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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

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Cleaner Engineering and Technology

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Admixture-based self-compacted concrete with self-curing concrete

techniques a state of art of review
V. Athiyamaan, PhD, Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, India


Keywords: The article is completely focused on the upto date development on composite materials with different optimi­
Self compacting concrete zation and curing techniques of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC); inorder to make the SCC highly durable,
Pozzolanic materials economical, with good rheological properties and feasible for current construction application. The key de­
Self curing concrete
velopments of concrete was attaining a proper mix proportions for the prescribed target mean strength but unlike
Mix design procedure
Statistical modelling
normally vibrated concrete (NVC) SCC does not have the mix design code for obtaining the mix proportions for
the required target strength. The pozzolanic materials that are generated from various types of industries were
considered as a hazardous waste dumping material, which makes the huge negative impact on environment.
Utilizing these pozzolans and converting them into productive material can save the environment and also be
helpful in developing the high performance concrete. Hence a detailed literature survey has been carried out on
unary, binary and ternary pozzolans that were used as a replacement for conventional materials (cement and fine
aggregate) of concrete. The study was also made on self-curing technique imparted with SCC, which can further
enhance the performance of concrete. Since Consumption of water in construction field is enormous especially
for curing and developing flowable concrete; so to develop a sustainable concrete it is important to bend the
different optimization techniques. Hence the study was done on several proposed methods of mix design pro­
cedures, material used, curing techniques and statistical modelling in developing optimized mix proportions. The
detailed literature study serves as a flat forum for attaining a complete knowledge on updated trending in SCC,
curing techniques and to suggest the area that can be improvised and for identifying the research gap for
developing the innovative product in fields of SCC.

1. Introduction developing the concrete; this can be counteracted by using partial or

complete replacement of cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate
Concrete is one of the most consumed and cheapest materials in with pozzolanic materials. Since SCC does not require any vibrators for
construction field among all other materials. The urge of demand for the extracting the voids in the concrete mix, it is very important to pack the
concrete in construction and industrial field made the researchers to concrete efficiently to avoid voids. So, using binary and tertiary binder
develop the high performing concrete with more feasibility (Prakash and partial replacement of fine aggregate can produce the efficient
et al., 2021). Having such requirements has an objective several types packing of concrete. SCC has major advantage while designing complex
special concretes were developed; out which self-compacting concrete reinforced concrete structures, which helps in filling up the formwork
satisfied most of the construction needs. More over the SCC had effectively. The SCC was first developed by Professor. H. Okamura
attracted the attention of most of the researchers because of the several (Okamura and Ouchi, 2003) (Ouchi, 1998) paved the way for more
benefits over Normally Vibrated concrete (NVC) (Singh et al., 2019). It exploration in this field of SCC because of its several advantages. To
enhances the working environment of construction field by avoiding the optimize the efficiency of SCC several components were considered;
usages of vibrator for filling up the formwork in congested reinforced such as binder content, quantity of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate,
structures and also avoids enormous amount of noise pollution (Kostr­ chemical admixtures and other composite materials, that influences the
zanowska-Siedlarz and Gołaszewski, 2016). The productivity and optimization of SCC.
outcome improves due to faster, easy and perfect finishing during the
filling of formwork. The major drawback of SCC is usage of more fines in

E-mail address: athiyamaan@bmsit.in.

