(PET) Derived
(PET) Derived
(PET) Derived
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Keywords: Moisture-induced damage represents one of the major challenges to the durability of asphalt pavement, which
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) may lead to various premature distresses, such as cracking, ravelling and potholes. To reduce the moisture-
Moisture damage induced damages, antistripping agents have been commonly used in asphalt mixtures. On the other hand, the
fast-growing waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from the end-of-life plastic products poses a serious
Molecular dynamics simulation
problem to the environment. How to recycle and reuse the waste PET is becoming a major concern. This study
aims to develop a value-added recycling approach of reusing waste PET as an antistripping agent for asphalt
mixture. To achieve this objective, waste PET was first collected and went through an aminolysis reaction to yield
the amine-based PET additive, which was used to modify bitumen. The infrared spectrum of the PET additive was
then characterized, followed by the evaluation of moisture susceptibility through the boiling test and indirect
tensile strength (ITS) test. In addition, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was conducted to analyze the effect
of the PET additive on the density and the cohesive energy density (CED) of the binder, and the interface bonding
between binder and aggregate at the molecular level. The results from both experiments and MD simulation
consistently indicate that the waste PET derived additive can effectively increase the resistance to moisture-
induced damage of asphalt mixture.
1. Introduction the mineral aggregates are hydrophilic, their affinity to water normally
exceeds that to bitumen [7–9]. Thus, the binder film around aggregate is
Asphalt pavements are subjected to various damages caused by prone to be replaced by water as water diffuses to the asphalt-aggregate
vehicle loads and environmental effects, among which, the moisture- interface.
induced damage is recognized as one of the most important factors To reduce the moisture susceptibility, additives such as liquid fatty
affecting the durability of pavements [1]. Moisture-induced damage amines and hydrated lime have been applied as the antistripping agents
often leads to stripping of asphalt mixture [2], as a result of the loss of for hot-mix asphalt [10,11]. Due to the convenience of application,
interface adhesion between bitumen and aggregate or the reduction of liquid amines are more favored [12]. Various studies have been con
cohesion within asphalt mastic under the effect of water [3]. It has been ducted to investigate the effect of amine-based antistripping agents on
reported that moisture-induced damage could also accelerate premature moisture-induced damages of asphalt mixtures, and the results proved
failures of pavements such as cracking, ravelling and potholes [4,5]. The that these antistripping agents can effectively reduce the moisture sus
potential of moisture-induced damage is largely dependent on the ceptibility [13–15].
physico-chemical properties of bitumen and aggregate [6]. As most of Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a plastic polymer, which is
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: zhen.leng@polyu.edu.hk (Z. Leng).
Received 24 February 2021; Received in revised form 29 April 2021; Accepted 6 May 2021
Available online 15 May 2021
0016-2361/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
2.1. Materials 20
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
Fig. 2. Aminolysis treatment of waste PET bottles to produce PET additive: (a) waste PET bottles, (b) PET flakes, (c) aminolysis reaction, and (d) the prepared PET
additive ready for use.
C C O CH2 CH2 O + H2N
n NH NH2
PET additive
Fig. 3. Aminolysis reaction of PET. The PET flakes reacted with TETA at a temperature of 140 ◦ C for 2 h to prepare the PET derived additive.
softening point and rotational viscosity from 120 ◦ C to 175 ◦ C were representative molecule types were commonly used [32,33]. Since the
carried out following ASTM D5, D36 and D4402, respectively. objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of PET additive on the
The adhesion between bitumen and aggregates was evaluated antistripping performance of the binder, the three-component bitumen
through the boiling water test in accordance with ASTM D3625. Around model [34] was adopted for its simplicity. The three components are
400 g of coarse aggregates with the size of 5–10 mm were mixed with asphaltene (C64H52S2), 1,7-Dimethylnaphthalene (C12H22), and n-
bitumen for the boiling test. To prepare a layer of binder film with a docosane (n-C22H46), which represent asphaltene, naphthene aromatic
thickness of 8–10 µm, 2 wt% of binder based on aggregates was applied and saturate, respectively. Fig. 4 illustrates the molecular structures of
[6,30]. The mixtures were subsequently boiled for 10 min in a beaker. the three-component bitumen model and that of the PET additive.
