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New Innovations in Pavement Materials

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j o u r n a l o f t r a f fi c a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n e n g i n e e r i n g ( e n g l i s h e d i t i o n ) x x x x ; x x x ( x x x ) : x x x

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1 ScienceDirect 66
2 68
3 69
4 70
5 71
6 journal homepage: www.keaipublishing.com/jtte
7 73
8 74
9 Review Article 75
10 76
New innovations in pavement materials and 77
engineering: A review on pavement engineering 79
16 research 2021 81
17 83
18 84
19 Q5 JTTE Editorial Office a,*,1 Jiaqi Chen b, Hancheng Dan b, Yongjie Ding c, Yangming 85
20 Gao d, Meng Guo e, Shuaicheng Guo f, Bingye Han g, Bin Hong h, Yue Hou i, 86
21 87
22 Chichun Hu j, Jing Hu k, Ju Huyan k,l, Jiwang Jiang m, Wei Jiang n, Cheng Li n,
23 Pengfei Liu o, Yu Liu n, Zhuangzhuang Liu n, Guoyang Lu m, Jian Ouyang p, Xin 89
Qu n, Dongya Ren q, Chao Wang r, Chaohui Wang n, Dawei Wang s,**, Di Wang t, 90
26 Hainian Wang n, Haopeng Wang u, Yue Xiao v, Chao Xing r, Huining Xu r, Yu 92
Yan w, Xu Yang n, Lingyun You x, Zhanping You y, Bin Yu k, Huayang Yu z, 93
29 Huanan Yu aa, Henglong Zhang f, Jizhe Zhang ab, Changhong Zhou ac, Changjun 95
30 Zhou p, Xingyi Zhu w 96
31 97
32 a
Editorial Office of Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), Chang’an Univieristy, Xi’an 710064, 98
33 China 99
34 b
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China 100
35 c
School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China 101
36 d
Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft
37 103
2628 CN, the Netherlands
38 e 104
The Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology,
39 105
40 Beijing 100124, China
f 106
41 College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
g 107
42 School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044,
43 China 109
44 h
Department of Road and Track Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150000, China 110
45 i
College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 111
46 j
School of Civil Engineering & Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China 112
47 113
48 114
49 * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 29 8233 4384.
** Corresponding author. Tel.: þ86 451 8628 2116. 115
50 116
51 E-mail addresses: jtte2014@126.com (JTTE Editorial Office), chenjiaqi@csu.edu.cn (J. Chen), danhancheng@csu.edu.cn (H. Dan),
yding9@vols.utk.edu (Y. Ding), Y.Gao-3@tudelft.nl (Y. Gao), gm@bjut.edu.cn (M. Guo), scguo@hnu.edu.cn (S. Guo), hanbingye@bucea.edu. 117
52 118
cn (B. Han), binhong@hit.edu.cn (B. Hong), yuehou@bjut.edu.cn (Y. Hou), cthu@scut.edu.cn (C. Hu), 101012161@seu.edu.cn (J. Hu),
53 119
jhuyan@seu.edu.cn (J. Huyan), jiwang.jiang@polyu.edu.hk (J. Jiang), jiangwei@chd.edu.cn (W. Jiang), cli@chd.edu.cn (C. Li), liu@isac.rwth-
54 120
aachen.de (P. Liu), yul@chd.edu.cn (Y. Liu), zzliu@chd.edu.cn (Z. Liu), guoyang.lu@polyu.edu.hk (G. Lu), ouyangjian@dlut.edu.cn (J.
55 121
Ouyang), quxin@chd.edu.cn (X. Qu), dongyaren@swjtu.edu.cn (D. Ren), wangchao@bjut.edu.cn (C. Wang), wchh0205@chd.edu.cn (C.
56 Wang), dawei.wang@hit.edu.cn (D. Wang), di.1.wang@aalto.fi (D. Wang), wanghn@chd.edu.cn (H. Wang), haopeng.wang@nottingham. 122
57 ac.uk (H. Wang), xiaoy@whut.edu.cn (Y. Xiao), cxing@hit.edu.cn (C. Xing), xuhn@hit.edu.cn (H. Xu), yyan@tongji.edu.cn (Y. Yan), yang. 123
58 xu@chd.edu.cn (X. Yang), wellyoulingyun@hotmail.com (L. You), zyou@mtu.edu (Z. You), 101011765@seu.edu.cn (B. Yu), huayangyu@ 124
59 scut.edu.cn (H. Yu), huanan.yu@csust.edu.cn (H. Yu), hlzhang@hnu.edu.cn (H. Zhang), jizhe.zhang@sdu.edu.cn (J. Zhang), czhou@guet. 125
60 edu.cn (C. Zhou), zhouchangjun@dlut.edu.cn (C. Zhou), zhuxingyi66@tongji.edu.cn (X. Zhu). 126
61 Peer review under responsibility of Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. 127
62 1
Authors contributed equally to this paper and are listed in alphabetical order of the last names. 128
63 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtte.2021.10.001
64 2095-7564/© 2021 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 2/185

2 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 k
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China 66
2 l
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada 67
3 m
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China 68
4 n
School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China 69
5 o 70
Institute of Highway Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen 52074, Germany
6 p 71
School of Transportation & Logistics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
7 q
School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China
8 r
9 Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 74
10 School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150000, China 75
11 Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo 02150, Finland 76
12 Nottingham Transportation Engineering Center (NTEC), University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK 77
13 v
State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China 78
14 w
College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 79
15 x
School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 80
16 y
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI 49931, USA 81
17 z 82
School of Civil Engineering & Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
18 aa 83
School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China
19 ab
20 School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, China 85
21 School of Architecture and Transportation Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China 86
22 87
23 88
24 highlights 89
25 90
26  Define “safe, durable, sustainable and intelligent” pavement infrastructure. 91
27  Summarize the latest research achievements in the field of pavement engineering. 92
28  Forecast the future research trend of pavement engineering. 93
29 94
30 95
31 article info abstract 96
32 97
33 Article history: Sustainable and resilient pavement infrastructure is critical for current economic and 98
34 Received 24 September 2021 environmental challenges. In the past 10 years, the pavement infrastructure strongly 99
35 Accepted 26 October 2021 supports the rapid development of the global social economy. New theories, new methods, 100
36 Available online xxx new technologies and new materials related to pavement engineering are emerging. 101
37 102
Deterioration of pavement infrastructure is a typical multi-physics problem. Because of
38 103
Keywords: actual coupled behaviors of traffic and environmental conditions, predictions of pavement
39 104
Pavement engineering service life become more and more complicated and require a deep knowledge of pave-
40 105
41 Asphalt binder ment material analysis. In order to summarize the current and determine the future 106
42 Asphalt mixture research of pavement engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English 107
43 Modeling of pavement materials Edition) has launched a review paper on the topic of “New innovations in pavement ma- 108
44 Multi-scale mechanics terials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021”. Based on the 109
45 Green and sustainable pavement joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known universities in highway engineering, this 110
46 Q1 Intelligent pavement review paper systematically analyzes the research status and future development direction 111
47 of 5 major fields of pavement engineering in the world. The content includes asphalt binder 112
48 performance and modeling, mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials, 113
49 114
multi-scale mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, and intelligent pavement.
50 115
Overall, this review paper is able to provide references and insights for researchers and
51 116
engineers in the field of pavement engineering.
52 117
53 © 2021 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on 118
54 behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC- 119
55 ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 120
56 121
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60 125
investment in highway engineering is undoubtedly great.
61 1. Introduction 126
Pavement engineering is not only an important part of high-
62 127
63 way engineering, but also an important factor affecting the 128
It is evident that highway transportation is significant to the service capacity of the road. In the past 20 years, the highway
64 129
world economic development and the corresponding
65 engineering has been facing the following two major changes: 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 3/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 3

1 (1) With the society development pavement engineering future challenges of this era, Journal of Traffic and Trans- 66
2 facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges portation Engineering (English Edition) organized this review 67
3 paper. A joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known uni- 68
4 As well-known, in the 1960s and 1970s, the modern science versities in highway engineering was made to write this 69
5 70
and technology was just beginning with a relative slower article. The editorial board member, professor Dawei Wang
6 71
development of the society and economy, and the vehicle axle from Harbin Institute of Technology, was invited to lead and
7 72
loading was not heavier with the lower traffic volume. organize the writing and editing work of this long review
8 73
9 Although there were no high-performance computers or paper. The structure of the paper is shown in the Fig. 1. 74
10 advanced experimental testing methods, the developed 75
11 countries in Europe and America established the compre- 76
12 hensive road networks for their economic take-offs, and 77
13 blazed a trail for the modern highway engineering with the 2. Asphalt binder performance and 78
14 standards or specifications which provides valuable experi- modeling 79
15 ence for road construction of the other countries in the world. 80
16 In the 21st century, the world economy has been rapidly 2.1. Binder damage, healing and aging behaviors 81
17 82
developing with the human society transforming from the
18 83
process-oriented electrification into the digitization and The experimental testing and characterization of asphalt
19 84
20 intelligentization. Till now, the European and American binder is a fundamental element to the performance modeling 85
21 specifications or standards are popularly used in highway of asphalt concrete and pavement. Since the strategic high- 86
22 engineering, but the large-scale road infrastructure con- way research program (SHRP) study in the 1990s, a significant 87
23 struction takes place in developing countries such as China research effort has been done to capture and distinguish the 88
24 and India. Obviously, in the era of digital intelligence, road damage resistance of asphalt binder in high, intermediate and 89
25 construction in developing countries, including China and low temperature range by means of rheological and other 90
26 India, has unprecedented opportunities and challenges. On approaches. Besides, the binder healing and aging behavior 91
27 one hand, great changes took place in computer technologies, that happen in field pavement also simultaneously impact the 92
28 93
numerical methods, digital technologies, testing methods, damage evolution of the asphalt binder. Thus, a scientific
29 94
construction technologies and so on, providing unprece- binder damage understanding and interpretation should be
30 95
dented opportunities for pavement engineering; on the other integrated by the damage law with the consideration of
31 96
32 hand, road service and construction conditions are becoming healing and aging effects. This section starts with the healing 97
33 more and more complex, and road engineering is facing un- and aging studies followed by a critical review on damage 98
34 precedented new challenges, such as dramatic changes of the characterization of asphalt binder. 99
35 climatic conditions, more cars with heavier axle loads, more 100
36 effective travel demands, lack of green and safe road con- 2.1.1. Binder healing characterization and performance 101
37 struction materials, and higher requirements of low carbon The damage evaluation and resistance are critical for the 102
38 and resistant road construction. asphalt binder's long-term performance during the pavement 103
39 service stage. Meanwhile, the damage healing potential of 104
40 105
(2) With the modern education development pavement asphalt material during the possible rest periods has also been
41 106
engineering facing unprecedented accumulation of initially proven in the 1960s and widely verified and charac-
42 107
43 scientific manpower and literature terized in the past 30 years. In this section, the current healing 108
44 characterizing approaches, performance indicators and 109
45 In the 21st century, the higher education in the world is various influencing factors are critically reviewed to address 110
46 constantly being improved and a plenty of high-quality tal- the recent developments in asphalt binder healing perfor- 111
47 ents with master's or doctor's degrees has been cultivated in mance and modeling. 112
48 highway engineering. As a result, the number of scientific 113
49 papers has been rapid increasing. In the research databases of Characterizing approaches for binder healing behavior. 114
50 Ei Compendex and the China National Knowledge Infra- Since the time sweep (TS) that developed in NCHRP 9-10 115
51 116
structure (CNKI), taking "pavement" as the key word, more project is the main testing procedure to evaluate the fatigue
52 117
than 4000 scientific papers were published in the 127 years resistance of asphalt binder in recent 20 years, it is widely
53 118
from 1863 to 1990, with an average of 34 papers per year. applied to utilize the TS test to further quantify the binder
54 119
55 However, from 2001 to 2021, nearly 20,000 scientific papers healing ability by modifying the procedure with additional 120
56 were published, with an average of 1000 per year. Obviously, rest periods. Generally, there are two patterns to apply the rest 121
57 the rapid increase of papers, on one hand, brings a lot of sci- period into the continuous fatigue loading sequence in the TS 122
58 entific and technological innovation information, on the other protocol, which can be summarized as the “TS with one-single 123
59 hand, brings difficulties for scientific and technological rest period” and “TS with multiple rest periods”. The testing 124
60 achievements selection. condition impacts on binder healing performance are usually 125
61 Facing the above two changes, it is necessary to summa- completed on the TS test with one-single rest period, which is 126
62 rize, categorize, and classify the scientific and technological less time consuming, as shown in Table 1. Meanwhile, the TS 127
63 128
literature for extracting the key research points and devel- with multiple rest periods is normally employed to investigate
64 129
oping the highway engineering of the new era. In order to the long-term healing recovery ability under the repeated
65 130
make full use of the coming opportunities for embracing the fatigue-healing-fatigue cycles, as shown in Table 2.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 4/185

4 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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43 Fig. 1 e Structure of the paper. 108
44 109
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46 Based on the TS procedure with rest period application, comprehensive understanding on binder healing 111
47 various performance indicators have been proposed for the characterization (Canestrari et al., 2015; Qiu et al., 2020a, b; 112
48 healing evaluation of asphalt binder in recent 10 years. The Tan et al., 2012). Furthermore, some researchers recently 113
49 stiffness or modulus based parameters (or pseudo variables, began to employ the fracture mechanics principals to 114
50 the area of modulus curve) are easily measured and mostly address the mechanisms that lead to asphalt binder fatigue 115
51 utilized to define the binder healing recovery by accounting damage growth, in which way the crack initiation and 116
52 the stiffness/modulus change before and after the rest period propagation can be clearly observed. Thus, the healing 117
53 (Baglieri et al., 2018; De Oliveira et al., 2021; Qiu et al., 2020a, b; recovery can also be defined based on the crack length 118
54 119
Shan et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2021a). To reveal the characteristic property during the TS tests with rest period (Li et al., 2020a;
55 120
binder healing behavior, the continuum damage mechanics Wang et al., 2021a).
56 121
and dissipated energy approaches are also respectively The linear amplitude sweep (LAS) test (AASHTO TP101) has
57 122
58 investigated to establish the intrinsic healing model from been widely applied and verified to quantify the fatigue 123
59 the constitutive perspective. The healing performance can damage resistance of asphalt binder in recent 10 years. 124
60 be accessed either from the damage intensity or dissipated Cooperating with the viscoelastic continuum damage (VECD) 125
61 energy variables (Baglieri et al., 2018; Palvadi et al., 2012; or simplified-VECD (S-VECD) modeling approaches, the 126
62 Shen et al., 2014; Sun et al., 2021b). Several research efforts traditional TS fatigue performance can be fully simulated 127
63 have been conducted to combine and compare the from a simple 5-min LAS procedure. Due to the fact that the 128
64 traditional stiffness-based indicators and constitutive LAS specification is promising to be implemented in different 129
65 mechanics-based parameters to achieve a more countries, a LAS-based healing (LASH) procedure was newly 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 5/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 5

1 66
Table 1 e Summary of time sweep test with one-single
2 67
rest period.
3 68
4 Reference Proposed healing performance indicator 69
5 Shan et al., 2011 The change of modulus-cycle curve 70
6 before and after rest period 71
7 Tan et al., 2012 G*terminal Nafter  Nbefore 72
8 HI ¼ 100 73
G*initial Nbefore
9 Shan et al., 2013 Ad 74
HI ¼
10 Abefore 75
11 Baglieri et al., 2018 CAR  CBR SBR  SAR 76
HIc ¼ ; HIs ¼
12 1  CBR SAR 77
13 Qiu et al., 2020a, b jG* jh0 W Nafter 78
HI1 ¼ 100 * ; HI1 ¼ 100 after
14 jG j0 Wbefore Nbefore 79
15 Li et al., 2020a MH  MD  80
HI ¼ 100 
16 M0  MD  Fig. 2 e Schematic illustration for LASH protocol (Xie et al., 81
17 Sun et al., 2021b G*h N 82
HI1 ¼ ; HI2 ¼ h 2017).
18 G*i Ni
19 Note: HI is the proposed healing performance indicator; Ginitial and 84
20 Gterminal are the dynamic modulus before and after loading test; modeling approach. This LASH protocol and %HS-based 85
21 Nbefore and Nafter are the numbers of cycles before and after rest 86
healing evaluation method have been successfully verified
22 period; Ad is the area between the modulus evolution curves before 87
through a chemo-rheological comparison (Wang et al.,
23 and after rest; Abefore is the area below the modulus evolution curve 88
24 before the rest; CBR and CAR are the pseudo stiffness values at the 2018g) and specific application to various polymer modified 89
25 end of the first loading phase and at the beginning of the second asphalts (PMAs) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) binders 90
26 loading phase; SBR and SAR are the damage intensity variable values (Asadi and Tabatabaee, 2020; Yue et al., 2021). 91
27 at the end of the first loading phase and at the beginning of the Despite the application of traditional oscillation shear 92
28 second loading phase; jG*j0 and jG*jh0 are the complex shear 93
mode to binder fatigue and healing evaluation, other available
modulus before and after healing; Wbefore and Wafter are the initial
29 loading modes on dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) were also 94
dissipative energy before and after healing; MD and MH are the
30 tried to measure the binder self-healing potential after a 95
pseudo stiffness values, dissipated pseudo strain energy and crack
31 concerned degree of damage/failure occurrence. 96
length before and after healing; C0 is the pseudo stiffness value at
32 97
the initial of test; Gh* and Gi* are the complex shear modulus in first Bommavaram et al. (2009) developed a two-piece binder
33 98
and second loading stage; Nh and Ni are the numbers of cycles in healing test in tension mode on a DSR and quantified the
34 first and second loading stage; G is the dynamic shear modulus; N is
healing ratio by the recovery of dynamic modulus (Fig. 3).
35 the measured number of loading cycle; A is the calculated areas 100
36 Similar procedures can be also found in literature elsewhere 101
from performance curves; C is the pseudo stiffness; S is the damage
37 (Leegwater et al., 2018; Qiu et al., 2013). Besides, the creep/ 102
intensity; W is the dissipated energy; M could be the pseudo stiff-
38 ness, dissipated pseudo strain energy and crack length recovery loading mode on the DSR can also be employed to 103
39 respectively. access the binder healing behavior through a namely creep 104
40 and step-loading test (Ma et al., 2020c). 105
41 It should be noted that all of the above reviews are only 106
42 focused within the binder cohesive healing framework; how- 107
proposed to characterize the binder healing behavior with
43 ever, it is also widely accepted that the cracking with growing 108
better time efficiency (Fig. 2) (Xie et al., 2017). The percent
44 109
healing (%HS) parameter is also defined from the damage damage in asphalt concrete normally initiates and propagates
45 110
intensity recovery from the rest period based on S-VECD either within the cohesive asphalt binder/mastic phase or
46 111
47 from the binder-aggregate adhesive interface. Therefore, both 112
48 cohesive and adhesive healing together contribute to the 113
49 macro-scale self-healing behavior of asphalt concrete. The 114
50 Table 2 e Summary of time sweep test with multiple rest adhesion between the binder and aggregate is usually evalu- 115
51 periods. ated from binder bond strength (BBS) test. Lyu et al. (2017b) 116
52 Reference Proposed healing further successfully apply the BBS procedure to measure the 117
53 performance indicator adhesive healing potential of the BBS specimen after the 118
54 Palvadi et al., 2012 Sf  Si adhesive failure with various binder and aggregate types (as 119
55 HIi ¼ 120
Si shown in Fig. 4), which is also verified by other case studies
56 Shen et al., 2014 Nri 121
HIi ¼ in recent years (Hu et al., 2020b; Wang et al., 2021a). It is
57 N0 122
promising to integrate the cohesive and adhesive binder
58 Canestrari et al., 2015 G* Nafter  Nbefore 123
HI ¼ 100 terminal healing models to enhance the fundamental understanding
59 G*initial Nbefore 124
60 De Oliveira et al., 2021 The decay curve of modulus of the binder role in asphalt concrete healing behaviors 125
61 evolution during the in-site pavement service. 126
62 Note: Sf and Si are damage intensity variables representing state of 127
63 material before and after introduction of rest period; Nri is the Various factors influencing binder healing perfor- 128
64 relative fatigue life after the ith rest period; N0 is the fatigue life for mance. As the typical viscoelastic material, the asphalt binder 129
65 the intact material before rest. healing behavior is also governed and influenced by various 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 6/185

6 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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Fig. 3 e Schematic illustration of the two-piece specimen to determine healing function. (a) Before the test. (b) After the test
18 83
(Bommavaram et al., 2009).
19 84
20 85
21 factors as briefly summarized in Fig. 5. In this section, the reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) material re-use in asphalt 86
22 possible effects from the materials types, modifications, pavement, Mullapudi et al. (2020) and Mullapudi and 87
23 88
testing conditions and environmental impacts are Sudhakar (2020) verified the negative impacts on binder
24 89
respectively reviewed to a systematic comparison for healing from the RAP additions. Therefore, it is indeed
25 90
26 evaluating the binder healing performance as summarized necessary to specifically characterize the healing potentials 91
27 in Table 3. with various binder types and modifiers. 92
28 Several studies demonstrated that the softer binders with The filed asphalt pavement experiences rather complex 93
29 higher penetration grade always displayed better healing po- conditions in terms of the temperature range and traffic 94
30 tentials with clear monotonic trend (Wang et al., 2018g, 2020n; loading variables. The binder healing ability is proven to be 95
31 Xu et al., 2016b). Meanwhile, the micro-scale chemical increased with higher temperature (Bhasin et al., 2011b) but 96
32 composite and molecular structure effects on macro-scale decreased when beyond the 40  C threshold (HasaniNasab et 97
33 healing is relatively complex and the binder with more oil al., 2019; Tang et al., 2016). The binder damage level before 98
34 99
phases (saturates and aromatics) and lower relative the rest period application is also important for the possible
35 100
molecular weights generally showed higher healing recovery healing potential. With the growing damage, the binder
36 101
(Sun et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018g). Besides, the healing performance is clearly becoming poor and even
37 102
38 modification to asphalt binder also exhibited uncertain impossible to heal when accumulating to a critical damage 103
39 impacts on healing performance. Some recent studies degree or cohesive failure occurrence (Pang et al., 2012; Shen 104
40 showed that modification improved the binder healing et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2020n). This is similar to the rest 105
41 ability (Li et al., 2020c; Zhang et al., 2021b; Zhu et al., 2020c). period case that a longer duration normally results in higher 106
42 However, there are also literatures reported that healing recovery; however, this positive impact is also relied 107
43 modification effects are strongly dependent on the material on the binder damage condition (Pang et al., 2012; Wang et 108
44 damage levels (Wang et al., 2018g, 2020n). Regarding the al., 2020n; Yue et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021b). 109
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Fig. 4 e The use of the BBS test to binder adhesive healing. (a) The device of BBS test. (b) Schematic view of experimental
65 130
procedure to quantify healing by BBS test (Lyu et al., 2017b).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 7/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 7

1 like oxidation and ultraviolet aging as well as the moisture 66

2 condition. But some recent studies found that the short- 67
3 termed aged binder sometimes showed better healing ability 68
4 than its original binder (Bao et al., 2019; Bhasin et al., 2011b; 69
5 70
Yue et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2018). Consequently, special
6 71
attention should be further addressed for the aging effects
7 72
on binder healing behavior. Besides, the water presence in
8 73
9 the pavement under traffic loading is found to weaken both 74
10 the cohesive and adhesive binder healing (Bhasin et al., 75
11 2011b; Yue et al., 2021). Thus, the environmental effect is a 76
12 critical consideration to accurately characterize the binder 77
13 healing contribution to asphalt concrete fatigue resistance. 78
14 The influence factors on binder healing performance is 79
15 summarized in Table 3. 80
16 81
17 82
2.1.2. Asphalt aging: mechanism, evaluation and control
18 83
19 84
20 Phenomena and mechanisms of asphalt aging. As a 85
21 critical component of asphalt pavement, asphalt material 86
Fig. 5 e Systematic influencing factors on binder healing
22 consists of a mixture of varying-weights molecules, along 87
performance evaluation.
23 with their non-metallic oxides, and a few other constituents 88
24 (Polacco et al., 2015; Ren et al., 2020b; Tauste et al., 2018; Wang 89
25 It is well accepted and known that the pavement perfor- et al., 2020i). Its primary function is to bond mineral 90
26 mance (fatigue resistance and healing potential included) is aggregates into a whole after compaction (Majidifard et al., 91
27 negatively influenced by the various environmental elements 2019; Mazzoni et al., 2018). However, exposed to complex 92
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 Table 3 e Summary of the influence factors on binder healing performance. 96
32 Influence factor Positive (þ) or Monotonic Reference 97
33 negative(-) impact influencing trend 98
34 99
Material type and Lower penetration þ Yes Wang et al., 2018g, 2020n
35 100
modification Chemical composites & / None Sun et al., 2017
36 101
molecular structure
37 Wang et al., 2018g 102
38 Modifier general / None Li et al., 2020c 103
39 104
Zhu et al., 2020c
40 105
41 Zhang et al., 2021b 106
42 RAP additive - Yes Mullapudi et al., 2020 Mullapudi 107
43 and Sudhakar, 2020 108
44 Testing condition Temperature þ None Bhasin et al., 2011b 109
45 parameter 110
Tang et al., 2016
46 111
47 HasaniNasab et al., 2019 112
48 113
Damage level - Yes Pang et al., 2012
49 114
50 Shen et al., 2016 115
51 116
Wang et al., 2020n
52 117
Rest period þ Yes Pang et al., 2012
53 118
54 Wang et al., 2020n 119
55 120
Yue et al., 2021
56 121
57 Zhang et al., 2021b 122
58 123
Environmental Oxidation - None Bhasin et al., 2011b
59 impact
60 Yue et al., 2021 125
61 Ultraviolet - None Zhang et al., 2018g 126
62 127
Bao et al., 2019
63 128
Moisture - Yes Mannan et al., 2017
64 129
65 Sun et al., 2021a 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 8/185

8 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 environmental factors such as heat, oxygen, and ultraviolet Also, the presence of moisture will influence the aging rate 66
2 (UV) radiation during service, asphalt material is susceptible of asphalt. Huang et al. (2012) found the UV-induced aging 67
3 to hardening and embrittling, namely asphalt aging (Chen et rate of asphalt could be retarded in humid environments, 68
4 al., 2021; Wu et al., 2009; Xu and Wang, 2017). Theoretical while an opposite finding that moisture accelerated asphalt 69
5 70
and experimental practices have indicated that after aging and hardened asphalt was shown in the study of
6 71
experiencing aging processes, the contents of oxygen- Noguera et al. (2014). The reason for the controversy may be
7 72
containing functional groups (such as carbonyl and the differences in experimental materials, especially for the
8 73
9 sulfoxide) and the weight of most molecules in asphalt binder types, because gel-type asphalt that has higher polar 74
10 considerably increase (Hong et al., 2020b; Wang et al., 2020o). components is more sensitive to water than sol-type asphalt. 75
11 Meanwhile, the contents of saturates and aromatics However, even though various aging mechanisms of 76
12 decrease, while the contents of resins and asphaltenes asphalt have been established, it is still unknown that the 77
13 extend (Mirwald et al., 2020; Qin et al., 2014). In terms of relative contributions from different factors or processes to 78
14 properties indicators changes, penetration and ductility asphalt aging. Furthermore, since most of the studies only 79
15 values of asphalt reduce, but the softening point, viscosity, focused on the aging of asphalt binders in the laboratory, it is 80
16 and stiffness increase with its aging process proceeding necessary to clarify the effect of aggregates on asphalt aging 81
17 82
(Sirin et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020b). during the aging process of asphalt mixture. In addition, with
18 83
Further, Table 4 shows various opinions on the mechanism the development of characterization techniques, more newly-
19 84
20 of asphalt aging. It has been widely accepted that the loss of developed or advanced techniques are expected to reveal 85
21 light components and oxidation reaction are the main more details about asphalt aging. 86
22 reasons for asphalt aging (Petersen, 2000; Petersen and 87
23 Glaser, 2011). According to some researchers, the former is Simulation methods of asphalt aging. As mentioned 88
24 referred to as the escape of light components (saturates and above, asphalt material is subjected to two different aging 89
25 aromatics) in asphalt binder when the ambient temperature phases, known as short-term and long-term aging processes 90
26 is higher than a threshold value (Filippi et al., 2018; Petersen respectively. To reveal the aging behavior of asphalt and 91
27 and Glaser, 2011). Generally, the asphalt aging induced by predict its road performances, asphalt aging processes are 92
28 93
the volatilization process mainly occurs in the phase of simulated with various laboratory techniques (Pradhan and
29 94
mixing, hauling, and paving of asphalt mixtures. Moreover, Sahoo, 2019; Wang et al., 2020l, o; Zhao et al., 2021). Thin-
30 95
some previous researches found that the volatilization rate film oven test (TFOT) and rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) test
31 96
32 of light components would increase with the heating are commonly conducted to simulate the short-term aging 97
33 temperatures elevating (Tauste, et al., 2018; Ye et al., 2019; process of asphalt according to ASTM D1754 and ASTM 98
34 Zeng et al., 2015). Additionally, researchers have observed D2827 (or AASHTO T240) respectively. As for the long-term 99
35 that the oxidation reaction of asphalt mainly involves aging process, short-term aged samples are processed with a 100
36 hydrocarbons in asphalt reacting with oxygen when asphalt pressure aging vessel (PAV) in accordance with ASTM D6521 101
37 material is exposed to weathering environments during (or AASHTO R28). 102
38 service (Petersen and Glaser, 2011). Besides, the processes of However, with the exposure to heat, air (oxygen), and UV 103
39 polymerization (the formation of large molecules by small radiation for asphalt material in service, the long-term aging 104
40 105
molecules), thixotropy (steric hardening), syneresis (the conditions created only by PAV are insufficient (Jin et al., 2018;
41 106
exudation of oily components), and separation (the fractions Sun et al., 2020b; Zhang et al., 2012c). Therefore, numerous
42 107
43 separation of asphalt binder due to the absorption of researchers have employed self-designed ultraviolet (UV) 108
44 aggregates), to some extent, will contribute to asphalt aging aging vessels to understand the effects of UV radiation on 109
45 according to Hamzah et al. (2015) and Tauste et al. (2018). asphalt aging. Table 5 presents configurations of long-term 110
46 111
47 112
48 Table 4 e Various opinions on the mechanism of asphalt aging. 113
49 114
Reference Main opinion on the importance ranking of factor/process inducing asphalt
50 115
51 116
52 Traxler, 1961 (1) Oxidation; (2) volatilization; (3) physical hardening; (4) polymerization induced 117
53 by actinic light; (5) condensation polymerization. 118
54 Petersen, 1998, 2000, (1) Loss of oily components; (2) oxidation; (3) thixotropic effects (steric hardening). 119
2009; Petersen et al.,
55 120
1974; Petersen and
56 121
Glaser, 2011
57 122
Bell 1989 (1) Loss of volatile components; (2) progressive oxidation of the in-place material
58 123
59 124
Hamzah et al., 2015 (1) Oxidation; (2) volatilization; (3) polymerization; (4) thixotropy; (5) syneresis; (6)
60 separation.
61 Tauste et al., 2018 (1) Physical (steric) hardening; (2) loss of volatile components; (3) asphalt 126
62 oxidation. 127
63 Ma et al., 2021 The presence of moisture can influence the oxidation process of asphalt. 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 9/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 9

1 66
Table 5 e Configuration of long-term photo-oxidative aging simulation.
2 67
3 Reference Film thickness (mm) Temperature ( C) Radiation intensity (W/m2) Duration 68
4 Zhang et al., 2015d 3.0 60 8 12 d 69
5 Wang et al., 2019j 1.5 45 129 3-12 d 70
6 Xie et al., 2020a 3.2 35 370 10 d 71
7 Zeng, et al., 2015 1.2 30, 50, 70 5 20 d 72
8 Yu et al., 2019a 2.0 25 50, 100, 150, 200 40, 80, 120, and 160 h 73
9 Yu et al., 2009 2.0 80 Not reported 0-18 d 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
13 UV-oxidative aging simulation in some research. It shows that durability of thermochromic microcapsule modified asphalt, 78
14 the configurations of the UV aging process vary in different Chen et al. (2019a) placed the asphalt samples to an outdoor 79
15 80
research. Specifically, the film thickness of pre-aged samples natural environment and took some of them at intervals of
16 81
ranged from 1.5 to 3.2 mm; the aging temperatures were set three months. Likewise, in the studies of Qin et al. (2014)
17 82
18 with the lowest temperature of 25  C and the highest of 80 and Wang et al. (2016b), some amounts of other asphalt 83

19 C; the ranges of UV radiation intensity and duration were 5- binders or compacted specimens are aged with a certain 84
20 370 W/m2 and 40-432 h respectively. Thus, it is difficult to aging period to evaluate their performances. Obviously, the 85
21 compare the aging degree or aging resistance of asphalt aging method is well related to a real situation in service, 86
22 binders in two different studies. Also, owing to little but the process is time-consuming or inefficient. Thus, it is 87
23 attention paid to the effect of UV radiation on the aging necessary to develop aging devices with configurable aging 88
24 behavior of mixtures, it is important to disclose the UV- parameters. Then, based on the historical weather data of 89
25 induced aging behavior of asphalt mixture for future target application fields, the performances of asphalt 90
26 91
research. In addition, developing a universal or configurable mixtures can be predicted by adjusting parameters
27 92
parameter UV aging method for asphalt binders or asphalt (temperature, UV radiation intensity, humidity, drying/
28 93
mixtures is expected. wetting frequencies, etc.) of aging environments.
29 94
30 Although there are two aging methods available for aging 95
31 asphalt mixtures, the correlation between mixture aging de- Characterizing approaches for asphalt aging behavior. 96
32 gree obtained by laboratory simulation aging techniques and Asphalt aging is an inevitable outcome for asphalt pavements 97
33 that of field aging is poor. For this reason, some researchers in service due to exposure to various adverse factors (Raab et 98
34 extended the duration time to better build the relationship al., 2017; Vo et al., 2020). To characterize the aging behavior of 99
35 between laboratory aging and field aging (Alamdary et al., asphalt and assess the effects of polymer(s) or other additives 100
36 2021; Sadek et al., 2020). Unfortunately, the results have on the aging resistance of asphalt, various indicators have 101
37 been still unsatisfactory with only considering the aging been adopted. 102
38 103
factors of heat and oxygen. With the requirements of aging Based on the aging mechanisms of volatilization and
39 104
methods for asphalt mixtures (such as being easy to oxidation reaction for asphalt binders, the asphalt molecular
40 105
41 perform, not too time-consuming, no binder flow during weight and intermolecular strength increase, consequently 106
42 testing), some environmental aging simulation vessels have altering the characteristics of physical properties, rheological 107
43 been developed. Steiner et al. (2016) introduced ozone and properties, surface morphology, chemical functional groups, 108
44 nitric oxides into the aging environment of asphalt to molecular weight, etc., of asphalt binders (Hong et al., 2020b; 109
45 provide a higher oxidation rate. Results showed that with Liu et al., 2020b; Wang et al., 2020o; Zhang et al., 2016d). 110
46 the optimized aging procedures (60  C, 4 d, 1 L/min for gases Therefore, the properties change rate of asphalt with and 111
47 flow rate), the long-term aging conditions of asphalt without an aging process is employed to quantitatively 112
48 mixtures in the field could be successfully simulated. characterize the aging degree of aged asphalt. Eqs. (1)-(3) and 113
49 114
Similarly, a flow of oxygen was adopted to achieve the same Eqs. (4)-(5) have been commonly used for calculating
50 115
effects. Considering the contributions from UV radiation and physical and rheological aging indicators and chemical
51 116
moisture to asphalt aging, Crucho et al. (2020) set various functional groups indicators of asphalt, respectively. For
52 117
53 aging conditions, including temperature, UV radiation, instance, complex modulus and phase angle aging index 118
54 watering/drying cycles along with an immersion period, to have been calculated with Eq. (2) and utilized to reflect 119
55 simulate asphalt mixture aging. Based on the above rheological behavior changes of asphalt during aging 120
56 analysis, it can be concluded that laboratory aging processes (Chen et al., 2015a; Zhang et al., 2018d). Further, 121
57 simulation techniques are developing towards creating aging Zhang et al. (2018b) investigated the feasibility of other 122
58 environments containing multi-factors, namely being closer rheological indexes, including rutting factor (G*/sin d) aging 123
59 and closer to in-filed conditions. index, fatigue factor (G* sin d) aging index, zero shear 124
60 Besides, the aging method of directly exposing asphalt viscosity (ZSV) aging index, non-recoverable compliance (Jnr) 125
61 126
samples to natural environments is used to obtain aged aging index, and DSR function (DSRFn) aging index, to
62 127
asphalt samples with different aging periods. To evaluate the evaluate aging behavior of base asphalt and two polymer
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 10/185

10 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 modified asphalt. They found that the indicators not only where AI1, AI2 and AI3 are aging index of asphalt, while Paged 66
2 could reflect aging behavior and aging sensitivity but also and Punaged are asphalt properties of aged and unaged asphalt, 67
3 were well correlated to each other and could indicate respectively. And CAI and SAI are carbonyl aging index and 68
4 performances of asphalt. Therefore, the aging behavior and sulfoxide aging index of asphalt, respectively. AC¼O and AS¼O 69
5 70
road performances of asphalt can be well predicted with the are the area of carbonyl band at 1699 cm-1 and sulfoxide band
6 71
evaluation indicators. Other evaluation methods derived at 1030 cm-1 respectively, and “SA” is the total band area from
7 72
from various property indicators of asphalt are presented in 2800 to 3000 cm-1.
8 73
9 Table 6. 74
10 In the case of asphalt aging evaluation, it is necessary to Anti-aging additives used for controlling asphalt aging. 75
11 conduct the experimental work from different views as a Despite the inevitable phenomenon of asphalt aging, the 76
12 single evaluation indicator has its shortcomings and may not introduction of anti-aging additives into asphalt can effec- 77
13 reflect the actual aging degree of asphalt. Also, building the tively delay or hinder the aging rate of asphalt (Chen et al., 78
14 relationship between macro evaluation indicators and micro 2021; Zhang et al., 2018c). As shown in Table 7, various anti- 79
15 ones is crucial to deeply understand the aging mechanisms of aging additives have been used to cope with one or more 80
16 asphalt. But before that, the validity of every indicator de- detrimentally environmental factors, which mainly cover 81
17 82
mands to be justified. A recommended approach is to under- oxygen, heat, and UV radiation.
18 83
stand the evolution characteristics of asphalt properties with Antioxidants and inorganic fillers (such as hydrated lime)
19 84
20 the aging time proceeding by conducting the aging process of are two commonly used methods for improving the thermo- 85
21 asphalt in natural weathering environments, field aging or oxidative aging resistance of asphalt (Apeagyei, 2011; Choi et 86
22 laboratory. al., 2020a; Sirin et al., 2018; Tauste et al., 2018). Further, the 87
23 antioxidants can be divided into three categories according 88
24 AI1 ¼ Paged  Punaged (1) to their action mechanism: 1) chain terminator (interrupting 89
25 free radical reaction during a polymer chain reaction 90
26 Paged process), 2) peroxide decomposition agent (decomposing 91
AI2 ¼ (2)
27 Punaged hydroperoxide into inactive products), and 3) metal ion 92
28 93
passivator (fixing variable valence metal ions in a stable
29 Paged  Punaged 94
AI3 ¼ (3) valence state by complexing with metal ions). The initial
30 Punaged 95
free radical (R-) is produced by the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon
31 96
32 under the action of heat and oxygen and then reacts with 97
AC¼O oxygen to form peroxide free radicals (ROO-). Furthermore,
33 CAI ¼ (4) 98
34 owing to a chain reaction among the two components, 99
35 asphalt aging has been aggravated. However, the activation 100
36 SAI ¼ (5) energy required for the reaction between antioxidants and 101
37 peroxide radical is low, thus terminating the reaction chain 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
41 Table 6 e Aging evaluation with various indicators. 106
42 Evaluation type Principle (with the asphalt Evaluation indicator Reference 107
43 aging process proceeding) 108
44 109
Physical property The increase of hardness and high- (1) Penetration residual ratio. Zhang et al. 2018c
45 110
temperature stability but the (2) Softening point increment.
46 Zhao et al. 2016b 111
decrease of ductility and mobility (3) Ductility residual ratio.
47 112
for asphalt binders (4) Viscosity increase ratio. Zhu et al. 2019b
48 113
49 Rheological property The increase of stiffness and the (1) Complex modulus aging index. Zhang et al. 2018b 114
50 loss of viscous components for (2) Phase angle aging index.
Wang et al. 2020o 115
51 asphalt binders (3) Zero shear viscosity aging index. 116
52 (4) Non-recoverable compliance aging index. Huang et al. 2002 117
(5) DSR function aging index.
53 118
Jin et al. 2018
54 119
55 Ren et al. 2020b 120
56 Surface morphology The decrease of aromatic fraction (1) Surface roughness. Hong et al. 2020b 121
57 (AFM) (related to bee-like structures) (2) Amount and size of bee-like structures 122
58 Wu et al. 2009 123
(qualitative evaluation).
59 Chemical The occurrence of oxidation (1) Carbonyl aging index. Cong et al. 2014 124
60 component reaction for asphalt molecular (2) Sulfoxides aging index. 125
Liu et al. 2015
61 (3) Butadiene index. 126
62 Xie et al. 2020a 127
63 Molecular weight The increase of hydrocarbon The large molecular content ratio. Hao et al. 2017b 128
64 molecules size and proportion of 129
65 asphaltenes 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 11/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 11

1 66
Table 7 e Types and characteristics of anti-aging additives.
2 67
3 Anti-aging additive Influence Principle Shortcoming Reference 68
4 factor 69
5 Antioxidant Oxygen Two approaches to hinder Going failure after full self- Apeagyei et al., 2011; 70
6 the oxidation reaction oxidation 71
7 Choi et al., 2020a 72
8 Inorganic filler Oxygen Physical and chemical Poor compatibility and limited Huang et al., 2002; 73
9 (such as hydrated lime) interactions improvement to UV resistance
Tauste et al., 2018 74
10 75
Layered silicate Heat and oxygen Shielding from oxygen and Poor compatibility with asphalt Yu et al., 2009; Zhang
11 heat and limited improvement to UV et al., 2012a
12 resistance 77
13 Carbon black UV radiation Many surface groups (such Poor compatibility with asphalt Cong et al., 2014; 78
14 as quinones, phenols, etc.) 79
15 Tauste et al., 2018 80
16 UV absorbent UV radiation Converting absorbed UV Going failure after full self- Xu et al., 2019b; Zhao 81
17 radiation into releasing heat degradation et al., 2016b 82
18 and capturing active free 83
19 radicals 84
LDH UV radiation Multi-level shielding, Poor compatibility with asphalt Xu et al., 2015d
20 85
reflection, and absorption of and limited improvement to
21 Filippi et al., 2018 86
UV light thermo-oxidative aging
22 87
Nanoparticle UV radiation Reflection and absorption of Limited improvement to Xie et al., 2020a;
23 88
UV light thermo-oxidative aging
24 Filippi et al., 2018 89
25 Polymer Various factors Absorption of oxygen and Self-degradation Cortizo et al., 2004; 90
26 UV light 91
Hao et al., 2017
27 92
Multi-dimensional Heat, oxygen, Shielding heat and oxygen The possibly poor homogeneity Zhang et al., 2017d;
28 93
nanomaterial and UV radiation and absorbing UV light of modifier components in
29 Wang et al., 2020o 94
30 95
31 96
32 97
33 between peroxide radical and oxygen. Further, along with the nanoparticles (several types) are common choices though 98
34 decomposition effect of antioxidants on hydrogen peroxide they act in different ways (Feng et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015d; Xu 99
35 (ROOH), the aging process of asphalt has been considerably et al., 2015d, 2021c; Zhang et al., 2016d, 2021e). Some studies 100
36 slowed down. Concerning the positive effect of inorganic have concluded that the positive effects of carbon black are 101
37 fillers (such as hydrated lime) on the aging resistance of derived from its numerous surface functional groups (such 102
38 asphalt, the generation of water-insoluble calcium salts in as quinones, lactones, etc.) (Cong et al., 2014; Tauste et al., 103
39 asphalt delays the asphalt aging by restraining aging- 2018). Furthermore, Xu et al. (2019c) and Zhao et al. (2016b) 104
40 induced hardening kinetics (Filippi et al., 2018; Huang et al., have specified that the introduction of UV absorbents 105
41 106
2002; Tauste et al., 2018). In addition to hindering asphalt converted the absorbed UV radiation into releasing heat,
42 107
aging, calcium hydroxide can significantly improve the consequently inhibiting the UV-induced aging process of
43 108
resistance of asphalt pavement to moisture damage. asphalt. The effectiveness of LDHs and nanoparticles is
44 109
45 However, antioxidants will go failure after their complete generated from their reflection and absorption to UV 110
46 oxidation, and many inorganic fillers have poor radiation. Additionally, polymer modifiers such as styrene- 111
47 compatibility with asphalt. And both of them have little butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS) can improve not 112
48 improvement effect on the UV resistance of asphalt. only the anti-UV but anti-thermo-oxidative aging properties 113
49 Consequently, the above shortcomings have limited their of asphalt (Cortizo et al., 2004; Hao et al., 2017b). 114
50 application. Unfortunately, the polymer modifiers will gradually degrade 115
51 Layered silicates, such as montmorillonite (MMT), rectorite until fail. Moreover, other modifiers also have different 116
52 (REC), and expanded vermiculite (EVMT), have platelet- shortcomings (Table 7) despite a positive effect on UV aging 117
53 118
layered structures, which can impart shielding effects to heat resistance of asphalt.
54 119
and oxygen with its introduction into the asphalt. The studies Previous studies have found that the anti-UV aging prop-
55 120
56 of Yu et al. (2009), Zhang et al. (2012b), and Zhu et al. (2019b) erties of asphalt can be significantly improved by zero- 121
57 showed that the addition of layered silicates can slow down dimensional nanomaterials such as nano-SiO2, nano-TiO2, 122
58 the aging rate of asphalt, confirmed with a smaller property and nano-ZnO, while the anti-thermo-oxidative aging char- 123
59 change for the modified asphalt. Nonetheless, layered acteristics of asphalt can be improved by layered silicates 124
60 silicates have shown limited positive effects on UV-induced (two-dimensional nanomaterials) (Li et al., 2015b; Ray and 125
61 aging resistance of asphalt and poor compatibility with Okamoto, 2003; Zhang et al., 2012a). For this reason, Zhang 126
62 asphalt due to their different nature (Liu et al., 2010b; Yu et et al. (2015c, 2017d) developed multi-dimensional 127
63 al., 2010). nanomaterials modifiers, composed of zero-dimensional and 128
64 129
As for the improvement of UV resistance, carbon black, UV two-dimensional nanomaterials, to comprehensively
65 130
absorbents, layered double hydroxides (LDHs), and improve the anti-thermo-oxidative and anti-UV aging

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 12/185

12 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 properties of asphalt. Results showed that after thermo- repeated cyclic loading at a fixed loading frequency and 66
2 oxidative and UV aging processes, multi-dimensional amplitude to a binder specimen using the DSR. Changes in 67
3 nanomaterial modified asphalt had a lower aging degree complex shear modulus (G*) and phase angle (d) with 68
4 than unmodified asphalt. Moreover, Wang et al. (2020o) also number of loading cycles are recorded for the determination 69
5 70
concluded that along with good aging resistance, multi- of binder fatigue life. This test allows for the binder to go
6 71
dimensional nanomaterials could improve the low- beyond linear viscoelastic behavior and into the damage
7 72
temperature and fatigue resistance of asphalt binder and accumulation range. However, a clear definition of fatigue
8 73
9 mixtures. Therefore, multi-dimensional nanomaterial failure, which is crucial to fatigue performance evaluation 74
10 modifiers are promising in enhancing the aging resistance and prediction of a binder, is not available in the TS test. 75
11 and road performances of asphalt. However, the component Moreover, the TS test was determined not to be a practical 76
12 homogeneity of multi-dimensional nanomaterials in asphalt method for the specification of asphalt binder fatigue 77
13 is worrying, possibly limiting the additive effects of resistance because of the uncertainty in testing time (can be 78
14 components on asphalt. Nanocomposite technology, an several hours) and poor testing repeatability (Hintz et al., 79
15 approach to combining two single components, is hopeful to 2011). 80
16 eliminate the adverse effect and further improve properties, Further attempts were made to introduce surrogate tests to 81
17 82
including but not limited to aging resistance, of asphalt, as estimate binder fatigue resistance in a relatively short period
18 83
well as impart interesting functions to asphalt pavement. of time, which include the binder yield energy (BYE) test and
19 84
20 Actually, the anti-aging additives are required to not only the linear amplitude sweep (LAS) test. The BYE test is a 85
21 impart sustainably positive effects on the aging resistance of monotonic constant shear strain rate test that employs the 86
22 asphalt but maintain or enhance other performances (such as DSR and measures the energy to “yielding” of binders (Johnson 87
23 high-temperature stability). Therefore, multi-dimensional et al., 2009). Yield energy can be determined by integrating the 88
24 nanocomposite modifiers may be a promising candidate. area under the stress-strain curve to the maximum stress 89
25 value. One method of quantifying damage is to relate the 90
26 2.1.3. Damage in the characterization of binder cracking undamaged material properties to damaged material 91
27 performance properties from destructive (damage-inducing) tests. The 92
28 93
Load-induced fatigue cracking (bottom-up and top-down) is undamaged properties are typically estimated from tests
29 94
one of the primary modes of failure in asphalt pavements employing small loads, under the assumption that no
30 95
(Roque et al., 2002; Shen et al., 2006). Previous study has shown damage is introduced. However, response of polymer-
31 96
32 that most crack occurs within asphalt binder and/or at the modified asphalt (PMA) binders from the BYE test, during 97
33 interface tween asphalt binder and aggregate, and therefore, which damage is assumed to have occurred, was found to be 98
34 asphalt binder as a bonding agent plays a critical role in above the undamaged response of the same binder. In other 99
35 cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures (Soenen et al., 2003). words, the increased shear strain did not reduce the 100
36 It becomes a general understanding that accurate material integrity or introduce damage, raising some 101
37 characterization and proper selection of asphalt binders that concern on the appropriateness of the BYE test. 102
38 are fatigue-resistant could prolong the fatigue life of asphalt The LAS test was found to be more successful in measuring 103
39 pavement. In the Superpave performance grade fatigue resistance of asphalt binders (Johnson, 2010). This test 104
40 105
specification, the fatigue performance of an asphalt binder is evaluates the ability of an asphalt binder to resist damage by
41 106
evaluated by the parameter jG*jsin d, which is an indicator employing cyclic loading at increasing strain amplitudes
42 107
43 of total dissipated energy during cyclic loading (Anderson et (from 0 to 30%) to accelerate the rate of damage 108
44 al., 2001). The effectiveness of this parameter has been accumulation, as shown in Fig. 6. The LAS test results can be 109
45 widely questioned for several reasons including: 1) the strain analyzed using VECD, following Schapery’s theory of work 110
46 applied is too small to introduce sufficient damage into the potential to model damage growth. The fatigue damage is 111
47 binder specimen; 2) not all the total dissipated energy is 112
48 associated with damage; 3) the assumption of linear 113
49 viscoelastic does not work for polymer-modified binders; 114
50 and 4) the meaning and appropriateness of linking cracking 115
51 116
performance with intermediate temperatures are debatable
52 117
(Bahia et al., 2001; Yan et al., 2017). To summarize, there is a
53 118
lack of information about the role of asphalt binder in the
54 119
55 damage progress. 120
56 121
57 Damage characterization based on rheological proper- 122
58 ties. Recognizing the inadequacy of the superpave PG binder 123
59 fatigue parameter (jG*jsin d) in dealing with the polymer- 124
60 modified asphalt binders, there have been significant efforts 125
61 to accurately measure and characterize binder fatigue prop- 126
62 erties by means of damage characterization. The time sweep 127
63 128
(TS) test evaluates the fatigue damage by means of the
64 129
degradation of material integrity under repeated loading Fig. 6 e Continuous loading scheme for the LAS amplitude
65 130
(Bahia et al., 2001). The TS procedure consists of applying sweep test.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 13/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 13

1 defined as the degradation of material integrity (as indicated plotting the calculated stored PSE and released PSE for the 66
2 by the jG*jsin d parameter) under repeated loading. A power entire LAS testing, there appears to be a maximum stored 67
3 law function has been used proposed to model jG*jsin PSE, as shown in Fig. 8. A peak in stored PSE indicates that 68
4 d versus damage, from which the number of cycles to a failure has occurred because the material has lost its ability 69
5 70
given damage intensity can be determined. While the LAS to store more PSE with increased input strain. Thus, the
6 71
test is promising, the fatigue failure of asphalt binder where maximum stored PSE is selected as an energy-based failure
7 72
no catastrophic failure or fracture can be observed, is still criterion and the corresponding number of cycles to failure
8 73
9 not well-defined. The damage accumulation at failure (Df) in (Nf) is reported as the indicator of the binder fatigue life. 74
10 the VECD model is associated with a 35% reduction in Advancements in asphalt mixture fatigue characterization 75
11 undamaged jG*jsin d, which, follows the traditional have been also applied to the study of binder fatigue life. For 76
12 definition of fatigue failure in asphalt mixture (i.e., 50% example, Zhang et al. (2013b) observed that the slope of the 77
13 reduction in initial stiffness/pseudo-stiffness) (Johnson, total release PSE versus load cycles curve, i.e., the rate of 78
14 2010). This arbitrarily selected criterion has been criticized total released PSE of asphalt mixtures. Consequently, they 79
15 by many researchers for lacking, theoretical or recommended that the stable rate of total released PSE, 80
16 phenomenological justification. In AASHTO TP101-R16, the entitle GR, can be used to characterize the overall rate of 81
17 82
Df parameter is defined as the level of damage calculated by energy loss of a binder sample during the fatigue test. Wang
18 83
using jG*jsin d value that corresponds to the peak shear et al. (2015a) followed the GR approach to analyze the TS and
19 84
20 stress on a shear stress versus shear strain curve. It seems LAS binder testing results. They reported that the 85
21 logical to assume that the binder sample reaches fatigue relationship between the average GR and fatigue life (Nf) of a 86
22 failure when it no longer requires a higher shear stress to given binder appears to be fundamental one (i.e., it is 87
23 maintain or increase the shear strain in the process of independent of loading history). Moreover, they performed 88
24 accumulating damage. the LAS tests on the same sample but at different constant 89
25 Wang et al. (2015a) pointed out that the peak stress does strain-amplitude rates to obtain the relationship between GR 90
26 not define the ultimate failure or damage tolerance since it and Nf of a given binder. Finally, this characteristic 91
27 only indicates the yield threshold of the material under relationship can be incorporated into the S-VECD model by 92
28 93
increasing loading. Recent advances in the S-VECD modeling fitting a power law model between GR and Nf parameter,
29 94
was applied to the LAS data analysis procedure. The which allows for fatigue life prediction of a binder specimen
30 95
framework of the revised LAS test now contains three at any strain amplitude, as shown in Fig. 9.
31 96
32 material-dependent functions, in terms of linear In summary, there are at least four procedures that can be 97
33 viscoelasticity, damage property, and failure mechanism. followed to interpret LAS amplitude sweep results. As illus- 98
34 Time-dependent effect of viscoelasticity (i.e., delayed elastic trate in Table 8, two of these procedures are based on the 99
35 energy) can be separated from damage associated energy by VECD model, with the difference being the binder failure 100
36 replacing physical strain with equivalent pseudo strain. Fig. criterion. The other two procedures are based on the S-VECD 101
37 7 shows the simplified pseudo hysteresis loops representing model and more specifically, one for ranking binders and the 102
38 the damage evolution in LAS tests. The undamaged line other one for binder fatigue life prediction. 103
39 serves as a reference indicating the response of undamaged 104
40 105
binder sample. As loading progresses, damage occurs in the Damage characterization based on fracture properties.
41 106
specimen resulting in the damaged line with reduced Another important approach of characterizing asphalt
42 107
43 stiffness. The area under the undamaged line represents the binders at intermediate temperatures is to employ fracture 108
44 total pseudo strain energy (PSE). For a given loading cycle, mechanics and fracture properties as indicators of binder 109
45 the total PSE can be separated into two parts including the cracking performance. Fig. 10 shows an edge fracture occurs 110
46 released PSE (i.e., area with red lines) of the specimen due to in the DSR sample where a circumferential crack formed at 111
47 damage and the stored PSE (i.e., area with black lines). When 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
Fig. 7 e Schematic representation of undamaged and
65 130
damaged lines. Fig. 8 e PSE based failure analysis.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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14 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
2 67
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9 74
10 75
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13 Fig. 10 e Schematic illustration of edge fracture in a DSR 78
14 sample (Hintz and Bahia, 2013b). 79
15 80
16 Fig. 9 e Fatigue life (Nf) versus applied binder shear strain 81
17 on a log-log scale. 82
18 83
19 tolerance in the ductile state. Gibson et al. (2012) found that 84
20 the CTOD parameter correlated well with FHWA-ALF 85
21 mixture fatigue test results. Of note, the required number of 86
22 the periphery of a sample that propagates inward as loading is replications and the scatter in the analysis were listed as 87
23 applied, effectively reducing sample size (Aboutorabi et al., major drawbacks of the DENT tests. Hesp et al. (2014) 88
24 1998; Hintz and Bahia, 2013a). Based on torsion prediction of employed the DENT test to evaluate seven asphalt binders at 89
25 crack length of DSR specimens, crack growth rate (da/dN) 15  C, and they concluded that the CTOD parameter 90
26 and energy release rate (Gf) were found to correlate with the 91
provided a reasonable measurement of ductility, better than
27 crack length of binder samples. Moreover, a fracture 92
the elongation to failure parameter obtained from the direct
28 mechanics-based analysis framework was developed for 93
tension tests.
29 94
binder fatigue characterization. As a result, fatigue failure Binder fracture energy density (FED), which is the energy
30 95
can be linked to the peak in energy release rate (Gf) and density a binder can tolerate before fracture, is an important
31 96
32 crack growth rate (da/dN), both of which occur at the same property related to binder fatigue resistance. Asphalt binder 97
33 crack length indicating the transition from shallow to deep exhibits ductile behavior at intermediate temperatures, 98
34 crack growth. Furthermore, binder crack growth rate can be making the detection of the fracture plane and the determi- 99
35 analyzed as a function of crack length using LAS testing nation of the binder FED very challenging. In response, Niu et 100
36 results (Hintz and Bahia, 2013b). The crack length at failure, al. (2014) and Yan et al. (2017) developed a binder fracture 101
37 which corresponds to the crack length at the local minimum energy (BFE) test including the specimen preparation and 102
38 in crack growth rate, was recommended as a parameter to 103
the associated data analysis procedure. The BFE specimen
39 rank the relative damage tolerance of asphalt binder at 104
geometry was designed to introduce a sufficient stress
40 105
intermediate temperatures. concentration at the middle section of a specimen where
41 106
Fig. 11 shows the double-edge notched tension (DENT) test fracture is expected, as shown in Fig. 12. The BFE tests were
42 107
developed by Andriescu et al. (2004) to fracture ductile binders performed at a constant displacement rate of 500 mm/min,
43 108
44 at intermediate temperatures. Data interpretation procedure during which, time, force, and displacement data are 109
45 of the DENT test followed the essential work of fracture recorded. The measured force and displacement are then 110
46 method. According to this method, the total energy can be transformed to true stress and true strain in the central 111
47 separated into essential work (i.e., the work necessary for cross-sectional area of the specimen, where fracture occurs 112
48 progression of fracture) and plastic work (i.e., the work by accounting for the change in cross-sectional area during 113
49 necessary for plastic deformation before fracture). Then, the 114
testing. The binder FED is calculated as the area under the
50 essential work divided by the tensile yield stress results in 115
true-stress and true-strain curve until the stress peak.
51 an approximate critical crack tip opening displacement 116
Binder FED was found to be a fundamental material
52 117
(CTOD), which is specified as a measure of binder strain property, independent of testing temperature and loading
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 Table 8 e Different procedures to interpret LAS amplitude sweep results. 122
58 Procedure Failure criterion Strain amplitude Test duration Data analysis 123
59 rate (%/s) (min) 124
60 125
1 35% reduction in G*sind 0.100 5 Viscoelastic continuum
61 126
2 Peak shear stress 0.100 5 damage (VECD)
62 3 Peak stored pseudo strain energy 0.100 5 Simplified viscoelastic
63 4 Peak stored pseudo strain energy and 0.100 5 continuum damage (S-VECD) 128
64 GR-Nf relationship (for fatigue life prediction) 0.050 10 129
65 0.033 15 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 15/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 15

1 contribute to a challenging target to reveal the dynamic 66

2 damage evolution of field pavement materials. Therefore, a 67
3 comprehensive damage modeling framework is expected to 68
4 be established in the near future to cover both the material 69
5 70
properties and environmental impacts from the asphalt
6 71
binder scale.
7 72
8 73
9 Fig. 11 e Schematic of a DENT specimen design (Andriescu 2.2. Mechanism of asphalt modification 74
10 et al., 2004). 75
11 The mechanism of asphalt modification has been a hot topic 76
12 of research in the field of pavement materials engineering. 77
13 Macroscopic performance tests (e.g., DSR, bending beam 78
14 rheometer (BBR)) are able to reverse the effect of modifiers 79
15 rate, as opposed to other binder properties such as stiffness, from the practical application point of view. Microscopic 80
16 failure stress, and failure strain. Moreover, the BFE test detecting methods (e.g., atomic force microscope (AFM), 81
17 successfully differentiated 1) unmodified binders from 82
scanning electron microscope (SEM), fourier transform
18 modified binders, and 2) elastomeric polymer-modified 83
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) can effectively observe the cross-
19 84
binders from non-elastomeric polymer-modified binders linking relationship between asphalt and modifier. Numerical
20 85
(Yan et al., 2015a, 2016). Furthermore, the FED was found to simulation techniques, represented by molecular dynamics
21 86
translate well from binder to mixture such as binders with (MD) methods, are able to elaborate the modification mecha-
22 87
23 higher FED resulted in higher mixture FED values, nism at the molecular level. In this section, the mechanisms 88
24 substantiates the use of binder FED to characterize binder of different modifiers in matrix asphalt will be analyzed from 89
25 cracking performance at intermediate temperatures (Yan et different research scales. 90
26 al., 2017). 91
27 2.2.1. Development of polymer modified asphalt 92
28 2.1.4. Summary and outlook 93
The modification of asphalt binder has a long history. People
29 In this section, the asphalt binder damage characterization, 94
started to modify natural asphalt binder by adding some
30 healing and aging behaviors were systematically reviewed to 95
natural rubber even the generation of refined asphalt binders
31 96
provide a fundamental understanding of pavement perfor- (Isacsson and Lu, 1995)). After the second world war, synthetic
32 97
mance modeling. The characterizing approaches for binder polymers, such as polychloroprene, were widely employed for
33 98
34 healing as well as the various factors that impact the healing asphalt modification (Yildirim, 2007). The commonly used 99
35 performance were briefly summarized. The asphalt binder additives for asphalt modification can be divided into two 100
36 aging mechanisms, simulation methods and application of categories, which are plastomers and thermoplastic 101
37 anti-aging additives were significantly addressed. Finally, the elastomers. The commercial use of plastomers for asphalt 102
38 recent progresses on binder damage modeling by means of modification can be dated back to 1960 (Utracki, 1995). The 103
39 damage and fracture mechanism principles were critically most widely used thermoplastic elastomers, SBS, was first 104
40 reviewed. It should be acknowledged that the binder self- 105
developed and used for asphalt modification in the USA in
41 healing potential itself during the loading rest periods and the 106
1965 (Holden, 1987). As a by-product of isotactic
42 107
aging process due to the environmental effects together polypropylene (IPP) manufacturing, the atactic
43 108
44 polypropylene (APP) was applied to improve the properties 109
45 of roofing asphalt in Italy in 1967 (Johnson, 1987). 110
46 In the 1970s, researchers recognized that the addition of 111
47 polymers could improve some performance of the modified 112
48 asphalt, such as enhance permanent deformation resistance, 113
49 improve cracking resistance and reduce moisture sensitivity 114
50 (Lucas, 1976). Although the poor storage stability of the 115
51 116
elastomers modified asphalt was reported, but the trial
52 117
pavement section paved in 1976 was performed well (Chaffin
53 118
et al., 1978).
54 119
55 With the development of the thin pavement layer in the 120
56 1980s, more and more scholars joined in the research of 121
57 asphalt modification by polymers. Piazza and Verga (1980) 122
58 studied the influence of plastomers and thermoplastic 123
59 elastomers on the performance of modified asphalt. Kraus 124
60 (1982) investigated the modification mechanism of modified 125
61 asphalt by adding elastomers and revealed that the additive 126
62 was swelled in the asphalt. Denning and Carswell (1983) 127
63 128
reported a type of polyethylene (PE) modified asphalt used
64 Fig. 12 e A specimen of the binder fracture energy test 129
for asphalt wearing course, and also mentioned its
65 130
before and after fracture (Yan et al., 2017). drawbacks such as phase separation, higher manufacturing

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 16/185

16 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 and compacting temperatures. Due to the performance respect to thermoplastic elastomers, they can resist cracking 66
2 enhancement of modified asphalt, Bowering (1984) claimed by stretching under traffic or thermal load and are able to 67
3 that the price increase of polymer modified asphalt might be resist permanent deformation due to their elastic recovery 68
4 outweighed by the thickness reduction and service life behavior. Because of the above advantages, plastics are widely 69
5 70
extension of asphalt pavement. In 1987, the implementation used to modify asphalt (Zhu et al., 2014a).
6 71
of the strategic highway research program (SHRP) promoted The most popular thermoplastic elastomers used for
7 72
the development and popularization of polymer modified asphalt binder modification are SBS copolymers. SBS co-
8 73
9 asphalt by establishing an evaluation system of asphalt polymers are composed of styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock 74
10 performance based on rheological properties. Reese and chains with a biphasic morphology of rigid polystyrene (PS) 75
11 Predoehl (1989) mentioned the good ageing and cracking domains (dispersed phase) in the flexible polybutadiene (PB) 76
12 resistance of polymer modified asphalt trial pavement matrix (continuous phase), as shown in Fig. 13 (Zhu et al., 77
13 section served after two years in California. 2014). Masson et al. (2003) revealed that once SBS polymer is 78
14 In the 1990s, many countries were involved in the inves- incorporated into asphalt binder, PB blocks interact with 79
15 tigation and utilization of polymer modified asphalt (Isacsson positively charged groups through p-electrons and PS blocks 80
16 and Lu, 1995). Shin et al. (1996) characterized the mechanical interact with electron-rich groups through aromatic protons. 81
17 82
performance, temperature sensitivity, thermal resistance, The intermolecular interactions between asphalt and PB
18 83
storage stability and ageing resistance of different polymer blocks are stronger than those with PS blocks. Airey (2003)
19 84
20 modified asphalt and revealed the advantages and reported that SBS copolymers absorb light components of 85
21 disadvantages of different polymer modified asphalt. Stock asphalt, which resulted in the PS blocks swelling and the 86
22 and Arand (1993) concluded the improved properties of asphalt hardening. Once ideal dosages of SBS copolymers 87
23 asphalt after polymer modification, and mentioned that the are mixed with asphalt binder, the modified asphalt binder 88
24 SBS modified asphalt behaved better elastic recovery, can form a rubbery supporting network which in turn 89
25 cracking resistance and rutting resistance. However, some enhanced binder performance, such as increased complex 90
26 drawbacks of SBS modified asphalt such as the thermal modulus and viscosity, improved elastic response and 91
27 instability and phase separation have also attracted enough cracking resistance (Chen et al., 2002). 92
28 93
attention (Lu et al., 1999). Giavarini et al. (1996) investigated As for plastomers, various polyolefin materials, such as
29 94
the influence of polyphosphoric acid (PPA) on the properties high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene
30 95
of polymer modified asphalt and found that the addition of (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), were
31 96
32 PPA could improve the storage stability of polymer modified employed as additives to modify asphalt. Once polyolefin 97
33 asphalt by changing the asphalt structure from sol to gel. materials mixed with asphalt, they are normally swollen by 98
34 Over the last two decades, the polymer modified asphalt absorbing light components of asphalt to form a biphasic 99
35 has experienced rapid development. The mechanism of structure (Pe rez-Lepe et al., 2006). As the polyolefin reached to 100
36 polymer modified asphalt experienced deep research. Zhu et the ideal concentration, two interlocked continuous phases 101
37 al. (2018b) investigated the microstructure of polymer- were formed in the modified asphalt and resulted in 102
38 modified asphalt by using two-dimensional fast Fourier improved stiffness and rutting resistance (Polacco et al., 103
39 transform (2D-FFT), with the area fraction of polymer-rich 2005). Another category of plastomers used for asphalt 104
40 105
phase was quantitatively evaluated and the phase binder modification are ethylene copolymers, such as
41 106
separation process characterized. In addition, mechanisms Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and Ethylene-butyl acrylate
42 107
43 of dynamic response, deformation resistance, cracking and (EBA) (Sengoz et al., 2009). The EVA has short branches of 108
44 fatigue of different polymer modified asphalt were polar acetate groups, which reduced the crystallization 109
45 investigated (Gonza  lez et al., 2016; Sengoz and Isikyakar, degree and increased the polarity of the polymer, and is 110
46 2008). The performance of polymer modified asphalt was considered to be able to improve the storage stability of 111
47 improved with some disadvantages overcome. There are modified asphalt (Polacco et al., 2006). During modification, 112
48 many composite modified asphalt investigated by the light components of asphalt usually swell the EVA 113
49 incorporating different modifiers to improve parameters copolymers. With the increase of EVA dosage, the modified 114
50 such as high-temperature deformation, cracking resistance, asphalt will form interlocked continuous phases and 115
51 116
ageing resistance and storage stability (Yao et al., 2018b; improve the asphalt properties to a large extent. It is noticed
52 117
Zhang et al., 2018k; Zhu et al., 2014a). that, due to the plastomer nature of EVA, the asphalt binder
53 118
modified by EVA seems difficult to result in obvious increase
54 119
55 Strength formation of modified asphalt. With the of elastic recovery (Isacsson and Lu, 1995). 120
56 development of modified asphalt binder, more and more 121
57 polymer products were used as additives to modify asphalt Modification mechanism by molecular dynamics 122
58 binder. Recently, the polymer products used for asphalt simulation. Modifiers are an important way to help improve 123
59 modification can be classified into two categories, which are the performance of asphalt. Typically, rheological indicators 124
60 plastomers and thermoplastic elastomers. Due to the limited and asphalt mixture properties are direct or indirect methods 125
61 elastic component of plastomers, the addition of them of evaluating the value of modified asphalt for engineering 126
62 improved the modulus of related modified asphalt and has a applications. The advantage of this approach is that it is ori- 127
63 128
positive effect on the permanent deformation resistance. ented towards engineering applications and is more relevant
64 129
However, asphalt binders modified by plastomers are prone to to real needs. However, macroscopic test methods suffer from
65 130
brittle failure and limited their use at low temperatures. With the general shortcoming of not being able to explain the

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 17/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 17

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21 86
22 87
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26 91
27 Fig. 13 e Structure of SBS and schematic illustration of reversible crosslinks in SBS (Zhu et al., 2014a). 92
28 93
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30 95
31 96
32 principles by which the modifier exerts its positive effect. As a modifiers, Easphalt and Emodifier are the potential energy of 97
33 research method on the atomic scale, MD simulations have asphalt and modifiers, respectively. 98
34 99
become an important method to remedy the aforementioned
35 100
shortcomings. The relationship between microstructure and properties
36 101
The modifiers were constructed and investigate in MD of asphalt. Studies have shown that properties of asphalt are 102
38 simulations, such as polymers (SBS, SBR) (Ding et al., 2015; Sun related to the microstructure which includes element 103
39 et al., 2016), carbon nanomaterials (Yao et al., 2017, 2018a), composition, functional group distribution and microstruc- 104
40 nano-oxides (Long et al., 2021; Su et al., 2020b), rejuvenators  et al., 2009; Delgadillo et al., 2006;
ture phase state (Barre 105
41 (Ding et al., 2016, 2021), and paraffin (Qu et al., 2018b). Based Redelius and Soenen, 2015). However, limited effective 106
42 on MD simulations, solubility parameters (shown in Eq. (6)) conclusions on the relationship between the microstructure 107
43 and interaction energy (shown in Eq. (7)) indicators are and the properties of asphalt were drawn by experimental 108
44 proposed as a basis for evaluating the compatibility between methods due to the complexity of asphalt component 109
45 the modifier and matrix asphalt. Guo et al. (2020b) evaluated composition. 110
46 111
the compatibility stability of rubber-modified asphalt by Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been introduced
47 112
solubility parameter at different rubber contents. Using the into the study of asphalt because it can connect microscopic
48 113
49 same evaluation index, Ren et al. (2020a) analysed the dynamics to macroscopic properties. MD simulation was 114
50 compatibility of phase change microcapsules (melamine conducted for investigations on asphaltene molecular motion 115
51 formaldehyde) with asphalt components and investigated and accumulation characteristics (Greenfield, 2011), the 116
52 the effect of temperature and content on their compatibility interaction between polymer modifiers and asphalt (Cao et 117
53 stability. Expanded by the adhesion work calculation al., 2021; Tang et al., 2014), the effect of regenerant on 118
54 method, Long et al. (2021) used the interaction energy to asphalt microstructure (Wang et al., 2013), the analysis of 119
55 evaluate the interaction strength between matrix asphalt microstructure phase composition of asphalt honeycomb 120
56 and nanosilica to reflect the compatibility. structure (Wang et al., 2016a), the compatibility of modifier 121
57 122
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi and asphalt (Lyu et al., 2017a; Yuan et al., 2019),
58 d ¼ CED (6) 123
thermodynamic properties of asphalt (Qiu et al., 2020a, b; Qu
59 124
et al., 2018a) and so on.
60 where CED is the cohesive energy density. 125
61 Study on MD simulation focuses on molecular structure 126
62 Einteraction ¼ Etotal  Easphalt þ Emodifier (7) and intermolecular action of asphalt that has been widely 127
63 where Einteraction is the interaction energy of asphalt and
applied to the investigation of various microscopic mecha- 128
64 nism. However, current MD simulation technology cannot 129
modifiers, Etotal is the total potential energy of asphalt and
65 reach a full understanding of the relationship between the 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 18/185

