This document summarizes a study that used Pro-Cast simulation software to analyze and optimize the solidification behavior of a casting. The study aimed to redesign components and increase product life by detecting hot spots and improving the gating and risering system design. The simulation process involved 3D CAD modeling, meshing the model, applying mould and material properties, and analyzing the simulation results. Previous studies that used Pro-Cast and other simulation software to optimize gating/risering designs and predict defects were also reviewed. The results of the simulation were then compared to experimental results.
This document summarizes a study that used Pro-Cast simulation software to analyze and optimize the solidification behavior of a casting. The study aimed to redesign components and increase product life by detecting hot spots and improving the gating and risering system design. The simulation process involved 3D CAD modeling, meshing the model, applying mould and material properties, and analyzing the simulation results. Previous studies that used Pro-Cast and other simulation software to optimize gating/risering designs and predict defects were also reviewed. The results of the simulation were then compared to experimental results.
This document summarizes a study that used Pro-Cast simulation software to analyze and optimize the solidification behavior of a casting. The study aimed to redesign components and increase product life by detecting hot spots and improving the gating and risering system design. The simulation process involved 3D CAD modeling, meshing the model, applying mould and material properties, and analyzing the simulation results. Previous studies that used Pro-Cast and other simulation software to optimize gating/risering designs and predict defects were also reviewed. The results of the simulation were then compared to experimental results.
This document summarizes a study that used Pro-Cast simulation software to analyze and optimize the solidification behavior of a casting. The study aimed to redesign components and increase product life by detecting hot spots and improving the gating and risering system design. The simulation process involved 3D CAD modeling, meshing the model, applying mould and material properties, and analyzing the simulation results. Previous studies that used Pro-Cast and other simulation software to optimize gating/risering designs and predict defects were also reviewed. The results of the simulation were then compared to experimental results.
Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
9 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Solidification Analysis and Optimization Using Pro-Cast BHUPENDRA J. CHUDASAMA Master of engineering Department of mechanical engineering S. P. B. Patel Engineering College, Linch (Mehsana) Gujarat (India) Abstract: Now days in Industries it is very important to save time and money in manufacturing product, because there is lots of competition in industrial world. Main objective of this project is re- designed of component using Pro-cast software and increasing of this product life. Many researchers reported that about 90% of the defects in castings are due to wrong design of gating & risering system and only 10% due to manufacturing problems. Casting simulation process can able to solve these problems. It has observed that various type of simulation software has been used in foundry, out of which FEM and VEM based casting simulations are widely used in foundry. To study the solidification behaviour of material and detection of hot spots in castings with the help of mentioned above casting simulation software. The simulated results also compared with the experimental works. Keywords: - Design of Experiment, ProCAST, Sand casting process 1. Introduction Recently, due to the development of computer technology, an effort is done to predict casting defects directly as a consequence of the physical phenomena that are involved. A modelling approach based on an improved description of the physical processes has become a more realistic practical and straightforward option. Shrinkage related defects result from the interplay of phenomena such as fluid flow, heat transfer with solidification, feeding flow and its free surfaces, deformation of the solidified layers and so on. Casting, one of the economical manufacturing processes used in industries, is a complicated process, which involves considerable metallurgical and mechanical aspects. The rate of solidification governs the microstructure largely, which in turn controls the mechanical properties like strength, hardness, machinability, etc. The location, size and shape of riser in a casting depend on the geometry of the casting, mould design and thermal properties of metal, old and other process parameters. Wrong designed riser results either defective casting with shrinkage cavity or lower yield, as directional solidification has not achieved.
There are number of casting simulation software are developed and are used in foundry worldwide. The application of casting simulation softwares are also increasing day to day in Indian foundry as it essentially replaces or minimizes the shop floor trials to achieve the desired internal quality at the highest possible time.
Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
10 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
The main inputs for the casting simulation process are: 1) Thermo-physical properties (density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity of the cast metal as well as the mould material, as a function of temperature). 2) Boundary conditions (i.e. the metal mould heat transfer coefficient, for normal mould as well as feed aids including chills, insulation and exothermic materials). 3) Process parameters (such as pouring rate, time and temperature).