Finally, the boiled mixtures were scanned with a normal office scanner
to obtain the images. 2.5.2. Bulk binder model
The moisture susceptibility of PET modified asphalt mixture was The molecular compositions of the neat bitumen and PET modified
then evaluated through the indirect tensile strength (ITS) test at 20 ◦ C bitumen (PETB) are presented in Table 2, the number of molecules were
according to ASTM D4867. The compacted asphalt mixture with an air selected based on previous studies [34–36]. The mass fractions of
void of 6–8% was first prepared with the Marshall compactor. Two asphaltene, 1,7-dimethylnaphthalene, and n-docosane in the neat
groups of specimens were fabricated and subjected to dry and wet bitumen are 20.7 wt%, 19.7 wt%, and 59.6 wt%, respectively. According
conditioning, respectively. The dry group specimens were conditioned to the experiment results, 1 wt% of PET additive could already achieve
at room temperature (23 ± 0.5 ◦ C) for 24 h, and the wet group specimens good antistripping performance, thus only 1 PET additive molecule was
were immersed in the 60 ◦ C water for another 24 h following the dry added to construct the PETB model, which corresponds to 1.97 wt% of
conditioning procedure. The ITS tests for the two groups of specimens PET additive based on bitumen.
were then conducted, and the tensile strength ratio (TSR) between the In this study, the commercial software BIOVIA Materials Studio was
wet conditioned strength and the dry strength were then calculated. used to perform the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The COM
PASS (Condensed-phase Optimized Molecular Potentials for Atomistic
Simulation Studies) force field, developed using ab initio and empirical
2.5. Molecular dynamics simulation parameterization techniques by Sun [37], has been commonly applied to
describe the interactions of bituminous materials [38–40]. The Nose-
2.5.1. Molecular models Hoover-Langevin (NHL) thermostat and the Andersen barostat were
Bitumen, a by-product originating from the crude oil distillation, is employed throughout the simulation to control the temperature and
composed of various hydrocarbons. The main components of bitumen pressure, respectively. A cut-off distance of 15.5 Å was used to speed up
can be divided into asphaltenes, resins, aromatics, and saturates, based the computation. To build the bulk binder model, an amorphous cell
on their polarity and aromaticity [31]. Bitumen constitutes a wide range with an initial density of 0.1 g/cm3 in 3D periodical condition was
of different molecules whose structures are still not totally clear, which constructed first. After a geometry optimization process using the
makes it challenging to study this material using MD simulation. steepest descent algorithm, the system was then annealed for five cycles
Considering the complexity of bitumen, it is almost impossible to from 300 K to 500 K. Following a pre-equilibrium run for 100 ps with a
construct a molecular model that represents its accurate composition at time step of 1 fs under canonical ensemble (NVT), the system went
present. Instead, simplified models that are composed of 3–12
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
Table 2
Molecular compositions of binder.
Sample-ID Asphaltene (C64H52S2) 1,7-dimethylnaphthalene (C12H12) n-docosane (n-C22H46) PET additive PET additive wt%
Neat bitumen 5 27 41 / /
PETB 5 27 41 1 1.97
through a 200 ps relaxation and shrank to a stable state with the first cleaved in the (1 0 0) surface, which was then used to build a
isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble. Finally, another simulation run of supercell with the size of 35 Å × 35 Å × 23 Å (Fig. 6). Geometry opti
100 ps was performed with the canonical ensemble to further equilibrate mization of the supercell was performed before constructing the
the system (Fig. 5). Unless additionally stated, the temperature and aggregate-bitumen interface. It was reported that the surface silicone
pressure were set as 298 K and 0.0001 GPa (1 atm), respectively, during atoms in siliceous aggregate are attached with hydroxyl groups (–OH)
the simulation. [41]. According to previous studies, the density of the surface hydroxyl
groups was set as 4.56 OH/nm2 [42,43].