18 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 microstructure and macroscopic properties of asphalt. This Molecular model of asphalt. For the construction of 66
2 is expected as asphalt microstructure is simplified to a asphalt molecular models, the main design methods include 67
3 certain extent by MD simulation so that the simulation re- the asphalt average molecular models and multi-components 68
4 sults cannot use the existing conventional experimental asphalt models from previous literature. 69
5 70
methods for accuracy verification. On the other hand, The average molecular model of asphalt is based on nu-
6 71
although asphalt model composed of 12 types of molecules clear magnetic resonance (NMR), FTIR and E-M-D methods to
7 72
have been proposed (Li and Greenfield, 2014a), the obtain the average structure of asphalt molecules and to
8 73
9 molecular number of the current model still cannot reach establish a molecular model (Wang et al., 2020d). Jennings et 74
10 the scale of forming a represented asphalt molecular al. (1993) proposed 8 average molecular structures with the 75
11 system. help of NMR. Pauli et al. (2005) supported the reliability of 76
12 the SHRP average molecular model in terms of density, 77
13 2.2.2. Application of the MD simulation refractive index and surface tension. Cong et al. (2005, 2007) 78
14 The molecular structure and motion can be effectively used the E-M-D method to study the molecular structure of 79
15 investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. There- Liaoshu asphalt and constructed the corresponding average 80
16 fore, MD simulation was applied to evaluate the physical and 81
molecular model to simulate the process of SBS-modified
17 82
chemical properties of asphalt. The asphalt molecular model asphalt; Sun et al. (2018b) established four types of average
18 83
widely adopted has been proposed in recent years, which laid molecular structure models of asphalt (represent PEN 20, 50,
19 84
20 the foundation for the research of asphalt MD system (Zhang 70, and 100), which were used to investigate the self-heal 85
21 and Greenfield, 2007b, 2007c, 2010). Currently, the application mechanism of asphalt. Their results showed that the 86
22 of MD in the research of asphalt mainly focuses on asphalt healing process of asphalt is closely related to temperature, 87
23 modification mechanism (Cao et al., 2021; Su et al., 2020b), and that asphalt in the optimum temperature range has the 88
24 adhesion (Xu and Wang, 2016a, b), rejuvenation and fastest healing rate. Gong et al. (2021) also used average 89
25 diffusion (Zadshir et al., 2018), aging mechanism (Ding et al., molecular models to investigate the change in adhesion 90
26 2019a; Xu and Wang, 2017), self-healing (He et al., 2020) and strength at the asphalt/aggregate interface under the 91
27 so on. combined effect of temperature-moisture, as shown in Fig. 14. 92
28 93
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33 98
34 99
35 100
36 101
37 102
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44 109
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48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
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55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
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61 126
62 Fig. 14 e Average molecular model of asphalt. (a) Represent PEN 50. (b) Represent PEN 70. (c) Represent PEN 90 (Gong et al., 127
63 128
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 19

1 The advantages of this simulation approach are that the Continuously twisted side chains interact with the ben- 66
2 virtual models correlate well with the real molecules of zene ring structure, which in turn generates repulsive 67
3 asphalt, and the elemental composition fits well. However, the dispersion forces. Thus, the pentane effect was proposed by Li 68
4 structures of molecular models are significantly different and Greenfield (2014a). On the basis of Mullins (2010), Li and 69
5 70
from the real situation Information on the interaction be- Greenfield (2014a) shifted the position of the side chains to
6 71
tween different components (e.g., asphaltenes, resin, etc.) achieve the goal of reducing the internal energy of the
7 72
were not available. Therefore, in order to better demonstrate molecular structure.
8 73
9 the interactions between the various components of asphalt The work of Li and Greenfield (2011, 2014a) was to resolve 74
10 and to reflect the diversity within the molecular structure of the pentane effect presented in the asphalt molecular 75
11 asphalt, the multi-components asphalt models have emerged structure, avoiding non-normal high energy structures. The 76
12 as the most commonly used simulation approach today. The electronic arrangement of the FAR region of the molecule 77
13 multi-components asphalt models based on three-fractions or was then not fully optimized (Martı́n-Martı́nez et al., 2015). 78
14 four-fractions (SARA method) has been proposed. In the basis In particular, for the formation of asphaltene nano-stacking, 79
15 of SARA fractions, the asphalt is divided into saturate, aro- electronic alignment optimization is crucial. Martı́n- 80
16 matic, resin and asphaltene. For each fraction, the appropriate Martı́nez et al. (2015) completed the optimization of the п- 81
17 82
molecular structures are constructed based on the results of electron arrangement in the core of polycyclic aromatic
18 83
the chemical analysis. The multi-components asphalt models hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the minimization of geometric
19 84
20 constructed by three-fractions method is a simplified treat- strain within the asphaltene structure. 85
21 ment of the previous description. This route can speed up the Compared to the asphaltene fraction, other fractions (e.g., 86
22 simulation process. However, it is inferior to the aforemen- resin, saturate, aromatic, etc.), are screened using molecular 87
23 tioned method in terms of simulation reliability and extrap- structures with a considerable degree of concentration. In 88
24 olation of results. earlier studies, the non-asphaltene fractions of the asphalt 89
25 For asphalt, asphaltene is the larger relative molecular model did not strictly follow SARA theory. Three-components 90
26 weight and more polar component of the entire asphalt mol- asphalt models, which are consisted of asphaltene, resin, and 91
27 ecules. However, the internal molecular structure of asphal- maltene (or saturate), constructed by Zhang and Greenfield 92
28 93
tenes is extremely complex, and it is impossible to completely (2007a, b). 1, 7-dimethylnaphthalene and liner n-C22 are
29 94
and accurately portray the molecular structure of asphaltenes chosen to represent resin and saturate, as shown in Fig. 15.
30 95
by means of an asphaltene molecular structure model (Rogel, In the simulation studies published in recent years, many
31 96
32 1995). Therefore, a suitable simplification of the asphaltene researchers have postulated the polar aromatics and naph- 97
33 molecular structure is an important way to accelerate the thene aromatics molecules in Li and Greenfield (2014a) study 98
34 simulation progress, while satisfying the required as resin and aromatic fractions in SARA theory, respectively 99
35 simulation accuracy. (Ding et al., 2021; Du et al., 2021c; Long et al., 2021; Xu et al., 100
36 Dozens of asphaltene molecular models have been pro- 2021c; Yang et al., 2021c). Wang et al. (2015), Zhang and 101
37 posed. These asphaltene molecular models can be divided into Greenfield (2007b, 2010) screened different structures of 102
38 two main categories: condensed aromatic cluster models and saturate, aromatic and resin fractions from various oil 103
39 bridged aromatic models. The condensed aromatic cluster sources. Ding et al. (2018) construction of four different resin 104
40 105
model was mainly obtained by Groenzin and Mullins (2000) structures contained heteroatoms (i.e., resin-N, resin-S,
41 106
based on spectroscopic results. This molecular structure resin-1, resin-2).
42 107
43 assumes that the asphaltene center is linked by a cluster of 108
44 benzene rings and saturated side chains surround it. Rogel Molecular configuration of asphalt. A large number of 109
45 (1995, 2000), Rogel and Carbognani (2003), Storm et al. (1994), aromatic rings result in the molecular aggregation, which 110
46 Takanohashi et al. (2003a, b), Mullins (2010), and Li and makes molecules prone to form a colloidal structure for 111
47 Greenfield (2011, 2014a, 2014b) have also adopted this asphalt (Pacheco-Sa  nchez et al., 2004). Currently, some 112
48 approach of asphaltene construction. There are then relevant conclusions have been drawn on the morphology of asphalt 113
49 thermal decomposition reaction results that do not match molecular aggregation (Canny, 1986; Zanganeh et al., 2012). 114
50 such models, and in particular, the mass evolution patterns Researchers have introduced the MD simulation method 115
51 116
of volatiles are not consistent. Speight and Dekker (1991) and into the evaluation of the characteristics of the
52 117
Murgich et al. (1999) proposed a bridged aromatic model intermolecular aggregation state of asphalt and each
53 118
based on the results of thermal decomposition and oxidation. component with radial distribution function. The results
54 119
55 This kind model is based on multiple dispersed and low showed that the variation of aggregation state was affected 120
56 molecular weight aromatic core components connected to by p-p effect, temperature, and the intermolecular distance 121
57 each other by the reaction bridge. Wiehe (1994) used the same (Tang et al., 2013). The aggregation structure formed due to 122
58 chemical structure to describe asphaltenes in residues. Artok the parallel stacking of molecules which contains aromatic 123
59 et al. (1999) constructed a similar bridged asphaltene model. ring structure allows p-p interaction to happen between 124
60 Although the constructed asphalt molecular structure is asphaltene molecules, while the heteroatomic functional 125
61 closer to the real structure in terms of elemental ratio, group forms the hydrogen bond between molecules. 126
62 chemical bonding and other indicators, the real reliability of Therefore, asphaltene tends to form supramolecular 127
63 128
the asphalt molecule is still one of the research issues that aggregates as for aromatic ring stacking effect and hydrogen
64 129
needs to be paid attention to. bonding.
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 20/185

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Fig. 15 e 12-components model of asphalt (Huang et al., 2019; Li and Greenfield, 2014a).
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28 93
Asphaltene molecules are prone to form aggregate struc- asphalt. Researchers suggest that there is a correlation be-
29 94
ture in the solution due to the interactions between mole- tween the chemical structure of asphalt and the self-healing
30 95
31 cules, including Van der Waal, p-p accumulation, hydrogen- property of asphalt. Bhasin et al. (2011a) introduced MD 96
32 bonding interaction, charge transfer, acid-base and electro- simulation into the analysis of asphalt self-healing 97
33 static interaction (Gray et al., 2011; Murgich, 2002). The mechanism, in which the self-healing process occurred at 98
34 aggregation of asphalt molecules can be investigated by both the interface of crack was quantified using a self-diffusion 99
35 theoretical simulation and experimental methods. The MD coefficient determined by creating the molecular cracking 100
36 simulation method was used to explore the factors affecting model of asphalt. The feasibility of using molecular 101
37 the formation of asphaltene molecular aggregates from simulation to investigate the relationship among molecular 102
38 variations on molecular configuration and energy as well as characteristics, self-healing mechanism and molecular 103
39 104
electron distribution, so as to explore the effect of diffusion parameters was explored. He et al. (2020)
40 105
intermolecular interaction on the aggregation state of introduced a four-component model into the study of self-
41 106
asphaltene molecules (Cai et al., 2019; Ren et al., 2019). healing property of asphalt, concluding that the
42 107
43 Molecular dynamics (Juyal et al., 2005) and the combination compression of asphalt volume and the stretching of the 108
44 with quantum mechanics (Ren et al., 2019) were applied to asphalt molecules are responsible for the disappearance of 109
45 investigate the nature of intermolecular interactions. vacuum micro-cracks inside the asphalt model. The 110
46 Although relevant research has been carried out, there are diffusion coefficient of asphaltene molecules is the lowest in 111
47 still no widely acceptable conclusions on the decisive factors the self-healing process, and the diffusion coefficient of the 112
48 of asphalt molecular aggregation. Some researchers suggest saturated molecules is the highest. 113
49 that p-p stacking is the first motivation for the aggregation of The influencing factors of self-healing performance of 114
50 asphaltene molecules (Dickie and Yen, 2002). However, some asphalt binder can be divided into internal and external con- 115
51 116
researchers also conclude that the aggregation structure is ditions. In terms of internal factors, the influence of polymer
52 117
formed due to the joint effect of p-p stacking and hydrogen modifiers, such as crumb rubber modifier (CRM) and rejuve-
53 118
54 bond between heteroatomic functional groups (Juyal et al., nator, on the self-healing property of asphalt was investigated 119
55 2005), or by the polymerization reaction, acid-base by using MD simulation method. Hu et al. (2020a) calculated 120
56 interaction, electrostatic interaction and other effects (Al- the thermodynamic parameters of crumb rubber modified 121
57 Sahhaf et al., 2002; Junior et al., 2006). MD simulation was asphalt (CRMA) using a four components model, which 122
58 also applied to explore the formation and dissociation of concludes that the self-healing capability of CRMA decreases 123
59 asphaltene molecular aggregation (Cai et al., 2020), as shown as the rubber content increases. Gao and Liu (2019) used 124
60 in Fig. 16. Wool-O'Connor model to calculate the influence of bio-oil on 125
61 the self-healing property of asphalt to explore the best 126
62 127 Self-healing behaviour. Self-healing is essentially a healing temperature and time of bio-oil recycled asphalt.
63 128
process of molecular diffusion, which can spontaneously heal In terms of external factors, the influence of factors
64 129
the internal micro-cracks and restore fatigue damage for including temperature and cracking width on the self-healing
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 21/185

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22 Fig. 16 e Asphalt micro-structure. (a) Yen-Mullins model. (b) Gray model. 87
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28 performance of asphalt was studied by MD simulation. Sun et macroscopic mechanical testing can explain the microscopic 93
29 al. (2018b) combined MD simulation with differential scanning mechanisms of asphalt ageing. MD simulations are a good 94
30 95
calorimeter (DSC) test to investigate the influence of combination of the two, inheriting the accuracy of instru-
31 96
temperature on the self-healing property of four asphalt mental analysis and correlating it with macroscopic me-
32 97
binders. High temperature is conducive to self-diffusion chanical tests, while at the same time being cost-effective
33 98
34 process of the binder and provides energy for rapid (Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and 99
35 molecular motion. The self-healing capability of asphalt is Transport, 2020). 100
36 improved in phase transition (PT) temperature. Shen et al. As far as the available literature is concerned, MD simu- 101
37 (2016) developed asphalt model with different cracking lations are mainly focused on the category of thermal-oxida- 102
38 width to explore the variation of the self-healing behavior tive ageing. The mainstream thermal-oxidative ageing asphalt 103
39 with time which concludes that the cracking width is the models can be characterized in two approaches, one by 104
40 key factor affecting the self-healing ability of asphalt. The adjusting the specific weight ratio of the asphaltene fraction 105
41 self-healing test under different conditions is summanized (Ding et al., 2016) to approximately match the heavy 106
42 107
in Table 9. asphaltene content of the real ageing asphalt (Table 10).
43 108
However, such ageing simulations fail to take into account
44 109
45 Aging mechanism. The ageing of asphalt is an the transformation of functional groups and the 110
46 important factor influencing the long-term durability of volatilization of lighter components during ageing process. 111
47 pavement in service. Neither precise chemical analysis, nor Therefore, Yao et al. (2017), Xu and Wang (2017) and Qu et 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 Table 9 e Summary of self-healing test under different conditions. 117
53 118
Reference Measure of self-healing capability The effect of different factors
54 119
55 He et al., 2020 Wetting time, work of cohesion and diffusivity The self-healing capability of asphalt binder decreases as the rubber 120
56 content increases. 121
57 Gao and Liu, 2019 Wool-O'Connor model The best healing temperature and time of BRA: 60  C, 30 min 122
Ea 0:25
58 IðT; tÞ ¼ I0 þ K exp  t 123
59 124
Sun et al., 2018b jG* jhealing  jG* jterminal The optimal healing temperature: 40.3  C-48.7  C.
60 HI ¼ 125
jG* jinitial  jG* jterminal
61 126
Shen et al., 2016 The mean square displacement (MSD) Higher temperature results in higher diffusivity of molecules and
62 127
higher healing rate, and asphalt heals faster when the width of crack is
63 128
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 22/185

22 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 10 e The fractions weight ratio of aged asphalt (%).
2 67
3 Reference Asphaltene Resin Saturate Aromatic 68
4 Pan et al., 2016 16.90 31.10 9.90 38.00 69
5 Xu and Wang, 2017 17.70 39.60 10.30 32.40 70
6 Xu and Wang, 2017; Xu et al., 2019a (short-term aged) 15.20 29.60 17.20 38.00 71
7 Xu and Wang, 2017; Xu et al., 2019a (long-term aged) 17.80 41.30 13.00 27.90 72
8 Qu et al., 2018a (short-term aged) 17.87/20.71 33.98/40.18 13.45/11.63 34.69/27.48 73
9 Qu et al., 2018a (long-term aged) 21.58/22.85 14.85/14.06 33.35/32.20 30.22/30.89 74
10 Xu et al., 2018 16.94 37.98 9.90 31.08 75
11 Sun and Wang, 2019 (short-term aged) 17.20 40.80 10.70 31.30 76
12 Sun and Wang, 2019 (long-term aged) 17.70 39.60 10.30 32.40 77
13 Ding et al., 2021 23.60 29.30 14.50 32.60 78
14 Long et al., 2021 17.10 41.40 10.00 31.50 79
15 80
16 81
17 al. (2018) used an alternative oxidation modeling approach where ga is surface free energy, Efilm and Ebulk are the potential 82
18 83
based on the results of the chemical analysis of the energy of the confined asphalt layer and bulk asphalt,
19 84
functional groups of aged asphalt, i.e., artificially modified or respectively, A is the contact area of asphalt-aggregate.
20 85
21 added aged functional groups (e.g., sulfoxide groups, ketone The adhesion work is a direct indicator and method for 86
22 groups, etc.) at chemical sites prone to oxidation (Pan and investigating the adhesion of asphalt. In essence, it is a 87
23 Tarefder, 2016). Based on the aforementioned ageing asphalt measure method of energy required to remove the asphalt 88
24 construction, Fallaha et al. (2019) focused on the from the aggregate surface. High adhesion work at the 89
25 construction of a molecular model of asphalt under PAV asphalt-aggregate interface indicates good adhesion of 90
26 ageing conditions and evaluated the model in terms of asphalt and good durability of the asphalt mixture. The work 91
27 density, bulk modulus, viscosity and glass transition of adhesion is usually calculated by Eqs. (8)-(10) (Cui et al., 92
28 temperature. Xu and Wang (2017) investigated the effect of 2020a; Ding et al., 2020; Gong et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2020d; 93
29 94
ageing behavior on the adhesion of asphalt. Qu et al. (2018) Long et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020; Sun and Wang, 2020a; Xu
30 95
combined the molecular model of asphalt in different ageing and Wang, 2016b; Xu et al., 2020b, 2021c) . It is important to
31 96
states to reveal the microscopic mechanism of ageing note that a negative value of the work of adhesion does not
32 97
33 leading to hardening. Ding et al. (2021) investigated the mean that the asphalt is less adherent. Absolute values 98
34 blending of virgin-aged asphalt by bio-rejuvenators. should be used as the basis for adhesion analysis. Moisture 99
35 is a major factor to water damage in asphalt pavements. 100
36 Adhesion mechanism. The adhesion mechanism be- Moisture is incorporated into Eqs. (9) and (10) and is 101
37 tween asphalt and aggregate has been an research area where rewritten as Eq. (11) (Cui et al., 2020a; Gao et al., 2018b; Liu 102
38 MD simulation and pavement engineering have been cross et al., 2020d; Long et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2020; Sun and 103
39 applied. The ageing state of the asphalt, the atomic arrange- Wang, 2020a; Xu and Wang, 2016b; Xu et al., 2020b, 2021c). 104
40 ment of the aggregate surface, moisture and temperature are The energy changes on the moisture-asphalt contact 105
41 106
all important factors influencing the adhesion strength. surface and on the moisture-aggregate surface must be
42 107
Recent research has shown that surface energy, microscopic taken into account (DEinter_aw and DEinter_agw in Eq. (11)). This
43 108
44 work of adhesion and stress curves are the main calculations is the main reason for the reduction in interfacial adhesion 109
45 used to evaluate microscopic adhesion strength. strength. Gong et al. (2021) evaluated directly the decrease 110
46 Theoretically, surface free energy is defined as the energy in adhesion due to moisture in terms of the adhesion 111
47 required to create a new surface of a material. The essence of degradation ratio (Dadhesion in Eq. (12)). The interfacial stress 112
48 surface energy is the breaking of chemical bonds and the curve is direct evidence of the dynamic adhesion of the 113
49 optimal arrangement of atoms on the surface. The applica- asphalt. As the asphalt is stretched, a peak in interfacial 114
50 tion of surface free energy is mainly focused on the state stress is recorded (i.e., the maximum adhesion strength). 115
51 transition of asphalt. In fact, the surface free energy of ag- The maximum adhesion strength is the most important 116
52 117
gregates is also a factor influencing adhesion. From the point parameter obtained from the asphalt dynamic peeling
53 118
of view of the contact surface, the surface free energy is the process. A strongly adherent asphalt necessarily has a
54 119
basis for the evaluation of interfacial compatibility in higher maximum adhesion strength. In the MD simulation,
55 120
56 asphalt-aggregate systems (Bhasin et al., 2007). Eq. (8) is used the interfacial stress is calculated in each frame (based on 121
57 to calculate the surface free energy of the asphalt system (Cui Eq. (13)) (Ramezani and Rickgauer, 2020; Shishehbor et al., 122
58 et al., 2020a; Wu et al., 2020b; Xu and Wang, 2016b). The 2018; Wang et al., 2017). 123
59 transition from the bulk system to the confined system of 124
60 the asphalt system is used for the calculation of the surface Wadhesion ¼ (9) 125
61 A 126
free energy.
62   127
63 Efilm  Ebulk DEinter_aag ¼ Etotal  Easp þ Eagg (10) 128
ga ¼ (8)
64 2A 129
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 23/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 23

1 where Wadhesion is the work of adhesion when asphalt is temperature. However, the increase of diffusion coefficient 66
2 separated from aggregate surface, DEinter_aag is the potential gradually tends to flatten when the temperature reaches a 67
3 energy of asphalt-aggregate interface, Etotal is the potential certain level due to the volatilization of rejuvenator (Cui et al., 68
4 energy of asphalt-aggregate system, Easp and Eagg are the po- 2020a). 69
5 70
tential energy of individual asphalt and individual aggregate MD simulation can establish the layered models of virgin
6 71
surface, respectively. and aged asphalt to analyze the diffusion behavior by calcu-
7 72
lating the diffusion coefficient of two asphalts. The diffusion
8 DEinter_aw þ DEinter_agw  DEinter_aag 73
9 Wdebonding_water ¼ (11) coefficient of binders is not only determined by the diffusion 74
10 ability itself, but also influenced by the properties of the 75
11 where Wdebonding_water is the work of adhesion in asphalt- diffusion acceptor for an inter-diffusion model of virgin and 76
12 aggregate interface considering the effect of moisture intru- aged binders (Ding et al., 2016). 77
13 sion, Einter_aw is the potential energy of asphalt-water system, The double-layered mutual diffusion system was applied 78
14 Einter_agw and Einter_aag are the potential energy of aggregate- to study the relationship between the regenerators and the 79
15 water system and asphalt-aggregate system, respectively. diffusion of virgin and aged asphalt. The regulation effect of 80
16 rejuvenators on the compatibility of aged and virgin asphalt 81
17 Wadhesiondry  Wadhesionwet 82
Dadhesion ¼ (12) was further analyzed using a mutual-diffusion coefficients. In
18 Wadhesiondry 83
the absence of rejuvenators, the mixing process of virgin and
19 84
where Dadhesion is the debonding ratio of adhesion strength by aged asphalt is slow due to the self-aggregation of aged
20 85
21 the effect of moisture, Wadhesiondry is the work of adhesion in asphaltene. The miscible effect is remarkably boosted when 86
22 asphalt-aggregate system without moisture, Wadhesionwet is rejuvenators are incorporated to the inter-diffusion system, 87
23 the work of adhesion in asphalt-aggregate system after and the diffusion coefficient of each component has been 88
24 moisture intrusion into the interface. considerably improved (Liu et al., 2021c). The radial 89
25 distribution functions of asphaltene, resin, and aromatic 90
26 F 91
sadhesion ¼ (13) pairs show that the diffusion of rejuvenator promotes the
27 A 92
molecular structures of aged asphalt more similar to that of
28 where sadhesion is the interface stress of asphalt and aggregate 93
virgin asphalt (Xu and Wang, 2018), as shown in Fig. 17 and
29 surface, F is the vertical traction force. 94
Table 11.
30 95
31 Diffusion behaviour. Diffusion is a microscopic and 96
32 2.2.3. Summary and outlook 97
slow dynamic process, which is difficult to be characterized by Refinement of the asphalt-aggregate interface model con-
33 98
experimental methods. MD simulations provide capability to
34 tinues to be the focus of research in molecular dynamics 99
35 investigate the diffusion behavior of asphalt since MD simu- simulation. The failure mechanism of interfacial adhesion of 100
36 lation method focuses on the basic forces between molecules, asphalt-aggregate is analyzed under the coupling of environ- 101
37 which can describe the motion of molecules under the action mental factors such as moisture and temperature. In addition, 102
38 of force field and electric field. It was found that oxidative the effect of traffic loading can be incorporated into the 103
39 aging affects the thermodynamic properties of asphalt, and interfacial adhesion model to establish the microscopic 104
40 the rejuvenator could restore the properties of aged asphalt to 105
adhesion failure process with the effect of loading.
41 a certain level (Xu and Wang, 2018). The effects of three 106
Based on the results of the chemical analysis, the propor-
42 modifiers (one petroleum-based and two bio-based) on the 107
43 tion of SARA fractions in MD simulation is optimized. Struc- 108
properties of an aged asphalt were investigated by both tural optimization of existing asphalt molecules in
44 109
experimental and simulation methods, which shows that combination with quantum mechanics methods is the basis
45 110
the rejuvenators can effectively reduce the viscosity and
46 for subsequent MD simulation applications. A reasonable 111
47 stiffness of aged asphalt (Zadshir et al., 2018). asphalt molecular structure, whether it is the average mo- 112
48 The influence of solubility parameters and interaction en- lecular model or multi-components molecular models, should 113
49 ergy of aged asphalt on the diffusion rate were analyzed by be consistent with the real asphalt in terms of physical or 114
50 MD simulation. Research indicates that aromatics can pro- chemical indicators. 115
51 mote the compatibility between virgin and aged asphalt 116
The diffusion coefficient is a central indicator in the
52 (Zhang et al., 2010a,b,c). Sun and Wang (2020b) found that the 117
investigation of asphalt self-healing and rejuvenator diffu-
53 diffusion coefficient is affected by the chemical structure of 118
sivity. In fact, molecular dynamics simulation system for
54 rejuvenator. The diffusion rate of naphthenic aromatic 119
55 asphalt self-healing that includes the coupling of microscopic 120
hydrocarbon is larger than that of saturated rejuvenators. cracking, moisture, temperature and regenerant is the next
56 121
The factors including aging degree, grade, porosity and
57 step in this research. 122
58 temperature can influence the diffusion behavior of asphalt 123
59 and rejuvenator. MD simulation was used to calculate the 2.3. Modeling and application of crumb rubber modified 124
60 diffusion coefficient of rejuvenator in asphalt with different asphalt 125
61 aging degrees, which found that rejuvenators have a larger 126
62 diffusion coefficient in a long-term aged asphalt and a lower Recycling end-of-life tire rubber as asphalt modifier is known 127
63 diffusion coefficient in a short-term aged asphalt (Xiao et al., 128
as a sustainable paving technology with merits including
64 2017a,b). The diffusion coefficient based on MD simulation 129
enhanced pavement durability, waste tire consumption and
65 shows that the diffusion coefficient increases gradually with 130
noise reduction. The waste tires, from either passenger cars or

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 24/185

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27 Fig. 17 e Diffusion coefficient calculation of asphalt. 92
28 93
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32 trucks, are shredded into small particles, which are labeled as fillers while the wet process refers to the method that modifies 97
33 crumb rubber modifier (CRM) in pavement engineering field. asphalt with CRM first, making the modified binder well 98
34 To incorporate CRM into asphalt mixtures, two major pro- blended and then mix with aggregates and mineral fillers. In 99
35 cesses have been developed, namely the dry process and the recent decades, successful application of rubberized asphalt 100
36 wet process. The dry process defines method that adds CRM pavement, with either dry or wet process, have been reported 101
37 directly into asphalt mixture to replace part of aggregates or in different countries and regions. In this section, the recent 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
Table 11 e Summary of diffusion test under different conditions.
41 106
42 Reference Research object Effect of different factors 107
43 Xu et al., 2018b Rejuvenator and RAP binder Restore thermodynamic properties to those of virgin 108
44 binder to a certain extent. 109
45 Zadshir et al., 2018 Three modifiers (petroleum-based and bio-based) Reduce large molecular size ratio of asphalt. 110
46 and oxidized asphalt binder 111
47 Zhang and Greenfield, 2010 Rejuvenator components and aged asphalt The higher the content of aromatics, the better the 112
48 improvement effect. 113
49 Sun et al., 2020b Four types of rejuvenators (straight saturate, cyclic Long-term aging had a negative impact. 114
50 saturate, naphthene aromatic, polar aromatic) and Polar aromatic performs the worst for diffusivity. 115
51 aged asphalt Naphthene aromatic achieves superior diffusion 116
52 ability. 117
53 Xiao et al., 2017a,b Two rejuvenators (R-1, R-2) and aged asphalt Rejuvenator diffuses faster in the long-term aged 118
54 binder, diffuse slower in the short-term aged 119
55 bitumen binder. 120
56 Presents greater ability at lower temperatures. 121
Cui et al., 2020a Rejuvenator and water aged asphalt/ultraviolet aged Diffusion rate decreased with time.
57 122
asphalt Diffusion speed of aromatic phenol is the fastest.
58 123
Ding et al., 2016 Virgin and aged binder Diffusion rate increase with molecular weight.
59 124
Influence of temperature is larger than resin and oil.
60 125
Adding rejuvenator first could accelerate the
61 126
62 Xu and Wang, 2018 Rejuvenator and virgin/aged asphalt binder Rejuvenator diffuses faster into virgin asphalt,
63 improve blending efficiency depending on 128
64 temperature and causes the structures more similar 129
65 to virgin asphalt. 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 25/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 25

1 developments of crumb rubber modified asphalt in various 66

2 aspects, including modeling and mechanism, mix design, 67
3 engineering performance, economic and environmental ef- 68
4 fects are summarized. 69
5 70
6 71
2.3.1. Modeling and mechanism of rubberized asphalt
7 72
Asphalt binder (bitumen) is a complex viscoelastic material
8 73
9 that is commonly used in the construction of flexible pave- 74
10 ments. Morphologically, asphalt is a colloidal system made up 75
Fig. 18 e Importance of LVE properties.
11 of asphaltene micelles with high and low molecular weight 76
12 components such as resins, saturates, and aromatics. Owing 77
13 to its viscoelastic nature, asphalt behaves differently under 78
14 various traffic loading and environmental conditions. Thus, 79
15 the analyses and design of these materials necessitate usually determined using an oscillatory type testing 80
16 comprehensive understanding of the materials’ innate apparatus known as a rheometer. The rheometer is a very 81
17 powerful tool used to determine the elastic, viscoelastic and 82
behavior under various performance conditions.
18 viscous properties of asphalt over a wide range of 83
Historically, asphalt modification has been a commonly
19 temperatures and frequencies. 84
20 employed technique to reduce the viscosity-temperature 85
susceptibility, which is considered one of the major perfor- The LVE rheological properties of asphalt are normally
21 86
mance issues in asphalt. Also, asphalt modification improves presented by viscosity, or in the form complex modulus (G*)
22 87
and phase angle (d). jG*j by definition is the ratio of maximum
23 binders’ resistance to rutting, fatigue, and fracture problems. 88
24 In general, modifiers are mainly natural and synthetic poly- (shear) stress to maximum strain when subjected to shear 89
25 mer additives, of which crumb rubber (CR) has gained positive loading. Meanwhile, d is the phase difference between stress 90
26 interest in utilization because of the better performance of the and strain in harmonic oscillation. If d equals 90, asphalt can 91
27 crumb rubber modified asphalt (CRMA) in comparison with be considered to be purely viscous in nature, whereas d of 92
28 0corresponds to a purely elastic behavior. Between these two 93
the virgin asphalt. The superior performance of CRMA is
29 extremes, the material behavior can be considered to be 94
mainly attributed to the interaction between asphalt and
30 viscoelastic in nature with a combination of viscous and 95
rubber. Depending on different mixing temperature, time and
31 elastic responses. 96
32 rate, etc., asphalt-rubber interaction generally consists of two 97
33 mechanisms: 1) rubber swelling in asphalt matrix due to the 98 Rheological property prediction of CRMA. A thorough
34 absorption of the light fractions of asphalt; and 2) rubber 99
35 degradation through chain disentanglement and chain scis- understanding of the interaction conditions and raw material 100
36 sion reactions (Wang et al., 2020a). The raw material characteristics will guide the material selection and process 101
37 parameters (e.g., the nature of asphalt and rubber) (Willis et optimization to obtain the desired binder properties from the 102
38 al., 2013) were also reported to significantly influence the modification. One of the vital questions that needs to be 103
39 interaction process of rubber in asphalt and hence the answered is how to effectively predict the performance of 104
40 modified binders instead of carrying out tedious laboratory 105
physical and mechanical properties of CRMA.
41 work. Numerical and analytical models are often used to 106
42 accomplish this goal. Although considerable work has been 107
43 Rheology of bituminous binders. Rheology is the 108
branch of physics in which we study the way in which ma- done to measure and even predict empirical and fundamental
44 109
terials deform or flow in response to applied forces or stresses. properties of CRMA, very little work has been reported in
45 110
which rigorous mechanics-based models have been used to
46 The material properties that govern the specific way in which 111
47 these deformation or flow behaviors occur are called rheo- investigate the complicated behavior of CRMA (Medina and 112
48 logical properties. The rheology of asphalt can be broadly Underwood, 2017). Some empirical models were developed 113
49 defined as the fundamental measurements associated with to describe the effect of rubber particles in CRMA. These 114
50 the flow and deformation characteristics of the material, with straightforward models are based on the correlations 115
51 between rubber related variables (particle size, surface area, 116
considerable research having been undertaken over the last
52 etc.) and resultant composite response (Shen et al., 2009a, 117
five decades in studying the rheology of asphalt and asphalt.
53 2009b, 2017), which are incapable of providing generalized 118
The rheological properties of asphalt depend on the
54 insights into the impact of multi-physical interactions 119
55 chemistry of asphalt and modification if any. More impor- 120
tantly, understanding the flow and deformation (rheological between the constituents. The stiffening or reinforcement
56 121
mechanisms of rubber in asphalt may stem from volume-
57 properties) of asphalt in an asphalt is important in terms of 122
58 pavement performance. Asphalt that deforms and flows too filling reinforcement, physiochemical interaction and 123
59 readily may be susceptible to rutting and bleeding, while those interparticle interaction. How to properly address these 124
60 that are too stiff may be exposed to fatigue and cracking. Fig. reinforcement mechanisms of CRMA using micromechanical 125
61 18 demonstrates the importance of the linear viscoelastic modeling remains a challenge. Practically speaking, if the 126
62 (LVE) rheological properties of bituminous materials. predictions of mechanical properties of CRMA from the 127
63 known properties and blend percentages of the constituent 128
Measuring linear viscoelastic properties helps us bridge the
64 phases by using micromechanical models are applicable and 129
gap between molecular structure and product performance.
65 possess certain levels of accuracy, it can save the time and 130
Nowadays, the LVE rheological properties of asphalt are

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 26/185

26 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 cost for the tedious laboratory work, which enables a more mixtures, fillers and aggregates are usually regarded as inert 66
2 appropriate selection of source materials (asphalt and rigid materials embedded in the asphalt matrix (Shu and 67
3 rubber type), enhanced material development (binder Huang, 2008b). CRMA can be regarded as a binary 68
4 preparation conditions) and improved design of binders composite in which asphalt is the matrix while rubber 69
5 70
(rubber content and particle gradation). particles are the inclusions. However, unlike asphalt
6 71
Micromechanical models, which can predict fundamental mastic or mixture, the composite system of CRMA is more
7 72
material properties of a composite based on mechanical complicated due to the interaction between rubber
8 73
9 properties and volume fractions of individual constituents, particles and asphalt which changes both the mechanical 74
10 have been introduced to predict the effective viscoelastic properties and volume fractions of individual constituents. 75
11 behavior of bituminous materials (Buttlar et al., 1999; To estimate the effective properties of a heterogeneous 76
12 Underwood and Kim, 2014; Yin et al., 2008; Zhang et al., composite based on the microstructural description and 77
13 2018f). Numerical micromechanical models, i.e., finite the local behaviors of its constituents, homogenization 78
14 element models (FEM) and discrete element models (DEM), theory was developed to derive a homogenized description 79
15 have been successfully utilized by many researchers (Aragao for the medium based on the assumption of representative 80
16 et al., 2011; Caro et al., 2010a; Mishnaevsky Jr. and volume element (RVE) (Charalambakis, 2010). Fig. 19 81
17 82
Schmauder, 2001; Sadd et al., 2004) to predict the properties schematically illustrates the RVE of the CRMA composite
18 83
of a mix with complex compositions. However, these studies system before and after asphalt-rubber interaction. After
19 84
20 also highlighted that FEM/DEM-meshes with detailed the potential physio-chemical interaction, the properties 85
21 information (usually by means of X-ray CT scan) require of both asphalt and rubber phases have significantly 86
22 large-scale computational facilities, which limits the changed. In general, asphalt-rubber interaction (mainly 87
23 utilization of such models in practice. Alternatively, swelling) has four consequences from a micromechanics- 88
24 analytical micromechanical models are expected to provide based point of view: 1) changing the component 89
25 reliable estimations of the mechanical properties of a proportions and thus the mechanical properties of asphalt 90
26 composite without extensive computational efforts. matrix due to the absorption of light fractions by rubber 91
27 Analytical micromechanical models developed based on and the potential released components from rubber; 2) 92
28 93
continuum mechanics have increasingly been used to changing the mechanical properties of rubber due to the
29 94
predict the mechanical properties of bituminous materials formation of a gel-like structure; 3) changing the volume
30 95
(Zhang et al., 2019a). In such models, the detailed content of rubber due to swelling (the so-called effective
31 96
32 information of individual constituents is not required. On volume fraction); and 4) changing the interfacial properties 97
33 the contrary, the constituents having same (very similar) between asphalt and rubber due to aforementioned factors 98
34 mechanical properties are regarded as one phase; and a (Wang et al., 2018e). Therefore, the accurate determination 99
35 composite consists of various phases. For a given of input parameters from constituents would be a 100
36 macroscopic loading condition, each phase’s average stress challenge and directly influence the accuracy of the model 101
37 and strain are evaluated and further utilized to obtain the prediction. 102
38 effective properties of the composite on the basis of the 103
39 volumetric, mechanical and/or geometrical properties of Input parameters for micromechanical models of 104
40 105
individual phases. CRMA. As described in the previous section, to effectively
41 106
predict the mechanical properties of CRMA with micro-
42 107
43 2.3.2. Micromechanics-based modeling of rheological mechanical models, the mechanical properties of both 108
44 properties of CRMA asphalt matrix and rubber inclusion are required. In addition, 109
45 Composite system of CRMA based on homogenization the volume fraction of each phase also needs to be 110
46 theory. In the composite system of asphalt mastics or determined. 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
Fig. 19 e Schematic representation of the RVE of the CRMA composite system before and after interaction.
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 27/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 27

1 Since the nature of both asphalt and rubber phases  Mori-Tanaka model 66
2 changed after the asphalt-rubber interaction, it is of vital   67
3 importance to measure the representative rheological prop- Gc 5Cv Gp  Gm 68
¼1 þ   (20)
4 erties of actual asphalt matrix and rubber inclusion in the Gm 5Gm þ 2ð1  Cv Þ Gp  Gm 69
5 70
CRMA system. Dedicated laboratory tests were performed to  Generalized self-consistent model
6 71
obtain these input parameters. The asphalt matrix, which is  2
7 Gc Gc 72
the liquid phase of CRMA after removing the insoluble rubber a þb þc¼0 (21)
8 Gm Gm 73
9 particles, was tested by a dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) to 74
10 obtain the rheological properties. Wang et al. (2020g) carried where Gc , Gm , and Gp are the modulus of the composite, ma- 75
11 out DSR measurements on the prepared swollen rubber trix and particles respectively, Cv is the volume concentration 76
12 samples to obtain the mechanical properties of rubber after of the particle inclusions, vm and vp are the Poisson’s ratios of 77
13 swelling in asphalt. The effective volume fraction of rubber the matrix and the particles. The detailed explanations and 78
14 after swelling has been determined by several methods. related parameters of the above models can be found in the 79
15 Medina and Underwood (2017) estimated the volume 80
studies of Underwood (2011) and Zhang et al. (2020a).
16 content of rubber after swelling based on the scanning 81
17 82
electron microscope images. Wang et al. (2019f) developed a Future recommendations for improving micro-
18 83
finite element model capable of simulating the multiphysics mechanical prediction performance. With more representative
19 84
20 swelling phenomenon (mass diffusion and volume input parameters, micromechanical models yield more accu- 85
21 expansion) to predict the effective volume fraction of rubber. rate predictions. However, while typical micromechanical 86
22 After determining the necessary input parameters, they can models give reasonable predictions at low rubber contents 87
23 be implemented into various micromechanical models to while yielding underestimated predictions at low frequencies 88
24 predict the viscoelastic properties of CRMA. range with high rubber contents. Considering that the low- 89
25 frequency range corresponds to the high-temperature range 90
26 Analytical form of micromechanical models of CRMA. 91
in the frame of master curves, rubber particle interaction will
27 Although many functions and techniques exist to calculate 92
be more prominent in CRMA at high temperatures since the
28 93
and predict the response of asphalt composites, analytical asphalt phase is softer. The underestimation of complex
29 94
micromechanical models that are based on the material modulus at high temperatures is because these models were
30 95
properties (Poisson’s ratio, modulus and volume fraction) and primarily developed to address the stiffening effect resulting
31 96
32 particle interaction via effective medium methods have from the embedded inclusions in a matrix with minimal or 97
33 proven to be most successful (Ahmadinia et al., 2011). Many limited particle interactions. which is the case of dispersed 98
34 such models exist, the most well-known ones are suspensions (Yin et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2018a). Under this 99
35 summarized as Eqs. (14)-(21). circumstance, the mechanical behavior of the suspension is 100
36 dominated by the matrix phase. While at high temperatures, 101
37  Einstein model for the case of CRMA, the rubber inclusion may have more 102
38 103
dominant effects on the binder mechanical behaviors than
39 Gc 104
¼ 1 þ 2:5Cv (14) the asphalt matrix does. Therefore, to amend the
40 Gm 105
41 underestimation of the complex modulus of CRMA in the 106
 DeBruijn model low-frequency range, the interparticle interactions need to
42 107
43 be further addressed. 108
44 ¼ 1 þ 2:5Cv þ 1:55Cv 2 (15) Interparticle interaction is a broad concept. The interpar- 109
45 ticle-interaction effect increases with increasing rubber con- 110
46  Roscoe model tent in asphalt, as rubber particles may come into contact and 111
47 form a polymer network. Besides, the particle’s relative 112
48 Gc 113
¼ ð1  Cv Þ2:5 (16) configuration (orientations and locations, etc.), and geomet-
49 Gm 114
rical properties (e.g., size, shape, angularity, surface
50  Parallel model 115
morphology, etc.) also have a great influence on the model
51 116
prediction accuracies. It is therefore recommended to further
52 Gc ¼ Gp Cv þ Gm ð1  Cv Þ (17) 117
53 improve the micromechanical model prediction accuracy 118
54 from the following aspects (Wang et al., 2021h). 119
55  Eshelby model 120
56 G  Considering the mutual interaction between rubber 121
15ð1  vm Þ 1  Gmp
57 Gc inclusions. 122
¼1  Cv (18)
58 Gm G
7  5vm þ 2ð4  5vm Þ p  Considering extra phases in the CRMA composite due to 123
59 physio-chemical interaction. 124
60  Hashin model  Considering the extra reinforcing mechanism. 125
61   126
62 G
15ð1  vm Þ 1  Gmp Cv 127
2.3.3. Design and performance of rubberized asphalt
63 Gc
¼1  (19) The interaction between rubber and asphalt fractions.
64 Gm G G 129
7  5vm þ 2ð4  5vm Þ Gmp  Gmp  1 Cv The production of rubberized asphalt is far more complicated
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 28/185

28 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 than simply mixing and dispersing CRM into hot asphalt rutting resistance of AR is ascribed to both the polymer 66
2 binder fractions. As depicted in Fig. 20, once mixed with hot modification and particle effect, while the extended fatigue 67
3 asphalt, the outer part of CRM dissolves with mixing time, life is mainly can be attributed to CRM’s particle effect 68
4 releasing natural rubber, synthetic rubber and other (Wang et al., 2018d). 69
5 70
components into asphalt fractions. In addition, the light The mechanical properties of asphalt mixture considerably
6 71
components of asphalt, including saturates and aromatics, vary in a large range depending on the specific asphalt binder,
7 72
are absorbed into CRM polymer chains, forming a thin gel mixture gradation, aggregate type as well as blending condi-
8 73
9 layer around the elastic rubber core of CRM. A study about tion (Akisetty et al., 2011; Chamoun et al., 2015). Consistent 74
10 four fractions analysis of rubberized asphalt binder proved with the superior rheological properties of AR binder, the 75
11 that compared to raw asphalt, rubberized asphalt had a mechanical properties of hot AR mixture, including moisture 76
12 higher percentage of heavy fractions (asphaltenes and sensitivity, stiffness modulus, resistance to cracking and 77
13 resins) and a lower percentage of light components permanent deformation, are obviously superior over that of 78
14 (aromatics and saturates), which should be attributed to the conventional HMA, due to the increased binder viscosity and 79
15 “absorbing effect” of CRM (Leng et al., 2017b). In addition, the higher production temperature (Bai et al., 2016; Cetin, 2013). 80
16 peak at 1012 cm-1 in FTIR spectrum of rubberized asphalt The air voids content of Marshall samples and the numbers 81
17 82
binder is ascribed to the loss of light components of asphalt of gyrations of the SGC samples to achieve the same
18 83
binder after the incorporation of CRM (Yu et al., 2016). The specimen height were employed by Leng et al. (2017a) as the
19 84
20 swollen CRM plus gel layers are two to three times larger measures of asphalt mixtures’ compatibility. 85
21 than the original CRM. Meanwhile, some polymer chains in 86
22 CRM, including natural rubber and synthetic rubber, are Mixture design. In most available studies, rubberized 87
23 released, and mixed with asphalt fractions. asphalt binder is considered as conventional polymer-modi- 88
24 fied asphalt binders like SBS modified asphalt. The mix design 89
25 Engineering performance of rubberized asphalt. Inter- methods, specifications and construction procedures used for 90
26 action between CRM and base asphalt results in the superior conventional asphalt binders can be used with rubberized 91
27 performance of AR at high, intermediate and low tempera- asphalt binders. Standards or guidelines in designing rubber- 92
28 93
ture. The dissolution and swelling of CRM also dramatically ized mixtures have been developed by several agencies (Chiu
29 94
increase the viscosity of asphalt binder. Meanwhile, the stor- and Lu, 2007; Heitzman, 1992; Liu et al., 2012). Marshall
30 95
age stability of Rubberized asphalt binder is poorer compared (applied in most regions) and Hveem (applied in California)
31 96
32 to raw asphalt due to the density difference between CRM and methods with slight modifications were suggested to be 97
33 asphalt. used for dense-graded and gap-graded rubberized mixtures 98
34 When CRM is incorporated into base asphalt, the pene- while the design procedure in FHWA-RD 74-2 was 99
35 tration value, ductility and phase angle of asphalt binder recommended to be used for open-graded rubberized 100
36 decrease, whereas its softening point, elastic recovery, vis- mixture design) (Chehovits, 1989). All procedures essentially 101
37 cosity, complex shear increase (Cong et al., 2013). In other contain five steps, namely, aggregates and binder selection, 102
38 words, compared with raw asphalt, Rubberized asphalt mixes compaction (with various binder contents), air voids 103
39 binder is stiffer and more elastic, but less consistent and measurement of compacted mix samples, mechanical 104
40 105
flowable. Then enhanced rheological performance of testing, and finally optimum binder content determination.
41 106
Rubberized asphalt binder is indicated by higher Superpave Table 12 shows the stages of rubberized asphalt mix design
42 107
43 rutting factor (G*/sin d), lower non-recoverable compliance and differences in terms of conventional HMA. 108
44 (Jnr), more loading cycles to fatigue failure and lower In general, in rubberized mixture as a portion of the asphalt 109
45 stiffness in low temperature (Yu et al., 2016; Zhang et al., is replaced by rubber in asphalt binder, the rubberized asphalt 110
46 2016c; Gallego et al., 2016). Wang et al. (2018d) evaluated the content should generally be higher than the corresponding 111
47 rheological properties of liquid asphalt phase extracted from mixture containing virgin asphalt. An empirical method is the 112
48 rubberized asphalt binders. They found that the enhanced increased binder content should same as the content of crumb 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
Fig. 20 e Interaction between asphalt and crumb rubber. (a) Stage 1. (b) Stage 2. (c) Stage 3 (Abdelrahman, 2006).
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 29/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 29

1 66
Table 12 e Stages of rubberized asphalt mix design and differences in terms of conventional HMA.
2 67
3 Step Stage of conventional HMA mix design Difference to designing conventional HMA 68
4 number 69
5 1 Material selection Selection of CRM dosage, size and gradation 70
6 Determining the type and amount of WMA additives 71
7 2 Selection of aggregate type and gradation design of Designing aggregate gradation like design HMA 72
8 aggregates and fillers Evaluating whether WMA technologies may influence 73
9 gradation or not, and if it is necessary to make adjustments 74
10 3 OAC determination No changes 75
11 4 Determining mixing temperature Individual setting depending on the aim of using WMA mix 76
12 based on mix asphalt compatibility studies 77
13 5 Determining the conditions of preparing and compacting Using same mixing and compacting equipment 78
14 sample 79
15 6 Laboratory tests for performance evaluation No difference 80
16 7 Assessment criteria for designed mineral-asphalt mix No difference 81
17 82
18 83
19 rubber used in rubberized asphalt binder (Huang et al., 2007). asphalt mixture is the poor workability (Wang et al., 2018d). 84
20 A practical experience in California indicated that the Due to the incorporation of crumb rubber, rubberized 85
21 optimum asphalt content (OAC) of WAR should be 1.2-1.4 asphalt binder is much more viscous than conventional 86
22 times that of the OAC with neat binder (Cheng et al., 2011). asphalt binders. Therefore, the blending and compacting 87
23 Because of the swelling property of CRM and the increased temperatures of asphalt rubber and aggregate should be 35 88
24 binder content, gap-graded and open-graded mixes are more 
C-60  C higher than those of conventional asphalt mixture, 89
25 90
preferable for AR/WAR than dense-graded. Gap-graded is resulting in poorer construction environment, more energy
26 91
speculated to be a variation of dense-graded in which the consumption and hazardous emissions (Thives and Ghisi,
27 92
aggregate gradation is coarsened to provide a greater 2017; Zanetiti et al., 2016). WMA effectively reduces the
28 93
29 amount of mixture voids. The increased number of voids mixing and compaction temperatures of conventional hot 94
30 allows for higher asphalt binder content and provide rooms mix asphalt mixtures. It has been demonstrated that WMA 95
31 for potential swelling of crumb rubber. Open-graded mix can technologies work effectively with rubberized pavement in 96
32 definitely accommodate higher amount of rubberized different ways, alleviating the concerns of potential higher 97
33 asphalt binder. Correspondingly, the use of viscous AR and emissions of rubberized asphalt by decreasing mixing and 98
34 high binder content leads to thicker binder films, improved paving temperatures. 99
35 anti-aging property and better durability. It has to be Many studies have investigated the influence of different 100
36 mentioned that the OAC of asphalt mixture depends on the WMA additives on several rheological properties of rubberized 101
37 102
designed air voids content, aggregate source, compaction asphalt binders. Previous studies demonstrated that all WMA
38 103
method, service condition of the corresponding asphalt technologies, regardless of the working mechanism, are able
39 104
40 pavement, etc. Based on available studies, the OAC of dense- to increase binder’s workability by means of decreasing the 105
41 graded, gap-graded, and open-graded asphalt mixture are viscosity of asphalt rubber. However, compared to raw 106
42 around 4.4% to 5.5%, 4.5% to 6.2%, and 4.3% to 6.5%, asphalt, the viscosity values of rubberized binders were still 107
43 respectively (Chen et al., 2009a; Lyu et al., 2018; Poulikakos much higher. The viscosity-reducing effect of organic addi- 108
44 and Partl, 2010; Wang et al., 2018f, 2019a; Xu et al., 2015b; tives is constant, which is ascribed to their relatively lower 109
45 Zhang et al., 2015c, 2020; Zhu et al., 2016). melting point and higher flowability after melting. In terms of 110
46 It has to be mentioned that although the design and chemical additives, it is still unsure whether the enhance- 111
47 application of rubberized asphalt pavement has been a prac- ment is attributed to the surfactant effect or liquid physical 112
48 113
tice-ready technology, there are still some limitations needing nature. Foaming process and additives only enhance asphalt
49 114
further investigation. The most outstanding one is the neglect rubber’s workability during the foaming period. Using com-
50 115
of rubber’s volume effect in current design specifications of mercial foaming additive may finally lead to an increased
51 116
52 the rubberized mixture. In the wet process, the volume of viscosity as the residual zeolite particles act as fillers in WAR 117
53 crumb rubber can expand by two to three times. The diameter system (Ryan and Braham, 2017). 118
54 of swelling rubber reaches about 1 mm, which is larger than The type and content of WMA additives exhibited signifi- 119
55 mineral fillers and some fine aggregates. Additionally, crumb cant effects on rheological properties of rubberized asphalt 120
56 rubber accounts for 1.0%-1.5% of the total mass of mixture. binder and mixture. Table 13 summarized the effect of some 121
57 The density and modulus of swelling rubber are distinct from WMA additives on the engineering performance of 122
58 aggregate, which may have a significant influence on the rubberized asphalt. For example, FT-wax was found to 123
59 mechanical system of the rubberized mixture. Therefore, a enhance rutting resistance but compromised fatigue and 124
60 125
more specific on evaluating the volume effect of swelling low-temperature cracking resistance (Rodriguez-Alloza et al.,
61 126
rubber in rubberized mixture design is recommended. 2014). However, liner amplitude sweep (LAS) test indicated
62 127
63 that the effect of FT-wax on fatigue resistance is positive (Yu 128
64 Warm mix rubberized asphalt. One major concern et al., 2019b). By comparing the fatigue performance 129
65 which obstructs the widespread application of rubberized evaluation of WAR binder, mortar and mixture, Yu et al. 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 30/185

30 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 13 e Influence of WMA technologies on rubberized asphalt.
2 67
3 Category WMA additive Workability Rutting resistance Fatigue resistance Low temperature 68
4 cracking resistance 69
5 Organic additive Sasobit Enhanced Enhanced Deteriorated Slightly deteriorated 70
6 Licomont Enhanced Enhanced Deteriorated Deteriorated 71
7 Asphaltan Enhanced Enhanced N/A Deteriorated 72
8 56# paraffin wax Enhanced Insignificant effect Deteriorated Deteriorated 73
9 Chemical additive Evotherm-DAT Enhanced Deteriorated Deteriorated Insignificant effect 74
10 Bio-modifier Enhanced Deteriorated N/A N/A 75
11 Foaming additive Aspha-min Enhanced Slightly Enhanced Slightly deteriorated N/A 76
12 Advera Enhanced Insignificant Effect N/A N/A 77
13 Foaming process Water foaming Enhanced Deteriorated Enhanced Enhanced 78
14 79
15 80
16 (2019b) proposed that LAS is a more reliable fatigue test than efficiency between the new asphalt binder and the aged 81
17 the Superpave fatigue factor test. The non-commercial rubberized asphalt. In addition, how to select optimal 82
18 additive, 56# paraffin wax, slightly worsen all rheological rejuvenators towards highly efficient recycling for aged 83
19 properties of AR. The negative effect of conventional wax polymer modified asphalt remains a concern for pavement 84
20 additive on rutting resistance and low temperature cracking 85
21 86
resistance is determined by its low melting point and glass
22 87
transition temperature respectively (Lu and Redelius, 2007). 2.3.4. Economic and Environmental Effects
23 88
24 To ensure satisfied low temperature performance, the The economic effects of rubberized asphalt pavement are 89
25 dosage of wax additive should be controlled. Various types related to raw material cost, blending temperature, equip- 90
26 of chemical additives were reported to bring negative effect ment installation or modification fee and WMA additive 91
27 on the anti-rutting performance of AR binder dosage rate (if used). In addition, long-term pavement per- 92
28 (Hosseinnezhad et al., 2015; Yu et al., 2014a). Foaming formance influences future maintenance cost (Farina et al., 93
29 additives has an indistinct effect on rutting performance 2017). Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and life cycle 94
30 while the foaming process brings slightly negative influence assessment (LCA) studies demonstrated that with the use of 95
31 (Akisetty et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2014b). Nevertheless, it is recycled waste vehicle tires, rubberized asphalt pavement is 96
32 97
worth to mention that although some warm rubberized beneficial in terms of energy saving, environmental impact,
33 98
asphalts may perform worse compared to hot rubberized human health, preservation of ecosystems and
34 99
asphalt, they are still much superior to the corresponding minimization of resource depletion (Bartolozzi et al., 2015).
35 100
36 unmodified asphalt materials. By constructing the same amount of mixes, rubberized 101
37 asphalt should exert poorer economic and environmental 102
38 Reclaiming potential of rubberized asphalt pavement. effect due to its higher production temperature (Chiu et al., 103
39 Available studies on reclaiming rubberized asphalt are rela- 2008). However, the application of rubber modifier may 104
40 tively limited. The reclamation of rubberized asphalt pave- reduce construction cost due to the use of thinner asphalt 105
41 ment in field has not been a common practice yet. Early layer and therefore to the reduced amounts of materials 106
42 studies in the US investigated the in-situ paving properties used and reduce amounts of milled materials that are 107
43 regarding the feasibility of recycling rubberized asphalt con- transported and eventually disposed. These energy-saving 108
44 109
crete (Caltrans, 2005). In those studies, the rubberized asphalt and material-saving properties render the use of AR
45 110
pavement was reclaimed as conventional asphalt mixtures, technology with an overall advantage in road construction
46 111
47 and the performance of reclaimed rubberized asphalt (Wang et al., 2018e). 112
48 pavement was acceptable based on local specifications. For In terms of warm rubberized asphalt, some studies proved 113
49 laboratory studies, Lee et al. (2008a) found that the that significant benefit on energy saving can be achieved by 114
50 performance properties of the recycled aged rubberized incorporating WMA (Hassan, 2010; Rodriguez-Alloza et al., 115
51 asphalt, prepared by mixing virgin and aged rubberized 2014). Economic merits can be also obtained by the 116
52 asphalt, met the Superpave binder requirements. Besides, enhanced in-place density and smoothness. However, some 117
53 there was no significant difference between the control and publications proposed that the energy-saving effect depends 118
54 the recycled rubberized mixes in moisture susceptibility and on the types of WMA technologies. Moreover, the benefits 119
55 120
rutting resistance (Lee et al., 2008b). obtained from lower construction temperature may be offset
56 121
It is known that rubberized asphalt binders exhibited su- by the greater impacts of the additional material cost (Vidal
57 122
perior aging resistance compared to unmodified asphalt et al., 2013). Wang et al. (2018g) believed that warm
58 123
59 binder, because the dissolution of natural rubber component rubberized requires higher initial cost compared to 124
60 of crumb rubber was reported to make the AR binders more conventional HMA, but it is a more cost-effective in life- 125
61 flexible after aging (Hou et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2016d). The cycle due to the enhanced engineering performance and 126
62 crumb rubber modifier may also exhibit modification effect lower maintenance cost. Cao et al. (2019a) analyzed the 127
63 on rutting and fatigue performance in the reclaimed long-term energy-reducing effect of different WMA additives 128
64 rubberized asphalt mixture. The key point to reclaim in rubberized asphalt pavements by LCA framework 129
65 rubberized asphalt pavement is to analyze the blending incorporated with uncertainty analysis. They found that a 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 31/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 31

1 noticeable energy saving can be obtained by the incorporation graded asphalt pavements (Freitas et al., 2012; Huang et al., 66
2 of WMA technologies during the construction period. 2007). A study by the Rubber Pavements Association (RPA) 67
3 Nevertheless, compare to the abundant studies focused on proved that the use of tire rubber in open-graded mixture 68
4 engineering performance of rubberized asphalt, research on reduced tire noise by at least 50% compared to concrete 69
5 70
the economic effect is relatively limited. Future investigation pavements (Leng et al., 2017a). Sandberg (2010) compared
6 71
is suggested on more comprehensive LCA to provide the old SMA16 to the new rubberized SMA11 and rubberized
7 72
quantitative references for decision-making. SMA8 by CPX. The rubberized SMA11 and SMA8 obtained a
8 73
9 In terms of the construction environment, it is known that noise reduction of 2.3dB and 3.9dB, respectively. Since the 74
10 construction odors during the production of asphalt pave- noise reduction effect is mainly ascribed to the properties of 75
11 ment is highly dependent on the paving temperature (Chong rubber particles remained in asphalt pavement, effect of 76
12 et al., 2018; Xu, 2016). Besides, the rubber particles itself WMA technologies on this function is limited. 77
13 could release some hazardous components (volatile organic 78
14 compounds (VOCs), primarily benzene, toluene, 2.3.5. Summary and outlook 79
15 ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and sulfur compounds) at Although the binder rheological properties, mixture me- 80
16 elevated temperatures (Cheung et al., 2015; Gagol et al., chanical performance and interaction mechanism of rubber- 81
17 82
2015). Therefore, emissions of hazardous organic chemicals ized asphalt materials were reported in the literatures, it still
18 83
from rubberized asphalt have been longstanding deserves further research, like how to efficiently recycle, how
19 84
20 environmental and occupational health concerns. Previous to control the interaction of asphalt and rubber by WMA ad- 85
21 studies have shown that levels of pollutants (total ditives and how to optimize the performance for specific re- 86
22 suspended particles (TSP), VOCs, and polycyclic aromatic gions. In turns of the control of the interaction among asphalt 87
23 hydrocarbons (PAHs)) varied with the raw materials and and rubber by WMA additives, an optimal blending parameter 88
24 blending/compacting condition. Odor of asphalt is one of the (materials dosage, mixing time/temperature/rate/sequence) 89
25 concerns influencing paving workers and residents living for a typical design of rubberized pavement should be devel- 90
26 near the construction site, which is the resultant of oped. Besides, the interaction level among different compo- 91
27 interactions of certain VOCs with the sense of smell nents should be evaluated by both rheological properties and 92
28 93
(Autelitano et al., 2017). A study by the US National Institute micro/chemical characteristics. For the combination optimi-
29 94
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) concluded that zation for specific regions, decision support methods, such as
30 95
exposure to emissions from asphalt containing CRM may be analytical hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy comprehensive
31 96
32 more harmful to workers than conventional paving evaluation (FCE), decision trees, etc., could play a greater role. 97
33 materials (Burr et al., 2001). However, a recent study By means of these methods, service condition of pavement in 98
34 indicated that both conventional and rubberized asphalt the specific regions and the effects of combination method on 99
35 generated similar levels of particles and PAHs contributing the properties of WAR can be taken into consideration. 100
36 to human exposure (Nilsson et al., 2018). Furthermore, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) and life cycle 101
37 WMA has been reported to exert significant environmental assessment (LCA) are suggested to be conducted to identify 102
38 benefits during the construction period (Carmen et al., 2012). rubberized pavement with balanced economic and environ- 103
39 Studies on the environmental and impacts of warm mental performance. It is also believed that the further in- 104
40 105
rubberized asphalt are relatively limited. A field vestigations on construction technology, maintenance
41 106
investigation in California revealed that no smoke or haze technology and operation parameters will have deeper theo-
42 107
43 was emitted when AR and surfactant additive were used retical and practical understandings, which could lead to 108
44 together (Ghavibazoo et al., 2016). By both lab scale and full- more extensive applications of rubberized asphalt pavement. 109
45 scale emission analysis, they proved that the emission 110
46 concern of hot rubberized asphalt pavement can be greatly 111
47 alleviated when the paving temperature drops (Rodriguez- 3. Mixture performance and modeling of 112
48 Alloza et al., 2015). Their study proved that in comparison pavement materials 113
49 with traditional hot mixing process, warm mixing is able to 114
50 reduce energy consumption and gas emissions by 18%-36% 3.1. The low temperature performance and freeze-thaw 115
51 116
and 15%-87%, respectively (Wang et al., 2005a, b). By damage of asphalt mixture
52 117
comparison, chemical WMA additive conserved the most
53 118
amount of energy and produced the least emissions. A The durability problem of asphalt pavement in cold region is
54 119
55 comprehensive LCA conducted by Rodrı́guez-Alloza showed prominent. Due to the low temperature in winter, the low 120
56 that with the aid of organic additives, the energy temperature performance of asphalt mixture is the key to 121
57 consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) of hot AR affect the durability of asphalt pavement. At the same time, 122
58 production can be reduced by 18% and 20%, respectively the existence of water inside the asphalt pavement causes 123
59 (Yang et al., 2018). freeze-thaw damage at low temperature, which has a more 124
60 Another significant environmental effect of rubberized adverse effect on the durability of the asphalt pavement. 125
61 asphalt pavement is the noise reducing function. The resilient Therefore, scholars have carried out a lot of research on the 126
62 rubber particles provide a "cushion" effect on the noise gen- low temperature performance and freeze-thaw damage 127
63 128
eration from vibration source. Rubberized pavements with the behavior of asphalt mixture, and proposed methods to
64 129
open- or gap-graded mixtures have been reported reduce improve the low temperature performance and freeze-thaw
65 130
noise levels by up to 3-5 dB compared to traditional dense- damage resistance.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al.,

JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 32/185

32 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 3.1.1. Low temperature performance of asphalt mixture facilitate the testing procedure, the time-temperature 66
2 Low temperature cracking mechanisms. The mecha- superposition principle (TTSP) (Christensen, 1971) was used 67
3 nism of asphalt materials’ low temperature cracking can be to shorten the testing duration from 2 h to 60 s at 10  C 68
4 divided into two periods, the first failure mechanism is before above the critical temperature. Normally, DTT strength tests 69
5 70
macro cracking occurs. The failure mechanism in this period (AASHTO T314) (AASHTO, 2012) were performed when the
6 71
can be attributed to the born thermal stress exceeded the two BBR critical conditions on stiffness and relaxation are
7 72
tensile strength of the asphalt materials (Canestrari and not met. An uniaxial tension (UT) tests are conducted by
8 73
9 Ingrassia, 2020; Readshaw, 1972). Due to the temperature using dog-bone specimens made of PAV aged binder at a 74
10 sensitivities characterization of asphalt binder (Marasteanu constant strain rate of 3%/min in the cooling medium of 75
11 et al., 2007; Marasteanu and Cannone Falchetto, 2018), it is potassium acetate. The nominal stress and nominal strain 76
12 the dominant reason for the macro cracking. At are recorded until failure. Even though the BBR methods are 77
13 temperatures lower than the freezing point, asphalt binders widely used currently, there are still some drawbacks. To 78
14 become stiffer and more brittle when temperatures become keep the specification to a reasonable level of simplicity, 79
15 lower (Wang et al., 2020b). Hence, accumulated thermal some influence factors are not considered in the testing 80
16 condition, such as physical hardening (Basu et al., 2003), 81
stress will ultimately lead to the occurrence of macro crack.
17 82
This is especially true for the materials under short- and cooling rate (Sager and Laukkanen, 2016), and cooling media
18 83
long-term aging processes (AASHTO T313) (AASHTO, 2019). It (Wang et al., 2019b, c). Moreover, the low temperature
19 84
20 should be noted that the accumulated threshold exceeded properties of modified binder are underestimation in most of 85
21 thermal stress can be caused by a single extreme low the cases, this is especially true when SBS polymers are 86
22 temperature event (single-event thermal cracks) or multiple used (Lu et al., 2003). Furthermore, a relatively large amount 87
23 warming-cooling cycles (thermal fatigue cracks) (Kim, 2009). of materials (15 g for each sample) may be inconvenient for 88
24 The second failure mode is the cracking propagation after extracted binders from recycled materials. 89
25 the macro cracking occurs, this can be mainly attributed to In the recent past, novel experimental approaches, asphalt 90
26 the adhesion failure, the mutual peeling and eventually binder cracking device (ABCD) (Kim, 2008), and low 91
27 failure bonds among the mixture clusters, which lead the temperature 4 mm dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) 92
28 93
initial crack propagates to macro crack (Zheng et al., 2012). (AASHTO, 2020; Farrar et al., 2015; Sui et al., 2011), were
29 94
The evolution of carking can be caused by the further low proposed to evaluate the low temperature properties of
30 95
temperature environmental, traffic loads, and/or water asphalt binders. The ABCD could indirectly estimate the
31 96
32 damage (Mobasher et al., 1997). strength of binders. First, binders are directly poured into a 97
33 circular mould with an internal invar ring with a diameter of 98
34 Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature 50.8 mm. Then, this mould is placed into a climate chamber 99
35 performance of asphalt binders. As mentioned in Section with steadily reduced temperature. The binder sample 100
36, asphalt binders play an important role in the response undergoes a progressive contraction imposing stress on the 101
37 of asphalt mixtures. Hence, the current specifications to internal ring. Temperature and strain are continuously 102
38 evaluate the low temperature performance properties of recorded by sensors attached to the ring until the initial 103
39 asphalt materials focus on the asphalt binder and asphalt crack occurs, the failure temperature is defined as the 104
40 105
mixtures scales. It should be noticed that the experimental critical temperature. The low temperature 4 mm DSR could
41 106
work on asphalt mixture could reflect better the field indirectly measure the creep stiffness of asphalt binders at
42 107
performance of asphalt pavement. low temperatures; hence, this method was used as an
43 108
44 For asphalt binder, the commonly used specifications were alternative approach to BBR (Sui et al., 2011). The DSR 109
45 developed during the Strategic Highway Research Program method was originally developed to evaluate the high and 110
46 (SHRP) in the 1990s (Anderson and Kennedy, 1993), two intermediate temperature properties of asphalt binder. Due 111
47 experimental instruments, bending beam rheometer (BBR) to its instrument compliance error, results obtained below 5 112
48 (AASHTO T313) (AASHTO, 2019) and the direct tension tester 
C are not reliable. Consider this, a smaller plate geometry 113
49 (DTT) (AASHTO, 2012), were proposed to evaluate the was used to reduce the compliance effect (Schro € ter et al., 114
50 strength properties of asphalt binders at low temperatures. 2006), and then numerical equations were applied to correct 115
51 BBR was creep tests performed relies on the three-point 116
the compliance error (Franck and Instruments, 2006a, b).
52 117
bending configuration (3 PB) on small pressure aging vessel Next, the DSR shear results were converted into the
53 118
(PAV) aged binder beams (102 mm  12.5 mm  6.25 mm). relaxation modulus, and correlation was established
54 119
55 The asphalt binder beam was conditioned at the desired between the DSR and BBR results. Several following up 120
56 temperature for one hour, in the purpose of maintaining a studies (Laukkanen, 2017; Lu et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019b, 121
57 stable temperature condition, the cooling medium of c) were conducted to implement this method. The new 122
58 ethanol was used. Two critical temperatures at the related proposed experimental procedure has been validated to 123
59 values, creep stiffness (S) ¼ 300 MPa and m-value (m) ¼ measure the low temperature properties of asphalt binder, 124
60 0.300, which represents the slope of stiffness vs. time curve and the sample preparation methods have been further 125
61 in a double logarithm plot, were calculated at 60 s. Such developed. However, poor correlation between BBR and DSR 126
62 proposed low temperature criteria relied on the assumption results were observed. This is especially true for the critical 127
63 128
that the mixture creep stiffness after 2 h of loading temperatures determined by each method, up to 10  C
64 129
correlated well with the severity of thermal cracking in the difference was found in some cases (Lu et al., 2017), while
65 130
field (Anderson and Kennedy, 1993; Readshaw, 1972). To different critical criteria and correlations were found among