Received 28 January 2021; Received in revised form 7 August 2021; Accepted 18 August 2021
Available online 25 August 2021
2666-7908/© 2021 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
V. Athiyamaan Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

durable construction materials can be produced (U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency, 2014). Depending upon the types of coals burnt,
chemical compositions, collection of ashes from different layers from
chimneys, electrostatic precipitators and other filtering materials used
fly ashes can be classified into different types shown in Table 1. Adding
of Fly ash improves the flexural behaviour of concrete by making the
concrete well packed. The denser interfacial transition zone (ITZ)
because of higher packing factor helps in obtaining stronger bond. It also
helped in attaining the higher critical stress intensity factor (Sarker
et al., 2013). The critical stress intensity factor was highly influenced by
the incorporation of finer material making the concrete composite ma­
trix more denser (Benarbia and Benguediab, 2015). Shape, size and
chemical composition of material plays an important role in attaining
the ideal self-compacting concrete. The durability properties of the fly
ash aggregate concrete indicate that the performance is satisfactory for
structural application.
Incorporating various sizes of the aggregates in the mix increases the
Fig. 1. Statistical data - source of energy production across the globe (“lazard’s
levelized cost of energy analysis — version 14.0,” 2020). packing efficiency of the concrete and also results in better performance.
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show the SEM images of various size and shapes of the
aggregate. The packing efficiency and the flowability are highly influ­
Table 1 enced by the shape of variables used (Binders and aggregates) (Khayat,
Types of fly ash based on the chemical composition (Nguyen et al., 2019). 2015). From the Scanning Electron Microscope image of Fig. 1 the SEM
Chemical OPC F-class C-class Standard EA expansive images of fly ash particles are shown in the Fig. 3 (a) and (b), from the
compositions (% by fly ash fly ash fly ash additive. figure it is clearly seen that the shape of the fly ash is spherical. This is
weight) the key influencing factor in enhancing the workability of the concrete
SiO2 19.70 61.09 35.71 26.61 2.12 and reducing the water/binder ratio. In SCC the major drawback is
Al2O3 5.19 20.35 20.44 13.60 4.75 excess usage of binder content (>450 kg/m3) (Hassan and Mayo, 2014)
Fe2O3 3.34 5.20 15.54 18.34 0.14 but this gives better flowability. Since binder content serves as the me­
CaO 64.80 2.32 16.52 24.97 61.19
dium in which aggregates are suspended in it, higher binder content will
MgO 1.20 1.35 2.00 2.33 0.73
Na2O 0.16 0.79 1.15 1.75 – enhance the rheological properties.
K2O 0.44 1.36 2.41 1.77 – Usage of high cement content affects the durability and mechanical
SO3 2.54 0.28 4.26 8.53 26.46 properties of concrete (Buenfeld and Okundi, 1998) such as; increases
Free lime 0.87 0.03 1.71 3.93 28.94 shrinkage, affects the carbonation rate, fails in chloride penetration test,
LOI 2.10 5.68 0.49 0.53 4.48
leads to uneconomical structure, etc. The study has been carried out
replacing cement by mineral admixtures such as fly ash, micro silica,
2. Impact of shape of mineral admixture and aggregates over metakaolin, bentonite and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS)
SCC up to 60% without using alkaline solution. Addition of mineral admix­
ture up to 30%–40% enhances the rheological, durability and mechan­
Fly ash is one of the major pozzolan plays a vital role in developing ical properties of concrete. It also reduces the usage of cement content
the high strength, high performance, economical concrete and also a making the concrete highly economical (Yazici, 2008). Inorganic
eco-friendly geopolymer concrete. Fly ash is a waste material obtained aluminosilicate polymer uses waste fly ash as source material instead of
from thermal power plant during combustion of pulverized coal because cement in concrete. The compressive strength of 25–80 MPa can be
of the pozzolanic properties it can be replaced with the cement. It can obtained, with the densities ranging between 1600–2019 kg/m3
make our environment green by reducing the CO2 and saving the large (Athiyamaan and Ganesh, 2017). Table 2 shows the evolution of SCC
amount of land area from dumping these finer pozzolanic materials. It is mix designs with respective to their variables (Influencing factors) and
estimated that annually 300–500 million tons of fly ash produced responses (Mechanical Properties).
around the globe (Singh et al., 2019). Electricity produced through
lignite power station serves to be most efficient, economic and less 3. Overview on Self Curing Concrete
hazardous, while compared with nuclear power stations (Kopytko and
Perkins, 2011) as shown in Fig. 1. By incorporating/regulating the solid The comparative study between concretes of different internal curing
waste disposals from lignite based power stations more efficient and agents to that of fully cured concrete shows that the hardships faced due

Fig. 2. SEM image of River sand (RS), Dune sand (DS) and Crushed sand (CS) (Bouziani, 2013).