2. Review Feng Liu et al [1] in this paper, with the aid of parametric modelling technology of runner and riser are modelled parametrically. By varying each parameter, it is easy to get different casting CAD models. These models output data populate the orthogonal matrix, which is used in the orthogonal array testing strategy to define the most suitable combinations of runners and risers parameters. After inputting the completed orthogonal matrix data and all CAD models into the simulation software the simulation result can be obtained. Marco Aloe et al [2] observed that Gating systems, overflows, venting channels can be optimized using numerical simulation. Solidification related defects can also be predicted taking into account cooling channels and die cycling so as to accurately reproduce production conditions. ProCAST readily addresses all these issues but also includes advanced features to better assess the casting quality. Mohammad Sadeghi et al [3] observed that ProCAST software used to simulate the fluid flow and solidification step of the part, and the results were verified by experimental measurements. By this Paper he concludes that 1) Comparison of the experimental and simulation results indicates that defects in the pieces are placed at the predicted places by simulation. 2) If the die temperature is reduced from the optimum temperature range, probability of cold flow defects and air porosities increase. 3) Determination of optimized places of overflows by simulation led to decrease of some casting defects such as cold shots and air porosities. Dr. S. Shamasundar et al [4] observed that in gravity die casting of Aluminium parts, computer simulation can be a useful tool for rapid process development. Limitation of the conventional die design and gating design has been elaborated. Advantages of computer simulation based design enumerated. The procedures thus described have been demonstrated with two case studies of application of ProCAST simulation at Ennore Foundries. It is demonstrated that the foundries can derive mileage by resorting to FEM simulations of the casting process for process development and optimization.
Fig. 1 Flow pattern of computer simulation Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
11 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Ravneetkakriaet al [5] He observed that the effects of the selected process parameters on the surface finish and the subsequent optimal settings of the parameters were accomplished using Taguchis method orthogonal arrays; experiments were conducted as per experimental plans given in this array. The results indicate that the selected parameters significantly affect the surface finish of LM-6 Aluminum alloys castings. The confirmatory experiments have also been carried out to verify the optimal settings of the parameters. V. V. Mane et al [6] he focused on finding process-related causes for individual defects, and optimizing the parameter values to reduce the defects. This is not sufficient for completely eliminating the defects, since parameters related to part, tooling and methods design also affect casting quality, and these are not considered in conventional defect analysis approaches.
3. FE Analysis using ProCAST Figure 3.1 shows a flowchart, in which 3D CAD and simulation tools are utilized to improve the system design of the casting. The castings geometries presented here were meshed with MeshCAST, which requires the Generation of a surface mesh before meshing the enclosed region with tetrahedral elements.
Fig. 2 Steps needed to make a simulation.
STEP 1. 3D CAD Modelling The modelling has been performed on the Solid works 2009 version and then after the analysis works has been performed on the ProCAST 2009 version.
Fig. 3 Model of release bearing housing Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
12 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
STEP 2.Meshing with MeshCAST The work steps which you follow when using MeshCAST depend upon the following: the nature of your project, the intended use of the meshes generated by MeshCAST and the type and quality of CAD model you use as the initial input.
Fig. 4 Meshing in MeshCAST
Import meshing file in PRE CAST
Fig. 5 Import meshing file
Apply Mould material as Silica Sand
Fig. 6 Mould material as Silica Sand
Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
13 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Apply interface between mould and Casting
Fig. 7 Interfaces between Mould and Casting Apply Air cooling to all mould surfaces
Fig. 8 Air Cooling Apply inlet velocity to pouring cup.
Fig. 9 Inlet Velocity
Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
14 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Apply inlet temperature to Pouring Cup.
Fig. 10 Inlet temperature Define Process for Filling Gravity Filling
Fig. 11 Gravity Filling Apply Initial Condition for Mould
Fig. 12 Initial Conditions for Mould
Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
15 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
Apply Initial Condition for Casting
Fig. 13 Initial Conditions for Casting STEP 3 Define Run Parameter for Release Bearing Housing Simulation.
Fig. 14 Run Parameter
STEP 4 Calculation: temperature distribution Figure indicates the temperature distribution over entire part. Maximum temperature at the centre of the part so that the maximum chances of porosity occurs at that region.
Fig. 15 Molten state of pouring metal Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
16 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
STEP:-5 Analyzing Result
Fig. 16 Shrinkage Porosity 4. Comparison of FEA Results with Experimental Results (Validation) Experimental results are taken by x ray we get the % of porosity is 3.152% and in FE Analysis by using ProCAST we get the % of Porosity is 4% as shown in table
5. Optimization of release bearing housing Any optimization problem has three basic ingredients: Optimization variables, also called design variables denoted as vector x. Cost function, also called the objective function, denoted as f (x). Constraints expressed as equalities or inequalities denoted as gi(x) Although computer-based optimization methods for an application in structural mechanics have been available for several years, they are not very popular. There are several reasons for this: 1. Modelling for computer-based optimization is often complex and time-consuming 2. Optimization results and quality strongly depend on boundary conditions and load cases 3. Optimized models are sometimes difficult to interpret and/or produce in reality.
