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Impact of Preheating Temperatures and RAP Characte

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Impact of Preheating Temperatures and RAP
Characteristics on the Activation of RAP Binder
Yifu Meng and Liping Liu *
The Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering, Ministry of Education, Tongji University,
Shanghai 201804, China; 1733256@tongji.edu.cn
* Correspondence: llp@tongji.edu.cn

Received: 21 October 2020; Accepted: 23 November 2020; Published: 25 November 2020 

Abstract: Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is preheated to 120 ◦ C or lower in hot central plant
recycling due to specification and equipment limitations. However, the insufficient activation of
reclaimed asphalt (RA) caused by low preheating temperature may affect the final properties of
reclaimed asphalt mixtures (RAM) and lead to insufficient utilization of RA binder. This study
evaluated the influence of preheating temperature and aging of RA binder on binder activation by
producing specimens with 100% RAP. The volumetric and mechanical properties of specimens were
analyzed to reflect the effect of activation. The results indicate that preheating temperature has a
significant impact on the activation of RA binder. Regardless of the source of RAP, RA binder can be
highly activated at 180 ◦ C, while the degree of activation decreases significantly at 120 ◦ C. By using
an artificial RAP with different degrees of aging, the aging of RA binder is found to be harmful to
activation only when the preheating temperature is low (such as 120 ◦ C). Hence, if the equipment is
capable of doing so, it is better to raise the preheating temperature of RAP to improve the activation
of RA binder, especially for binder with a higher degree of aging.

Keywords: RAP; asphalt binder activation; reclaimed binder; preheating temperature; aging

1. Introduction
With increasing emphasis on the sustainable development of resources, various techniques are
attracting much attention in road construction and maintenance, such as hot central plant recycling [1–4]
and full-depth reclamation (FDR) [5,6]. Full-depth reclamation is a cold technique that blends the
existing asphalt layer with underlying base material and stabilizing agent to produce a new base layer,
while hot recycling can activate the reclaimed asphalt (RA) and apply RA pavement (RAP) to the
production of surface layers. Since the less expensive RA binder can replace a portion of the more
expensive virgin binder, the use of RA binder is economical and may also help to reduce a set of
environmental burdens [2,7,8]. With the rapid rise of asphalt prices [9], there have been several research
efforts made towards maximizing the quantity of RAP used in the production of recycled asphalt
mixtures (RAM) [10–13]. Many successful applications incorporating high RAP content have proved
the great potential of RAP in road construction [1,14–16]. However, there are still some problems
associated with the activation of RA binder, namely the treatment of RAP and mixture design.
The problem of treatment of RAP is mainly related to the preheating temperature. Considering
that the processes of binder aging and binder activation occur simultaneously during the preheating
process of RAP, it is generally believed that higher preheating temperature and longer preheating
time may cause excessive aging of RA binder. In the production process of RAM, when using a
continuous asphalt mixing plant, RAP materials are typically dried and mixed with superheated virgin
aggregate in double drums for 60–90 s without preheating [17–20]. When using an intermittent asphalt
mixing plant, a second drying drum is usually used to preheat the RAP before the mixing process.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378; doi:10.3390/app10238378 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