2.5.3. Aggregate-bitumen interface model The aggregate-bitumen interface was built by placing a confined
Silica (SiO2), commonly used in the aggregate model for asphalt bitumen layer on top of the aggregate layer. To avoid the interaction
mixture simulation, was adopted in this study to represent aggregate. A across the mirror image in the z-direction, a vacuum layer of 30 Å was
unit silica model with the lattice parameters of a = b = 4.91 Å, c = 5.402 added above the bitumen layer. After geometry optimization, the
Å, α = β = 90◦ , and γ = 120◦ normally applied to build the siliceous interface was equilibrated at the canonical ensemble for 200 ps. Fig. 7
aggregate model was selected in this study. The unit silica model was shows the initial configuration and the equilibrated configuration of the
interface model in dry condition.
To evaluate the influence of water on the properties of binder-
aggregate interface, 200 water molecules were placed between the
aggregate layer and bitumen layer, based on the experience of the pre
vious studies [24,44]. The interface model with water was then
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
Fig. 7. Initial configuration (a) and equilibrated configuration (b) of the interface model in dry condition. A vacuum layer of Å was placed on top of the bitumen
layer to avoid interaction across the mirror image.
Absorbsance (a.u.)
3.1. FT-IR test 0.20
Fig. 9 illustrates the FT-IR spectrum of the PET additive. It can be 0.15
observed that the distinct peak at 1,720 cm− 1 corresponding to the 3,320
carbonyl (–C– – O) stretching vibration of the ester group in PET mole 0.10
cules disappeared, while the two peaks at 1,636 cm− 1 and 1,547 cm− 1
corresponding to the characteristic carbonyl (–C– – O) stretching vibra 0.05
tion and N–H bending vibration of the amide group in PET additive,
respectively, emerged. In addition, the peak at 3,320 cm− 1 attributed to
the stretching vibration of the N–H in the amine group also showed up.
This result indicated the successful aminolysis of the waste PET by 4000 3000 2000 1000
TETA. -1
Wavenumber (cm )
3.2. Basic properties of binders Fig. 9. FT-IR spectrum of PET additive. The peaks at 1,636 cm− 1 and 1,547
cm− 1 were attributed to the carbonyl (–C–
–O) stretching vibration and N–H
Table 3 compares the values of penetration and softening point of the bending vibration of the amide group in PET additive, respectively, and the
base bitumen and the PET additive modified bitumens. It can be seen peak at 3,320 cm− 1 corresponds to the stretching vibration of the N–H in
that penetration decreased while the softening point increased slightly amine group.
with the incorporation of the PET additive. In addition, the binders with
1 wt% and 3 wt% of PET additive resulted similar values of penetration
Table 3
and softening point.
Penetration and softening point of binders.