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 33/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 33

1 different studies (Farrar et al., 2015; Lu et al., 2017; Riccardi et strength and fracture properties. For the strength properties, 66
2 al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019b, c). This may be partially attributed indirect tension tester (IDT) (AASHTO, 2007) and thermal 67
3 to the differences in experimental conditions, such as cooling stress restrained specimen test (TSRST) (British Standard 68
4 medium and thermal history, between DSR and BBR. Institute, 2012), are the most commonly used experimental 69
5 70
Moreover, the difference between stiffness and shear testing methods. For IDT test, a cylindrical specimen is loaded in
6 71
mode may also lead to different results. compression along the diameter at the selected temperature
7 72
Due to the limitation of strength property, only part of the for 2 h. The creep stiffness and low temperature nominal
8 73
9 asphalt materials’ failure mode could be evaluated. Hence, the strength, sN_IDT, are measured and calculated for 74
10 fracture mechanics were involved in asphalt pavement since comparison (AASHTO, 2007). TSRST is commonly used to 75
11 the 1960s (Moavenzadeh, 1967). Currently, two experimental obtain the critical temperature and strength of asphalt 76
12 methods, single edge notched beam (SENB) (ASTM, 2002) and mixtures, both prismatic and cylindrical samples are 77
13 double-edge notched tension (DENT) (Dongre  et al., 1989), available. The sample's two ends are glued to platens with a 78
14 are widely used to evaluate the fracture properties of constant length during the entire test, while its temperature 79
15 asphalt binders, while most fracture tests focus on mixture is decreased from a starting temperature with a constant 80
16 scale. cooling rate. Due to the prohibited thermal shrinkage, the 81
17 82
For the SENB test, an initial notch is fabricated at the specimen is subjected to an increasing (cryogenic) tensile
18 83
middle point of the span on the bottom side of the beam stress. The final failure temperature and strength are used
19 84
20 (thickness equals half of the height). A vertical load is applied to evaluate the low temperature strength of asphalt 85
21 on the top center of the beam that is supported by two rollers mixtures. Recently, the asphalt concrete cracking device 86
22 (four times of the height). A vertical crack (0.45 to 0.55 times of (ACCD) (Kim et al., 2010) was proposed as a simpler 87
23 the height) will occur and propagation along with the upside alternative method of the TSRST. The principle of ACCD is to 88
24 of pre-notch due to the stress concentration. The stress in- use the thermal shrinkage stress to lead to failure. A double 89
25 tensity factor, KIC, of mode I fracture and related fracture pa- ring structure was used to restrict the shrinkage of mixture 90
26 rameters are used to describe the fracture behavior (Bazant samples in this method. 91
27 and Planas, 1997). Several researchers use this method to Besides IDT and TSRST, uniaxial tension stress test (UTST), 92
28 93
evaluate the low temperature performance properties of relaxation test (RT), tensile creep test (TCT), and uniaxial cy-
29 94
asphalt binders. Lee and Hesp (1994) and Lee et al. (1995) clic tensile stress test (UCTST) are suggested by the European
30 95
found that the addition of modifiers could significantly standard (British Standard Institute, 2012). In the recent past,
31 96
32 increase the fracture resistance of the asphalt binder instead Marasteanu et al. (2009) proposed a modified BBR testing 97
33 of the strength. Different notch lengths (Dongre  et al., 1989) method to evaluate the creep compliance of asphalt 98
34 were used to estimate the effect, it was found that the mixtures at low temperatures. A BBR geometry mixture 99
35 fracture energy and KIC are better parameters to distinguish sample together with a higher loading force of 4 N and a 100
36 asphalt binders rather than the stiffness used in the longer loading duration of 1000 s was applied for this 101
37 performance grading (PG) system, this is especially true for purpose. Results indicate that the aggregate spatial 102
38 the modified binders. This finding was validated in several distribution could significantly influence the low 103
39 studies (Anderson et al., 2001; Di Benedetto et al., 2004). No temperature creep properties of asphalt mixtures. 104
40 105
size effect phenomenon was observed in this method (Hoare For the fracture properties of asphalt mixture, the evalua-
41 106
and Hesp, 2000); however, the BBR dimension beam is not a tion methods can be simply divided into the beam and cylin-
42 107
43 good option to perform the SENB test due to the drical by the samples’ geometries. All the specimens for the 108
44 uncontrollable and short crack propagation post-peak fracture test are pre-notched or drilled. Even though the 109
45 (Velasquez et al., 2011). sample dimensions of beam geometry are quite different; 110
46 In the case of DENT test, a similar geometry was used as however, all the tests can be considered as a three-point 111
47 the SENB test, while the 45 notch angle was used to facilitate bending SENB test. Rely on experimental works conducted on 112
48 cutting initial notches at both top and bottom sides of the testing control method, crack front development, repeat- 113
49 beam and five different notch lengths were tested. The initial ability, testing temperature, and mixed-mode fracture, the 114
50 attempt conducted by Dongre  et al. (1989) concluded to use J- SENB was recognized as the most promising fracture test for 115
51 116
integral JIC and elastic plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM) asphalt mixtures (Wagoner et al., 2005a, b). In most cases, the
52 117
analysis to evaluate the fracture behavior, it was also found fracture mode of SENB tests is mode I; hence, fracture
53 118
that the value of KIC highly relies on the initial crack depth. toughness, KIC, and fracture energy, GF, are used to evaluate
54 119
55 Followed-up studies (Roy and Hesp, 2001; Zofka and the fracture properties of asphalt mixtures. The critical J 120
56 Marasteanu, 2007) also found that the notch has significant integral, JIC, is found to be as an efficient parameter to 121
57 impact on the fracture behavior of asphalt binders. Better ranking the properties of asphalt mixture (Dongre  et al., 122
58 repeatability was found within DENT test compared to the 1989). Moreover, it was found that for the SENB test, the 123
59 DTT ones; hence, DENT is suggested to determine the notch length (Cannone Falchetto et al., 2017) and sample 124
60 critical cracking temperatures of asphalt binders (Zofka and dimension (Le et al., 2013) have significant influences on the 125
61 Marasteanu, 2007). fracture behavior of asphalt mixtures which can be 126
62 attributed to the size effect phenomena. 127
63 128 Experimental methods to evaluate the low temperature Due to the restriction of beam sample preparation (slab
64 129
performance of asphalt mixtures. Similar to asphalt binder, the samples), to simplify the sample preparation procedure, cy-
65 130
evaluation methods of asphalt mixture can be divided into lindrical, disc, and semi-circular shaped mixture specimen

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 34/185

34 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 that can be easily produced rely on the Superpave gyratory simple linear relationship between the characteristic time, t, 66
2 compactor was proposed in the US. The fracture toughness, of binder and corresponding mixture. Very well predicted 67
3 KIC, and the fracture energy, GF, are commonly used to eval- results were observed in the implementations. 68
4 uate the fracture properties of asphalt mixtures at low tem- For asphalt mixture, both empirically-based and mecha- 69
5 70
peratures for these three testing methods. The modified nistic-based models were proposed. For the empirically-based
6 71
Superpave IDT was developed by Roque et al. (1999) as a model, Fromm and Phang’s models (Fromm and Phang, 1972)
7 72
cylindrical shape sample. An 8-mm diameter hole is drilled developed a regression equation to predict the cracking index
8 73
9 in the center of an IDT specimen to simulate the initial and critical temperature rely on field investigation in Ontario, 74
10 crack. For the disc-shaped sample, disc-shaped compact Canada. Eleven parameters were selected for this purpose. 75
11 tension (DCT) test (ASTM, 2020) was proposed, a single edge Two measured parameters, coefficient of thermal 76
12 notched specimen under the tension load was used for this contraction and viscous flow properties at different 77
13 purpose. For both modified IDT and DCT test, the cracking temperatures, are used as inputs to calculate the final 78
14 propagation under different traffic loading can be evaluated critical temperature. Another well-known empirically-based 79
15 by applying different loads. model was also developed in Canada (Haas et al., 1987). 80
16 For the semi circular bend (SCB) test (Chong and Kuruppu, However, this model only focused on the pavements in 81
17 82
1984), a semi-circular shaped mixture sample with a airports. It should be noted that the empirically-based model
18 83
dimension of diameter of 150 mm, the thickness of 30 mm, could provide accurate prediction within the climate region
19 84
20 and a straight vertical central notch of 15 mm (20% of the and traffic load the researchers studied. It is risky to use as a 85
21 height) was produced for this purpose. The sample was general prediction model. In the case of mechanistic-based 86
22 placed on a frame consisting of two fixed rollers and having ones, different models were developed to estimate and 87
23 a span of 120 mm. Then a vertical loading was applied on predict the critical failure temperature, thermal stress. Hills 88
24 the top of this sample, the loading rate can be controlled by and Brien (1966) developed a prototype model to predict the 89
25 a load line displacement (LLD) and/or a crack mouth opening fracture temperature, the assumption of this model is the 90
26 displacement (CMOD) displacement sensors. According to its pseudo-elastic representation of asphalt mixture. The model 91
27 configuration, SCB test can be also recognized as a kind of is easy to be used, however, only the predicted critical 92
28 93
single edge notched three-point bending test. It was found temperature limited the wide application in a high
29 94
that the dimension of the specimen has limited influence on technology readiness level (TRL) level. A followed up study
30 95
the results, while the diameter has a more remarkable (Finn et al., 1977) further developed this model to widen its
31 96
32 influence compared to the thickness. In addition, besides the application to binder selection, potential cracking location 97
33 conventional fracture mode I, the mixed-mode I and II stress and amount, and standardization the pre-paving procedure. 98
34 intensity factors can be determined relying on the SCB test 99
35 by adjusting the notch's angle (Lim et al., 1994). In a study Effect factors of low temperature performance of 100
36 conducted by Li (2005), fracture energy is a more efficient asphalt mixture. Asphalt mixture is a kind of temperature 101
37 parameter to rank the fracture properties of asphalt mixtures. sensitive material. The decrease of temperature will lead to 102
38 the hardening of asphalt material and the fracture of asphalt 103
39 Low temperature behavior of asphalt materials. Plenty mixture under the action of temperature stress. The low 104
40 105
of models were developed in the past decades to describe the temperature performance of asphalt mixture is mainly
41 106
low temperature behavior of asphalt material, includes affected by environmental factors and its own properties.
42 107
43 asphalt binder, asphalt mixture, and correlations between The environmental factor mainly refers to the air temper- 108
44 binder and mixture. For asphalt binders, all the models are ature, which can describe the temperature stress in the 109
45 mechanistic-based models since no direct field data is related asphalt mixture. Among them, the duration of low tempera- 110
46 to asphalt binders. Both rheological and analogical modeling ture, low temperature extreme value and variable tempera- 111
47 were proposed to describe its rheological and mechanical ture rate are the main factors leading to the failure of asphalt 112
48 behaviors at low temperatures. At low temperature, when mixture. Research shows that extreme low temperature in 113
49 asphalt binders bear low strain/stress levels, then the mate- winter will lead to the change of heat transfer process, which 114
50 rials’ behavior can be simplified to linear viscoelastic increases the risk of low temperature cracking (Bronfenbrener 115
51 116
behavior. Hence, creep compliance, D(t), relaxation modulus, and Bronfenbrener, 2012; Frich et al., 2002; Hermansson, 2004).
52 117
E(t), are used to calculate the thermal stress evolution in the The prediction of extreme temperature of pavement in winter
53 118
asphalt binder when temperature decrease. Meanwhile, is the basis of accurate calculation of temperature load. Some
54 119
55 several analogical models, general Maxwell model, general researchers predict the pavement temperature by 120
56 Kelvin-Voigt model, Huet model (Huet, 1963), Huet-Sayegh atmospheric temperature. Akiyama (1976) showed that the 121
57 model (Sayegh, 1965), and the most recent 2S2P1D model (Di relationship between asphalt pavement temperature and 122
58 Benedetto et al., 2004), were developed to estimate and atmospheric temperature followed exponential relationship 123
59 predict the asphalt binders’ low temperature behavior. on sunny days, and linear relationship in cloudy days. Liu et 124
60 Among these models, Huet model shows the possibility to al. (2011) pointed out that the surface temperature is related 125
61 generate correlations between asphalt binder and the to the air temperature and can be determined by the daily 126
62 corresponding asphalt mixtures. A transformation equation maximum and minimum temperatures. Some researchers 127
63 128
named shift-homothety-shift in time-shift (SHStS) (Di focus on the temperature distribution of pavement depth
64 129
Benedetto et al., 2004; Pouget et al., 2010) can be used for range. Southgate (1968) suggested that the 5-day average
65 130
this propose. The principle of this model is based on the temperature should be taken as part of the input to

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 35/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 35

1 determine the temperature of each depth in the road surface. asphalt mixture and the alternative effect of temperature 66
2 Li et al. (2018b) predicted the temperature at different depths make the asphalt mixture constantly eroded by ice and water, 67
3 based on the average temperature. The duration of low resulting in serious freeze-thaw (F-T) damage, such as strip- 68
4 temperature and cooling rate may affect the temperature ping, raveling and other pavement diseases, affecting the 69
5 70
distribution of pavement structure depth (FHWA, 1998). durability of asphalt pavement in cold region. Therefore, the
6 71
The properties of asphalt mixture that affect low tempera- mechanism of F-T damage of asphalt mixture, and the eval-
7 72
ture performance include asphalt type, asphalt content, uation method of F-T damage have caused widespread
8 73
9 aggregate type, aggregate gradation and void ratio. There are concern in academic circles. On this basis, asphalt mixture F-T 74
10 more adhesion failure zones in the asphalt mixture with the damage behavior characteristics and the influence of different 75
11 density suspension structure than in that with the void skel- factors on the damage behavior are clarified. Meanwhile, to 76
12 eton structure (Zheng et al., 2012). Mineral powder and asphalt improve the freeze-thaw resistance ability of asphalt mixture, 77
13 form asphalt mortar, and bond aggregate to form strength. The some improvement measures have also been proposed. 78
14 ratio of mineral powder to asphalt directly affects the interface 79
15 strength and embrittlement state of asphalt mixture at low F-T damage mechanisms. At present, the mechanism 80
16 temperature (Du et al., 2021b; Zheng et al., 2017). of F-T damage of asphalt mixture mainly has the following 81
17 82
viewpoints. The expansion force is generated due to the phase
18 83 Improvement of low temperature performance of change of water during the freezing process. When the
19 84
20 asphalt mixture. In asphalt mixture, asphalt is greatly affected expansion force exceeds the adhesion strength between the 85
21 by temperature. Therefore, improving the low temperature asphalt and the aggregates, the asphalt mixture F-T damage 86
22 performance of asphalt directly affects that of asphalt occurs (Fig. 21) (Lyu et al., 2020). During the freeze-thaw cycle, 87
23 mixture. Polymer modifier is the main method to improve the moisture penetrates into the asphalt-aggregate section, and 88
24 low temperature performance of asphalt. Polymer modifier the freezing of moisture causes the asphalt to separate from 89
25 mainly includes rubber, thermoplastic elastomer and resin. the aggregate. As the number of freeze-thaw cycles 90
26 Rubber particles can block the generation of cracks, leading to increases, the interface displacement increases (Xu et al., 91
27 the improvement of low temperature properties of the binder. 2020d). Yi et al. (2014) believed that under repeated freezing 92
28 93
Thermoplastic elastomer include styrene butadiene styrene and thawing, the asphalt mixture exhibited more
29 94
(SBS) and styrene isoprene styrene (SIS) (Wang et al., 2017g), elastoplastic properties after F-T damage, and the main
30 95
which can effectively reduce the temperature sensitivity of reason for the decrease in strength is the loss of adhesive
31 96
32 asphalt (Li et al., 2019a; Liu et al., 2019b). At the same time, it cohesive force. And the F-T damage will also change the 97
33 can reduce the low temperature creep resistance and plastic potential surface, causing greater volume strain. Yu 98
34 cracking resistance of asphalt (Wang et al., 2012b). SBS is a (2019) regarded freezing and thawing as the accumulation of 99
35 kind of thermoplastic elastomer, which is currently the most ice swelling and water erosion. F-T damage has resulted 100
36 commonly used modifier for asphalt, has a good effect on from crack propagation caused by frost heaving and cement 101
37 improving the low temperature performance of neat asphalt. cohesive failure caused by erosion. In addition, the 102
38 Because SBS can effectively improve the ductility of neat migration, aggregation, and freezing of water have also 103
39 asphalt, the deformation ability and the crack resistance of attracted the attention of scholars. Under the permeation 104
40 105
asphalt mixture are improved (Hao et al., 2017a; Lin et al., action, water aggregates along with the void structure to the
41 106
2017b). polyethylene (PE) includes low density polyethylene frozen area, resulting in the expansion of ice, the increase of
42 107
43 (LDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE). PE used to damage, and the propagation of cracks, resulting in serious 108
44 modify asphalt mainly comes from waste plastics. At 140  C, F-T damage (Cao, 2008; Xu et al., 2016a; Yang, 2005). 109
45 the polyethylene can be readily dispersed in heated liquid 110
46 bitumen by high-shear mixing to form a colloidal Evaluation method of F-T damage. The F-T damage 111
47 suspension (Jew et al., 1986). In general, the addition of PE performance of asphalt mixture is mainly evaluated by the 112
48 can improve the tensile strength of asphalt at low Lottmen method. For example, the AASHTO (2013) adopts the 113
49 temperature and reduce the cracking potential of asphalt Lottmen method to divide the samples into two groups. One 114
50 (Punith and Veeraragavan, 2007). For some PE materials, group of samples are subjected to vacuum saturation. Then 115
51 116
such as glycidyl methacrylate modified PE, the epoxy group the samples are pretreated in 60  C inundation condition for
52 117
in the side chain of glycidyl methacrylate has been achieved 24 h, and then subjected in -18  C air-freezing environment
53 118
with the functional group in universities (Li et al., 2008). As a for 16 h and 60  C water condition for 24 h. After that, the
54 119
55 result, the fatigue and crack resistance at low temperature is two groups are subjected in water immersion condition at 25 120

56 improved. Because PE improves the performance of asphalt, C. The splitting strength ratio of two groups of specimens is 121
57 the low temperature performance of asphalt mixture and taken as the evaluation index of F-T damage. What’s more, 122
58 cement asphalt material are enhanced (Panda and this method has clear requirements for the void ratio and 123
59 Mazumdar, 2002). water saturation ratio of asphalt mixture. Standard Test 124
60 Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixtures for Highway 125
61 3.1.2. Freeze-thaw damage of asphalt mixtures Engineering T0729-2000 (MTPRC, 2011) is adjusted on the 126
62 Asphalt mixture is a commonly used porous material for basis of the Lottmen method. Instead of making specific 127
63 128
pavement, and water easily enters the material through requirements on void content and water saturation, it
64 129
rainfall and runoff. However, in cold regions, especially in stipulates the compaction times of the specimen. And the
65 130
early spring and early winter, the existence of moisture in the specimens are directly subjected to freeze-thaw treatment.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 36/185

36 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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Fig. 21 e The mechanism of F-T damage in asphalt mixture (Lyu et al., 2020).
23 88
24 89
25 90
26 91
27 92
In Lottmen method, the evaluation of asphalt mixture F-T asphalt mixture during the freeze-thaw cycle based on the
28 93
damage only takes one freeze-thaw cycle to the specimen. Weibull statistical model. The shape factor, scale factor, and
29 94
30 However, asphalt pavement is often subjected to multiple gradient factor are used to evaluate the interior of the 95
31 freeze-thaw cycles in the actual service. Therefore, on the asphalt mixture. Zhu (2018) used the logistic model to 96
32 basis of this method, most studies have increased the number describe the degree and speed of F-T damage of different 97
33 of freeze-thaw cycles. Meanwhile, considering the actual types of asphalt mixtures, evaluated the degree of damage 98
34 water temperature condition of asphalt pavement in different of different asphalt mixtures in the process of 15 freeze- 99
35 areas, some scholars have also adjusted the water and tem- thaw cycles with saturation factor, and expressed the 100
36 perature conditions of freeze-thaw cycles (Li et al., 2020d; Xu growth rate of damage speed of asphalt mixtures with 101
37 et al., 2018a; Yu, 2019). Some scholars also used the freeze- growth rate factor. 102
38 103
thaw test of concrete for reference in the process of the With the development of microscopic structure detection
39 104
asphalt mixture specimens (Badeli et al., 2018; Tarefder et technology, the evaluation of F-T damage has gone into the
40 105
al., 2018). microscopic level, and the computed tomography (X-ray CT)
41 106
42 After freeze-thaw cycle treatment of asphalt mixture, the is a common method. Based on the tomography images of 107
43 indirect tensile test according to the Lottmen method is often asphalt mixture before and after the F-T test, the internal 108
44 used to evaluate the F-T damage of asphalt mixture. Other structure is extracted to evaluate and describe the spatial 109
45 mechanical tests are also applied to the evaluation of F-T distribution and evolution process of damage. The 110
46 damage of asphalt mixture. For example, the uniaxial commonly used meso-structural parameters include void 111
47 compression test (Fan et al., 2020b), complex modulus test content, void number, and void size (Xu et al., 2020d; Wu et 112
48 (Badeli et al., 2016), semicircular bending (SCB) tests (Fakhri al., 2018), void tortuosity (Xu et al., 2015b), fractal 113
49 et al., 2020; Karimi et al., 2021). These mechanical property dimension, and angular property (Ma, 2018), and so on. 114
50 115
tests are combined to evaluate the variation of F-T damage These parameters can accurately describe the damage
51 116
property of asphalt mixture from different perspectives. evolution process of asphalt mixture void structure during
52 117
53 Macroscopic physical property tests, such as mass loss (Yan the F-T process. 118
54 et al., 2015b) and void content (Chomicz-Kowalska et al., However, when using X-ray CT to evaluate the F-T damage 119
55 2020) are also occasionally used in the evaluation of F-T of asphalt mixture, the test process is relatively complicated. 120
56 damage of asphalt mixtures. In addition, in order to evaluate Therefore, some scholars have adopted some nondestructive 121
57 the degree of F-T damage of asphalt mixture, some scholars testing methods to test and evaluate it. Zhang et al. (2016b) 122
58 established a prediction model based on the evolution of found that the freeze-thaw resistance of different asphalt 123
59 mechanical performance. Based on the F-T damage residual mixtures can be better evaluated by the dynamic 124
60 life prediction model of asphalt pavement, Tan et al. (2011) nondestructive test. Meng et al. (2020) also used the dynamic 125
61 126
took the compressive rebound modulus as the main index to nondestructive test method to evaluate the F-T damage of
62 127
evaluate the F-T resistance of asphalt mixture. Cheng et al. asphalt mixture, and found that there was an obvious linear
63 128
(2019) and Zhu (2018) described the relationship between the relationship between the second-order damping ratio and
64 129
65 failure probability and time of the internal points of the the F-T damage of asphalt mixture. Therefore, the change of 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 37/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 37

1 the second-order damping ratio was adopted to evaluate the the asphalt mixture in a laminar flow state, and the freeze- 66
2 evolution of the F-T damage of the asphalt mixture. thaw process promoted the water migration in the asphalt 67
3 mixture. 68
4 F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture. The under- With the development of microscopic detection technol- 69
5 70
standing of the F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture is ogy, the variation of microscopic damage evolution has been
6 71
mainly carried out from three aspects. Firstly, the perfor- gradually recognized. Xu et al. (2015b) believed that the F-T
7 72
mance attenuation and damage development of asphalt damage of asphalt mixtures consisted of three forms,
8 73
9 mixture in the process of freeze-thaw cycles were defined on expansion of a single volume, the combination of two 74
10 different scales. Secondly, the damage evolution equation or separation voids, and the generation of new voids (Fig. 22). 75
11 damage evolution model of asphalt mixture were established. In Fig. 22, red means existing void without F-T cycle, green 76
12 Thirdly, the spatial distribution characteristics and develop- means voids increment after 15 F-T cycles compared with 77
13 ment of F-T damage was defined. Meanwhile, the influence of existing void, pink means voids increment after 30 F-T 78
14 different factors on F-T damage of asphalt mixture was also cycles compared with that after 15 F-T cycles. Wu et al. 79
15 analyzed. (2018) obtained the evolution of meso-voids of asphalt 80
16 mixture during freeze-thaw process by combining CT and 81
17 82
(1) Evolution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture mercury injection method (Fig. 23). The freeze-thaw cycle
18 83
mainly caused the variation in the void size and void
19 84
20 In the study of the F-T damage evolution of asphalt number, in which the number of voids in the range of 0.2-0.6 85
21 mixture, the macroscopic mechanical performance is mainly mm increased significantly, while the number of voids in 86
22 studied. Yan et al. (2015b) pointed out that the freeze-thaw other sizes changed slightly. Ma (2018) indicated that in the 87
23 cycle would lead to a gradual decrease in the stability and process of freeze-thaw cycles, the fractal dimension, 88
24 splitting strength of the asphalt mixture. Wang et al. (2020b) angular, roundness, and long-short axial ratio of void in 89
25 fitted the stability, uniaxial compressive strength, and asphalt mixture showed a three-stage trend, increasing first, 90
26 fatigue life of asphalt mixture in the process of freeze-thaw then decreasing, and finally becoming stable. Lyu et al. 91
27 cycles, and found that the variation of loss rate of different (2020) observed the changing aggregate-asphalt mortar 92
28 93
properties with the number of freeze-thaw cycles could be interface of asphalt mixture in the process of the freeze-
29 94
fitted as a convex quadratic function. Karimi et al. (2021) thaw cycle by using scanning electron microscopy, and
30 95
pointed out that the fracture resistance of asphalt mixture found that under the action of the freeze-thaw process,
31 96
32 decreased gradually with the number of freeze-thaw cycles microscopic cracks appeared at the interface, and the 97
33 according to the change of fracture parameters in the semi- interface phase structure was damaged. 98
34 circular bending test of asphalt mixture. Fakhri et al. (2020) 99
35 indicated that the fracture toughness of asphalt mixture (2) F-T damage evolution model of asphalt mixture 100
36 decreased with the number of freeze-thaw cycles and 101
37 tended towards stability after 7 cycles. Fan et al. (2020b) In order to describe the F-T damage evolution of asphalt 102
38 investigated the evolution of the fatigue life of asphalt mixture more accurately, scholars have established the 103
39 mixture in the process of freeze-thaw cycles and pointed damage evolution equation or evolution model. The 104
40 105
that the fatigue life of asphalt mixture decreased with the commonly used damage evolution models are the mechanical
41 106
increase of the number of freeze-thaw cycles. Xu et al. model (Li and Tan, 2014; Lovqvist et al., 2019; Yi et al., 2014;
42 107
43 (2016a) analyzed the evolution process of F-T damage of Zhang et al., 2016c, 2021g) and the thermodynamic model 108
44 asphalt mixture based on the evolution of permeability. (Lovqvist et al., 2020). With the help of these models, the 109
45 With the increase of hydraulic gradient, the sensitivity of evolution and characteristics of freeze-thaw damage of 110
46 permeability velocity to the freeze-thaw cycle increased. The asphalt mixture were described. The models are summaried 111
47 freeze-thaw cycle increased the hydraulic conductivity of in Table 14. 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
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Fig. 22 e 2D meso void structure evolution during F-T cycles (Xu et al., 2015b).
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 38/185

38 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 90
26 91
27 Fig. 23 e 3D void variation of asphalt mixture before and after F-T process (Wu et al., 2018). 92
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 96
(3) Distribution and development of asphalt mixture F-T et al, 2018; Xu et al, 2015b, 2018, 2021a). Du et al. (2017a)
32 97
33 damage analyzed the distribution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture 98
34 based on the characteristics of the microscopic damage 99
35 Asphalt mixture is a heterogeneous material and the dis- distribution before and after the freeze-thaw splitting test. 100
36 tribution of F-T damage is related to its heterogeneous prop- The damage mostly appeared in the places where the initial 101
37 erties. In most studies, CT technology was used to clarify the void was densely distributed, and the F-T damage increased 102
38 vertical distribution and evolution of F-T damage based on the in the section with larger void content. Hou (2015) used 103
39 distribution characteristics of mesoscopic void structure (Wu digital image correlation technology to obtain the variation 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 Table 14 e Summary of F-T damage model of asphalt mixture. 108
44 109
45 Reference Model type Model formulation 110
46 Lovqvist et al. (2019) Micromechanical model s ¼ sð1  dq  dj þ dq dj Þ 111
47 Yi et al. (2014) Viscoelastoplastic damage model Viscoelastic formulation 112
48 Rt vdij ðtÞ 113
49 sij ðtÞ ¼ 2 Gðt  tÞ dt 114
0 vt
50 Rt veij ðtÞ 115
sij ðtÞ ¼ 3 0 Kðt  tÞ dt
51 vt 116
52 Elastic-plastic formulation 117
53 vg 118
dsij ¼ Cijkl deij  dl ep
54 vsij 119
55 Zhang et al. (2016c) Damaged mechanics model vD1
f ðn; eÞ ¼ ð1  Dn Þ þ ð1  Dl Þ
vDn 120
56 ve vn 121
Li et al. (2014) Maxwell model   Et1   Et2 
57   122
58 sðtÞ ¼ ð1  DÞ h0 e_ þ h1 e_ 1  e 1 þ h2 e_ 1  e h2
59 " 124
Zhang et al. (2021g) Continuous damage model   1 #
60 N 1þa 125
D ¼ Dc 1  1
61 ND 126
62 Lovqvist et al. (2020) Thermodynamic model vf FTC FTC 127
¼  FTC l_ ¼  l_
63 vY 128
64 vf FTC _ FTC 129
¼ kl_
h_ ¼  l
65 vG 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 39/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 39

1 in the splitting strain field of asphalt mixture before and after 2020a; Zhang et al., 2016b) and polymer modified asphalt 66
2 freeze and thaw. The strain of asphalt mortar increased (Nian et al., 2018; Teltayev et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2019c). The 67
3 obviously, and the damage mainly occurred inside the fiber has a strengthening effect on the interface between 68
4 asphalt mortar and at the interface between the asphalt aggregate and asphalt, mainly including basalt fiber (Cheng 69
5 70
mortar and aggregate. et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018a; Yu, 2019), bamboo fiber (Xia
6 71
et al, 2021), ceramic fiber (Wang et al., 2021j) and aramid
7 72 Effect factors of freeze thaw performance of asphalt pump fiber (Badeli et al., 2018). There are also scholars using
8 73
9 mixture. As for the factors of F-T damage of asphalt mixture, a variety of fiber to enhance the freezing and thawing 74
10 the material composition of the asphalt mixture and envi- performance of asphalt mixture (Gong et al., 2018a; Zhu, 75
11 ronment were mainly studied. Different types of asphalt 2018). Adding lime, cement, bentonite, and other materials 76
12 mixtures can lead to differences in void structure, so this is an to asphalt mixture as anti-stripping agents can improve the 77
13 important factor affecting F-T damage (Xu et al., 2015b). ability of asphalt mixture to resist stripping and improve the 78
14 Asphalt content (El-Hakim and Tighe, 2014) and filler anti-freeze thaw erosion performance (Kok and Yilmaz, 79
15 properties (Wang, 2020a, b) also affect the freeze-thaw 2009; Qiao et al., 2018). Steel slag could be used to replace 80
16 resistance of asphalt mixtures. Void is the carrier of aggregate, and through the physical anchorage and adhesion 81
17 82
moisture, and it is also the main factor affecting the freeze- between steel slag and asphalt, the adhesion performance of
18 83
thaw performance of asphalt mixture. The number of open asphalt mixture was improved and the freeze-thaw
19 84
20 voids (Yi, 2012), connected voids (Zhang et al., 2021g), and resistance of asphalt mixture was enhanced (Lyu et al., 2020). 85
21 initial voids (Du et al., 2017a; Xu et al., 2021a; Yan et al., The second method is to reduce the impact of environ- 86
22 2015) also have an important impact on the development of mental such as water condition and temperature on the 87
23 F-T damage. From an environmental point of view, the damage of asphalt mixture. Water can be sprayed on the 88
24 presence of water is important to affect the F-T damage of surface of the asphalt mixture to prevent or reduce the water 89
25 asphalt. The phase state of saturation and moisture affects into the asphalt mixture and reduce the damage caused by the 90
26 the degree of F-T damage and the development speed (Fan water frost heave. Waterproof material can be sprayed on the 91
27 et al., 2020b; Li et al., 2020d; Sun et al., 2020a; Xu et al., surface of the asphalt mixture to prevent or reduce moisture 92
28 93
2015b). The effect factors of freeze thaw performance of from entering the asphalt mixture and reduce the damage
29 94
asphalt mixture are summaried in Table 15. caused by moisture frost heave. Lin et al. (2012) used silicone
30 95
protective materials to reduce F-T damage of the asphalt
31 96
32 Improvement of freeze thaw resistance of asphalt mixture. The silicone protective materials could change the 97
33 mixture. There are mainly two ways to improve the F-T connected void into a closed void, and improve the indirect 98
34 damage resistance of the asphalt mixture. One is to tensile strength and stability after the freeze-thaw cycle. 99
35 strengthen the damage resistance of the asphalt mixture. The Hou (2015) optimized the design of organosilicon water- 100
36 F-T damage resistance of asphalt mixture was improved by repellent protective materials to improve the freeze-thaw 101
37 increasing asphalt content (Sun et al., 2020a), optimizing resistance of asphalt mixture. In addition, adding the anti- 102
38 gradation design (Wang et al., 2021i). Adding modifiers to the icing agent to asphalt mixture can reduce the freezing point 103
39 asphalt mixture, or compound modification of the asphalt of water inside the asphalt mixture, which can also reduce 104
40 105
mixture through a variety of modifiers, can also improve the the F-T damage caused by the expansion of the phase
41 106
resistance of the asphalt mixture to F-T damage, such as change volume of water (Hou, 2015). Li et al. (2012a)
42 107
43 rubber modified asphalt (Huang et al., 2005a; Liu et al., proposed that the conductive ultra-thin anti-skidding 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
Table 15 e Summary of effect factors of freeze thaw performance of asphalt mixture.
48 113
49 Influence factor Differences in freeze-thaw damage behavior Reference 114
50 Material composition Asphalt mixture types Void structure evolution Xu et al., 2015b 115
51 Asphalt content The attenuation of dynamic modulus El-Hakim and Tighe, 2014 116
52 Filler properties Adhesion of filler and asphalt Wang, 2020a 117
53 Compactness Compaction The freeze-thaw damage resistance Gong et al., 2016 118
54 Void structure Connected void content Degradation velocity Zhang et al., 2021g 119
55 Open void number Damage degree in the initial stage of F-T damage Yi, 2012 120
56 Initial void ratio The strength loss Yan et al., 2015 121
57 Du et al., 2017a
58 123
59 Xu et al., 2021a 124
60 Environment Water saturation The fatigue life Fan et al., 2020c 125
61 126
Sun et al., 2020a
62 127
Water phase Damage degree and injury development speed Xu et al., 2015b
63 128
64 Li et al., 2020d 129
65 Salt water Salt water causes damage to the interface Feng et al., 2010 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 40/185

40 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 wearing course (CUAWC), mixed with graphite, carbon fiber, Continuous reinforced concrete pavement. The CRCP is 66
2 and epoxy resin adhesive, was used to remove snow and ice the most widely used long-life rigid pavement. The main 67
3 on asphalt pavement to reduce F-T damage. distress to the joint plain concrete pavement (JPCP) are spal- 68
4 ling and faulting at the joints, which result in high mainte- 69
5 70
3.1.3. Summary and outlook nance costs in service, further contributing to the popularity
6 71
In summary, the mechanism of the F-T damage of asphalt of CRCP (Kim et al., 2020). In other words, the concept of CRCP
7 72
mixture has been explained from different perspectives, and was developed to eliminate lateral cracks, reduce
8 73
9 the F-T damage behavior of asphalt mixture has been studied maintenance costs and improve service life (Ren et al., 74
10 from different scales. The influence factors of F-T damage 2013a, 2014). The CRCP design concept is to allow the 75
11 were also clarified, and the measures to improve the F-T pavement to crack naturally during its service life and to be 76
12 resistance of asphalt mixture were put forward. However, the constrained by continuous longitudinal reinforcement, 77
13 relationship between the F-T damage behavior at different resulting in internal stress in the concrete. Under the 78
14 scales has not been established. And, climate conditions in combined impacts of environmental load and internal 79
15 different regions are different, such as temperature, rainfall, stress, the CRCP develops various random cracks in the early 80
16 and so on. These differences can bring different effects on the 81
stage (Chen et al., 2011a; Chorzepa et al., 2018; Citir et al.,
17 82
evolution of F-T damage of asphalt mixture. Future research 2020; Kim et al., 2019; Sofi et al., 2019). The main function of
18 83
can be carried out from these aspects, which can provide an longitudinal reinforcement is to prevent excessive crack
19 84
20 important reference value for the research on the climate di- openings (Ryu et al., 2013a). 85
21 vision of F-T damage of asphalt mixture. In the last few decades, most European countries have 86
22 been using CRCP for the construction of advanced heavy load 87
23 3.2. Long-life rigid pavement and concrete durability roads, with Belgium and France being the only two countries 88
24 that use CRCP on a large scale (Oh et al., 2016a, b). CRCP is 89
25 The concept of long-life pavements has been widely accepted widely used in at least 35 states, with Texas and Illinois 90
26 in the world. After field practices for decades, several types of leading the way. As of 2012, the Texas Department of 91
27 rigid pavements exhibit the capacities or potentials of being Transportation has built more than 20,930 km of CRCP, 92
28 93
long-life pavements. This article summarized the efforts of accounting for about 6.8% of the total length of local
29 94
scholars and engineers on investigating long-life rigid pave- highways (Zhou et al., 2014a). Currently, Texas's CRCP
30 95
ments, including continuous reinforced concrete pavement performs well, but it used to face serious spalling problems.
31 96
32 (CRCP), fiber reinforced concrete pavement (FRCP), two-lift The Texas Department of Transportation carried out a series 97
33 concrete pavement (2LCP). The CRCP, as a popular rigid of project studies to identify spalling and improve pavement 98
34 pavement structure in Europe and North America, was conditions, which require the use of coarse aggregate during 99
35 introduced elaborately on its structure, materials, distresses, CRCP construction to produce concrete with a thermal 100
36 and maintenance treatments. On the other hand, the dura- expansion coefficient of no more than 5.5 microstrain/F to 101
37 bility of concrete is also a critical factor influencing the per- reduce spalling (Choi et al., 2020b). 102
38 formance and the service life of rigid pavements. This article The two significant drawbacks of CRCP are high construc- 103
39 introduced the state-of-art knowledge of sulfate attack, alkali- 104
tion costs in the early stage and random cracks that develop
40 105
aggregate reaction, freeze-thaw impacts on concrete. The unevenly (Kim et al., 2020). Advanced reinforced concrete
41 106
summary work in this article can be a reference when pavement (ARCP) is based on CRCP using crack induction
42 107
43 designing and building long-life rigid pavements. and local reinforcement instead of continuous longitudinal 108
44 reinforcement to eliminate unnecessary reinforcement in 109
45 3.2.1. Long-life cement concrete pavement CRCP, thus reducing construction costs and random cracks 110
46 After field practice for decades, long-life pavements exhibit (Kashif et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2020). The passive nature of 111
47 lower cost and better benefits than conventional pavements, crack induction is one of the main factors leading to the 112
48 which therefore become more and more popular in the world. erosion and spalling development of CRCP section (Ren et 113
49 Currently, A pavement with a service life longer than 35 years, al., 2013b). In Belgium, partial surface sawing, which 114
50 defined by the United States, or 50 years defined by the United eliminates the randomness of early crack patterns by 115
51 116
Kingdom, or 40-60 years defined by Japan without structure inducing cracks at predetermined CRCP locations, is
52 117
failure can be assumed as a long-life pavement (Liu et al., considered to be the most effective crack induction method
53 118
2016b). (De Winne et al., 2018; Ren et al. (2014). Kim et al. (2020)
54 119
55 Among the rigid pavements, the continuous reinforced defined the concept of ARCP and put forward the design 120
56 concrete pavement (CRCP), fiber reinforced concrete pave- method. Kashif et al. (2021) proposed a reinforcement 121
57 ment (FRCP) and two-lift concrete pavement (2LCP) are scheme for ARCP and evaluated that the ARCP of local 122
58 believed as groups or at least candidates of long-life rigid surface sawing had the same mechanical behavior and 123
59 pavements after field practices for decades. Concrete pave- cracking characteristics as CRCP through a three- 124
60 ment only occupies a small proportion on highways in China dimensional finite element model. 125
61 (Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and 126
62 Transport, 2020). However, with the increasing demand for Fiber reinforced concrete pavement. Fiber reinforced 127
63 concrete is aimed at improving the strength, toughness and 128
resource conservation and environmental protection, it is
64 129
necessary for China to vigorously develop long-life rigid durability of concrete (Afroughsabet et al., 2016). Ordinary
65 130
pavements (Liu et al., 2016a). rigid pavements are lack of self-healing capability like

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 41/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 41

1 flexible pavements. In the early stage, micro cracks are easy to In addition to the above two kinds of FRCP, there are also 66
2 appear under the combined impact of environmental loads basalt fiber (Branston et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2019) and other 67
3 and in service. The further development of micro-cracks polymer fiber. However, a single fiber can only enhance the 68
4 eventually causes structural failure of pavement. The fiber individual properties of concrete. Therefore, mixed fiber 69
5 70
bridging mechanism can effectively control the cracks of reinforced concrete (Afroughsabet et al., 2016; Ayub et al.,
6 71
concrete, improve the toughness and flexural strength of 2014) was studied. It is expected that the fiber reinforced
7 72
concrete, and thus improve the durability of concrete (Lau et concrete pavement structure with better performance and
8 73
9 al., 2020). Therefore, adding fiber has become one of the hot longer service life can be designed. 74
10 research directions for realizing long-life pavement. The 75
11 research of FRCP started in the 1960s, and since the 1980s, it Two-lift concrete pavement. Two-lift concrete pave- 76
12 has been widely used in the United States, Japan and other ment (2LCP) refers to the laying of two different layers of 77
13 developed countries (Shen et al., 2012). FRCP has been concrete (wet-on-wet), rather than the traditional homoge- 78
14 widely used in the construction of special pavements (such neous single-layer pavement structure, and has ideal surface 79
15 as airport pavements) and in the protection, repairment and characteristics (Hu et al., 2019). Compared to traditional 80
16 reconstruction of cement concrete pavements (Pramod et al., concrete pavement, the bottom layer allows for the use of 81
17 82
2015). FRCP overlay can effectively reduce the thickness of more economical concrete such as local or recycled
18 83
overlay, improve fatigue performance, and increase service aggregates, and by optimizing the mix design of the top
19 84
20 life (Ali et al., 2020). layer, 2LCP can exhibit good surface characteristics (superior 85
21 The fibers added to enhance the service life of cement durability as well as low noise and skid resistance) (Fig. 24). 86
22 concrete pavement mainly include steel fiber and poly- One of the typical applications of modern 2LCP is to provide 87
23 propylene fiber. Steel fiber reinforced concrete pavement a high friction surface by exposing the concrete aggregate of 88
24 (SFRCP) has high elastic modulus and stiffness modulus, which the bottom layer to improve the bonding between layers and 89
25 improves the compressive cracking resistance of concrete enhance durability. 2LCP can also use roller compacted 90
26 pavement, but reduces the construction workability of con- concrete (RCC) or permeable concrete on the bottom layer to 91
27 crete, and the corrosion of steel corrodes concrete (Fiore et al., improve the pavement life (Hu et al., 2014a). 92
28 93
2015; Jiang et al., 2014; Sarkar and Hajihosseini, 2020). SFRCP 2LCP has been studied and applied in the United States for
29 94
is usually used in the construction of airport pavements due more than a century. The first 2LCP occurred in Bellefontaine,
30 95
to its high cost. In China, the development and application of Ohio, in 1891, and is still in service today (Snell and Snell,
31 96
32 SFRCP began in the mid-1970s, and the application of SFRC in 2002). Another classic 2LCP project in the United States, the 97
33 pavement engineering began in the early 1980s, available in Belknap Place project in San Antonio, Texas, in 1914, is still 98
34 Taiyuan, Shenyang, Anqing, Daqing and other cities. in service today. The 1976 LOWA US-75, with recycled 99
35 As a non-structural reinforcing material, polypropylene aggregate for the bottom layer and new aggregate concrete 100
36 fiber (PF) can improve the stress distribution of concrete, for the top layer, has performed well so far. The 2LCP 101
37 reduce bleeding and isolation, and improve the internal uni- structure was also adopted on U.S. Highway 2 in the same 102
38 formity of concrete (Shen et al., 2012). Through compression year. Until 1997, the pavement deteriorated and was 103
39 tests, Liu and Wang (2020) found that PF cement slurry had repaired with asphalt cladding (Lan, 2018). 104
40 105
better ductility than ordinary cement slurry, maintained the In Europe, 2LCP is more commonly used than in the United
41 106
integrity of the specimen under load, and did not collapse States. For instance, standard concrete pavements in Austria
42 107
43 even in the process of failure. Yew et al. (2015) studied the are constructed according to the 2LCP code. Moreover, 2LCP is 108
44 properties of different PF reinforced concrete. PF reinforced already widely used in countries such as Switzerland, 109
45 concrete can effectively improve the cohesion and crack Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany (Tompkins et 110
46 resistance of concrete, and significantly inhibit the plastic al., 2012). Belgium's current road projects are all devoted to the 111
47 shrinkage cracking and temperature deformation of repair and renovation of old cement concrete pavement. The 112
48 concrete, thus prolongs service life of concrete (Yew et al., main type of pavement is two-layer paved continuous 113
49 2015; Zhang et al., 2013c). reinforced concrete pavement (2L-CRCP). In the 2L-CRCP, 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
Fig. 24 e Structure diagram of 2LCP.
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 42/185

42 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 coarse aggregate with a high coefficient of thermal expansion investigations recognized the influence of crack pattern on 66
2 can be used as the bottom layer (in a single CRCP, since the punchout development (Tayabji et al., 1998; Vandenbossche 67
3 maximum temperature and humidity variation is 5-7.5 cm et al., 2012; Won, 2011). The analysis of several long-term 68
4 (2-3 inches) on the pavement surface, the aggregate with a pavement performance (LTPP) sections in the United States 69
5 70
high coefficient of thermal expansion could lead to potential has shown that the majority of punchouts occur in CRCP
6 71
spalling problems) (Hu et al., 2014a). that has transverse cracks spaced from about 0.3 to 0.6 m
7 72
The cracks in concrete caused by freeze-thaw cycle is one and especially in clusters of closely spaced cracks. However,
8 73
9 of the main distresses of cement concrete pavement in sea- CRCP with a crack spacing of less than 0.6 m has been 74
10 sonal frozen soil area. In seasonal frozen soil area, freeze- reported performed well under good base support conditions 75
11 thaw cycle leads to internal damage of concrete, especially in and tight crack width (Hall et al., 2007; Tyson and Tayabji, 76
12 interfacial transition zone. Interfacial transition zone is the 2012). Besides, several investigations tentatively revealed 77
13 weak link of multiphase composites, which is the most likely that many distresses identified and recorded as punchouts 78
14 to deteriorate first under the comprehensive action of envi- in Texas were not actually caused by structural deficiency. 79
15 ronmental load. At present, 2LCP is a good choice for resisting Rather, most of the distresses were caused by imperfections 80
16 freeze-thaw environment. The top layer of PF reinforced in design details, inadequate construction activities and/or 81
17 82
concrete has better freeze-thaw damage resistance and less variation in the material quality issues (Won, 2011).
18 83
mass loss than that of ordinary Portland cement concrete Horizontal cracking appears to be another major cause of
19 84
20 (Zhou et al., 2020a). Yeon and Kim (2018) found that phase distresses in CRCP, which is especially frequently reported in 85
21 change materials (PCMs) have a positive effect on alleviating Texas. The interactions between longitudinal steel and con- 86
22 freeze-thaw degradation of concrete pavement, which crete in response to dynamic wheel loading applications 87
23 became minimal when the ambient temperature was much appear to be the cause of horizontal cracking (Choi et al., 88
24 lower than the transition temperature. In India, 2LCP is 2011a; Kim and Won, 2004; Won et al., 2002). Significant 89
25 often constructed by paving pavement quality concrete tensile stress occurred in concrete near the longitudinal 90
26 (PQC) over dry lean concrete (DLC) and adding micron plastic steel because of environmental load and steel restraint. In 91
27 sheets between layers to eliminate interlayer reflective addition, horizontal cracking could be affected by concrete 92
28 93
cracks (Swarna et al., 2021). material properties, environmental conditions, and
29 94
Considering the wide application of CRCP pavement longitudinal steel layout (Kim and Won, 2004; Won et al.,
30 95
structure globally in recent years, it is necessary to review its 2002). Lastly, the distress of spalling is reported only when
31 96
32 design, construction and road performance. siliceous river gravel is used, and considered being 97
33 construction practices and the weather condition at the time 98
34 3.2.2. Design, construction and performance of CRCP of the construction (Choi et al., 2020b; Wang and Zollinger, 99
35 CRCP gains popularity in many countries for its high perfor- 2000; Zollinger et al., 1994). To further improve CRCP 100
36 mance and low maintenance cost under heavy traffic loadings performance by minimizing distresses not related to the 101
37 and challenging environmental conditions provided proper structural capacity of the pavement system, an enhanced 102
38 design and construction practice are implemented (Gh et al., understanding of the behavior of CRCP on a meso-scale 103
39 2021; Hall et al., 2007; Li et al., 2017b; Li and Liu, 2014; Oh et when subjected to environmental loading is needed. 104
40 105
al., 2017; Stempihar et al., 2020; Tyson and Tayabji, 2012;
41 106
Yang et al., 2020b; Zhang and Huang, 2020; Zuo, 2010). The The importance of crack pattern on CRCP performance.
42 107
43 majority of these CRCPs have provided long-term service To a large extent, the performance of CRCP depends on its 108
44 life, while few countries stopped building CRCP because of early-age behavior. Thus, some researchers have studied the 109
45 some unsatisfactory experiences due to inadequate design, early-age behavior of CRCP (Cho et al., 1997; Johnston and 110
46 nondurable materials, and construction-related deficiencies. Surdahl, 2006, 2007; Kim et al., 2000, 2003; Kohler and 111
47 However, some countries and their provinces made Roesler, 2004; Nam et al., 2006; Tayabji et al., 1999; Zhang 112
48 continuous improvements to evolve CRCP into a much more and Wang, 2011). In addition, there are a lot of differences in 113
49 reliable pavement type. climate, material, traffic, structure, design level, and 114
50 construction techniques among the CRCP of different 115
51 116 CRCP distress and its mechanism. In the 1993 AASHTO countries, which have significant effects on the early-age
52 117
guide, the performance criteria of CRCP include crack spacing, behavior of CRCP.
53 118
crack width, and the tensile stress in the steel. It was used to Transverse crack spacing is the most frequently used per-
54 119
55 believe to carefully analyze the CRCP structural design, formance indicator of the structural response of CRCP, mainly 120
56 selected materials, and the construction process so that an because it is the most visible one. It was commonly regarded 121
57 optimal transverse crack pattern develops, which in turn nowadays that the shorter crack spacing is not desirable, as it 122
58 minimizes the development of premature pavement distress. will increase the potential of punchouts development (FHWA, 123
59 However, there are several confounding factors which cannot 2009). However, many field investigations show that the slab 124
60 be as readily controlled during construction practices (Jung et support and construction conditions, not crack spacing, are 125
61 al., 2012; Ren et al., 2013a, b; Zhao, 2015). A new more responsible for punchouts (Verhoeven, 1993; Won, 126
62 comprehensive mechanistic based design was developed for 2009; Zollinger, 1989). Thus, the latest CRCP design 127
63 128
CRCP under the NCHRP 1-37A program, and the performance procedure in China and United States does not provide
64 129
criteria comprise punch-out development and smoothness, recommendations on the control of minimum crack spacing
65 130
as well as crack width if deemed necessary. Several field (NCHRP, 2004). Finally, it should be noted that with respect

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 43/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 43

1 to crack spacing, cluster cracking and Y-cracking that could be asphalt pavement (AC), has longer service life and lower 66
2 problematic in terms of their contribution to punchouts. Thus, maintenance cost, and is believed as one prospective type of 67
3 the efforts to evaluate the causes of cluster cracking in CRCP, long-life pavement. China has vigorously promoted the con- 68
4 and subsequently methods to reduce them are believed to struction of composite pavement structures with continu- 69
5 70
improve the CRCP performance. ously reinforced concrete under layer and asphalt concrete
6 71
To assure excellent long-term performance of CRCP, one of upper layer (CRCþAC) in many provinces, such as Hunan,
7 72
the most important factors that should be considered is the Hubei, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang (Li et al., 2011, 2012c; Chen et al.,
8 73
9 width of transverse crack. The transverse crack width is not 2007a; Liu et al., 2008). The main obstacles of extend to 74
10 always constant and varies due to environmental loads. The implement composite pavement of CRCP include the 75
11 crack width and its movements should be retained as smaller transverse cracking of the CRC layer due to temperature 76
12 as possible toward better performance of CRCP. For instance, reduction, the shrinkage of cement concrete materials, and 77
13 due to the formation of small crack width movements, limited the reflection fatigue cracks at the transverse cracks of AC 78
14 reflection cracking in asphalt or concrete overlays on existing layer due to vehicle cyclic loading (Chen et al., 2017a). 79
15 old CRCP (Mokarem et al., 2007; Volle, 2001) as well as good Continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) with 80
16 performance of composite pavements of asphalt layer on porous asphalt (PA) wearing course have been built on several 81
17 82
CRCP have been observed (Rao and Darter, 2012; Tompkins major motorways in the Netherlands in the past two decades
18 83
et al., 2010; TRB, 2013a). However, even though the crack (Ren et al., 2016). In general, the PA/CRCP pavement sections
19 84
20 width is used as one of important design variables of CRCP, are in good condition without severe distresses, rutting, or 85
21 the relationships between crack width and other variables raveling in the PA wearing course. However, there are few 86
22 are not clearly verified based on in-situ tests (AASHTO, 1986; minor-severity to medium-severity transverse reflective 87
23 FHWA, 2004, 2012; Ha et al., 2012; Kohler, 2005; Nam et al., cracks in the PA wearing course in several sections. 88
24 2007; Suh et al., 1992). Different models have been proposed 89
25 to predict the crack width in CRCP (Beyer, 1949; Kohler and CRCP maintenance and rehabilitation. Although CRCP 90
26 Roesler, 2005; Oeser et al., 2012; Palmer et al., 1988; Reis, is structurally sound and provides acceptable ride quality for 91
27 1965; Sato et al., 1989; van Breugel et al., 1998; Won, 1989; the major portion of its service life, continuously moving 92
28 93
Oeser et al., 2012). Therefore, comprehensive studies to traffic polishes the pavement surface and often leads to un-
29 94
understand crack width behaviors of CRCP are needed. desirable skid levels, which lead to the potential for skid-
30 95
related accidents (Alauddin and Tighe, 2008; Volle, 2001).
31 96
32 Corrosion of longitudinal steel. Although CRCP yields a Factors such as tire pressure, wandering patterns, and traffic 97
33 longer life span than jointed plain concrete pavements by loads may also influence the deterioration of the surface 98
34 maintaining its smoothness for at least 20-30 years (Roesler et properties. Thin-layer surfacing has been predominantly 99
35 al., 2016), steel corrosion remains a major problem, which used for functional improvements, particularly in Texas and 100
36 reduces its service life and increases maintenance costs some other European countries (Ryu et al., 2013b). Diamond 101
37 (Choi and Chen, 2005). The corrosion of the longitudinal grinding (DG) is another type of the relatively inexpensive 102
38 steel can result in a poor bond relationship between the maintenance techniques for CRCP to maintain concrete 103
39 steel and the concrete, affecting the load transfer efficiency pavements in good structural condition (Buddhavarapu et 104
40 105
between the adjacent panels and being responsible for the al., 2013, 2017; Chen and Hong, 2014; Rao et al., 1999). From
41 106
development of CRCP distresses (Benmokrane et al., 2008; Texas DOT’s experience, the cost of resurfacing with
42 107
43 Choi and Chen, 2005, 2015; Liu and Lin, 2012; Walton and diamond grinding is less than half the estimated cost of an 108
44 Bradberry, 2005). Verhoeven (1993) found that the degree of asphalt overlay (Buddhavarapu et al., 2013). Despite such 109
45 corrosion was nevertheless extremely low for a pavement appreciable immediate functional improvements, the 110
46 service of 20 years. Similar findings were reported by as well, durability of the reported benefits remains unclear. It is 111
47 the sampled cores showed that the rebar corrosion appeared necessary to quantify the deterioration tendencies overtime 112
48 only within approximately 150 mm from the transverse of the diamond-ground surface in terms of the relevant 113
49 cracks even though horizontal cracks along the rebar were functional properties. 114
50 extended at a greater length (Hong et al., 2021a). 115
51 116
Recently, corrosion-resistant materials such as glass fiber- 3.2.3. Durability of the cementitious materials in concrete
52 117
reinforced polymer (GFRP) or blast fiber reinforced rebars pavement
53 118
(BFRP) have been proposed as an alternative longitudinal Under the real service condition, the cementitious materials
54 119
55 reinforcement in CRCP in order to improve the bond condition in the concrete pavement can be affected by various envi- 120
56 between the longitudinal reinforcement and concrete ronmental factors, including deicing salts (Shi et al., 2009), 121
57 (Benmokrane et al., 2020; Chen and Choi, 2011; Choi and Chen, salty underground water (Jackson and Jobbagy, 2005), freeze- 122
58 2015; Gu and Dong, 2012; Liu and Lin, 2012). Based on the field thaw cycles (Li et al., 2012e) and etc. The developed 123
59 results after several years of service under actual traffic durability issues can lead to the deterioration of the 124
60 conditions, competitive performances were reported in cementitious materials in the concrete pavement, and 125
61 comparison to CRCP with steel bars (Hong et al., 2021a). reduce its service life (TRB, 2013b). Then it is essential to 126
62 study the durability mechanism of the cementitious 127
63 128 ACþCRCP composite pavement. The composite pave- materials and propose durability enhancing protocols. The
64 129
ment, which combines the high strength of continuously major durability issues for the cementitious materials in
65 130
reinforced concrete (CRC) with the driving comfort of the concrete pavement include sulfate attack (Lossing, 1966),

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 44/185

44 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 freeze-thaw issues (Li et al., 2012e; Sharifi et al., 2019), alkali- indicated the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) damage can be 66
2 aggregate reaction (West, 1996). The detailed durability effectively mitigated by optimizing the cementitious system 67
3 mechanism and latest findings in the related area are shown with fly ash or glass powder. Further study (Guo et al., 2018a) 68
4 below. through X-ray CT analysis indicated the added 69
5 70
supplementary cementitious materials can obviously reduce
6 71 Deterioration mechanism of sulfate attack and its in- the crack development in concrete with reactive aggregate.
7 72
fluence on concrete pavement. The sulfate attack was mainly The study by Guo et al. (2019a) unveiled the mitigation
8 73
9 caused by the sulfates in the external environment (Müllauer mechanism of lithium salt on alkali-silica reaction. It is 74
10 et al., 2013), which can be separated into the chemical and found that the lithium salt can form the Li-Si compound on 75
11 physical sulfate attack. The chemical sulfate attack was the surface of the reactive aggregate and prohibit its further 76
12 generated by the reaction between the sulfates and the development. This protocol has been applied to treat the 77
13 aluminates, and the produced expansive ettringite will crack concrete pavement deteriorated by the ASR damage. The 78
14 the cementitious materials (Müllauer et al., 2013). The study by Guo et al. (2017b) simulated the crack development 79
15 physical sulfate attack was caused by the crystallization process due to ASR damage through the displacement 80
16 pressure of the sulfates under wet-dry cycles (Guo, 2021; discontinuity method. It is found the expansion pressure of 81
17 82
Najjar et al., 2017). The developed sulfate attack in the the ASR gel can exceed 10 MPa.
18 83
concrete pavement can lead to surface crack and
19 84
20 deterioration of its mechanical performance. The sulfate Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on concrete pavement. 85
21 attack can be severe in the saline environment, salt lakes The freeze-thaw is one of the most severe durability issues for 86
22 and coastal environments (Chang et al., 2021). To enhance the concrete pavement in the cold regions (Cai and Liu, 1998; 87
23 the resistance to sulfate attack, it is recommended to use Sun et al., 1999). Currently, the freeze-thaw mechanism has 88
24 cementitious materials with low aluminate content (Hossack not been fully understood. The major theoretical model 89
25 and Thomas, 2015). The enhanced density and reduced includes the hydrostatic pressure theory (Powers, 1958), 90
26 permeability can also enhance the durability under the salty osmotic pressure theory (Powers, 1975) and the 91
27 condition with high sulfate content (Atahan and Dikme, crystallization pressure theory (Scherer, 1999). The freeze- 92
28 93
2011; Nie et al., 2015). thaw damage level can be influenced by the air void
29 94
The study by Liu et al. (2020c) indicates the sulfate attack in structure and the saturation degree of the concrete
30 95
concrete pavement can be accelerated by fatigue loading and materials. The freeze-thaw damage can lead to D-cracking
31 96
32 the wet-dry cycles. Both the wet-dry cycle and the fatigue in concrete pavement and the surface spalling (Janssen and 97
33 loading can accelerate the entrance of the sulfates into Snyder, 1994). The freeze-thaw durability can be enhanced 98
34 concrete pavement. by optimizing the air void structure of the concrete by using 99
35 air entrainment agent. 100
36 Development of alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete The study by Guo et al. (2017a) indicated freeze-thaw 101
37 pavement. The alkali-aggregate reaction indicates the inter- damage can reduce the elastic modulus of the concrete slab 102
38 action between the alkaline pore solution and the aggregate in through the analysis with falling weight data. The developed 103
39 concrete (Dentglasser and Kataoka, 1981), which can be freeze-thaw damage will lead to the transverse crack and 104
40 105
separated into alkali-silica reaction (Hobbs, 1988) and alkali- the joint spalling. The study by Ma et al. (2020a) indicated
41 106
carbonate reaction (Grattan-Bellew et al., 2010). The alkali- the freeze-thaw cycles can reduce both the compressive
42 107
43 silica reaction was caused by the dissolution of the reactive strength and elastic modulus of the base for pavement. The 108
44 silica in the alkaline concrete pore solution (Hobbs, 1988). long-term performance under freeze-thaw cycles can be 109
45 The generated alkali-silica gel will expand under high enhanced through treatment with polyurethane. It is found 110
46 humidity condition and crack the cementitious materials. the soft organic aggregate can provide additional space for 111
47 Meanwhile, the report on the alkali-carbonate reaction is the expansion of the pore solution under frozen state and 112
48 quite rare and it can be mainly observed in the concrete thus enhance the freeze-thaw resistance of the concrete (Hu 113
49 with Dolomite (Grattan-Bellew et al., 2010). The developed and Dai, 2018). The study by Si et al. (2017) indicated the 114
50 alkali-aggregate reaction will lead to the typically mapping long-term performance of concrete under freeze-thaw cycles 115
51 116
cracking in the concrete pavement and can accelerate the can be enhanced by using rubber aggregate.
52 117
rebar corrosion due to the enhanced permeability (Hong and
53 118
Shim, 2015). To enhance the resistance to alkali-silica 3.2.4. Summary and outlook
54 119
55 reaction, it is recommended to use the cement with low- After the field practices and researches by scholars and engi- 120
56 alkali. The introduced pozzolanic materials can also mitigate neers reviewed, the CRCP is proved to be the best option for 121
57 the alkali-silica reaction by lowering the alkalinity of the the long-life rigid pavement. However, the CRCP still exhibits 122
58 pore solution and consolidating the alkali content. Currently, distresses such as punchout. With the 2LCP concept, the ad- 123
59 the practical protocols to resolve the alkali-carbonate vantages of FRC, and the durability issues considered, the 124
60 reaction issues are still quite limited. CRCP with a top lift of FRC and a bottom lift of concrete with 125
61 The reactive aggregate in concrete pavement can lead to reclaimed concrete/asphalt materials would be the future 126
62 mapping cracking and deterioration on its mechanical per- trend for the long-life rigid pavement. Especially, this kind of 127
63 128
formance (Wang et al., 2019d). The degradation rate for the rigid pavement totally meets the call of carbon emission
64 129
tensile strength is much more significant than that for reduction. Specifically, the use of reclaimed concrete/asphalt
65 130
compressive strength. The study by Wang et al. (2019d) materials reduces the carbon emission while the FRC top lift

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 45/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 45

1 has less cracks, which protects the steel from corrosion and of isocyanates, polyols and additives, among which the 66
2 the concrete with reclaimed concrete/asphalt materials from additives consist of catalysts, crosslinking agents, solvents, 67
3 moisture, salts or freeze-thaw impacts. plasticizers, durability additives, chain extenders, flame 68
4 The freeze-thaw cycles, sulfate attack and alkali-silica re- retardant, fillers, colorant, etc. Therefore, the PU binder 69
5 70
action damage can all reduce the mechanical performance of can be designed on the requirements for road performance.
6 71
the concrete slab and the deterioration on tensile strength is
7 72
more obvious than that for compressive strength. The sulfate PU mixture. Due to the various advantages mentioned
8 73
9 attack in concrete pavement can be accelerated by the above, in recent years, PU mixtures have been considered for 74
10 repeated transportation loading. The ASR damage in concrete use on a variety of pavements, such as light-load pavements 75
11 pavement can be mitigated by optimizing the cementitious (park roads, sidewalks, sports grounds, runways, etc.), bridge 76
12 system with supplementary cementitious materials or using deck pavement, permeable pavement (Chen et al., 2018b; Lu et 77
13 lithium salt. The freeze-thaw resistance of the concrete al., 2020a), ultra-thin friction course (UTFC) (Hong et al., 78
14 pavement can be enhanced by using soft organic aggregate. 2021b), etc. Considering the applications environment, 79
15 polyurethane mixture (PUMs) are also inevitably subjected to 80
16 the complex environment caused by external environmental 81
17 3.3. Novel polymer pavement materials 82
and traffic load. Different areas, traffic volumes and uses of
18 83
roads have different requirements on the performance of
19 In recent years, a novel polyurethane (PU) material, whose 84
20 pavement materials. Therefore, the on-demand design of 85
backbone contains a repeating carbamate group (-NHCOO-) pavement materials is urgent.
21 86
which is synthesized from isocyanates and polyols (Sharmin
22 87
23 and Zafar, 2012), has been gradually considered to be a Material genome design. Similar to asphalt mixtures 88
24 substitute for the conventional asphalt binder (Cong et al., (Xing et al., 2020), PUM also consists of aggregates, voids and 89
25 2018; Di Graziano et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2019b) due to its binder. Thus, the genetic characteristics of PUM mainly 90
26 excellent adhesion with aggregates, high elasticity, chemical include the mineral composition and morphological 91
27 corrosion resistance (Hong and Xian, 2018; Hong et al., 2018), characteristics of aggregates, micro-structure and meso- 92
28 light resistance (Hong et al., 2020a), abrasion resistance, 93
structure of PUM, the above genetic characteristics of PU and
29 strong shock absorption, tear resistance, designable 94
processing parameters.
30 hardness and softness, low-energy (Hong et al., 2021b), 95
The material genome design involves three basic elements,
31 96
environmental conservation (Hong et al., 2021b), etc. In such as computational tools, experimental tools and digital
32 97
addition, polyurethane can be also used as the asphalt data. In general, the material genome design for PUM consists
33 98
modifier (Li et al., 2021a).
34 of three steps: 1) create a material and processing genome 99
35 database; 2) establish the corresponding relation between the 100
36 3.3.1. Designable PU material genome characteristics and the performance of PUM based on 101
37 PU binder. The reaction mechanism of PU can be seen the high throughput characterization and a small number of 102
38 in Eq. (22) (Hong et al., 2021b). As shown, PU is made up of hard tests; 3) determine the genomic characteristic parameters of 103
39 segments and soft segments which provide the strength and PUM on demand. 104
40 toughness (Hepburn, 1992), respectively. 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 (22) 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
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52 117
53 Contrary to the non-designability of conventional 3.3.2. Novel polymer bridge deck pavement material 118
54 asphalt binder due to its composition complexity and un- Requirements for the bridge deck pavement material. 119
55 certainly, PU is a “designable” polymer material that can The bridge deck pavement is a protective layer laid on the bridge 120
56 have a variety of properties by changing the type and deck, which is designed to prevent the wheels or tracks from 121
57 chemical structures of raw materials and even their mix wearing the bridge deck directly, to spread the wheel load and to 122
58 proportion in accordance with the materials genome 123
provide a smooth and non-skid driving surface for vehicles
59 124
initiative (MGI) proposed by the United States (Drosback, (Huang, 2019). The bridge deck pavement should meet the
60 125
2014). According to the method of material genome design, following basic requirements (Xu et al., 2015c): 1) light weight;
61 126
62 the genetic characteristics of PU mainly include material 2) good flexibility or extensibility under repeated vehicle loads; 127
63 composition, special functional groups, void structure and 3) cracking resistance at low temperature; 4) good deformation 128
64 processing parameters. The material composition consists stability under repeated vehicle loads or at high temperature; 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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46 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 5) imperviousness; 6) good smoothness; 7) high wear resistance material could lead to a major change in the bridge deck 66
2 and skid resistance. Therefore, it is essential for the bridge deck paving industry (Li et al., 2018a). 67
3 pavement material to have excellent performance, including Wang et al. (2018b) has listed the road performance of 68
4 high temperature performance, low temperature performance, PUBDPM (Table 16), and indicated that: 1) both the dynamic 69
5 70
mechanical properties, fatigue performance, water stability, stability and maximum flexural-tensile strain at -10  C of
6 71
imperviousness, skid resistance performance, smoothness, etc. PUBDPM is more than 10 times than that of the optimal
7 72
asphalt mixture; 2) the fatigue life of PUBDPM is
8 73
9 Polyurethane bridge deck pavement material approximately 8 times that of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) 74
10 (PUBDPM). In recent years, the environmental protection and mixture; 3) the residual splitting strength of PUBDPM after 75
11 carbon neutrality have gradually become global and social the freeze-thaw cycle can still reach 0.8 MPa, which can fully 76
12 requirements. However, the conventional asphalt bridge deck meet the requirements of road use. 77
13 pavement material can produce a lot of asphalt fume con- In terms of the durability of PUBDPM, Xu et al. (2020b) 78
14 taining mainly volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which is investigated the long-term performance of polyether 79
15 not conductive to both environment protection and carbon polyurethane concrete (PPC) under the photothermal 80
16 neutrality. Moreover, the material genome design will also coupling aging and thermo-oxidative aging, compared to the 81
17 82
become a trend (Drosback, 2014). In addition, Li et al. (2018a, b) SBS modified asphalt mixture (SBSM). In contrast to SBSM,
18 83
indicated that it is of great theoretical significance and the results showed that PPC possessed better anti-loose
19 84
20 engineering value to develop a long-life polymer concrete performance, low temperature crack resistance, stronger 85
21 bridge deck pavement material with low temperature ability of permanent deformation resistance, water stability 86
22 sensitivity and strong water and corrosion resistance. To and fatigue resistance. However, although PUBDPM has been 87
23 sum up, a novel polymer binder meeting the above investigated, the previous studies are still in the preliminary 88
24 requirements, a substitute for conventional asphalt binder, stage since there is lack of field engineering project 89
25 is imperative. application (Xu et al., 2020b). 90
26 As mentioned above, PUM has been considered to be 91
27 designed as the bridge deck pavement material, which was 3.3.3. PU permeable pavement 92
28 93
mainly reported by the Prof. Shifa Xu’s team from Beijing Permeable pavement. Permeable pavements can sup-
29 94
University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Li et al., port the restoration of the natural hydrological cycle and
30 95
2018a; Shi, 2018; Wang et al., 2018b; Xu et al., 2020b). Li et al. mitigate the risk of urban flooding as well as the urban heat
31 96
32 (2018a) also indicated that the novel polyurethane bridge island effect. In general, permeable pavements are imple- 97
33 deck pavement material (PUBDPM) is a high-performance mented by using porous materials with large void contents to 98
34 and durable pavement material. In contrast to the allow the rainwater to seep directly through the pavement 99
35 commonly used epoxy asphalt bridge deck pavement surface (Sun et al., 2018a). During a rainfall event, water can 100
36 material (EABDPM), the PUBDPM has a series of excellent infiltrate through the pavement structure into subsoil 101
37 performance (Li et al., 2018a), including high temperature quickly, which consequently reduces the requirements to 102
38 performance, low temperature performance, fatigue urban drainage systems and facilitates the restoration of the 103
39 performance and water stability. For the high temperature natural water cycle (Scholz and Grabowiecki, 2007). At the 104
40 105
performance, the dynamic stability of PUBDPM is more than same time, the evaporation of water in the structure can
41 106
5 times that of EABDPM; for the low temperature reduce excessive heat, thereby counteracting the urban heat
42 107
43 performance, the maximum bending tensile strain at -10  C island effect (Santamouris, 2013). Because of these superior 108
44 of PUBDPM is more than 6 times that of Gussasphalt environmental-friendly features, permeable pavement 109
45 concrete; for the fatigue performance, the fatigue life of systems are particularly suitable for applications in 110
46 PUBDPM is more than 10 times that of EABDPM; for the residential, commercial and industrial areas under light 111
47 water stability, the residual splitting strength of PUBDPM is traffic loading. 112
48 stabilized after the first freeze-thaw cycle while the residual To achieve the high permeability, a void-rich pavement 113
49 splitting strength of EABDPM is still going down with a big structure is currently recognized as the most feasible and 114
50 drop after several freeze-thaw cycles (Li et al., 2018a). effective way, such as porous asphalt (PA), pervious concrete 115
51 116
Therefore, this novel polyurethane bridge deck pavement (PC) and permeable interlocking concrete pavement (PICP)
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 Table 16 e The road performance of the polyurethane bridge deck pavement material (PUBDPM) (Wang et al., 2018b). 121
57 122
Technical index Test result Technical requirement Test method*
58 123
59 Dynamic stability (70  C, 0.7 MPa) / (passes/mm) 69,750 6000 T 0719 124
60 Residual splitting strength after freeze-thaw (MPa) 0.80 - T 0729-2000 125
61 Fatigue life (15  C, 1200 me) (104) 168 - T 0739 126
62 Low temperature bending tensile strain (-10  C) (me) 48,762 2000 T 0728 127
63 Water permeability coefficient (mL/min) Completely impervious to water 200 T 0730 128
64 Notes: * All the test methods are derived from the Standard Test Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixtures for Highway Engineering (JTG 129
65 E20-2011, China) (MTPRC, 2011). 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 47/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 47