Fig. 17 Stages of Optimization Process Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
17 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
5.1 Effect of Riser Height on Shrinkage Porosity 140 mm 150 mm 160 mm
Fig. 18 Different shrinkage porosity on riser height 5.2 Pro-Cast analysis result for different riser height Table 1 Riser height and shrinkage porosity Riser Height(mm) Shrinkage Porosity (%) 140 6.5 150 12.9 160 5.4
Fig. 19 Riser height Vs Shrinkage porosity 5.3 Effect of Runner Height on Shrinkage Porosity Runner Height:-18mm Runner Height:-16mm RunnerHeight:22mm
Shrinkage Porosity: - 2.43% Shrinkage Porosity: - 4.78 % Shrinkage Porosity: - 8.2 % Fig. 20 Different shrinkage porosity on runner height Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
18 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
5.4 Pro-Cast analysis result for different runner height Table 2 Runner height and shrinkage porosity Runner Height(mm) Shrinkage Porosity (%) 16 4.78 18 2.43 22 8.2
Fig. 21 Runner height Vs Shrinkage porosity After finding individual effect on shrinkage porosity we have combined both parameter like riser height and runner for finding combined effect on shrinkage porosity which shows that 18 mm Runner Height and 160 mm Riser Height Combination gives shrinkage porosity of 6.70% which is not optimum. Runner Height 18 mm & Riser Height 160 mm
Shrinkage Porosity: - 6.70% 6. Conclusion (1) Casting simulation technology has sufficiently matured and has become an essential tool for casting defect troubleshooting and method optimization. It enables quality assurance and high yield without shop-floor trials, and considerably reduces the lead-time for the first good sample cast. (2) By moving the trial and error process into the virtual world and determine the cost of different design and process options. By minimizing real world trial and error (and surprises) making castings right the first time. (3) From above thesis work, we found that when riser height increased from 130 to 160 shrinkage porosity is increased but not in linear proportion. Another Parameter that has major effect on shrinkage porosity is runner height. We have change the runner height from 16 to 22 in Bhupendra J. Chudasama / International Journal of Research in Modern Engineering and Emerging Technology Vol. 1, Issue: 4, MAY: 2013 (IJRMEET) ISSN: 2320-6586
19 Online International, Reviewed & Indexed Monthly Journal RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
between these optimum value for runner height is 18 with minimum shrinkage porosity 2.43% and reduces 30% Casting Rejection Rate.
7. Acknowledgment Release bearing housing is the product of Arrow techno cast Pvt. Ltd. (Shapar GIDC - Rajkot). We have been greatly benefited by Mr.Vipul Patel with his valuable suggestions and ideas. It is with great pleasure that we express our deep sense of gratitude to him for his valuable guidance and constant encouragement throughout this work. Reference 1. Maria Jos Marques, (2006). CAE Techniques for Casting Optimization, INEGI,P.4465- 4591. 2. Rabindra Behera, Kayal, S. Sutradhar. G. (2001). Solidfication behaviour and detection of Hotspots in Aluminium Alloy castings: Computer Aided Analysis and experimental validation,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 09764259. 3. Ravi, B. (2000). Computer Aided Design And Analysis For Zero Defects, International Conference on Aluminium,p. 1-6. 4. _______. (2008). Durgesh Joshi and Kamalesh SinghPart Tooling and Method Opti- misation Driven by Castability Analysis and Cost Model,World Foundry Congress 7- 10 Feb,p.261-266. 5. Reis, A. Houbaert, Y. Zhian Xu, Rob Van Tol, (1999). Modeling of shrinkage defects during solidification of long and short freezing materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 95,p. 428-434,1999. 6. Shamasundar, S., Ramachandran, Damayanthi., Shrinivasan, N.S., Junatha, M. T. M. (2007). Computer Simulation And Analysis Of Investment Casting Pro- cess,Texmo Precision Castings, p.1-19. 7. Si-Young Kwak, Jie Cheng and Jeong-Kil Choi, (2007). Impact analysis of casting parts considering shrinkage cavity defect,china Foundry Vol.8 No.1,p.1379-1385.