GRTE 2023 - Presentations
GRTE 2023 - Presentations
GRTE 2023 - Presentations
Reduce Cycle Time & Eliminate Defects in an Over- Innovative Natural Rubber Products: Conductivity,
Molding Rubber Product (Dr. Wisawat Keaswejjareansuk, Antibacterial properties, Self-Healing and
Business Development Manager, Sigma Solution Co., Ltd., Biodegradability (Dr. Yeampon Nakaramontri (KMUTT),
Thailand) Assistant Professor, King Mongkut’s University of
Latex Compounding for Tyre Applications (Dr. Luciano Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
Tadiello, Innovative Materials Researcher, Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. Power of Secondary Hybrid Filler on Improvement
R&D Center, Italy) Properties of Tire Tread Compound (Dr. Suppachai
Puncture Sealant based on Natural Rubber Latex (Dr.
Sattayanurak, Thaksin University, Songkhla, Thailand)
Angel J. Jimenez, Manager-Laboratory Department, Dunlop
Opportunity for Combination of Natural Rubber with
Tech GmbH, Germany)
Value added De-Vulcanized Rubber from Nitrile Gloves Biomass for Product Expansion (Dr. Chalao
(Anil Skariah, Latex Industry Expert, Thailand) Thepchalerm, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand)
Understanding the Viscoelastic Behaviour as a Quality Development of Innovative Natural Rubber Products
Predictor in Rubber Compounds and Vulcanizates (Dr. Correlating to Multipurpose of Context Community (Dr.
Chakrit Sirisinha, Head, Rubber Technology Research Weerawut Naebpetch,Thaksin University, Songkhla,
Centre (RTEC), Mahidol University, Thailand) Thailand)
Field Test of Tyres for Electric Motor-Cycle (Tusanai Development of Natural Rubber Formulation Combined
Boonkerdrattanasakull, Researcher, Rubber Technology with Natural-based Oil Compounds (Dr. Siwarote
Research Centre (RTEC), Mahidol University, Thailand) Boonrasri, Assistant Professor, Maejo University, Thailand)
Surface Modifications of Natural Rubber and Their Upcoming of Natural Rubber Products: Natural-based
Adhesions to Synthetic Elastomers (Dr. Sombat Filler, Engineering Application, Elastic Foam and
Thanawan, Associate Professor, Rubber Technology Thermoplastic Elastomer (Dr. Karnda Sengloyluan, Prince
Research Centre (RTEC), Mahidol University, Thailand) of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand)
Insight into the Change in Allergenic Proteins of Natural Mechanical Testing of Rubber - Good Laboratory
Rubber under Electron Beam Irradiation (Dr. Adun
Practices (Ajay C, Senior Scientist, Hari Shankar Singhania
Nimpaiboon, Researcher, Rubber Technology Research
Elastomer and Tyre Research Institute (HASETRI),, India)
Centre (RTEC), Mahidol University, Thailand)
Surface Properties for Adhesion Improvement (Dr. Supa Introduction to RubberTech PSU Pattani (Dr. Anuwat
Wirasate, Associate Professor, Chemistry Dept & Rubber Seatung, Assistant Professor, Prince of Songkla University -
Technology Research Centre (RTEC), Mahidol University, Pattani Campus, Thailand / Dr. Sitisaiyidah Saiwari, Prince
Thailand) of Songkla University - Pattani Campus, Thailand)
Film Formation Process of Natural Rubber Latex : Roles Rubber Gloves Recycling and their Applications (Dr.
of Particle Size and Distribution of Non-rubber Species Sitisaiyidah Saiwari, Prince of Songkla University - Pattani
on Film Microstructures (Dr. Manus Sriring, Researcher, Campus, Thailand)
Rubber Technology Research Centre (RTEC), Mahidol Conductive Rubber Nanocomposites and Smart Rubber
University, Thailand) Materials (Dr. Subhan Salaeh, Assistant Professor, Prince
Modification of ZnO Nanoparticle for Improving of Songkla University - Pattani Campus, Thailand)
Properties of Rubber Products (Dr. Yeampon Past, Present and Future of Silica-Reinforced Natural
Nakaramontri, Technical Consultant, Global Chemical Co., Rubber Tire Compounds (Dr. Kannika Sahakaro,
Ltd., Thailand) Associate Professor, Prince of Songkla University - Pattani
Advanced Dynamic Test Methods with the D-RPA 3000 Campus, Thailand)
Rubber Process Analyzer (Ralf Baeuerlein, Director,
Next Generation Sustainable Process Oils for Tire and
Montech, Germany)
Rubber Industry (Dr. Cristina Bergmann, Business
Efficient Sample Preparation in Rubber Laboratories (Ralf
Baeuerlein, Director, Montech, Germany) Development Director-Process Oils, Ergon International Inc.,
Indian Rubber Industry : Current Outlook and USA)
Opportunities (Kamlesh Jain, Managing Director, Holdwell The Evolution of Rubber Process Oils: Solvency,
Components Pvt. Ltd., India) Viscosity, Volatility, and the Changing Landscape of
The Rubber Process Analyzer: 30 years of Driving Out Global Oil Refining Chemistries (Nick White, Vice
Variation (Dilip Duphia, Application Specialist, Alpha President of Business Development, Process Oils, Ergon,
Technologies Inc., United States) Inc., USA)
A Faster, Easier and more Accurate Alternative to DMA Developments in Rubber-to-Metal / Rubber-to-Rubber
for Low Temperature Testing (Dilip Duphia, Application Cold-Bond (CB) Adhesives (Subir Kumar Chaudhuri,
Specialist, Alpha Technologies Inc., United States) Technology Manager, Parker Lord, India)
Study on Heat Build-up Properties by using Rubber Micronised Rubber Powder: A New Age Sustainable
Process Analyzer (Ajay C, Senior Scientist, Hari Shankar Raw Material (Subodh Sharma, Chief Operating Officer,
Singhania Elastomer and Tyre Research Institute Tinna Rubber & Infrastructure Ltd, India)
(HASETRI),, India)
Latest Developments in Semi-Permanent Release Agent
& Bonding Agents for Molded Rubber Products (Blunt
Mou, Deputy General Manager, Shanghai Lorechem Co.,
Ltd., China)