V. Athiyamaan Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

Fig. 3. Spherical shape of fly ash (Alomayri, 2019) and (Arvaniti et al., 2015).

to lack of proper resources for external curing can be overcome without interaction of graphene oxide, nano sheets and calcium ions, aggrega­
compromising on the workability or strength of the SCC. From this, it is tion of graphene oxide had happened in the cement paste. At last is had
understood that the self-curing agents prove to give results equivalent to been concluded that an improved dispersion of graphene oxide nano­
that of the fully cured concrete and in some durability cases shows su­ sheets was offered by the incorporation of silica fume at 3% and 5% in
perior performance (Rampradheep et al., 2017). the graphene oxide cement paste. By replacing maximum 15% of fly ash
Rampradheep (et. at) carried out an experiment study on effect of in graphene oxide cement paste, the preliminary fluidity was obtained as
raphanussativua (raddish) based component as a self-curing agent in 265 mm later it increase the fluxeral strength up to 65.24% at 0.04% of
SCC. Initially the concrete was casted with basic ingredients of OPC 53 graphene oxide (Sekhar et al., 2019).
grade that confirms to IS: 12269-2013 (IS 12269: 2013, 2013), Class F S.K.Malahotra et al (1999) investigated on the effect of addition of
Fly ash based on ASTM C 618 and aggregates that confirm to IS: fly ash and burnt clay pozzolana on certain engineering properties of
383–1970 (IS 383 (1970), 1970). The internal curing agents like cement composites. In this research they had used different types of
Poly-Ethylene Glycol, Super Absorbent Polymers, Light Weight Aggre­ mortar and later they developed modified composite mortar, due to the
gate, External Coating, Liquid Paraffin Wax and extract from radish were utilization of pozzolanic material they accelerated test known as lime
used. The comparative study between self-cured (SC) and normally reactivity test. In this research the mix design was followed as per Indian
cured (NC) mechanical and rheological properties explained detailed in standards. And the activity of a pozzolana is represented by its
Table 3. The optimized usage of hydrophilic (PEG 4000) and hydro­ compressive strength. Similarly they had evaluated the properties of all
phobic (LPW Light) chemicals as a self-curing agent’s enhanced the the materials using in this project. Preparations of modified composite
performance of SCC especially in hot region (50 ◦ C) by reducing the mortors are methods of testing, bond strength, water retention and
evaporation, leaving optimum water content for hydration process as compressive strength. They had casted cubes and cured it for 7 days and
seen in SEM image of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, As a result the strength of for one year. They have achieved compressive strength on 5 cm cubes at
self-curing concrete can be increased by 20%–30% (Madduru et al., 110+-5% and 2 ◦ C temperature and relative humidity is 95%, finally the
2018). average results had been taken. The result helps to predict the definite
relationship between the reactivity of pozzolana and the increase in
4. Literature survey on SCC strength i.e., higher the lime reactivity of the pozzolanic material, higher
will be the strength (Malhotra and Dave, 1999).
Ebrahim Sharifi et at conducted a detailed research on optimization Dr. K. Pandurangan et al (2017) carried out studies on effect of
of SCC by considering the significant parameters that influences the source of fly ash on bond strength of geopolymer concrete, this research
properties of SCC Taguchi optimization technique was adopted to study is done to understand the difference between the ordinary concrete bond
the properties of SCC. The adopted method showed a significant behaviour to geopolymer concrete under various composition of fly ash
improvement when compared with decision maker’s estimated mixture and GGBS including the alkaline solution. They have carried out pull out
design. Out of all variables Cement (Binder content), water to cement as per IS 2770 part 1 standards. They have done comparative analysis
ratio and mixing time was found to the significant parameters affecting between geopolymer concrete and conventional. It gives 5 times higher
the concrete mix design. The optimum cement, water to cement ratio, than the value given in IS 456: 2000 specified for the conventional
SP, coarse aggregate to fine aggregate content and mixing time were concrete. Strength will increase with decreasing the fly ash (Pandur­
found to be 425 kg/m3, 120 kg/m3, 0.35%, 0.60%, kg/m3 and 120 s angan et al., 2018).
(Sharifi et al., 2020). Manu S. Nadesan et al (2017) carried out an experiment on struc­
Chandra sekhar reddy idukuri et al (2019) carried out an experi­ tural concrete using sintered fly ash light weight aggregate. The qualities
ment on effect of graphene oxide on microstructure and strengthened of the sintered fly ash aggregate are superior to normal aggregate con­
properties of fly ash and silica fume based cement type − 1, class-F fly crete. They observed the chemical interactions i.e., if ITZ of sintered fly
ash and the polycarboxylate graphene super plasticizer etc. The gra­ ash aggregates, sintered temperature increases pozzolanic reactivity
phene oxide used in this work was extracted from graphite by hummer between the aggregate and paste also increases. This research is carried
method and finally, the obtained graphene oxide (GO) solution con­ out mainly to increase the strength of the concrete by reusing the waste
centration was controlled as 0.3%. The replacement of cement with materials (Nadesan and Dinakar, 2017).
silica fumes by 1%, 2%, and 3% later they had prepared cement T. Raghavendra. et al (2015) carried out an experimental study on
composition, for cement composition they had taken 450 kg of cement, engineering properties of controlled low strength materials using fly ash
162 kg of water, 1.2 g of polycarboxylate super plasticizer and varied and waste gypsum wall boards. In this research they have used replacing
quantities of graphene oxide. After knowing the structural character­ materials of industrial by products, construction and demolition wastes
ization of graphene oxide, finally it is confirmed that by the cross-linking namely fly ash, waste gypsum boards as secondary cementitious