1 (Oeser et al., 2012; Scholz and Grabowiecki, 2007). In this case, 2016; Jin et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2018a). To achieve a high 66
2 an open-graded grain size distribution ensures the required permeability, a void-rich pavement structure such as PA and 67
3 void contents and pore-structures within the pavement. PC with open-graded aggregate are currently the most 68
4 Different models and design methods have been proposed feasible and effective approach to ensure sufficiently high 69
5 70
by considering the grain size distribution to analyze the void contents. However, the open porous design results in a
6 71
effect on the hydraulic properties (Martin and Kaye, 2016). significantly weakened pavement structure as stated before;
7 72
Furthermore, three types of permeable pavement structures adhesion failure and the limited durability of porous
8 73
9 have been evaluated based on their water-filtration pavement mixtures has been the most prominent obstacle, 74
10 properties, especially for cold regions (Huang et al., 2016a). limiting the widespread application of permeable pavements 75
11 To optimize the hydraulic conductivity of permeable (Bu and Cheng, 2016; Li et al., 2021a). 76
12 pavements, a combined approach was proposed; a PU binder is one of the new potential binders initially 77
13 combination of bio-retention ponds, infiltration galleries and developed through the research at RWTH Aachen University, 78
14 permeable pavements enhancing surface runoff behavior exhibiting a high mechanical and chemical durability to over- 79
15 (Perez-Pedini et al., 2005). To fundamentally understand the come the challenges of conventional porous asphalt mixtures. 80
16 void distribution in the open grade asphalt concrete, X-ray The excellent performance of PU indicates that the material 81
17 82
CT was performed, where the effects of void diameter, void provides a favorable combination of functionality and me-
18 83
tortuosity and minimum sectional dimension on the chanical properties (Lu et al., 2019a, b). A high resistance to
19 84
20 hydraulic behavior were analyzed (Xu et al., 2017). Based on deformation and fatigue of polyurethane bound pervious 85
21 X-ray CT measurements, a numerical permeability model mixture (PUPM) pavements are proven in previous research 86
22 was proposed for the open-graded asphalt concrete. In (Chen et al., 2018a, b; Cong et al., 2018, 2019; Leng et al., 2019). 87
23 addition to the high hydraulic conductivity, the porous The mechanical strength of PUPM is formed based on the 88
24 structure can also reduce the air pumping effect observed in reaction of polyol and polymeric methylene diphenyl isocya- 89
25 the tire/pavement interaction, which is the major cause of nate (PMDI) (Desai et al., 2000). During the reaction process, 90
26 traffic noises (above 1000 Hz) at high speeds (Hernandez- the 2 liquid components cure and become solid 91
27 Olivares et al., 2007; Meiarashi et al., 1996). The absorption polyurethane, thereby proving the mechanical strength 92
28 93
properties of porous pavement structures also contribute to between the aggregates. The manufacturing process of
29 94
a reduction of noise emissions, based on the same PUPM is illustrated in Fig. 25.
30 95
absorption principle as acoustical wall treatment. Based on the excellent properties of PU binder, a number of
31 96
32 Apart from the functionality, the mechanical properties of functional and sustainable pavement materials have been 97
33 permeable pavements were also widely investigated to eval- developed. Among those materials, the most widely known is 98
34 uate the durability. To develop an effective life-cycle mainte- poroelastic road surface (PERS). PERS is a novel type of pave- 99
35 nance strategy to mitigate the risk of permeability ment surface, which includes recycled tire rubber into low- 100
36 deterioration, an artificial soiling test was developed to noise pavements as aggregate (Fig. 26) (Meiarashi et al., 1996; 101
37 simulate the clogging process during the service life of porous Sandberg and Goubert, 2011; Sandberg et al., 2013), seeing in 102
38 asphalt (Meiarashi et al., 1996). A wide range of fatigue tests Fig. 26. Based on the PU binder applied in the previous 103
39 were performed in comparison to conventional rigid research, the tensile strength was improved significantly in 104
40 105
pavements to characterize the mechanical behavior. Most cold temperature (Wang et al., 2017d, f). The sound
41 106
studies were performed at the most ideal conditions. In a absorption coefficients of PERS have higher and wider peaks
42 107
43 complex service environment, various water levels may compared with conventional PA. It proved the suitability of 108
44 occur in the porous pavement structure, resulting in various PERS for urban roads in cold regions and outlined the 109
45 possible combinations of air, liquid and solid. Moreover, the significant economic and social benefits. 110
46 downward filtration and the upward movement of moisture The increase of requirements for pavements in tunnels 111
47 in the sublayer and soil, porous pavement structures are including safety, comfort and environmental friendliness, 112
48 mostly found to be in an unsaturated state. Here, multi- asphalt pavement has gained popularity in long tunnels due 113
49 physical processes occur such as freezing and spalling, to its low noise and dust emissions, easy maintenance and 114
50 drying and shrinkage, hydro diffusion and subsidence, and good comfort. However, conventional tunnel asphalt pave- 115
51 116
capillarity and cracking (Coussy, 2005). Each one of these ments also have safety and environmental shortcomings (Hu
52 117
processes, involving more than two physical phases, result et al., 2008; Qiu et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2010). The innovative
53 118
in complex loading conditions, which have a significant polyurethane thin overlay (PTO) has been developed for
54 119
55 influence on the pavement behavior (Kettil et al., 2005). To maintenance of existing roads and constructing new roads. 120
56 address this problem, several coupled-phase models have Compared with conventional tunnel pavement materials, 121
57 been established, with experimental validations. Results significant improvements were observed in mechanical and 122
58 from numerical models and experiments begin to reveal the functional properties as well as the environmental 123
59 underlying mechanisms of porous pavements under performance. Based on the ignition tests in a previous study 124
60 partially saturated conditions (Loret and Khalili, 2000). (Leng et al., 2019), PTO exhibited a better flame retardancy 125
61 compared to asphalt mixtures, eg., open-graded friction 126
62 PU porous pavement materials. Compared to con- course (OGFC) and stone mastic asphalt (SMA), as well as a 127
63 128
ventional pavement structures, porous pavements are not lower heat release rate (HRR). Particularly, the ignition time
64 129
only designed to bear traffic loads, but also play an important of PU is larger than that of OGFC and SMA, indicating that
65 130
role in noise reduction and water management (Fan et al., PU is more difficult to ignite than asphalt (Fig. 27).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 48/185

48 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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24 Fig. 25 e Manufacturing process of PUPM. 89
25 90
26 91
27 92
28 93
29 94
30 Hydraulic properties of PU permeable pavement ma- analyze the water flow characteristics in the previous pave- 95
31 terials. The ability to facilitate the flow of water has long been ment mixtures subjected to different hydraulic gradients. The 96
32 recognized as one of the main properties of pervious pave- results show that a high coefficient of vertical permeability 97
33 ments. However, the quantification of anisotropic flow and can be achieved by both PUPM variants, reaching values 2 to 3 98
34 the relationship to complex pore microstructures in pervious times higher than those exhibited by the conventional PA. The 99
35 pavement material has yet to be completed. The objective of horizontal permeability of PUPM variants is similar to each 100
36 other, yet twice as high as the ones observed in PA. The 101
this chapter is to quantify the Darcy and the non-Darcy flow in
37 102
pervious pavement mixtures, and to carry out investigations application of a different binder can be considered as the
38 103
on the different flow models to predict the hydraulic con- reason for the difference. The PU binder provides a smoother
39 104
40 ductivity. Conventional PA and innovative PUPM were coating of the aggregate, which promotes the development of 105
41 included in a comparative study in the scope of this research. optimized pore structures and pore connectivity for the infil- 106
42 A custom-made permeameter was used to quantify and tration process. 107
43 108
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62 Fig. 26 e Comparison of coarse rubber aggregate and PERS specimen. (a) Coarse rubber aggregate. (b) PERS specimen (Wang 127
63 128
et al., 2017f).
64 129
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 49/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 49

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16 81
17 Fig. 27 e Characteristics of PU, OGFC and SMA. (a) Comparison of heat release rate (HRR) of PU, OGFC and SMA. (b) 82
18 Comparison of ignition time (TTI) of PU, OGFC and SMA (Leng et al., 2019). 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
22 Mechanical properties of PU permeable pavement ma- Environmental advantages of PU permeable pavement 87
23 terials. From the preliminary mechanical tests, PUPM shows a materials. Besides the benefits mentioned above, another 88
24 significantly higher compressive strength in comparison to environmental benefit is found in potential energy savings 89
25 the PA. The compressive strengths of the PUPM variants are and the reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by using 90
26 observed to be nearly 5 to 6 times higher than that of PA. PA PU binder with recycled waste aggregates. During conven- 91
27 and PUPM have very similar grain size distributions; therefore, tional asphalt mixture production, temperatures of the 92
28 the results can be evaluated regardless of the gradation and aggregate and the bitumen must be raised sufficiently high to 93
29 94
infer a higher cohesive strength between PU binder and facilitate the coating of aggregate with bitumen. This tem-
30 95
aggregate. perature must be maintained during construction to ensure
31 96
To further understand the mechanical properties of PUPM, the workability of the asphalt. As a result, conventional
32 97
33 the stress-strain diagrams were also studied. In general, PUPM asphalt production is an energy intensive process. The PUPM, 98
34 generally follow the same development of stress-strain curve however, can be produced and constructed at room temper- 99
35 as seen in Fig. 28. To be more precise, PUPM with bigger ature and only a common compactor is requested during 100
36 aggregate size (0/8 mm) depicts higher compressive strength construction. The difference in energy use and GHG emission 101
37 in terms of both axial and radial deformation compared to for producing and placing the two materials was analyzed in 102
38 the PUPM with smaller maximum aggregate size (0/5 mm). detail. 103
39 Basic parameters of PUPM are concluded in Table 17. The It is assumed that bitumen and PU have similar embodied 104
40 mechanical properties of PUPM were further validated and energies, and the energy use and GHG emission in producing 105
41 106
analyzed based on the full-scale accelerated pavement natural aggregate and ceramic aggregate based on C&D
42 107
testing (APT) (Lu et al., 2020b, 2021). wastes is also comparable. The difference in energy use and
43 108
44 109
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48 113
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63 Fig. 28 e Stress vs. axial/radial strain behaviour until compressive failure. (a) Axial deformation. (b) Radial deformation (Lu 128
64 et al., 2019b). 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 50/185

50 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 17 e Mechanical data obtained by the uniaxial compressive test.
2 67
3 Parameter Compressive Tensile Young’s Poisson Shear 68
4 strength (MPa) strength (MPa) modulus (E) (GPa) ratio modulus (G) (GPa) 69
5 PUPM A 18.63 ± 1.39 3.36 ± 0.38 6.64 ± 0.08 0.210 ± 0.032 2.75 ± 0.08 70
6 PUPM B 16.98 ± 0.90 2.18 ± 0.29 3.31 ± 0.29 0.164 ± 0.024 1.42 ± 0.15 71
7 72
8 73
9 GHG emissions between the two materials is mainly man- 3.3.4. Polyurethane-based asphalt modifier 74
10 75
ifested in mixture production and construction. Energy use Chemical and genetic characteristics of bitumen and
11 76
and GHG emission in producing PA were estimated by using a polyurethane-based modifier. Bitumen, a by-product of oil
12 77
software toolkit named green asphalt calculator (Chong et al., refining, is an organic mixture of various hydrocarbons and
13 78
14 2016). The software uses “a system of integrated their derivatives with a large range of molecular weights. The 79
15 thermodynamic models” for the prediction of energy use composition of bitumen is usually given in terms of the rela- 80
16 and GHG emission in asphalt mixture production with tive quantity of its so-called SARA (saturate, aromatic, resin 81
17 validation from actual production processes. In producing and asphaltene) fractions. In terms of chemical composition, 82
18 PUPM, the only equipment is a mixer with an electrical bitumen is a mixture of complex hydrocarbons and de- 83
19 motor. Major pieces of equipment used for the construction rivatives of oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, with a large number 84
20 of PA include a paver and compactors, while the equipment of saturated, cyclic or aromatic structures on the whole 85
21 for the construction of PUPM is limited to a compactor. Data 86
(Lesueur, 2009). In addition to the main carbon and hydrogen
22 87
on fuel consumption during construction is obtained from (usually more than 90% of the mass), a small number of
23 88
the ROADEO software developed by the World Bank (Chong heteroatoms, such as sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen, exist in
24 89
25 and Wang, 2017). bitumen (Silva et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2021d). As a common 90
26 As discussed above, the differences in energy use and component of polar functional group, sulfur atoms usually 91
27 GHG emissions between PA and PUPM materials are mainly exist in the form of sulfide, mercaptan and sulfoxide; oxygen 92
28 attributed to different mixture production and construction atoms usually exist in the form of ketone, phenol and a 93
29 conditions. The production of the PA material is calculated small amount of carboxylic acid; nitrogen atoms usually 94
30 by using the “green asphalt calculator” software, which is exist in pyrrole and pyridine structure. 95
31 based on the operation of typical asphalt batch plants. The The eNCO functional groups in polyurethane-based ma- 96
32 temperature of the stockpiled aggregate before production is terials contains highly active unsaturated bond structures 97
33 98
assumed to be 20  C, and the asphalt mixture temperature is arranged by overlapping double bonds, so they can easily react
34 99
assumed to be raised to 170  C after production. In addition with various compounds containing active hydrogens such as
35 100
to diabase, other possible aggregate types are evaluated, and hydroxyl groups, amino groups, amino ester groups, urea
36 101
37 three types of fuels are evaluated. For comparison purpose, groups, epoxy resins and water. The most common reactions 102
38 a common portable pug mill mixer is assumed for making occurred between isocyanates and hydroxyl groups, which 103
39 the PUPM mixture, which does not need to be heated. The comes together into clusters by urethane linkages. Due to the 104
40 mixer has a capacity of 272 t/h with an energy consumption wide existence of polar aromatics and functional groups 105
41 rate of 44.7 kW. Hence, producing one ton of the PUPM containing active hydrogen atoms in asphaltene molecules, 106
42 mixture requires 0.16 KW$h, equivalent to 0.58 MJ. PUPM polyurethane-based materials and bitumen have good affinity 107
43 consumes much less energy and generates less GHG emis- in chemical composition which lays a chemical foundation for 108
44 sions since it does not need to be heated for mixing and 109
modification (Jin et al., 2019, 2021a). Based on the unique
45 110
pavement manufacturing (Lu et al., 2019a). characteristics of polyurethane in molecular structure and
46 111
In a typical situation, the construction of one lane-kilo- function, polyurethane-based materials were developed as
47 112
48 meter of road pavement, is assumed for comparing the active modifiers for bitumen modification. 113
49 different materials. The thickness of the pavement is assumed 114
50 to be 40 mm and the lane width is assumed to be 3.8 m. For The performance and modification mechanism of 115
51 pavement construction using PA 8, the construction equip- polyurethane modified bitumen. Various kinds of modified 116
52 ment includes a paver and compactors. According to data bitumen, such as isocyanate-polyhydric alcohol, isocyanate- 117
53 provided in the ROADEO software developed by the World natural polyol, isocyanate-nanoparticles, nano-polyurethane 118
54 Bank, diesel consumption is 0.34 L/m3 of asphalt mixture for emulsion, polyurethane-functional materials and poly- 119
55 pavement and 0.3 L/m3 of mixture for compaction. For pave- urethane-precursor modified bitumen, were prepared and 120
56 121
ment construction using PUPM, only compactors are needed. investigated. The process conditions of polyurethane-based
57 122
It is also assumed that the diesel consumption for compaction materials as a reactive modifier to prepare modified bitumen
58 123
of the PUPM mixture is also 0.3 L/m3. The results suggest that were studied. Research showed that the chemical activity of
59 124
60 the production and construction of PUPM mixture requires polyurethane-based modifier is presented based on the iso- 125
61 much less energy and generates much less GHG emissions cyanate group. Isocyanate can react with the polar groups 126
62 (less than 10% in comparison to conventional porous asphalt containing nitrogen and oxygen atom groups (mainly -OH, 127
63 pavements). -NH and -COOH). These functional groups in bitumen provide 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 51/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 51

1 targeted sites for the modification (Partal and Martı́nez-Boza, bitumen. Besides, the PMA presents desirable low tempera- 66
2 2011). As respect to the performance of polyurethane ture crack resistance, fatigue resistance and aging resistance. 67
3 modified bitumen, various test methods including the Based on the urethane and urea functional linkages formed 68
4 dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), multiple stress creep during modification, the covalent crosslinking network 69
5 70
recovery (MSCR), bending beam rheometer (BBR) and double- structure based on the presence of asphaltene components
6 71
edged notch tension test (DENT) were carried out to evaluate can be established in asphalt. This process not only promotes
7 72
the performance of polyurethane modified bitumen. The the selective aggregation of asphalt fractions and the recon-
8 73
9 summary of related studies is listed in the Table 18. figuration of asphaltenes, but also increases the surface free 74
10 According to the above investigations, the modifications energy of asphalt, so as to obtain a more stable internal 75
11 delivered both good pavement properties and well-developed structure. 76
12 networks. However, due to the performance of polyurethane 77
13 modified bitumen is strictly restricted to the raw material of The performance of polyurethane modified asphalt 78
14 polyurethane, and the modification methods are various, it is mixture. The good mechanical performance and storage sta- 79
15 difficult to provide a consistent conclusion to the poly- bility indicate that the polyurethane modified bitumen is an 80
16 urethane modified bitumen. Therefore, it is an urgent task to ideal material for pavement construction. The high tempera- 81
17 82
establish a systematic evaluation system for polyurethane ture performance, low temperature performance and water
18 83
modified bitumen. stability of polyurethane modified asphalt mixture were
19 84
20 Based on the above foundations, a novel polyurethane- investigated by the dynamic modulus test, rutting test, low 85
21 precursor-based modifier (PRM) was developed by the au- temperature beam bending test, immersion Marshall test, 86
22 thors’ team and employed as an eco-friendly approach to freeze-thaw splitting test, etc. (Guo et al., 2018c; Jin et al., 87
23 improve performance of asphalt (Carreno Gomez and Oeser, 2021b; Zhang et al., 2021j). Similar to the polyurethane 88
24 2021; Li et al., 2021a). Based on the chemical and modified bitumen, the basic properties of polyurethane 89
25 mechanical investigations, there are obvious chemical modifier show prominent influence on the polyurethane 90
26 changes in the modification process. The covalent modified asphalt mixtures. Although the polyurethane 91
27 crosslinking network is expected to be established in PRM modified asphalt mixture shows good high temperature and 92
28 93
modified asphalt. The scheme of PRM modification is low temperature performance, there is no consistent
29 94
illustrated in Fig. 29. conclusion on water stability. In the following research,
30 95
The incorporation of PRM to the asphalt matrix can more efforts should be made on how to ensure the moisture
31 96
32 remarkably improve the high temperature performance of resistance of the polyurethane modified asphalt mixtures. 97
33 98
34 99
35 Table 18 e Modification of asphalt binder using polyurethane-based modifiers. 100
36 101
Reference Preparation Modifier type Performance feature
37 102
temperature ( C)
38 103
39 Singh et al. (2003) 180 Isocyanate production The modified bitumen exhibits high softening point, 104
40 waste particles reduced penetration, high stiffness, low coefficient of 105
41 linear thermal expansion, and reduced moisture uptake. 106
42 Fang et al. (2016c) 90 Isocyanate and The optimal high temperature stability can be obtained 107
nanoparticles (SiO2 and by isocyanate and SiO2 nanoparticle. The ZnO
43 108
ZnO) nanoparticle can be used to improve the asphalt’s low
44 109
temperature performance.
45 110
Carrera et al. (2009, 2010a, 90 4,4' -diphenylmethane The water-addition can bring benefits on the viscous and
46 111
2010b); Martin-Alfonso diisocyanate and viscoelastic properties at high in-service temperatures.
47 112
et al. (2009) polypropylene glycol
48 Yu et al. (2018d) 150 Nano polyurethane The modified bitumen shows an improved resistance to
49 emulsion deformation and can be stable stored at high 114
50 temperature. 115
51 Xia et al. (2016) 140 Renewable castor oil and The modified bitumen shows an improved resistance to 116
52 liquefied MDI deformation and can be stable stored at high 117
53 temperature. 118
54 Jin et al. (2020) 145 and 150 Polyurethane and rock The use of polyurethane can improve the low 119
55 bitumen temperature performance, the introduction of rock 120
56 bitumen can improve the high temperature 121
57 performance. 122
58 Sun et al. (2018c) 170 4,4’-diphenylmethane The modified bitumen shows a greater PG grade than 123
59 iisocyanate and polyether SBS modified bitumen, and a lower low temperature 124
60 polyol performance than SBS modified bitumen, but greater 125
61 than that of base bitumen. 126
62 Fan et al. (2016) 180 and 160 Polyurethane and rubber The modified asphalt shows an improved resistance to 127
powder deformation.
63 128
Bu and Cheng (2016) 120 Polyurethane and epoxy The addition of polyurethane can effectively improve
64 129
the flexibility of epoxy asphalt.
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 52/185

52 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
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29 Fig. 29 e Illustration of the asphalt modification by polyurethane-precursor-based modifier. 94
30 95
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32 97
33 98
34 In terms of the PRM modified asphalt mixture, the above can flow fluently, which leads to a remarkable reduction of 99
35 tests have been performed on the dense-graded AC-13 ac- energy consumption and exhaust emission. Furthermore, 100
36 cording to JTG E20-2011 of China (MTPRC, 2011). Compared to the decrease of temperature can effectively weaken the 101
37 102
the SBS modified asphalt, PRM has obvious advantages in damage of neat bitumen caused by high temperature, thus
38 103
improving high temperature performance, fatigue resistance helping to improve the comprehensive performance of
39 104
40 and thermal-oxidative aging resistance of bitumen. PRM modified bitumen. Therefore, the usage of polyurethane- 105
41 modified asphalt mixture with 2.5% concentration shows based modifier in the production of high performance 106
42 equivalent low temperature performance as well as better modified asphalt demonstrates unique advantages in the 107
43 high temperature performance and water stability as SBS simplification of production process, the improvement of 108
44 modified asphalt mixture with 4% concentration. PRM has blending efficiency and the protection of ecological 109
45 significant advantages in improving pavement performance environment. 110
46 of asphalt mixture. In conclusion, polyurethane-based modifier has attracted 111
47 much attention due to its good modification effect. Although 112
48 113 Environmental and economic assessment of poly-
49 114
urethane modified asphalt. With the rapid growth of traffic
50 115
demands, using environmental modifier to prepare high per-
51 116
52 formance modified asphalt demonstrates dual values is 117
53 environmental protection and performance improvement of 118
54 pavement. 119
55 The production of the polyurethane modified bitumen is 120
56 illustrated in Fig. 30. As a consequence of the liquid pattern of 121
57 polyurethane-based modifiers, the facility of colloid mill that 122
58 used for the grinding of modifier particles such as the SBS, 123
59 styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and crumb-rubber modifiers 124
60 125
can be omitted, which leads to the simplification of
61 126
production process and reduction of equipment cost. Due to
62 127
63 the liquid-liquid blending is much easier to be facilitated 128
Fig. 30 e Illustration of the production of polyurethane
64 than liquid-solid blending, the production temperature can 129
modified asphalt.
65 be reduced to a range from 140  C to 150  C that the bitumen 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 53/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 53

1 polyurethane modified asphalt exhibits excellent high tem- different from the traditional polymer modified bitumen. 66
2 perature performance, anti-aging performance and storage However, there is no specialized specification for the evalua- 67
3 stability, the technical specifications for asphalt modified with tion of polyurethane modified bitumen, which leads to a gap 68
4 polyurethane are not uniform. The modification mechanism between the laboratory research and filed application. More 69
5 70
of polyurethane modified asphalt still need to be further efforts should be made to establish the relationship between
6 71
clarified, and the compatibility between asphalt and poly- the asphalt and pavement performance. Besides, due to the
7 72
urethane-based modifier needs to be explained in more detail, polyurethane-based modifier’s function depends on the
8 73
9 so as to better guide the preparation and production of poly- chemical composition of bitumen and the source of crude oil, 74
10 urethane modified asphalt. the modification mechanism of polyurethane modified 75
11 bitumen need to be further clarified in order to maximize the 76
12 3.3.5. Summary and outlook modification efficiency, so as to better guide the preparation 77
13 With the rise of intelligent transportation and the improve- and production of polyurethane modified asphalt. 78
14 ment of people's demands, including high performance, high 79
15 durability, environmental protection, carbon neutrality, etc., a 3.4. Reinforcement materials for road base/subrgrade 80
16 novel polyurethane mixture (PUM) has been considered for 81
17 82
use on a variety of pavements, such as light-load pavements, With the continuous advancement of infrastructure con-
18 83
bridge deck pavement, permeable pavement, etc., due to their struction, the highway construction for special areas is
19 84
20 excellent performance, including strong adhesion with ag- increasing year by year. The performance deterioration and 85
21 gregates for the PU binder, high elasticity, chemical corrosion diseases of pavement caused by the deformation and damage 86
22 resistance, light resistance, abrasion resistance, strong shock of road base/subgrade gradually attract the attention of more 87
23 absorption, tear resistance, designable hardness and softness, and more scholars. Subgrade and base are the bottom bearing 88
24 low-energy, environmental conservation, etc. structure of pavement, and their excellent mechanical 89
25 In contrast to the commonly used asphalt-based bridge strength and stability are essential for the durability of pave- 90
26 deck pavement material (EABDPM), the novel polyurethane ment. At present, there are some new theories, new materials 91
27 bridge deck pavement material (PUBDPM) possesses a lot of and new technologies for the stabilization and reinforcement 92
28 93
excellent performance, including high temperature perfor- of road subgrade and base. Novel geo-materials such as
29 94
mance, low temperature performance, fatigue performance flowable solidified fill, stabilization materials for problematic
30 95
and water stability. However, the previous studies are still in soil, and geogrids are gradually applied in road base/subgrade
31 96
32 the preliminary stage since there is lack of field engineering reinforcement engineering to promote the green development 97
33 project application. In the future, the practical engineering of highway construction while strengthening the base and 98
34 application for PUBDPM will be a focus until the necessary subgrade. 99
35 performance characterization and mechanism explanation 100
36 are completed. 3.4.1. Flowable solidified fill 101
37 Overall, polyurethane bound pervious mixture (PUPM) is Flowable solidified fill (FSF) is a new type of material which is 102
38 proved to be a suitable replacement for conventional porous gradually popularized and applied in the backfilling engi- 103
39 asphalt with both excellent mechanical and functional prop- neering of large civil infrastructure such as highway subgrade, 104
40 105
erties. However, the improved permeability and flow velocity and can be used to replace traditional compacted fills.
41 106
inside the pore structure increases the potential of water Different regions have different expressions about FSF. Terms
42 107
43 induced damaging of the PUPM-based pavement structure. used to describe this materials include controlled low- 108
44 Further investigations on the flow mechanism and the hydro- strength material, flowable fill, self-compacted backfill mate- 109
45 mechanical interaction between the PUPM and the FPP rial, plastic soil-cement or slurry, and foamed lightweight soil. 110
46 structure are necessary. Moreover, the abrasion effects due to Compared with compacted backfill technology, FSF has sig- 111
47 the presence of particles combined with pore-water pressure nificant advantages such as controllable performance, stable 112
48 still need to be assessed. uniformity, convenient construction, wide applicability, and 113
49 The pore characteristics play an important role in deter- low carbon when used in subgrade backfill. In the early stage, 114
50 mining the macro flow behavior in pervious pavement ma- FSFs were mainly composed of cement, fly ash, soil, fine sand, 115
51 116
terials. To further understand the flow mechanism in pervious water and other materials (ACI 229R-13). With the increasingly
52 117
pavement material, a more comprehensive study on the cor- severe situation of global environmental governance, more
53 118
relation between pore parameters and flow behavior is highly and more waste materials are used to prepare FSFs. At pre-
54 119
55 recommended. Apart from it, the analysis on the pore char- sent, the studies on FSFs are mainly carried out from the as- 120
56 acteristics was only performed in 2D in the present research. pects of material composition design, performance control, 121
57 Actually, the 3D analysis of pore structures is more close to curing mechanism, construction applications, and environ- 122
58 reality, which is quite necessary for the future research. mental impact assessment. 123
59 Nevertheless, the theoretical models and the analyses of 124
60 pervious pavements should also be enhanced. Material composition design. The composition of FSFs 125
61 Polyurethane modified bitumen exhibits good high tem- mainly includes solidified soil (mud), binder and water. 126
62 perature performance, low temperature performance, fatigue Different solidified soils have different formation methods 127
63 128
resistance, and reduced stripping and temperature suscepti- and mineral compositions, so the binders used in the prepa-
64 129
bility. As an “active” method for asphalt modification, its ration of FSFs are quite different. If necessary, the solidified
65 130
modification mechanism and mechanical behaviors are materials should be ground or dehydrated (Lan et al., 2020). At

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 54/185

54 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 the present stage, the composition design of FSFs is mostly the industrial waste slag with high content of active SiO2 66
2 conducted based on existing experience and trial-and-error and Al2O3 are used to prepare the FSFs, the industrial waste 67
3 experiments (Kaliyavaradhan et al., 2019). Some scholars slag also participates in the solidification reaction after 68
4 (Alizadeh, 2018, 2019; Pujadas et al., 2015) have introduced mixing with inorganic binders, so the early strength of the 69
5 70
independent proportional parameters such as the volume prepared FSFs is higher after the solidification. For the
6 71
ratio of paste to mixture, mass ratios of water to problem of drying shrinkage caused by the consumption of
7 72
cementitious materials, and proportion of binders into the free water in the curing process of the FSFs, gypsum, carbide
8 73
9 composition design to realize the effective regulation of the slag, active MgO and other materials can be introduced in 74
10 plastic and in-service properties of FSFs on the basis of the composition design to reduce the drying shrinkage (Do 75
11 reducing the amount of testing, the FSFs mix design et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020c). 76
12 procedure is summarized in Fig. 31. Combining the type of 77
13 solidified soil, application scenes, and the type of bulk waste Performance control. High quality FSFs should have 78
14 materials to design the composition is the main direction of excellent early fluidity, uniformity, self-compacting, rapid 79
15 the current research and development of FSFs. setting, adjustable mechanical strength, as well as good sta- 80
16 There are many types of solidified materials used to pre- bility and durability (Wang et al., 2018h). The existing studies 81
17 82
pare FSFs, such as silt, muddy soil, engineering spoil (mud), mainly focus on plastic and in-service properties when
18 83
sludge, industrial waste mud (slag), and tailing (Lan et al., regulating the performance of FSFs. With more and more
19 84
20 2020; Qian et al., 2019a; Ran et al., 2017; Zhen et al., 2012; waste resources being used to prepare the FSFs, it has 85
21 Zhu et al., 2013). Among them, the FSFs with silt, muddy become an important direction to clarify the influence of 86
22 soil, and industrial waste mud (slag) as raw materials have various materials composition and amount on the 87
23 been applied most widely. When silt and sludge with high performance of the FSFs. 88
24 content of water and organic substances is used to prepare Fluidity is one of the essential properties for the plastic 89
25 FSFs, the composition design is mainly carried out from the properties of FSFs. With the increase of water content, the 90
26 aspects of reducing the thickness of electric double layer, fluidity of FSFs increases significantly, but excessive water 91
27 adding swelling components, increasing pH value, cracking content can induce bleeding, segregation and strength 92
28 93
the structure of organic substances, and adjusting the reduction (Das et al., 2020; Ran et al., 2017). Different binders
29 94
activity of soil particles (Guo et al., 2008a). The binders have different effects on the fluidity of FSFs. For example,
30 95
include cement and industrial wastes such as lime, fly ash, the fluidity of FSFs prepared with Class C fly ash partially
31 96
32 and blast furnace slag. At the same time, sodium hydroxide, replacing cement is relatively high, while the fluidity of FSFs 97
33 sodium silicate and quicklime can be added to improve the prepared with Class F and high carbon fly ashes is relatively 98
34 pH value of the FSF, so as to reduce the consumption of poor (Kaliyavaradhan et al., 2019). The fluidity of FSFs is 99
35 humic acid on hydration products, and further promote related to the fineness, hydrophilicity, particle shape, pore 100
36 hydration reaction and pozzolanic reaction (Chen et al., structure, and activity of the solidified materials 101
37 2018c). When engineering spoils and other materials with (Kaliyavaradhan et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2016). Previous 102
38 low content of water and active ingredients are used to studies (Lan et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2018h) reported that the 103
39 prepare FSFs, a small amount of mineral components in the addition of superplasticizer can reduce the water 104
40 105
spoil can react with the binders, and the strength of FSF consumption while ensuring fluidity, but excessive
41 106
mainly depends on the cementitious material generated by superplasticizer has a negative impact on the performance
42 107
43 hydration of the binders (Chen et al., 2018c). However, when of FSFs after hardening. 108
44 109
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62 Fig. 31 e Mix design methodology of FSFS. (a) Independent parameters used for FSFs. (b) FSFs mix design procedure 127
63 128
(Alizadeh, 2018).
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 55/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 55

1 The FSFs gradually changes from a plastic state to a hard- the FSF is used in subgrade backfill, its strength requirement 66
2 ened state after being uniformly mixed. According to the hy- is relatively low. After curing, the 28 d unconfined 67
3 dration degree of the FSFs, the hydration process can be compressive strength of the FSFs reaches 0.4-0.8 MPa, which 68
4 classified into initial hydrolysis, dormant period, accelerated can meet the requirements of subgrade backfill under 69
5 70
hydration, decelerated hydration, and the steady-state (Wang different traffic loads. The shrinkage of the FSFs is closely
6 71
et al., 2018h; Yuan et al., 2020a). The regulation of setting time related to its internal pore structure and free water
7 72
is mainly related to the dormant period and accelerated dissipation. When the content of internal pores is higher
8 73
9 hydration period. The mineral type, organic substances after hardening, the more free water dissipation involved in 74
10 content, and active ingredients of the solidified soil can hydration reaction and evaporation, the more obvious the 75
11 affect the hydration process of FSFs. The content, particle shrinkage deformation of the FSF (Mneina et al., 2018; Qian 76
12 shape, fineness, and pore structure of the binders also et al., 2019a). Mixing appropriate amount of gypsum, active 77
13 affects the hydration process (Wang et al., 2018h). Wang et MgO and fiber into the FSFs can alleviate or even eliminate 78
14 al. (2018h) compared the effects of alum sludge replacement the drying shrinkage. 79
15 ratio, binder formulation, and additives on the setting time 80
16 of FSFs. With the increase of alum sludge replacement ratio, Curing mechanism. The formation of cementitious 81
17 82
the setting time of FSFs increased, and Ca-based admixtures products is an important basis to ensure the long-term
18 83
and organic accelerators could effectively shorten the setting strength through polymerization of the FSFs. The formation of
19 84
20 time. hydration products of FSFs is mainly divided into alkali acti- 85
21 Bleeding and segregation are also important plastic prop- vated mode and sulfate activated mode (Do et al., 2019; Kim et 86
22 erties of FSFs. Bleeding is closely related to the free water al., 2016), and the hydration products mainly include calcium 87
23 content in FSFs. It can reduce the bleeding rate by using the silicate hydrate (C-S-H), calcium aluminate hydrate (C-A-H), 88
24 material with strong water absorption to prepare the FSFs. In Ca(OH)2 crystal and ettringite (AFt) (Zhang et al., 2021a). At 89
25 addition, the incorporation of gypsum is beneficial to reduce present, the research methods adopted in determining the 90
26 the bleeding rate, but it can delay the setting time (Do et al., curing mechanism of the FSFs include nuclear magnetic 91
27 2019). The degree of segregation is used to characterize the resonance technology, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, 92
28 93
uniformity of FSFs, and it is mainly affected by the water microstructure analysis, ultrasonic impulse method and
29 94
content and the proportion of binders. Appropriately electrical conductivity measurement (Das et al., 2020; Do et
30 95
increasing the amount of binders is beneficial to eliminate al., 2019; Lim et al., 2017; Yuan et al., 2020a).
31 96
32 potential segregation (Qian et al., 2015). The pH and the proportion of active components can affect 97
33 Bearing capacity is one of the important properties of in- the hydration process of the FSFs (Do et al., 2019; Kim et al., 98
34 service properties of FSFs. The bearing capacity of the FSFs are 2016). As shown in Fig. 32, when the pH value of the FSFs is 99
35 mainly characterized by uniaxial compression test and ball higher, the active SiO2, Al2O3 and CaO in the reaction system 100
36 drop test. The hydration reaction and pozzolanic reaction of are prone to hydration reaction to form C-S-H and C-A-H, 101
37 active components such as SiO2, Al2O3, and CaO is the and the mechanical strengths of FSFs linearly increases 102
38 important basis for the formation of mechanical strength. Do upon increasing the molar ratio of (CaOþAl2O3) to SiO2. 103
39 et al. (2019) found that the 28 d compressive strength of the When the SO2 content increases, C-A-H can be further 104
40 105
FSFs linearly increased upon increasing the molar ratio of converted to AFt (Do et al., 2019). The formation of products
41 106
(Al2O3þCaO) to SiO2. Kuo and Gao (2018) indicated that the such as C-S-H and AFt can guarantee the long-term strength
42 107
43 strength of the FSFs would decrease when the porosity and of the FSFs. C-S-H has good cementation, while AFt plays a 108
44 water absorption of the solidified material increased. When positive role in filling the internal pores and strengthening 109
45 110
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62 Fig. 32 e Effects of pH and proportion of active components on hydration process. (a) Relationship between initial setting 127
63 128
time and pH of bleed water. (b) Relationship between strength and the molar ratio of (CaOþAl2O3) to SiO2 (Do et al., 2019).
64 129
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 56/185

56 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 the skeleton structure. In addition, Ca(OH)2 crystal generated backfill engineering. During the construction of subgrade with 66
2 in an alkaline environment can promote the soil particles to FSFs, the layered and segmented construction method is often 67
3 form a stable structure, which can further enhance the adopted. The deformation joints are generally set every 10-20 68
4 compactness of FSFs (Cheng et al., 2014). m along the longitudinal direction of the embankment. Due to 69
5 70
The stabilization/solidification processes of the FSFs are the FSFs are mainly solidified with inorganic binders, the FSFs
6 71
not only the process of the formation and hardening of the have the hydration exothermic process after the layered
7 72
cementitious products, but also the process of the trans- pouring construction. If the pouring time of different layers is
8 73
9 formation of the water status (Zhu et al., 2013). As shown in too short or the curing time is not appropriate, the thermal 74
10 Fig. 33, the free water and pellicular water among the stress concentration phenomenon can be formed. In severe 75
11 particles of the solidified filler is transformed into combined cases, the "hot channel" and burst phenomenon can be 76
12 water in the hydration products such as C-S-H and AFt induced. Therefore, for the FSFs with obvious hydration 77
13 during the hydration process. The strength of the FSFs is exothermic phenomenon, the superstructure construction 78
14 closely related to the amount and space structure of should be carried out after the pouring heat release reaches 79
15 cementitious products. The hydration rates of different the maximum value. 80
16 binders are quite different. The flocculating cementitious The ball drop method can be used to determine the follow- 81
17 82
products are gradually formed at the initial stage. With the up construction time in the construction of subgrade with
18 83
continuous hydration reaction, the hydration products FSFs. When the diameter of ball drop indentation is less than
19 84
20 gradually wrap the soil particles and gradually develop into 7.6 cm, it indicates that the filling body of FSFs has sufficient 85
21 a spatial network structure, which makes the strength of the bearing capacity to ensure that the next construction can be 86
22 FSFs gradually increases (Zhang et al., 2021a). When silt and carried out (ACI, 2013; Huang et al., 2016b). Some scholars 87
23 sludge with high content of clay are used to prepare FSFs, have put forward preventive measures for the deformation 88
24 because there is a thick pellicular water layer on the surface cracks and exothermic damage in the construction of 89
25 of clay particles, this kind of soils can be solidified with ionic subgrade filled with FSFs. In terms of controlling 90
26 binders. The high valence cations (such as Ca2þ, Mg2þ, Al3þ, deformation cracks, the measures mainly include laying 91
27 Fe3þ) introduced by the binders can be adsorbed on the steel mesh and reinforced fiber, setting deformation joints 92
28 93
surface of the soil particles under the action of static and moisture conservation (Xu et al., 2020c). The elimination
29 94
electricity, which can reduce the charge and the thickness of of exothermic damage is mainly by controlling the pouring
30 95
the pellicular water layer, and improve the binding effect of volume and pouring time. Generally, the thickness of single
31 96
32 the binders on the soil particles (Chen et al., 2020b; Li and Li, layer should be controlled within 0.3-1.0 m. In addition, heat 97
33 2020; Zhu et al., 2013). dissipation within 5-19 h after pouring can effectively reduce 98
34 the risk of hydration heat cracking (Xie et al., 2021). 99
35 Construction applications. The application of FSFs in 100
36 subgrade backfill can not only greatly reduce the potential Environmental impact assessment. As more and more 101
37 settlement and deformation, but also avoid the damage of waste materials containing heavy metal ions are used in the 102
38 compaction construction to the existing structures. It is preparation of FSFs, the environmental impact assessment of 103
39 necessary to reasonably plan the construction organization FSFs becomes more and more important. At present, the 104
40 105
according to the characteristics of the FSFs and the on-site environmental impact assessment of FSFs mainly includes pH
41 106
mixing equipment. The pouring form and curing measures of and leaching behavior of heavy metal ions. Generally, the pH
42 107
43 the FSFs should be determined by the characteristics of the value of the FSFs is controlled between 2.5 and 12.5 to meet the 108
44 109
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64 Fig. 33 e Transformation of water status in FSFS. (a) Change of water status after mixing. (b) Effect of binder on water status 129
65 (Zhu et al., 2013). 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 57/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 57

1 requirements of corrosion resistance (Kim et al., 2016). The included the total or partial replacement of problematic soils 66
2 amount of heavy metal ions in leachate of FSFs prepared with good quality fills and the use of various stabilization 67
3 with industrial waste slags was basically below than the materials (lime, cement, bitumen, etc.) to improve the in-situ 68
4 regulatory levels of heavy metal ions in groundwater in soil. However, the cost effectiveness and environmental 69
5 70
previous studies. concerns have long been researched with those approaches.
6 71
At present, scholars concluded that the stabilization of
7 72
heavy metal ions by FSFs mainly includes the following rea- Stabilization materials for loess. Loess refers to silt
8 73
9 sons. (1) Heavy metal ions form carbonate or hydroxide pre- sediments carried by wind in the Quaternary period, which 74
10 cipitation in alkaline environment, which reduces the are mainly distributed in the arid and semi-arid areas. Ac- 75
11 mobility of heavy metals (Huang and Li, 2017). (2) The cording to Wang (2013), 9.3% of the world is covered by loess, 76
12 dissolved heavy metal ions replace the existing Ca2þ, Al3þ the area covered by loess in Europe accounts for 7%, North 77
13 and are encapsulated in AFt and other related crystals America accounts for 5%, South America accounts for 10%, 78
14 during the reaction (Suo et al., 2021; Zhen et al., 2012). (3) and Asia accounts for 3%. Except for South America and 79
15 The pore structure of the FSF gradually becomes dense, and New Zealand, there is very little loess in other regions of the 80
16 its permeability is significantly reduced after hydration southern hemisphere. Most loess has strong collapsibility, 81
17 82
reaction, which makes it more difficult for heavy metal ions water sensitivity and high compressibility. When loess used
18 83
to migrate and precipitate compared with that before as subgrade, after being soaked by water and under self-
19 84
20 solidification (Bouzalakos et al., 2016). When using different weight and traffic loads, the soil structure may collapse, 85
21 contaminated soils to prepare FSFs, appropriate binders leading to a serious impact on the stability of subgrade. 86
22 should be selected according to the types of pollution Stabilization materials that have been proven to be effec- 87
23 sources to effectively change the occurrence forms of heavy tive in improving the engineering properties of loess mainly 88
24 metal ions in the soil and reduce the migration include inorganic binding materials, organic polymer mate- 89
25 characteristics and bioavailability, thereby realizing the rials, and biological enzymes as listed in Fig. 14 (see Fig. 34). 90
26 stability of the pollution source. Traditional stabilization materials have insufficient per- 91
27 formance in improving engineering properties of loess. For 92
28 93 Development prospects and challenges. In summary, example, lime stabilized loess has relatively low strength and
29 94
the promotion and application of FSFs in highway and urban poor water resistance. Cement stabilized loess has high
30 95
road subgrade backfills have broad prospects. With the strength and good water resistance, but with large shrinkage
31 96
32 continuous implementation of the concept of green develop- and cracking (Wang and Gao, 2012). The cost of cement slurry 97
33 ment, more and more waste materials will be used in the and water glass are high, and the red mud is easy to cause 98
34 subgrade construction with FSFs. The composition design environmental pollution (Hou et al., 2019). The combination 99
35 based on the types of solidified materials, application scenes, of one or more stabilization materials can complement the 100
36 and the type of bulk waste materials will continue to be the disadvantages of a single material. For example, cement 101
37 mainstream idea in the future. However, how to realize the stabilized loess with active magnesium oxide has a higher 102
38 resource utilization, harmless and large-scale application of degree of hydration and better pore distribution than only 103
39 waste materials on the basis of ensuring the adjustable and using Portland cement (Wang et al., 2019d). The strength of 104
40 105
controllable engineering properties of FSFs is still facing great red mud stabilized loess mixed with calcium oxide or
41 106
challenges. The use of soil, mud, and slag containing pollution cement is four times more than that only using cement
42 107
43 sources in the preparation of FSFs is undoubtedly an impor- (Chen and Song, 2020; Chen et al., 2019b). 108
44 tant direction for the solidification and resource utilization of Nano-silica is an amorphous nanomaterial, which has 109
45 contaminated soils in the future, but the law of form trans- flocculent structure and insoluble in water. It has small-size 110
46 formation and adsorption of heavy metal ions in FSFs is still effect and surface effect (Bu, 2016). High surface free energy 111
47 unclear. There is still a lack of systematic research on the and chemical activity make nano-silica highly absorbable, 112
48 long-term effectiveness of heavy metal ion stabilization in easily fill large voids and cement coarse particles, and thus 113
49 subgrade backfill with FSFs. It is urgent to build a unified changing the physical and mechanical properties of loess 114
50 theoretical and technical system for the FSFs to meet the (Kong et al., 2018; Lv et al., 2018). In addition, some 115
51 116
practical needs of its large-scale development. In addition, researchers have used nano-clay and nano-calcium
52 117
there is no unified evaluation method for the engineering carbonate to stabilize loess and found that nano-calcium
53 118
quality control and environmental impact assessment of the carbonate has the best effect (Haeri and Valishzadeh, 2021).
54 119
55 subgrade filled with FSFs, which also restricts the develop- Compared with inorganic stabilization materials, organic 120
56 ment and application process of the FSFs technology in the stabilization materials have been more studied by researchers 121
57 subgrade backfill. in the recent years. As a natural organic polymer, lignin is a 122
58 major by-product of cellulose industry. When mixed with 123
59 3.4.2. Stabilization materials for problematic soil subgrades loess, a filamentous film can be formed to cement soil parti- 124
60 Subgrades that consist of problematic soils (e.g., loess, cles, thus enhancing particle bond, reducing void ratio, 125
61 expansive soils, saline soils, and soft soils) may lead to uneven increasing shear strength and improving water erosion 126
62 settlement, slope failure, frost heave, and accelerated dis- resistance of loess (He et al., 2017a). However, only calcium 127
63 128
tresses of pavement systems. Problematic soils are widely lignosulfonate showed a good stabilization effect for loess in
64 129
spread in most parts of the world. Traditional methods to the cold regions (Haeri and Valishzadeh, 2021; Xu et al.,
65 130
improve the engineering properties of the subgrade have 2011), while sodium lignosulfonate could not effectively

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 58/185

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27 Fig. 34 e Various stabilization materials for loess. 92
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32 improve the mechanical properties of loess, but also lead to engineering properties of expansive soils and found that using 97
33 the intensification of loess salinization (Zhang et al., 2009b). stabilization materials is the most cost-effective method 98
34 For biostabilization of loess, Tairan enzyme is a liquid (Zheng and Zhang, 2015). 99
35 compound enzyme produced by the fermentation of plants, In the recent years, researchers had further studied stabili- 100
36 which can speed up the weak chemical reaction rate between zation effects, durability, and mix-design of the traditional sta- 101
37 minerals and form a waterproof barrier on the surface of the bilization materials including cement (Li et al., 2018d), lime, fly 102
38 soil. Then under the action of mechanical compaction, a ash (Al-Taie et al., 2018; Islam et al., 2019; Sivakumar et al., 103
39 cohesive organic film is formed between soil particles, and the 2020), bottom ash (Galvin et al., 2021), industrial waste dust 104
40 105
compactness of the soil is increased, thereby improving the (Sudhakar et al., 2021), waste glass powder (Blayi et al., 2020),
41 106
strength and stability of the soil (Hou et al., 2019), but Tairan and red mud (Parik and Patra, 2020). Some researchers have
42 107
43 enzyme requires the content of particles below 0.075 mm in also developed or evaluated relatively new stabilization 108
44 the reinforced soil to be between 20% and 50%, while the materials including enzyme-based stabilizer (Parik and Patra, 109
45 content of fine grains in loess usually can reach to 90%. 2020), alkali-based stabilizer (Miao et al., 2017), ionic soil 110
46 Microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) refers to stabilizer (ISS) (He et al., 2018), liquid ionic soil stabilizer (LISS) 111
47 the use of specific bacteria such as bacillus (Liu et al., 2021b), (Kaneza et al., 2020), polymer reagents (Mousavi et al., 2021) 112
48 polysaccharide mucilage bacteria and urease-producing and microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP) (Tiwari et 113
49 bacteria (Naveed et al., 2020). Carbonate generated by al., 2021) to control swelling shrinkage behavior of expansive 114
50 bacterial reacts with calcium ions in the soil to form calcium soils. To combine the different stabilization effects, 115
51 116
carbonate with cementing function, which fills the pores in researchers also developed various composite stabilization
52 117
the soil, thereby increasing the strength of the soil, reducing materials, which mainly combine lime with biomass ash,
53 118
the permeability coefficient, and improving the engineering including rice husk ash (Onyelowe et al., 2021), bamboo ash
54 119
55 properties. (Nwonu and Ikeagwuani, 2019), sugarcane ash (Hasan et al., 120
56 2018) and coir pith (Narendra et al., 2018). The stabilized 121
57 Stabilization materials for expansive soil. Expansive expansive soil used for subgrade must meet requirements of 122
58 soils are a kind of high liquid limit cohesive soil, which volume mechanical properties. Therefore, most of the previous studies 123
59 expands and contracts greatly with changes in water content. on effect evaluations of solidified expansive soils mainly 124
60 The main soil minerals of expansive soils are illite and focused on geotechnical and mechanical indexes (Al 125
61 montmorillonite with strong hydrophilic characteristics. Hattamleh et al., 2020; Al-Taie et al., 2018; Blayi et al., 2020; 126
62 When used as subgrade, expansive soils can cause cracks, Goud et al., 2017; Hasan et al., 2018; He et al., 2018; Liu et al., 127
63 128
frost heaving, frost boiling, and other distresses under 2019c; Miao et al., 2017; Pooni et al., 2019; Rabab'ah et al., 2021;
64 129
repeated deformation. Researchers have well studied the Sudhakar et al., 2021; Wu et al., 2020a).
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 59/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 59

1 Stabilization materials for saline soils. Saline soils are combination with another material. The types of stabilizers 66
2 a kind of soils with soluble salt content greater than 0.3%, are summarized in Table 19. 67
3 which are widely distributed in arid and semi-arid areas. Sa- The mechanical performance of soft clayey subgrade sta- 68
4 line soils are distributing in more than 100 countries and re- bilized with calcium carbide residue (CCR), an industrial by- 69
5 70
gions in Aisa, Europe, Africa and North America, which product of acetylene gas production, has been found superior
6 71
accounts for 6.5% of the earth's land area. When used as compared to quick lime by both laboratory tests (Jiang et al.,
7 72
subgrade, under the environmental and traffic loads, the salt 2016) and field validations (Du et al., 2016). The particles of
8 73
9 expansion, dissolution collapse, and corrosion of saline soils CCR are finer with higher specific area and higher pH than 74
10 can cause significant damage to pavement systems. those of quick lime, which makes the CCR produce faster 75
11 In the recent years, researches on the stabilization of saline flocculation and agglomeration of clay particles and thus 76
12 soils are mainly focused on evaluations of the performance produce high CBR, high resilient modulus and lower values 77
13 and their optimal mixing content of traditional stabilization of resilient deflection and dynamic cone penetration index. 78
14 materials. Traditional inorganic materials include cement, The study conducted on soft soils mixed with coir wastes (0- 79
15 lime, fly ash, silica fume, industrial waste residue (Liu et al., 3% coir pith and 0-1% coir fibre) has shown that the 80
16 compaction, elastic modulus, and strength properties were 81
2015), magnesium slag (He et al., 2015), composite cementing
17 82
materials (Dai et al., 2021; He et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015a; significantly improved (Peter et al., 2016). This could be
18 83
Zhang et al., 2020a), and traditional organic materials attributed to the coir pith and coir fibre of low specific
19 84
20 include rice husk ash (Dai et al., 2021), polypropylene fiber, gravity and high water absorption capacity. More inorganic 85
21 polyacrylamide (Liao et al., 2015c; Liu et al., 2015a), and new materials have been used for soft soil improvement such as 86
22 hydrophilic acrylate copolymer emulsion (Zhu et al., 2020d). the non-biodegradable waste rubber powder to increase the 87
23 Stabilization effects of composite materials with different strength characteristics (Farooq and Mir, 2020). 88
24 components and dosage could be significantly different (Bai The combination of more than one stabilization materials 89
25 et al., 2020a; Hou et al., 2021; Li et al., 2018d; Liu et al., has also proven to improve the drawbacks of some traditional 90
26 2015a). For example, researchers found that there is a stabilizers. The combined effect of enzymatic lime has proven 91
27 threshold mixing ratio for fly ash stabilized saline soil, and to improve strength more than using lime alone (Eujine et al., 92
28 93
the optimal mix ratio of fly ash in chlorine-saline soil is 15%, 2017). The chemical reaction stimulation property of the
29 94
and that in sulfate soil is 20% (Zhou et al., 2017). Some enzymes on lime causes low water absorption of the clay
30 95
researchers also found that the stabilization effect of the particles leading to an accelerated strength gain and
31 96
32 same material varies with the salt content of soils (Yu et al., stronger soil mix thereafter (Eujine et al., 2017). With the 97
33 2018). For soils with a large amount of sulfate ions, it can rapid increase in use of glass materials in recent years, the 98
34 actively react with Ca(OH)2 in the cement to form ettringite, glass waste has caused an environmental concern which 99
35 so some researchers studied the salt-swelling curing agent prompted extensive studies on ways to recycle or reuse 100
36 such as rice husk ash fiber and cement. The test found that glass wastes. The recent study on the addition of nano-clays 101
37 the curing agent could effectively improve the swelling along with glass fiber to soft clays has shown that the 102
38 resistance of the stabilized soils, reduce the strength loss stabilized soil produced a shearing strength increase up to 103
39 84% and a considerable improvement in unconfined 104
rate and improve the engineering properties of cemented
40 105
soils (Dai et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2018j). compressive strength (Changizi and Haddad, 2017). When
41 106
Aiming at the improvement of salt swelling and melting of used with bentonite, the nano-clay has proven to improve
42 107
43 salted soil, the most commonly used curing materials are the strength characteristics of soft soil by 14% increase in 108
44 inorganic materials and organic materials, while the inorganic CBR. On the other hand, the permeability of the soft soil has 109
45 curing method may cause environmental pollutions, while decreased (Idrus et al., 2016). 110
46 the organic curing method may become a development di- 111
47 rection for stabilizing saline soils (Wan, 2019). 3.4.3. Geogrids in base course reinforcement 112
48 A typical flexible pavement is usually composed of three 113
49 distinct layers: asphalt mixture surface course, granular base 114
50 Stabilization materials for soft soils. Soft soils are a 115
course, and soil subgrade. The results of AASHO road test
51 kind of soils that sediment in floodplains, deltas, and coastal 116
52 areas. They are generally composed of clayey, silty or organic 117
53 particles. When used as subgrade, their inherent high water 118
54 content, high compressibility, and poor bearing capacity can Table 19 e Summary of subgrade soft soils chemical 119
55 cause severe damage to pavement systems. The poor stabilizers. 120
56 121
permeability of soft soils also causes detrimental long-term Name Type Mode of use
57 122
consolidation settlements resulting in slow strength devel-
58 Calcium carbide residue (CCR) Inorganic Individually 123
opment. To address these issues, in the recent years, the
59 Waste rubber powder Inorganic Individually 124
60 emphasis was taken on evaluating non-traditional stabiliza- Waste paper sludge ash (WPSA) Inorganic Individually 125
61 tion materials, mostly the industrial by-products. Depending Coir waste (coir pith and coir fibre) Organic/fibre Individually 126
62 on the engineering performance, relatively new stabilization Enzyme, lime Inorganic Combined 127
Nano-clay, glass fibre Inorganic Combined
63 materials (organic, inorganic and bio-enzyme, or polymers) 128
MgO , CO2 Inorganic Combined
64 evaluated in the recent years can be categorized into those 129
Nano-clay, bentonite Inorganic Combined
65 which can perform individually and those which work in 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 60/185

60 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 show that in the flexible pavement, the permanent deforma- researchers utilized different test methods to evaluate the 66
2 tion caused by the asphalt mixture surface course, granular geogrid-aggregate interaction, and these methods are mainly 67
3 base course (including subbase course), and subgrade ac- divided into material tests for reinforced granular material 68
4 counts for 32%, 59%, and 9% of the total permanent defor- and structural tests for reinforced granular base course 69
5 70
mation of the entire pavement, respectively (Vesic and according to the research object.
6 71
Domaschuk, 1964). It is found that the permanent
7 72
deformation generated by the granular base course (1) Reinforced granular material
8 73
9 contributes more than half of that of the entire pavement 74
10 system (Ma, 2015). A high-quality granular base course can Recently, several test methods have been proposed to 75
11 effectively dissipate the stresses imposed by vehicles to the quantify the geogrid-aggregate interaction governing the 76
12 underlying subgrade (Appea and Al-Qadi, 2000). Therefore, performance of geogrid-reinforced aggregate. These tests 77
13 limiting the permanent deformation of the granular base mainly include cyclic triaxial test, monotonic pullout test, 78
14 course is particularly important for controlling the direct shear test, bending stiffness test, push test, bender 79
15 permanent deformation of flexible pavements. The granular element test, modified loaded wheel test. 80
16 base usually composed of unbound granular materials The cyclic triaxial test is a commonly used approach to 81
17 82
(UGMs). UGMs usually have enough shear strength to resist characterize the geogrid-aggregate interaction under cyclic
18 83
deformation, but not tensile strength. Therefore, granular loading. Yang and Han (2012) believe that geogrids can provide
19 84
20 particles at the bottom of the base layer could move laterally additional lateral restraint stress on aggregates, which can 85
21 under repetitive traffic loading, weakening the base- limit the lateral movement of aggregates and improve the 86
22 subgrade interface and resulting in the gradual deterioration resilient modulus of aggregates to reduce the permanent 87
23 of pavement system (Giroud et al., 1984; Han et al., 2018). deformation of aggregates. Rahman et al. (2013) and Gu et al. 88
24 The deterioration is largely due to the migration of fine (2016) confirmed this conclusion in their cyclic triaxial tests 89
25 particles from subgrade to the base layer and the on construction and demolition materials. However, the 90
26 penetration of base course materials into subgrade (Al-Qadi results of several other researchers showed that the 91
27 and Bhutta, 1999; Al-Qadi, 2002). To improve the tensile permanent deformation of reinforced aggregates is 92
28 93
performance of granular base course, geosynthetic materials significantly lower than that of unreinforced aggregates, but
29 94
with good tensile properties are introduced into the tensile the resilient modulus does not increase significantly (Han et
30 95
deformation zone of the base course to restrict the lateral al., 2019b; Moghaddas-Nejad and Small, 2003; Nazzal et al.,
31 96
32 movement of UGMs and increase the stability of the 2007; Wayne et al., 2011), as shown in Fig. 35. Therefore, it is 97
33 granular base course. Therefore, reinforcing the granular controversial to use the cyclic triaxial test to evaluate the 98
34 base course by geosynthetics is considered an effective way effect of geogrids in reinforcing base course. 99
35 to improve the performance of pavement. Under repeated traffic loads, geogrids and surrounding 100
36 Generally, geosynthetic products are divided into eight cat- granular materials usually experience a certain relative 101
37 egories, including geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geo- displacement, resulting in shear resistance at the geogrid- 102
38 membranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geopipes, geofoams, and aggregate interface. This shear resistance can limit the lateral 103
39 geocomposites (Koerner, 2012). Each product is designed to movement of aggregates to form an effective interlocking in 104
40 105
solve specific civil engineering problems. Geogrid is one of the geogrid apertures, thereby strengthening the whole pavement
41 106
most commonly used geosynthetic product in pavement system. Pullout and direct shear tests are the other two
42 107
43 engineering. Compared with other types of geosynthetic common methods to measure this shear resistance (Alfaro et 108
44 products, geogrid has larger tensile strength and stiffness, al., 1995; Ferreira et al., 2015; Kwan, 2006; Lopes and Ladeira, 109
45 and can withstand more tensile stresses. Since 1970s, geogrid 1996; Wang et al., 2016c). Besides, Han et al. (2018) developed 110
46 has been widely used for subgrade stabilization and base a large-scale cyclic shear test to investigate the geogrid- 111
47 reinforcement in flexible pavements. Numerous laboratory aggregate interface interaction in a cyclic shear load mode 112
48 and field tests have confirmed the benefits of using geogrid as instead of traditional monotonic shear load. Sprague et al. 113
49 reinforcement in pavement systems, including decreasing (2004) employed a bending stiffness test to quantify the 114
50 rutting deformations, reducing base-soil contamination, reinforcement effect of geogrids. The results show that the 115
51 116
improving the stress distribution of the base course, bending stiffness of reinforced aggregate is higher than that
52 117
increasing pavement-bearing capacity, lowering the design of unreinforced aggregate, and the increase percentage has a
53 118
thickness of the base course, controlling crack propagation, good correlation with the traffic benefit ratio (TBR) measured
54 119
55 and prolonging pavement service life (Berg et al., 2000; Chen by the field geogrid-reinforced flexible pavement. Matys and 120
56 et al., 2009b; Ghosh and Dey, 2009; Huntington and Ksaibati, Baslik (2004) proposed a push test to evaluate the 121
57 2000; Kinney et al., 1998; Loulizi et al., 1999; Moghaddas-Nejad interlocking effect of geogrids on the aggregates, and the 122
58 and Small, 1996; Palomino et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2011). push force was recorded for the reinforcement effect 123
59 comparison. Byun and Tutumluer (2017) used a bender 124
60 Assessment methods for evaluating geogrid reinforce- element to measure the shear modulus around the geogrid 125
61 ment in flexible pavements. Geogrids are believed to realize in a cyclic triaxial test. Results show that the shear modulus 126
62 benefits in reinforcing pavements through three main mech- of reinforced aggregate near the geogrid is significantly 127
63 128
anisms: lateral restraint, increased bearing capacity, and larger than that of unreinforced aggregate, and the
64 129
tensioned membrane effect (Giroud and Noiray, 1981; Holz et calculated shear modulus can effectively quantify the
65 130
al., 1998; Zornberg, 2015). In the past four decades, lots of interaction between geogrids and aggregates.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 61/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 61

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Fig. 35 e Unreinforced/reinforced specimen and test results. (a) Unreinforced case. (b) GG1 reinforced case. (c) GG2 reinforced
40 105
case. (d) Resilient moduli of unreinforced and reinforced specimen (Han et al., 2019b).
41 106
42 107
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44 109
45 110 Reinforced granular base course. The overall strength Carroll et al. (1987) and Webster (1993) further improved the
46 111
47 and stability of the reinforced granular base course in the test, and proposed an equivalent thickness conversion 112
48 flexible pavement will be improved because of the addition of diagram of the reinforced aggregate base course and the 113
49 geogrids in granular materials. Due to the interaction between unreinforced aggregate base course as shown in Fig. 36. The 114
50 geogrids and aggregate, the mechanical behavior of the rein- inflection point represents the minimum thickness required 115
51 forced granular base course is greatly different from that of for the reinforced aggregate base. 116
52 the conventional unreinforced granular base course. Unlike To better understand the geogrid reinforcement mecha- 117
53 reinforced granular materials, researchers often employ nisms, Haas et al. (1988) built a reinforced and unreinforced 118
54 large-scaled test methods to investigate the reinforcement pavement structure in a large-scale tank. The test results 119
55 120
effect of geogrids in the flexible pavement system, including show that reinforced base course can significantly reduce
56 121
cyclic plate loading test, field tracking test, accelerated pave- the surface permanent deformation, and the base course
57 122
ment testing (APT), and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) thickness could be reduced by 25%-50%. When the
58 123
59 test. permanent deformation is large, the reinforcement is mainly 124
60 Cyclic plate loading test is a common method to evaluate strengthened by the tensioned membrane effect, while 125
61 the reinforcement effects of geogrids in base course. Halim et when the permanent deformation is small, the 126
62 al. (1983) conducted a group of cyclic plate loading tests and reinforcement is realized by the lateral constraint effect. 127
63 found that the reinforced pavement structure can withstand Chen et al. (2009b) also employed the cyclic plate loading 128
64 more loadings when the pavement achieved a pre- test to evaluate the reinforcement effect of the indoor test 129
65 determined rut depth of 20 mm. Based on Halim’s results, sections and analyzed the mechanical response of 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 62/185

62 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 FWD test is also employed to test the performance of the 66

2 reinforced pavement. Collins et al. (2005) conducted a 12-year 67
3 FWD tracking test on one reinforced road. They found that 68
4 some longitudinal cracks appeared in the unreinforced 69
5 70
section, but no obvious cracks and ruts were found in the
6 71
reinforced section, indicating that the reinforced base could
7 72
improve the fatigue life of the pavement. Cox et al. (2010)
8 73
9 conducted on-site cyclic plate loading tests on 16 completed 74
10 reinforced and unreinforced actual road sections in 75
11 Arkansas. FWD test were also conducted after cyclic plate 76
12 loading test. They concluded that when the surface 77
13 permanent deformation is small, the geogrids will not 78
14 activate the reinforcement. They further speculated that 79
15 geogrids be mobilized only when geogrids experience a large 80
16 strain in the geogrids, but this statement has not been 81
17 82
confirmed by field measurements.
18 83
19 Fig. 36 e Design chart for base course thickness proposed 84
20 Summary. Through the summary of the existing 85
by Carroll et al. (1987) and Webster (1993).
21 research methods, it is found that the interaction between 86
22 geogrids and aggregate plays a significant role in the base 87
23 reinforcement. The interaction could affect the mechanical 88
24 behavior of the reinforced unbound granular materials 89
25 reinforced sections including stress and strain under the (UGMs), which in turn affects the corresponding mechanical 90
26 cyclic loadings. The result show that the bearing capacity, behaviors of the flexible pavement with the reinforced gran- 91
27 rigidity and rutting resistance of the reinforced sections are ular base course. Researchers have used different methods to 92
28 significantly improved compared with the control 93
study the mechanical properties and behavior of reinforced
29 unreinforced sections. The installation of geogrids in the 94
UGMs and reinforced granular base. These methods are
30 base course can transfer the stress to a wider area within 95
summarized in Table 20.
31 96
base course and subgrade, so that the permanent Among these test methods, the direct shear, pullout,
32 97
deformation of the base course and subgrade in the repeated load triaxial test are employed to characterize the
33 98
34 reinforced section accounts for a lower proportion of the mechanical behavior of the reinforced UGMs and analyze the 99
35 permanent deformation of the entire pavement structure interaction mechanisms between geogrids and aggregate. 100
36 than that in an unreinforced section. These test methods are efficient, cost-effective, time-saving, 101
37 Unlike the cyclic loading test, the accelerated pavement and repeatable. However, the sizes of the equipment used in 102
38 testing (APT) can more accurately simulate the wheel load these studies are small, so the number of geogrid grids con- 103
39 applied on the pavement structure. Han et al. (2020) built a tained in the specimens limited, which cannot simulate the 104
40 full-scale reinforced flexible pavement and tested the 105
actual interaction between geogrids and aggregate. In addi-
41 reinforcement effect of geogrid by APT, as shown in Fig. 37. 106
tion, the loads applied to the specimen are quite different to
42 107
Tang (2011) used a small-scaled APT facility, MMLS3, to the loads applied to pavements, so the mechanical response
43 108
evaluate the ability of different geogrid products to improve of the specimens in these tests are different from that of
44 109
the rutting resistance of the flexible pavement structure. actual road. In terms of cyclic plate loading test, field traf-
45 110
46 The test results show that the existence of the geogrid can ficking test and accelerated pavement testing, although these 111
47 improve the stress distribution in the base course, and tests can better simulate the actual loading condition for the 112
48 decrease the stress applying on the top surface of the geogrid-reinforce pavement, these methods are not widely 113
49 subgrade. used as routine test approaches since they are time- 114
50 Field trafficking test is another excellent method for eval- consuming, labor-consuming, and costly. Therefore, a more 115
51 uating benefits of the reinforced aggregate base course. In 116
convenient and practical test method should be proposed to
52 order to study the reinforcement effect of geosynthetics in the 117
evaluate the interaction between geogrids and aggregates.
53 base course, Chan et al. (1989) paved 12 different reinforced 118
This method can effectively quantify the influence factors,
54 119
thin flexible pavements and utilized uniaxial and multi-axial select appropriate geogrids for different base, analyze the
55 120
APT facility to load the pavements. The results showed that reinforcement mechanisms, evaluate the reinforcement ef-
56 121
57 the reinforcement effect depends largely on the thickness of fect of geogrids on pavements, and provide theoretical guid- 122
58 the base course, aggregate quality, and the placement ance for the design of the geogrid-reinforced flexible 123
59 position of the reinforcement. If a pre-rutting could be made pavement. 124
60 on the reinforced granular base just after the base course 125
61 construction, the rutting resistance of the reinforced 3.4.4. Summary and outlook 126
62 structure could be further improved. However, the pre- The application of different types of reinforcement geo-ma- 127
63 tensioning of the geosynthetics in the pavement 128
terials for the road base/subgrade has a positive role in
64 construction does not significantly improve the long-term 129
improving the stress distribution of structural layer,
65 130
performance of the reinforced flexible pavement. enhancing the anti-deformation ability, and optimizing the

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 63/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 63