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The preheating temperature and time are generally restricted by the current Chinese standards [21],
where the preheating temperature should not be higher than 130 ◦ C and the preheating time should
not exceed 2 h. Similar limitations can also be found in the National Cooperative Highway Research
Program (NCHRP) Report 452 [16], which states that the preheating temperature should not be higher
than 110 ◦ C. However, it is also found that the preheating conditions are of great significance for the
performance and workability of RAM [22]. It is necessary to determine an appropriate preheating
temperature during the recycling process.
At present, the activation degree of RA binder is not considered in the mixture design, and the
state of RAP is generally assumed to be “black rock” in cold recycling or “full blending” in hot recycling,
where 0% or 100% of the RA binder, respectively, is considered to be combined with new materials.
Under the “black rock” assumption, the RAP is considered to be a kind of aggregate, while full
blending assumes that all of the RA binder is activated and can be included in the total binder content
of the recycled asphalt mixture. In fact, the RA binder is not completely inactivated or fully activated,
but in a state between 0% and 100% activated, as affected by the property of reclaimed materials and
processing conditions. In this condition, the inaccurate estimation of RA binder activation may lead to
insufficient or excessive amounts of asphalt in the mixture design. Rutting may occur when the asphalt
content is higher than expected, while insufficient binder content may lead to fatigue and thermal
cracking [23]. When the content of RAP is relatively high, the effect of adding softer virgin binder
becomes less evident, and measures must be taken to improve the activation of RA binder, such as
using a rejuvenator or warm-mix technology [24–27]. Therefore, it is necessary to make reasonable
assumptions about the degree of RA binder activation and improve the activation of RA binder, so as
to improve the blending and obtain reclaimed asphalt mixtures with higher quality.
The efficient utilization of RAP has become a key concern in recent years, and questions mainly
revolve around how much RA binder can be activated and participate in the blending between RA
binder and virgin binder during the recycling process. The degree of binder activity (DoA) and degree
of blending (DoB) are two indicators used by many scholars to quantify the utilization effect of RA
binder [18,19,28–33]. The concept of DoA proposed by Lo Presti et al. [29] is an intrinsic property of
RAP and is only affected by RAP components and processing conditions. It is detailed as “an index
indicating the minimum percentage of active RA binder that a designer can consider for a selected RAP
and a selected asphalt manufacturing process”, and should be determined before incorporating virgin
binder, virgin aggregate and rejuvenator. Previous studies mainly focused on the DoB [34,35], but in
recent years, scholars have turned their attention to DoA, trying to better understand the activation
mechanism of RA binder, assessing DoA through mechanical blending and numerical simulation
techniques [36] and evaluating the potential environmental impacts of improving the activation of
RA binder.
Huang et al. [37] developed a procedure called coating study to estimate how much RA binder
will transfer to virgin aggregates during the mixing process. Without addition of a rejuvenator, the RA
fine particles were blended with virgin coarse aggregate particles at the mixing temperature of 190 ◦ C
for 3 min. Then, the fine particles and coarse particles were separated using a “threshold” sieve,
and the amount of RA binder transferred from RA to virgin aggregate could be determined. It was
found that the DoA of the RA binder was approximately 11% when only using mechanical action.
Camper developed the cohesion test [38] to study the activation of RA binder from different
sources. In the cohesion test, the RAP was preheated at different temperatures (20 ◦ C, 75 ◦ C and 100 ◦ C)
for 4 h and then mixed at the same temperature. Finally, the Marshall compaction method was used to
compact specimens with 100% RAP. The indirect tensile strength (ITS) results of specimens tested at
25 ◦ C were used as an indicator to evaluate the activation of RA binder. Compared with the inactivated
RA binder, it is believed that the activated RA binder will result in higher ITS values. In addition,
the preheating process softens the RA binder and results in lower air voids, which also improves the
strength of specimens. This procedure provides a useful method of assessing the activation of RA
binder, which is also easy to perform.
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Menegusso Pires et al. [28] proposed a method to quantify DoA based on the cohesion test.
In this method, 100% RAP specimens were produced following the procedure of the cohesion test.
Meanwhile, an artificial RA binder with similar characteristics to the original RA binder was prepared
using the high-shear mixer aging method [39]. The artificial RA binder was then mixed with virgin
aggregate to produce a control mixture, assuming a situation where the RA binder was 100% activated.
By comparing the ITS results of the 100% RAP mixture and the control mixture, it was possible to
estimate the DoA. Different preheating temperatures (70 ◦ C, 100 ◦ C, 140 ◦ C and 170 ◦ C) and mixing
times (30 s, 60 s, 90 s and 180 s) were considered, and the results showed that the ITS value and energy
pre-peak had good correlations with temperature. In addition, the DoA analysis was found to be a
useful tool for quantifying the degree of RA binder activation and improving the mix design.
Zhang et al. [40] conducted laboratory experiments and discrete element method (DEM)
simulations to investigate the mixing behavior between superheated virgin aggregate and RAP
materials. Different RA contents (10–50%), virgin aggregate temperatures (160–190 ◦ C) and RA
moisture contents (0–5%) were used to study their influence on temperature evolution and RAP
binder transfer between the two materials. It was concluded that the DoA decreases with the increase
of moisture content and RAP content, and a higher temperature of superheated virgin aggregate
or a longer mixing time is therefore needed. Furthermore, the amount of binder transfer increases
as the temperature of superheated virgin aggregate increases and reaches its maximum at 180 ◦ C.
The DEM simulations were found to be a good method for studying the process of superheated
virgin aggregate blended with RAP materials and have shown the potential for evaluating DoA under
different conditions.
Bressi et al. [8] evaluated the environmental impacts of using RAP with different degrees of binder
activation (0, 20, 50, 70, 80 and 100%) by means of a life cycle assessment (LCA). With the increase of
DoA, great benefits can also be seen from other impact categories (especially marine ecotoxicity, fossil
fuel depletion and human toxicity).
This previous research clarified the definition of DoA and tried to establish an indicator to
represent DoA, while less attention was paid to improving the activation of RA binder. In addition,
the preheating temperature used in practical construction is still limited by standards and equipment.
Due to the low preheating temperature, the activation of RA binder may be adversely affected, which
will also have an impact on the performance of RAM. Therefore, it is necessary to study the feasibility
of increasing preheating temperature and take measures to improve the activation of RA binder.

2. Objective
In order to study the activation of RA binder and improve the utilization efficiency of RA binder
in the recycling process, this study will conduct research from the following two aspects:
(1) The influence of preheating temperature on the activation of RA binder;
(2) The influence of aging of RA binder on the activation of RA binder.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Materials
The influencing factors can be divided into two categories: internal factors related to the
characteristics of RAP, and external factors related to the processing conditions. In this study, two types
of materials (RAP from different old roads and artificial RAP produced in the laboratory) were used to
evaluate the influence of preheating temperature and aging of RA binder, respectively, on the activation
of RA binder.

3.1.1. RAP from Old Roads

Three sources of RAP (RAP-A, RAP-B and RAP-C) from different old roads were used to study
the influence of preheating temperature on the activation of RA binder. The characteristics of RAP was
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was in terms
evaluated of asphalt
in terms content,content,
of asphalt gradations of RAP and
gradations extracted
of RAP RAP aggregates
and extracted and properties
RAP aggregates and
of RA binder.
properties of RA binder.
Generally, RAP
Generally, RAPfromfromthe
road is is
dividedinto two
into or three
two grades
or three according
grades to the
according to particle size.
the particle
size. In order to form a specimen composed only of RAP, it is necessary to redesign the gradationthe
In order to form a specimen composed only of RAP, it is necessary to redesign the gradation of of
the and combine
mixture and combineeach grade of RAPofinRAP
each grade a certain
in aproportion. According
certain proportion. to the nominal
According to themaximum
maximum sizeparticle
of different
size ofsources of RAP,
different sources asphalt concrete
of RAP, asphalt25 concrete
(AC-25) was selectedwas
25 (AC-25) as the designated
selected as the
gradation of mixture. The asphalt content, gradations of RAP and extracted
designated gradation of mixture. The asphalt content, gradations of RAP and extracted RAP RAP aggregates of each
source of RAP
aggregates are shown
of each source inof Figure
RAP are 1. shown in Figure 1.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. The asphalt content, gradations of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and extracted RAP
aggregates of (a) RAP-A, (b) RAP-B and (c) RAP-C. Percentage passing (%) is the percentage by mass
of material passing a sieve of a selected size (mm).

