Sciencedirect: A Brief Review On Injection Moulding Manufacturing Process
Sciencedirect: A Brief Review On Injection Moulding Manufacturing Process
Sciencedirect: A Brief Review On Injection Moulding Manufacturing Process
Materials Today: Proceedings00 (2015) 000–000
Abstract:The term quality has become a “catch all” term used in describing the various characteristics of an object. It
is nearly impossible to define the term consistency. The quality is any particular or specific characteristics of a
product development design object that contains or relates information about the object. This is primarily a chunk of
geometry distinguished by its ability to perform a function with one or more other. In this primary processing
conditions are studied from concept development to manufacturing of the product. Effect of different factors studied
on the basis of processing parameters. Since quality and productivity are the two important contradictory objectives
in any machining process. Some extent of quality has to be compromised while assurance giving for high
productivity. Similarly productivity will be decreased while the efforts are channelized to enhance quality. To
ensure high quality and productivity, it is necessary to optimize machining parameters. Various responses of quality
of injection moulding process has been studied on the basis of performance parameters and methods. This paper
aims to present plastic injection moulding process conditions. The processing conditions satisfied quality based
product manufacturing.
1. Introduction:
During the design of plastic components three types of designers typically interact in the development of product.
Typically interact in the development of the product, Industrial designers and experts in ergonomics and aesthetics,
develop quality that directly interact with the customer and provide overall form. Mechanical engineers develop the
components that make up the product. These components fulfill the functions that the customers specify. Production
engineer add and modify features necessary for component manufacture. The design of products requires engineers
to be knowledgeable about basic quality. The processing condition relates the quality and processing parameters.
Injection moulding is major net shape processes for thermoplastic polymers. Over 30% of all the plastic parts are
manufactured by the injection moulding process.[1]This is one of the process that are greatly preferred in
manufacturing industry because it can produce complex-shape plastic products and having good dimensional
accuracy with short cycle times typical examples are automobile industry, casings and housings of products such as
computer monitor, mobile phone and which has a thin shell feature
2.Literature Review:
A great deal of research is being carried out to understand, identify critical factors and possibly the molding
processes. Most of the work carried out in the last decade was based on: theoretical, computer based simulation
models and practical experimental trials.Dan Tursi and Bistany (2000) attempted to study the effect of tooling
factors like kind of mold material did significantly affect sink marks. Iyer and Ramani(2002) in an attempt to study
the use of high thermal conductivity material, sink marks defect was taken as quality parameter. It was observed that
thermal conductivity of mold material does influence sink marks. Erzurumlu and Ozcelik (2006) used Taguchi
technique to minimize warpage and the sink index. In their study they considered mold temperature, melt
temperature, packing pressure, rib cross section and rib layout angle and material PC/ABS, POM,PA66. They find
in their research that packing pressure is influence the factor for PC/ABS plastic products, rib cross section influence
POM material plastic product and rib layout angle influence PA66 material plastic product significantly. Shen
(2007) did investigation on effect of molding variables on sink mark index using Taguchi method. They considered
melt temperature, injection time, packing time, mold temperature, distance between gate and rib layout. Mathivanan
D and Parthasarathy (2009a,2009b) reported modeling of sink marks using DOE based regression. Babur ozcelik et
al (2010) attempted to study on mechanical properties of material with using taguchi method. They consider melt
temperature, packing time, cooling time, injection pressure. Zhao Longzhi study the sink marks defect
with simulation with the help of software mold flow and did experiment with the help of taguchi method.In their
research they study on Polypropylene material and process parameter melt temperature, mold temperature,
injection time, holding pressure, cooling time. Stanek, M.etal. (2010) study mold design with the help of Cadmould
software. They explain that Cadmould software can calculates filling time, speed and vulcanization time in the mold
and consequent after curing depending on the material and technological parameters. Huang, M. S et. al. (2007)
study the cavity pressure profile in the mould of injection moulding machine. In their experimental research they
find innovative switchover method yields a more uniform product weight that any traditional methods after study the
filling condition in the mold. Rezavand, S. A. M (2007) presented a simplified wax model of gas turbine blade.