V. Athiyamaan Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

Table 2
Typical design method statistical modelling on SCC.
Author Design Type Influencing Factor (Independent Variable) Responses (Dependent Variable)

Content Ranges

Sonebi (2004) Statistical Method W/P 0.38 to 0.72 Filling and passing abilities, segregation
2k Factorial Design, polynomial Cement content 60–216 kg/m3 and compressive strength
regression PFA 183–317 kg/m3
SP, by mass of powder 0%–1%
Khayat et al. Statistical Modelling: viscosity-enhancing 240 l/m3–400 l/m3 Filling and passing abilities,
(1999) Factorial design agent, segregation.
high-range 0.3 to 1.1
water reducer,
water-to-cementitious 0.37%–0.50%
materials ratio,
volume 240 kg/m3 to 400 kg/m3
of coarse aggregate,
Cement Content. 360 kg/m3 to 600 kg/m3
Nehdi et al. Artificial Neural Networks Slump-flow, Filling and passing abilities, Rheological properties and
(2001) segregation and compressive Compressive strength
Bouziani (2013) Factorial and response surface designs. River Sand (RS, 5 mm) 848 kg/m3 (21 mixes of 20%, 40%, Compressive strength and flowing
Ternary contour plots Crushed Sand (CS, 4 mm) 60%, 80% and 100%) replacement ability.
Dune Sand (DS)
Cement 380 kg/m3
Marble waste powder 199 kg/m3
Gravel (10 mm) 880 kg/m3
Barrak et al. variance analysis, binary tree method viscosity-enhancing 3%–4.5% of the mass Total Rheological Properties of cement paste
(2009) coupled with the bootstrap technique agent Cementitious Material
high-range 0.9%–1.1% of the mass Total
water reducer Cementitious Material
water-to-cementitious 0.29 to 0.33
materials ratio,
Volume of coarse Nil
Cement 480–500 kg/m3 CEM I 52,5 N CP2
Limestone filler 20%–30% of mass of Cement
Asteris et al. surrogate models - (MARS) and M5P Cement 209.5–550 kg/m3 Rheological and Mechanical Properties
(2019) model tree Coarse aggregate to fine 0.47 to 2.6 (Size 6.7 mm–30 mm) (28 days compressive strength)
aggregate ratio
Metakaolin 0–163.5 kg/m3
Binder to water ratio 0.27%–0.6%
Okamura and Traditional – Volume based empirical Coarse aggregate 50% of the solid volume Rheological and Mechanical properties
Ozawa (1996) method Fine aggregate 40% of the mortar volume
water-powder ratio 0.9 to 1.0
Nan Su et al., Packing Model - mix design method Cement content 200 to 350 Slump flow, V-funnel, L-flow, U-box
2001 Fly ash 142 to 157 and compressive strength
GGBS 61 to 67
Water Content 170 to 176
Fine aggregate 912 to 961
Coarse aggregate 706 to 743