It can
It can be
be seen
seen from
RAP aggregates
aggregates and thethe
and gradations of
of RAPareare
different. When
different. When the the
curves are close
curves to each
are close other,other,
to each it means the gradation
it means is relatively
the gradation stable;
is relatively
otherwise, the variability of gradation is large. Due to the influence of various factors,
stable; otherwise, the variability of gradation is large. Due to the influence of various factors, the the gradation
variability of RAP obtained
gradation variability of RAPfrom different
obtained fromsources may
different also vary
sources maygreatly.
also varyForgreatly.
RAP-A For (Figure
and RAP-C
(Figure (Figure
1a) and RAP-C1c),(Figure
their grading curves
1c), their gradingbefore andbefore
curves after extraction are quite different,
and after extraction are quite while the
difference in RAP-B is relatively small.
while the difference in RAP-B is relatively small.
The properties
properties of ◦ C and ductility at 15 ◦ C,
The of RA
RA binder,
binder, such
such asas softening
softening point,
point, penetration
penetration at at 25
25 °C and ductility at 15 °C,
were tested according to the relevant requirements in the Chinese standard
were tested according to the relevant requirements in the Chinese standard [41]. Table [41]. Table 11 shows
shows the
characteristics of RA binder from different sources
characteristics of RA binder from different sources of RAP. of RAP.

3.1.2. Artificial RAP

Since RAP from different old roads has differences in gradation, asphalt content, asphalt type and
aging, it is hard to evaluate the effect of aging on activation using different sources of RAP. Therefore,
the accelerated aging method was used to produce artificial RAP (RAP-Art) with different degrees
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of aging, but the same gradation, asphalt content and asphalt type. Three aging conditions (unaged,
with short-term aging and with long-term aging) and two types of asphalt, namely penetration grade
#70 from Korea (SK70) and styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) modified bitumen, were considered
for RAP-Art.

Table 1. Characteristics of RA binder.

Test Results
Index Unit
Softening point (Ring and Ball Test) ◦C 67.0 83.5 64.2
Penetration (25 ◦ C, 100 g, 5 s) 0.1 mm 30.0 21.1 26.6
Ductility (15 ◦ C, 5 cm/min) cm 8.0 0 12.3
RA-A, RA-B and RA-C are recovered from RAP-A, RAP-B and RAP-C, respectively.

3.2. Methods
In order to study the activation of RA binder under different influencing factors, a preheating and
compaction procedure was used in this study to produce specimens with 100% RAP. It is believed
that as the activation degree of RA binder increases, more RA binder will participate in strengthening
the bond between RAP particles, and the strength of specimens will also increase. On the other hand,
the activated RA binder will become softer and its viscosity will decrease, improving the compaction
and resulting in a denser and stronger specimen. Therefore, the volumetric and mechanical properties
of specimens were used to indicate the activation of RA binder. The methods used in the study are
detailed as follows.

3.2.1. Producing RAP-Art with Different Degrees of Aging

• Accelerated aging procedure

The accelerated aging method was conducted on hot mixture asphalt (HMA) according to the
standard (T 0734, 2000) [41] and recommendations provided by the NCHRP Report 871 [42]. First,
the HMA was produced and cooled to room temperature in a loose state. Then, a short-term aging
procedure (4 h, 135 ◦ C) was conducted on loose HMA using an oven. The long-term aging procedure
(5 days, 95 ◦ C) was conducted on loose asphalt mixtures that had undergone the short-term aging
procedure. The three kinds of loose asphalt mixtures (unaged, with short-term aging and with
long-term aging) are regarded as artificial RAP with different levels of oxidation, prepared for the
preheating and compaction procedure.

• RA binder recovery

The 20-11100 asphalt mixture analyzer and R-215 rotary evaporator were used in this study to
extract and recover the RA binder from RAP following the standard procedure (T 0722, 1993) [41] and
(T 0727, 2011) [41]. Considering that a small amount of mineral powder still remains in the extract,
a laboratory centrifuge was used to separate the mineral powder before the evaporation.

