can be related to the following: (i)
high molarity leads to higher dissolution of the precursor but restricts stimulation/acceleration of geopolymerization reactions in the presence
the effects of Ca(OH)2 on the formation of C-A-S-H at early ages, on the of increased amounts of highly soluble reactive silica and reactions
other hand, lower molarity induces the effects of Ca(OH)2 yet decreases [85–87], (ii) stimulation/increase of the production of shorter and
the dissolved ions in the reaction medium. At the end of 28 days of stronger Si-O-Si bonds in comparison to Si-O-Al and Al-O-Al bonds due
ambient curing, entirely CDW-based geopolymer mortars activated by to increments in the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio [88–91], resulting in stronger
the binary use of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 resulted in a maximum compres­ geopolymer bonds and denser/stiffer microstructure (Si-rich alumino­
sive strength of 17.9 MPa. silicate gel) [92,93], (iii) increase in the pH (therefore dissolution of
As it is clear from Fig. 12-b, the incorporation of Na2SiO3 into the precursors) and further activation of the reactions [94] and (iv) higher
geopolymer mortar mixtures improved the compressive strength results rate of initial C-S-H gel production as a result of the reactions between
for all the curing ages and this behavior seemed to be valid for all the dissolved Ca2+ [83]. The maximum 28-day compressive strength of
mixtures produced by different activator proportions (i.e., different around 36 MPa was obtained from the mixtures activated by the ternary
NaOH molarities and Ca(OH)2 utilization rates). Compressive strength blends of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and Na2SiO3.
development rates of Na2SiO3-containing mixtures from 7 to 28 days Although relatively high compressive strength results were achieved
were also higher than those of non-Na2SiO3-containing mixtures. These with the use of Na2SiO3, when considering the requirements in terms of
findings implied in regard to the enhancement of compressive strength fresh state properties, it was clear that non-Na2SiO3-containing mixtures
results of geopolymer mortar mixtures that the incorporation of Na2SiO3 were more appropriate for 3D-printing application. Therefore, some of