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41 Fig. 37 e APT device, pavement structure and permanent deformation after APT. (a) Accelerated pavement loading system. 106
42 (b) Schematic diagram of pavement structure. (c) Distribution of accumulated surface permanent deformation (Han et al, 107
43 2020). 108
44 109
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48 pavement structure. The effective reinforcement of subgrade technologies should be developed based on the engi- 113
49 and base is an important premise to promote the construction neering characteristics and the instability mechanism 114
50 of long-life asphalt pavement. With the continuous improve- of special soil to promote the construction and devel- 115
51 ment of green development requirements, more and more opment of long-life pavements in special areas. 116
52 environmentally friendly reinforcement technologies and (2) While promoting the durability of new subgrade and 117
53 118
geo-materials will continue to be used in base and subgrade base engineering, it is equally important to strengthen
54 119
reinforcement engineering. Based on the summary of the the maintenance, detection, and reinforcement of the
55 120
56 previous studies of flowable solidified fill, stabilization mate- existing highway subgrade and base. It is urgent to form 121
57 rials for problematic soil, and geogrids for base/subgrade a systematic and efficient disease diagnosis and pre- 122
58 reinforcement, the following prospects are put forward for the vention technology system of road base and subgrade to 123
59 development and technical innovation of road subgrade and improve the intelligent level of road subgrade and base 124
60 base reinforcement geo-materials. reinforcement. 125
61 (3) At present, the problem of global environmental dam- 126
62 (1) With the continuous progress of highway construction age and climate change has become increasingly 127
63 in special areas, special soil subgrade reinforcement prominent, and green sustainable development has 128
64 129
projects will also increase sharply. Suitable and gradually become the development concept of the en-
65 130
economical reinforcement geo-materials and gineering construction. Some progress has been made

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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64 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 20 e Summary of test methods on geogrid-reinforced flexible pavements.
2 67
3 Subject Method Load type Test performance Characterized mechanical behavior 68
4 Reinforced Direct shear Monotonic Interaction degree between Interfacial shear behavior at aggregate-geogrid 69
5 UGMs geogrids and aggregate interface 70
6 Pullout Monotonic Interaction degree between Interfacial shear behavior at aggregate-geogrid 71
7 geogrids and aggregate interface 72
8 Triaxial shear Monotonic Shear capacity Shear behavior of reinforced UGMs 73
9 Repeated load triaxial Cyclic Resilient modulus, rut depth Resilient and permanent deformation behavior of 74
10 reinforced UGMs 75
11 Reinforced Field trafficking Traffic Long-term performance Permanent deformation behavior of reinforced 76
12 granular granular base 77
13 base APT Traffic Overall structural performance Permanent deformation behavior of reinforced 78
14 granular base 79
15 FWD Dynamic Resilient modulus Resilient deformation behavior of reinforced 80
16 granular base 81
17 Cyclic plate loading Static/cyclic Mechanical response Resilient and permanent deformation behavior of 82
reinforced granular base
18 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
in recycling of waste materials in the construction of simple, and usually represent asphalt materials with a typical
22 87
23 highways and other projects, but it is still necessary to molecule, which is different from the actual complex molecular 88
24 continue to explore and develop the green highway composition of asphalt materials. For instance, Zhang et al. 89
25 subgrade and base reinforcement technologies and (2010b) studied the interaction mechanism between aging 90
26 form the corresponding environmental impact assess- asphalt and rejuvenators by using molecular simulation 91
27 ment methods. technology. Tang et al. (2013) who used molecular dynamics 92
28 simulation method to analyze the change characteristics of 93
29 asphalt molecule aggregation state found that there is layered 94
30 accumulation among asphaltene molecules, but this situation 95
4. Multi-scale mechanics 96
will be destroyed by the influence of temperature rise. And the
32 97
4.1. Interface asphalt colloidal structure model was verified by Ding (2013)
33 98
and Tang et al. (2013). Xu (2013) used molecular simulation to
34 99
35 The cracking resistance of asphalt mixture is closely related to simulate the interface strength between a single asphaltene 100
36 the interface characteristics between asphalt and aggregate. molecule and different metal oxides, and studied the effects of 101
37 The research shows that the interface is often the weak link in water and temperature through thermodynamic analysis. In 102
38 asphalt mixture, and the resistance of interface cracking the above study, it was found that the interaction abilities of 103
39 directly affects the strength and durability of asphalt mixture. the four oxides with asphaltene were as follows: MgO > CaO > 104
40 Al2O3 > SiO2, and the water damage mechanism of asphalt 105
However, the interfacial zone in asphalt mixture is very thin,
41 pavement is proposed by Xu (2013). In the United States, 106
only on the scale of micron, and it is often difficult to quan-
42 Jennings et al. (1993) proposed typical molecular structures 107
43 titatively evaluate the influence of interface on the macro 108
performance of asphalt mixture by conventional methods. that can represent complex components of asphalt in the
44 109
The best way to understand the deformation and failure of Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). Pauli et al. (2003)
45 110
46 asphalt mixture under the influence of interface is to use verified the rationality of the typical molecular structures by 111
47 multi-scale analysis method. Since the interface effect has atomic force microscope. Subsequently, Zhang and Greenfield 112
48 multi-scale internal characteristics, the damage and fracture (2007b, 2007c, 2008) simplified the composition of asphalt 113
49 shown by its macro is not achieved suddenly, but a bottom-up materials and proposed several representative molecular 114
50 and progressive process, involving the linkage between nano, models that could represent the similar chemical components 115
51 in asphalt materials: asphaltene, colloid, naphthenic aromatic 116
micro, meso, macro, structure and other scales. Only by
52 constituents and polar aromatic constituents, which were 117
mastering the material characteristics at different scales and
53 simulated by molecular simulation technology. In addition, 118
their influence mechanism on the next scale can it be pro-
54 119
moted layer by layer, so as to explore the source of material they investigated the effect of the addition of polystyrene
55 120
deformation and damage. chains on properties of asphalt, such as thermal expansion
56 121
57 coefficient, volume modulus, etc., and analyzed the 122
58 4.1.1. Multi-scale evaluation method of interfacial interaction temperature dependence of the viscosity through the 123
59 between asphalt binder and mineral aggregate relaxation time and diffusion coefficient of each component 124
60 Molecular dynamics simulation of asphalt adsorption (Zhang and Greenfield, 2007b, 2007c, 2008). In addition to the 125
61 behavior on mineral aggregate surface. At present, in the field of simulation study of the all-round properties of asphalt 126
62 road engineering, molecular simulation technology is mostly materials, molecular dynamics stimulation has also been 127
63 applied to the deicing mechanism of asphalt pavement, the 128
used by researchers to study asphalt and other materials. While
64 composite modification of asphalt materials, and the 129
domestic researchers use molecular simulation technology to
65 130
simulate asphalt materials, the models they built are relatively degradation of material property under light-oxygen conditions.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 65/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 65

1 Experimental study on absorption behavior of asphalt substrate was stronger, but the interaction between 66
2 on aggregate surface. Experimental studies on the interaction asphaltene and self-assembly monolayer components was 67
3 mechanism between asphalt and mineral are mostly carried not obvious. Saraji et al. (2010) measured the adsorption of 68
4 out from the perspective of adsorption and desorption of asphaltenes in porous media by UV-vis spectrophotometer 69
5 70
mineral to asphalt components and the component migration and found that the adsorption was affected by the type of
6 71
of asphalt is characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectros- mineral materials. The adsorption capacity of calcite was
7 72
copy and infrared spectroscopy. The results of Curtis et al. higher than that of quartz and dolomite, and the thickness
8 73
9 (1993), Scott (1978), Fritschy and Papirer (1978) showed that of adsorption layer was between 1.6 and 3.9 nm. 74
10 the polar components (such as asphaltene) were more easily 75
11 adsorbed on the surface of mineral, and Curtis et al. (1993) Research on evaluation method of interaction between 76
12 found that sulfoxide, carboxylic acid, pyridine and phenols asphalt and mineral powder. 77
13 in polar components were the most easily adsorbed 78
14 components. (1) Rheological mechanical method 79
15 Ardebrant and Pugh (1991) found that Langmuir isotherm 80
16 It is extremely difficult to directly measure the adhesion 81
and Freundlich isotherm could be used to describe the
17 strength between asphalt and mineral powder from the me- 82
adsorption of asphalt on aggregate surface and different
18 chanical point of view because of the extremely small mineral 83
functional groups in asphalt performed different adsorption
19 84
degree on the surface of mineral. The study of Gonzalez and powder particles. Therefore, researchers often study the
20 85
Middea (1987) showed that the adsorption of asphalt on interface behavior between asphalt and mineral powder
21 86
22 aggregate surface can be described by Langmuir isotherm, indirectly by measuring the mechanical properties of asphalt 87
23 which corresponds to the monolayer adsorption hypothesis. slurry under different powder to binder ratios (Choi et al., 88
24 The research of Acevedo et al. (1995, 1998) had proved that 2020). 89
25 asphalt was adsorbed on the aggregate surface in the form In 1971, Anderson (1971) systematically studied the 90
26 of multi-molecular layer adsorption, which was suitable for mechanical properties of asphalt mortar, and the results 91
27 Freundlich isotherm. Subsequent studies refined this showed that the interface behavior between asphalt and 92
28 mineral powder had a significant impact on the mechanical 93
conclusion and found that adsorption type of asphaltenes
29 behavior of asphalt mortar. In 2009, Wu (2009) from Harbin 94
with weak aromatics was monolayer adsorption, while that
30 95
of asphaltenes with strong aromatics was multi-molecular Institute of Technology found that temperature, type of
31 96
layer adsorption (Acevedo et al., 1995, 1998). Recent studies asphalt, acid and base of mineral powder, and particle size
32 97
by Abudu and Goual (2009) found that Langmuir isotherm of mineral powder all had significant influences on the
33 98
34 was more suitable for minerals containing silica or alumina, interaction ability. In 2012, Guo (2012) from Harbin Institute 99
35 while Freundlich isotherm was more suitable for minerals of Technology studied the phase behavior of asphalt mortar 100
36 containing dolomite and calcite, and it was found that through dynamic mechanical analysis, and analyzed the 101
37 asphaltene was the main component adsorbed on the interface structure and properties of virgin asphalt mortar 102
38 surface of minerals, and the thickness of adsorption layer and modified asphalt mortar respectively, and found that 103
39 the lithology and particle size of stone powder had an 104
was between 2 and 3 nm.
40 important influence on the interface structure and properties. 105
With the development of science and technology, more
41 106
valuable conclusions can be obtained through advanced
42 107
characterization techniques combined with adsorption and (2) Microscopic test
43 108
44 desorption experiments. Balabin and Syunyaev (2008) studied 109
45 the adsorption of petroleum asphaltenes and resins on Shao et al. (2003) from Harbin Institute of Technology were 110
46 different aggregate surfaces by near infrared reflectance the first to study the micro-interface of asphalt mortar 111
47 (NIR). They found that the adsorption rate depended on the through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the micro- 112
48 type of matrix, the adsorption rate was higher than the morphology of asphalt mortar interface is shown in Fig. 38. 113
49 desorption rate, and the adsorption rate of resin was higher Guo (2012) from Harbin Institute of Technology studied the 114
50 than that of asphaltene, which proved that NIR was a good interface behavior through atomic force microscope and 115
51 infrared spectrum, and obtained the influence of different 116
evaluation technology (Balabin and Syunyaev, 2008;
52 aggregate surface states and asphalt grades on adhesion 117
Syunyaev et al., 2009). Labrador measured the adsorption of
53 118
asphaltene on the glass surface by using the ellipsometry. It force. Sha and Wang (2008) studied the interface
54 119
was found that the thickness of the asphalt film was microstructure of cement emulsified asphalt, and concluded
55 120
between 20 and 300 nm. The thickness of the asphalt film that the interface microstructure affected the overall
56 121
57 increased with the increase of the concentration of performance of concrete, and cement could significantly 122
58 asphaltene-toluene solution. The author believed that the improve the interface microstructure. 123
59 adsorption between asphaltene and glass surface was Khattak et al. (2007) studied the adhesion of different 124
60 physical because there were no covalent and ionic bonds asphalts to aggregates at low temperatures through 125
61 between the components (Labrador et al., 2007). Turgman- overlapping shear experiments and scanning electron 126
62 microscopy, and the results showed that the loss of 127
Cohen et al. (2009) also used this technology to measure the
63 adhesion strength at low temperatures was the main cause 128
thickness of the self-assembly monolayers, and found that
64 of the failure of asphalt mixtures. Huang et al. (2005b) used 129
the interaction between asphaltene and the polar silica
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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18 83
19 Fig. 38 e Micromorphology of interface of asphalt mastics. (a) Micro morphology of asphalt mastics. (b) Partial enlarged view 84
20 of mineral filler (Shao et al., 2003). 85
21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 differential scanning calorimeters and other equipment to of testing the adhesion is mainly to wrap the asphalt on the 90
26 measure the adhesion between asphalt and mineral powder, surface of the mineral material, immerse the mineral material 91
27 and obtained the structural characteristics of the interface in water, and determine the adhesion of the asphalt by 92
28 between asphalt and mineral. analyzing the amount of asphalt peeling. Common test 93
29 methods include boiling method, water immersion method, 94
30 Study on evaluation method of interaction between shear adhesion test, peeling test, and surface energy method. 95
31 asphalt and aggregate. At present, most of the studies on the In addition to the above-mentioned experimental 96
32 asphalt-aggregate interface in asphalt mixtures focus on the methods, researchers have also explored numerical simula- 97
33 98
cohesive and adhesive properties of asphalt and aggregates tions to investigate the behavior of the asphalt-aggregate
34 99
(Fig. 39). When the adhesion performance between them is interface. For example, Gong (2012) from Harbin Institute of
35 100
36 poor, the impact of water and temperature is greater, Technology established a microstructure model for asphalt 101
37 coupled with the role of traffic load, eventually resulting in mixtures and considered the interface strength to study the 102
38 aggregate’s spalling, mixture performance declined. On the effect of fine microstructure on the interface and mortar 103
39 one hand, the pavement tends to produce new diseases, crack resistance. 104
40 such as pockmarked, loose, etc. On the other hand, the Conventional research has considered the adhesion be- 105
41 pavement will intensify the original disease, such as tween asphalt and aggregate to be most closely related to the 106
42 potholes, congestion package, nudge, etc. Therefore, it is of water damage resistance of asphalt mixtures, and less 107
43 great significance to study the interface behavior between research has been done on the relationship between interfa- 108
44 109
asphalt and aggregate. cial behavior and other aspects of performance. Ribeiro et al.
45 110
Currently, most of the studies on the interfacial behavior (2009) found that the interaction between asphalt and
46 111
between asphalt and aggregate have been conducted from the aggregate affects the mechanical properties of asphalt
47 112
48 perspective of adhesion and cohesion properties, which are mixtures, with the degree of influence varying depending on 113
49 evaluated qualitatively by the degree of wrap integrity or the composition of the aggregates. 114
50 quantitatively by macroscopic mechanical tests. The method Warm mix combined recycling technology is becoming a 115
51 hot topic of research for road workers due to its significant 116
52 economic advantages and environmental benefits. Some re- 117
53 searchers believe that warm mix technology can achieve 118
54 similar pavement performance as hot mix technology when 119
55 paving recycled asphalt pavements (Mallick et al., 2008b; Shu 120
56 121
et al., 2012). However, more researchers have found that water
57 122
damage, rutting, and temperature cracking can occur when
58 123
59 paving recycled asphalt pavements using warm mix 124
60 technology (Canestravi and Ingrassia, 2020; Guo et al., 2014; 125
61 Hill et al., 2013; Zhang, 2020; Zhao et al., 2013). Although 126
62 researchers have done a lot of research in this area, none of 127
63 them have been able to clarify the mechanism of this 128
64 Fig. 39 e Damage types of interface between asphalt and performance difference. Mohajeride et al. (2014) 129
65 aggregate (Guo, 2016). characterized the interfacial transition region between 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 67/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 67

1 recycled and new asphalt in recycled asphalt mixtures by traditional interface micromechanics test, formed a new, 66
2 using a combination of nanoindentation, nanocomputed richer and more perfect experimental technology and data 67
3 tomography, and optical microscopy techniques and analysis method. Nanoindentation technology, which 68
4 concluded that this region affects the overall mechanical emerged in the mid-1980s, provides an effective method for 69
5 70
properties. It can be seen that studying the interfacial in-situ testing of mechanical properties of composites, and
6 71
properties between asphalt and recycled aggregates can can measure various mechanical properties of materials on
7 72
provide a theoretical basis for improving the warm mix- micro and nano scales, such as load-displacement curve,
8 73
9 recycling technology. elastic modulus, hardness, fracture toughness, viscoelasticity, 74
10 etc. (Ling, 2011). At present, this technique has been widely 75
11 4.1.2. Multi-scale numerical simulation method considering used in testing the mechanical behavior of interfacial 76
12 interface effect transition zone of composite materials. MRS and FS are two 77
13 Multi-scale effect of interface. The overall mechanical kinds of spectroscopic analysis techniques. In the past 20 78
14 properties of asphalt mixtures, especially their resistance to years, these two technologies have made rapid development 79
15 damage and cracking, are not only related to the mechanical in the field of interface research, and have made great 80
16 properties of their constituent phases, but also closely related contributions to the exploration of interface behavior of 81
17 82
to the interfacial properties and interactions between asphalt composite materials, especially the micromechanics of
18 83
and aggregate. Existing studies have shown that the non-polar interface.
19 84
20 and polar substances in asphalt materials will produce phys- Nahar et al. (2013) determined that the miscibility region of 85
21 ical adsorption and chemical adsorption with different sizes, old and new asphalt was between 160 nm and 2.07 mm by 86
22 degrees and properties with the surface of rough aggregate, applying AFM. Yang et al. (2014a) used AFM to study the 87
23 which leads to that the bonding material is not an ideal sur- relationship between microstructure and self-healing 88
24 face in the bonding area, but a spatial area with the scale of properties of asphalt under different aging degrees. Rinaldini 89
25 several microns to tens of microns. Therefore, there must be a et al. (2014) used micro-CT, environment scanning electron 90
26 transition region from asphalt to aggregate between asphalt microscope (ESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer 91
27 and aggregate, which is called the interface region. In such a to observe the spatial structure and microcracks in the old 92
28 93
space, the material presents non-uniform and anisotropic and new miscible zone of recycled asphalt mixture. Dourado
29 94
distribution characteristics. The material properties and et al. (2012) studied the mechanical properties of honeybee
30 95
microstructure in the interface zone are necessarily related to structures using nanoindentation technology. Shen et al.
31 96
32 but different from asphalt and aggregates, showing unique (2014) studied the diffusion law of modified regenerators in 97
33 characteristics (structural characteristics, chemical and me- aging asphalt by using gel permeation chromatography (Fig. 98
34 chanical properties, etc.). 40). Jahangir et al. (2015) used AFM to get the bee structure of 99
35 The macro damage and fracture of pavement materials do asphalt, and based on this, established a 2D finite element 100
36 not happen at one go, but in a bottom-up, layer by layer pro- model to analyze the bee structure changes under the action 101
37 gressive process, involving the interaction among multiple of tensile stress. Ja€ger et al. (2007) adopted NI and inverse 102
38 scales such as nano, micro and macro. Therefore, in order to algorithm to obtain the micro nano creep behavior of 103
39 deeply understand the deformation and damage of materials, asphalt. Tarefder et al. (2010) used NI to study the elastic 104
40 105
we should not only stay at the macro scale that gives the modulus and hardness of asphalt at micro nano scale.
41 106
representation, but fully carry out multi-scale analysis, inte- Katsuki and Gutierrez (2014) used NI to measure the
42 107
43 grating the perspectives of multiple disciplines such as engi- hardness and rheological behavior of asphalt mixture at 108
44 neering, materials, chemistry and physics, so as to combine micro nano scale. 109
45 the macro, micro scale and even nano scale analysis to find 110
46 out the root and mechanism of material deformation and Study on the interface between asphalt and aggregate 111
47 destruction at a deeper level. based on molecular dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulation 112
48 In this part, the previous multi-scale numerical simulation (MD), with its high accuracy, can help people understand the 113
49 methods considering interface effects are reviewed strictly, basic characteristics of matter from the perspective of atomic 114
50 which can provide methods and basis for material selection, and nanoview. With the continuous development of com- 115
51 116
modification, material composition and structural design. puter technology and the recognition of molecular simulation
52 117
results, there have been many applications in the field of road
53 118 Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on materials research in recent years. Some scholars have stud-
54 119
55 micro nano scale testing technology. Interfacial problems need ied the adhesion characteristics of asphalt-aggregate interface 120
56 to be analyzed effectively and accurately on a discrete nano at the micro scale with the help of MD simulation. 121
57 scale. With the development of experimental interface me- From the aspect of microscopic characteristics, the 122
58 chanics, the characterization methods of the microstructure research process of asphalt aggregate interface with MD 123
59 of the interface region of composite materials are becoming simulation method is shown in Table 21. As early as the 1990s, 124
60 more and more perfect. Murgich et al. (1998) used molecular simulation to study the 125
61 In terms of interface micromechanical properties, tradi- adsorption behavior of asphaltene and colloid on Kaolin 126
62 tional test methods include single fiber pull-out test, single crystal surface. In recent years, Xu (2013) and Li et al. (2016a) 127
63 128
fiber pull-out test, bending test, shear test, and pull-out test, used MD to study the interaction between asphalt and
64 129
etc. In recent years, nanoindentaiton (NI), MRS, fluorescence aggregate. Asphaltene molecules were selected to represent
65 130
spectroscopy (FS) have been developed, by combining with the asphalt, six major chemical components (SiO2, CaO, MgO,

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 68/185

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36 Fig. 40 e Molecular weight distribution curves of asphalt binder in different diffusion position. (a) R-1 regenerating agent. (b) 101
37 R-2 regenerating agent. (c) R-3 regenerating agent (Shen et al., 2014). 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 Al2O3, Na2O and K2O) in conventional aggregate were selected the main evaluation index. Guo et al. (2017c) studied the 107
43 to represent aggregate, and the interface model of asphaltene/ diffusion characteristics of four components of asphalt on 108
44 oxide molecules was established. The molecular interface the surface of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, MgO and Fe2O3, and 109
45 energies of asphaltene/oxide and the cohesive energies of characterized the movement characteristics of each 110
46 111
asphaltene at different temperatures were calculated. Yu et component of asphalt by means of the mean azimuthous
47 112
al. (2012) studied the adsorption behavior of asphaltene on displacement and diffusion coefficient.
48 113
49 quartz surface, observed the adsorption conformation of The bond strength of asphalt-aggregate interface has al- 114
50 asphaltene on quartz surface in different solvents, and ways been the focus of attention, and many new testing 115
51 calculated the interaction between asphaltene and quartz methods have been applied to evaluate the bond strength of 116
52 interface and solvent. Xu and Wang (2016b) selected the asphalt-aggregate interface. Xu et al. (2016c) took silicate 117
53 asphalt molecular model of Zhang and Greenfield (2007a) minerals represented by silicon cells as AFM tips, and 118
54 and collected materials with SiO2 and CaCO3 crystal models. established matrix, short-term aging and long-term aging 119
55 The interaction energy and adhesion work of asphalt- asphalt molecular models respectively by using the twelfth 120
56 aggregate were calculated by MD simulation method. It is fractional and four-component model proposed by Li and 121
57 122
found that for the same aggregate, the difference of Greenfield (2014a). The AFM force curve scanning test was
58 123
adhesion work between two kinds of asphalt to aggregate is simulated with MD to obtain the force displacement curves
59 124
small, but the difference between the same asphalt and of three kinds of asphalt materials with different aging
60 125
61 different aggregates is large. In addition, the study found degrees, and the maximum gravity was used as the 126
62 that the interaction between asphalt and mineral aggregate adhesion force to calculate the bond strength. The 127
63 is dominated by van der Waals forces. Wu et al. (2013, 2015b) calculated results show that the short-term aging asphalt 128
64 studied the adsorption capacity of four components of has the largest bond strength with aggregate, followed by 129
65 asphalt on quartz interface by using interaction energy as the long-term aging asphalt. Based on the simulation 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 69/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 69

1 66
Table 21 e Research process of microstructure characteristics of asphalt-aggregate interface.
2 67
3 Researcher Year Research progress 68
4 Murgich et al. 1998 The adsorption behavior of asphaltene and gum on kaolin crystal surface was 69
5 studied. 70
6 Yu et al. 2012 The adsorption behavior of asphaltene on quartz surface was studied, and the 71
7 interaction between asphaltene and quartz interface and solvent was calculated. 72
8 Wu et al. 2013, 2015b The adsorption capacity of four components of asphalt on quartz interface was 73
9 studied. 74
10 Xu 2013 The interaction between asphalt and aggregate was studied. 75
11 Li et al. 2016a The interface model of asphaltene/oxide molecule was established, and the 76
12 interface energy and cohesive energy were calculated. 77
13 Xu et al. 2016c The molecular models of matrix, short-term aging and long-term aging asphalt 78
14 were established. 79
15 Xu and Wang 2016c The interaction energy and adhesion work of asphalt aggregate are calculated. 80
16 Guo et al. 2017c Characterization of movement characteristics of asphalt components 81
17 Du and Zhu 2019 A 12-component AAA-1 asphalt model and five oxide models were generated. 82
Zhu et al. 2020a The effect of mineral filler on the structural, thermodynamic and mechanical
18 83
properties of asphalt mastic were explored.
19 84
Du et al. 2021d The diffusion and structural properties of moisture (water molecules) in both neat
20 85
asphalt binder and asphalt mastic were characterized.
21 86
22 87
23 88
calculation and experimental results, Xu et al. (2016c) overall structure. In recent years, more and more researchers
24 89
25 proposed an asphalt-aggregate interface interaction model, began to investigate the mechanical behavior of asphalt 90
26 which considered that the asphalt surface was uneven due mixture from the perspective of meso-mechanics of com- 91
27 to the colloidal structure of the asphalt material. When posite materials. Anderson and Goetz (1973) used the 92
28 asphalt and aggregate are in contact with each other, there mesoscopic model to study asphalt mixtures earlier and 93
29 is a balance between repulsion and gravity. The aggregate believed that the macro-performance of asphalt mixtures 94
30 first touches the bulging part of asphalt material. With the was closely related to particle size, the interaction between 95
31 approach of aggregate, the bulging part begins to deform asphalt slurry and particles, and temperature. Lytton (1990) 96
32 until the balance between gravity and repulsion is reached proposed a three-phase meso-prediction model, assuming 97
33 98
between asphalt and aggregate. The model can explain how that asphalt mixture is composed of aggregate, binder and
34 99
the surface structure of asphalt material affects its adhesion void. Buttlar and Roque (1996) evaluated the applicability of
35 100
36 to aggregate. Xu and Wang (2016b) established the asphalt four kinds of micromechanical models to the prediction of 101
37 aggregate interface model. After the model was fully elastic modulus of asphalt mixture through elastic modulus 102
38 relaxed, the MD simulation method was used to simulate test of asphalt mixture at low temperature, and believed 103
39 the pull-off test, and the force-displacement curve was that the prediction value of elastic modulus of asphalt 104
40 obtained. The force-displacement curve was fitted by the mixture by the existing two-phase spherical inclusion model 105
41 cohesive zone model (CZM) and the maximum adhesive would be low. They point out that many of the current 106
42 force sc was used to calculate the interfacial bond strength. micromechanical models may be applicable only to typical 107
43 Du and Zhu (2019) analyzed the adhesion and diffusion of suspended asphalt mixtures because the coarse particles are 108
44 109
asphalt binder on mineral surfaces at a nano scale based on not in direct contact with each other, but are suspended
45 110
molecular dynamics simulation. A 12-component AAA-1 from each other between smaller particles and asphalt
46 111
asphalt model and five oxide models were generated to mortar, so that there is no obvious interaction between
47 112
48 represent asphalt binder and mineral aggregates, aggregate and aggregate. Li et al. (1999) buried the circular 113
49 respectively (Fig. 41). To fully understand the filler aggregate wrapped in asphalt film into the equivalent 114
50 reinforcement mechanism in asphalt mastic, Zhu et al. asphalt mixture medium to form a two-layer embedded 115
51 (2020a) adopted molecular dynamic (MD) simulation to meso-model, and derived the expression of the two- 116
52 explore the effect of mineral filler on the structural, dimensional effective elastic modulus, but this expression is 117
53 thermodynamic and mechanical properties of asphalt related to another elastic constant of asphalt mixture, 118
54 mastic. Zhu et al. (2020a) and Du et al. (2021d) also adopted Poisson's ratio, which is still determined by empirical 119
55 the molecular dynamics simulation technique to 120
formula when used. Using this model, they only studied
56 121
characterize the diffusion and structural properties of asphalt horseshoe grease gravel (SMA), and did not carry out
57 122
moisture (water molecules) in both neat asphalt binder and the relevant test validation. Shu and Huang (2008a) used the
58 123
59 asphalt mastic. same mesoscopic model as Li et al. (1999) to derive the 124
60 expression of the three-dimensional effective elastic 125
61 Study on performance of asphalt mixture based on modulus of hot trip asphalt mixture, but the empirical 126
62 meso-mechanics. Different sizes of aggregates and binders in formula was still used for Poisson's ratio. Krishnan and Rao 127
63 asphalt mixture will affect the overall performance of asphalt (2000) applied a relatively simple mixing criterion to study 128
64 pavement. The meso-mechanical model can take into account the effect of voidage in asphalt mixtures, that is, weighted 129
65 the role played by all basic materials in the composite in the average of various inclusion phases according to their 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 70/185

70 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 70
6 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
13 78
14 79
15 80
16 81
17 82
18 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 90
26 91
27 92
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 Fig. 41 e Components of asphalt-aggregate interface model. (a) Benzobisbenzothiophene. (b) Thio-isorenieratane. (c) 96
32 Pyridinohopane. (d) Quinolinohopane. (e) Trimethylbenzene-oxane. (f) Hopane. (g) Squalane. (h) PHPN. (i) DOCHN. (j) 97
33 Asphaltene-phenol. (k) Asphaltene-pyrrole. (l) Asphaltene-thiophene. (m) Unit cell of quartz. (n) Bulk surface model of 98
34 99
quartz (with atoms Si and O in green and red respectively). (o) Asphalt component molecule and quartz mineral. (p) AAA-1
35 100
asphalt binder and quartz mineral (Du and Zhu, 2019).
36 101
37 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
volume ratio to obtain the overall macroscopic equivalent that the asphalt mixture was composed of matrix and
41 106
mechanical properties. Huang et al. (2003) used Cox shear cylindrical fibers uniformly distributed in any direction, so
42 107
43 theory and mixing criterion to study the tensile strength of as to predict the elastic modulus of fiber-reinforced asphalt 108
44 asphalt mixture at low temperature, taking into account the mixture. 109
45 bond between asphalt slurry and particles and asphalt aging Previous studies on viscoelastic behavior of asphalt mix- 110
46 problems, and verified them through experiments. tures have assumed a constitutive model that can describe 111
47 Shashidhar and Shenoy (2002) simplified the generalized viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures, such as Burgers 112
48 self-consistent theory by using the order of magnitude model and four-element and five-parameter model, which are 113
49 simplified analysis method and permeability theory to generally considered in engineering to better reflect relaxation 114
50 discuss the dynamic mechanical behavior of asphalt and creep properties of asphalt mixtures. Then, various pa- 115
51 116
mixtures. Li and Metcalf (2005) simulated the asphalt rameters of the model were calibrated by creep tests (trabec-
52 117
mixture into a two-phase meso-mechanical model and used ular bending creep test or uniaxial static compression creep
53 118
a two-step method to predict the modulus of asphalt test, etc.). This research method belongs to the semi-empirical
54 119
55 mixture. The first step is to simulate the asphalt mixture and semi-theoretical method, and is limited by the experi- 120
56 into a two-phase medium, including circular fine aggregate- mental conditions, so it is difficult to reflect the effect of ag- 121
57 binder and circular coarse aggregate; the second step is to gregates, voids, asphalt mortar and other components and 122
58 simulate the circular fine aggregate-binder with a two-phase meso-structure in the whole. At present, domestic and foreign 123
59 model, including circular fine aggregate-binder and asphalt researchers have done some researches and discussions on 124
60 binder. They recommend that tests be carried out on the viscoelastic meso-mechanics of asphalt mixture. 125
61 different asphalt mix designs to validate existing methods. Shashidhar and Romero (1998) used the generalized Nielsen 126
62 Guo and Zhao (2007) proposed the equivalent modulus model to conduct a series of discussions on the creep 127
63 128
calculation formula of fiber-reinforced composite materials compliance of asphalt mixture. The influences of various
64 129
on the basis of Eschelby-Mori-Tanaka theory, and assumed particle sizes, gradations, aggregate shapes and aggregate
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 71/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 71

1 distribution on asphalt mixtures are summarized by study the damage and fracture process of asphalt mixture, 66
2 generalized Einstein coefficient and filler packing fraction. and carried out parameter analysis on fracture performance. 67
3 Guo et al. (Guo et al., 2007, 2008b; Guo and Zhao, 2007) have The measured results verified the applicability of the model. 68
4 also done a lot of work in this field. Their main idea is to Dai (2011a) proposed a three-dimensional meso-finite 69
5 70
combine the equivalent modulus calculation formula of element mesh model to predict the elastic damage behavior
6 71
particle reinforced composites proposed on the basis of of stone-based materials such as asphalt mixture, and
7 72
Eschelby-Mori-Tanaka theory with the four-element and introduced the bilinear damage law. Through indirect tensile
8 73
9 five-parameter model, and then carry out Laplace transform. and uniaxial compression simulation tests, the meso- 74
10 Then the parameters of the model were calibrated according damage distribution and the overall fracture behavior inside 75
11 to the test and used for viscoelastic analysis of asphalt the sample were analyzed. By comparing with the measured 76
12 mixture. Kim and Little (2004) respectively use the three results, it is found that the three-dimensional finite element 77
13 expressions about effective shear modulus given by Hashin, model established can better predict the typical damage 78
14 GSCM and Nielsen (based on rheology), and use the behavior of rock-based materials under the action of load 79
15 Schapery direct transformation method, that is, when the (Dai, 2011a). From 2012 to 2013, You et al. (You, 2013; You et 80
16 inverse transformation is carried out in the Laplace domain, al., 2012) reconstructed the three-dimensional numerical 81
17 82
the Laplace variable is directly replaced by the time variable model of asphalt mixture including aggregate and asphalt
18 83
0.56/t, so as to obtain the effective relaxation modulus mortar by using CT scanning images, introduced the thermo
19 84
20 expression of linear viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture, the viscoelastic, thermo viscoplastic and thermo visco damage 85
21 results of dynamic shear rheometer test show that the constitutive models, and studied the stress-strain behavior 86
22 existing model is in good agreement with the test only at of materials, damage evolution process, recoverable and 87
23 low volume fraction. Shu and Huang (2008a, b) used a two- nonrecoverable strain at different temperatures through the 88
24 layer embedded model to derive an expression for the virtual simulation tests of uniaxial compression, uniaxial 89
25 effective relaxation modulus of viscoelasticity of three- tension and virtual simulation test of repeated creep 90
26 dimensional asphalt mixture lines. The expression takes recovery. The results show that the three-dimensional 91
27 into account the effects of voidage and maximum particle microstructure model and constitutive model can effectively 92
28 93
size, and can reflect the general trend of dynamic modulus, predict the thermal-mechanical response of asphalt mixture
29 94
but its predicted value is lower than the experimental data. (You, 2012; You et al., 2012). In 2013, Wang et al. (2013b) used
30 95
CT image and digital image processing technology to
31 96
32 Mesoscopic numerical simulation test of asphalt establish two-dimensional finite element numerical model 97
33 mixture. The numerical simulation method can be used to of heterogeneous porous epoxy asphalt mixture, by splitting 98
34 study the damage and cracking mechanism of asphalt the simulation test the damage evolution process of crack 99
35 mixture, which can provide a theoretical basis for the micro- initiation extension is analyzed, the results show that the 100
36 structure design of asphalt mixture and the optimization of distribution of the mesoscopic structure is affected the 101
37 mechanical properties of materials. As shown in Table 22, it is distribution of stress and strain response of asphalt mixture 102
38 the progress of numerical simulation experiment. and its factors. In 2016, Onifid et al. (2016) proposed a 103
39 In 2005, Kim et al. (2005) established a two-dimensional viscoelastic damage constitutive model of asphalt mixtures 104
40 105
finite element model of asphalt mixture to analyze the on the basis of continuous damage mechanics and
41 106
damage mechanical response of asphalt mixture. By thermodynamics, and analyzed the effectiveness of
42 107
43 introducing a micro-mechanical nonlinear viscoelastic dissipative creep strain energy index in evaluating the 108
44 bonding zone model (cohesive zone constitutive model) into damage and cracking performance of asphalt mixtures 109
45 the interface of the model, the propagation and damage through Superpave indirect tensile test simulation (Jelagin et 110
46 evolution of interface cracks were analyzed. The research al., 2016; Onifade, 2017). In 2019, in order to control the Q2 111
47 results show that the basic properties and fracture degradation of asphalt pavement and improve the durability 112
48 characteristics of raw materials have an important influence of asphalt mixture, Kollmann et al. (2019) used CT and 113
49 on the fracture mechanical properties of asphalt mixture digital image processing technology to reconstruct the two- 114
50 (Kim et al., 2005). In 2011, Araga ~ o et al. (2011) combined dimensional finite element numerical model of asphalt 115
51 116
finite element method and cohesive zone fracture model to mixture. On this basis, indirect tensile virtual tests were
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 Table 22 e Research progress of numerical simulation method 120
56 Researcher year Established model 121
57 122
Kim et al. 2005 Two-dimensional finite element model of asphalt mixture
58 123
~ o et al.
Araga 2011 Finite element method and cohesive zone fracture model
59 124
Dai 2011 Three-dimensional meso-finite element mesh model
60 125
You et al. 2012; 2013 Three-dimensional microstructure model and constitutive model
61 126
Wang et al. 2013b The finite-element model including the aggregate, sand mastic and air
62 voids
63 Onifade et al. 2016 Viscoelastic damage constitutive model of asphalt mixture 128
64 Kollmann et al. 2019 Reconstruction of two-dimensional finite element numerical model of 129
65 asphalt mixture 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 72/185

72 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 carried out to study the effects of temperature and porosity on change in interface properties, thus characterize the 66
2 micro-crack initiation and propagation of asphalt mixture. deterioration of asphalt mixture. However, the simulation 67
3 results are highly dependent on the constitutive model and 68
4 4.1.3. Multi-scale investigation on interface deterioration the values of key parameters, which are difficult to be 69
5 70
The property of aggregate-binder interface is a key factor determine.
6 71
affecting the strength formation of asphalt mixture. As a Surface energy theory uses the classical wetting theory to
7 72
result, the deterioration of aggregate-binder interface has a analyze the process of water damage to the interface. Ac-
8 73
9 great influence on the distress of asphalt pavement. Modeling cording to surface energy theory, water has high surface en- 74
10 and evaluating the deterioration of adhesive bond between ergy, which prevents the effective bonding between asphalt 75
11 aggregate and binder from the micro or meso scope become and aggregate (Ji et al., 2017; Wang, 2010). When water 76
12 critical for revealing the mechanism of asphalt pavement intrudes into the asphalt-binder interface, the interfacial 77
13 deterioration. Recent studies on the deterioration of aggre- tension between binder and aggregate is greater than that 78
14 gate-binder interface in the last decade show that the adhe- between water and aggregate, resulting in easy falling off of 79
15 sive bond at the interface is affected by various factors such as the asphalt (Liu et al., 2010a). The presence of water makes 80
16 moisture, aging, deicing salt solution infiltration, and freeze- the surface energy reduction at the asphalt-aggregate 81
17 82
thaw cycle, as shown in the Fig. 42. interface change from negative to positive (Han et al., 2010).
18 83
The macroscopic manifestation of moisture damage By measuring the surface free energy of different binder and
19 84
20 mainly includes stripping and ravelling, which is closely aggregate, the work of adhesion with and without the 85
21 related to the aggregate-binder/mastic interface. Experiments presence of water could be calculated, making it feasible to 86
22 have shown that the deterioration of aggregate-binder bonds analyze the adhesion between binder and aggregate with the 87
23 correlate well with the moisture uptake, and the moisture surface energy theory (Cheng, 2002). These studies proved 88
24 diffusion also affects the interfacial retained tensile strength that the presence of water has an important effect on 89
25 (Zhang et al., 2017a), Currently, CZM model, surface free interface deterioration, but the specific deterioration 90
26 energy theory, and molecular dynamics are widely used to principle needs to be further studied. A relatively simple 91
27 investigate the deterioration of aggregate-binder/mastic way is to compare the change of surface free energy of 92
28 93
interface (Omar et al., 2020). binder-aggregate interface with and without water.
29 94
CZM model is usually embedded in finite element analysis However, the presence of water may lead to some chemical
30 95
to investigate the influence of water or moisture on the and physical changes at the interface, so it is necessary to
31 96
32 aggregate-binder interface. Some studies based on CZM are combine chemical thermodynamics theory with surface 97
33 summaried in Table 23. The mechanical properties of the energy and introduce the three-phase interface equation 98
34 material could be considered as a function of the moisture (Xiao et al., 2012a, b). From the perspective of energy, 99
35 concentration (Caro et al., 2010b; Hu and Qian, 2013). Studies surface energy can fully reflect the change of interfacial 100
36 based on CZM model have shown that the presence of water molecular tension, but it is difficult to reflect the influence 101
37 reduces contact stress, reduces the load of interfacial failure, on the motion of water molecules. Therefore, molecular 102
38 and accelerates the fracture development at the interface dynamic (MD) simulation was further studied. 103
39 (Caro et al., 2010b; Hossain and Tarefder, 2014). It was Molecular dynamics (MD) is to establish molecular 104
40 105
observed in some studies that the damage starts at the same models at the atomic level to simulate the behavior of water
41 106
place regardless of the amount of water, but the subsequent molecules at the interface. MD studies have shown that the
42 107
43 development is different (Hu and Qian, 2013). Current presence of moisture decreased the total interaction energy 108
44 studies based on CZM models could effectively introduce the between aggregate and binder, thus reduces the interface 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
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54 119
55 120
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57 122
58 123
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Fig. 42 e Schematic diagram for interface degradation.
64 129
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 73/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 73

1 66
Table 23 e Summary of interface deterioration analysis based on CZM.
2 67
3 Reference Material parameter Moisture transport Theoretical damage Damage model 68
4 mechanism model parameter 69
5 Hossain and Tarefder, 2014 Dynamic elastic modulus of dry - Traction-separation Interface stiffness 70
6 and wet conditions damage law 71
7 Caro et al., 2010b Function of moisture concentration Fick’s second law Fracture mechanics and Crack correlation 72
8 thermodynamics principle parameter 73
9 Hu and Qian, 2013 Linearly changes with water content Forchheimer's law Traction-separation law Bonding failure 74
10 Bozorgzad et al., 2018 Function of moisture content Fick’s second law Traction-separation law Fracture energy 75
11 76
Note: “-” means the data is not provided.
12 77
13 78
14 79
15 80
16 adhesion strength (Gao et al., 2018a; Lu and Wang, 2017; increase of water vapor concentration at the interface 81
17 Wang et al., 2017c). The dissolution of polar molecular into would lead to the decrease of tensile bonding strength 82
18 water induces the nanostructure collapse, and further (Nobakht et al., 2020). Due to the anisotropic mineral 83
19 leads to the asphalt-aggregate interface debonding (Dong surfaces, water has different degradation effects on the 84
20 et al., 2017). The immersion of the water solution can 85
interface, making the degree of interface degradation
21 86
reduce the concentration of the asphalt molecules on the distinct for different aggregates (Luo et al., 2020a).
22 87
surface, thus weakening the physical adsorption effect Another important cause of interface deterioration is
23 88
24 between the asphalt and silica aggregate surface (Long et aging. Studies show that the aging could lead to decrease of 89
25 al., 2020). External moisture that intruded into the fracture energy at asphalt-aggregate interface, and reduce 90
26 interface of the aggregate-binder system reduced the interfacial adhesion (Yuan et al., 2020b; Zhang et al., 2020c). 91
27 adhesion works of the aggregate-binder interface, and The attenuation of micro-surface energy caused by aging is 92
28 declined the water damage resistance of asphalt mixture the main factor to reduce the value of macro-bonding, 93
29 (Cui et al., 2020b, c). The water adsorbed on the surface of further indicating that the main reason for the bonding 94
30 weakly alkaline aggregates significantly decreased the failure of aged asphalt with aggregate is the weakening of 95
31 aggregation concentrations of resin and asphaltene and interface chemisorption (Ji et al., 2020). However, for 96
32 97
made the distributions of SARA components near the different mineral composition, the impact of aging on the
33 98
calcite surface more uniform (Fig. 43), which seriously interface is different. In detail, aging can degrade the
34 99
affected adhesion energy between asphalt and calcite (Cui interfacial adhesion of binder-acidic minerals. In
35 100
36 et al., 2020b, c). The model established based on the comparison, the interfacial adhesion of binder-strong alkali 101
37 intermolecular bond energy/force and the mechanisms of minerals does not deteriorate or even increase (Gao et al., 102
38 cohesive and adhesive failures also confirmed that the 2019). 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 Fig. 43 e Asphalt-aggregate interface radial distribution function (RDF) curve. (a) Asphalt-calcite under dry condition. (b) 128
64 Asphalt-water-calcite under wet condition. (c) Asphalt-calcite-HS under dry condition. (d) Asphalt-water-calcite-HS under 129
65 wet condition (Cui et al., 2020c). 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 74/185

74 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 Salt and freeze-thaw cycles can also degrade the interface The deterioration of binder-aggregate interface is a com- 66
2 (Feng et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2019b). These factors usually plex phenomenon involving chemical, physical, and me- 67
3 appear in road deicing. The higher the concentration of chanical processes. Studies have been conducted to reveal the 68
4 deicing salt, the stronger the erosion effect on the interface, mechanism of interface deterioration from different per- 69
5 70
and the invasion of salt will lead to the change of interface spectives and scopes. However, there are still some challenges
6 71
energy (Xiao et al., 2012a, b). Test results show that micro- in this field.
7 72
cracks could be observed at the binder-aggregate interface
8 73
9 after cyclic freeze-thaw exposure, indicating the loss of (1) Present studies are mainly based on simulation, while 74
10 adhesion bonds (Xu et al., 2020d). The coupling actions of the simulation results highly depend on the constitutive 75
11 salt immersion and F-T cycles would change in interface model and parameters. In practice, accurately deter- 76
12 deterioration patterns (Guo et al., 2019b). mine these parameters is not an easy task, which limits 77
13 Asphalt pavement is often subjected to temperature the applicability of the results. This problem may be 78
14 changes in practice. Temperature variation also affects the solved by conducting systematic studies on determi- 79
15 performance of the asphalt-aggregate interface (Xu and nation of key parameters. 80
16 Wang, 2016a). In order to explore the damage and (2) The deterioration of binder-aggregate interface involves 81
17 82
deterioration of the asphalt-aggregate interface caused by chemical, physical, and mechanical effects. These ef-
18 83
temperature, scholars have studied it from multiple scales. fects are not independent of each other, but coupled
19 84
20 Based on the contact-slip test, it is observed that with each other. This coupled effect is usually ignored 85
21 temperature can affect the bonding/lubrication in present studies. Further studies may establish the 86
22 transformation behavior of the aggregate-asphalt system (Su relationship between the chemical, physical, and me- 87
23 et al., 2020a). Although it can be seen from the test that chanical effects. 88
24 temperature does have an important influence on the 89
25 interface damage, microscopic numerical simulation is still 4.2. Multi-scales and numerical methods in pavement 90
26 needed to study the specific interface condition. One of the 91
27 possible reasons for temperature deterioration of the 92
28 93
interface is differential thermal contraction at the interface Pavement is a highway infrastructure composed of various
29 94
between mastic and aggregates (Bekele et al., 2021). Another layers which are built with different mixtures, while mixtures
30 95
reason is the change of interface composition caused by the are made of different source materials which have different
31 96
32 change of temperature (Guo et al., 2017c, 2018b; Guo and chemical constituents. Evidently, a pavement geometry is a 97
33 Tan, 2021). It causes changes in intermolecular forces. In multi-scale system and the interactional effects among 98
34 particular, high temperature leads to deterioration of different scales should be seriously considered for achieving a 99
35 interface adhesion (Wang and Zheng, 2021). better engineering design. In the past few decades, with the 100
36 rapid development of modern computational technologies 101
37 4.1.4. Summary and outlook plenty of research efforts have been made for dealing with the 102
38 The interface transition zone in asphalt mixture is very thin, 103
multi-scale system of pavement. In order to improve the
39 only micro nano size, and the material structure distribution 104
fundamental understanding of the multi-scale system, liter-
40 105
is complex, showing a non-uniform and heterogeneous state. atures of the three aspects below are searched and analyzed in
41 106
It is almost impossible to quantitatively evaluate the proper- this section.
42 107
43 ties of the interface zone. However, if the interface layer is 108
44 simplified to a surface without thickness according to the ▪ Asphalt pavement multiscale system 109
45 conventional engineering treatment method, the influence of ▪ Multiscale modeling methods 110
46 the microstructure and evolution of the interface phase on the ▪ Cross-scale modeling methods 111
47 interface strength and crack initiation at the interface cannot 112
48 be studied. With the development of multi-scale analysis 4.2.1. Asphalt pavement multi-scale system 113
49 method, it is possible to accurately evaluate the characteris- Since pavement is a multi-scale system where various factors 114
50 tics of the interface region and explore the crack initiation and impact its performance in very complex ways, it is challenging 115
51 116
crack propagation in the interface region caused by the evo- to predict pavement performance with a single-scale model.
52 117
lution of the properties of the interface region. However, As a result, the traditional pavement design is done with the
53 118
limited by the current test methods, at present, it is still empirical methods based on observations and historical per-
54 119
55 difficult to accurately determine the physical and mechanical formance from the previously built pavements. With the rapid 120
56 indexes such as interface thickness, modulus, ultimate tensile development of computer technologies, multi-scale analysis 121
57 strength and fracture energy, which makes it difficult to methods have been developed and applied for dealing pave- 122
58 accurately predict the impact of interface performance ment or mixture performances at different length scales. In a 123
59 degradation on the performance degradation of asphalt multi-scale analysis method, different length scales are linked 124
60 mixture. In the future, the feasible way is to fit the mechanical with each other through homogenization: the lower scale is 125
61 parameters of the interface by testing more samples and homogenized and transferred to the next higher scale and the 126
62 combining with the multi-scale mechanical analysis model, macro scale properties can be predicted from the lower scale 127
63 128
and then use the fitted interface parameter values to establish properties (Allen et al., 2017a, b, c; Arshadi, 2015; Ling, 2016).
64 129
the database of interface properties of asphalt mixtures with On the contrary, the mechanical behavior on the higher
65 130
different meso structures. scale will further change the material parameters on the

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 75/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 75

1 lower scale. The scales are therefore entangled with each section, the local length scale is referred to the aggregates- 66
2 other. There are various multi-scaling approaches, which scale which is a local unit or core-sample in the roadway 67
3 include upscaling, expanding multi-scaling, contracting section, while the micro scale is referred to the key 68
4 multi-scaling, two-way coupled multi-scaling approach, and components in the aggregates-scale. 69
5 70
so on. Before introducing the scaling approaches, multiple Fig. 44(c) shows another research about the multi-scales in
6 71
length scales within an asphalt pavement structure are asphalt mixtures, which include bitumen-scale, mastic-scale,
7 72
discussed in this section. mortar-scale, asphalt-scale, and macro scale (Arshadi, 2015).
8 73
9 Research efforts (Sun and Wang, 2009) was made to define 74
10 Multi-scale definitions from literatures. Researchers scales based on the physical length as shown in Fig. 44(d), 75
11 have developed different ways for their own research objec- where the micro scale is referred to the scale less than 76
12 tives and there are different definitions of multi-scales as nanometer, the meso scale is referred to the scale between 77
13 demonstrated in the literatures. Representative multi-scales 10 nm and 1.0 mm, and the macro scale is the stable larger 78
14 are plotted in the Fig. 44 and the corresponding literatures are than 1.0 m. In asphalt pavement engineering, asphalt 79
15 introduced as follows. binder’s chemical constituents can be considered in the 80
16 Research effort was made to develop a multi-scaling micro scale, the asphalt mixture components are in the 81
17 82
method as a primary means of pavement design (Allen et al., meso scale, and the asphalt mixture is macro scale as the
18 83
2017a). This research considers a pavement construction key component of an asphalt pavement.
19 84
20 material as a result of adding multi-scale particles to asphalt In modeling of asphalt mixtures, many researchers built 85
21 binder. As shown in Fig. 44(a), the binder-scale is referred to their microstructures of mixtures without considering its 86
22 asphalt mastic which is constructed by adding microscopic constituents less than nano scale (Dai et al., 2006; Kim and 87
23 particles such as mineral fillers or limes into the asphalt Buttlar, 2009; You and Buttlar, 2006). In their research, 88
24 binder; the fines-scale is referred to asphalt sand mastic particles larger than 1.18 or 2.36 mm were used to build the 89
25 which is formed by adding fines or sands into asphalt micro scale models. Therefore, another definition of 90
26 mastic; and the aggregates-scale is referred to asphalt microscale is the length scale around 1.0 mm and the 91
27 mixture which is constructed by adding aggregates into corresponding macro scale is the length scale larger than 10 92
28 93
asphalt sand mastic. The minimum scale is the molecule- cm as shown in Fig. 44(e).
29 94
scale which is asphalt binder in fact and cannot be solved
30 95
with the traditional continuum mechanics; while the A newly-proposed Asphalt Pavement Multi-scale Sys-
31 96
32 maximum scale is the roadway-scale which is usually tem. As demonstrated in Fig. 44, various definitions and 97
33 difficult to be measured through lab tests. notational purposes have been developed. In addition to the 98
34 Research effort was made to develop a two-way coupled literatures mentioned above, there are many other research 99
35 multi-scale algorithm where global, local, and micro scales are efforts whose objectives are to develop or utilize multi-scale 100
36 included as shown in Fig. 44(b) (Allen et al., 2017c; You et al., concepts of asphalt pavements (Amiri, 2004; Chen, 2015; 101
37 2018b). The global length scale is referred to a roadway Chen and Huang, 2012; Dai et al., 2020; Espinosa et al., 2021; 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 Fig. 44 e Multi-scales in asphalt pavement engineering from the existing literatures. 130

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gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 76/185

76 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 Ji et al., 2020; Ling, 2016). Through comparing multi-scales which include surface modulus, layer modulus, and element 66
2 from the existing literatures, an asphalt pavement multi- modulus. The surface modulus is a result of the combined 67
3 scale system is newly proposed herein. As shown in Fig. 45, effects of the layer moduli, while the element moduli may 68
4 an asphalt pavement system is divided into three length influence the layer moduli. For instance, the pavement 69
5 70
scales, namely structure-scale, mixture-scale, and modulus of surface course is the combined effect of the
6 71
molecular-scale in terms of compositions, or macro scale, surface layer modulus, base/subbase layer modulus, and
7 72
meso scale, and micro scale in terms of physical lengths, or subgrade surface modulus, while each layer modulus is the
8 73
9 field-scale, lab-scale, and chemical-scale in terms of combined effect of the corresponding element moduli which 74
10 measurement methods. may be various at different locations. 75
11 Under this background, an asphalt pavement structure- 76
12 (1) Structure-scale scale can be further divided into three sub-scales, namely 77
13 structure-scale, layer-scale, and element-scale as shown in 78
14 A pavement is composed of various layers which play Fig. 45. At the structure-scale, attentions should be paid on the 79
15 different roles and influence the overall performance in overall pavement performance which is measured or 80
16 different manners. Fig. 46 shows the multi-scale moduli evaluated with less considerations on the structural 81
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38 Fig. 45 e A newly-proposed asphalt pavement multi-scale system. 103
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65 Fig. 46 e Sub-divisions of the structure-scale in the asphalt pavement multi-scale system. 130

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gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 77/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 77

1 components. At the layer scale, the layer performance or layer sub-scales (Buttlar and You, 2001; Chen and Wong, 2017; Dai 66
2 effects should be considered in the pavement performance and You, 2006; Huang et al., 2016c; Kim et al., 2008; Liu et al., 67
3 analysis, while at the element scale, performance variance 2009; Schuler et al., 2016), while plenty of design and 68
4 of different elements should be evaluated and considered. construction specifications include mixture-scale testing 69
5 70
methods (AASHTO, 1993; Ministry of Transport of the
6 71
(2) Mixture-scale People’s Republic of China, 2006, 2011a, 2011b).
7 72
Thirdly, at the material-scale, plenty of research works
8 73
9 Pavement is built with mixtures which may be asphalt- have been published for studying asphalt binder properties at 74
10 bound mixtures, hydraulically-bound mixtures, unbound the nano scale, while few research works have been con- 75
11 mixtures, and Portland cement concrete. In the three scales ducted on mineral fillers’ chemical properties and nano scale 76
12 above, mixtures are considered homogenous materials voids. 77
13 without considering their internal compositions. Obviously, 78
14 compositions directly influence mixture performance. 4.2.2. Multi-scale modeling methods 79
15 Therefore, the mixture-scale should be further divided into Due to the multi-scale nature of asphalt pavement system 80
16 sub-scales. In this research, a mixture is a three phase com- shown in Fig. 45, it’s challenging to understand and predict 81
17 82
posite, namely bounding phase, particle phase, and air void the macroscopic performance of asphalt pavement. The
18 83
phase. The bounding phase has three scales, namely binder- structure-scale behaviors are always dominated by the
19 84
20 scale, mastic-scale, and mortar-scale; the particle phase has material-scale properties. To characterize the multi-scale 85
21 three scales, namely filler-scale, fines-scale, and aggregates- system, multiscale modeling methods are developed to 86
22 scale; and the air void phase also has three scales, namely predict the macroscopic performance using information or 87
23 coarse-void, mid-void, and fine-void. The relations among the models from different scales. In general, the hierarchy of 88
24 sub-scales are shown in Fig. 45. multi-scale modeling involves the following scales, namely: 89
25 the nano scale, the micro/meso scale and the macro scale. 90
26 (3) Material-scale On each specific length scale, particular methods are used 91
27 for addressing the concerned phenomenon. This section is 92
28 93
The last scale is the molecular scale, where chemical mainly focused on the latest advances in multiscale
29 94
compositions should be considered for improving under- modeling methods at the nano scale and the micro/meso
30 95
standing of the source materials and air voids. This scale is scale for asphalt pavement materials shown in Fig. 47.
31 96
32 critical to make innovative design of pavement materials. Atomistic and molecular modeling is particularly impor- 97
33 tant for materials science since it is an effective way to 98
34 Research Ideas in the newly-proposed multi-scale sys- interpret the material properties and mechanical behaviors 99
35 tem. Thousands of literatures about multi-scale research or from fundamental molecular processes. Some important 100
36 practices have been available in pavement engineering. Of simulation approaches have been developed at the nano 101
37 course, it is impossible to discuss all those literatures. This scale, due to recent advances in the high-performance 102
38 section herein mainly introduces and analyzes some of the computation which make it possible to perform complex 103
39 selected literatures for supporting the following viewpoints. physical phenomena modeling and simulation in materials. 104
40 105
First of all, at the structure-scale, the pavement overall Among these approaches, the density functional theory (DFT)
41 106
performance is usually measured by field testing, which in- calculation and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation are two
42 107
43 cludes falling weight deflectometer (FWD) (Abe et al., 1993; key methods and have been preliminarily applied to investi- 108
44 Hachiya and Sato, 1990; Rabbi and Mishra, 2021), Benkelman gate chemical structure and property characterization of 109
45 beam testing (Cox, 1976; Serrano, 2008; Ueshita et al., 1973), asphalt materials. At the micro/meso scale, micromechanical 110
46 plate load testing (ASTM International, 2016; McCartney et modeling plays an important role in the performance predic- 111
47 al., 2013; Ping et al., 1995; Wayne et al., 2014), accelerated tion of asphalt materials, which can characterize the overall 112
48 load testing (Anon, 1985; Chen et al., 2007b; Garg et al., 2019; (or effective) mechanical behaviors using the volume fractions 113
49 Sharp, 1991), and so on. Therefore, the structure-scale is also and properties of individual constituents in the materials. The 114
50 called field-scale or macro-scale. The structure-scale has micromechanical models can be divided into two major cat- 115
51 116
been successfully used in practice. For instance, in AASHTO egories: the composite micromechanics and numerical
52 117
pavement design guide (AASHTO, 1993), the structure-scale modeling methods (e.g., FEM, DEM, etc.).
53 118
performance is indicated by structural number (SN), while
54 119
55 SN is determined by the layer coefficients which are further Density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Density 120
56 related to mixture-scale properties. In Chinese design functional theory (DFT) is a quantum mechanical modeling 121
57 specifications (Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic method to compute the interactions between molecules using 122
58 of China, 2006, 2011, 2017), the pavement structural the functions of electron density of molecules. The DFT 123
59 performance is predicted by inputting layer moduli and the method from quantum mechanics has been employed to 124
60 layer material design is also specified. investigate the molecular models and intermolecular in- 125
61 Secondly, the mixture-scale is usually measured in the teractions of asphalt components at the atomistic scale. 126
62 laboratory and the results are used as inputs for the structure- Combined with Clar sextet theory, Martı́n-Martı́nez et al. 127
63 128
scale. This scale has not only been studied by researchers but (2015) used DFT calculations to propose molecular
64 129
also used in practices. Researchers developed micro-struc- asphaltene models. The chemical structures of the new
65 130
tural models to find correlations of between asphalt mixtures’ models were more stable than the asphaltene molecules

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gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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78 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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Fig. 47 e Multi-scale modeling methods for asphalt pavement materials.
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19 used in previous asphalt models. These isomers including a oxidized asphaltene nanoaggregates, leading to restoration 84
20 more representative arrangement of the p electrons were of the thermo-mechanical properties of aged asphalt. 85
21 critical for further description of the formation of These preliminary studies above show that the DFT cal- 86
22 nanoaggregates and the molecular interactions. Mousavi et culations can provide a good understanding of the molecular 87
23 88
al. (2016a) performed DFT calculations with B97-D/6-31G* structure and intermolecular interactions of different com-
24 89
basis set to evaluate the effect of the interactions between ponents in unmodified and/or modified asphalt. Two key
25 90
26 asphaltene and resin molecules on the colloidal stability of conclusions can be drawn from the DFT studies: (1) the 91
27 crude oil. They used binding energy to establish the properties based on the electronic structure and visualiza- 92
28 correlation between the final stability of the asphaltene- tions of quantum chemistry results support the molecular 93
29 resin system and the number of asphaltene sheets. It was models of asphalt materials; and (2) the intermolecular in- 94
30 found that the colloidal behavior of crude oil was better teractions that are consistent with force field calculations 95
31 described by asphaltene-asphaltene associations. The support the appropriate use of force fields in molecular sim- 96
32 molecular interactions between asphaltene and resin were ulations of asphalt materials. 97
33 preferred over asphaltene-asphaltene interactions only 98
34 99
when the number of resin molecules per micelle was greater Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Molecular dy-
35 100
than that of asphaltene. Mousavi et al. (2016b) also namics (MD) based on classical Newtonian and statistical
36 101
investigated the intermolecular interactions between mechanics is a technique to analyze the fundamental prop-
37 102
38 asphaltene and amide using DFT calculations. The results erties of the materials through elucidating the molecular 103
39 showed that two main factors, the orientation of the amide mechanisms which control deformation and failure of in- 104
40 functional group and the part of the amide frame exposed to teractions at the molecular scale. The MD method has been 105
41 the aromatic zone of the asphaltene, had an important widely used for the molecular modeling and simulations of 106
42 effect on the stability of the asphaltene-amide complex, asphalt materials, which is well summarized and presented in 107
43 which were supported by MD simulations and a series of Section 2.2.2. This section is mainly focused on the 108
44 experiments using X-ray powder diffraction and high- applications of MD simulations in multiscale modeling and 109
45 resolution transmission electron microscopy. characterization of pavement materials. 110
46 111
The DFT has also been applied to study the synergistic ef- Shen et al. (2016) applied MD simulations with a reactive
47 112
fects of intermolecular interactions between asphalt modi- force field to characterize the influence of crack with on
48 113
49 fiers and the molecular packing in asphalt during healing property of asphalt. The healing in asphalt was 114
50 rejuvenation. Mousavi et al. (2019) employed DFT calculations found to be triggered by the molecular diffusion. Higher 115
51 to investigate the synergistic and antagonistic interactions temperature would lead to higher molecule diffusivity and 116
52 between polyphosphoric acid (PPA) and nanosilica. The DFT thus higher healing rate. Researchers from Aston University 117
53 results indicated that the silica surface could set up an employed MD simulations to investigate the molecular 118
54 efficient interaction with PPA via noncovalent interactions, mechanisms of the interfacial adhesion between asphalt 119
55 resulting in PPA asphalt interactions. Researchers also used and aggregate in asphalt materials with the effects of 120
56 DFT calculations to evaluate the synergistic effects of aggregate mineralogical composition, water and asphalt 121
57 122
intermolecular interactions to synthesize hybrid oxidative aging (Gao, 2020b; Gao et al., 2018a, 2019), as
58 123
rejuvenators for aged asphalt (Pahlavan et al., 2018, 2019, shown in Fig. 48. The simulation results indicated that the
59 124
2020). It was found that the bio-rejuvenation process alkali minerals (e.g., calcite, albite and microcline) had a
60 125
61 involved: a) the bio-rejuvenators increased the intersheet stronger adhesion with asphalt than the acidic minerals 126
62 spacing through the interactions with the polar chemical (e.g., quartz) due to the larger electrostatic interaction. To 127
63 groups of the asphaltene nanoaggregates in aged asphalt, evaluate the synergistic and antagonistic interactions 128
64 and b) the bio-rejuvenators intercalated into the intersheet between asphalt modifiers, Mousavi et al. (2019) used MD 129
65 spacing within the asphaltene stacks to reduce the size of simulations to study the interaction of PPA and silica. The 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 79

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24 Fig. 48 e MD simulation for asphalt-mineral interfacial interaction in asphalt materials (Gao et al., 2019). 89
25 90
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28 93
simulation results showed blocking the active sites of PPA by consistent model to study the viscoelastic properties of
29 94
30 wax prevented PPA from effective interaction with asphalt asphalt mixtures, e.g., the relationship between individual 95
31 components. Ren et al. (2021b) employed MD simulations to material properties, and the complex modulus and phase 96
32 explore the effects of lignin on the thermodynamics angle of asphalt mixtures. Wang et al. (2020h) predicted the 97
33 characteristics of asphalt. It was found that the lignin complex shear modulus of crumb rubber modified asphalt 98
34 increased the cohesive energy density and adhesion of using four micromechanical models, i.e., the dilute model, 99
35 asphalt but weakened the diffusion and self-healing the Mori-Tanaka model, the self-consistent model, and the 100
36 properties of asphalt. Hou et al. (2017) used MD simulations generalized self-consistent model. 101
37 to investigate the mechanical behaviors of ettringite, a To account for the interface between asphalt and aggre- 102
38 103
hydration product of cement paste, at the molecular level. gates, researchers have incorporated interfacial bonding into
39 104
By coupling the MD simulations and phase-field theory (PFT) the micromechanical model. Zhu et al. (2014b) employed a
40 105
model at the crack tip, a two-way multiscale modeling Kelvin-Voigt type viscoelastic interface in the proposed
41 106
42 approach was developed to simulate Mode I cracking in the micromechanical creep models to simulate the asphalt- 107
43 ettringite. aggregate imperfect interface in asphalt mixtures. Gao et al. 108
44 These studies above indicate that MD simulations can be (2015) and Dong et al. (2016) introduced a linear spring layer 109
45 used to predict the thermodynamics properties and molecular model into a modified Mori-Tanaka method to develop new 110
46 behaviors of asphalt materials. To improve the accuracy of MD micromechanical models. The developed model had the 111
47 simulation and extend its application, more efforts are needed capability of taking into account to the interface effect on 112
48 to develop a reliable molecular model of aggregates and an the creep characteristics and dynamic modulus of asphalt 113
49 appropriate force field for pavement materials. concrete. Fan et al. (2020a) incorporated a bilinear cohesive 114
50 115
zone model (CZM) into the Mori-Tanaka model to predict the
51 116 Composite micromechanics methods. A number of re- constitutive behavior of asphalt mixtures. It was found that
52 117
53 searchers have used the composite micromechanics methods the interfacial debonding between asphalt and aggregate 118
54 to predict the mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures. exhibited a significant dependency on aggregate size. Wang 119
55 Based on the equivalent medium theorem reported by Eshelby et al. (2021h) improved the modulus prediction accuracy for 120
56 (1957), asphalt mixtures were considered as particulate-filled crumb rubber modified asphalt using the micromechanical 121
57 composite materials. Lytton (1990) proposed a three-phase models modified by considering the interparticle 122
58 (asphalt, aggregates, and air voids) model to predict the interactions. Table 24 shows a summary of micromechanical 123
59 modulus of asphalt mixtures. Shu and Huang (2008a, b) models that are commonly used for asphalt materials. A 124
60 developed a viscoelastic micromechanical model to evaluate comprehensive review of micromechanical models has been 125
61 126
the dynamic modulus of hot-mix asphalt mixtures. Both reported by Zhang et al. (2020a).
62 127
aggregate gradation and air void size distribution were
63 128
considered in the proposed model. Luo and Lytton (2011) and Finite element method (FEM) simulations. Numerical
64 129
65 Alam and Hammoum (2015) used micromechanical self- micromechanical models including finite element method 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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80 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 24 e A summary of micromechanical models commonly used for asphalt materials
2 67
3 Model Reference 68
4 Eshelby-based model Wang et al., 2020a 69
5 Self-consistent model Alam and Hammoum, 2015; Luo and Lytton, 2011; Wang et al., 2020h 70
6 Generalized self-consistent model Pichler et al., 2012; Shu and Huang, 2008a; Wang et al., 2020h 71
7 Mori-Tanaka model Dong et al., 2016; Fan et al., 2020c; Gao et al., 2015; Wang et al., 2020h 72
8 73
9 74
10 (FEM) and discrete element method (DEM) have also been 2019b, 2019c) and grain size (Garcia-Hernandez et al., 2021; 75
11 widely applied to characterize the mechanical behaviors of Liu et al., 2019d) of aggregates in asphalt mixtures have been 76
12 77
asphalt mixtures. Combined with digital image processing characterized using the DEM method. Barrasso et al. (2015)
13 78
and X-ray computerized tomography (CT) used to obtain the introduced a mechanistic model for a wet granulation
14 79
15 internal structure of asphalt mixtures, the numerical simu- process, combining the techniques of population balance 80
16 lations are performed using the FEM or DEM on the basis of modeling and DEM to predict the porosity and size 81
17 reconstruction digital specimen. distribution of the granule. 82
18 The FEM allows to accurately predict the overall properties Researchers also developed user-defined algorithms for 83
19 of asphalt mixtures by incorporating the constitutive behav- generating air-void structures in an idealized asphalt mixture 84
20 iors and microstructure geometries of aggregate and mastic. and evaluated the influence of air-void structures on modulus 85
21 The constitutive behavior of asphalt mixtures was simulated prediction and rutting test of asphalt mixtures (Zhang et al., 86
22 using the FEM method (Dai, 2010; Dai and You, 2008). The 2018h, i). The rutting deformation of the asphalt mixture 87
23 88
three-dimensional (3D) FEM was developed to predict the was also simulated using the 3D DE model (Ding et al.,
24 89
global material properties of asphalt mixtures including 2019b; Gong et al., 2018b, c; Ma et al., 2016a, b). The DEM was
25 90
dynamic modulus and phase angle (Dai, 2011b; Tehrani et recently employed to investigate the force chains of cement
26 91
27 al., 2013). emulsified asphalt mixture (Wang et al., 2021c), the 92
28 The FEM was also used to characterize the microstructure mechanical behavior of uncompacted asphalt mixture (Chen 93
29 (Salemi and Wang, 2018) and the thermal properties et al., 2019c) and the asphalt-screed interaction during 94
30 (Mirzanamadi et al., 2018) of asphalt mixtures. Castillo et al. pavement pre-compaction (Wang et al., 2021e). 95
31 (2015) presented a FE model to investigate the role of certain In conclusion, these micromechanical methods (i.e., 96
32 microstructural properties on the mechanical performance micromechanics, FEM and DEM) mentioned above provide an 97
33 of asphalt mixtures. Du et al. (2021a) used a locally effective tool to predict the mechanical properties of asphalt 98
34 homogeneous FE model to account for the internal materials at the micro/meso scale. However, some key pa- 99
35 100
structures of asphalt mixtures. Chen et al. (2015b) generated rameters in the micromechanical models are generally
36 101
the 3D microstructure of asphalt concrete with three phases assumed and/or estimated according to the macroscopic
37 102
38 and simulated the steady heat transfer to predict the laboratory tests, which does not consider the size effect of 103
39 thermal conductivity of asphalt concrete. Chu et al. (2020) materials. Therefore, more fundamental studies are needed to 104
40 introduced a regular row-column FE model to compute the explore how to accurately determine and validate the micro- 105
41 thermal conductivity of asphalt mixture. Hajikarimi et al. mechanical model parameters from the microscopic scale. 106
42 (2021) developed a biphasic heterogeneous viscoelastic FE 107
43 model of the BBR test for bituminous composites containing 4.2.3. Cross-scale modeling methods 108
44 taconite or crumb rubber to predict the effect of modifiers as In the past ten years, researchers have done a lot of research 109
45 the compositional factors on the thermal cracking. and discussion in multi-scale numerical simulations for 110
46 111
Recently, the fracture performance of asphalt mixtures asphalt mixture and pavement, as introduced in Section 4.2.2,
47 112
(Kollmann et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2018f; Yin et al., 2011, 2013) which mainly focus on how to utilize appropriate modeling
48 113
was also investigated using the FEM. methods at each scale, such as DFT, MD, Composite
49 114
50 micromechanics, DEM, FEM, etc., to up-scale and thus reflect 115
51 Discrete element method (DEM) simulations. The DEM the higher-level mechanical behavior. In theory, all higher- 116
52 uses Newton’s second law with appropriate inter-particle level problems can be simulated and solved through a single 117
53 contact forces to analyze particulate systems by modeling the method on a low-level scale, even across several scales. For 118
54 translational and rotational behaviors of each particle. Re- example, there is no problem that using the asphalt and 119
55 searches were conducted to predict the viscoelastic behaviors aggregate models established by MD (material-scale) to 120
56 of asphalt mixtures using the DEM (Liu and You, 2011; Liu et construct the asphalt mixture (mixture-scale), and further to 121
57 al., 2009). The 3D DE model was generated from the X-ray CT build the pavement structure (structure-scale). 122
58 123
and has been employed to characterize the creep However, this may be a fantasy, because this single-mode
59 124
compliance and complex modulus of asphalt mixtures (You modeling method is difficult to achieve in practice, and its
60 125
61 et al., 2011a; Yu and Shen, 2013; Zhang et al., 2019a, b). calculation scale will greatly exceed our imagination. For 126
62 DE models of asphalt mixture were also established using example, a simple pavement structure containing 2 billion 127
63 the PFC2D software to predict the stress-strain characteristics particles (approximately 2 m  2 m  1 m in size), if it is 128
64 of the coarse aggregate (Ding et al., 2017a; Ma et al., 2016a, simulated by DEM on an ordinary personal computer, it will 129
65 2018c). The particle shape (Liu et al., 2017d; Zhou et al., 2018, take about eighty years. Therefore, it is necessary to find other 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 81