• Inspection of aging

Before studying the influence of aging on the activation of RA binder, the oxidation levels of
artificial RA binder need to be verified. In this study, the stiffness of artificial RA binder in different
aging conditions was tested and compared using the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test. In addition,
gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) tests were
also conducted on SBS-modified binder. To verify the aging of artificial RA binder, six kinds of loose
RAP-Art were prepared especially for asphalt tests given different aging conditions (i.e., unaged; aged
at 135 ◦ C for 4 h; aged at 95 ◦ C for 1 day, 3 days or 5 days; and 8 days after short-term aging).
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kinds of loose RAP-Art were prepared especially for asphalt tests given different aging conditions
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(i.e., unaged; aged at 135 °C for 4 h; aged at 95 °C for 1 day, 3 days or 5 days; and 8 days after short-
term aging).
In the GPC tests, according to previous studies [43], the large molecular size (LMS) of RA binder
shows an increase due to aging, and the percentage of LMS is usually used to indicate the aging of
asphalt binder [44,45]. InIn this
this study,
study, the chromatogram was divided
divided into 13 slices, and the first 5 slices
of chromatogram were used to determine the the percentage
percentage ofof LMS,
LMS, reflecting
reflecting the
the aging
aging of
of RA
RA binder.
Based on the FTIR spectrum,
spectrum, the
the carbonyl
carbonyl (C=O)
(C=O) band occurring
occurring at
at the
the wavelength
wavelength ofof1695

and the saturated C-C vibration band at 1455 1455 cm −1

cm are
are commonly
commonly usedused to
to study the oxidation of
asphalt binder [19,44,46]. During
During the oxidation process, the carbonyl (C=O) (C=O) band
band grows, while the
saturated C-C band remains relatively constant. In this
In this study, the ratio of the area beneath
the area beneath the
the C=O
and C-C peaks, called the aging index (AI), was used to compare the level of oxidation in asphalt
binder under different aging conditions.

Preheating and Compaction Procedure

3.2.2. Preheating
activated and
By preheating, the RA binder in the RAP will be activated and show
show aa tendency
tendency toto aa fluid
fluid state,
making it softer and easier to blend with other materials. In order
order to study
study the activation
activation of RA binder
RAP was
in the preheating stage, RAP was preheated
preheated and
and compacted
compacted to to produce
produce specimens
The procedure of preheating, mixing and compaction is shown in Figure 2. First, the RAP needs to
be preheated in the oven at different temperatures (i.e., 180 ◦°C,
C, 150 ◦°C ◦ C)
C and 120 °C) for 2 h, and then
mixed for
for 90
preheating temperature.
preheating temperature.Then, the the
Then, 100% RA mixture
100% RA mixturewas
compacted using a Marshall compactor following the standard procedure (T 0702, 2011)
was compacted using a Marshall compactor following the standard procedure (T 0702, 2011) [41]. [41].

Figure 2. Preheating, mixing and compaction procedure.

Figure 2. Preheating, mixing and compaction procedure.
3.2.3. Properties of Specimens with 100% RAP

3.2.3.Previous studies
Properties have found
of Specimens withthat ITS values at 25 ◦ C from the indirect tensile test (ITT) have a
the RAP
good correlation with the activation degree of RA binder [28,38]. This study performed some other
Previous studies have found that the ITS values at 25 °C from the indirect tensile test (ITT) have
test methods (i.e., Marshall stability, 15 ◦ C splitting tensile strength, −10 ◦ C splitting tensile strength
a good correlation with the activation degree of RA binder [28,38]. This study performed some other
and freeze–thaw splitting tensile strength ratio) to see if similar conclusions can be drawn. This study
test methods (i.e., Marshall stability, 15 °C splitting tensile strength, −10 °C splitting tensile strength
is regarded as an initial stage of research, with the purpose being to pave the way for future research.
and freeze–thaw splitting tensile strength ratio) to see if similar conclusions can be drawn. This study
Therefore, only the volumetric and basic mechanical properties of specimens with 100% RAP were
is regarded as an initial stage of research, with the purpose being to pave the way for future research.
tested and used to indicate the activation of RA binder.
Therefore, only the volumetric and basic mechanical properties of specimens with 100% RAP were
The influence of preheating temperature on the activation of RA binder was the primary objective
tested and used to indicate the activation of RA binder.
of this study. In order to explore the effect of increasing temperature on the improvement of binder
The influence of preheating temperature on the activation of RA binder was the primary
activation, three sources of RAP (RAP-A, RAP-B and RAP-C) and three preheating temperatures
objective of this study. In order to explore the effect of increasing temperature on the improvement
(180 ◦ C, 150 ◦ C and 120 ◦ C) were used. For RAP-A, three lower preheating temperatures (90 ◦ C,
of ◦binder activation, three sources of RAP (RAP-A, RAP-B and RAP-C) and three preheating
60 C and 30 ◦ C) were also implemented to study the influence of preheating temperature on binder
temperatures (180 °C, 150 °C and 120 °C) were used. For RAP-A, three lower preheating temperatures
activation in a larger temperature range.
(90 °C, 60 °C and 30 °C) were also implemented to study the influence of preheating temperature on
The influence of aging of RA binder is another key concern in this study. In general, the stiffness
binder activation in a larger temperature range.
of RA binder obtained from the old pavement tends to be higher than that of the virgin binder. As the
viscosity of asphalt is related to aging, the adhesive properties and coating ability of aged asphalt
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The influence of aging of RA binder is another key concern in this study. In general, the stiffness
of RA binder
binder will also be obtained
affected. from thestudy,
In this old pavement tendsoftoartificial
three kinds be higherRAP
that of the virgin
different binder.
aging As
the viscosity of asphalt is related to aging, the adhesive properties and coating ability of aged asphalt ◦
(unaged, with short-term aging and with long-term aging) were preheated at two temperatures (120 C
binder will also be affected. In this study, three kinds of artificial RAP with different aging conditions
◦ C) to evaluate the influence of aging on binder activation.
and 180
(unaged, with short-term aging and with long-term aging) were preheated at two temperatures (120
°C and 180 °C) to evaluate the influence of aging on binder activation.
4. Results
4. Results
4.1. Influence of Preheating Temperature
4.1. Influence
Figure 3 shows of Preheating Temperature
the specimens of three sources of RAP preheated at different temperatures and
their air voids. The
Figure resultsthe
3 shows show that the
specimens of air voids
three of specimens
sources increaseatsignificantly
of RAP preheated with the decrease
different temperatures and
their air temperature
of preheating voids. The results show of
regardless that
thethe air source.
RAP voids of Figure
shows thesignificantly
specimens with
of the
preheated of temperatures
at six preheating temperature
from 180regardless
◦ C to 30 of the
◦ C. AsRAP
thesource. Figuretemperature
preheating 3a–f shows the specimensfrom
180 ◦ Cofto RAP-A preheated at six temperatures from 180 °C to 30 °C. As the preheating temperature
30 ◦ C, the appearance of the specimens changed from good to bad. Looseness and spalling
decreased from 180 °C to 30 °C, the appearance of the specimens changed from good to bad.
appeared in specimens with low preheating temperatures (i.e., 90 ◦ C, 60 ◦ C and 30 ◦ C), which means
Looseness and spalling appeared in specimens with low preheating temperatures (i.e., 90 °C, 60 °C
that theand
activation effect of RA binder is poor in these conditions. In addition, due to the poor activation
30 °C), which means that the activation effect of RA binder is poor in these conditions. In
effect, addition,
specimens dueoftoRAP-B
the poor and RAP-Ceffect,
activation cannot be formed
specimens at a preheating
of RAP-B temperature
and RAP-C cannot lower
be formed at athan
120 ◦ C.preheating temperature lower than 120 °C.