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

the non-Na2SiO3-containing mixtures were selected to be printed, as pastes increases the viscosity/consistency, which can be attributed to
detailed below. Although compressive strength results of 28-day the increased solid fraction and interparticle friction [96,97]. When the
ambient-cured CDW-based geopolymer mixtures activated by the sin­ vane shear stress results of the paste and mortar mixtures were
gle use of NaOH or binary usage of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 can be consid­ compared, it was seen that the vane shear stress results of the mortar
ered relatively low regarding the conventional geopolymer and concrete mixtures were lower than those of paste mixtures. This was found con­
used in structural elements, compressive strength values obtained from tradictory since it was considered that the vane shear stress results
these mixtures can be regarded as acceptable for non-structural pur­ would follow a trend similar to flowability index/buildability results
poses. However, after generating the data base regarding the rheological and attributed to the nature of pocket-type vane shear stress apparatus.
properties and the parameters affecting the rheology, it is possible that According to the working principle of this apparatus, the operation-/
compressive strength development can be improved with several ap­ calibration-related parameters are significantly influential on the
proaches such as increasing fineness of precursor particles, incorpora­ recorded shear stress results measured and it was reported that variable
tion of additional Al and Si sources and heat curing application, etc. shear stress results can be obtained depending on the vane of the test
[8,38,95]. apparatus, calibration, test techniques and residual deformation of
spring as a result of the repeated use [98]. Although the vane shear stress
results of paste and mortar mixtures were in conflict with the generally
3.5. Comparison of rheological properties of CDW-based geopolymer expected trend, shear stress results of paste and mortar mixtures were
mortars and corresponding paste phases consistent within themselves and useful in determining the effect of
different types/amount of alkaline activators on the rheological prop­
In order to have an understanding on the effect of the fine recycled erties of the mixtures. Considering the variations observed in the vane
concrete aggregates (FRCA) inclusion on the properties of CDW-based shear stress results of these two different phases, it is therefore suggested
geopolymers, test results obtained from mortar mixtures prepared in to use a newly-calibrated vane shear apparatus by implementing tests
the current study were compared with the companion CDW-based under same operational conditions to compare the relative shear stresses
geopolymer binders (paste) of the recently published study of the au­ of geopolymer mixtures, more precisely. Together with vane shear test,
thors [38]. The precursor composition of both mortar and paste mixtures performance of additional tests is also suggested that to account for
were composed of CDW-based materials almost identical to each other. possible drawbacks of the vane shear apparatus, which is a basic test
The only difference was that the precursor blend of the mortar mixtures method.
included a minor content of C. CDW-based precursors used in both Although the inclusion of FRCA resulted in increments in the vis­
studies were obtained from the same source and were with identical cosity/consistency of the geopolymer pastes, mortar mixtures with
chemical/physical properties. Table 4 tabulates the rheological property suitable rheological properties for 3D-AM were successfully developed
test results of representative rheological test results of the mortar and without incorporating any chemical admixtures. In terms of the
paste mixtures for comparison. The results of selected mixtures having compressive strength results, there was no adverse effect of adding FCRA
similar alkaline activator combinations/amounts were shown for an into geopolymer pastes since the results were found comparable for both
easier comparison. paste and mortar mixtures although it is expected that utilization of
As can be followed from Table 4, the flowability index values of the FRCA causes reduction in compressive strength performance because of
mortar mixtures were lower than those of paste mixtures and the the presence of originally interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between
buildability results increased when the paste mixtures were incorpo­ original aggregates and residual paste/mortar particles and additional
rated with FRCA, regardless of the selected alkaline activator combi­ ITZ forming between the geopolymeric binder and recycled aggregates.
nation. These results clearly show that FRCA inclusion into geopolymer This result can be explained in a way of that the old, hardened cement
attached to the crushed aggregates may participate in depolymerization
Table 4 as a source of silicon / calcium and result in a good bond between the
Rheological property test results of the CDW-based geopolymer pastes and new binder and old aggregates [99].
NaOH Ca Mixture Flowability Buildability Vane 3.6. Laboratory-scale 3D-AM application
(M) (OH)2 phase index (cm) shear
(%) stress (N/
The suitability of entirely CDW-based geopolymer mortars to print­
ing process was evaluated by using a laboratory-scale 3D printer, details
7.5 0 Paste 1.67 3.60 3.8 of which were given in Fig. 13. In order to demonstrate the correlation of
Mortar 0.82 4.25 0.8
4 Paste 1.45 3.85 4.0
empirical testing methods with the ultimate 3D-AM products, and
Mortar 0.69 4.40 1.5 investigate the 3D-printing performance of the mixtures having different
8 Paste 1.19 3.95 4.5 rheological properties, two geopolymer mortar mixtures with no addi­
Mortar 0.49 4.50 2.3 tional chemical admixtures other than alkaline activators were printed.
10 0 Paste 1.83 3.55 3.3
For the determination of effects of rheological differences on the ulti­
Mortar 1.25 4.15 1.5
4 Paste 1.44 3.80 3.3 mate products more precisely, mixtures having high and low viscosities
Mortar 0.77 4.20 1.0 were selected to be printed.
8 Paste 1.18 3.95 3.3 Compressive strength and open-time performances were also taken
Mortar 0.56 4.30 2.5 into consideration during the selection of mixtures. The mixture acti­
12.5 0 Paste 1.86 3.60 3.0
Mortar 1.02 4.20 2.3
vated by 10 M− NaOH had lower viscosity and more extended open-
4 Paste 1.46 3.80 3.6 time. The effect of Ca(OH)2 utilization ratio after 4% was negligible
Mortar 0.56 4.25 1.7 on the compressive strength of the mixtures at lower NaOH molarities.
8 Paste 1.19 3.95 3.6 Thus, the mixture activated by the binary use of 10 M− NaOH and 4%-Ca
Mortar 0.44 4.45 2.5
(OH)2 was chosen to represent the high-workability (low-viscosity)
15 0 Paste 1.87 3.50 1.6
Mortar 0.54 4.30 4.2 mixture performance (Mixture-A). As the mixture activated by the bi­
4 Paste 1.49 3.80 2.5 nary use of 15 M− NaOH and 12%-Ca(OH)2 showed higher viscosity and
Mortar 0.54 4.40 2.2 compressive strength among all mixtures, it was chosen to represent the
8 Paste 1.27 3.85 3.1 low-workability (high-viscosity) mixture performance (Mixture-B). In
Mortar 0.37 4.55 3.0
order to analyze the quality of the mixtures regarding the flowability,