The viscosity of PET additive modified binders as a function of
temperature from 120 to 175 ◦ C is shown in Fig. 10. It is observed that Sample-ID Penetration (25 ◦ C, 0.1 mm) Softening point (◦ C)
the viscosity increased a little bit with addition of PET additive at lower Pen 60/70 64.5 48.5
temperature (120 ◦ C). With the increase of temperature, the viscosity PETB-1 53.6 50.0
PETB-3 53.2 49.6
become similar for all the binders. In fact, the viscosity did not show
much difference with temperatures above 150 ◦ C. The underlying reason
is that the PET additive may form a crystal at ambient temperature [23], 3.3. Boiling test
due to the linearity of its molecule structure and the presence of amino
groups that leads to hydrogen bonds between the molecules. When The images of the binder coated aggregate after the boiling tests were
temperature increases, the additive melts and turns into liquid. Overall, analyzed to compare the moisture susceptibility of PET additive modi
it is concluded from these tests that the PET additive does not have much fied asphalt binders. Fig. 11 presents the original scanned images after
influence on the basic properties of bitumen binder. boiling for 10 min and the corresponding binary images of the loose
asphalt mixtures. The binary images were obtained through image
analysis using MATLAB®, and the white area ratios representing the
Fig. 8. Initial configuration (a) and equilibrated configuration (b) of the interface model in wet condition. 200 water molecules were inserted between the aggregate
layer and bitumen layer.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
aforementioned, the PET additive may form crystal structures. When the
concentration of PET additive increases, part of the additive can attract
with each other and the amount of PET additive at the bitumen-
aggregate interface may not change significantly. Therefore, the mois
ture susceptibility of the asphalt mixture can be effectively reduced with
the incorporation of 1 wt% of PET additive.
Fig. 11. Original (left) and binary (right) images after boiling tests: (a) Pen 60/70, (b) PETB-1, and (c) PETB-3.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
20 groups in PET additive can form the strong hydrogen bonds with the
hydroxyl groups at the aggregate surface, and 2) the alkaline amine
groups can also increase the interaction between the granite aggregate
and bitumen binder.
Boiling loss area (%)
4. MD simulation
10 4.1. Density
1200 120
Dry strength
1000 Wet strength
800 80
ITS (kPa)
TSR (%)
600 60
400 40
200 20
0 0
Pen 60/70 PETB-1 PETB-3
Fig. 13. ITS of asphalt mixtures with different concentrations of PET additive at 20 ◦ C (TSR represents the ratio between the wet tensile strength to the dry ten
sile strength).
Fig. 14. Fracture interfaces for the asphalt mixtures that had been subjected to 24 h water conditioning at 60 ◦ C: (a) Pen 60/70, (b) PETB-1, and (c) PETB-3.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
Neat bitumen PETB potential energies of the binder and the aggregate separated at the
equilibrium state, respectively, and A is the interface contact area.
Because of the hydrophilic nature of mineral aggregate, water is
more likely to be absorbed onto the aggregate surface. As a result,
asphalt binder is prone to detach from the aggregate in the presence of
Density (g/cm3)
water. The adhesion energy ΔEadhesion water and the work of adhesion
ΔWadhesion water in the presence of water are calculated using Eq. (4) and
Eq. (5), respectively. A lower value of ΔEadhesion water represents a lower
energy potential for water to displace the binder from the aggregate
surface [47], or the displacement is more difficult to happen and the
resistance to moisture-induced damage is stronger.
0 ΔEadhesion water = ΔEbit water + ΔEagg water − ΔEbit agg (4)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (ps) ΔWadhesion = ΔEadhesion (5)
water water /A
Fig. 15. Densities of neat bitumen and PETB during equilibrium. The
where ΔEbit water is the interaction energy between binder and water,
isothermal-isobaric (NPT) ensemble was implemented.
ΔEagg water is the interaction energy between aggregate and water, and
ΔEbit agg is the interaction energy between binder and aggregate. All the
Table 4 presents the computed CED of the neat bitumen and PETB.
energies were obtained at the equilibrium state.
With the incorporation of PET additive, the CED of PETB became larger
The energy ratio (ER), i.e., the ratio between the work of adhesion in
than that of the neat bitumen, indicating that PET additive increased the
dry condition and the work of adhesion in wet condition, is usually used
molecular interaction. The result could be explained by that the PET
to represent the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture [43,47]. A
additive is more polar than bitumen binder, thus both the van der Waals
larger value of ER indicates lower moisture sensitivity. The ER is given
force and electrostatic force between different molecules increased,
leading to stronger cohesion of PETB.