Figure 3. Specimens of three sources of RAP preheated at different temperatures. (a) RAP-A preheated
at 180 ◦ C; (b) RAP-A preheated at 150 ◦ C; (c) RAP-A preheated at 120 ◦ C; (d) RAP-A preheated at 90 ◦ C;
(e) RAP-A preheated at 60 ◦ C; (f) RAP-A preheated at 30 ◦ C; (g) RAP-B preheated at 180 ◦ C; (h) RAP-B
preheated at 150 ◦ C; (i) RAP-B preheated at 120 ◦ C; (j) RAP-C preheated at 180 ◦ C; (k) RAP-C preheated
at 150 ◦ C; (l) RAP-C preheated at 120 ◦ C.
Figure 3. Specimens of three sources of RAP preheated at different temperatures. (a) RAP-A
preheated at 180 °C; (b) RAP-A preheated at 150 °C; (c) RAP-A preheated at 120 °C; (d) RAP-A
preheated at 90 °C; (e) RAP-A preheated at 60 °C; (f) RAP-A preheated at 30 °C; (g) RAP-B preheated
at 180 °C; (h) RAP-B preheated at 150 °C; (i) RAP-B preheated at 120 °C; (j) RAP-C preheated at 180
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378 8 of 15
°C; (k) RAP-C preheated at 150 °C; (l) RAP-C preheated at 120 °C.

Regarding the
Regarding the preheating
preheating temperatures
temperatures of of 150
150 ◦°CC and
and 180
180 °C,
◦ C, for
for all
all three
three sources
sources of of RAP,
RAP, no no
obvious difference
obvious difference waswas found
found in in the
the appearance
appearance of of the
the specimens
specimens at at the
the two
two temperatures.
temperatures. However,
compared with the compaction effect at 150 ◦°C and 180 °C,
◦ the compaction
compared with the compaction effect at 150 C and 180 C, the compaction effect of all the RAP-B effect of all the RAP-B
specimens decreased significantly at 120 °C
◦ (Figure 3i) and the increase in
specimens decreased significantly at 120 C (Figure 3i) and the increase in air voids was greater thanair voids was greater than
that of
that of RAP-A
RAP-A andand RAP-C.
Figure 4a–c shows
Figure 4a–c shows the the results
results for
for Marshall
Marshall stability
stability (MS),
(MS), splitting
splitting tensile
tensile strength
strength at at 15
15 ◦°C and
C and
tensile strength ratio (TSR) of specimens with 100% RAP. According to
tensile strength ratio (TSR) of specimens with 100% RAP. According to the results, it is clear that the results, it is clear that
increasing preheating
increasing preheating temperature
temperatureimprovesimprovesthe themechanical
mechanical properties
properties of of
specimens. Moreover,
influence of preheating temperature is significant for all the sources of RAP. Regarding
the influence of preheating temperature is significant for all the sources of RAP. Regarding the splitting the splitting
tensile strength,
tensile strength, the
the RAP
RAP preheated
preheated at at 180
180 ◦°C presented aa high
C presented high andand similar
similar value
value for
for all
all three
three RAP
sources, where the RA binder seemed to be highly activated regardless of
sources, where the RA binder seemed to be highly activated regardless of the RAP source. Compared the RAP source. Compared
to the
to the results
results at
at 150
150 ◦°C, all the
C, all the RAP
RAP preheated
preheated at at 120
120 ◦°C presented aa sharp
C presented sharp decrease
decrease in in MS
MS values
values and
splitting tensile
splitting tensile strength,
indicatingaapoor pooractivation
comparison that
that a
a large amount of RA binder is still not activated at the preheating
large amount of RA binder is still not activated at the preheating temperature of 120 C. temperature of 120
◦ °C.