1 ways to solve large-scale numerical calculation problems. One can be explained in detail from the mechanics of composite 66
2 way is cross-scale calculation, and the other is parallel materials. 67
3 calculation. This section mainly discusses the former. The first-order method was first addressed by Renard and 68
4 For clarity of presentation, multi-scale calculation Marmonier (1987). And a number of contributions make 69
5 70
methods will be divided into two categories here, simple major developments for this method (Guedes and Kikuchi,
6 71
multi-scale methods and cross-scale methods (Fig. 49). It is 1990; Miehe and Bayreuther, 2007; Smit et al., 1998; Terada
7 72
defined that only one method is used to form a macroscopic and Kikuchi, 2001). To improve accuracy of a first-order
8 73
9 representation from the micro-structure as a simple multi- method, a full second-order extension has been developed 74
10 scale method. The content reviewed in the previous Section by following scholars (Geers et al., 2003, 2009; Kaczmarczyk 75
11 4.2.2 basically falls into this category. Obviously, the model et al., 2007). For the first-order cross-scale method, a 76
12 established by this method is generally small, and most of representative volume element (RVE) is imagined to replace 77
13 them do not exceed the size of the specimen. A cross-scale a solution point and the RVE behavior offers the constitution 78
14 method is defined as that using an appropriate method to relationship for the material of the solution domain. The 79
15 mesh one scale, and the meshes established on different behavior of this RVE only reflects the force under 80
16 scales are connected through a coupling mechanism to microscopic deformation. When this RVE includes both 81
17 82
achieve the upscaling and downscaling operations between microscopic variables and macroscopic variables, that is, it
18 83
different meshes. The same or different modeling method can reflect both lower-scale behavior and higher-scale
19 84
20 can be used on different scales. behavior, then it becomes a high-order cross-scale method. 85
21 Considering there are still many limitations and de- An overview of the multi-scale methods used in composite 86
22 ficiencies in the cross-scale theory, the application of new materials is provided by Kanoute et al. (2009). 87
23 methods, and the efficiency of the solution, this section will Here some cross-scale methods that can be applied to 88
24 also introduce the current research status of methods that are asphalt pavement, such as multi-scale FEM, FEM-DEM 89
25 applied in other fields and are expected to be applied in the coupling method and numerical manifold method will be 90
26 analysis of pavement material mechanics. reviewed. 91
27 92
28 93 Mechanism of cross-scale calculation. The cross-scale Multi-scale FEM method. The idea of multi-scale finite
29 94
method is a coupling technology to analyze the characteristics elemem method (MsFEM) can be traced back to the work of
30 95
of materials at different scale levels. It is essentially a com- Babuska and Osborn (1983) and Babuska et al. (1994). Hou and
31 96
32 bination of micro-material properties and macro-mechanical Wu (1997) and Hou et al. (1999) successfully extended this idea 97
33 behavior through a certain mathematical algorithm, with and applied it to the simulation of flow field with continuously 98
34 strong multi-disciplinary features. Asphalt concrete materials changing parameters. In this method, the domain is meshed 99
35 have inherently complex components, complex material by two sets of grids-coarse grids and fine grids. Fine grids 100
36 interface connections and strong particle-particle contact. It is are used to mesh micro scale material but the coarse grids 101
37 suitable to use the multi-scale/cross-scale method to study to the macro structure. The core idea of this method is to 102
38 the large deformation, damage, cracking and phase change construct the basis functions of coarse grid through 103
39 behavior of asphalt concrete. numerical methods, and use these basis functions to bring 104
40 105
Cross-scale methods can be divided into multiple cate- the micro-heterogeneity information on the fine grids to the
41 106
gories according to their mechanical mechanism. Geers et al. coarse grids, so that the original problem only needs to be
42 107
43 (2010) defines the multiscale (also cross-scale) scheme as a solved on the coarse grid and calculation time is 108
44 computational homogenization method, and divides it into significantly reduced. 109
45 the first-order computational homogenization method and Zhang et al. (2009a) proposed a multi-scale finite element 110
46 the second-order computational homogenization method. In method for coupling in a vector field and later, Zhang et al. 111
47 fact, the first-order and second-order multi-scale methods (2010b) proposed an extended multi-scale finite element 112
48 are derived from the asymptotic expansion principle of the method by considering the Poisson effect of heterogeneous 113
49 mechanical analysis of inhomogeneous materials, which materials in different directions in order to improve the 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
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65 Fig. 49 e Two categories of different concepts. (a) Simple multi-scale modeling method. (b) Cross-scale modeling method. 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 82/185

82 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 ability of numerical basis functions to capture the Similarly, the great success of the discrete element method 66
2 heterogeneous information inside the coarse grid. (DEM) in understanding the complex behaviors of granular 67
3 Conceptually, this method changes the boundary conditions material at the micro-level causes it facing huge computa- 68
4 for constructing multi-scale basis functions, and introduces tional time-consuming when simulating large-scale pave- 69
5 70
an additional coupling term in it to improve the accuracy of ment structures. How to make use of the advantages of FEM
6 71
the entire algorithm. This method has wide applicability. and DEM while voiding their defects or shortcomings is the
7 72
Based on the extended multi-scale finite element method, main motivation to realize FEM-DEM coupling calculation,
8 73
9 researchers extended the method to dynamic analysis which is an inevitable choice to develop the pavement nu- 74
10 (Zhang et al., 2013), elastic-plastic analysis of heterogeneous merical methods. 75
11 materials (Zhang et al., 2015a), adaptive analysis of periodic FEM and DEM coupling calculation methods generally 76
12 truss materials (Liu and Lv, 2017; Liu and Zhang, 2013) and include three types (Fig. 51). This section only considers the 77
13 so on. third type, namely DEM-in-FEM multi-scale method. 78
14 In view of the actual situation of asphalt concrete, we Terada and Kikuchi (2001) have originally proposed the 79
15 suggest the following two multi-scale finite element consistent two-scale modeling for nonlinear problems by 80
16 schemes (Fig. 50) can be used. One is based on regular grids, using the generalized convergence theorems in the 81
17 82
which need homogenize the material parameters for each nonlinear homogenization theory and developed the two-
18 83
fine grid. The other one is to use non-uniform grids scale or global-local analysis method. From then on, the
19 84
20 according to the material interface. When attention needs multi-scale idea based on the FEM-DEM coupling algorithm 85
21 to be paid to the treatment of the transition zone of the was used to analyze the deformation and failure 86
22 material interface. In addition, it is also a big challenge to mechanisms of biaxial test (Kaneko et al., 2003; Meier et al., 87
23 develop a viscoelastic-based multi-scale finite element 2009; Nguyen et al., 2013; Nitka and Tejchman, 2011). This 88
24 method. method is classified into first-order computational 89
25 homogenization as definition of Geers et al. (2010). 90
26 FEM-DEM coupling method. Although finite element Guo and Zhao (2014, 2016a, 2016b) simulated the influence 91
27 method (FEM) is one of the most successful numerical of material mechanical properties on a macro scale by 92
28 93
methods in mechanics, for asphalt concrete and other com- adjusting the arrangement of DEM elements on the meso
29 94
plex granular materials, the lack of suitable constitutive re- scale, and also simulated the deformation of three-
30 95
lations makes the application of FEM facing great difficulties. dimensional specimen.
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Fig. 50 e Different multi-scale FEM model. (a) Multis-cale FEM (mode I). (b) Multi-scale FEM (mode II).
51 116
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Fig. 51 e FEM-DEM coupling types. (a) Concurrent multi-scale method. (b) FEM-DEM multi-scale method. (c) DEM-in-FEM
65 130
multi-scale method.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 83/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 83

1 Zhou et al. (2021b) introduced the algorithm of the coupled Jia et al. (2007) applied the element free Galerkin method 66
2 multiscale framework based on FEM-DEM and a coupling (EFGM) to the mechanical analysis for asphalt pavement 67
3 simulator (CoSim) with GPU acceleration is developed for the structure. The results of EFGM were compared with that of 68
4 acceleration of the coupling process. FEM. Luo et al. (2010) used the coupling element free 69
5 70
However, this coupling scheme still needs great improve- Galerkin and finite element method to simulate top-down
6 71
ment in terms of solving efficiency, because these solutions crack propagation in asphalt pavement based on the
7 72
are usually solved separately in FEM software and DEM soft- fracture mechanics. Li et al. (2012d) studied the depth of
8 73
9 ware, and then call each other's data to realize the coupled rutting of asphalt concrete pavement using the element free 74
10 calculation. There is still a long way to go to the real coupling Galerkin method and the influences of different types of 75
11 solution under one system, and it is hoped that further structure, load, module and thickness of the middle course 76
12 research can make important progress in this area. on anti-rutting performance of the pavement are analyzed. 77
13 Up to now, most of the methods of the NMM family have 78
14 NMM family methods. Numerical manifold method not been well developed and applied to the numerical simu- 79
15 (NMM) is a new numerical method initially established by Shi lation of asphalt mixtures. In the development of highly 80
16 (1991) using the finite coverage technique of manifold analysis coupled methods, such as FEM-DEM, DEM-MD, or meshless- 81
17 82
in mathematical science. In essence, NMM is a highly unified DEM, NMM should be the simplest way to reflect the coupling
18 83
numerical method, which core idea is to use two finite effect.
19 84
20 coverage systems to integrate continuous and discontinuous 85
21 deformation. NMM can easily deal with the large 4.2.4. Summary and outlook 86
22 deformation (Fig. 52), crack development, dynamic response, This review is focused on concepts and research approaches 87
23 and coupling calculation of multi-phase materials including of asphalt pavement multi-scales. The first part of this sec- 88
24 stone, cement, pore water and air. In theory, it is a master of tion is about asphalt pavement multi-scale. Based on the 89
25 other methods since it can derive other methods (FEM, DEM/ existing literatures and asphalt pavement engineering prin- 90
26 DDA, Meshless methods, etc.) (Fig. 53) through degradation. ciples, an asphalt pavement multi-scale system was newly 91
27 In this view, NMM is also a good framework for multi-field proposed, where asphalt pavement is divided into structure- 92
28 93
coupling calculation when several different methods are co- scale, mixture-scale, and material-scale. Those three major
29 94
used for one problem. Lin (1997) and Lu (2002) also made scales are further divided into sub-scales as demonstrated in
30 95
many contribution to the NMM. Zhou et al. (2009a, b) Fig. 45. At the structure-scale, the pavement overall
31 96
32 developed the application of this method in the performance is usually measured by field testing and the 97
33 discontinuous numerical calculation of asphalt mixtures. outputs are usually considered as the macroscopic 98
34 Some Kernel principles such as linkage of asphalt mastic properties. Therefore, the structure-scale is also called 99
35 and searching mechanism for support nodes are discussed macro scale or field-scale. The mixture-scale is usually 100
36 in their papers. measured in the laboratory and lengths of its sub-scales 101
37 (binder-scale, mastic-scale, mortar-scale, fillers, fines, 102
38 aggregates, and voids) are usually considered in the meso 103
39 scale range. The mixture-scale is also called meso scale or 104
40 105
lab-scale. This scale has not only been studied by
41 106
researchers but also used in practices. At the material-
42 107
43 scale, plenty of research works have been published for 108
44 studying asphalt binder properties at the nano scale, while 109
45 few research works have been conducted on mineral fillers’ 110
46 chemical properties and nano scale voids. 111
47 In the second part of this review, the latest advances in 112
48 multi-scale modeling methods for asphalt pavement mate- 113
49 rials were reviewed, including the DFT, MD, micromechanics, 114
50 FEM and DEM. The multiscale modeling methods provide the 115
51 116
fundamental understanding of material properties or struc-
52 117
tural behaviors of asphalt pavement materials at each indi-
53 Fig. 52 e Manifold covering system (Zhou, 2009). 118
vidual scale (nano scale or micro/meso scale). It is still
54 119
55 extremely challenging to achieve the cross-scale performance 120
56 characterization of a large asphalt pavement system using the 121
57 simple multi-scale modeling methods due to the limitation of 122
58 computation time. Future work must ultimately address the 123
59 following problems: (1) size effect mechanism; (2) cross-scale 124
60 constitutive modeling; and (3) structure-property relations 125
61 across multiple scales. With the further development of high- 126
62 performance computation, it is believed that the updated 127
63 128
multi-scale modeling methods will significantly improve the
64 129
Fig. 53 e The logical relationship between NMM and other accuracy and reliability of the multi-scale modeling and per-
65 130
methods. formance prediction of asphalt pavement materials.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 84/185

84 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 The cross-scale methods and applications to calculate the dependent fracture. Meanwhile, the pavement engineers 66
2 performance of asphalt pavement materials was mainly have been greatly interested in layered under vehicle 67
3 reviewed in the third part of this review. The multi-scale loading conditions mainly because asphalt pavements are 68
4 methods can be divided into two categories according to the composed of horizontal layers of road materials. 69
5 70
modeling mode from micro-level and macro-level. They are Conventionally, although asphalt mixtures are generally
6 71
the simple multi-scale methods and the cross-scale methods. considered typical viscoelastic materials, the asphalt
7 72
The simple multi-scale methods basically describe the entire pavement is regarded as a layered structure for response
8 73
9 macroscopic specimen by stacking a large number of FEM el- analysis. It would be more reasonable to combine material 74
10 ements or DEM particles. Affected by the performance of the properties and pavement structure in asphalt pavement 75
11 computer, the size of the research object is generally not large. structural design and response analysis. 76
12 How to reduce the number of particles is currently an 77
13 important bottleneck of this type. The cross-scale methods Viscoelastic constructive models. Asphalt mixtures are 78
14 adopted FEM or NMM methods at the macro level, and uses typical time and temperature-dependent materials; the 79
15 DEM/DDA or Meshless to describe the microstructure. The viscoelastic properties are customarily characterized with 80
16 coupled solution is realized by transferring information be- creep compliance, relaxation modulus, dynamic modulus, 81
17 82
tween the two levels. The low transfer efficiency between and phase angle based on the viscoelastic theory. These
18 83
scales is a big problem at present. There is still a long way to go properties provide a basis for quantifying how far the plas-
19 84
20 for the real cross-scale simulation. As a promising method, ticity and fracture depart from the undamaged elastic state. 85
21 NMM have not been well developed and applied to the nu- To describe the viscoelastic response of asphalt pavement 86
22 merical simulation of asphalt mixtures. It may play an (asphalt mixtures), the researchers generally adopt integral 87
23 important role in developing new cross-scale methods. and differential (derivative) constitutive relations. A single 88
24 It is hoped that further research can make important integral constitutive model is often used to analyze its integral 89
25 progress in multi-scale simulation, not only to develop more constitutive model, including the Boltzmann superposition 90
26 effective multi-scale computing methods, or to modify the principle to express the linear viscoelastic behavior of asphalt 91
27 efficiency of the cross-scale algorithm, but also in how to mixtures, and the time reduction model modified Boltzmann 92
28 93
accelerate the computing speed of multi-scale methods, such superposition principle to represent the nonlinear viscoelastic
29 94
as to use multi-GPU and multi-threaded parallel computing or behavior of asphalt mixtures. In the research of derivative
30 95
to adopt large-scale computers faced by current researchers of constitutive models, classical constitutive relations such as
31 96
32 this field. the Kelvin model, Maxwell model, and Burgers model gener- 97
33 ally use the series or parallel combination of Newtonian 98
34 4.3. Pavement mechanics and analysis viscous pots and springs (Jazouli et al., 2006; Montonna, 1947). 99
35 Depart from the viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures 100
36 The efficient characterization of pavement mechanics anal- when the load is sufficiently small, with the load increases, 101
37 ysis and its parameter inversion that develops in pavements is the asphalt mixtures represent significant viscoplastic 102
38 important to pavement performance. Although pavement deformation and viscofracture cracking. Zheng et al. (2008) 103
39 mechanics and analysis have gradually evolved from an art to coupled the Burgers model and the continuous damage 104
40 105
science, empiricism still plays a critical role even up to the factor model to construct a viscoelastic damage model for
41 106
present date. As the experience of pavement design and asphalt mixtures. Ye et al. (2009) proposed a mechanical
42 107
43 analysis was gained throughout the decades, various ap- model that connected elastoplastic, viscoelastic, and 108
44 proaches were developed by different agencies and scholars viscoplastic elements in series, which could better describe 109
45 for evaluating the pavement mechanics and its parameter the nonlinear creep deformation of asphalt mixture. For the 110
46 inversion. Some of the key technical items will be summary in nonlinear characteristics of asphalt mixtures, based on 111
47 this section of the literature review. continuous damage mechanics, Zeng et al. (2013) modified 112
48 the traditional Burgers model and proposed a viscous, 113
49 4.3.1. Constructive methods to pavement response analysis elastic, plastic, and creep constitutive damage model, which 114
50 The general objective of this part is to provide the engineers could better reflect the nonlinear characteristics of 115
51 116
and researchers with fundamental mechanical models and accelerated creep of asphalt mixtures. The classical
52 117
efficient to comprehensively summary the mechanical be- derivative constitutive model theory is intuitive and easy to
53 118
haviors of asphalt pavement. Commonly, the asphalt mixture understand, of which the physical concept is straightforward.
54 119
55 exhibits significantly complicated behaviors when it is under However, the order of these types of classical model is an 120
56 a compressive load. The asphalt pavement damage such as integer, and the differential operator is local, which cannot 121
57 permanent deformation and cracking could be avoided, and accurately describe the mechanical behavior of materials 122
58 the asphalt mixtures can be considered to be an anisotropic under complex loading conditions such as the wide frequency 123
59 viscoelastic solid when the compressive load is sufficiently range. The fractional derivative model, retaining the advan- 124
60 tiny (Levenberg and Uzan, 2004). However, with the tages of the classic model, has developed rapidly and is widely 125
61 compressive load increases, in asphalt pavement, the stress used in the response analysis of viscoelastic materials. The 126
62 and strain have a nonlinear relationship that may be caused included fractional differential operator and it could describe 127
63 128
by stress-induced damage and material relaxation-the the mechanical properties of viscoelastic materials such as
64 129
stress-induced damage major consists of viscoplastic asphalt mixtures in a wide frequency range. There are some
65 130
deformation and viscofracture cracking, such as a time- researchers who did some useful trying, for example, Baglieri

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 85/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 85

1 et al. (2017) analyzed the creep and creep recovery shear test method (FEM) to calculate and analyze the stress and strain 66
2 data of asphalt and used the fractional Maxwell model to of the asphalt pavement under vehicle load conditions. They 67
3 express the rheological properties of asphalt; by composing compared the results with the experimental test data and 68
4 the improved fractional Kelvin model and fractional concluded that it was essential for asphalt pavement design 69
5 70
Maxwell model, Lagos-Varas et al. (2019) reported a and analysis considered the viscoelastic properties of the
6 71
fractional viscoelastic model in accurately describing the asphalt mixture. Kim et al. (2009) also employed the
7 72
viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures; Celauro et al. generalized Kelvin model viscoelastic constitutive
8 73
9 (2012) used the fractional Burgers model to represent the relationship to study the top-down cracking behavior and 74
10 viscoelastic behaviors of asphalt mixture by analyzing the cumulative strain of asphalt pavement structures. The 75
11 test data of creep and creep recovery performance. They related research was the study of the viscoelastic properties 76
12 concluded that the fractional derivative model shows of asphalt pavement considering the isotropy of asphalt 77
13 significant advantages over the classical viscoelastic model. mixtures, which reflected the mechanical behavior of 78
14 In addition, the Sigmoid function is an empirical model asphalt pavement structure and revealed the failure 79
15 that extends dynamic viscoelastic parameters to a broader mechanism. The importance of considering the 80
16 frequency domain and temperature domain. The model viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture in asphalt pavement 81
17 82
builds master curves such as dynamic modulus based on the response were both analyzed and confirmed (Ahmed and
18 83
principle of time-temperature equivalence, while this model Erlingsson, 2016; Dong and Lyu, 2011; Dong et al., 2013;
19 84
20 has certain limitations. In order to overcome these de- Huang et al., 2006; Khavassefat et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016b; 85
21 ficiencies, the recent studies reported a generalized Sigmoid Zhao et al., 2012, 2014). Although the fractional-order 86
22 function to describe the asymmetric dynamic viscoelastic viscoelastic constitutive relationship can more truly reflect 87
23 behavior of asphalt mixtures (Chen et al., 2017b; Forough et the static and dynamic response of asphalt pavement, these 88
24 al., 2015). Li et al. (2016c) and Luo et al. (2020a) adopted a models and methods are based on the isotropy assumption 89
25 fractional-order viscoelastic model combined with dynamics of asphalt mixture. However, in asphalt pavement response 90
26 test parameters to characterize the performance of the analysis and especially stress analysis, the asphalt mixture 91
27 asphalt mixture considering the influence of load frequency performs in anisotropic viscoelastic and the inherent 92
28 93
and temperature. Huang et al. (2020a) further considered the anisotropy that is caused by the preferential orientation of
29 94
impact of the loading method, and their research results aggregates. Aside from the nondestructive properties of
30 95
showed that the dynamic modulus obtained by the bending asphalt mixtures, due to the different crack areas projected
31 96
32 force loading method of the asphalt mixture was the in different directions, the anisotropic viscoplasticity and 97
33 smallest while the phase angle was the largest. Based on the the anisotropic viscofracture are the destructive properties 98
34 analysis of the fractional derivative three-element model of asphalt mixtures (Zhang, 2012). Therefore, during the 99
35 and the finite element method, Yin and Chen (2012) asphalt pavement response analysis, the anisotropic 100
36 successfully derived a viscoelastic structure power unit properties should be considered with the viscoelastic, 101
37 format with fractional derivative three-element constitutive viscoplastic, and viscofracture properties of asphalt mixtures. 102
38 relations. Moreover, the dynamic viscoelastic response The asphalt mixtures is a bonded granular material whose 103
39 analysis of asphalt pavements was carried out with the two- internal structure is anisotropic, due to the particle orentation 104
40 105
dimensional finite element calculation method, which distribution and shape, pore structure, and anisotropic
41 106
confirmed the effect of this method in the dynamic compaction in asphalt mixture (Wang et al., 2005; Yan et al.,
42 107
43 viscoelastic analysis of asphalt pavements. It shall be noted 2016). The anisotropic internal structure leads the asphalt 108
44 that the order of the fractional derivative in the viscoelastic mixtures to express significant spatial variability of 109
45 constitutive relationship in the above study is constant, parameters or random anisotropy characteristics. It would 110
46 which means that the mechanical behavior of the asphalt be worthwhile for the degree of anisotropy and its influence 111
47 mixture in the creep process with time is not considered, on asphalt pavement response to be investigated due the 112
48 and there is a certain difference from the actual situation. In approaches for characterization and analysis of isotropic 113
49 recent decades, in describing the viscoelastic properties of and anisotropic are quite different. Typically, during the 114
50 asphalt mixtures, the research on variable-order integrals response analysis of asphalt pavement, the anisotropic 115
51 116
and variable-order derivatives derived from the (constant- properties of asphalt mixtures can be simplified to be as
52 117
order) fractional differential theory has been widely used by transversely isotopic or cross-anisotropic, as illustrated in
53 118
researchers in the modeling of viscoelastic materials and Fig. 54. For the mentioned simplified cases, asphalt mixture
54 119
55 viscous fluids. Attention has become a hot spot in the field is considered to have a significant difference only in the 120
56 of fractional calculus. Therefore, in the study of viscoelastic vertical and horizontal directions because of anisotropic 121
57 properties of asphalt mixtures, to accurately describe the compaction, particle orientation, restraint conditions, and 122
58 complete three-stage creep deformation of asphalt mixtures, gravity direction. 123
59 it would be interesting to use variable-order fractional Although the asphalt mixture has been recognized as an 124
60 derivative theory to characteristics the viscoelastic anisotropic material in asphalt pavement, the degree of 125
61 properties of asphalt mixtures. anisotropy and its implications for asphalt pavement design 126
62 and analysis have not been understood clearly. In recent de- 127
63 128 Anisotropy and its characterization. Based on the cades, the degree of anisotropy of asphalt mixtures has been
64 129
viscoelastic constructive models, Elseifi et al. (2006) used the characterized by the researchers and they have some useful
65 130
generalized Kelvin model combined with the finite element findings, Table 25 summarized the related works, and it

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 86/185

86 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 70
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8 73
9 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
13 78
14 79
15 80
16 81
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20 85
21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 90
26 91
27 Fig. 54 e Possible existence of various planes of symmetry and orthotropy in asphalt pavements. (a) Cross-anisotropic. (b) 92
28 Transversely isotropic. (c) Isotropic (University of Maryland, 2018). 93
29 94
30 95
presented that the asphalt mixtures have significant tensile strain was significantly affected by the anisotropy of
31 96
anisotropic properties. There are some studies have focused asphalt mixtures, especially for the fatigue cracking and
32 97
33 on the anisotropic and viscoelastic properties of asphalt permanent deformation (rutting). To sum up, in the design 98
34 mixtures in asphalt pavement structural analysis (Wang et and analysis of asphalt pavements, it is possible to more 99
35 al., 2005; You et al., 2018c; Zhang, 2012; Zhang et al., 2011). accurately study the mechanic behavior of asphalt 100
36 The constructive approaches are continually necessary to pavements under vehicle and environment conditions, 101
37 incorporate the inherent anisotropy into the mechanistic considering anisotropy (transversly isotropic, cross- 102
38 modeling of the asphalt mixtures so that the inherent anisotropic, or isotropic) and viscoelastic properties of 103
39 anisotropy is accounted for in the viscoplastic and asphalt mixtures. 104
40 viscofracture characterization. 105
41 106
Through ADINA numerical simulation and field measure- Mathematical methods to asphalt pavement response.
42 107
ment, Chen et al. (2011b) and Masad et al. (2006) reported that The increasing use of sandwich panels (multi-layered me-
43 108
44 the asphalt pavement design considering isotropic dium) demands a better understanding of the response of 109
45 characteristics significantly underestimated the shear stress multi-layered asphalt pavement structures. A typical pave- 110
46 and tensile stress under vehicle loading, leading to early ment structure as shown in Fig. 55, consists of surface layer, 111
47 fatigue cracking and permanent deformation of the asphalt base layer, and soil foundation. It is obvious that a precise 112
48 pavement. From the experimental and theoretical study of the response of asphalt pavement under vehicle 113
49 perspectives, Zhang et al. (2011) found that asphalt mixture loads could be examined in detail via numerical simulation, 114
50 was not only a viscoelastic material but also had obvious mathematical modeling, and in-situ testing. However, the 115
51 anisotropic properties in its spatial structure. Yan et al. cost of in-situ testing of any real asphalt pavement structure 116
52 117
(2016) and You et al. (2018c) used numerical simulation and is still far too high for practical design and analysis; a much
53 118
analytical methods to conduct preliminary research on the more realistic option but still quite costly is multi-scale
54 119
mechanical behavior of asphalt pavement, considering the numerical simulation such as FEM and district element
55 120
56 viscoelasticity and transverse isotropy of the asphalt method (DEM). 121
57 mixture. They reported that the anisotropic characteristics The mathematical methods are usually constructed to 122
58 of the asphalt mixture had a more significant impact on the appropriate mathematical and mechanical theories in asphalt 123
59 asphalt pavement's static and dynamic responses. pavement response analysis, where it is assumed that the 124
60 Considering the viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixtures, asphalt pavement is made up of a certain number of layers, 125
61 the mechanical behavior of asphalt pavements could be which are supposed to be full-bonded or gradual bonded 126
62 more accurately described. Ahmed et al. (2015) used together. As an economical computing method, the mathe- 127
63 numerical simulation to study the stress response of matical methods have developed into multi-branch situa- 128
64 129
orthotropic asphalt pavement based on the generalized tions, which consist of precise integration algorithm, transfer
65 130
Maxwell viscoelastic model and found that horizontal matrix method, spectral element method, Green’s function

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 87/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 87

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 Table 25 e Characterization of anisotropic properties of asphatl mixtures. 69
5 Reference Description Characterization Key finding 70
6 71
7 Sui et al. (2020) The custom-made permeameter was Horizontal and vertical hydraulic (1) Transversely isotropic permeability 72
used to measure the horizontal and conductivities was commonly existing in both types
8 73
vertical hydraulic conductivities of of asphalt mixture; (2) permeability
9 74
hollow Marshall specimen with reveals fiercer transverse isotropy in
10 75
gradient porosity. asphalt concrete.
11 76
Zhang et al. The uniaxial compressive creep test, (1) Magnitude and phase angle of (1) Asphalt mixtures have significantly
12 77
(2012a) uniaxial tensile creep test, and indirect the compressive complex modulus different tensile properties from
13 tensile creep test were used to in the vertical direction; (2) compressive properties; (2) magnitude
14 determine the tensile and compressive magnitude and phase angle of the of the compressive modulus in the 79
15 properties at each temperature and tensile complex modulus; (3) vertical direction is approximately 1.2 80
16 then to construct the master curve of magnitude and phase angle of the to 2 times of the magnitude of the 81
17 each property. compressive complex modulus in compressive modulus in the 82
18 the horizontal plane. horizontal plane. 83
19 Motola and Uzan Asphalt mixture slabs were uniaxially Dynamic modulus in the three (1) Asphalt mixtures compacted in the 84
20 (2007) compressed in three directions at 40 principal directions field is initially not isotropy, but rather 85
C. cross-anisotropy; (2) the degree of 86
22 cross-anisotropy is about 0.7 (the ratio 87
23 between vertical to horizontal moduli 88
24 is about 1.4). 89
25 Uzan (2020) Prismatic field specimens were tested Dynamic modulus and creep Prismatic specimens are preferred in 90
26 in a triaxial cell with controllable compliance the case of cross-anisotropy. 91
27 vertical stress and confining pressure. 92
Levenberg and Asphalt mixture cylindrical specimen Applied stress, radial strain, and (1) The asphalt mixture is not isotropic;
28 93
Uzan (2007) compacted with vibratory shaker lateral strain (2) one unique creep-compliance
29 94
under confining pressure was tested in function could be used to describe the
30 95
creep and recovery cycles under viscoelastic response of the material
31 96
uniaxial and isotropic stress under multiaxial stress conditions.
32 97
33 Ahmed et al. Uniaxial test and indirect tensile test Vertical modulus, horizontal (1) The ratio of the horizontal to the
34 (2015) were carried out to measure the modulus, and the degree of cross- vertical instantaneous moduli is 0.33; 99
35 vertical or axial stress by controlling anisotropy (2) the tensile strain at the bottom of 100
36 strain test. the asphalt mixture layer decreases 101
37 with the increase of the cross- 102
38 anisotropy ratio toward unity. 103
39 Benedetto et al. (1) Tension-compression complex Complex moduli, complex The degree of anisotropy depends on 104
40 (2016) modulus tests were performed in the Poisson's ratio, phase angles, and the load frequency. 105
41 horizontal and vertical directions at shift factors 106
42 different strain rates; (2) sinusoidal 107
43 axial loading is applied on the 108
44 specimens to measure sinusoidal axial 109
45 and lateral strains as well as sinusoidal 110
46 axial stress. 111
47 Pham et al. (2015) (1) Complex modulus measurements Complex modulus and complex Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) 112
were conducted to determine linear Poisson’s ratios performs as transverse isotropy.
48 113
viscoelastic behavior; (2) axial stresses
49 114
and strains, radial strains were
50 115
measured under sinusoidal cyclic
51 116
52 117
Underwood et al. Gyratory asphalt mixture samples Compressive strength ratio Drastic anisotropic behavior in
53 (2005) were uniaxially compressed and compression, slight effect in tension,
54 tensed at different strain rates at and no effect in dynamic modulus. 119
55 different temperatures. 120
56 Ayres Jr. and Field-collected cores were tested from Resilient modulus Resilient modulus of field samples did 121
57 Witczak (1995) a newly constructed Maryland State not show any anisotropy. 122
58 Highway Administration project with 123
59 indirect tension mode. 124
60 Masad et al. Aggregate particle orientation was Stiffness The aggregates orientation played a 125
61 (2002) analyzed to characterize the significant role in the degree of 126
62 anisotropy of asphalt concrete anisotropy. 127
63 mixtures. 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 88/185

88 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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22 Fig. 55 e Hypothetical asphalt pavement structure (Maina et al., 2017a, b). 87
23 88
24 89
method, and thin-layer method, etc. Table 26 demonstrated In the year of 1968, Duncan et al. (1968) proposed proper
25 90
the brief information of these mathematical methods in domain sizes for 2D axisymmetric FE modeling, which is the
26 91
asphalt pavement response analysis and design. first major study on the effect of the geometrical size of an
27 92
28 FEM model for the analysis of pavements. The initial and 93
29 4.3.2. Finite element modeling for analyses of pavement most comprehensive investigation of the effects of the 94
30 mechanics dimensions of 2D plane strain, 2D axisymmetric and a 3D 95
31 In the past decades many computer programs have been simulation was carried out by Cho et al. (1996). These three 96
32 developed and increasingly used as mechanistic model for types of FE formulation were proposed and BISAR was used 97
33 solving the layered pavement system. Most of them are to obtain MLE results for comparison. They studied the 98
34 based on multilayer elastic (MLE) theory and finite element effect of different geometrical parameters such as aspect 99
35 method (FEM). The MLE models are considered satisfactory ratio, size of element and model dimensions. The 100
36 101
for fast predicting asphalt pavement response under investigation showed that the 3D and the axisymmetric
37 102
external wheel loads and relatively easy to operate. However, models yielded similar results and were capable of modeling
38 103
39 the situation of asphalt pavement in actuality may be static and non-moving traffic loads (Cho et al., 1996). The 104
40 extremely different with the assumptions in these programs effects of the geometrical dimensions of FEM models in 3D 105
41 based on MLE, e.g., finite geometrical scale in lateral extent, and 2D analyses were further investigated by Myers et al. 106
42 non-uniform loading condition, and inelastic material (2001). It was found that a 3D formulation could lead to 107
43 properties (Huang, 1993; Wang et al., 2020m). These more accurate results, however, the computational time was 108
44 differences may result in significant deviation between the significantly increased. A modification to the 2D analysis 109
45 calculated and the real responses of the asphalt pavement. which could enhance the accuracy of the results to an 110
46 Finite element (FE) models are also very good to predict acceptable level was introduced by the authors (Myers et al., 111
47 112
pavement response and can consider the above-mentioned 2001). Ghadimi et al. (2013) investigated different models
48 113
requirements. The application of FEM to simulate asphalt with 2D plane strain, 2D axisymmetric and 3D formulations.
49 114
pavement will be particularly introduced in three aspects The results were compared with MLE programs CIRCLY and
50 115
51 including simulation of asphalt pavement structure, KENLAYER and thus the effect of each formulation on the 116
52 material properties and boundary conditions. Through this results was discussed. According to their conclusions, the 2D 117
53 review, the most important characteristics of the asphalt axisymmetric and 3D models yielded an acceptable 118
54 pavement are concluded, which are the basic for analyses agreement with the analytical solution; however, the 119
55 of pavement mechanics and parameter inversion. difference between the 2D plane strain results was not 120
56 within the accepted range (Ghadimi et al., 2013). Recently, 121
57 Geometrical dimension of the FE models. When Liu et al. (2015b) developed the FE program named SAFEM 122
58 modeling asphalt pavement systems through FEM, the first which is based on the semi-analytical FE method. It is a 3D 123
59 124
subject is the geometrical dimension. Generally, three cate- FE algorithm that only requires a 2D mesh by incorporating
60 125
gories are considered for FEM modeling, 2D plane-strain, the Fourier series in the third dimension, as shown in Fig.
61 126
62 axisymmetric, and full 3D modeling. The different dimensions 56. SAFEM is able to analyze static and dynamic responses 127
63 of the model have several influences on the computation re- of asphalt pavements under stationary or moving loads. 128
64 sults such as accuracy and efficiency. Besides linear elasticity, a viscoelastic material model for 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 89/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 89

1 66
Table 26 e Mathematical methods to asphalt pavement response.
2 67
3 Method Description Advantage 68
4 Precise integration A high-precisioyumerical time step integratio This method not only avoids the computer 69
5 algorithm (Han et al., method proposed for a linear time-invariant truncation errors due to meticulous dividing, but also 70
6 2019a; Zhong and structural dynamic system.The reason for the high increases the numerical solution of matrix 71
7 Williams, 1994) precision is the use of the 2N algorithm within the exponential to the accuracy of the computer. 72
8 delt time step. 73
9 Transfer matrix method According to the balance equation and the physical Using the transfer matrix method to solve the 74
10 (Zhong et al., 1992; Zhong equation of the problem, the equation expressed by axisymmetric problem in the elastic half-space. No 75
11 and Geng, 2009) the state vector is derived and then the Hankel matter how many levels it is, it ultimately boils down 76
12 transformation is performed to obtain the to solving a system of binary linear algebraic 77
13 relationship between the state vector of any layer equations, which greatly simplifies the problem. This 78
14 and the initial state vector. The state vector of any method also has high application value in solving 79
15 layer can be represented by the product of the dynamic problems and viscoelastic problems in this 80
16 transfer matrix of the corresponding layer and the field. 81
17 initial state vector. The transfer matrix is only a 4th- 82
order square matrix, and the initial state vector can
18 83
be determined by the boundary conditions. After
19 84
solving the state vector of any layer, the inverse
20 85
Hankel transform can be used to obtain the
21 86
displacement and stress solution of the layer.
22 87
Spectral element method The analytical layer element is used to describe a It not only reduces the computational requirement
23 (You et al., 2016, 2018a, single layer, then the global stiffness matrix is dramatically but also demonstrates the numerical
24 obtained by assembling the interrelated layer efficiency and stability due to the absence of positive 89
25 2019, 2020a, 2020c)
elements based on the principle of the finite element exponential functions and evades the inconvenience 90
26 method and the boundary conditions, and the of the numerical evaluation of contour integration 91
27 solution for the corresponding problem was obtained between zero and infinity 92
28 by solving the algebraic equations of the global 93
29 stiffness matrix 94
30 Green's function method A mathematical physics equation expresses the It provides an accurate solution to the multi-field 95
31 (Dickhoff and Barbieri, relationship between a specific field and the source coupling problem. 96
32 2004) that produces this field. When the source is 97
33 decomposed into a superposition of many point 98
34 sources, if the field generated by the point source can 99
35 be known, using the principle of superposition, the 100
36 field of any source under the same boundary 101
37 conditions can be found. This method of solving 102
mathematical and physical equations is called
38 103
Green's function method. The field generated by a
39 104
point source is called Green's function.
40 105
Thin-layer method (De Thin-layer method can carry out at least one of the The three-dimensional (3D) problem is solved as an
41 106
Oliveira Barbosa and two Fourier transforms in closed form, which will aggregate of two-dimensional (2D) problems of
42 107
Kausel, 2012) reduce the computational effort to that of a series of manageable size.
43 plane-strain problems supplemented by a numerical
44 transform over the third spatial direction. 109
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Fig. 56 e A typical SAFEM model (Liu et al., 2015).
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 90/185

90 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 asphalt layers has also been integrated. Verification was programs at the North Carolina State University of the USA 66
2 carried out to prove that SAFEM is an accurate tool for the in comparison with other studies where the research mainly 67
3 fast prediction of asphalt pavement responses (Liu et al., focused on simulating linear viscoelastic behavior (Liao, 68
4 2015b, 2017a, 2017b, 2017c, 2018). As above, the 3D, 2D plane 2007). Zopf et al. (2015) proposed an appropriate asphalt 69
5 70
strain and axisymmetric FE models offer good methods of material model that considers elastic, viscous as well as
6 71
analysis for multilayered pavement systems to some extent. plastic properties and that allows for large strain theory,
7 72
They have different element formulation and consider which was then applied for the FE modeling. The
8 73
9 different directional components of stresses and strains. comparison of experimental and numerical results showed 74
10 Strictly speaking, although it consumes more computational good agreement. Tong et al. (2020a) investigated the 75
11 time, only the 3D FE analysis can consider all three criterion of asphalt pavement rutting using Perzyna theory. 76
12 directional response components and should predict the They applied the thermal-visco-elastic-plastic model in their 77
13 most accurate pavement responses (Kim, 2007). FE models. Their analysis illustrates that the key to 78
14 controlling rutting at intersections is to use better anti- 79
15 Constitutive models of pavement materials. The first rutting materials at the top layers instead of deepening the 80
16 concept used to simulate pavement material behavior is linear usage of modified asphalt mixture. Besides, the depth of 81
17 82
elasticity, in which the stress-strain relationship is assumed rutting varies dramatically with axle weights (Tong et al.,
18 83
to be linear. This concept has been used by different re- 2020a).
19 84
20 searchers and has the advantage of simplicity in calculation 85
21 and formulation. However, the pavement experiences not Variability of material property along with different 86
22 only elastic deformation but also plastic, viscous and visco- directions. Besides the material constitutive models 87
23 elastic deformation under cyclic traffic loading. Many in- mentioned above, a number of studies have been performed 88
24 vestigations for pavement analysis with FE simulation have considering pavement materials as isotropic and anisotropic 89
25 incorporated viscoelastic models for asphalt mixtures and to predict pavement responses. A study by Masad et al. (2006) 90
26 stress-dependent elastic models for granular materials (Tang, used both isotropic and anisotropic materials to determine 91
27 2011; Zhang et al., 2021). the pavement response. An axisymmetric FEM was 92
28 93
From the end of the last century, researchers have suc- developed in their study. This model was subjected to a
29 94
cessfully applied linear viscoelastic theory to describe the static loading condition to simulate Benkelman beam load
30 95
behavior of asphalt materials in FE simulation. Elseifi et al. (Masad et al., 2006). Cross-anisotropy (transverse isotropy)
31 96
32 (2005) firstly applied the generalized Kelvin model into an FE was also investigated by Oh et al. (2006). A schematic 97
33 program to simulate pavement responses and then representation of cross-anisotropic materials is shown in 98
34 conducted a comparative study between the elastic FE Fig. 57. 99
35 model and the linear viscoelastic FE model in a later Four different cross-anisotropy material models were 100
36 research (Elseifi et al., 2006). The results showed that it is developed in their study based on laboratory tests. These 101
37 imperative to incorporate a viscoelastic constitutive model material models were then implemented in a static FEM to 102
38 into pavement design methods for improved accuracy. The determine the pavement response under falling weight 103
39 elastic theory grossly underestimated pavement responses, deflectometer (FWD) and multi-depth deflectometer (MDD) 104
40 105
which is not conservative and may lead to the premature test. In addition, this FEM was used to determine the pave-
41 106
failure of asphalt pavements in reality. Mikhail and ment performance such as rut depth over time. Al-Qadi et al.
42 107
43 Mamlouk (1997) incorporated viscoelastic material (2010) performed a study where they considered cross- 108
44 parameters into an FE model to study the effect of vehicle- anisotropy for all the layers except HMA layer. They 109
45 pavement interaction on pavement response. To help define performed a 3D dynamic FE analysis using implicit 110
46 appropriate specimen size and shape for laboratory tests algorithm to simulate FWD test results. Effect of cross- 111
47 and to check stress and strain distribution in laboratory test anisotropy was only studied for unbound layers in this 112
48 specimens, Weissman and Sackman (1997) incorporated research (Al-Qadi et al., 2010). Later Wang and Al-Qadi (2013) 113
49 viscoelastic constitutive models in the FEM. The results were built a nonlinear anisotropic 3D FE pavement model to 114
50 also used to predict stresses and strains in a pavement 115
51 116
structure loaded by the heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) in
52 117
their research. The theory of viscoelastoplasticity has also
53 118
been extensively used to analyze hot mix asphalt (HMA)
54 119
55 materials recently. Chehab (2002) developed an advanced 120
56 material characterization procedure including the 121
57 theoretical models which encompass the elastic, 122
58 viscoelastic, plastic and viscoplastic components of asphalt 123
59 concrete (AC) behavior. Pirabarooban et al. (2003) 124
60 successfully developed a viscoelastoplastic creep model 125
61 representing the time-dependency of asphalt mixtures to 126
62 evaluate their rutting potential and to identify factors of 127
63 128
influence. The creep model parameters were derived from
64 129
asphalt pavement analyzer test results. The plastic and Fig. 57 e Schematic representation of cross-anisotropic
65 130
viscoplastic behaviors have been incorporated into FE materials.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 91/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 91

1 simulate the granular base layer and predict viscoelastic one is a circular area, which has been widely used by re- 66
2 pavement responses under moving vehicular loading. The FE searchers for a long time (Austroads, 2004; Harichandran et 67
3 model simulated the vehicular loading as a moving load al., 1990; Raad and Figueroa, 1980). Afterwards, a rectangular 68
4 with 3D contact stresses at the tire-pavement interface shape is adopted to simulate the contact area. Huang (1993) 69
5 70
(Wang and Al-Qadi, 2013). Ignoring cross-anisotropy of proposed a method to set up the rectangular shape
6 71
asphalt mixtures may cause significant error in prediction of translated from the circular shape. An advantage of the
7 72
critical strains, which are related to fatigue damage or rectangular shape applied in 3D FEM modeling is the
8 73
9 permanent deformation predictions of a pavement. To convenience in mesh generation, i.e., using a circular area in 74
10 determine the pavement response under truck load, Choi et full 3D modeling may cause some mesh generation 75
11 al. (2011b) developed a 3D static FEM using anisotropic difficulties especially when brick elements are used 76
12 behavior of HMA. Base and subgrade materials in that model (Ghadimi, 2015). Based on experimental investigations, early 77
13 were considered to be isotropic. The effect of cross- studies on FE modeling of asphalt pavements were carried 78
14 anisotropy of AC on horizontal strain and vertical stress was out (Blab and Harvey, 2002; De Beer et al., 1997; Merrill et al., 79
15 investigated by Ahmed et al. (2013). However, the effect of 1998; Weissman and Sackman, 1997). These FEM studies 80
16 cross-anisotropy on the vertical strain was not performed by indicated that the regular shape of contact area such as a 81
17 82
these authors. Tarefder et al. (2014) performed a 3D dynamic rectangle with non-uniform loading distribution indeed
18 83
FE analysis of a pavement structure considering material improved prediction of the stress and strain state in the
19 84
20 cross-anisotropy in every pavement layer. In essence, cross- near-surface pavement section. With the development of 85
21 anisotropic behavior of an instrumented asphalt pavement measuring method and computer technology, the non- 86
22 section was studied under FWD and actual truck load. In uniformly distributed pressure and unregular contact areas 87
23 addition, effect of cross-anisotropy was investigated on have been applied in FE modeling. Novak et al. (2003) used 88
24 pavement damage (Tarefder et al., 2014). As subsequent the FE code ADINA to model the 3D effects of measured tire 89
25 research, the combined effect of AC cross-anisotropy and contact stresses in a typical pavement configuration. The 90
26 temperature variation on pavement stress-strain under results showed that the predicted stress states and 91
27 dynamic loading was investigated (Ahmed et al., 2015). measured radial tire contact stresses were both larger in 92
28 93
Cross-anisotropy in the model was defined as the ratio of magnitude and more focused near the surface than those
29 94
horizontal to vertical modulus (n-value) of the AC. And then obtained from traditional circular uniform vertical loading
30 95
the effects of cross-anisotropy and stress-dependency of conditions. In terms of effects of possible pavement damage
31 96
32 pavement layers on pavement responses under dynamic mechanisms, predicted high near-surface shear stresses 97
33 truck loading was further investigated (Tarefder et al., 2016). may be a part of an explanation for near-surface rutting 98
34 It was observed that the increase in horizontal modulus failure modes. Wang et al. (2012) constructed a 3D tire- 99
35 caused a decrease in layer strains. pavement interaction model in ABAQUS to predict the 100
36 contact stress distributions for future use in the mechanistic 101
37 Loading patterns of FE models. One important factor in analysis of pavement responses. The analysis results 102
38 FE modeling of asphalt pavements is the geometry of contact showed that the non-uniformity of vertical contact stresses 103
39 area between tire and pavement as well as the loading dis- decreased as the load increased, but increased as the 104
40 105
tribution. A typical measurement of wheel load is shown in inflation pressure increased. Bai et al. (2020b) conducted a
41 106
Fig. 58. 3D FE modeling based on non-uniform distributed tire-
42 107
43 Regarding the shapes of contact area, several assumptions pavement contact pressure, full interfacial layer bonding 108
44 have been proposed according to the experiments. The first conditions, and viscoelastic characterization of the asphalt 109
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Fig. 58 e The measurement with 6000 N wheel load. (a) Static measurement. (b) Dynamic measurement (Friederichs et al.,
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 92/185

92 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 layers. The results indicated that under elastic modeling theoretical-numerical asphalt pavement modeling at 66
2 assumptions, there is a high propensity for failure at the material and structural level, whereby the focus was on a 67
3 bottom of the asphalt and/or base layer due to high tensile realistic and numerically efficient computation of 68
4 stresses. With viscoelastic modeling assumption, however, pavements under rolling tire load by using FEM based on an 69
5 70
the asphalt layer is more likely to suffer from surface shear arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation. A
6 71
failure due to high shear stresses on the surface (Bai et al., viscoelastic cohesive zone model was implemented into the
7 72
2020b). ALE pavement formulation to describe the interaction of the
8 73
9 single pavement layers. The viscoelastic cohesive zone 74
10 Interaction between adjacent pavement layers. Layers model was further extended to account for the normal 75
11 can be assumed to be fully attached or relative displacements pressure dependent shear behavior of the bonding layer. The 76
12 between layers can be considered. Pan et al. (1994) conducted simulation of interfacial layers was fitted to experimental 77
13 one of the very first studies on this effect in the year of 1994. data. 78
14 The effect of the soil-pavement interaction was considered 79
15 by coupling boundary element method (BEM) and FEM. The 4.3.3. Pavement mechanics test and parameter inversion 80
16 dynamic elastic and elastoplastic solutions were compared The modulus of pavement structure layer plays a very 81
17 82
and the results showed that the dynamic analysis resulted important role in road design, evaluating and service life
18 83
in less deflection, and the elastic soil medium led to less prediction. Researchers and engineers have proposed many
19 84
20 deflection than the elastoplastic soil medium. With ways to measure the mechanical properties of pavement 85
21 advancements in FEM software, the interface elements were which mainly can be divided into destructive and nonde- 86
22 applied in the modeling of layer interactions. Baek et al. structive tests. The destructive tests tend to be directly 87
23 (2010) studied the interaction effect in pavement layers measuring the mechanical properties and more accurate, 88
24 composed of HMA laid over joint concrete pavement (JCP) by however, it also has drawbacks including time-consuming, 89
25 using interface elements. The constitutive model of interface breaks the pavement structure and use the material modulus 90
26 elements was Mohr-Coulomb frictional behavior in their instead of structural modulus. In the last decades, with the 91
27 study. The effects of different interface parameters were rapid development of pavement nondestructive testing tech- 92
28 93
studied regarding the developed cracks. Ozer et al. (2020) nology, the numerical inversion has attracted more and more
29 94
used the same frictional behavior of interface elements to attention. The purpose of this portion is to provide a
30 95
study the effect of the interaction between soil and the AC comprehensive review on current research status, field
31 96
32 layer in ABAQUS with dynamic loading. In this study, the AC application and development trend of asphalt pavement me- 97
33 layers lay on a Portland cement concrete (PCC) layer. The chanics testing and parameter inversion, the basic principles 98
34 study concluded that a significant difference existed and research progresses of asphalt pavement nondestructive 99
35 between the strain induced in pavement layers caused by modulus testing technology are summarized, and the tech- 100
36 the different definitions of the interface elements properties. nical characteristics of pavement structure parameter inver- 101
37 Mo€ ller and Oeser (2002) proposed a numerical method for sion methods are analyzed. Finally, the challenges and 102
38 assessing the load-bearing capacity of multi-layered road development trends of asphalt pavement mechanical test 103
39 pavements using FEM in combination with BEM. The mechanics and parameter inversion in the future are analyzed 104
40 105
schematic representation of asphalt pavement model with and prospected.
41 106
interface elements is shown in Fig. 59.
42 107
43 This method permits the separate treatment of individual Nondestructive pavement modulus test. The nonde- 108
44 layers as well as the elastic semi-infinite space. Horizontal structive modulus test is mainly applying external load to the 109
45 and vertical interlayer composite action may be accounted for pavement by the detection system to obtain the pavement 110
46 by means of special kinematic coupling conditions. If layers deformation, and then calculate its modulus by mechanical 111
47 were not entirely flat over their entire surface due to tem- model. In the early stage, researchers mainly measured the 112
48 perature and humidity effects, the assigned layering condi- pavement rebound deflection under truck through the Beck- 113
49 tions may also be accounted for with the aid of kinematic man beam method, this method has been widely used with 114
50 couplings. The couplings also permitted a consideration of the convenient setup, however, the quasi-static load used in this 115
51 116
transfer of shear forces along the layer interfaces (Oeser, method could lead to larger measured pavement rebound
52 117
2002). Wollny et al. (2016a, 2016b, 2021) proposed a deflection (Hoffman, 1983; Wang, 1985). To improve the
53 118
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Fig. 59 e Discretization of layers and semi-infinite subgrade surface with FEM and BEM.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 93/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 93

1 accuracy of pavement structure modulus test, the dynamic problems to be solved: (1) the data noise is still a problem 66
2 deflection instrument was developed based on computer under various test method, and more optimized noise reduc- 67
3 and electronic sensing technology, such as the falling weight tion and extraction algorithms are needed to improve data 68
4 deflectometer (FWD) (Grenier and Konrad, 2009; Grenier et accuracy; (2) to incorporate the pavement structure layer 69
5 70
al., 2009; Kuo et al., 2016; Salour and Erlingsson, 2013; Yusoff properties (layer thickness, material viscoelasticity, etc.),
6 71
et al., 2015). Based on the FWD tester, researchers could which including the application of self-sensing sensing tech-
7 72
obtain reasonable dynamic modulus of pavement under nology, ground penetrating radar technology and visualiza-
8 73
9 dynamic loading, according to the test data, the modulus of tion technology to increase the accuracy and speed of the 74
10 pavement structure layer could inversely calculate by the pavement modulus measurement. 75
11 dynamic back calculation program (El-Raof et al., 2018; Fu et 76
12 al., 2019, 2020; Grenier et al., 2009; Pratelli et al., 2018; Zhang Pavement structural parameters inversion method. 77
13 et al., 2021c). However, the FWD also have limitations for The pavement structure parameters inversion is steps to 78
14 indoor test because of the large test vehicle (Wu et al., input the measured modulus parameters of a certain layer 79
15 2015a), because of this, researchers developed various indoor into the given mechanical model for the back-calculation of 80
16 deformation measure method including the light deflection pavement parameters. Thus, the parameter inversion accu- 81
17 82
instrument (Senseney et al., 2013), surface wave (Yusoff et racy was directly affected by the modulus input, inversion
18 83
al., 2015) and geophone (Zhang et al., 2021i), and have models and algorithms. At present, many researches were
19 84
20 compared it with the FWD test data, and established the mainly focused on algorithms and parameter correction (Deng 85
21 relationship between the modulus measured by the light et al., 2021; Saltan et al., 2013). With the development of 86
22 deflection instrument, surface wave, geophone and FWD. In computer technology and numerical analysis method, the 87
23 order to further improve the accuracy of pavement modulus inverse program of integral transformation and finite 88
24 test, some scholars have applied the laser Doppler sensor to element solution based on elastic layered system is 89
25 pavement modulus test (Gui et al., 2018; He et al., 2017b), developed. According to the measured data of FWD, the 90
26 and Ma et al. (2018a) proposed an intelligent pavement structural layer modulus and initial modulus can be 91
27 scheme with built-in sensors to monitor the pavement obtained by finite element iterative method (Cao et al., 92
28 93
stress and strain response under aircraft load and 2019b, 2020a; Madsen and Levenberg, 2017; Qiu et al., 2011).
29 94
established the asphalt layer modulus theoretical calculation Some researchers also used data mining (DM) method to
30 95
model for pavement mechanical response of double elastic calculate the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of
31 96
32 system under service load. Table 27 is the summary of pavement layer based on the deflection test data (Saltan et 97
33 nondestructive pavement modulus test method, in terms of al., 2011). However, compared with the traditional finite 98
34 the recent development of pavement deflection detection for element iterative inversion program, artificial neural 99
35 FWD and LWD, the deformation of the surface of the network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA) have many 100
36 structural layer can be detected by sensors distributed at advantages including no consideration of the initial modulus 101
37 different distances from the measuring point, and then it and complex material properties. Researchers have applied 102
38 was recorded and transmitted to obtain the dynamic ANN and GA to the inversion of pavement structure 103
39 deflection and deflection basin data generated under modulus, and developed the corresponding inversion 104
40 105
dynamic loading, and then the pavement structure layer program (Li and Wang, 2017; Varma and Kutay, 2015; Wang
41 106
modulus can inversely calculate. et al., 2019e; You et al., 2020b). With the in-depth study of
42 107
43 Although the nondestructive pavement modulus testing the pavement structure layer modulus inversion algorithm, 108
44 technology has been widely used, there are still some on the basis of ANN and GA, researchers further developed 109
45 firefly algorithm (Zhang et al., 2020d), constrained system 110
46 identification (SID) method (Cai et al., 2015), particle swarm 111
47 optimization (PSO) algorithm (Li et al., 2012b) and gene 112
48 Table 27 e Summary of nondestructive pavement expression programming (GEP) (Hu et al., 2016) for the 113
49 modulus test method. pavement structure layer modulus inversion. The results 114
50 Reference Nondestructive showed that these methods have high identification 115
51 pavement modulus 116
accuracy and significant calculation stability, which can
52 test method 117
effectively reduce the influence of initial trial value on the
53 118
Grenier and Konrad (2009), Grenier Falling weight inversion results. With the continuous optimization of the
54 119
et al. (2009), Kuo et al., (2016), deflectometer pavement structure layer modulus inversion algorithm,
55 120
Salour and Erlingsson (2013),
56 researchers have conducted in-depth research on the 121
Yusoff et al. (2015)
57 Senseney et al. (2013) Light deflection
uniqueness of the modulus solution after inversion and the 122
58 instrument rationality of the inversion results. By considering the 123
59 Yusoff et al. (2015) Surface wave parameters such as the deflection basin (Dong et al., 2011), 124
60 He et al. (2017b), Gui et al. (2018) Laser doppler sensor the thickness of the pavement layer (Garbowski and 125
61 Ma et al. (2018a) Built-in sensors to Pozarycki, 2017), the best inversion section (Timm and Tutu, 126
62 monitor 2017), the best inversion point (Zhu and Sun, 2017), the 127
63 Zhang et al. (2021i) Geophone 128
pavement condition and the internal abnormal noise (Yu et
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 94/185

94 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 al., 2018c), and the interlayer contact (Zhang et al., 2021f), etc., asphalt pavement response analysis and especially stress 66
2 the inversion algorithm is further optimized to more analysis, the asphalt mixture performs in anisotropic 67
3 reasonable modulus inversion value. Table 28 is the viscoelastic and the inherent anisotropy that is caused by 68
4 summary of pavement structural parameters inversion the preferential orientation of aggregates. Aside from the 69
5 70
method, it can be seen from the research on the above nondestructive properties of asphalt mixtures, due to the
6 71
modulus back-calculation method that the modulus back- different crack areas projected in different directions, the
7 72
calculation method needs to be further studied in the future. anisotropic viscoplasticity and anisotropic viscofracture are
8 73
9 With the application of artificial intelligence technology, the destructive properties of asphalt mixtures. Therefore, it 74
10 nondestructive testing based on machine vision, and multi- is necessary to develop the constructive models of asphalt 75
11 source heterogeneous data fusion, the deeper network struc- mixtures and the respective mathematic methods to analyze 76
12 ture and more optimized identification method are expecting the asphalt pavement response under vehicle loads with 77
13 to further improve the speed and accuracy of calculation and more accuracy. 78
14 inversion of pavement modulus. At present, there is still The part of finite element modeling for analyses of pave- 79
15 certain gaps between the machine vision and the multi- ment mechanics (Section 4.3.2) shows the FE models have 80
16 source heterogeneous data fusion method and the practical been applied extensively to the analysis of pavement 81
17 82
engineering application, which is mainly in the following as- structures in the M-E design methods. The predicted
18 83
pects: (1) the anisotropy of engineering structure, parameters, pavement responses are affected by many aspects such as
19 84
20 and materials need to be further integrated to different the geometrical dimension, material properties, and loading 85
21 structural types of pavements; (2) the interpretation of char- types. The FE algorithms currently used in asphalt pavement 86
22 acteristic variables of pavement structures also needs to be analysis, whether the specific developed or general-purpose, 87
23 further optimized. have their respective advantages and disadvantages in 88
24 terms of accuracy, efficiency, and applicability. It is 89
25 4.3.4. Summary and outlook necessary to develop specific FE algorithms for a full 3D fast 90
26 The part of constructive methods to pavement response and precise modeling of asphalt pavement that can consider 91
27 analysis review (Section 4.3.1) provides engineers and representative material behaviors and different loading 92
28 93
researchers with fundamental mechanical models and is modes. Moreover, the balance of efficiency and reliability
29 94
efficient in comprehensively summary the mechanical should be addressed especially. The following
30 95
behaviors of asphalt pavement. In the existing studies, (1) recommendations can be made to point out the direction of
31 96
32 when considering the viscoelastic properties of asphalt future development. (1) Advanced constitutive material 97
33 mixtures, most of the classical viscoelastic models are based models could be implemented. (2) Special-purpose elements 98
34 on homogenous assumptions and do not reflect the volatility and methods that are designed for specific circumstances 99
35 and trend of asphalt pavement structural parameter, while could be implemented. (3) The shape of contact areas and 100
36 their changes along with the structural depth; (2) when loading distribution could be further investigated and more 101
37 considering the anisotropic characteristics of asphalt configurations of them could be implemented. (4) Thermal- 102
38 mixtures, it is generally based on the transversely isotropic hydraulic-mechanical coupling analysis could be 103
39 elastic theories, which cannot reflect the static and dynamic implemented, by which the asphalt pavement could be 104
40 105
viscoelastic properties of asphalt mixture. In addition, in analyzed to assess the importance of thermal and hydraulic
41 106
effects on the stresses, strains, and displacements in the
42 107
43 structural behavior of asphalt pavements. (5) Multi-scale 108
44 simulation should be comprehensively studied and the 109
Table 28 e Summary of pavement structural parameters
45 efficient approach of macro scale models can be combined 110
inversion method.
46 with the high accuracy of microscale simulations. 111
Reference Pavement structural
47 The part of pavement mechanics test and parameter 112
parameters inversion
48 inversion (Section 4.3.3) illustrates that found that many 113
49 research progresses has been made for pavement structural 114
50 Qiu et al. (2011), Cao et al. (2019b, Finite element iterative
layer modulus backcalculation through nondestructive 115
51 2020a), Madsen and Levenberg 116
testing technologies. However, the non-destructive testing of
52 117
Saltan et al. (2011) Data mining (DM) pavement modulus still needs to be improved in data noise
53 118
Li et al. (2012b) Particle swarm reduction and data accuracy, and the combination of
54 119
optimization (PSO) pavement structural layer parameters with sensing
55 120
algorithm technology can improve the speed and accuracy of
56 121
Li and Wang (2017), Varma and Artificial neural network
57 pavement modulus testing. During the pavement structure 122
Kutay (2015), Wang et al. (2019e), (ANN) and genetic
58 parameters inversion process, the models and algorithms 123
You et al. (2020b) algorithm (GA)
59 Cai et al. (2015) Constrained system determine the efficiency and accuracy of parameters 124
60 identification (SID) inversion, and the speed and accuracy of parameters 125
61 Hu et al. (2016) Gene expression inversion can be improved through nondestructive testing 126
62 programming (GEP) based on machine learning and multi-source heterogeneous 127
63 Zhang et al. (2020b) Firefly algorithm 128
data fusion. Overall, the following recommendations can be
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 95/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 95

1 made as of future development, in the future, researches on influence the energy harvesting efficiency. Improving the 66
2 pavement modulus acquisition and inversion still need to be collection efficiency of piezoelectric harvesting pavement 67
3 further studied from the following aspects. (1) The under different conditions and increasing the electrical output 68
4 nondestructive testing of pavement modulus is still point by power has always been a research hotspot. 69
5 70
point detection. How to realize the point surface, improve Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT) is the most widely used piezoelectric
6 71
the detection speed, reduce the detection cost, and ensure material in the piezoelectric pavement, which has the ad-
7 72
the detection accuracy in the future is the research area that vantages of high piezoelectric constant, electromechanical
8 73
9 needs to be studied. (2) The meso scale aggregate contact coupling coefficient, and strength. The maximum output can 74
10 and material properties also impact the pavement modulus reach 1400 mW when it applies to road energy harvesting 75
11 parameters, there is still no simple and efficient method to (Khalili et al., 2019). With the improvement of the preparation 76
12 characterize the pavement modulus parameters with the process, the electrical properties of polyvinylidene fluoride 77
13 incorporation of meso scale properties. (PVDF), an organic piezoelectric material with superior 78
14 flexibility, are gradually improved. The output power density 79
15 of the PVDF piezoelectric transducer can reach 16.5 W/m2 80
16 5. Green and sustainable pavement (Shin et al., 2018). In addition, piezoelectric material 81
17 82
properties can be greatly improved through element doping
18 83
5.1. Functional pavement (Li et al., 2017a), structural design (Zhao et al., 2020b),
19 84
20 material composite (Ding et al., 2017b), and process 85
21 With the continuous development and improvement of the improvement (Fei et al., 2015). However, the complex 86
22 road system, in addition to meeting the traditional re- process and high cost have made most of the materials 87
23 quirements of safety, durability, and comfort, the pavement rarely used in piezoelectric harvesting pavement. 88
24 is gradually endowed with intelligent functions such as en- Table 29 shows the recent researches on the piezoelectric 89
25 ergy harvesting, pavement sensing, pavement adaptation, energy harvesting system. Piezoelectric transducer 90
26 and adjustment. Energy harvesting function, mechanical structures mainly include cymbal, crescent, bridge, 91
27 energy, thermal energy, and light energy resources within cantilever beam, stack, hybrid, and so on. Their mechanical 92
28 93
the road area are converted into electricity by energy trans- properties and working efficiency are different. Cymbal
29 94
ducer devices, and the environmental energy can be transducer has high energy conversion efficiency; cantilever
30 95
collected and utilized cleanly. Road sensing function in- transducer has good fatigue characteristics; and stack
31 96
32 cludes two aspects: roadside device perception and road transducer has a large bearing capacity (Song et al., 2016; 97
33 ontology material perception. Sensors, lidar, video surveil- Zhao et al., 2016a). The stack array transducer can withstand 98
34 lance, and other peripheral equipment are used to achieve a load of 150 kN. The test results of MMLS3 showed the 99
35 the acquisition of road traffic, load, mechanical parameters, piezoelectric transducer performance remained after 100,000 100
36 and other information. Self-sensing of pavement tempera- cycles of loading (Yang et al., 2017). After combining the 101
37 ture can be achieved by using self-regulating materials. The cantilever beam transducer with a stack transducer, the 102
38 self-sensing of pavement stress is realized by using working efficiency was 3.6 times higher than a single stack 103
39 conductive phase materials. Through the construction of transducer (Dayou et al., 2015). According to the bionics 104
40 105
structural health monitoring system, the self-perception of principle, the butterfly transducer based on cantilever
41 106
pavement disease is realized. In the aspect of pavement transducer can obviously improve its receiving frequency
42 107
43 adaptation and adjustment, by increasing the reflectivity of range (Wang et al., 2020k). The maximum output of the 108
44 asphalt pavement, the radiation absorption and pavement integrated system composed of two conductive asphalt 109
45 temperature can be reduced, and the urban heat island effect layers and a piezoelectric material layer can reach 300 mW 110
46 can be alleviated. Photocatalytic materials are used to realize under the optimal conditions (Guo and Lu, 2017). 111
47 the harmless degradation of vehicle exhaust on the road. The Piezoelectric transducer layout form has an important 112
48 use of self-repairing materials can achieve the active healing impact on its working state and service life. Embedding in the 113
49 of micro-cracks and other damages, and prolong the service road surface and buried in the road are two common forms. 114
50 life of the pavement. The load can directly act on the surface of the transducer and 115
51 116
the conversion ratio of mechanical energy is high (Yang et al.,
52 117
5.1.1. Energy harvesting function 2021d). When the transducer is embedded in the reserved
53 118 Piezoelectric pavement. There is abundant energy in groove of the pavement, the asphalt mortar is used as the
54 119
55 the road area. Most of the mechanical energy generated by cushion, which can enhance the coupling degree between 120
56 vehicles impact and vibration dissipates in the form of road the transducer and the pavement structure, and improve the 121
57 deformation. If the piezoelectric energy harvesting technology integration degree (Song et al., 2019). The buried transducer 122
58 is applied to the pavement, the mechanical energy can be is integrated with the pavement structure, and the load 123
59 converted into electricity based on the piezoelectric effect, stress is dispersed and transmitted to the transducer 124
60 and the resources can be utilized cleanly. surface. Through the analysis of the stress characteristics of 125
61 When the vehicle load acts on the transducer embedded in the transducer, the best embedding position can be 126
62 the road, the electricity is generated and collected, and the identified (Xiong and Wang, 2016). When the buried depth 127
63 128
mechanical energy is converted and utilized. The piezoelectric was 4-6 cm, the transducer could obtain a larger output and
64 129
transducer is at the core of the piezoelectric pavement. has less impact on the integrity of the pavement structure
65 130
Piezoelectric materials and the structure of the transducer (Nyamayoka et al., 2018).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 96/185