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 13. (a) Detailed parts, (b) real-time view and (c) in-operation image of the laboratory-scale 3D printer.

buildability, continuity and surface quality, the mixtures were printed in the horizontal direction due to flow discontinuity and stiff structure
a single- and multi-layered way and the printed specimens were inves­ (Fig. 14). This finding was related to the movement restriction of high
tigated via visual inspection by focusing on the cracks/defects/ruptures viscous Mixture-B from the feeding bunker of the pumping system to the
formed and the dimensions by considering the shape retention ability. screw pump decomposition mechanism due to its stiffer nature. Along
For the 3D-printing operation, a nozzle having a 20 × 20 mm cross- with the material-/printer-related defects, some negligible defects
section was used and the operational printing speed (the movement formed on the top surface of the specimens caused by the residues of
speed of the printer-head) was set to 60 mm/s. mortar particles remaining on the nozzle edges.
At the visual inspection stage, initially single-layer printed speci­ Images of the multi-layer printed versions of the mixtures were given
mens of the two selected mixtures were examined to understand in Fig. 14-c,d. The multi-layer printed specimens exhibited similar
whether a continuous/homogeneous layer structure was formed for properties to the single-layer printed ones; Mixture-A with higher
determining the factors that disrupted the continuity, and analyzing the flowability/lower viscosity had no discontinuity in layers with a negli­
ability of mixtures to maintain dimensional stability. The determination gible number of defects, while Mixture-B with lower flowability/higher
of the reference/base layer height with a single-layer printed specimen viscosity had non-continuous layers with high number of defects. Re­
is critical for the high-accuracy evaluation of the buildability perfor­ sults of dimensional measurements of the specimens printed as single-
mance of the mixtures individually and to eliminate the height differ­ and multi-layer were given in Table 5. The heights of the single-layer
ences resulting from level variations of the printing bed. Therefore, the specimens were considered reference layer height in line with the
heights of single-layer specimens were measured to determine a refer­ abovementioned considerations. To evaluate the buildability perfor­
ence/base layer height to compare the height changes in multi-layer mances of the multi-layer specimens, the layer heights measured from
specimens. 10 different points of 20 cm-middle part of each 30-cm layer were
Visual inspections showed that utilization of mixture with the com­ averaged, and the height differences (in percentage) compared to the
bined use of 10 M− NaOH + 4%-Ca(OH)2 (Mixture-A) had a more reference layer height were calculated by using the following equation
continuous flow than the mixture with the combined use of 15 for each layer individually.
M− NaOH + 12%-Ca(OH)2 (Mixture-B) and had a structure with less
hi − h0
defects/voids/fractures (Fig. 14). Such outcomes were expected Height difference(%) = × 100
considering the flowability index values of both mixtures. Due to its
higher flowability, Mixture-A exhibited a higher level of consistency/ where, h0 represents single layer height and hi stands for multi-layer
accuracy/adaptability with the designed G-code of the printed specimen height.
on both horizontal (Fig. 14-a) and vertical printing directions (Fig. 14-c, The ultimate buildability performances of multi-layer specimens
d). However, while Mixture-B had a consistent/suitable layer height in were calculated by the ratio of the actual final height of the printed
regard to the design code in the vertical direction with its higher structure to the final height determined in G-code (220 mm [20 × 11
buildability value (Fig. 14-c,d), it exhibited insufficient performance in mm]: height of the structure with 11 layers) (Table 5). In addition, the

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 14. (a) General, (b) close-up view of single-layer specimens of 3D printed geopolymer mortar mixtures showing the defects and (c) general, (d) close-up views of
multi-layer specimens of 3D printed geopolymer mixtures.