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Test results of three RAP sources and three preheating temperatures. (a) Marshall stability
(MS); ◦ C); (c) Tensile strength ratio (TSR).
4. Splitting tensile
Test results strength
of three RAP(15
sources and three preheating temperatures. (a) Marshall stability
(MS); (b) Splitting tensile strength (15 °C); (c) Tensile strength ratio (TSR).
The effect of RA binder activation can be explained in terms of workability and cohesion. On the one
hand, high preheating temperature reduces the viscosity of RA binder, resulting in better compaction
effect (low air voids). On the other hand, more RA binder is activated by high temperature during
the preheating process, increasing the effect of coating and cohesion. Other factors such as the binder
stiffness and asphalt content also seem to have an impact on the results. Regarding the TSR results,
compaction effect (low air voids). On the other hand, more RA binder is activated by high
temperature during the preheating process, increasing the effect of coating and cohesion. Other
factors such as the binder stiffness and asphalt content also seem to have an impact on the results.
Regarding the TSR results, although increasing the preheating temperature improved the activation
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378 9 of 15
of RA binder, the TSR value of RAP-B was lower than those for RAP-A and RAP-C. Moreover, large
differences in MS values can also be observed when comparing RAP-B and the other two RAP
sources. increasing
Therefore, the preheating
experiments weretemperature
designed improved
to study the
impact of of RA binder,
aging of RAthe binder
TSR valueon the
of RAP-B
activation. was lower than those for RAP-A and RAP-C. Moreover, large differences in MS values can
also be observed when comparing RAP-B and the other two RAP sources. Therefore, experiments
were designed
4.2. Influence of RAtoBinder
the impact of aging of RA binder on the activation.

4.2. Influence of RA Binder Aging

4.2.1. Inspection of Aging
4.2.1. Inspection of Aging
Figure 5 presents the rheological properties of two types (SK70, SBS) of RA-Art binder under
different Figure
aging 5times.
presents the rheological
It can be seen fromproperties of two
the results types
that the(SK70, SBS)modulus
complex of RA-Artofbinder under
RA-Art binder
different aging times. It can be seen from the results that the complex modulus of RA-Art
increases with aging time from the unaged (0 h) to the 8 day (196 h)-aged samples. In addition, from binder
increases with aging time from the unaged (0 h) to the 8 day (196 h)-aged samples. In addition, from
the regression results, the value of the complex modulus (|G*|) of SK70 asphalt has a good correlation
the regression results, the value of the complex modulus (|G*|) of SK70 asphalt has a good correlation
(R2 = 0.89) with aging time. However, the complex modulus values of SBS binder fluctuate with aging
(R2 = 0.89) with aging time. However, the complex modulus values of SBS binder fluctuate with aging
which may be related to the degradation of SBS modifier. Therefore, GPC and FTIR tests were
which may be related to the degradation of SBS modifier. Therefore, GPC and FTIR tests were
conducted on the
conducted SBS-modified
on the SBS-modifiedasphalt
based on the molecular
on the molecularandand chemical
chemical characteristics.

Figure 5. Complex modulus at 58 ◦ C for two types of recovered binder (SK70, SBS) from the dynamic
Figure rheometermodulus
5. Complex test. at 58 °C for two types of recovered binder (SK70, SBS) from the dynamic
shear rheometer test.
In this study, the chromatogram was evaluated between ~15.0 min and ~31.7 min and was divided
into 13 slices, as shown in Figure 6. The first five slices of the chromatogram were used to determine
In this study, the chromatogram was evaluated between ~15.0 min and ~31.7 min and was
the percentage of LMS, reflecting the aging of RA binder. Figure 7 shows the LMS% of artificial RA
binderinto 13 different
with slices, asaging
shown in Figure
times. 6. The
The LMS% first five
increases slices
with of thetime
the aging chromatogram
ranging fromwere
to to
14.7%, except for the results of 4 h-aged binder. The data yields a linear trend (R = 0.89), which is of
the percentage of LMS, reflecting the aging of RA binder. Figure 72shows the LMS%
artificial RA binder
attributed to the with different
oxidation aging
during times. mixture
the asphalt The LMS% agingincreases
process. with the aging time ranging from
10.3% to The 14.7%,
FTIRexcept forofthe
spectrum results of binder
SBS-modified 4 h-aged binder.
is shown The data
in Figure yields
8. The valueaoflinear trend (R
A1695/A1455, 2 = 0.89),
which theisaging index (AI),
attributed is oxidation
to the shown in Figure
during9. the
FTIR evaluation
mixtureof artificial
aging RA binder found similar
results to that of the GPC. The AI gradually increases with the aging time with a good correlation
(R2 = 0.86). The AI ratios of unaged (0 h), 4 h-aged and 5 day (124 h)-aged binder were 0.86%, 1.40%
and 2.88%, respectively, showing an increasing trend with the aging times. It also indicates that the
SBS-modified binder in the mixtures was aged to different degrees during the aging process.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16

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Appl. Sci.2020, 10,x8378
2020,10, FOR PEER REVIEW 10of
10 of16

Figure 6. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) chromatograms for recovered styrene–butadiene–

Figure 6.(SBS)
Gel binder basedchromatography
permeation on elution time. (GPC) chromatograms for recovered styrene–butadiene–
Figure 6. Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) chromatograms for recovered styrene–butadiene–
styrene (SBS) binder based on elution time.
styrene (SBS) binder based on elution time.