ER = Wadhesion /Wadhesion water = ΔEadhesion /ΔEadhesion water (6)
4.3. Radial distribution
Table 5 shows the adhesion energy and work of adhesion between
binder and aggregate in the dry condition.ΔEvdw and ΔEelec represent the
Fig. 16 depicts the radial distribution of each component in the
energy difference associated with the van der Waals part and the electric
binder with respect to the aggregate surface. It can be seen that the
part, respectively. Since both bitumen and aggregate possess high sur
concentration of 1,7-dimethylnaphthalene is the highest at the interface
face energy in isolated condition, when they attach to each other to form
for the neat bitumen, followed by n-docosane and asphaltene. The first
an interface, the total surface area becomes smaller, thus decreasing the
peak at around 2 Å in Fig. 16(b) belongs to the PET additive in PETB,
potential energy of the system. This is the reason why the interaction
indicating that the PET additive was the closest to the aggregate surface.
energies in the table are negative. It is clear to see that the absolute value
As demonstrated in Fig. 17, the amine groups in PET additive were very
of the adhesion energy ΔEadhesion and work of adhesion Wadhesion for PETB
close to the aggregate surface. Two reasons may contribute to such
and aggregate are larger than that of neat bitumen and aggregate,
phenomenon: (1) the higher polarity of PET additive makes it more
indicating that PET additive increased the interfacial adhesion between
affiliate to the polar aggregate surface, and (2) the amine groups in the
the binder and aggregate. Furthermore, it is observed that both the van
PET additive and the hydroxyl groups in the aggregate surface can form
der Waals and electric energy increased with the addition of PET addi
hydrogen bond, which is much stronger compared with other non-
tive. The increase of interface adhesion can be mainly attributed to the
bonded interactions.
polarity of the PET additive and the formation of hydrogen bonding
between the PET additive and aggregate surface hydroxyl groups.
4.4. Work of adhesion between binder and aggregate Table 6 presents the adhesion energy in wet condition as well as the
calculated energy ratio. It can be noticed that the absolute value of
The work of adhesion Wadhesion is defined as the work required to ΔEagg water is larger than that of ΔEbit agg , which demonstrates that water
separate the binder from aggregate at the interface, which determines
is more likely to be absorbed to the aggregate surface than bitumen
the resistance to the interface detachment. A negative value of
binder due to the hydrophilic nature of the mineral aggregate. As shown
Wadhesion indicates attraction of the two parts, whereas a positive value
in Table 6, the ΔEadhesion water of the aggregate-water-PETB system is
indicates repulsion.
about 21% lower than that of the aggregate-water-NB system, indicating
The work of adhesion Wadhesion is given by Eq. (2), and the adhesion
that the coating of PETB on the aggregate is harder to be replaced by
energy ΔEadhesion is obtained from Eq. (3).
water compared with neat bitumen. On the contrary, the ER of the PETB
Wadhesion = ΔEadhesion /A (2) system reached 1.24, which is larger than that of the neat bitumen
system (0.88). The simulation results revealed that the moisture sensi
ΔEadhesion = Etotal − (Ebinder + Eaggregate ) (3) tivity of the asphalt mixture was decreased by the incorporation of PET
additive, which is consistent with the findings obtained from the pre
where Etotal is the total potential energy of the binder and aggregate ceding experiments.
interface system after equilibration, Ebinder and Eaggregate represent the
Table 4
Cohesive energy density (CED) of binder.
Sample-ID Van der Waals (106 J/m3) Electrostatic (106 J/m3) CED (106 J/m3) Solubility Parameter ((J/cm3)0.5)
Note: PETB represents the PET additive modified bitumen, in which 1 PET additive molecule was added into the bitumen model, corresponding to 1.97 wt% of the PET
additive based on bitumen.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
Fig. 16. Radial distribution of each component respect to the aggregate surface: (a) neat bitumen; (b) PETB.
R. Li et al. Fuel 300 (2021) 121015
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