96 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 29 e Piezoelectric energy harvesting system.
2 67
3 Reference Structure design Packaging Piezoelectric Test Electric output 68
4 material material scenario 69
5 Yang et al. (2021d) The internal is a 3-layer stack array structure. Engineering PZT-5H 2.6 kN load at 280.000 V 70
6 External dimension is 30306.8 cm. plastic 4.5 km/h 71
7 Zhang et al. (2021d) The piezoelectric embedded in the nylon Nylon; PZT-554 5 kN load in 18.560 mW 72
8 bearing plate with 10108 mm grooves, and fluororubber 10 Hz 73
9 the upper layer protected by rubber pads. 74
10 Wang et al. (2020k) Butterfly array structure composed of Aluminum alloy PZT-5H Light traffic 22.090 mW 75
11 multilayer cantilever beams. External conventional 76
12 dimension is 16167 cm. speed of 50 77
13 e90 km/h 78
14 Cao et al. (2020b) F610 mm piezoelectric sheet. External Engineering PZT-5H 0.7 MPa load 0.231 mW 79
15 dimension is F 56 mm26 cm. plastic in 20 Hz 80
16 Khalili et al. (2019) 6 piezoelectric plates form a stacked Steel plate PZT 11 kN load in 1400.000 mW 81
17 structure. Fixed between two steel plates with 62 Hz 82
the size of 12727.5 cm.
18 83
Yesner et al. (2019) 532 mm bridge transducer, 16 in each layer, Aluminum; PZT-5X 500 lb. load in 2.400 mW
19 84
4 in total. External dimension is 17.817.87.6 nylon 20 Hz
20 85
21 86
Roshani et al. (2018) 11 piezoelectric sheets of F 503 mm form a Stainless steel PZT-4 720 N load at 0.078 mW
22 87
stacked structure. External dimension is 21.6 cm/s
23 15215247 mm.
24 Jung et al. (2017) 10 PVDF films are paralleled into one group, 6 Aluminum plate PVDF 250 kgf load at 200.000 mW 89
25 groups in total. External dimension is 8 km/h 90
26 15159 cm. 91
27 Guo and Lu (2017) The top and bottom are conductive asphalt - PZT 200 N load in 300.000 mW 92
28 layers, and the middle is the piezoelectric 30 Hz 93
29 layer, forming a whole with the pavement 94
30 structure. 95
31 Song et al. (2019) 3-layer cantilever structure, 4 in each layer. Stainless steel PZT 1 mm 0.184 mW 96
32 External dimension is 151510 cm. displacement 97
33 in 10 Hz 98
34 Roshani et al. (2016) A cylindrical structure of F15220.7 mm, Copper plate PZT 3 kN load in 15.000 mW 99
35 copper plate at the top and bottom, 20 Hz 100
36 polystyrene plate with limit holes in the 101
37 middle to fix the position of piezoelectric 102
38 103
39 104
40 Thermoelectric pavement. Thermoelectric asphalt 105
41 pavement is a new multifunctional asphalt pavement struc- 106
42 107
ture that uses thermoelectric technology to collect pavement
43 108
heat energy and realize green transformation. At the same
44 109
45 time, thermoelectric asphalt pavement can reduce pavement 110
46 temperature and increase pavement service life. It consists of 111
47 the traditional asphalt pavement structure, the thermoelec- 112
48 tric device, the hot side module, and the cold side module. 113
49 Thermoelectric conversion device is based on the seebeck 114
50 effect. One side is connected to the P-type and N-type (P-type 115
51 is hole-rich material, N-type is electron-rich material) to form 116
52 a PN junction, and it is placed in a high-temperature state. The 117
53 118
other side starts at a low temperature. The concentration of P-
54 119
type (hole) material and N-type (electron) material at the high-
55 120
temperature side of PN material is higher than that at the low-
56 121
57 temperature side. Driven by this concentration gradient, the 122
58 hole and electron diffuse to the low-temperature end, thus 123
59 forming the electromotive force, as shown in Fig. 60 (Sha et al., 124
60 2020). According to the above principle, several pairs of 125
61 semiconductor elements are connected in series on the 126
62 ceramic substrate. In contrast, they are connected in parallel 127
63 in heat transfer, which constitutes a general thermoelectric 128
64 converter. As shown in Fig. 61, it is a kind of structure of Fig. 60 e Principle of thermoelectric converter (Jiang et al., 129
65 2017). 130
thermoelectric converter.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 97/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 97

1 with the copper plate as thermal conduction device and heat 66

2 sink with water and phase change material as cold side 67
3 module. 68
4 For the embedded thermoelectric asphalt pavement 69
5 70
structure, it was first proposed by Wu and Yu (2012). The
6 71
system uses an aluminum rod as a heat conduction device
7 72
to transmit the temperature at a depth of subgrade to the
8 73
9 cold end of the thermoelectric conversion device. The 74
10 results show that the structure can generate 0.05 mW. In 75
11 2014, the structure was improved based on the research of 76
12 Wu and Yu (2012) and increased the power generation 77
13 efficiency to 40 mW (Park et al., 2014). After that, because 78
14 Fig. 61 e Structure of thermoelectric converter (Chen et al., the thermoelectric converter was mainly made of ceramic 79
15 2016a). matrix, which could not meet the requirements of pavement 80
16 structural strength, Li et al. (2014), Liang and Li (2015), Xiao 81
17 82
et al. (2019), and Khamil et al. (2021) set up hollow protection
18 83
Meiarashi and Toshimasa (1997) first put forward the devices, which were embedded in asphalt pavement
19 84
20 concept of thermoelectric asphalt pavement. After more together with thermoelectric converter and achieved good 85
21 than 20 years of development, thermoelectric asphalt results. To sum up, the hot end modules of thermoelectric 86
22 pavement can be divided into two types according to asphalt pavement structure mainly include aluminum plate, 87
23 pavement heat energy utilization which are the derived-type aluminum soaking plate, copper plate, steel plate, etc., while 88
24 and the embedded-type. The derived-type thermoelectric the cold end modules mainly include environmental 89
25 asphalt pavement is exported as the hot side module temperature, water, phase change material, subgrade 90
26 through the heat conduction device. The external temperature, etc. 91
27 environment medium is used as the cold side module, and In conclusion, the overall power generation efficiency of 92
28 93
the thermoelectric converter is set on the roadside. The the thermoelectric asphalt pavement structure is low, which
29 94
embedded-type thermoelectric asphalt pavement directly is far from meeting the power demand of the expressway. It is
30 95
embeds the thermoelectric converter into the asphalt of great significance to improve the power generation effi-
31 96
32 pavement through specific protective measures. The ciency of thermoelectric pavement. 97
33 thermal energy inside the pavement is directly used as the 98
34 hot side module. The lower longitudinal temperature part of Solar pavement. Solar energy is one of the most 99
35 the pavement structure is used as the cold side module. common and clean energy sources in nature. Solar pavement 100
36 Table 30 lists the types of two kinds of thermoelectric obtains solar energy within the pavement area through the 101
37 asphalt pavement structures in recent years. It can be seen solar energy capture module (Dezfooli et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 102
38 that the derived-type thermoelectric asphalt pavement was 2021a). The collection and utilization of solar energy mainly 103
39 proposed (Hasebe et al., 2006). The system used the water include heat collection, thermoelectricity, and photovoltaic 104
40 105
pipe embedded in the asphalt pavement to export the heat power generation. Research shows that the energy
41 106
energy of the pavement and takes the river as the cold end conversion efficiency of photovoltaic power generation
42 107
43 in the roadside. The maximum power generation of the technology is higher than the formers, and the technology is 108
44 structure is 0.3 W. The maximum temperature of the relatively mature. In addition, the nearby energy generation 109
45 thermoelectric asphalt pavement surface and traditional and utilization of energy in pavement avoid the loss of 110
46 asphalt pavement surface is 30  C and 60  C, respectively. transportation. It also reduces the demands for thermal 111
47 Then the research on this kind of thermoelectric asphalt power and fuel as well as the pollution of air and water 112
48 pavement structure is blank in nearly eight years. Until 2014, resources, bringing some economic, social and 113
49 Hu et al. (2014) used the aluminum piece as the cold side environmental benefits (Qin, 2016; Wu et al., 2010; Yang et 114
50 module and used the aluminum piece to export the heat al., 2021e). 115
51 116
energy of asphalt pavement. The results show that the Solar pavement is an innovative product of the integration
52 117
maximum power generation is 1.1 V. After that, this kind of of the photovoltaic industry and highway infrastructure. Solar
53 118
thermoelectric asphalt pavement structure is mainly carried pavement usually refers to the use of solar power modules to
54 119
55 out by Professor Wei Jiang of Chang'an University and partially or entirely replace the existing asphalt or cement 120
56 Professor Samer Dessouky of the University of Texas at San concrete surface to have the functions of solar power gener- 121
57 Antonio. Professor Wei Jiang used an aluminum vapor ation, energy storage and utilization. At the same time, the 122
58 chamber as the pavement heat conduction device, the pavement will be used as a comprehensive energy supply 123
59 ambient temperature, and the subgrade temperature as the platform to provide the basis for intelligent road functions 124
60 cold side module. He developed two thermoelectric asphalt such as mobile wireless charging, heating and melting ice or 125
61 pavement structures based on the temperature difference snow (Xu et al., 2021d). The commonly used structural forms 126
62 between pavement and environment and the temperature from top to bottom are surface transparent layer, middle 127
63 128
between pavement and subgrade. Professor Samer Dessouky solar power generation layer and bottom waterproof
64 129
set two kinds of thermoelectric asphalt pavement structures adhesive layer (Choi et al., 2019).
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 98/185

98 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
Table 30 e Structure types of thermoelectric asphalt pavement.
2 67
3 Type Reference Pavement structure Hot side Cold side Functional 68
4 feature 69
5 The Hasebel et al. Water pipe Water pipe Maximum power 70
6 derived-type (2006) generation 0.3 W 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
Hu et al. (2014b) Aluminum piece Heat sink Maximum power
13 78
generation 1.1 V
14 79
15 80
16 81
17 82
Jiang et al. (2017) Aluminum vapor Water tank Maximum power
18 83
chamber generation 0.6-
19 84
0.7 V,
20 85
21 86
reduction 8  C-9
22  87
23 88
24 89
25 Datta et al. (2017) Copper plate Heat sink (water) Maximum power 90
26 generation 4-6.5 91
27 mW 92
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 96
32 Tahami et al. Copper plate Heat sink (phase Daily power
33 (2019a, 2019b, change generation 29 98
34 materials) mW 99
35 2020) 100
36 101
37 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 Jiang and Huang Aluminum vapor Subgrade N/A 107
(2020) chamber
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 The embedded-type Wu and Yu (2012) Aluminum plate Aluminum rod Maximum power 114
50 generation 0.05 115
51 mW 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 99/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 99

1 66
Table 30 e (continued )
2 67
3 Type Reference Pavement structure Hot side Cold side Functional 68
4 feature 69
5 Li et al. (2014) Steel plate Air cooling Maximum power 70
6 system generation 1.4 V 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
13 Park et al. (2014) Aluminum plate Aluminum plate Maximum power 78
14 generation 40 79
15 mW 80
16 81
17 82
18 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 Liang and Li Aluminum piece Aluminum piece Daily power 90
26 (2015) generation 91
27 0.00072 kW$h 92
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 Xiao et al. (2019) Aluminum plate Insulation Maximum 96
32 material energy 97
33 conversion 66.23 98
34 J 99
35 100
36 101
37 Khamil et al. Aluminum plate Aluminum plate Maximum power 102
38 (2020) generation 0.35 V 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 Khamil et al. Aluminum plate Aluminum plate Maximum power 109
45 (2021) generation 1.02 V 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 100/185

100 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 The solar pavement needs to make full use of the vast pavement in 2010, put forward the solar pavement model 66
2 pavement area and collects clean light energy. At the same based on the hollow plate, and optimized the structure in 67
3 time, it also needs to meet the basic performance re- 2017, which proved that it has good performance. In 2018, 68
4 quirements of the pavement (Hu et al., 2020c). To ensure the the first solar road in China was built in Jinan, Shandong 69
5 70
efficient collection of light energy, the surface transparent Province. The length of the solar road is 1080 m, and the
6 71
layer needs to have good transparency with the basic total area of the road is about 5875 m2. The annual power
7 72
properties for the pavement surface layer, such as flatness, generation is predicted to be 106 kW$h (Jiang et al., 2018).
8 73
9 anti-sliding, wear resistance and so on. At present, the However, half a year after opening to traffic, part of the road 74
10 primary materials used for the surface transparent layer are was damaged. 75
11 inorganic tempered glass, high molecular polymer 76
12 transparent materials. On the premise of ensuring sufficient 5.1.2. Pavement sensing function 77
13 strength, rigidity and stability, the intermediate photovoltaic Contact sensing device. The contact sensing device 78
14 layer needs to convert solar energy into electrical energy must be embedded or inserted in the road, and come into 79
15 effectively. The bottom waterproof adhesive layer mainly direct contact with the physical quantity to be detected, so as 80
16 protects the power generation layer, transferring load, to obtain the signal source. The main road contact sensing 81
17 82
isolating moisture and bonding. The primary materials used devices include temperature sensor, humidity sensing, stress
18 83
include tempered glass, concrete slab, polymer slab, etc. sensing, strain sensing, salt sensing, etc. Tan et al. (2013)
19 84
20 (Zhou et al., 2019a). When sunlight passes through the investigated the calibration technique and output 85
21 transparent layer, the photovoltaic effect of the power characteristics of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) temperature 86
22 generation layer first converts the solar energy into direct sensor applied to asphalt pavement, and analyzed the 87
23 current and then into alternating current through the influence of asphalt pavement rolling process on the 88
24 inverter, finally uses and stores the electric energy (Zha et calibration results of the embedded FBG temperature sensor. 89
25 al., 2016). Abdel-Mooty et al. (1996) monitored the anti-reflective crack 90
26 Many factors affect the efficiency of photovoltaic road performance of pavement materials with FBG sensor. Feng 91
27 power generation, including the structure of the road, the et al. (2017) embedded stress, strain, temperature and 92
28 93
energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaic unit modules, the humidity sensors on the asphalt pavement of Heda
29 94
pavement laying method, the natural traffic environment, etc. Expressway according to the experience of full-scale
30 95
Scholars from many countries have done some researches on pavement burial in the United States, so as to obtain various
31 96
32 it. The structure types of solar pavement and the conversion dynamic mechanical responses and temperature and 97
33 efficiency of solar panels are listed in Table 31. American humidity data of the asphalt pavement and systematically 98
34 engineers first proposed the concept of the solar road in evaluate the performance of the asphalt pavement. Zhang 99
35 2006. The first solar parking lot was built in 2014, and a 13.9 (2017) aimed at the problem of maximum principal stress 100
36 m2 square pilot project was built in 2016 (Hu et al., 2020c). and interlayer displacement which are difficult to monitor in 101
37 Each solar panel can bear 1134 kN. When the road is wet, it the field of road engineering. He used 3D printing technology 102
38 can also ensure safe parking when the speed is about 120 to design a sensor for maximum principal stress and 103
39 km/h. Researchers from the University of Waterloo in interlayer displacement for roads, and then tested the 104
40 105
Canada designed a three-layer solar road panel in 2012. The sensor's stability and effectiveness in the lab. Zhou (2015)
41 106
results show that the panel can bear traffic load and even optimized and improved the circuit and system of the
42 107
43 improve the mechanical properties and service life of measuring module of the pavement salinity sensor to solve 108
44 pavement structure (Northmore and Tighe, 2016). In 2014, the existing problems. By establishing the temperature 109
45 the Netherlands Institute of Applied Sciences, in cooperation model of the salinity measurement module, the 110
46 with Imtech and other companies, laid a 70 m long solar performance of the pavement salinity sensor was enhanced 111
47 bicycle lane in Krommenie. The predicted annual maximum and accurate and effective data for real-time road 112
48 power generation of the bicycle lane is 93 kW$h/m2, and the monitoring of the pavement salinity were improved. Chen et 113
49 measured value is 78 kW$h/m2. The analysis shows that al. (2007c) demonstrated a novel fiber optic sensor for 114
50 these errors are related to bicycle shadow occlusion and simultaneous measurement of temperature and salinity 115
51 116
operation loss (Shekhar et al. 2015). In 2016, 20 m was added with multiplexed polymer-coated fiber Bragg gratings. It has
52 117
to the 70 m length, and solar thin-film cells were embedded. been found that the polyimide-coated fiber Bragg grating
53 118
The surface layer of toughened glass is replaced by the responds to temperature and salinity fluctuations, whereas
54 119
55 mixed coating of resin and glass particles, increasing the the acrylate-coated fiber Bragg grating is just sensitive to the 120
56 skid resistance and noise reduction performance. France has environmental temperature. The experimental results 121
57 also studied solar pavement. In 2016, a 2800 m2 solar road showed that the temperature and salinity sensitivities of the 122
58 was built in Tourouvre, Normandy. The surface of the road multiplexed fiber Bragg grating sensor are 0.0102 nm/ C and 123
59 is coated with transparent silicone resin and small glass 0.0038 nm/%S, respectively. 124
60 particles, which have good performance of light In addition, common road contact sensing devices also 125
61 transmission and skid resistance (Colagrande and D’Ovidio, include smart aggregate (SA) sensing, which is a piezoelectric 126
62 2020). The central solar cell is wrapped in a composite sensor with a piezoelectric ceramic sensing element. Zhang et 127
63 128
material composed of resin and polymer, which can pass al. (2016a) studied the redistribution law of the internal strain
64 129
through the wheel 1 million times without damage (Zhou et and compressive stress of concrete embedded with smart
65 130
al., 2021a). Zha et al. (2016) started the research on the solar aggregates under horizontal dynamic reciprocating load. The

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 101

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 Table 31 e Different structure models of solar pavement. 70
6 71
Reference Project Picture Pavement structure Battery
7 72
efficiency (%)
8 73
9 Hu et al. (2020c) Solar roadways Tempered glass þ solar cell 17.6 74
10 þ tempered glass or 75
11 fiberglass board 76
12 77
13 78
14 79
15 80
16 81
17 82
18 83
19 Northmore and Solar pavement Resin and glass particle 17.6 84
20 Tighe (2016) panel in Canada coating þ solar cell þ resin 85
21 and polymer substrate 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 90
Shekhar et al. SolaRoad Toughened glass or resin 12.1
26 91
(2015) and glass particle coating þ
27 92
solar cell þ concrete floor
28 93
29 94
30 95
31 96
32 97
33 98
34 99
35 Colagrande and Wattway Resin and glass particle 15.0 100
36 D’Ovidio (2020) coating þ solar cell þ resin 101
37 and polymer substrate 102
38 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 Zha et al. (2016) Hollow slab of Organic glass panel þ solar 13.0 110
46 solar pavement cell þ precast concrete 111
47 hollow panel 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 Jiang et al. (2018) Jinan solar Resin and glass particle 15.0 117
53 pavement coating þ solar cell þ resin 118
54 and polymer substrate 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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102 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 tensile strength of concrete measured by experiment is and Benjamin, 2008) and identify the lateral boundary of the 66
2 consistent with that in theory. It is proposed that road and some obstacles. Compared with three-dimensional 67
3 piezoelectric intelligent aggregate can monitor the process of radar, this kind of one-dimensional radar has a certain lag in 68
4 concrete cracking, and the real-time monitoring of internal recognizing obstacles (Hillel et al., 2014). Lidar algorithms are 69
5 70
damage of concrete under dynamic load (Fig. 62) is mainly divided into two categories: algorithms based on
6 71
important. Hou et al. (2014b) proposed to bury piezoelectric geometric features of laser point cloud and algorithms based
7 72
intelligent aggregate in asphalt concrete pavement to on classification (Asvadi et al., 2016; Yan, 2017). Asvadi et al.
8 73
9 complete dynamic vehicle load monitoring. Through (2016) used RANSAC algorithm to fit the road plane and 74
10 dynamic loading test study, it was found that the sensitivity extract the current driving road area based on the plane 75
11 of smart aggregate embedded in asphalt pavement was features of point cloud. Moosmann et al. (2009) and others 76
12 linear under dynamic vehicle load, which could be used to realized point cloud plane segmentation in different regions 77
13 monitor dynamic vehicle load on pavement. based on local point cloud feature differences. Point cloud 78
14 raster map was established, and Markov random field (MRF) 79
15 Lidar based sensing technology. As shown in Fig. 63, was applied to the raster map for classification perception, 80
16 vehicle-borne multi-line lidar is generally utilized to collect taking full advantage of the relationship between adjacent 81
17 82
road data, which is subsequently analyzed using a point clouds (Byun et al., 2015; Guo et al., 2011). Compared
18 83
specialized algorithm to perform tasks such as road area with the detection method based on geometric features, the
19 84
20 division (Cremean and Murray, 2006; Zhang et al., 2018e), detection method based on classification has higher 85
21 obstacle shape judgment (Huang et al., 2009), road boundary robustness and can adapt to a variety of complex terrain, 86
22 distinction (Cremean and Murray, 2006; Kammel and but it has a large amount of calculation and poor real-time 87
23 Benjamin, 2008) and road slope detection. Commonly used performance. 88
24 lidar is typically used to measures three-dimensional data, 89
25 but one-dimensional lidar can also be used to sense the road Perception technology based on image/video stream. In 90
26 cross-section length (Cremean and Murray, 2006; Kammel recent years, with the rapid development of image processing, 91
27 computer vision and deep learning technology, and compared 92
28 93
with other sensors such as lidar, vision sensor has the char-
29 94
acteristics of low cost and rich image information, so the
30 95
perception technology based on image/video stream has
31 96
32 made great progress. Image/video stream sources mainly 97
33 include industrial cameras, infrared cameras, global posi- 98
34 tioning system (GPS) satellite images and unmanned aerial 99
35 vehicle (UAV) aerial images. Multiple cameras shoot the road 100
36 from various angles, allowing for the acquisition of three- 101
37 dimensional information of the road, realize stereo imaging, 102
38 and perceptual effects comparable to lidar, such as obstacle 103
39 recognition (Danescu and Nedevschi, 2009), edge detection 104
40 105
(Chen et al., 2020a; Danescu and Nedevschi, 2009; Pradeep et
41 106
al., 2012), and three-dimensional road geometry and slope
42 107
43 estimation (Pradeep et al., 2012; Sach et al., 2009). Using a 108
44 GPS can also obtain high-resolution image (Urmson et al., 109
45 2008), and can be converted into digital map and digital 110
46 Fig. 62 e Intelligent sense aggregate (Jiang, 2013).
elevation model (DEM) for further analysis. Its accuracy 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
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Fig. 63 e A generic system: functional decomposition (Hillel et al., 2014).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 103

1 mainly depends on the link with the satellite (Caron et al., asphalt mixture prepared has good temperature regulating 66
2 2006; Yi, 2007). Using inertial measurement unit (IMU) can effect, and the road performance meets the requirements of 67
3 improve its accuracy (Pradeep et al., 2012; Urmson et al., the specification. Zhang et al. (2012d) tested and analyzed 68
4 2008). Vision based road detection algorithms are mainly the heat storage capacity of a variety of phase change 69
5 70
divided into two types, which are based on image features materials and the influence of the properties of phase
6 71
(He et al., 2004; Tan et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et change materials on the practical application of asphalt
7 72
al., 2018e) and classifier (Chacra and Zelek, 2016; Zhou et al., pavement according to the actual situation of asphalt
8 73
9 2010). The former is simple and easy to implement, but it is pavement construction, and the results showed that PEG 74
10 easily affected by illumination, occlusion and other factors. 4000 could be used as phase change heat storage material to 75
11 The latter relies on deep learning and has high accuracy, but be mixed into asphalt mixture. Ma et al. (2011) carried out a 76
12 needs a lot of parameter training and optimization. study on the application of organic phase change material in 77
13 asphalt mixture. The results showed that the mixed organic 78
14 Temperature sensing. The pavement materials with phase change material has a certain temperature-regulating 79
15 temperature sensing function mainly include phase change effect on the asphalt mixture, but it also has a certain 80
16 materials, thermochromic materials and thermoelectric ma- influence on its pavement performance. As shown in Fig. 64, 81
17 82
terials. Temperature is one of the most critical elements thermochromic material is the one whose color changes as
18 83
affecting the performance of asphalt pavement (Agyenim et the temperature rises (Li et al., 2018f, g). Each
19 84
20 al., 2010; Huang, 2004). In recent years, some domestic thermochromic material has a fixed transition temperature. 85
21 scholars on the basis of heat energy storage technology, Below this temperature, thermochromic materials are 86
22 refer to the temperature-regulating mechanism of phase nonferrous materials with low solar radiation reflectivity. 87
23 change material, mix asphalt mixture and use its latent heat Above this temperature, they become colorless and show a 88
24 of phase change to actively regulate the temperature of strong solar reflection. This absorbing property helps keep 89
25 asphalt pavement, so as to prevent the asphalt pavement the road temperature in a range that is beneficial to its 90
26 from heating up too fast due to too much heat absorption. performance (Li et al., 2018f; Zhang, 2017). In order to verify 91
27 The temperature-regulating mechanism of phase change the temperature control effect of thermochromic materials, 92
28 93
material (PCM) is that it can absorb heat when it is radiated Yan et al. (2021) conducted indoor simulated illumination
29 94
by high temperature, reducing the temperature of asphalt test of thermochromic modified asphalt pavement structure.
30 95
mixture. When the temperature of mixture is lowered to the The results show that the pavement structure with 5%
31 96
32 crystallization temperature of PCM, the heat will be released thermochromic material has better performance in cooling 97
33 (Lin et al., 2017c). Such multiple cycles will decrease the in summer and heat preservation in winter than that of SBS 98
34 temperature of asphalt mixture and improve the high modified asphalt pavement. After two rounds of thermal 99
35 temperature stability of asphalt mixture. Tan (2021) aging and ultraviolet aging, the temperature control effect of 100
36 prepared polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000/silica sol phase thermochromic pavement structure is still better than that 101
37 change material and studied the influence of its ratio and of SBS modified asphalt mixture. 102
38 dosage on the temperature-regulating effect of asphalt Thermoelectric material is a new type of material that 103
39 mixture. The results show that when the ratio of PEG 2000 to converts heat into electricity by thermoelectric effect, which 104
40 105
silica sol is 5:10 and the content is 3%, the phase change has the effect of environmental protection and low carbon
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
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Fig. 64 e Thermochromic materials (Gao, 2020a).

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gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
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104 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 (Sha et al., 2020). Under the radiation of hot summer solar conduction through conductive network (direct contact of 66
2 energy, the temperature of asphalt concrete pavement is up conductive phase materials) and quantum electron tunneling 67
3 to 20  C higher than the ambient temperature, and the effect (spacing of conductive phase materials is less than 10 68
4 asphalt pavement surface temperature is continuously up to nm), so as to improve the electrical, magnetic, thermal and 69
5 70
30  C higher than the bottom of the pavement or even more. mechanical coupling characteristics of concrete (Han et al.,
6 71
Thermoelectric materials are applied to asphalt pavement to 2015). When the concrete material is deformed or stressed,
7 72
convert thermal energy into electrical energy with the help the conductive network inside the material will change, and
8 73
9 of the thermoelectric materials inside the pavement based the electrical properties of the material will also change. By 74
10 on the continuous temperature difference between above monitoring these electrical and magnetic signal changes, 75
11 and below the pavement and between the road and the people can play the role of real-time monitoring of road 76
12 surrounding environment, which can not only reduce the traffic conditions (Liu et al., 2021a). The collection of 77
13 energy consumption, but also alleviate the urban heat island electrical signals usually involves the behavior of materials 78
14 effect (Loomans et al., 2003; Mallick et al., 2008a). Hu et al. in various electric fields (direct current (DC) electric field and 79
15 (2014b) designed a thermoelectric power generation system alternating current (AC) electric field with different 80
16 for asphalt pavement using heat-conducting aluminum frequencies). Under DC electric field, cement-based 81
17 82
sheet instead of water flow pipe network as heat transfer composites will produce obvious polarization phenomenon,
18 83
body. The generation voltage of thermoelectric elements is which will affect the collection of electrical signals. It needs
19 84
20 shown in Fig. 65 (Li et al., 2015a). By constructing dynamic to be polarized for a period of time, and the influence of 85
21 simulation models such as heat collecting mathematical polarization under AC electric field is very small (Han et al., 86
model for asphalt pavement, heat transfer mathematical €
2014; Oztürk et al., 2020). By adding different carbon based
22 87
23 model for heat-conducting aluminum sheet and materials to concrete materials, including carbon nanotubes 88
24 semiconductor thermoelectric power generation (CNTs), graphene nanosheets (GNP), carbon black (CB) and 89
25 mathematical model, theoretical analysis and experimental carbon fiber (CF), all cyclic loading and unloading processes 90
26 study were carried out on the system. The results show that can be successfully perceived (Al-Dahawi et al., 2017). The 91
27 the heat transfer in asphalt concrete can be enhanced by sensing signal collection system is shown in Fig. 66. On the 92
28 93
using heat-conducting aluminum sheet as heat carrier, thus road research facility of Minnesota (MnROAD), the
29 94
reducing the temperature gradient and thermal stress of prefabricated and cast-in-place self-sensing CNT concrete
30 95
pavement. sensors are integrated into the pavement test part at the
31 96
32 same time which can realize real-time vehicle flow detection 97
33 Traffic detection based on ontology perception. In the with high detection rate and low false alarm rate (Han et al., 98
34 early 1990s, it was observed for the first time that adding short 2013). Compared with device sensing, ontology sensing has 99
35 carbon fiber can improve the perceptual performance of or- the advantages of long-term durability and good 100
36 dinary concrete. By adding conductive phase materials to the compatibility with concrete structure. However, there are 101
37 matrix of road materials, the conductive phase materials are still many deficiencies in structural design, evaluation 102
38 evenly dispersed in the matrix through effective dispersion criteria and model construction, which need further research. 103
39 and mixing technology to form a wide range of conductive 104
40 105
network. The current can form percolation like current Structural health monitoring based on ontology
41 106
perception. With the continuous growth of road structure,
42 107
43 under the comprehensive influence of vehicle load and 108
44 external environment, the integrity of the structure continues 109
45 to decline, resulting in pavement diseases will have an impact 110
46 on road safety. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the 111
47 integrity of road structure based on structural health moni- 112
48 toring (SHM). SHM system usually includes three functions: 113
49 damage detection, prognostic, and risk assessment (Fig. 67). 114
50 The common SHM technology is to obtain the real-time data 115
Fig. 65 e Voltage diagrams generated by testing
51 116
thermoelectric components (Li et al., 2015a). of the structure by installing sensors such as optical fiber,
52 117
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Fig. 66 e Working principle diagram of ontology sensing concrete (Al-Dahawi et al., 2017).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 105/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 105

1 accuracy, wider detection range and excellent robustness 66

2 than the strain gauge, which can resist the polarization 67
3 inside the concrete and the change of external environment 68
4 (Han et al., 2013). It is considered that adding CNT and CF to 69
5 70
concrete properly can make up for the high cost of CNT and
6 71
the inability of CF to measure high strain (Yildirim et al.,
7 72
2018). It is found that conductive concrete with high
8 73
9 mechanical properties, high microstructure properties and 74
10 high durability can be prepared by using CNT and GNP 75
11 (Abedi et al., 2020). The electrical properties of road 76
12 materials can not only realize the self-monitoring of road 77
13 structure, but also sense the road traffic conditions. 78
14 Therefore, building SHM system based on ontology 79
15 perception is one of the main research contents of SHM 80
16 technology. However, it is still in the preliminary 81
Fig. 67 e SHM functionalities (Doghri et al., 2021).
17 82
experimental stage, and further research on conductive
18 83
concrete materials, evaluation standards and design theory
19 84
20 strain gauge and piezoelectric strain sensor into the structure is needed. 85
21 (Li and Ou, 2009). Optical fiber sensor is an ideal choice for 86
22 SHM at present, because it has the characteristics of wide 5.1.3. Road adaptation and adjustment function 87
23 measurement range, high sensitivity, good durability, good Radiation reflective pavement. Urban heat island effect 88
24 stability, small volume, and is less affected by the external refers to an increased temperature in urban areas compared 89
25 environment (Lo  pez-Higuera et al., 2011). Although the to its surrounding rural areas (Fig. 68). The increased 90
26 sensor components such as strain gauge and piezoelectric temperature is mainly caused by the transformation of 91
27 strain sensor have appropriate structural health monitoring natural ground into artificial surfaces and the resulting 92
28 93
accuracy, the installation quantity of these sensors is increase of solar radiation absorption (Mohajerani et al.,
29 94
limited, and the monitoring accuracy is easily affected by 2017; Rizwan et al., 2008; Santamouris, 2007). Especially
30 95
the environment, so there are great limitations in use (Glisic asphalt pavements have a high solar absorption and thermal
31 96
32 and Inaudi, 2012). The ideal solution is to transform the mass for energy storage (Aletba et al., 2021), increasing the 97
33 whole road structure into a self-sensing system similar to surface temperature of the pavement and in turn increasing 98
34 the biological nervous system. Conductive concrete the surrounding air temperature. Different strategies have 99
35 materials with self-sensing function are made possible by been developed and researched to mitigate the urban heat 100
36 adding conductive phase materials such as carbon fiber (CF), island effect. The strategy of cool pavements can 101
37 carbon nanotube (CNT) or graphene nanoflake (GNP) to the significantly reduce the surface temperature and hence, 102
38 pavement materials. For example, it is found that the reduce the air temperature in urban areas. A reduced 103
39 conductive concrete with CNT has higher detection surface temperature can be achieved through heat storage 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
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59 124
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64 129
Fig. 68 e Mechanism of the rising air temperatures in urban areas due to an increasing anthropogenic heat release,
65 130
especially the increased absorption of solar energy (Mohajerani et al., 2017).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 106/185

106 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 modified pavements, evaporative pavements and reflective reflective pavement coating (Li et al., 2016d; Sha et al., 2017; 66
2 pavements (Anupam et al., 2021). Xie et al., 2020b). 67
3 Reflective pavement has higher solar reflectance charac- Adding pigments or translucent aggregates to the binder or 68
4 teristic (albedo). A higher reflectance entrails a lower absorp- asphalt mixture can increase the albedo of the paved surface 69
5 70
tion of radiation energy, which is converted into thermal (Balan et al., 2021; Xie et al., 2019). Thermochromic materials
6 71
energy. Hence, the pavement structure remains cooler. As Fig. are able to change colors due to a change in temperature.
7 72
69 shows, since the asphalt mixture design has no significant The addition of thermochromic materials to binder revealed
8 73
9 influence on the surface temperature due to radiation in dry a temperature reduction proportional to the dosage of 74
10 conditions (Aletba et al., 2021), various strategies have been thermochromic material. The highest temperature reduction 75
11 developed to increase the reflectance of asphalt road surfaces. occurred at the bottom of the top bituminous layer (Hu et 76
12 A promising strategy is the application of the reflective al., 2015; Li et al., 2020b). 77
13 coating on the pavement surface. Light colored surfaces re- A concern regarding the durability of reflective pavements 78
14 flects mainly visible light. Brighter colors exhibit a higher is the change in the solar reflectance characteristics due to 79
15 reflectance than darker colors. A temperature reduction of 10 natural weathering and tyre interactions. The albedo of an 80
C was achieved through pink colored coating (pink pigments asphalt surface increases by about 0.1 due to a weathering 81
17 82
embedded in an epoxy resin) (Zheng et al., 2015). Red colored induced color change. Whereas concrete surfaces show the
18 83
coating showed the least significance in temperature opposite effect and become darker (0.25) with time (Aletba et
19 84
20 reduction (Carnielo and Zinzi, 2013). In addition of reducing al., 2021; Hu et al., 2015). Colored and white surfaces lose 85
21 the surface temperature, the energy consumption of street about 5% and 10%, respectively, due to the weathering 86
22 lighting can be reduced and driving safety is increased due process (Xie et al., 2020b). Long-term effects of reflective 87
23 to an increased visibility at night (Hussain et al., 2021; Li et pavements on the urban heat island effect are still missing 88
24 al., 2016d; Wang et al., 2021f). The driving safety advantage to determine the effect of weathering and traffic on its 89
25 is limited to the occurrence of driving glare for bright color, performance. 90
26 requiring a balance between surface temperature reduction 91
27 and driving safety (Wang et al., 2021f). Increasing the Catalytical degradation of vehicle exhaust gases on 92
28 93
reflectance in the near infrared region through TiO2 particles pavement surface. The increasing number of vehicles on roads
29 94
in the coating is potential mitigation of the driving glare causes an increased emission of exhaust gases. The com-
30 95
issue (Xie et al., 2019). Another option is to utilize retro- bustion process mainly emits carbon dioxide (CO2). However,
31 96
32 reflective pavements, which reflects light back in the same due to incomplete combustion and the high heat, carbon 97
33 incidence angle (Rossi et al., 2016). Additionally, retro- monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ni- 98
34 reflective pavements prevent the surface temperature of trogen oxides (NOx) are emitted, which are major pollutions of 99
35 surrounding objects to increase, which occurs for reflective  cs et al., 2021). These emissions are
cities (Jia et al., 2021; Kova 100
36 pavements due to multi-directional radiation reflection. The directly related to health issues like respiratory and 101
37 environmental impact of reflective coatings is similar to cardiovascular diseases and environmental damage like acid 102
38 other surface treatment methods like slurry seal and rain (Kotowski et al., 2020; Pang et al., 2021). Air pollution 103
39 overlays (Li et al., 2016d). However, an increase in durability reduction measurements commonly addresses traffic, 104
40 105
is necessary to further advance reflective coated pavements. aiming to reduce pollutant concentrations below a limit
41 106
The lack in durability is mainly attributed to the different values. Since in urban environments the air quality is largely
42 107
43 mechanical response of asphalt binder and resin used in the influenced by local traffic conditions, traffic restrictions are 108
44 an effective measurement (Jia et al., 2021; Santos et al., 109
45 2020). However, increasing traffic and public pressure on 110
46 political legislation can moderate the effectiveness. 111
47 Additional measures to traffic reduction and catalysts at the 112
48 source of pollutant emission are photocatalytic surfaces in 113
49 urban environments. As a relative near structure to the 114
50 emission source, pavements can be functionalized to 115
51 116
degrade vehicular exhaust gases to reduce environmental
52 117
53 118
Different photocatalysts like titanium dioxide (TiO2,
54 119
55 mainly anatase structure), zinc oxide (ZnO), iron oxide (Fe2O3), 120
56 copper oxide (Cu2O), and cadmium sulphide (CdS) are efficient 121
57 in degrading air pollutants emitted by vehicles (Chen and Liu, 122
58 2010; Hu et al., 2021). Among them, titanium dioxide is widely 123
59 used as photocatalysts due to mild reaction conditions, low 124
60 energy consumption, low costs, easy access, environmental 125
61 friendliness and minor generation of secondary pollutions 126
62 (Chen and Liu, 2010; Guo et al., 2019c). 127
63 128
The titanium dioxide has a bandgap of 3.2 eV and an
64 129
Fig. 69 e Relationship between albedo and pavement electron-hole pair is induced though radiation in the ultravi-
65 130
surface temperature (Aletba et al., 2021). olet (UV) region (l < 387 nm). The transfer of charges at the

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 107/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 107

1 surface of the catalysts accelerates natural chemical reaction different compared to the solar spectrum (Hu et al., 2021; 66
2 (Guo et al., 2019c). Hence, due to the presence of water, the Zhang et al., 2021). 67
3 molecules on the catalyst surface produce hydroxyl radicals, Adding titanium dioxide to the asphalt binder positively 68
4 which have a high oxidation potential (Ren et al., 2021a). affects the binder’s ageing process. The ageing process is 69
5 70
This radical oxidise carbon monoxide and volatile organic slowed down through high reflectivity and absorption of UV
6 71
compounds to carbon dioxide and water, removes nitrogen radiation and interaction with atmospheric radicals.
7 72
oxides by the formation of nitrous and nitric acid and is part Furthermore, titanium dioxide is used for the production of
8 73
9 of the tropospheric ozone generation. self-cleaning materials, due to the degradation of organic 74
10 Different procedures have been developed to incorporate matter, similar to the degradation of volatile organic matter. 75
11 the catalyst in pavements (Fig. 70). The application as coating Water rinsing removes contaminations on the catalyst’s sur- 76
12 is independent from the underlying road material, requires face and restores initial degradation efficiency (Carneiro et al., 77
13 less catalytic material, can be integrated in surface 2013; Cheraghian and Wistuba, 2020; Qian et al., 2019b). To 78
14 maintenance methods, and has a potential higher ensure that the inorganic catalyst adheres better to asphalt 79
15 photocatalytic efficiency (Osborn et al., 2014; Zhang et al., surfaces, silane coupling agents are used to improve the 80
16 2021h). The incorporation in maintenance methods, such as bonding (Hassan et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2015c). 81
17 82
fog seal, slurry seal and sprays, is a cost efficient way as Field measurements of the photocatalytic efficiency shows
18 83
lower quantity of catalyst are required compared to a high variability ranging from 0 to 56%. The reason for the
19 84
20 incorporation in surface wearing course. However, due to discrepancies within field studies and to laboratory studies is 85
21 the abrasion of the pavement surface and deposition of dust, that field studies are performed under different conditions 86
22 the efficiency declines with time. A reduction to 50% and sampling. A mean effectiveness of 2% to 4% was esti- 87
23 efficiency was observed after about 2.5 months of service for mated, attributed to the low proportion of pollutant air in 88
24 spray applications with a service life of 10 to 16 months for direct contact with the pavement surface (Cordero et al., 2021; 89
25 asphalt pavements (Osborn et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017b). Ferna  ndez-Pampillo n et al., 2021; Toro et al., 2016). 90
26 In contrast, the modification of asphalt binder with catalysts 91
27 ensures a constant degradation of pollutants, as the material Self-healing pavement. Asphalt pavements are dete- 92
28 93
is distributed throughout the surface layer, giving a longer riorating faster due to the accumulation of damage caused by
29 94
duration to the functionalised pavement (Fan et al., 2018). the increasing traffic volume. In addition, an ageing road
30 95
The degradation efficiency of photocatalytic surfaces de- network requires increased maintenance for its functional
31 96
32 pends on the weather conditions, radiation and catalyst con- operation. Approximately half of the produced asphalt is 97
33 tent. High degradation efficiencies for all air pollutant are consumed in maintenance, contributing to the depletion of 98
34 found in laboratory studies. The efficiency increased with primary materials. An environmental and economic beneficial 99
35 increasing catalyst content until about 5% to 7% was reached, solution to prolong the service life of asphalt roads is the 100
36 afterwards no significant improvement was detected utilisation of asphalt’s self-healing ability. Self-healing is the 101
37 (Carneiro et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2019, 2021h). ability to repair damaged areas and/or recover lost or dimin- 102
38 The efficiency can be improved by doping titanium dioxide to ished functionalities through using inherent resources. The 103
39 modify the bandgap. These modifications allow to utilise origin of self-healing in asphalt is due to its binder, which is 104
40 105
different radiation wave lengths, with the aim to shift the responsible for the viscoelastic behaviour and has fluid char-
41 106
bandgap into the visible light region. The doping with acteristics at higher temperatures. Self-healing is the direct
42 107
43 transition metals, especially iron as non-toxic element, or response to damage and is influenced by asphalt mixture 108
44 nitrogen, enhanced the sensitivity to visible light, and allow composition (filler and fine aggregates, binder type and con- 109
45 the application of the photocatalytic pavement surface in tent), traffic (damage degree and rest period), pavement con- 110
46 tunnels, as the artificial spectrum of the illumination is dition (ageing degree) and environmental conditions 111
47 (temperature and moisture). 112
48 The main investigated distress type in regards to self- 113
49 healing is the cracks. As shown in Fig. 71, the closure of cracks 114
50 is mainly governed by the viscosity of the binder and partly by 115
51 116
pressure, either internal due to thermal expansion or external
52 117
due to a compressive force (Grossegger and Garcia, 2019a). The
53 118
closure of cracks was observed on different scale levels,
54 119
55 ranging form nano to macro scale. At the bitumen scale, the 120
56 binder’s viscosity and the gap width affected the closure 121
57 speed (Shen et al., 2016). Similar results of crack closing 122
58 were observed at the meso scale in asphalt mastic (Lyu et 123
59 al., 2017). Recently, it was theorised that the increasing crack 124
60 volume due to fatigue damage and the crack volume closed 125
61 due to healing induce an optimum moment to achieve a 126
62 maximum self-healing efficiency. The optimum moment 127
63 128
Fig. 70 e Effective degradation rate of asphalt containing would occur in a range for an asphalt mixture, due to the
64 129
5.7 wt.% nitrogen doped titanium dioxide (N-TiO2) in the variability in damage and healing for individual samples
65 130
removal of CO and NO exhaust gases (Zhang et al., 2021h). (Grossegger, 2021).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 108/185

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20 Fig. 71 e Illustration of the self-healing process induced through heat to decrease binder viscosity and utilise thermal 85
21 expansion (Grossegger and Garcia, 2019a). 86
22 87
23 88
24 The loss of stones from the asphalt surface, known as temperature causes thermal expansion and degradation of 89
25 ravelling, is initiated by micro cracks occurring in the mastic the binder. These two mechanisms cause a reduction of the 90
26 surrounding the stone. It shows that self-healing could reduce grain to grain contact area and an increase of void volume 91
27 the ravelling of porous asphalt pavements. As shown in Fig. and smaller air voids. It is still unknown if the increase in 92
28 72, the amount of material lost during Cantabro loss tests void content is reversing the deformation and how it effects 93
29 was reduced for interruptive healing events compared to the service life. 94
30 standard testing (Liu et al., 2014). However, the already lost Since natural self-healing is a slow process and requires 95
31 96
material could not be restored, leading only to a deferral of temperature above a threshold to occur. Different self-healing
32 97
the ravelling process. This delay was observed for inductive methods are developed to enhance the self-healing of asphalt.
33 98
34 heating test sections as well (Lizasoain-Arteaga et al., 2019). The enhancement is based on the binder’s viscosity reduction 99
35 Moisture accelerates the degradation of the asphalt pave- to increase the self-healing rate and self-healing efficiency. 100
36 ment and has an ambiguous influence on self-healing. Since Reducing the viscosity is achieved through either increasing 101
37 water and bitumen have similar densities, water filled cracks the temperature or adding viscous oleaginous liquids to blend 102
38 prevents the surrounding binder to drain into the crack to with the binder by diffusion. Two promising and common 103
39 close it, thus inhibiting the self-healing of asphalt. The pre- researcher methods to increase the asphalt temperature are 104
40 vention of self-healing was observed in asphalt mastic and on induction and microwave heating (Norambuena-Contreras 105
41 bitumen layers between solid surfaces for instantaneous and and Garcia, 2016). Both methods require conductive 106
42 107
long-term healing. Self-healing, measured through binder material, distributed throughout the mixture, to convert
43 108
bond strength test, was enhanced for short-term healing of 4 transmitted energy to heat. Common used materials are
44 109
to 94 h for bitumen layers (Lyu et al., 2017). In asphalt mortar, a steel fibres, metal girt or recycled materials such as blast
45 110
46 slight enhanced healing was observed during water evapora- sand from steel cleaning or steel slag with a sufficient 111
47 tion, due to a faster evaporation in the crack area and the amount of metal remaining. These conductive materials 112
48 resulting increased hydrostatic pressure of water filled pores. often increase the price of the mixture. Reducing the 113
49 Moreover, stripping of binder due to moisture is partly binder’s viscosity by diffusion of low molecular oil requires a 114
50 reversible during water evaporation (Grossegger and Garcia, suitable storage system (Li et al., 2021d). Capsule or vascular 115
51 2019b). network based approaches are used to distribute oil storing 116
52 Permanent deformation are mainly due to volume change reservoirs. Different capsule production methods, shell 117
53 and to a minor degree due to shear related deformation. Since materials and liquids are used in the production of the self- 118
54 119
permanent deformation are considered irreversible, self- healing enhancing system (Li et al., 2021d). The diversity
55 120
healing is assumed to not be able to reverse the process. allows to create a system that response to a specific damage
56 121
57 However, due to intermediate resting, residual strain is form or releases the oil at a specific damage stage. Multi- 122
58 reduced by up to 30% (Sarsam and Husain, 2018). This layer or multi-cavity capsules can be used in several healing 123
59 reduction mitigates further deformation and reduces the events. The usage of low-molecular oil also has the function 124
60 occurrence of rutting, which prolongs the service life of the of a rejuvenator, compensating the fractional changes 125
61 asphalt pavement. A reversing effect to volume reduction during ageing (increased molecular weight and polarity) (Xu 126
62 occurred during induction heating (Garcia et al., 2020). et al., 2021b). However, production price, storage stability 127
63 Induction heating induced self-healing increases the and passive trigger of capsule based self-healing are a 128
64 temperature locally with the main purpose to specifically disadvantage of this self-healing enhancement. To actively 129
65 130
decrease the viscosity of the binder. The increase in trigger the release of oil, compaction methods can be used.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 109/185

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34 Fig. 72 e Stone loss of four samples with induction heating applied after different duration of loading (Liu et al., 2014). (a) 8 h. 99
35 100
(b) 12 h. (c) 24 h.
36 101
37 102
38 The combination of induction heating and capsules has the energy harvesting characteristics of different roads, such as 103
39 advantage that the increased heat increases the diffusion of the characteristics of high voltage and low current of piezo- 104
40 the oil to reduce the binder’s viscosity, which continuous electric pavement, the low energy density of thermoelectric 105
41 106
healing after the temperature reverts to ambient conditions. pavement, and random variation of power generation capac-
42 107
In addition, the rejuvenating properties of the oil mitigates ity of solar road. It is necessary to form a complete construc-
43 108
any enhanced ageing processes caused by the locally tion process of energy harvesting pavement, forming the
44 109
45 generated high temperature (Xu et al., 2020a). Other integrated design method of material and structure of piezo- 110
46 combination to enhance the self-healing and mitigate electric pavement, looking for high thermal conductivity de- 111
47 negative effects are researched like heating and re- vice suitable for pavement structure, as well as improving the 112
48 compaction to further advance this technology (Gallego et on-site construction, operation, and maintenance methods to 113
49 al., 2021). reduce the failure rate and maintenance loss of solar pave- 114
50 ment components. 115
51 5.1.4. Summary and outlook At present, it is a common way to improve the road sensing 116
52 Energy harvesting pavement is a technological innovation for ability to embed the contact sensor device into the road sur- 117
53 118
the development of the transportation infrastructure industry face, which is mainly used to measure the road temperature,
54 119
towards smart green roads, which will have great potential in humidity, stress strain, salt and other indicators. Non-contact
55 120
56 the future. At the same time, the technology still needs further sensing devices are mainly used to sense the alignment, ob- 121
57 development. It is necessary to improve the harvesting effi- stacles and surface defects of the road, and cannot sense the 122
58 ciency of the pavement. For example, traditional piezoelectric internal stress and temperature of the road structure, etc. For 123
59 materials are harmful to the environment, accelerating the non-contact sensing, various non-contact sensors should be 124
60 development and application of lead-free piezoelectric mate- applied according to the actual road conditions to enhance the 125
61 rials. Thermoelectric materials with high thermoelectric sensing accuracy. Materials with temperature sensing func- 126
62 properties should be developed. On the premise of ensuring tion, such as phase change materials, color-changing mate- 127
63 the anti-skid texture of the surface, the transmittance of the rials and thermoelectric materials, all have problems affecting 128
64 129
solar road should be improved. The corresponding energy the mechanical properties of asphalt mixture and cement
65 130
harvesting circuit should be improved, according to the concrete. The next step is to explore the layout form and

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 110/185

110 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 structure combination of asphalt pavement structure, and still many challenges in the application. The first challenge is 66
2 gradually reduce its influence. The ontology-sensed concrete how to control the quality of RAP. RAP shows variability in 67
3 is still in the preliminary test stage, and further research on composition, such as gradation, binder ratio, etc. (Gao et al., 68
4 the material, evaluation criteria and design theory of 2021; Li et al., 2019b; Shirodkar et al., 2011; Sreeram and 69
5 70
ontology-sensed concrete is needed. In the future, nanotech- Leng, 2019; Zaumanis et al., 2018). Therefore, the properties
6 71
nology, microelectronics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing of RAP should be well characterized to minimize the
7 72
and concrete digital manufacturing will be associated with variability of HRM. It is recommended that five to ten
8 73
9 ontology-sensed concrete, which will help improve the overall samples be collected and tested from each RAP stockpile to 74
10 performance of ontology-sensed concrete and transform the characterize the RAP. Besides, the asphalt content and 75
11 entire road structure into a self-sensing system similar to the gradation of each sample should be checked (Newcomb et 76
12 biological nervous system. al., 2007). The second challenge is the RAP utilization rate. 77
13 Due to the milling and crushing operations of RAP, excessive 78
14 5.2. Renewable and sustainable pavement materials fines can be generated so that the RAP gradation may be 79
15 significantly different from its original gradation (Zaumanis 80
16 This section introduces the latest achievements of solid waste et al., 2018). This may increase the risk of the variability of 81
17 82
recycling, including reclaimed asphalt pavement materials, HRM, thus potentially limiting the amount of RAP. Besides,
18 83
construction and demolition waste, solid industry waste and the HRM with high amounts of RAP can be excessively stiff,
19 84
20 waste tire rubber in asphalt pavement construction. The brittle, and prone to cracking (Shirodkar et al., 2011; Sreeram 85
21 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, energy consumption and and Leng, 2019). To improve these performances, more 86
22 VOC emission will also be discussed in this section. rejuvenating agents are needed to activate the aged asphalt. 87
23 However, the high rejuvenating agent content may reduce 88
24 5.2.1. Reclaimed asphalt pavement the road performance, especially high temperature stability 89
25 Asphalt pavement represents an important asset for pros- (Ahmed et al., 2021; Devulapalli et al., 2020; Dony et al., 2013; 90
26 perity and daily life in both developed and developing coun- Song et al., 2018). The final problem about HRM is high 91
27 tries (Cheraghian et al., 2020). However, asphalt pavement emission. The production temperature of HRM is normally 5 92
28  93
tends to be gradually deteriorated during its service life due C-15  C higher than that of traditional hot mix asphalt (Li et
29 94
to the effect of traffic load and environment (Mehranfar and al., 2021e; Ma et al., 2020b), thus more harmful gases can be
30 95
Modarres, 2018; Wei et al., 2017). As a result, a large number produced during construction (Mazumder et al., 2016;
31 96
32 of asphalt pavements requires preservation, maintenance Stimilli et al., 2017). Besides, the high production 97
33 even rehabilitation to ensure their good service index. temperature may make the RAP secondary aging, which 98
34 Asphalt pavement rehabilitation contributes a considerable may be harmful to the performance of HRM. 99
35 amount of waste produced each year. It is estimated that 100
36 approximately 790 million tons of reclaimed asphalt Warm recycled mix asphalt technology. To reduce the 101
37 pavement (RAP) were produced per year in China. In this carbon emission and energy consumption of HRM, WRM 102
38 context, there is an urgent demand to efficiently dispose technology, which combines the regenerative asphalt tech- 103
39 RAP to minimize its adverse effect on the environment. nology and warm mix asphalt technology, is proposed in 104
40 105
Nowadays, recycling of RAP is the most efficient and pavement engineering. Essentially, the difference between
41 106
economical disposal technology of RAP in the asphalt WRM and HRM is that the production temperature of WRM
42 107
43 pavement industry because it can greatly reduce virgin can be reduced by approximately 20  C-60  C due to the effect 108
44 pavement materials and costs in pavement construction and of warm mix additive. Because of the relatively lower pro- 109
45 rehabilitation (Hajj et al., 2008; Shrestha, 2009; Zheng et al., duction temperature, WRM technology can save energy from 110
46 2021; Zhu et al., 2020b). Generally, RAP recycling 18% to 30% compared to HRM technology (Almeida-Costa and 111
47 technologies can be divided into hot recycled mixture (HRM) Benta, 2016). In addition, lifecycle cost assessment studies 112
48 technology, warm recycled mixture (WRM) technology and show that WRM technology can reduce costs by 10%-30% 113
49 cold recycled mixture (CRM) technology according to their according to different technologies (Saboundjian et al., 2011). 114
50 different construction temperatures (Sukhija and Saboo, At present, various technologies have been developed to 115
51 116
2021). produce the warm mix asphalt (Goh and You, 2009; Oliveira
52 117
et al., 2013; Xiao et al., 2012c), including organic additives,
53 118 Hot recycled mixture technology. The HRM technology chemical additives and foaming (Alimohammadi et al., 2021;
54 119
55 include hot in-plant recycled mixture technology and hot in- Cheraghian et al., 2020). The warm mix additives can reduce 120
56 place recycled mixture technology (Du et al., 2019). HRM is the viscosity of asphalt binder at the production 121
57 composed of RAP, virgin aggregates, rejuvenating agent and temperature range, thus the compatibility and workability of 122
58 new asphalt. Its production process is similar to that of new WRM are greater than HRM. This characteristic is very 123
59 hot mix asphalt. Accordingly, its performance can be almost helpful to the paving and compaction of WRM (Hettiarachchi 124
60 equal to that of new hot mix asphalt, especially for hot in- et al., 2019; You et al., 2011b). Because of this characteristic, 125
61 plant recycled mixture. As a result, HRM can be suitable for the RAP content of WRM can be higher than that of HRM. 126
62 the treatment of most of pavement diseases and also all Although the WRM technology has been widely used in 127
63 128
layers in pavement structure. pavement rehabilitation and construction, there are still some
64 129
Although the performance of HRM is satisfactory to reach issues to be solved in the application. Because of the low
65 130
the requirement of all layers in pavement structure, there are production temperature, the RAP and virgin aggregates may

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 111/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 111

1 retain some water so that the water stability of WRM should 2018; Niazi and Jalili, 2009). Due to the reinforcement effect 66
2 be carefully concerned (Guo et al., 2014). Besides, many of cement hydrates on asphalt binder (Wang and Sha, 2009), 67
3 scholars believed that more RAP can be utilized in WRM CRME can have higher residual modulus and dynamic 68
4 compared to HRM due to its lower production temperature stability (Al-Hdabi et al., 2013; Baghini et al., 2015; Oruc et 69
5 70
(Frigio and Canestrari, 2016; Stimilli et al., 2017), however, its al., 2007), thus CRME has a satisfactory rutting resistance.
6 71
low-temperature performance and fatigue life can be However, cracking issue is easily occurred in the application
7 72
degraded if more RAP is added (Ameli et al., 2016; Babagoli et of CRME due to its low tensile strength and low ductility.
8 73
9 al., 2021; Huang et al., 2013). The indirect tensile strength of CRME is much lower than 74
10 that of hot mix asphalt in most studies (Bocci et al., 2011; 75
11 Cold recycled mixture technology. As mentioned Graziani et al., 2016; Grilli et al., 2016; Kavussi and Modarres, 76
12 above, HRM and WRM technologies have been widely used in 2010; Meocci et al., 2016; Niazi and Jalili, 2009). Besides, the 77
13 pavement engineering. Their overall performances can be indirect tensile strength (ITS) of CRME also shows high 78
14 nearly equal to those of traditional asphalt mixture. However, moisture susceptibility. The conditioned to unconditioned 79
15 the amount of RAP should be limited in these two technolo- ITS ratio is normally lower than 0.7 (Du, 2018; Ouyang et al., 80
16 gies to obtain the desirable performances. In this context, CRM 2020). Overall, CRME has lower performance compared to 81
17 82
technology is proposed to maximize the amount of RAP. HRM and WRM, especially in cracking resistance.
18 83
Compared with HRM and WRM, CRM is an more environment- Due to the low tensile strength, CRME has a relative low
19 84
20 friendly and economic recycling technology. It can maximize cracking resistance. To improve the cracking resistance of 85
21 the amount of RAP to be recycled and minimize carbon CRME, factors influencing the mechanical and pavement 86
22 emissions and energy consumption due to its low construc- properties of CRME were intensively investigated in the past, 87
23 tion temperature (Day et al., 2019; Meocci et al., 2016). The such as the gradation type, asphalt emulsion content, the 88
24 utilization rate of RAP in CRM is normally between 70% and additional water content, the cement content and cement 89
25 100% (Flores et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2017a; Rodrı́guez- types, filler types, curing condition, and compaction method 90
26 Ferna ndez et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021g). According to the (Al-Hdabi et al., 2013; Bocci et al., 2011; Du, 2018; Fang et al., 91
27 different binder types, CRM technologies can be divided into 2015; Garcı́a et al., 2012; Graziani et al., 2016; Grilli et al., 92
28  93
CRM with foamed asphalt and CRM with asphalt emulsion. 2016; Kavussi and Modarres, 2010; Lin et al., 2015; Miljkovic
29 94
Some investigations indicated that the overall performances and Radenberg, 2014; Ouyang et al., 2014a; Wang et al.,
30 95
of CRM with asphalt emulsion are superior to those of CRM 2018c; Zhu et al., 2019a). Comparing the results, it can be
31 96
32 with foamed asphalt (Dash, 2013; Ren and Zhu, 2015). found that increasing cement content is the most efficient 97
33 Therefore, only CRM with asphalt emulsion is reviewed in method for increasing the tensile strength of CRME. 98
34 the following part. However, the ductility of CRME can be greatly degraded 99
35 (Ouyang et al., 2014a), which can be greatly harmful to the 100
36 (1) Strength and performance of cold recycled mixture with cracking resistance of CRME. Therefore, the upper cement 101
37 asphalt emulsion content in CRME is usually no more than 2%. In short, there 102
38 is still a growing need to improve the mechanical properties 103
39 The strength and performance of cold recycled mixture of CRME to promote the use of RAP. 104
40 105
with asphalt emulsion (CRME) can greatly dominate its Because of the relative low pavement performance, CRME
41 106
application scope and service life in the application, thus it is normally used in the base and sub-base layers in motorway.
42 107
43 has been extensively studied after this material was reported. The low performance of CRME is attributed to two reasons. 108
44 Cement is normally added into CRME to improve its perfor- Firstly, the void content of CRME is very high (>8%) (Ouyang et 109
45 mances, such as early strength, permanent deformation al., 2014a). As shown in Fig. 73, water is acted as lubricant in 110
46 resistance, water stability, etc. (Grilli et al., 2012; Lin et al., CRME during compaction (Yang et al., 2021b). However, 111
47 112
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Fig. 73 e Volumetric composition of CRME. (a) After compaction. (b) After curing.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 112/185

112 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 water can be evaporated during curing to leave voids in have a strong adsorption ability with emulsifier and asphalt 66
2 hardened CRME. As a result, the high void content is a droplets (Ouyang et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2009). Direct 67
3 feature of CRME compared to HRM and WRM. Secondly, the droplet adhesion on solid surface can be dominated. To 68
4 adhesive ability of asphalt emulsion residue can be lower ensure the good workability of CRME, two common 69
5 70
than that of traditional hot mix asphalt. Hot asphalt is a alternative ways are to reduce the reactivity of mineral filler,
6 71
low-viscosity fluid. It can easily penetrate to the surface i.e., changing mixing sequence (Ouyang et al., 2016) and
7 72
texture of aggregate and coat aggregate well. However, adding surfactant (Ouyang et al., 2014b, 2016) and improving
8 73
9 asphalt droplets are difficult to penetrate to the surface the chemical stability of emulsifier by employing nonionic 74
10 texture of aggregate. As a result, asphalt emulsion mastic emulsifier as co-emulsifier in emulsion production. Besides, 75
11 may have a poor bonding interface with aggregate (Ouyang scholars recently realized that the demulsifying behavior of 76
12 et al., 2019). asphalt emulsion could affect its coating ability on aggregate 77
13 and asphalt membrane structure (Ouyang et al., 2019, 2020), 78
14 (2) Variability analysis of asphalt emulsion further affecting the mechanical properties of bitumen 79
15 emulsion materials. The first demulsifying behavior (i.e., 80
16 Compared to HRM and WRM, except for the relative low droplets coalescence and further adsorption on solid 81
17 82
performances, CRME also shows larger variability in perfor- surface), which is more beneficial to the asphalt membrane
18 83
mances. The performance variability of CRME can be due to structure, can obtain better mechanical properties of CRME
19 84
20 the variability in RAP and asphalt emulsion. In the aspect of (Ouyang et al., 2020). 85
21 RAP properties, because the RAP content of CRME is higher Except for the demulsifying behavior of asphalt emulsion, 86
22 than that of HRM and WRM, the aggregate gradation of CRME the drying behavior, properties of residue and film formation 87
23 is more difficultly controlled than that of HRM and WRM. In structure of asphalt emulsion can also greatly affect the 88
24 the aspect of asphalt emulsion, the properties of asphalt hardening rate and mechanical properties of CRME. Howev- 89
25 emulsion, such as demulsifying behavior, drying behavior, er, these properties are seldom investigated in previous 90
26 properties of residue and film formation structure, can greatly studies. Most of the previous studies on CRME are based on 91
27 affect the workability, hardening rate and mechanical prop- only an asphalt emulsion. Besides, no index is proposed to 92
28 93
erties of CRME. Compared to the issue of the variability of RAP, evaluate the drying behavior, properties of residue and film
29 94
the properties of asphalt emulsion is more difficult to be un- formation structure of asphalt emulsion. Fortunately, the
30 95
derstood by pavement scholars and engineers, thus they are maximum packing fraction of asphalt droplets, which is
31 96
32 reviewed in this paper. formed during drying, is proposed in the year of 2021. The 97
33 The demulsifying behavior of asphalt emulsion can greatly maximum packing fraction of asphalt droplets can be 98
34 affect the workability and mechanical properties of CRME. To determined from the drying curve of asphalt emulsion 99
35 better utilize asphalt emulsion in CRME, the demulsifying (Ouyang et al., 2021b). A higher value of the maximum 100
36 behavior of asphalt emulsion was extensively studied. packing fraction of asphalt droplets indicates that asphalt 101
37 Generally, the demulsifying behavior of asphalt emulsion is emulsion can be dried more quickly (Ouyang et al., 2021b). 102
38 both the reactivity of filler and the chemical stability of Meanwhile, this index can be also a quantitative index to 103
39 asphalt emulsion (Acevedo et al., 2001; Fang et al., 2016b; evaluate the demulsification process of asphalt emulsion 104
40 105
Ouyang et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2009, 2013a; Ziyani et al., (Ouyang et al., 2021a). Moreover, it is a general consensus
41 106
2013). As shown in Fig. 74, it was proved that there are two in the latex field that maximum particles packing fraction
42 107
43 demulsifying behaviors when asphalt emulsion is mixed can greatly affect the film structure and properties of latex 108
44 with fine solid (Ouyang et al., 2018). One is asphalt droplet film (Chevalier et al., 1992; Keddie and Routh, 2010). 109
45 coalescence. The other is the direct droplet adhesion on Therefore, the maximum packing fraction of asphalt 110
46 solid surface. Which demulsifying behavior is dominated droplets can be a reasonable index to judge the quality of 111
47 depends on the reactivity of mineral filler with emulsifier bitumen emulsion from the aspects of drying, 112
48 and asphalt droplets. High reactive fillers like cement can demulsifying, properties of residue and film structure. 113
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Fig. 74 e Demulsifying behavior of asphalt emulsion. (a) Droplets coalescence and further adsorption on solid surface. (b)
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Direct droplets adsorption on solid surface and further coalescence.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 113/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 113

1 (3) Future prospect of cold recycled mixture with asphalt (1) Recycled concrete aggregate 66
2 emulsion 67
3 RCA can be reused as base materials for highways with the 68
4 Since CRME has relatively weaker mechanical properties stabilization with cement and fly ash, as coarse aggregate in 69
5 70
and pavement performance than hot mix asphalt, it is nor- asphalt mixture layer. A carbon uptake estimation analysis by
6 71
mally limited to base and sub-base layers when it is applied in AzariJafari et al. (2021) stated that reuse C&D waste as RCA in
7 72
motorway in most countries. As a result, most of RAP from the pavement engineering can result in a maximum of 52%
8 73
9 surface layer is actually downcycled in pavement engineering carbon uptake within the pavement life cycle. But the 74
10 by this technology. In recent years, pavement engineers and mechanic properties of RCA are always not comparable to 75
11 scholars have been trying to use CRME as surface layer ma- natural aggregates, due to the highly porous cement paste 76
12 terial. To achieve this ambitious objective, the following attached to the original aggregates. This cement paste is the 77
13 principal issues should be solved. major reason that contributes to the higher porosity, higher 78
14 water adsorption and quality validation of RCA 79
15  The relatively weaker performances of CRME are due to its (Paranavithana and Mohajerani, 2006). So, there are many 80
16 high voids content. Therefore, how to reduce the voids opposite research findings when RCA was reused in asphalt 81
17 82
content of CRME is a vital technical issue. mixture. Aggregate treatment and mixture enhancement are
18 83
 The properties of asphalt emulsion can greatly affect the therefore widely studied to improve the performance of
19 84
20 performance of CRME. However, current evaluation methods asphalt mixtures that contain RCA, by improving the 85
21 of asphalt emulsion in the specification do not consider the mechanic behavior of the attached porous cement paste 86
22 important technical properties of asphalt emulsion, such as layer. Fig. 75 concludes the pre-treatments on RCA to 87
23 the drying behavior of asphalt emulsion, the cohesive and improve the physical characteristics of recycled aggregates 88
24 adhesive properties of emulsion residue cured under the and their resulted asphalt mixtures, according to the 89
25 ambient temperature. Therefore, the quality of bitumen literatures’ publication time. Table 32 concludes the 90
26 emulsions cannot be reasonably distinguished by current reported pre-treatments of RCA and their advantages. 91
27 evaluation methods. Thus, a better method index for evalu- The aggregate treatments include chemical treatment, 92
28 93
ating the quality of asphalt emulsion is urgently required. In heat treatment and carbonization. In the category of chemical
29 94
this aspect, the maximum packing fraction of asphalt drop- treatment, silicon resin was used to improve the surface
30 95
lets formed during drying may be a good choice to evaluate morphology (Zhu et al., 2012), water stability (Hou et al., 2014a;
31 96
32 the quality of asphalt emulsion. Lei et al., 2020), calcium hydroxide solution, methanesiliconic 97
33 acid sodium salt solution (You et al., 2020d), acetic acid (Kazmi 98
34 5.2.2. Solid waste recycling in pavement et al., 2019), sulphuric acid (Jindal et al., 2017), and cement slag 99
35 Asphalt pavement construction requires huge amount of paste (Lee et al., 2012) and cement slurry was used to increase 100
36 natural materials due to its enormous mileage which is the mechanical strength (Hou et al., 2014a; You et al., 2020d). 101
37 keeping growing world widely. Such highly material depen- As early as the 1990s, Lee et al. (1993) concluded that coating 102
38 dent makes it as an ideal application area for the recycling of and sealants can minimize the binder absorption by porous 103
39 industry solid wastes. In China, the dramatic increasing of RCA. Kazmi et al. (2019) carried on a comparative study on 104
40 105
pavement construction is nowadays facing the shortage of the resulted mechanical behavior of RCA with different
41 106
natural aggregates, and environmental issues as well. Many treatments, including acid immersion, mechanical rubbing,
42 107
43 types of solid waste were therefore recycled in pavement carbonation and combination treatments. They found that 108
44 engineering, while construction and demolition waste, steel the stress-strain behavior, like split tensile strength and 109
45 slag and waste tire rubber were considered as the major flexural strength, can be significantly improved. Presoaking 110
46 reused solid waste. in acidic solution, heat treatment followed by a short 111
47 mechanical treatment was carried on with RCA based 112
48 Construction and demolition waste. Construction and asphalt mixture in the research from Al-Bayati et al. (2018), 113
49 demolition (C&D) waste, which contains concrete, brick, glass, to improve the volumetric properties. 114
50 metal, wood and many other things, is a giant of solid waste Heating techniques were also applied on RCA to enhance 115
51 116
due to the continuous booming construction of infrastructures the aggregate properties. Wong et al. (2007) reported that
52 117
(Zhao et al., 2020a). More than 480 million tons of C&D waste is heating from 27  C to 950  C can convert the constituent
53 118
annually generated in the United States, while the amount in calcium carbonate component into free lime (calcium oxide),
54 119
55 China is about 3500 million tons. Such massive landfilling of hence improve the rutting resistance of asphalt mixtures 120
56 C&D waste leads to serious environment problems. It is (Al-Bayati and Tighe, 2019). Bitumen emulsion was used to 121
57 therefore an urgent concern to efficiently reuse C&D waste in pre-treat RCA for asphalt mixture by Kareem et al. (2020), 122
58 the most affordable way. The wide-ranging material and heating condition of 155  C was applied at the same 123
59 characteristics of C&D waste, depending on the original used time to minimize the uncoated area (Kareem et al., 2020) 124
60 materials in local demolished projects, makes it more and improve their stripping resistance (Pasandı́n and Pe rez, 125
61 complex to achieve efficient reuse. In road engineering, C&D 2014). Carbonization treatment by Zhang et al. (2015b) 126
62 waste can be reused in the form of recycled concrete indicated that the carbonation increased the density and 127
63 128
aggregates (RCA) and mineral fillers, after proper mechanic decreased the water absorption and crushing value of RCA.
64 129
treatments like crushing, separation and grinding. Both CaCO3 and silica gel formed during carbonation can be
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 114/185

114 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 70
6 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 76
12 77
13 78
14 79
15 80
16 81
17 82
18 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 Fig. 75 e Pre-treatments for enhancing physical characteristics of RCA in the literatures. 90
26 91
27 92
found on the RCA surface, which positively contribute to the pavement performance. Secondly, the life cycle
28 93
decreased absorption and increased hardness of RCA. environmental analysis is needed during RCA based asphalt
29 94
30 Thanks to the high-value added research, the physical pavement applications. A construction energy index was 95
31 properties of RCA can be ensured to meet the specification proposed to determine the relative amounts of energy saved 96
32 requirements for asphalt mixtures. Although Mills-Beale and by recycling RCA in asphalt mixture (Mills-Beale and You, 97
33 You (2010) approved that the mixtures with 75% of RCA can 2010). Construction energy index analysis indicates that 98
34 be used in low-traffic condition, and there is no doubt that more compaction energy is needed before opened to traffic 99
35 increase the adding ratio of RCA in mixture will decrease the when RCA adding ratio decreases. 100
36 101
37 102
38 103
39 Table 32 e The reported pre-treatments of RCA and their advantages. 104
40 105
41 Pre-treatment Achievement Reference 106
42 Chemical Silicone resin Improve the strength, absorption, Zhu et al. (2012) 107
43 treatment adhesion with asphalt and surface 108
Lei et al. (2020)
44 morphology of RCA 109
45 Hou et al. (2014a) 110
46 Calcium hydroxide solution Satisfy the Marshall criteria with Wong et al. (2007) 111
47 increased resilient modulus 112
48 Sodium salt solution Improve the high- and low- You et al. (2020d) 113
49 temperature performances of RAP 114
50 mix 115
51 Acetic acid Improve the tensile strength and Kazmi et al. (2019) 116
52 flexural strengths 117
53 Sulphuric acid Improve the split tensile strength Jindal et al. (2017) 118
54 and water absorption 119
55 Cement slag paste or cement slurry Improve the moisture resistance of Lee et al. (2012) 120
56 mix 121
Lei et al. (2020)
57 122
58 You et al. (2020d) 123
59 Heating Heating energy will promote the convert of constituent calcium carbonate Wong et al. (2007) 124
60 treatment component into free lime. 125
Al-Bayati and Tighe (2019)
61 126
62 Kareem et al. (2020) 127
63 Carbonization Carbon dioxide react with calcium hydroxide and C-S-H to form calcium Zhang et al. (2015b) 128
64 treatment carbonate and silica gel. 129
Kazmi et al. (2019)
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 115/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 115