Figure 7. Percent of large molecules for recovered SBS binder with different aging times.
Figure 7. Percent of large molecules for recovered SBS binder with different aging times.
4.2.2. Evaluation of Binder Activation
Figure 7. Percent of large molecules for recovered SBS binder with different aging times.
to the spectrum
results shownof SBS-modified
in the previous binder is shown
section, in Figure
two preheating 8. The value
temperatures (120of ◦A1695/A1455,
C and 180 ◦ C)
wereThe the
chosenaging index
to activate (AI),
theofRAis shown in Figure
binder, representing 9. The
low and evaluation of artificial RA binder found
FTIR spectrum SBS-modified binder is inhigh preheating
Figure temperature
8. The value conditions,
of A1695/A1455,
similar results
respectively. Theto that of the
activation GPC. The(SK70AI gradually increases with the aging time with a good
called the aging index (AI), of
is two types
shown in Figureand SBS)FTIR
9. The of asphalt binder
evaluation ofunder three
artificial RA aging conditions
binder found
(unaged, (R
2 = 0.86). The AI ratios of unaged (0 h), 4 h-aged and 5 day (124 h)-aged binder were
4 h (short-term) aging and with 5 day (long-term) aging) were considered in this
similar results to that of the GPC. The AI gradually increases with the aging time with a good
section.1.40% and 2.88%,
Considering that respectively,
the aging of RA showing
binder an increasing
may have trendimpacts
significant with theon aging
the times. It also
correlation (R = 0.86). The AI ratios of unaged (0 h), 4 h-aged and 5 day (124 h)-aged binder were
performancethat the SBS-modified binderstability
in the mixtures was agedbyto the
different degrees during the−10aging
◦ C.
0.86%, 1.40% ofandmixture,
2.88%,the Marshall
respectively, showing test an
replaced trend splitting
with thestrength test at
aging times. It also
The that
air voids as a functionbinder
of aging and preheating temperature for the two during
types ofthe
indicates the SBS-modified in the mixtures was aged to different degrees aging
process.and SBS) are shown in Figure 10. It can be seen from the results that a higher level of oxidation
leads to an increase of air voids regardless of the preheating temperature and binder type. This is
because the RA binder with higher stiffness is difficult to soften and contributes less to compaction.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378 11 of 15
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16

Figure 8. Area under carbonyl and saturated C-C peaks in FTIR spectra for recovered SBS binder with
Area under
Figure 8. aging
different times. carbonyl and saturated C-C peaks in FTIR spectra for recovered SBS binder with
Figure 8. Area under carbonyl and saturated C-C peaks in FTIR spectra for recovered SBS binder with
different aging times.
different aging times.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FORFigure

9. Aging index for recovered SBS binder with different aging times. 12 of 16
Figure 9. Aging index for recovered SBS binder with different aging times.

Figure 9. Aging index for recovered SBS binder with different aging times.
4.2.2. Evaluation of Binder Activation
Evaluation of Binder
to the results Activation
shown in the previous section, two preheating temperatures (120 °C and 180
°C) were chosen to activate the RA binder, representing the low and high preheating temperature
Due to the results shown in the previous section, two preheating temperatures (120 °C and 180
conditions, respectively. The activation of two types (SK70 and SBS) of asphalt binder under three
°C) were chosen to activate the RA binder, representing the low and high preheating temperature
aging conditions (unaged, with 4 h (short-term) aging and with 5 day (long-term) aging) were
conditions, respectively. The activation of two types (SK70 and SBS) of asphalt binder under three
considered in this section. Considering that the aging of RA binder may have significant impacts on
aging conditions (unaged, with 4 h (short-term) aging and with 5 day (long-term) aging) were
the low-temperature performance of mixture, the Marshall stability test was replaced by the splitting
considered in this section. Considering that the aging of RA binder may have significant impacts on
strength test at −10 °C.
the low-temperature performance of mixture, the Marshall stability test was replaced by the splitting
The air voids as a function of aging and preheating temperature for the two types of mixture
strength test at −10 °C.
(SK70 and SBS) are shown in Figure 10. It can be seen from the results that a higher level of oxidation
The air voids as a function of aging and preheating temperature for the two types of mixture
leads to an increase of air voids regardless of the preheating temperature and binder type. This is
(SK70 and SBS) are shown in Figure 10. It can be seen from the results that a higher level of oxidation
because the RA binder with higher stiffness is difficult to soften and contributes less to compaction.
leads to an increase of air voids regardless of the preheating temperature and binder type. This is
because the RA binder with higher stiffness is difficult to soften and contributes less to compaction.
Figure 10. Air voids of specimens with different aging conditions.
Figure 10. Air voids of specimens with different aging conditions.