ultimate settlement was calculated by taking the difference between the where, Hd and Hf stand for the total height of the virtual structure
height of the targeted structure determined in G-code (220 mm) and the designed by the 3D printer software and the final total height (collapsed)
height of the printed structures (206.95 mm and 213.99 mm for of real-time printed structure, respectively. Buildability results were
Mixture-A and -B, respectively). As expected, the height of each layer recorded as 94.1% and 97.3% for Mixture-A and Mixture-B, respec­
showed variations in relation to the number of layers overlying on each tively. Considering that the buildability results of the mixtures obtained
one of them. While the settlement results were high in the lower-level by the empirical test methods are close to the results obtained after real-
layers of the multi-layer specimens with respect to the height of refer­ time 3D-printing (percentage equivalent of 84% for Mixture-A
ence layer, less settlement occurred at upper-level layers due to decre­ [collapsing from 5 to 4.2 cm] and 92% for Mixture-B [collapsing from
ments in the amount of load carried by the consecutive upper layers. 5 to 4.6 cm]), the capability of the empirical test methods in predicting
Buildability of the multi-layered structures, which was determined by the performance of 3D printed end product is clear.
using equation given below. In Fig. 15, a close-up image of the nozzle taken during the printing
( ) operation of Mixture-A was presented. Defects were observed at the
Hd − Hf
Buildability(%) = 1 − × 100 lower (bottom) surface of the layer immediately after the material
extrusion from the nozzle, which can be associated with the tension

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Table 5
Dimensional properties of 3D printed geopolymer mortar mixtures (units are in mm).
# of layers Mixture-A Mixture-B
10 M NaOH ¡ 4% Ca(OH)2 15 M NaOH ¡ 12% Ca(OH)2
Single-layer Multi-layer Height difference (%) Single- Multi- Height difference (%)
layer layer

1 19.85 17.52 − 11.74 19.97 18.50 − 7.36

2 17.78 − 10.43 19.00 − 4.86
3 18.25 − 8.06 19.21 − 3.81
4 18.39 − 7.36 19.34 − 3.15
5 18.82 − 5.19 19.35 − 3.10
6 19.02 − 4.18 19.55 − 2.10
7 19.11 − 3.73 19.62 − 1.75
8 19.26 − 2.97 19.79 − 0.90
9 19.48 − 1.86 19.78 − 0.95
10 19.50 − 1.76 19.90 − 0.35
11 19.82 − 0.15 19.95 − 0.10
Total 206.95 213.99
Buildability (%) 94.1 97.3
Ultimate settlement (mm) 13.05 6.01

Fig. 15. A close-up image of the nozzle taken during the printing operation of

forces exerted on the material between the end of the pump and the
contact region with the sub-layer. Any fluctuation that may occur during
the flow of the material in 3D-AM system may instantly cause a stress
concentration between these two regions and result in a defect forma­
tion. Another reason for the formation of defects in the printed layer can
be associated with the operational compatibility between the 3D printer
and the pump. Even though the material has suitable rheological pa­
rameters for printability, if the compatibility of the 3D printer and the
pump system cannot be ensured precisely, the designed geometries
cannot be printed with high-accuracy/-quality, and the ultimate product
may have defects.
In Fig. 16, different images taken during the printing operation of
Mixture-A were presented, and a defect that occurred on the printed
layer was highlighted. As can be followed from Fig. 16-a to c, the defect
that occurred gradually expanded with the tensile forces created as a
result of the movement of the nozzle in the printing direction. This can
Fig. 16. Images taken during the printing operation of Mixture-A.
be attributed to the discordance of the printing speed of the 3D printer
and the material transfer speed of the pump for a certain period of time,
or the discontinuities and/or air gaps that occurred when the material due to self-settlement and/or material-/printer-related discontinuity,
feeds the pump. can become significant since the number of overlapping layers or the
A pre-designed structure was printed by using Mixture-A in the distance to be printed along a line increases. As observed in the single-
laboratory-scale 3D printer to demonstrate the shape retention ability, and multi-layer printed products, there were no considerable cracks/
buildability performance, and relationship/compatibility between the voids/fractures available on the surfaces of layered structures of ulti­
designed and printed structure. The G-code provisions of the designed mate product. Designed and printed structures successfully matched
structure and the ultimate printed product were represented in the each other as the printed layer did not collapse or show discontinuity
Fig. 17. While designing/coding the given structure in Fig. 17, it has during manufacturing. Additionally, to have an understanding on the
been considered load-bearing capacity and possible settlement with self- design capability/capacity of CDW-based mixtures with 3D-AM system,
weight of consecutive layers. Otherwise, the smallest error in the code, inner walls of designed structure were visually investigated to reveal
whether the mixture was proper for fine workmanship that requires the