materials in CLSM is recommended. This helps to reduce air pollution resistance against the plain cement concrete (Hussain et al., 2017).
and large usage of cement. This research is mainly carried out on the Anuja narayanan et al (2016) carried out an experiment investi­
basis of sustainability concept and low cost. They have concluded, since gation on fly ash based geopolymer mortar under different curing
replacing waste gypsum and fly ash in cement it will increase the regime for thermal analysis, class F type fly ash is has more strength than
strength, durability and also binding property (Raghavendra and class C type fly ash. The alkaline liquid preferably used for geopolymer
Udayashankar, 2015). concrete may be sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide and sodium
Shaik Hussain et al (2017) carried out a research on comparative silicate or potassium silicate, 10 M concentration is used throughout the
study of accelerated carbonation of plain cement and fly ash concrete. process. The oxide composition of class F fly ash is determined using X-
They got to know by this research is the mechanical properties of con­ ray fluorescence test. Two types of mixing are carried out such as con­
crete increases with increasing the duration of carbonation, elastic ventional and 20.01 Mpa, 23.56 Mpa and 29.27 Mpa for 1,7,14, and 28
modulus has decreased for fly ash concrete compare to plain cement days of compressive strength. Finally they have concluded 100%
concrete, the depth of the carbonation will also increase and when replacement of cement with fly ash found capable of increasing the dry
designed for same water binder ratio the concrete with higher strength density by 2.83% and 8.59% for cured specimen and for hot specimen it
where cement is partially replaced by fly ash has shown similar is reduced dry density by 5.31%, thermal conductivity decreases upto

V. Athiyamaan Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

Table 3
Significant studies on Self Curing Concrete.
Name of the Curing Agent Mix design Proportion Description
author 3
Ingredient Kg/m