Their study on the mold filling condition in the investment casting process, they explain that major steps in
investment casting processes are injection molding of Wax pattern, ceramic coating, removing wax, drying and
material casing. In the mold manufacturing they consider injection temperature and holding time as processing
variables. They found that holding time to be more dominant than that of injection temperature. Sahputra, I.
(2007, December).study on the mold flow condition of injection moulding process with the help of SIMPOL and
MPI software.They compare the software result. They find MPI software generated simulation analysis report gave
good results in comparison to SIMPOL software. Ramesh, G(2015) study on sink marks minimization of a head
light for alto car plastic component. They did modeling of product with the help of Pro E and Mold flow analysis
with the help of MPI software.In their observation they explain single gate location can minimize sink marks in
comparison to multiple gate location. It could save wastage of material. Bikas, A present a NESPLAN
code towards the intelligent design of the injection moulding process. Furthermore NASPLAN code has been
coupled with three different numerical optimization methods in order to design the guidance of melt by tuning of
gates. They suggested filling condition of mould on the basis of vacuum pressure. Saman, A (2009 November)
study the mold condition of injection molding by the CAD/CAE tools to design optimal gating system. They suggest
the optimal gating system with the help of CATIA and MOLDFLOW software. Vashisht, R. study the
different gating system with the help of MOLD FLOW software. They check the fill cycle time with the help of
MOLDFLOW for minimization of sink marks. Galantucci, L. M., & Spina, R. (2003) study mold filling condition
with the help of Integrating FE with DOE. They attempt to study on gate location melt temperature, mould
temperature, injection pressure, packing time, packing pressure process parameter. Gruber, D. P. (2011) study
on the measurement of the visual perceptibility of sink marks on injection molding parts They study the sink marks
defected plastic parts by incrementing the holding pressure and other parameters kept constant. Wang,
study on the warpage and sink marks defect with the help of rapid heat cycle molding technology. They study the
processing parameter melt temperature, injection time, packing pressure, packing time and cooling time effect on
warpage with the help of Taguchi and ANOVA. Liu, S. J. et. Al.(2004) proposed the manufacturing of thermoplastic
Author name / Materials Today: Proceedings00 (2015) 000–000 3
composites with the help of injection-molding technology. They study injection moulding condition by process
parameter water pressure, water temperature,, water injection delay time , melt temperature, mold temperature and
hold time with the help of Taguchi method. Li, X. P., Zhao study rapid heat cycle molding technology
on the production of LCD TV panel. The design variables were optimized by Genetic algorithm and RSM method.
Oktem, H. (2006) study the surface roughness in end milling process for production of injection mold with the
help of ANN and Genetic algorithm. Dimla, D. E. study cooling channels in injection moulding machine
for the reduction of cycle time. They suggest that cycle time can be minimized by best gate location and temperature
distribution of cooling channels. Also they check on quality like sink marks, weld lines. Gruber, D. P.
study on the visual perceptibility on sink marks of injection molded parts and develop CCD images. Rahimi, M. studied effect of reprocessing cycle on shrinkage and mechanical properties of acrylonitrile-butadiene-
styrene, they found that as reprocessing cycle increased, shrinkage decreased, and tensile and flexural ultimate
strengths increased. So larger the tensile strength lesser will be the shrinkage in product. Rathi, In the
study of injection moulding process consider the short shot defect by taking parameters injection pressure, mould
closing speed mould pressure, back pressure. Raos, studied two processing parameters injection
velocity and injection pressure effect on tensile strength of plastic moulded part. They did their analysis on
polyethylene material of plastic.They showed that injection pressure has significant factor which affect tensile
strength of material and injection velocity has no effect on tensile strength. Lin, Y. H In the study of
processing parameters on injection moulding process they consider injection speed, injection pressure and melt
temperature on tensile strength of Polypropylene material of plastic part. They found that melt temperature, injection
pressure and injection speed affect tensile strength significantly. Islam, A studied holding pressure
factor effect on tensile strength of metal injection moulding material part. They found that as holding pressure
increases tensile strength of metal injection moulded part increases. A. RiazAhamed,A.K. (2013) studied of factor
melt temperature, injection pressure, cooling time on tensile strength of polycarbonate material. Tsai, K. M., Hsieh the effects of process parameters for injection moulding on surface quality of optical lenses.They
consider warpage, waviness and other response on their research. Pareek, R., considers the tea plate of
plastic product. On their analysis, they consider the tensile strength by taking process parameters melting
temperature, injection pressure, cooling time and Polycarbonate as a material.They found that as the melt
temperature increases tensile strength increases. Li, H. studied the effects of processing parameters on
the appearance of weldlines by Taguchi experimental design method. Weldlines are obtained by the right door of
copy machine which is modelled with three gates. The pictures of moulding products are taken by digital camera.