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

Fig. 17. Images of 3D printed structure of Mixture-A (a) provision of the G-code of the designed structure on software, (b) view of 3D-printed structure, (c) close-up
view of the printed layers.

high shape retention. As seen from Fig. 17, sharp corners/edges of the • Mixtures activated by the single use of NaOH having different mo­
printed structure obtained without any structural disorder. The most larities exhibited similar 28-day compressive strength with an
remarkable part of this situation is the elimination of architectural approximate result of 11 MPa. Incorporation of Ca(OH)2 as the
design constraints arising from material and formwork systems thanks to alkaline activator led increments in the 28-day compressive strength
the ability of layered structure to retain its shape under burden of of the mixtures with an approximate result of 17.9 MPa. With the
consecutive layers without any support. Consequently, the designed addition of Na2SiO3 into the mixtures containing Ca(OH)2 and
100% CDW-based geopolymer mortars without any rheology modifying NaOH, 28-day compressive strength as well as the strength devel­
admixtures were shown to be capable of extrusion via 3D-AM free of any opment rate was significantly improved reaching to an approximate
defects/discontinuity and fully matched with the designed structure. result of 36 MPa.
• Recycled concrete aggregates can be used in CDW-based systems
4. Conclusions without endangering the rheological properties and compressive
strength of the mixtures suitable for 3D-AM.
This paper investigated the rheological properties of entirely CDW- • The printability of entirely CDW-based geopolymer mortars without
based geopolymer mortar mixtures without any chemical admixtures any chemical admixtures was shown clearly via 3D-AM process
by performing empirical tests, including flow table, buildability, and almost free of any defects/discontinuity. End products obtained from
vane shear and their suitability for 3D-AM purposes via printing appli­ two separate mixtures having high and low viscosity showed that
cations made by a laboratory-scale 3D printer. Capability of the empirical test methods used herein were capable of evaluating the
empirical test methods in determining the suitability of the mixtures for performance of the mixtures in regard to parameters important for
3D-AM purposes was investigated, along with the effects of alkaline 3D-AM including printability, flowability, viscosity, buildability,
activators on the rheology and compressive strength of the mixtures. extrudability and open-time. Overall, printed final product with
Following conclusions have been drawn from the experimental works:. mortar mixture having a low viscosity is perfectly matched with the
G-code of the designed structure, dimensionally.
• Single use of NaOH at different molarities was influential on the • Buildability test results obtained from empirical test were over­
rheological properties with a clear trend that was inverted at a lapped with the performance of 3D printed final product regarding
certain level of molarity (10 M− NaOH). While flowability was final height of designed structures. Empirical buildability perfor­
enhanced up to 10 M, the trend reversed after this level, and a similar mance assessment is therefore considered as proper method to pre­
trend was observed for the buildability and vane shear stress results dict the performance of 3D-AM final layered structure.
with an opposite behavior. Time-dependent empirical tests gave
consistent and repetitive results. In the current work, the type/content of CDW-based precursors were
• Incorporation of Ca(OH)2 into the mixtures caused increment in the kept constant based on the previous experience of the authors and the
viscosity lowering flowability index, increasing buildability and vane main focus was placed on the detailed effects of type/content of alkaline
shear stress results at the fresh state of the geopolymer mixtures, activators on the rheological properties and compressive strength of
regardless of type/amount of activators. Considering the open-time geopolymer mortars suitable for 3D-AM. However, it is of importance to
workability performance, inclusion of Ca(OH)2 had no meaningful finally note that the outcomes are very likely to be different in the
effect on the setting behavior of the mixtures. presence of different type/content of precursors, which can be an
• Incorporation of Na2SiO3 into the geopolymer mortars resulted in attractive subject for further future works.
considerable decrements in the initial yield stress of the mixtures,
increasing flowability. However, this also caused a rapid hardening
in less than 30 min, which means shortening of the period (open- Declaration of Competing Interest
time) for 3D printability.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial

H. Ilcan et al. Construction and Building Materials 328 (2022) 127114

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