Figure 11a presents the splitting tensile strength results of specimens tested at 15 °C. It can be
seen from the results that when the preheating temperature is 180 °C, the splitting tensile strength
increases with the increase of oxidation level regardless of the binder type. It seems that aging does
not show any negative influence on the activation of RA binder preheated at 180 °C, which also means
of SK70 increased while the strength of SBS decreased. It seems that the aging of RA binder not only
indirectly affects the strength by affecting activation, but also directly affects the strength. However,
it was found that the difference in splitting tensile strength between 120 °C and 180 °C had a tendency
to become larger when the degree of aging of the RA binder increased. For the SK70 binder with no
aging (unaged), short-term aging and long-term aging, the splitting tensile strength at 120 °C was
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378 12 of 15
16.5%, 26.9% and 39.2% lower, respectively, than that at 180 °C. For the SBS-modified binder, the
corresponding percentage decreases were 14.2%, 25.4% and 49.5%, respectively. This would imply
that aging
Figurehas 11aanpresents
adversetheeffect on thetensile
splitting activation of RAresults
strength binderofpreheated
specimens 120 °C.at 15 ◦ C. It can be
seen Similar
from thetendencies
results thatwere
whenobserved from thetemperature
the preheating results of splitting ◦
is 180 tensile
C, the strength
splitting tested
tensileat −10 °C
and TSR, as shown in Figure 11b,c. Regardless of the asphalt type, the TSR values of
increases with the increase of oxidation level regardless of the binder type. It seems that aging doesthe specimens
not show any at 180 °C were
negative relatively
influence high
on the and stable.
activation of RA However, the TSR at
binder preheated 180 ◦ C,
values at which
120 °Calso
that the increase of oxidationhas
temperature level, indicatingimpact
a significant the decrease of binder activation.
on the activation of RA binder.

Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 16

(a) (b)

Figure 11. Test results of different asphalt types and different aging conditions. (a) Splitting tensile
strength ◦ C); (b) Splitting tensile strength (−10 ◦ C); (c) Tensile strength ratio (TSR).
Figure 11. results of different asphalt types and different aging conditions. (a) Splitting tensile
strength (15 °C); (b) Splitting tensile strength (−10 °C); (c) Tensile strength ratio (TSR).
The strength of the two types of specimens at 120 ◦ C showed different trends, where the strength
of SK70 increased while the strength of SBS decreased. It seems that the aging of RA binder not only
5. Conclusions
indirectly affects the strength by affecting activation, but also directly affects the strength. However,
it wasThis paper
found thataims at evaluating
the difference the effects
in splitting ofstrength
tensile preheating temperature
between and180
120 ◦ C and binder aging
◦ C had on the
a tendency
activation of RA binder. On the basis of the results shown in the paper, the following conclusions
to become larger when the degree of aging of the RA binder increased. For the SK70 binder with can
be drawn:
no aging (unaged), short-term aging and long-term aging, the splitting tensile strength at 120 ◦ C
 16.5%, 26.9%
Since the and 39.2%
air voids lower, tensile
and splitting respectively,
strengththan that
at 15 180 ◦ C.
°Catresults areFor
easytheto SBS-modified binder,
obtain and presented
the corresponding percentage
a good correlation with decreases were 14.2%,
binder activation in 25.4% and 49.5%,
this study, respectively. This
it is recommended to would
use theimply
that aging has an adverse effect on the activation of RA binder preheated at 120 ◦ C.
indicators to measure the activation of RA binder.
 Similar tendencies
The preheating were observed
temperature fromtothe
was found results
have of splitting
a significant tensile
effect on thestrength
activationtested −10 ◦ C
at binder.
of RA
and TSR, aspreheating
As the shown in Figure 11b,c. Regardless
temperature increases toof180the
°C,asphalt type,from
RA binder the TSR values
all the of the
sources canspecimens
be highly
preheated at 180 ◦ C were relatively high and stable. However, the TSR values at 120 ◦ C decreased with
activated. However, the strength of specimens decreased significantly at 120 °C, indicating that
the increase of oxidation
the activation degreelevel,
of RAindicating
binder isthe decrease
quite of binder
low under activation.
the limiting preheating temperature (120
°C) of RAP according to the standard. In the current preheating method used for RAP, most of
the RA binder is not activated.
 The artificial RAP produced through the accelerated aging method can be used to represent RAP
with different oxidation levels and investigate the influence of aging on binder activation.
Regarding the RAP preheated at a high temperature (180 °C), the aging of RA binder does not
show any negative effect on binder activation. However, when the preheating temperature is
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8378 13 of 15

5. Conclusions
This paper aims at evaluating the effects of preheating temperature and binder aging on the
activation of RA binder. On the basis of the results shown in the paper, the following conclusions can
be drawn:

• Since the air voids and splitting tensile strength at 15 ◦ C results are easy to obtain and presented a
good correlation with binder activation in this study, it is recommended to use the two indicators
to measure the activation of RA binder.
• The preheating temperature was found to have a significant effect on the activation of RA binder.
As the preheating temperature increases to 180 ◦ C, RA binder from all the sources can be highly
activated. However, the strength of specimens decreased significantly at 120 ◦ C, indicating that
the activation degree of RA binder is quite low under the limiting preheating temperature (120 ◦ C)
of RAP according to the standard. In the current preheating method used for RAP, most of the RA
binder is not activated.
• The artificial RAP produced through the accelerated aging method can be used to represent
RAP with different oxidation levels and investigate the influence of aging on binder activation.
Regarding the RAP preheated at a high temperature (180 ◦ C), the aging of RA binder does not
show any negative effect on binder activation. However, when the preheating temperature is
low (120 ◦ C), the aging of RA binder shows a significant adverse effect on binder activation.
According to the presented test results, it is recommended to increase the preheating temperature
of RAP during the production process to improve the activation of RA binder, especially when the
oxidation level of RA binder is high.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.L.; methodology, L.L. and Y.M.; validation, Y.M.; formal analysis,
L.L. and Y.M.; investigation, L.L. and Y.M.; resources, L.L.; data curation, Y.M.; writing—original draft preparation,
Y.M.; writing—review and editing, L.L. and Y.M.; visualization, Y.M.; supervision, L.L.; project administration,
L.L.; funding acquisition, L.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support obtained from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Project No. 51778483).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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