Rizzuto et al. Poly-Ethylene Glycol 400 (PEG - 1. Cement 450 The comparative study of mechanical properties of Self cured (SC) Vs Normally cured (NC)
(2020) 400) – 1.5% of water/binder 2. Mineral – concrete was carried out for different temperature ranging between (25 ◦ C to 50 ◦ C).SC
admixture showed 20%–25% better mechanical properties than NC concrete.
3. Fine 614
4. Coarse 1172
5. Chemical –
6. Water/binder 0.4
Rama et al. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-4000 1. Cement 500 The comparative study of normal curing (N.C), water curing (W.C) and self-curing with
(2020) Liquid paraffin wax light (LPW) 2. Fine 800 polyethylene glycol (PEG) and liquid paraffin wax (LPW) was carried out. Self-cured
aggregate concrete shows better mechanical properties than N.C concrete and performed equally
3. Coarse 77 with W.C concrete.
4. Water 190
5. Fly Ash 110
6. Micro Silica 40
7. Super 6
Obulesh et al. Super Absorbed 1. Cement 370 The comparative study between normal concrete and self-curing concrete by using SAP of
(2020) Polymer (SAP) 2. Coarse 1283.63 percentages 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3% showed that self-curing concrete showed better mechanical
Aggregates properties than normal concrete.
3. Fine 698.28
4. Liquid/Water 148.8
Alaa M. Lightweight Expanded Clay 1. Cement 413.33 The Comparative study between that of self-cured concrete and reference concrete showed
Rashad Aggregate (LECA) 2. Coarse 681.5908 that the use of LECA as self-curing agent improved the mechanical properties
3. Fine 1187.33
4. Water 186
Shen et al. Super Absorbent Polymers (SAP) 1. Cement 512 The IRH of concrete that was internally cured with SAPs increased with the increase of IC
(2015) 2. Coarse 1131 water content 28 days after casting under both sealed and unsealed conditions. The critical
Aggregates time of the IRH in internally cured concrete increased with IC water content under sealed
3. Fine 636 and unsealed conditions.
4. Water 171
5. Super 3.6
Liu et al. Cenospheres 1. Cement 592 The perforated cenospheres show good water absorption rate. At early age, Perforated
(2017) 2. Water 207.2 cenospheres used as an internal curing agent in cement mortar mixture resulted in slightly
lower strength but with progress in hydration the compressive strength was higher than
the ones without internal curing.

27%, 37% and 60% for specimen in autoclave(Narayanan and Shan­ 74 MPa has the respective density ranging between 1651 and 2017 kg/
mugasundaram, 2017). m3, showing the correlation between strength and density. The strength
F. N. Okoye et al (2015) carried out research on mechanical prop­ development of Fly ash and kaolin based SCC had high performance and
erties of alkali activated fly ash/kaolin based geopolymer concrete. The better durability when compared with conventional OPC concrete.
strength development of fly ash and kaolin based geopolymer concrete Fly ash concrete mixes with higher water-binder ratios have shown a
compared favourably with OPC concrete. Compressive strength will fly higher rate of carbonation when compared to that of plain cement
ash compared to OPC. The preparation of geopolymer did not required concrete because of higher penetrability of the matrix which is due to
OPC. Hence, the green house emission could be reduced(Okoye et al., the lack of calcium hydroxides in the fly ash mixes.
2015). It is possible to produce concrete having the tensile strength and
elastic modulus varied from 2 MPa to 4.9 MPa and 16.7–30.65 GPa
5. Conclusion respectively. Self-curing concrete improves the strength and efficiency
of upto 20%. The current study says that the bending of special concretes
The literature review portrays the need for research in the field of can prevent the consumption of non-renewable natural resources. The
SCC, since there is no common mix design or procedure for predicting structural efficiencies of these concretes are much higher than the
the exact mix proportions for the fixed target strength. The literature conventional normal density concretes. Hence the future study is to
survey helps to identify and refer several optimization techniques that develop a statistical model and proper mix design proportion by
can enhance the performance of SCC by incorporating self-technique. blending the self-curing technique in SCC. The generated database will
It was identified that the variables such as binders, fine aggregate, be advantageous for selection of best innovative material for production
coarse aggregate, W/C ratio, Packing density factor and HRWR were the of good nature of SCC and additionally for further research work in this
key parameters in influencing the rheological and mechanical properties specific area.
of SCC.
It was identified that the compressive strength between 23.12 and

V. Athiyamaan Cleaner Engineering and Technology 5 (2021) 100250

Fig. 4. Self-cured SCC (PEG 4000–0.1%) Vs conventional cured concrete (Madduru et al., 2018).

Fig. 5. Intermolecular reaction of C–S–H with and without PEG Particles (Zhou et al., 2019).

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