They consider the melt temperature, injection pressure, injection velocity as main factors which affect the strength
of material polyproplylene. They showed that injection velocity is main factor for the visibility of weld lines. Zhu, J the study of processing parameters on injection moulding process they consider injection pressure,
melting temperature, Cooling time, injection speed, mould temperature, holding pressure, holding time on tensile
strength of injection moulded part. They found that holding pressure and melt temperature significantly affect the
tensile strength of material. Pal, R studied on micro injection moulding process. They consider injection
pressure, injection temperature, holding time factor effect on the tensile properties of polypropylene material. They
found as injection pressure increases tensile strength increases but as injection time increases tensile strength
increases first then it decreases. Hashemi, S. (2008). studied of temperature effect on ABS material composites.
They found that as the melting temperature, mould temperature increases tensile strength of composite material
3.Result and Discussion:
Many researchers studied the injection moulding process with different process parameters, different material and
different mathematical methods. Some of them are listed below:
(250-270),Flow rate
(10-80, 103*
mm /sec), packing
pressure (25-40
19. Application of Artificial neural 2001 Barrel temperature, Polypropylene Shriankage
network and Fuzzy logic in a nozzle
case based system for initial temperature,injection
process parameter setting of pressure, holding
injection molding pressure,back
pressure, clamping
force,screw rotating
time,colling time,Fill
20. Back propagation neural network 2011 Mold Polypropylene Warpage
modeling for warpage prediction temperature(40-80),
and optimization of plastic Melt
products during injection temperature(200-
molding 280), packing
120),Packing time(8-
12),Cooling time(15-
21. Reducing the shrinkage in Plastic 2012 Melt Powder Shriankege
injection moulded gear by temperature(200- material is
GREY based Taguchi 240),Packing used
optimization method pressure(60-
80),Packing time(5-
15),Cooling time(30-
22. The use of Taguchi approach to 2006 Injection speed, Polypropylene Shriankage
determine the influence of mould temperature,
injection-moulding parameters material
on the properties of green parts temperature,holding
pressure, holding
pressure time,cCycle
time(15-30 sec)
23. A hybrid of back propagation 2011 Mold temperature, - Warpage and
neural network and genetic melt temperature, clamp force
algorithm for optimization of packing pressure, analysis
injection molding process packing time,
parameter cooling time
24. Practical application of Taguchi 2013 Mould temperature, Warpage
method for optimization melt
processing parameters for plastic temperature,Gate
injection moulding- A dimension, packing
retrospective review pressure, packing
time,fiiling time
filling pressure,
cooling time
8 Gurjeet Singh ,Ajay Verma/ Materials Today: Proceedings00 (2015) 000–000
Since raw materials are becoming scarcer and more expensive, and the costs of energy is also increasing the strategy
of mould design should not aim only at cost reduction but also at reducing resource consumption and emissions
throughout its entire life cycle. Shrinkage, Warpage, sink marks and weld lines are four challenging defects in
injection moulding. The formation of them is inevitable in many cases, especially for the parts with complex
geometries. Based on the above table we found that every researchers concentrate on the warpage and shrinkage
defect mostly. They give attention on the sink marks also. But few researchers pay attention on the weld lines and
tensile strength. Some response also required study like surface waviness in the optical lens.
4. Conclusion:
Many efforts are doing in this area. But few of them are successful, So special attention are required in this area.
Because based on this study we know that due to processing parameters many defects occur. So for the production
of product control of processing parameters is required. From the above we found that study of recycling of plastics
is required for the beneficial of society. For this Material identification is required which is environment friendly,
recyclable. So processing is to done in this field. So study on other process parameter is required for increment of
production of quality based plastic products which should be defect free.
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