1 (2) Recycled mineral filler content and poor thermal efficiency. Therefore, pre-treat- 66
2 ments are studied to ensure the stabilized steel slag aggregate. 67
3 Mineral filler from C&D waste, with the nominal maximum Chen et al. (2016b) conducted hydration process by keeping 68
4 size not less than 0.16 mm, can be reused in asphalt mixture slags wet but not immersed in water, followed by silicone 69
5 70
design as mineral filler. For instance, recycled concrete pow- resin treatment. They found that the combination treatment
6 71
der (Chen et al., 2011c), cement kiln dust (Ekblad et al., 2015), with hydration and resin can obtain both lower porosity and
7 72
waste glass (Androjic  and Dimter, 2016), and brick powder coarse surface texture.
8 73
9 (Chen et al., 2011d) were found from the literatures on The environmental impacts of reusing steel slag in road 74
10 replacing of traditional mineral filler for asphalt pavement engineering is important as well. Behnood et al. (2015) used 75
11 design. But the performance of resulted mixture with C&D toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test to 76
12 waste as filler shows a wide range of variations due to the assess the environmental impacts of reusing steel slag, and 77
13 morphologies of the reused mineral filler, including specific claimed that the concentration of all heavy metals and PAHs 78
14 shape and surface texture. were below the regulatory levels, according to the drinking 79
15 Most of these studies compared the performance of water standard from World Health Organization and 80
16 asphalt mixture made with the alternative fillers and that Environmental Protection Agency. 81
17 82
made with traditional limestone filler. The results revealed
18 83
higher stiffness, longer fatigue life and better rutting perfor- Waste tire rubber. It has been a long time on recycling
19 84
20 mance using brick powder (Chen et al., 2011d) and recycled waste tire rubber in asphalt paving applications, as it is 85
21 concrete powder (Chen et al., 2011c), although low- nowadays being identified as a polymer modifier for providing 86
22 temperature properties decreased with the latter filler. The well-accepted property enhancement in the asphalt mixtures. 87
23 hydrated lime from C&D waste would give a positive The raw materials of waste tire rubber are natural rubber, 88
24 contribution to the moisture resistance of asphalt mixture, synthetic rubber and carbon black. Literatures show that 89
25 which acts as anti-stripping agent (Ekblad et al., 2015). natural rubber provides the elastic properties, while the syn- 90
26 thetic rubber improves the thermal stability and carbon black 91
27 Steel slag. In pavement engineering, another common improves the durability of asphalt mixtures (Akisetty et al., 92
28 93
practice of environmentally sustainable pavement materials 2009; Liu et al., 2019b). Two methods can be found to recycle
29 94
is reusing industry solid wastes in the pavement construction, rubber waste in asphalt mixture, which are wet process and
30 95
which include blast-furnace slag, fly ash, packaging waste, dry process. The wet process blends crumb rubber with
31 96
32 ceramic waste, etc. Steel slag, a by-product during the steel- asphalt binder before mixing the binder with aggregates, 97
33 making industry in an electric arc furnace, has been reused in while the dry process blends the crumb rubber with 98
34 pavement engineering as aggregate since the 1970s based on aggregates before the mixing. The wet process is used more 99
35 its high friction and abrasion resistance. It can be used not often, because it can ensure homogenous crumb rubber 100
36 only in surface layers, but also in unbound bases and sub- modified mixture (Liu et al., 2019b). 101
37 bases, after successfully pre-treated to minimize its volu- The drawbacks of crumb rubber modified asphalt binder 102
38 metric expansion (Shen et al., 2020). are high viscosity, low storage stability and released harmful 103
39 Khan and Wahhab (1998) and Bagampadde et al. (1999) components during its heating process. Amirkhanian et al. 104
40 105
approved that the mixture resistance to moisture and fatigue (2015) and Xiao et al. (2020) developed a unique pelletized
41 106
can be improved when coarse slag aggregates were asphalt rubber by blending of premium quality asphalt
42 107
43 supplemented with Portland cement, lime, polymer, and cement, crumb rubber made from recycled waste tires, 108
44 amine additives. Replacement analysis by Asi et al. (2007) hydrated lime and other preparatory additives. It created a 109
45 indicated that up to 75% of limestone aggregate replacement pre-manufactured matrix of asphalt and modifiers in a free- 110
46 with steel slag aggregates would not weak the mechanical flowing form that was transported and stored at ambient 111
47 properties of asphalt mixtures. Cui et al. (2020d) and Wang et temperature. Environmental concerns exist in recycling 112
48 al. (2020c) reused steel slag in micro-surfacing and found that rubber tires in asphalt. Further researches and experimental 113
49 the skid resistance can be enhanced due to the outstanding applications need to be best utilized by focusing on crumb 114
50 morphologies and hardness. Wu et al. (2007) reused steel slag rubber modified binders in hot mix asphalt. 115
51 116
as aggregate in stone mastic asphalt mixtures, with the result
52 117
indicating that the replacement of basalt with steel slag 5.2.3. Environment impact of pavement material
53 118
increased the low-temperature cracking resistance. GHG emission and energy consumption of pavement
54 119
55 Ahmedzade and Sengoz (2009) studied the mechanical material. Due to the emission intensive and energy-driven 120
56 properties of asphalt mixtures containing steel slag and found nature of pavement construction and maintenance, a large 121
57 that the use of steel slag as coarse aggregate could improve the amount of GHGs and energy are produced and consumed in 122
58 mechanical properties and conductivity of asphalt mixtures. the paving materials production, which includes the produc- 123
59 The major concerns that limit the recycling percentage in tion of asphalt binders, cement, aggregates, mineral, powder, 124
60 asphalt pavement are the volume expansion of steel slag and etc., as well as the mixing of cement concrete and asphalt 125
61 its high construction cost that resulted from higher optimal mixtures. To what extent the materials production would 126
62 binder content. Steel slags contain certain proportion of free impact the environment and how they can be improved are 127
63 128
calcium oxide (f-CaO) and magnesium oxide (MgO), which can critical questions to be answered in order to develop envi-
64 129
get hydrated Ca(OH)2 and cause large volume expansion. The ronment-friendly pavement.
65 130
porosity of steel slags also leads to higher optimal binder

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 116/185

116 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 (1) Estimation of GHG emission and energy consumption released the latest version of life cycle inventory (LCI) of 66
2 asphalt while LCI for cement concrete is rather outdated 67
3 The GHG emission and energy consumption of pavement (Marceau et al., 2006). The GHG emission factors for asphalt, 68
4 materials production account for an overwhelming propor- aggregate and mineral powder were also reported 69
5 70
tion in the life cycle (Yu and Lu, 2012). It is necessary to respectively in accordance with China’s specific emission
6 71
calculate the environmental burdens of producing materials factors. Most of the existing researches on pavement GHGs
7 72
that are needed in constructing and maintaining pavements. emission and energy consumption use national databases or
8 73
9 The regular pavement materials include asphalt, cement, commercial software, e.g., Gabi, SimaPro. Regional 74
10 aggregate, steel, water, etc. The energy inputs and pollutant disparities are difficult to be captured under the existing 75
11 emissions to manufacture raw materials depend on many framework. There is a need to establish a method to 76
12 factors, e.g., source, transportation mode and distance, investigate the GHG emissions and energy consumptions 77
13 production technology. For instance, Butt et al. (2014) from paving material production and construction at both 78
14 developed a method to calculate the feedstock energy of the national and provincial levels. 79
15 asphalt and quantify the mass and energy flows of the 80
16 additives, such as wax and polymer. For mixtures, the VOC emission of pavement material. Asphalt binder is 81
17 82
blending process (especially for hot mix asphalt) and recipe extensively utilized in highway and urban road due to its
18 83
account for a large portion of the energy consumption and favorable adhesive properties, while the release of volatile
19 84
20 vary significantly by cases. Chong et al. (2016) developed organic compounds (VOCs) during its production and con- 85
21 thermodynamic models for energy consumption prediction struction has posed unprecedented challenges to the envi- 86
22 of asphalt mixture production. ronment and stirred up considerable concerns. 87
23 It is reported that the use of warm mixing technology can 88
24 notably reduce the GHGs and energy consumption generated (1) Characterization and sources of VOC emission 89
25 by heating raw materials. Compared with HMA, energy con- 90
26 sumption and GHG emission are reduced by 25% and 30% VOCs, commonly released in the production and con- 91
27 using WMA (Dinis-Almeida and Afonso, 2015). Despite WMA struction of asphalt, are complex organic compounds with 92
28 93
has significant advantages in energy saving and emission low concentration, strong activity and great endangerment,
29 94
reduction, due to different types, sources, and regions of which have adverse impact on both human health and envi-
30 95
road construction materials, the specific cooling effects that ronmental safety. The composition and content of VOC largely
31 96
32 WMA can achieve are significantly different. A unified depend on the composition of crude oil and asphalt as well as 97
33 quantitative evaluation method shall be further refined. the oxidation level of asphalt (Boczkaj et al., 2014). The VOC 98
34 Moreover, a routine assumption of WMA application is its components of nearly 80 asphalt materials were 99
35 competent performance as to HMA, but whether this quantitatively analyzed by defining the fingerprint 100
36 assumption is tenable remains to be verified. components of VOCs (Xue et al., 2020). In other studies, the 101
37 composition of VOC was analyzed by simulating the 102
38 (2) Challenge and prospect of environment burden production of asphalt fumes in laboratory. However, its 103
39 estimation chemical composition in lab may be distinct from that in the 104
40 105
field. To compare such differences, binder storage tanks,
41 106
For the estimation of carbon footprint of pavement, the outlets of mixture plant emission and biography sites were
42 107
43 data acquisition has always been plaguing the estimation of selected and VOCs from field and lab were analyzed (Li et al., 108
44 GHG emissions and energy consumption. Santero et al. (2011) 2021c). Aliphatic hydrocarbons are primary constituents of 109
45 reported energy intensity ranges for the two main paving asphalt VOCs, with more than 74% of which collected under 110
46 materials, being 4.6e7.3 MJ/kg for cement and 0.7e6.0 MJ/kg laboratory test consistent with field samples. 111
47 for asphalt. Such a wide range is not surprising due to the 112
48 differences of system boundary selection, technology (2) Health injury of VOC emission 113
49 assumptions and production processes selections. 114
50 Unfortunately, many available studies employed a certain The potential hazard to workers’ health was examined by 115
51 116
value without justifying the reliability, which may alter the assessing the VOCs generated by the construction of HMA
52 117
results significantly when facing wide variations in the mixture on-site (Chong et al., 2014). The authors believe that
53 118
published emission factors. It is therefore prudent to adopt the most common VOC is toluene, followed by 4-
54 119
55 sensitivity analysis or uncertainty analysis to verify the ethyltoluene, p-xylene, 1, 3, 5-trimethylbenzene, and 120
56 robustness of the results (Yu et al., 2018b). A transition from ethylbenzene. The VOCs concentrations during filling paver 121
57 deterministic results (based on single best value) to hopper are generally higher than those during paving, while 122
58 probabilistic results (based on statistical analysis) is the corresponding concentrations during compaction are the 123
59 emerging to improve the reliability of results (Noshadravan lowest (Chong et al., 2014). Consistent scenarios have been 124
60 et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2018a; Zheng et al., 2020). However, reported (Li et al., 2021c) that the VOC emissions of 125
61 there is not yet a systematic methodology to quantify the pavement paving > compaction > cooling > service at 126
62 uncertainties associated with the calculations of GHGs normal temperature. The concentration of VOC in paving is 127
63 128
emission and energy consumption in the life cycle. remarkably dependent on the extent of air flow, which
64 129
An important aspect in environmental analysis is the denotes that asphalt fumes can be more toxic when there is
65 130
applicability of data in a specific location. Ducreux et al. (2020) insufficient wind. To determine the health injury of VOC

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 117/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 117

1 concentrations and pathways on construction workers, the interact with asphalt components to form a crosslinking 66
2 researchers also developed a probabilistic model based on structure, thereby inhibiting the release of lighter 67
3 Monte Carlo simulations and workers’ construction behavior compounds (Autelitano et al., 2017). Previous studies have 68
4 to better protect workers on site (Cui et al., 2020e). During also found that zeolite incorporated with Ca(OH)2 can 69
5 70
construction, the VOC emission from paving is the most effectively reduce the overall VOCs emissions and toxicity by
6 71
harmful to workers, with its concentration varies from 0 to more than 37% (Sharma and Lee, 2017; Zhang et al., 2021k).
7 72
137.97 mg/m3. Studies have shown that the carcinogenic risk The incorporation of RAP also led to a positive conclusion
8 73
9 index of VOCs in asphalt paving ranges from 1.89  10-6 to (Wei et al., 2021). RAP mainly affects the release of aliphatic 74
10 5.35  10-5, and the main contributions are benzene and hydrocarbons (ALH) and oxygen-containing hydrocarbon 75
11 ethylbenzene, which have a large potential carcinogenic risk derivatives in VOCs. When RAP aggregate content reached 76
12 (Li et al., 2021c). 70%, VOCs emission was dramatically reduced by 94.82%. 77
13 VOC emissions during road construction are temporary as 78
14 the construction operation will not last more than a few (4) Prospect of VOC emission study 79
15 hours. On the contrary, in the processing and mixing plant of 80
16 asphalt binder and asphalt mixture, the main sources of VOC In general, the composition characterization of asphalt 81
17 82
emissions are the refining process and the heating device used VOCs remains further explorations. VOC is closely related to
18 83
in heat storage tank, where VOC pollutions are prone to be an the production conditions and types of asphalt, which de-
19 84
20 issue for months during road construction (Boczkaj et al., termines the complexity of its analysis. How to better estab- 85
21 2014). Similar conclusions were found in another study that lish the correlation between laboratory simulation and field 86
22 asphalt storage tanks were the largest VOCs emission, which VOC emissions remains the direction that should be paid 87
23 is approximately 3 times and 27 times of the relevant attention to in future researches. Furthermore, it is of neces- 88
24 concentrations in asphalt plants, respectively (Wang et al., sity to reveal the internal mechanism of inhibitors to mitigate 89
25 2020e). VOC emissions to better serve the development of renewable 90
26 and sustainable pavement materials. 91
27 (3) Inhibition of VOC emission 92
28 93
5.2.4. Summary and outlook
29 94
Reducing asphalt VOC emissions during production, mix- This section firstly discussed the latest research findings on
30 95
ing, transportation and paving is an ongoing issue and chal- hot recycled, warm recycled and cold recycled mixture tech-
31 96
32 lenge for transportation institution. Various approaches and nologies. Newly designed materials, such as rejuvenators, 97
33 chemical processes have been developed to reduce VOCs. self-healing agents and asphalt emulsion, have contributed a 98
34 Among them, activated carbon is considered to possess lot to the enhancement of recycled mixtures, making it 99
35 favorable adsorption and is widely used. When the mass ratio satisfactory for the requirements of all layers in pavement 100
36 of activated carbon changes from 3%, 4% to 5%, VOCs vola- application. However, there are still many challenges in the 101
37 tilization decreased by 26.9%, 30.7% and 32.6%, respectively RAP recycling, including the variability control of RAP, ultra- 102
38 (Xiao et al., 2017a,b). The same is true from layered dihydr- high RAP adding ratio, lower environmental impact during the 103
39 oxides (LDHs). The multi-nested layered structure of LDHs is asphalt pavement recycling, as well as water stability of warm 104
40 105
able to shield and adsorb ultraviolet light, prevent the release and cold recycled mixture. Newly qualified additives, better
41 106
of small VOC molecules, and reduce volatile rate (Cui et al., characterization methods and updated mixture design
42 107
43 2014). Despite a reduction in VOC observed from the two criteria are urgently required to enhance the service perfor- 108
44 additives, activated carbon and LDHs were reported to mance of recycled asphalt mixtures, by improving the inter- 109
45 reduce the crack resistance of asphalt mixtures (Cui et al., facial mechanical properties between RAP aggregates and 110
46 2015, 2016). Furthermore, biochar (Zhou et al., 2020b, c), fresh aggregates. 111
47 tourmaline anionic powder (Zhang et al., 2021l), geopolymer Recycling of solid waste, including C&D waste, steel slag 112
48 additives (Tang et al., 2020), fluid catalytic cracking catalyst and waste tire rubber, in asphalt pavement construction was 113
49 (Xue et al., 2020), mesoporous hollow silica particles (Wu et then reviewed. Chemical surface treatment, heating treat- 114
50 al., 2020b), association of alumina trihydrate and organic ment and carbonization treatment were developed to re- 115
51 116
montmorillonite (Yang et al., 2020a) have been found to arrange the surface characteristics, decrease the porosity and
52 117
inhibit the release of VOC and can be regarded as promising increase the hardness of recycled solid wastes that expected
53 118
VOC inhibitors. Unfortunately, the deterministic inhibitory to be used as aggregates in asphalt mixture. The ultra-high
54 119
55 mechanism of these inhibitors remains to be further adding ratio in asphalt mixture is part of the most concerned 120
56 illustrated. issues during the solid waste recycling in asphalt pavement. 121
57 Another effective method to reduce VOC is to lower the Life cycle environmental impact is another key research di- 122
58 production temperature of asphalt materials by using WMA rection for the reusing steel slag and waste tire rubber in 123
59 mixture (Espinoza et al., 2020; Rubio et al., 2013; Xiu et al., asphalt mixture. The recycling of solid wastes as mineral filler 124
60 2020). The option of WMA is receiving increasing attention or modifier needs further study on their micro-morphologies 125
61 due to the extended pressure of limiting asphalt fumes on and chemical behavior. 126
62 site construction. Organic waxes have been demonstrated Carbon neutral is nowadays becoming a global strategy, 127
63 128
during the production of WMA due to their viscosity- while China has promised to become carbon neutral before
64 129
reducing potential. In addition to reducing VOC emissions 2060 and begin cutting carbon emissions within the following
65 130
from construction temperatures, wax crystals tend to ten years. Environmental issues, including GHG emission,

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 118/185

118 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 energy consumption and VOC emission, related to the solid et al. (2021) established four prediction models of pavement 66
2 waste recycling in asphalt pavement full life cycle were temperature, based on deep learning methods including 67
3 therefore discussed at the end of this section. Although many convolutional neural network (CNN), long-term short-term 68
4 literatures reported successful GHG emissions and energy memory (LSTM), Bi-directional long short-term memory (Bi- 69
5 70
consumption of asphalt pavement in its life cycle, further LSTM) and gate recurrent unit (GRU). The air temperature,
6 71
estimation at both national and provincial levels are expected. depth from asphalt surface and time from March 2012 to
7 72
VOC emission is another serious environmental concern February 2013 were all used as datasets to predict the
8 73
9 during the application of asphalt pavement. Its emission asphalt pavement temperature. Choi and Do (2020) used the 74
10 mechanism, reduction methodologies and corresponding ad- road condition monitoring data, obtained by Korea national 75
11 ditives are the key focusing for green asphalt materials. highway pavement management system, to predict the road 76
12 condition index in the next year based on LSTM network. Pu 77
13 et al. (2020) developed a data-driven prediction model of 78
14 6. Intelligent pavement road surface friction using LSTM neural network. According 79
15 to the experimental results, the proposed deep learning 80
16 6.1. Automated pavement defect detection using deep model is better compared with other methods. 81
17 82
learning Deep learning is usually involved with image processing to
18 83
achieve object detection and subsequent analysis (Hou et al.
19 84
20 As the major highway network in China has been basically 2020; Yang et al. 2021a). It has been widely applied in the 85
21 completed, monitoring the health of the current in-service defect detection of various civil engineering structures, such 86
22 road and then conducting necessary maintenance are of great as bridges, roads, buildings, tunnels, etc. Generally, the 87
23 importance to ensure the public transport safety. application of deep learning involves defect classification, 88
24 Real-time and accurate monitoring of the conditions localization and segmentation. Classification is enough if 89
25 (stress, strain, deformation, etc.) of the road, including struc- only the existence of a certain type of defect is needed. 90
26 ture and materials, are quite important for construction Localization needs to be conducted if the defect needs to be 91
27 quality control, maintenance scheme, and early damage found out. If the detailed information (i.e., pixel level 92
28 93
detection and prevention. Through the monitoring of dynamic information), segmentation is needed. The illustration of the
29 94
response of road structure and evaluation of road conditions, three types of defect identification can be seen in Fig. 76,
30 95
many of the existing pavement distresses can be detected, taking laptop, keyboard and mobile phone as an example.
31 96
32 analyzed and repaired as early as possible. In the past, it is Regards of defect detection in pavement engineering, it 97
33 widely seen that road engineers carry out monitoring services mainly involves with the surface defect and internal defects. 98
34 based on the manual field detection. With the development of Surface defects include cracks, potholes, rutting, raveling, 99
35 advanced technologies such as wireless communication and etc., while internal defects include crack, hole, uneven 100
36 Internet of Things (IoT), more wireless sensor networks have deformation, interface failure, etc., as seen in Fig. 77. 101
37 been used to monitor the road conditions. The automated On the other hand, for non-traditional monitoring 102
38 monitoring can not only significantly save time and human methods, like monitoring using mobile devices such as smart 103
39 resources, but also can obtain massive road structure moni- phones, can also be used for road condition analysis by deep 104
40 105
toring data in a long, continuous and real-time manner. Thus, learning method. Basavaraju et al. (2020) proposed to analyze
41 106
how to analyze the obtained monitoring data has become the road surface conditions based on data collected by
42 107
43 crucial for road engineers. accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS data in smartphones. 108
44 Recently, deep learning and other artificial intelligence Jeong et al. (2020) presented a prediction method of 109
45 (AI)-based technologies have been gradually applied for the international roughness index (IRI) based on CNN using the 110
46 analysis of road monitoring data (Shtayat et al., 2020; Wang et multimetric vehicle dynamic data obtained by smart phones 111
47 al., 2019h). Meanwhile, due to the large sample sizes and and real IRI data. 112
48 complex features of long-term monitoring dataset, the To sum up, with the continuous improvement of the road 113
49 traditional statistic method may not be as powerful as monitoring system and the continuous collection of road 114
50 machine learning methods and deep learning method. Milad monitoring data in the future, combined with the advanced 115
51 116
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64 Fig. 76 e The illustration of classification, localization and segmentation (Pu et al., 2020). 129
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Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 119/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 119

1 vibration, stable performance, and long life. (3) High sensi- 66

2 tivity, low noise, large dynamic range. (4) Fast response speed, 67
3 self-scanning function, and image. The distortion is small and 68
4 there is no afterimage. (5) It is produced by very large scale 69
5 70
integration (VLSI) process technology, with high pixel inte-
6 71
gration and precise size.
7 72
CMOS is a low-cost photosensitive element technology
8 73
9 developed. Its photosensitive elements are mainly CCD or 74
10 CMOS, especially low-end camera products, while high-end 75
11 Fig. 77 e The illustration of pavement distresses. cameras are usually CCD photosensitive elements. Compared 76
12 to CCD, CMOS has the following characteristics. (1) Higher 77
13 noise generated during imaging. (2) High integration. (3) Fast 78
14 machine learning method, it will provide a more accurate and readout speed, address strobe switch can be randomly 79
15 reliable analysis on road conditions, helping the road engi- sampled to obtain higher speed. 80
16 neers conduct better maintenance work (Fig. 77). Taking into consideration of all the advantages and dis- 81
17 82
advantages of CCD and CMOS cameras, CCDs are most widely
18 83
6.1.1. Automated data collection method used in automatic pavement data collection.
19 84
With the development of image processing technology, the
20 85
21 pavement images can be collected by vehicle-mounted digital 3D laser camera. A 3D camera is also called a depth 86
22 cameras with driving speed, smartphones, action cameras camera. As the name implies, the camera can detect the depth 87
23 and UAVs. The inspection vehicle with well-configured cam- of field distance in the shooting space. This is also the biggest 88
24 eras can obtain the whole pavement lane videos while driving, difference from an ordinary camera. For road detection, it can 89
25 which usually collects pavement distress images from a top- rapidly obtain 3D road information, automatically identify all 90
26 down view. For example, digital highway data vehicle (DHDV) types of pavement defection and greatly reduce the man- 91
27 is applied in pavement distress images acquisition and machine interaction workload and the influence of human 92
28 detection with a fast speed on the road (Wang and Gong, 2005). 93
factors. This technology has been highly recognized by in-
29 94
On another thought, high-resolution mobile smartphones dustry experts and attained the international advanced level.
30 95
with proper configurations on the driving vehicles can It is at the leading level of international similar research in
31 96
collect distress images at a constant speed, which is cost- data intelligent processing and automatic calibration tech-
32 97
33 effective and convenient (Maeda et al., 2018). At the same nology. Two 3D line laser sensors were mounted at the rear of 98
34 time, some cars equipped with action cameras like Gopros, the inspection vehicles to collect 4 m full-lane-width 3D 99
35 which is an economic substitute for industrial cameras (Mei pavement images (Hsieh and Tsai, 2020). Raw point clouds are 100
36 and Gül, 2020). transformed into 3D pavement images, or range images, 101
37 through compression and rectification by the software. 102
38 Digital camera. In recent year, digital cameras are Compression rescales the height value of the point cloud to 103
39 widely used into automated pavement surface distress between 0 and 255 to generate a grayscale image, which is 104
40 detection areas for image data collection. The collected 105
shown in Fig. 78. In recent years, high-performance digital
41 106
pavement surface images are then used for surface distress line-scan cameras are used for this type of surface
42 107
detection and pavement performance assessment using inspection. Several main problems associated with analog
43 108
44 advanced digital image processing technologies. For this area-scan cameras do not exist with digital line-scan 109
45 purpose, two types of sensors are widely used in digital cameras, such as relatively low resolution and the necessary 110
46 cameras for image capturing, which are charge-coupled de- digitizing process of analog area-scan cameras (Wang and 111
47 vice (CCD) camera and complementary metal oxide semi- Smadi, 2011). 112
48 conductor (CMOS) camera. 113
49 CCD is a semiconductor device that can convert optical Structure from motion. Structure from motion (SfM) is 114
50 images into digital signals. The CCD image sensor has the a 3D reconstruction technology which can build 3D models 115
51 following characteristics. (1) Small size and weight light. (2) 116
from multi-perspective 2D images (Schonberger and Frahm,
52 117
Low power consumption, low working voltage, anti-shock and 2016). Feature mapping of those pixels from different
53 118
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Fig. 78 e 3D pavement distress image (Hsieh and Tsai, 2020).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 120/185

120 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 pictures are essential for SfM. Different from 3D cameras, SfM random forest algorithms. The main problem with 66
2 does not need the exact position of cameras that take the traditional machine learning (ML) methods is that they 67
3 pictures of the object, which makes SfM a more promising contain only shallow learning techniques. Without learning 68
4 approach to obtain the 3D information. On the other hand, higher level features, those techniques are not able to deal 69
5 70
SfM requires the surface texture of the object to find out with the complex information contained in the images. For
6 71
those matching points for the 3D reconstruction. While SfM example, the background of pavement images is largely
7 72
was initially used to reconstruct 3D models for body objects, affected by illumination and the environment (Hsieh and
8 73
9 pavement surface can also be reconstructed so that the Tsai, 2020). 74
10 surface defect information can be displayed in the model Deep learning pavement distress detection is benefit from 75
11 (Guan et al., 2021). Fig. 79 displays an example of pavement convolutional neural network (CNN). Deep learning algo- 76
12 surface 3D image generated from SfM. It can be seen that rithms with convolutional layers can learn image features 77
13 the depth image is similar to that generated from 3D image better and give reliable results based on deep features. Deep 78
14 from laser scanning. learning algorithms are used widely in pavement distress 79
15 classification, distress object detection and distress semantic 80
16 6.1.2. Automated road surface distress detection segmentation, which change from image level, block level to 81
17 82 Image processing-based method. Pavement distress pixel level shown in Fig. 80.
18 83
can be identified from their intensity differences in a distress The pavement distress classification is based on image-
19 84
20 image. For example, the crack is darker than the surrounding level, in which the whole image from the data set is classified 85
21 environment, the intensity value of crack is smaller than (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2019a). By using the 86
22 background. So the crack can be inspected by threshold seg- sliding windows to give classification to each kind of 87
23 mentation and edge detectors. A proper threshold can distresses. But the distress classification can not predict the 88
24 segment cracks from background in an image, extracting the exact location of distress in images, therefore, the objection 89
25 cracks geometry shown in images (Chambon and Moliard, detection algorithms are applied into the pavement distress 90
26 2011; Oliveira and Correia, 2009; Tsai et al., 2010; Zhang et detection, which can not only classify the distresses, but can 91
27 al., 2017b). But a proper threshold is difficult to be chosen to output localization of distress with a bounding box (Cha et 92
28 93
segment the whole crack geometry from the background. al., 2018a; Chen et al., 2017c; Cheng and Wang, 2018).
29 94
Therefore, an adaptive threshold method is used to extract Popular state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms like faster region
30 95
cracks in different regions in an image (Fan et al., 2019). At convolutional neutral network (R-CNN) (Ren et al., 2017) and
31 96
32 the same time, the intensity value changes called gradient YOLOV3 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2018) can predict distress 97
33 can be detected by edge detectors to distinguish cracks from successfully with high accuracy and fast speed. However, in 98
34 background, such as canny and sobel edge detectors (Ayenu- order to get the exact geometry of distress, semantic 99
35 Prah and Attoh-Okine, 2008). But all these methods based on segmentation is introduced into distress detection. The final 100
36 image processing is vulnerable to pavement conditions and extracted images only contain distress information, 101
37 illuminations from the environment, which is not eliminating the background. Segmentation generates a 102
38 generalized to be applied into different datasets. pixel-wise prediction of distress in the images, each pixel is 103
39 classified as distress or non-destress. The precise distress 104
40 105 Machine learning and deep learning-based methods. location and structure generated by crack segmentation can
41 106
The computer vision pavement distress detection is be used both to classify crack type and to obtain important
42 107
43 composed of machine learning methods and deep learning crack features. Unet and segnet with encoder-decoder 108
44 methods. Some popular detection algorithms based on ma- structure can concatenate the shallow location feature with 109
45 chine learning is support vector machine (SVM) (Chen et al., deep semantic information can better segment distress from 110
46 2017c; Fujita et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017e), artificial neural the background (Badrinarayanan et al., 2017; Bang et al., 111
47 network (ANN) (Hoang, 2018; Wang et al., 2019k) and 2019; Tabernik et al., 2020; Zou et al., 2019b). 112
48 113
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Fig. 79 e 3D model of pavement surface. (a) 2D image. (b) Depth image from SfM (Guan et al., 2021).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 121/185

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24 Fig. 80 e Crack detection trend with different analysis levels (Huyan et al., 2020). 89
25 90
26 6.1.3. Pavement internal defect detection technology, and proposed an automatic detection algorithm 91
27 92
Subbase and subgrade provide support function for the overall for highway subgrade diseases based on SVM. However, all
28 93
road structure, and thus they also require timely monitoring the above studies require manual extraction of features and
29 94
and maintenance to ensure the public transportation safety. the identification accuracy is related to data processing,
30 95
31 As subbase/subgrade layer generally stays below the surface sample diversity, kernel function and parameter selection. 96
32 layer, the distresses in subbase/subgrade layer are hard to The thickness of pavement layers can be automatically 97
33 seen manually. The widely used core-extraction sampling obtained based on the analysis of GPR data using artificial 98
34 method may easily cause irreversible damage to the road neural networks and support vector regressions (Le Bastard 99
35 structures (Zhang, 2010). Normally, such methods may also et al., 2012; Sukhobok et al., 2019). Li et al. (2021b) applied 100
36 need a lot of manual labor work and time, where the low YOLO version 3, 4 and 5 to detect the concealed cracks from 101
37 efficiency may not be suitable for subbase disease detection GPR images. The results of using the three different YOLO 102
38 versions were also compared and it was found that the 103
with very long mileage.
39 104
As an advanced nondestructive testing technology, the YOLO version 4 has the highest robustness. Fast CNN and
40 105
ground penetrating radar (GPR) has advantages in high reso- region-based CNN have also been used to identify pavement
41 106
42 lution, easy operation and intuitive results presentation, distresses in an autonomous way, including cracks, water- 107
43 which can effectively detect the conditions in the subbase/ damage pits and uneven settlements (Gao et al., 2020; Tong 108
44 subgrade layer (Luo, 2007; Yang et al., 2015). The identification et al., 2020b). Todkar et al. (2017, 2018, 2019) proposed a 109
45 of information is from the difference of dielectric constant for supervised machine learning method called support vector 110
46 different materials. The information obtained from GPR can machines (SVM) for detecting the debondings within the 111
47 include layer thickness, interface debonding, cracks, uneven pavement. The results based on asphalt pavement validated 112
48 settlements, water-damage pits, etc. Manual identification the efficiency of this method. Similarly, the debonding can 113
49 has been widely used based on the GPR images. Generally, also be detected using step-frequency GPR with a linear 114
50 115
GPR data analysis and detection is more challenging prediction and support vector regression (Le Bastard et al.,
51 116
compared with pavement surface defects due to the 2019). To summarize, multiple internal defects of pavement
52 117
complexity of the images, since the defects from GPR images layers can be effectively obtained from GPR data with
53 118
54 are not as obvious as that from visual images. Nevertheless, machine learning. 119
55 deep learning has been applied in the automated The deep learning-based methods can partially solve these 120
56 identification and detection of distresses from GPR images in problems. Tong et al. (2017) realized the automatic 121
57 recent years. Shao et al. (2011) analyzed the features of GPR identification, location, measurement and 3D reconstruction 122
58 images, and used support vector machine (SVM) method to of concealed cracks under asphalt pavement in GPR images 123
59 complete the automatic classification and detection of by using convolutional neural network. Liu et al. (2021d) 124
60 railway subgrade ballast diseases. Du et al. (2017b) realized used You Only Look Once Version 5 (YOLOV5) model to 125
61 identify internal defects of asphalt pavement, and verified 126
an intelligent recognition for railway subgrade diseases and
62 127
structures by extracting the 2D characteristic values from the effectiveness of GPR in pavement detection and
63 128
detected images based on SVM method. Zhou et al. (2013) maintenance. Du et al. (2010) extracted eigenvalues of
64 129
65 combined digital processing and pattern recognition various diseases from radar images and realized intelligent 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 122/185

122 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 recognition of subgrade diseases by using learning vector convolution neural network in the recognition of low- 66
2 quantization neural network. resolution ground penetrating radar images of low accuracy. 67
3 Another trend to use the deep learning methods for sub- As can be seen, the use of GPR for subbase/subgrade con- 68
4 base/subgrade conditions analysis is to conduct distress ditions monitoring and the corresponding machine learning 69
5 70
detection based on the object detection methods. Object methods for data analysis are still under development. There
6 71
detection is an important research direction of computer are still lots of work to do for road engineers for future engi-
7 72
vision (Sharma and Mir, 2020), and its purpose is to accurately neering-level monitoring, detection and analysis.
8 73
9 identify the category and location of a specific target object in 74
10 a given image. The current widely used object detection 6.1.4. Summary and outlook 75
11 algorithms are mainly divided into two categories: More than 700 literatures related to the application of AI in 76
12 classification-based detection algorithm and regression- pavement engineering have been summarized recently, as 77
13 based detection algorithm. Among them, the major seen in Figs. 81 and 82 (Yang et al., 2021). It can be seen that the 78
14 algorithm based on classification is R-CNN (Girshick et al., number of literatures has been increasing significantly in 79
15 2014), which has relatively high accuracy. The main recently years. AI can be used in multiple areas in pavement 80
16 algorithm based on regression is You Only Look Once (YOLO) engineering such as design, construction, monitoring and 81
17 82
(Redmon and Farhadi, 2017), which is relatively fast. Road maintenance. Out of the four categories, pavement
18 83
engineers can use the two algorithms based on the specific monitoring, which is usually related to defect detection,
19 84
20 research target. occupies the majority, indicating that pavement defect 85
21 Du et al. (2010) extracted the characteristic values of detection is the major area for the application AI in 86
22 subgrade distress such as sectional energy, variance and pavement engineering. 87
23 plane position from radar images, trained these In this section, we conducted research in analyzing the 88
24 characteristic values with neural network, and obtained the research trend on pavement surface distress detection in 89
25 classification decision rules for classifying various distresses. terms of top affiliations, territories, citations and authors in 90
26 Besaw and Stimac (2015) adopted deep convolutional neutral recent years. These results are shown in Fig. 83. 91
27 network (DCNN) to classify B-scan profiles into threat and It can be seen that the top 10 affiliations are Georgia 92
28 93
non-threat classes, and the results showed that DCNN could Institute of Technology, University of Toledo, University of
29 94
extract meaningful features. Lin et al. (2017d) used the deep Texas at Austin, Chang’an University, Southeast University,
30 95
learning methods to realize the automatic extraction of University of California, etc. Obviously, the most research
31 96
32 structural subgrade distress features, and the results show conducted by United States and China, followed by Italy, 97
33 that the automatic extraction of structural distress features Germany, UK, Canada, etc. This is the reason why this review 98
34 by deep learning methods is not disturbed by background focused summary on these two territories. Meanwhile, it also 99
35 noise, and the positioning results can meet the indicates that more research on pavement surface distress 100
36 requirements of engineering purposes. Pham and Lefe vre detections are required in China, because the total miles of 101
37 (2018) adopted the faster R-CNN framework to detect highways in China is far higher than that of US. However, the 102
38 underground buried objects in B-scan ground penetrating amount of research conducted in US are much more than 103
39 radar images, and the proposed technique can provide China, which also explains why the service life of pavements 104
40 105
significant improvements compared to classical computer of US is generally longer than that in China.
41 106
vision methods. Sha et al. (2019) proposed cascade The proceedings of SPIE seem continuously have the
42 107
43 convolution neural network to overcome the traditional highest total citations than the other publications in the past 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
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Fig. 81 e Literature review topics of AI in pavement engineering (Yang et al., 2021).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 123/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 123

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2 67
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4 69
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18 Fig. 82 e Literature review results of AI in pavement engineering (Yang et al., 2021). 83
19 84
20 85
21 86
15 years. However, this difference has a significant drop from solutions are still tested on laboratory level. Therefore,
22 87
23 2018, especially in 2021, at least till this review. This phe- the overall performance of those method should be 88
24 nomenon indicates that other popular journals are catching optimized to meet the requirement of practical 89
25 up this conference proceeding, which shows that more high- application. 90
26 quality research papers in pavement surface distress detec- 91
27 tion are published in recent years. The following four ranked 6.2. Intelligent pavement construction and maintenance 92
28 publications are Transportation Research Record (ranked the 93
29 2nd), IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 94
Pavement construction and maintenance inside the scope of
30 (ranked the 3rd), Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 95
transportation infrastructure industry is now facing their own
31 96
(ranked the 4th), and International Journal of Pavement problems, which covers pavement construction management,
32 97
Research and Technology (ranked the 5th). compaction technology and pavement maintenance decision-
33 98
When it comes to the top contributed researchers in this
34 making along with human experience and interactions. In the 99
35 field, the first one is Salari, E (Sun et al., 2009; Ying and Salari, context of “industry 4.0”, pavement engineers have paid more 100
36 2010; Yu and Salari, 2011) from the University of Toledo, attention to the digitalization and intelligence for their con- 101
37 whose research covers the topics of target detection, CT struction-related activities. By incorporating the artificial in- 102
38 image, image fusion, super resolution, sparse telligence-based technologies, the traditional pavement 103
39 representation, etc. With broad background and research construction and maintenance works have been reshaped and 104
40 interests, he has made significant contributions to automatic 105
the automation, efficiency, reliability and productivity can be
41 pavement crack detections using intelligent technologies. 106
significantly improved. At present, most of the relevant
42 Correia, P.L., Oliveira, H., and Xu, B., also have broad 107
43 studies are still conceptually proposed and limited to theo- 108
research interests covering computer science, image retical hypotheses (Pan and Zhang, 2021). To accelerate
44 109
processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and deep extensive applications of these intelligent technologies
45 110
46 learning, data analysis, etc, also made significant toward a growth phase, it is believed that the interest in 111
47 contribution to automated pavement distress detection and these topics will keep on the rise and become more 112
48 performance assessment (Huang and Xu, 2005, 2006, 2007; Li acknowledged. The overall objective of all related studies in 113
49 et al., 2009, 2010; Oliveira and Correia 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014; the near future is to pursuit the long-term sustainability of 114
50 Ouyang and Xu, 2013; Xu and Huang, 2005; Yao et al., 2015). pavement networks (Dabous et al, 2020). 115
51 In view of this results, the following findings can be 116
52 concluded as following. 117
6.2.1. Intelligent pavement construction management
53 118
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is proposed as a digital
54 119
(1) Utilizing the state-of-the-art machine learning and information database that can collect, manage, analyze, and
55 120
deep learning technologies for automatic pavement process construction-related information throughout the
56 121
distress detection and performance assessment is the
57 whole construction duration (Alizadehsalehi et al., 2019). 122
58 future trend in this area without any doubt. Comparing with the traditional construction management 123
59 (2) More researches in using advanced computer vision system, the BIM is capable to generate multi-dimensional (n- 124
60 and machine learning technologies for pavement D) and data-rich models and is generally accepted as the 125
61 distress detection should be conducted to prolong the most promising technology to optimize the construction 126
62 service life of pavements. quality, cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability 127
63 (3) Even though a significant number of researches have 128
(Alizadehsalehi et al., 2020b). Specifically, BIM can be utilized
64 been conducted in using the state-of-the-art technolo- 129
as an effective and efficient management tool in different
65 gies for road distress analysis, most of the proposed 130
phases of a new or existing infrastructure with varying

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 124/185

124 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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64 Fig. 83 e Pavement distress research trend analysis. (a) Top affiliations. (b) Territories. (c) Citations. (d) Authors in recent 129
65 years. 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 125/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 125

1 purposes, such as position determination, energy simulation, and maintenance data are integrated to improve the 66
2 construction schedule fabrication, cost evaluation, efficiency of BIM visualization (Motamedi et al., 2014). 67
3 visualization, equipment management, and design drawings BIM technology mainly employs industry foundation class 68
4 revision (Alizadehsalehi et al., 2020a). In addition, with the (IFC) as a common standard for information integration and 69
5 70
increasing pursue of safety in architecture, engineering, and exchange. Due to the limitation of the number of entities
6 71
construction (AEC) industry, BIM was utilized by many described by the IFC standard, the IFC standard is expanded
7 72
scholars to conduct safety inspections (Ibrahim and and applied according to construction needs. The IFC stan-
8 73
9 Golparvard-Fard, 2019). dard is used to propose the structure analysis model to realize 74
10 the meshless stress analysis of the model, the IFC building 75
11 Standardized integration of BIM information resources. structure model and integrated legal data establish the IFC 76
12 Data is the basis of digitization and information construction. database for land management to meet the needs of spatial 77
13 With the progress of project construction, the existing data analysis of engineering management (Park et al., 2020). During 78
14 and information resources will be gradually increased, the process of traffic infrastructure construction, information 79
15 continuous updating of multi-source data is the foundation of integration based on BIM model aim at the specific object of 80
16 information resource management. Large scale and complex construction stage. To improve information extraction, 81
17 82
structure of transportation infrastructure lead to heteroge- database building, BIM data access method and computer
18 83
neity, diversity and scattered storage of information re- visualization of three-dimensional model, BIM information
19 84
20 sources. Nowadays, BIM just involves a certain stage of the integration method for traffic infrastructure in the whole life 85
21 whole life cycle of the project or a professional field of appli- cycle is still a problem. In addition, a large amount of 86
22 cation, at the same time, due to differences in application information is recorded in external databases (spreadsheets, 87
23 system or software, the software information sharing is electronic documents, scanned copies of paper documents, 88
24 difficult, and a wide range of information resources integra- video files, etc.), but the extraction and integration methods 89
25 tion lead to data redundancy and waste of resources. For of information resources in the existing electronic 90
26 example, the BIM modeling software in the design stage documents remain to be studied (Maryam et al., 2021; Wu et 91
27 mainly provides the geometric information of engineering al., 2021). 92
28 93
components, and the budgeting software in the construction
29 94
management stage provides the cost information of BIM Construction field capturing technologies. BIM is
30 95
components. Project information integrated management is defined as the integration of structural characteristics, infor-
31 96
32 beneficial to provide the integrity, timeliness and interactivity mation and functional requirements of the whole life cycle 97
33 of information, and realize the dynamic optimization or active phase of a project into a high-precision model, while covering 98
34 control in the whole process of the project, it reduces the cost the time dimension related to the schedule. The establish- 99
35 of information asymmetry and improve the benefits of the ment of the operation and maintenance management plat- 100
36 project (Le et al., 2019; Marinho et al., 2021). Therefore, form provided a new idea for the application of BIM 101
37 effective integrated management of information resources is technology in the whole life cycle stage. To sum up, the 102
38 the basis of efficient engineering construction management. application of BIM has developed rapidly from the 3D visual- 103
39 By identifying, screening and classifying information re- ization stage to the 5D stage where time and cost are taken 104
40 105
sources and integrating them with BIM model, a multi- into consideration, and construction schedule can be simu-
41 106
dimensional BIM model is formed, which is an effective way to lated and controlled. At the same time, a cost management
42 107
43 integrate information resources. BIM and information can be system based on BIM platform has been formed. However, 108
44 integrated in the whole life cycle, conceptual framework for these cost benefits have not been quantified and the whole life 109
45 the integrated implementation of BIM is established to pre- cycle cost calculation has not been carried out, so it is 110
46 sent building information, such as BIM information flow, BIM impossible to quantify the benefits brought by BIM in the 111
47 model chain and BIM workflow (Ma et al., 2018b). Based on project, which has certain limitations. Nowadays, to capture 112
48 spatial decomposition structure and information and monitor the changes in the construction site, many sen- 113
49 decomposition structure, realizing the connection between sors are used, such as the global positioning system (GPS) (Wu 114
50 construction site drawing file and 3D design components et al., 2017b), radio frequency identification (RFID) (Zheng et 115
51 116
(Cha et al., 2018b). Considering the construction project al., 2013), and ultra-wide band (UWB) (Hwang, 2012).
52 117
duration, task priority relationship, resources, cost, However, those sensors can only obtain the rough shape of
53 118
application mode and other information, the corresponding obstacles but are difficult to acquire high-resolution 3D
54 119
55 relationship between BIM model components and work information of the environment. And, those onboard sensors 120
56 package template is built (Wang et al., 2020f), furthermore, can only observe some nearest dynamic change or obstacles, 121
57 identified progress, safety report and other document thus, the re-planned path which is adjusted based on such 122
58 information are generated in the construction process as local information may keep close to obstacles, this increases 123
59 structured information according to the degree of the collision possibility during the crane operation (Chen et 124
60 information overlap (Lee et al., 2018). Besides, risk al., 2018d). To fully identify the shape of obstacles and 125
61 breakdown structure (RBS), work breakdown structure (WBS) changes of environmental information in the construction 126
62 and BIM are adopted to construct a triangular conceptual site, many 3D measurement technologies are developed to 127
63 128
framework (Zou et al., 2019a), so as to build a 4D BIM model build a comprehensive 3D model of the as-is construction
64 129
that can be used to identify the duration of risk impact and site, such as the GIS and the laser-based sensors (Cheng and
65 130
support risk management analysis, equipment inspection Teizer, 2012) and the camera-based sensors (Chen et al.,

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 126/185

126 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 2017d; Yang et al., 2014b). However, both the LiDAR and conversion or integration with the help of intermediate 66
2 camera systems are required to be fixed on the construction format. Based on IFC and CITYGML, a lot of research work 67
3 site. As a result, when in the congested construction site, it has been done on the geometric and semantic information 68
4 is difficult for the two technologies to always maintain a conversion (Biljecki et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2018e; Deng et 69
5 70
clear line-of-sight under the influence of moving objects, al., 2016; Donkers, 2013; El-mekawy et al., 2012; Mignard and
6 71
which limits their information gathering effectiveness (Fang Nicolle, 2014; Skandhakumar et al., 2018; Tolmer et al., 2017).
7 72
et al., 2016a). To address this challenge, mobile information Based on the analysis of the accuracy of IFC model and the
8 73
9 capturing system is considered, such as the camera system multi-level details of CityGML, IFC geometric model is 74
10 on mobile unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) (Nakano et al., extracted and reconstructed to provide information into GIS 75
11 2016). Based on the onboard cameras on the UAV, a series of surface model with correct semantic information, so as to 76
12 hybrid images can be continuously collected during low- realize the conversion of IFC model to CityGML LOD3 model. 77
13 altitude flights, meantime, the GPS and camera pose Besides, the research on the integration of the two is also 78
14 information will be captured and stored for each image. focused on the practical thematic application (Alsaggaf and 79
15 Thus, the image position can be determined, based on Jrade, 2015; D’Amico et al., 2020; Karan and Irizarry, 2015; 80
16 which, contextual UAV images can be matched. Then, a 3D Zhao et al., 2019). From the perspective of application, there 81
17 82
surface model can be modeled by photogrammetry methods are few effective conversion tools for format conversion
18 83
quickly (Fig. 84). between BIM and GIS, and their integration still faces
19 84
20 various challenges. Research on multi-source data fusion is 85
21 Multi-source spatial data fusion. In the context of the mostly based on specific cases, so it is difficult to guarantee 86
22 establishment of digital twins, the integration of the data its universality and scalability. Therefore, integration means 87
23 model of traffic infrastructure such as roads, railways and applicable to the whole industry in the field of 88
24 sidewalks (Beil and Kolbe, 2020) and geographic information transportation infrastructure still need to be studied. In 89
25 system (GIS) is proposed, and the establishment of BIM addition, the semantic mismatch between BIM and GIS due 90
26 model of traffic infrastructure provides a solution for it. The to the differences in detail levels, data types and coordinates 91
27 complementary relationship between BIM and GIS is still needs to be reasonably solved, and the advantages of 92
28 93
reflected in that BIM and GIS adopt different geometric BIM integration GIS technology in the analysis and
29 94
expression and semantic information description methods utilization of information resources are not fully reflected
30 95
in the data model: BIM focuses on 3D visual intelligent (Fig. 85).
31 96
32 construction design and geometric semantic expression; GIS 97
33 focuses on hierarchical organization and management for Research on schedule management based on BIM. A 4D 98
34 multi-source data. 3D GIS system should not only pay model can be obtained by linking the construction period in- 99
35 attention to 3D visualization rendering ability, but also need formation of BIM model components. Therefore, the progress 100
36 to improve the depth of 3D GIS application. The research on model based on BIM is also called 4D model. 4D model first 101
37 the integration of the two systems is mainly focused on the appeared in the construction industry, such as 4D CAD tech- 102
38 data format conversion, the conversion of IFC to CityGML nology, and later became a professional term, and gradually 103
39 and the coursing processing of high-precision BIM model developed into 4D theory. In 1998, the Center for Integrated 104
40 105
data into GIS data. The conversion of the two mainly Facilities Engineering (CIFE) of Stanford University in the
41 106
includes two aspects, geometry and semantics. The United States proposed to combine graphic information with
42 107
43 conversion methods include BIM and GIS basic model data progress information and to simulate the construction 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
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54 119
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56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
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62 127
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Fig. 84 e Difference between UAV and Lidar modeling.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 127/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 127

1 66
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15 Fig. 85 e A typical multi-source spatial data fusion. 80
16 81
17 82
18 process with the help of computers. The main method adop- technologies such as cloud computing and big data, and re- 83
19 ted was to insert time progress into the 3D model, which alizes the digitization of information resource elements such 84
20 85
formed the early 4D theory (Hu and Zhang, 2011). On the basis as three-dimensional model data, management resources and
21 86
of their research, many scholars tried to associate 3D graphics fixed assets of the whole life cycle of transportation infra-
22 87
23 with progress information through computers, and found that structure construction. 88
24 the construction process could be expressed visually (Collier Information resources are continuously integrated, classi- 89
25 and Fischer, 1996; Norberg, 2008; Vaugn, 1996). Later, due to fied and integrated through scene carriers such as BIM and GIS 90
26 the development of BIM technology, foreign scholars 3D models. Focusing on collaborative design, fine construc- 91
27 conducted further studies on 4D technology based on BIM tion, intelligent operation and maintenance, the framework of 92
28 model, and achieved more results in 4D model creation and core business system integration and application manage- 93
29 4D construction progress software development (Chau et al., ment system is constructed. Web-oriented model and infor- 94
30 2005; Chen et al., 2013; Kataoka, 2008). In terms of 4D mation interaction framework based on cloud computing 95
31 96
construction schedule software development, the CIFE of improve the model analysis ability, and the improved BIM
32 97
Stanford University in the United States has also developed model could adapt to a variety of analysis requirements. This
33 98
a 4D product model system that can optimize construction conceptual framework can provide automatic and intelligent
34 99
35 collisions. The system consists of three modules: collision decision support for design and construction, and can be 100
36 detector, progress simulator and result analyzer. Three- popularized in construction projects in many fields (Chen et 101
37 dimensional collision identification, construction schedule al., 2016c; Juan, 2013; Sanguinetti et al., 2012; Singh et al., 102
38 simulation, schedule modification and actual construction 2011). The WebGL 3D BIM service based on this framework 103
39 time formulation are completed respectively (Mckinney and can realize the distributed storage of big data of massive 104
40 Fischer, 1998). The center later developed a new 4- building models and the dynamic expansion of BIM model 105
41 dimensional product model system that can efficiently based on concurrent access of multiple users (Getuli et al., 106
42 generate production schedule and cost analysis reports 2016; Zou et al., 2017), In order to meet the requirements of 107
43 108
while performing 4D construction simulations. Bechtel has
44 109
done a lot of research on 4D simulation and developed a
45 110
46 graphic simulation tool, 4D-Planner software, which 111
47 supports direct import of 3D models and plane plans, and 112
48 the correlation between BIM models and plans, so as to 113
49 automatically generate 4D simulation animations, which is 114
50 convenient for managers to conduct comprehensive 3D 115
51 construction schedule management (Fig. 86). 116
52 117
53 Application of BIM information management system. 118
54 119
Nowadays, the transportation infrastructure information
55 120
resource management system is not only limited to the
56 121
application of two-dimensional business management sys-
57 122
58 tem, but also integrates the transportation infrastructure in- 123
59 formation management system with BIM technology, GIS 124
60 technology, artificial intelligence technology and virtual re- 125
61 ality technology to realize the immersive, omnidirectional and 126
62 three-dimensional visualization information management 127
63 and utilization. The BIM information resource management 128
64 platform takes the BIM model as the core, comprehensively 129
65 integrates and innovatively applies modern information 130
Fig. 86 e 4D simulation of pavement construction.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 128/185

128 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 updating heterogeneous data from multiple sources, concepts 66

2 and technologies such as cloud computing, service-oriented 67
3 architecture, distributed storage and WebGL rendering have 68
4 been widely applied in the establishment of system 69
5 70
architecture (Jardim-goncalves and Grilo, 2010; Polter and
6 71
Scherer, 2017).
7 72
To meet the needs of multi-party coordination and fine
8 73
9 construction, large-scale construction projects focusing on 74
10 transportation infrastructure have developed a new profes- 75
11 sional information management mode in the construction 76
12 field (Alreshidi et al., 2016; Beach et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 77
13 2017c). Considering security issues such as data privacy and 78
14 unified authorization from the perspective of the platform, 79
15 the logic between multi-data and proposed simulations are 80
16 analyzed to present deduction system based on micro- 81
17 82
service and mixed display. In the process of transportation
18 Fig. 87 e Schematic diagram of intelligent compaction 83
infrastructure construction, improving the utilization rate of
19 system. 84
20 information resources is beneficial to the application value 85
21 of information resources. At the same time, by 86
22 strengthening the construction of information management pavement is far from reaching such a standard. Although 87
23 platform, the identification and processing efficiency of many scholars have also conducted a series of exploratory 88
24 information resources should be improved to lay a more studies in this field (Antonio et al., 2013; Beainy et al., 2012; 89
25 solid foundation for the full utilization of information Chang et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2018; Kassem et al., 2015; 90
26 resources and information (Chen and Nguyen, 2017; Grilo Oloufa, 2002; Prakash et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2015; Wang et 91
27 and Jardim-Goncalves, 2013; Ivson et al., 2018; Jiao et al., 92
al., 2017a, 2019b; Xu et al., 2012, 2015a; Xu and Chang, 2014;
28 93
2013a, b; Li et al., 2018e; Su et al., 2021). Zhu et al., 2018a), due to the nonlinear change of material
29 94
properties during the compaction process of asphalt
30 95
6.2.2. Intelligent compaction technology for asphalt pavement pavement materials, the multiple influences of pavement
31 96
32 As we all know, the compaction is a key procedure in con- structure, and the complexity of vibration compaction 97
33 struction process of asphalt pavement. Lack of compaction system, the current empirical and experimental methods are 98
34 and undemanding quality control of compaction will directly faced with new challenges which is mainly reflected in the 99
35 affect the strength, stability and durability of asphalt pave- following three aspects. 100
36 ment (Alireza et al, 2014; Dan et al., 2020b; Jia et al., 2020; 101
37 Mohiuddin and Rafiqul, 2017). At present, asphalt pavement Weakened IntelliSense of ICT. As the ICT mentioned 102
38 compaction detection equipment and methods (core 103
above, its essence is to continuously identify the physical
39 sampling, nuclear densitometer, non-core densitometer, 104
parameters of the compacted material according to the vi-
40 105
etc.) are all point instead of surface, which cannot meet the bration response of the roller, and then automatically adjust
41 106
requirements of representing the compaction quality of a the compaction process parameters of vibratory roller ac-
42 107
43 large area of asphalt pavement. Meanwhile, it cannot meet cording to the value and distribution of the parameters to 108
44 the needs of the rapid development of domestic highway optimize the compaction operation, so as to obtain better 109
45 construction in China. Therefore, the development of compaction degree (Xu, 2016). Nevertheless, it is a pity that 110
46 nondestructive, continuous and quantitative technology and most of current methods are not real intelligent technology, 111
47 its application to detect the compaction degree in road but the digital construction recording device for the rolling 112
48 construction projects has been the general trend under the construction of filling materials (asphalt mixture, soil and 113
49 background of “new infrastructure” and “intelligent soil-stone, etc.). Generally speaking, such devices are 114
50 construction”. 115
basically equipped with satellite positioning system (GPS, BD
51 116
The “intelligent compaction technology (ICT) of asphalt or GNSS), and some of them also integrate compaction
52 117
pavement” is based on the vibratory roller as the carrier. By meter, whose main function is to collect and record
53 118
installing GPS positioning system and embedded vibration parameters such as rolling times, rolling speed and vibration
54 119
55 characteristic testing equipment in the vibratory roller, the frequency, etc., and the temperature also needs to be 120
56 vibration characteristics of the vibratory roller and the feed- collected in asphalt pavement compaction (Chang et al., 121
57 back parameters of the road surface to the vibration charac- 2014; Oloufa, 2002; Prakash et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2015; 122
58 teristics can be collected in real-time during the vibratory Wang et al., 2017a, 2019b, i). Due to the large limitation of 123
59 compaction (Fig. 87). Through a series of data analysis, the compaction meter value (CMV), this kind of device seldom 124
60 parameter characteristics of the pavement materials in the mentions the problem of identifying the compaction quality 125
61 construction process are obtained, so as to achieve the 126
itself, and too much emphasis on the role of high-precision
62 purpose of analyzing and monitoring the quality of the 127
satellite positioning system in intelligent compaction
63 128
pavement compaction (Hu et al., 2017; Xu, 2016). However, technology, which does not reflect the real meaning of
64 129
the current intelligent compaction technology of asphalt intelligent technology.
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 129/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 129

1 In fact, the digital construction method is mainly the (1) The construction process of asphalt pavement is 66
2 compaction process control method, which monitors and affected by many complex factors 67
3 controls the rolling times in the compaction. Digital con- 68
4 struction method pays more attention to quantification, and In terms of compaction machinery, the influencing factors 69
5 70
its construction of rolling section must be exactly the same as mainly include the exciting force, compaction work, ampli-
6 71
test section, otherwise the control parameters (rolling times, tude, vibration frequency and rolling speed of the roller, while
7 72
rolling speed, etc.) will be insignificance and meaningless (Wu in terms of compressed materials, subgrade and base, type of
8 73
9 et al., 2017a). In essence, this kind of device or method mainly asphalt mixture, temperature of asphalt mixture and support 74
10 lacks the key technology to identify the parameters of filling conditions of the underlying layer are all major influencing 75
11 materials and control the compaction process with real-time factors (Fig. 89). 76
12 feedback, which is the “technical bottleneck” of intelligent 77
13 compaction. (2) Difficulty in model calculation caused by jumping vi- 78
14 bration of vibrating drum 79
15 Poor adaptability of asphalt pavement compaction 80
16 index. In the intelligent compaction technology, whether the In the construction of asphalt pavement, the jumping vi- 81
17 82
compaction quality control index can truly reflect the bration phenomenon is mainly caused by the excessive
18 83
compaction degree of the filling materials is the critical amplitude and frequency of vibratory roller, and also includes
19 84
20 problem to be solved (Fig. 88). At present, it is generally divided the excessive rebound caused by the uneven pavement ma- 85
21 into empirical indicators (such as the harmonic ratio index of terials. The basic precondition for the application of the 86
22 the compaction meter CMV, CCV, RMV, THD, etc.) (Huang et existing model is that there is no jumping vibration between 87
23 al., 2020b; Wu et al., 2017a) and mechanical indicators (such the vibrating drum and the compacted materials, and they 88
24 as dynamic modulus Evib, resistance coefficient Ks) need to be in close contact. In reality, the phenomenon of 89
25 (Anderegg, 1998; Krober et al., 2001). jumping vibration generally exists in the vibratory roller after 90
26 As the compaction process progresses, the dynamic char- the filling materials is fully compacted. In the case of jumping 91
27 acteristic parameters of the compacted material and the vibration, the vibration is nonlinear, and the frequency 92
28 93
vibrating drum also change regularly, which must be related domain of vibration will become very complex rather than
29 94
to the compaction degree of the material. As long as this law simply the occurrence of frequency doubling harmonics, so
30 95
can be grasped and utilized, it can be used to characterize the the reliability of the harmonic ratio model will be greatly
31 96
32 compaction degree of the filling material (Qiu, 2015). Based on reduced (Wu, 2020). Moreover, in the case of jumping vibration 97
33 this concept, many scholars have proposed the intelligent of various indicators based on vibration mechanics model, the 98
34 compaction meter value (ICMV) (Hu et al., 2017) and a series vibration mechanics model cannot carry out accurate 99
35 of derived indexes (Anderegg, 1998; Hu et al., 2017; Huang et calculation, that is, the model is no longer applicable (Xu 100
36 al., 2020b; Jia et al., 2019; Krober et al., 2001; Qiu, 2015; Wu et and Chang, 2018). 101
37 al., 2017a; Zhu et al., 2018a), which represent the pavement 102
38 compaction degree by using the response law of vibrating (3) There are challenges to the numerical stability and 103
39 drum of roller. However, its disadvantages of large computational efficiency of the theoretical model 104
40 105
dispersion and small correlation are gradually exposed with
41 106
the change of working conditions. The actual pavement structure is layered and it is usually
42 107
43 Compared with the empirical method, the mechanical simplified to a semi-infinite space under plane-strain condi- 108
44 method can fully consider the influence of many factors and tion in modeling and solving. In order to simplify the solution, 109
45 better reveal the changes of the compaction process. There- some researchers assume that all the acceleration terms are 110
46 fore, this method is more suitable for the intelligent zero (Dan et al., 2015), making it a statics problem. However, 111
47 compaction control system. However, it also encounters this simplification will deviate from the actual situation and 112
48 technical bottlenecks in theory and engineering practicability, requires a semi-empirical solution to correct it completely, 113
49 the reasons are mainly reflected in the following aspects. and the correction is also highly variable. On the other hand, 114
50 various mathematical methods, such as transfer matrix 115
51 116
method (Lu et al., 2012), stiffness matrix method (Wang et
52 117
al., 2021b), finite element method (Dong et al., 2013) and
53 118
Galerkin method (Peng and Fu, 2020), are adopted to solve
54 119
55 the problem. The above methods have some disadvantages, 120
56 such as the singularity matrix is easy to be generated in the 121
57 process of analytical method, which reduces the calculation 122
58 accuracy, and the calculation efficiency of numerical 123
59 method is low and time-consuming under the premise of 124
60 ensuring the accuracy. 125
61 126
62 Insufficient research on asphalt mixture in vibratory 127
63 128
rolling. In the process of pavement compaction, asphalt
64 129
mixture is in a state of low compactness and high tempera-
65 130
Fig. 88 e Types of compaction quality control index. ture, and the compaction process of asphalt mixture is a

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 130/185

130 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

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23 88
24 Fig. 89 e Influence factors for ICT in construction process of asphalt pavement. 89
25 90
26 91
27 process of gradual transition from loose and plastic state to above three research methods, there are some qualitative 92
28 cohesive state with high tensile strength. In this process, the and quantitative problems that cannot be avoided between 93
29 particles of asphalt mixture will be deformed and rearranged, the theoretical model and engineering application. 94
30 thus forming a compact structure (Fang et al., 2019c). As for 95
31 the compaction of loose hot asphalt mixture, many (1) During the service of asphalt pavement, the pavement 96
32 97
literatures are based on the relationship between temperature is generally no more than 60  C, while the
33 98
compaction technology and pavement compaction degree pavement temperature in the process of compaction
34 99
35 (Masad et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2019a). However, there are few can reach 150  C, and the temperature after compaction 100
36 studies on the change law of mechanical properties of is also about 90  C (Wang et al., 2019a). The difference of 101
37 materials in the process of compaction. At present, the temperature leads to a great variation of the stress 102
38 research on mechanical properties of materials focuses on distribution in the pavement. The key is that the hot 103
39 visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model and dynamic loose asphalt mixture is more prone to stress 104
40 modulus, and the characterization methods mainly include concentration, and Poisson is relatively large. The 105
41 three categories. The first method generally adopts indoor lateral constraint plays a more important role in the 106
42 test to simulate the stress conditions of asphalt mixture deformation of the compacted pavement. Therefore, 107
43 108
through the MTS test (Chen et al., 2007d), gyratory in the actual pavement vibration rolling construction,
44 109
compaction molding test (Fattah et al., 2019) and viscous, the force of asphalt pavement material must be lateral
45 110
elastic and plastic theory (Beainy et al., 2013; Zheng et al., confined, and the contact stress under the vibrating
46 111
47 2010) to analyses the rheological properties of asphalt drum can reach more than 1.5 MPa. The loading 112
48 mixture compacting process, establish the constitutive frequency is generally 30-50 Hz, and the high- 113
49 relations of hot asphalt mixture, and use test data for fitting frequency roller can reach 67 Hz (Dan et al., 2020a). 114
50 to obtain the material parameters of visco-elasto-plastic However, at present, there are few researches on the 115
51 model. In the study of elastic modulus, SGC and UTM mechanical behavior of asphalt mixture under the 116
52 equipment are mainly used to test the dynamic modulus condition of lateral confined. 117
53 under a certain temperature (-10  C -60  C) and a certain (2) To ensure the pavement can be fully compacted, it is 118
54 loading frequency (<25 Hz). The time-temperature necessary to adjust the compaction work (energy) for 119
55 120
equivalence principle is adopted to obtain the master curve different compacted materials, that is, to adjust the vi-
56 121
of dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture (Luo et al., 2020b; bration rolling parameters (amplitude and frequency).
57 122
58 Witczak and Fonseca, 1996). The second type mainly adopts However, how to adjust the compaction work and en- 123
59 finite element and discrete element numerical simulation ergy in intelligent compaction is mainly based on 124
60 methods to simulate the compaction deformation process of experience at present (Van and Moony, 2008). There is 125
61 asphalt mixture under vibration load (Masad et al., 2015). In an inevitable relationship between the degree of 126
62 the third category, sensor elements are used to test the compaction of compacted materials and the 127
63 material mechanical response of asphalt pavement in the compaction energy. Some researchers have proposed 128
64 process of vibration rolling, including acceleration, stress, to use energy-related indexes to represent the 129
65 particle deflection angle, etc. (Wang et al., 2019g). From the compaction degree of pavement (Mooney and 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 131/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 131

1 Rinehart, 2007; Wu, 2020). However, the quantitative The pavement maintenance optimization problems could 66
2 method of energy dissipation is greatly influenced by be classified into different types according to various criteria. 67
3 the compacted material and structure, especially the In terms of the level of decision-making, it can be divided into 68
4 change rate of energy dissipation of the compacted project-level and network-level. Project-level generates de- 69
5 70
material is the most important sensitive parameter. cisions for specific projects while network-level deals with the
6 71
budgets and general resource allocations over an entire
7 72
6.2.3. Intelligent pavement maintenance decision-making network.
8 73
9 Transportation infrastructure acts as an essential component According to the number of optimization objectives, the 74
10 of civil infrastructure, providing vast mobility and economic problem can also be divided into single-objective and multi- 75
11 benefits to the modern society. With the expanding pavement objective optimization. Single-objective optimization aims to 76
12 network and growing traffic, the pavement system has been find the best solution that satisfies all the constraints and 77
13 deteriorating and the demand for maintenance, rehabilita- produce the best value on the single objective, such as cost 78
14 tion, and replacement (MR&R) activities has become ever minimization, performance maximization, carbon emission 79
15 greater and more complicated (Donev and Hoffmann, 2020). minimization, etc. In contrast, multi-objective optimization 80
16 Thus, how to effectively maintain the large-scale pavement needs to find a vector of decision variables that optimizes 81
17 82
network with limited resources and increasing demands is various objective functions at the same time. It considers the
18 83
one of the major challenges for decision makers from the coordination and tradeoffs between multiple goals which are
19 84
20 department of transportation (Torres-Machi et al., 2017). In usually in conflict with one another. Various techniques have 85
21 most cases, the decision makers need to figure out which been used to formulate and solve the multi-objective optimi- 86
22 pavement sections need to be treated, when to take the zation problems in pavement management, including 87
23 MR&R actions and which maintenance treatments are weighting sum method, Pareto optimization and so on (Wu et 88
24 appropriate. Effective MR&R strategies can greatly improve al., 2012). 89
25 the pavement performance after maintenance, extend the The modeling methods for resource allocation in pave- 90
26 service life, and maximize the social and economic benefits ment management can be categorized into top-down or bot- 91
27 of the roadway infrastructure. As Fig. 90 illustrates, tom-up approaches (Yeo et al., 2010). Top-down approaches 92
28 93
Galehouse et al. (2003) found that if $ 1 is spent on “the right usually divide the whole pavement network into several
29 94
treatment on the right pavement at the right time,” it can groups and pavements in the same group have the same
30 95
eliminate or delay spending $ 6 to $ 10 on rehabilitation or characteristics. The optimal strategy is represented by the
31 96
32 reconstruction later. probability distribution of various maintenance treatments 97
33 under a given state. The computational cost of this approach 98
34 Basic functional framework. A thorough look at the is attractive and almost independent to the size of the 99
35 pavement maintenance decision-making is a process to pavement network. However, the top-down approach 100
36 optimize the allocation or utilization of the resource including considers all pavement sections as a homogeneous whole 101
37 budget, labor, and facility to achieve a better overall pavement but ignores the specific characteristics of each single 102
38 performance (Dos Santos et al, 2019). Many strategic decision- pavement section. Bottom-up approaches first determines 103
39 support tools (e.g., pavement management system (PMS)) the optimal treatment for each pavement section and then 104
40 105
have been developed by the transportation stakeholders to evaluate the segment-specific decisions at the network level.
41 106
evaluate and predict the pavement performance over time, It can accommodate heterogeneity across the network, and
42 107
43 identify the maintenance demand for each pavement provide segment level recommendations. However, in most 108
44 section, determine the most cost-effective MR&R activities cases, the bottom-up approaches only consider the budget 109
45 and ultimately realize the efficient allocation of limited constraint for the current year while ignoring the budget 110
46 resources (Yao et al, 2019; Zhou et al, 2014). constraints for the future year. As a result, the optimistic 111
47 assumption of implementing the optimal policies in the 112
48 future years cannot always be guaranteed (Medury and 113
49 Madanat, 2014). The simultaneous optimization approach 114
50 selects both the optimal segment-level treatment and the 115
51 116
optimal budget allocation decision, but the computational
52 117
complexity is considerably increased.
53 118
To obtain a cost-effective and even eco-friendly pavement
54 119
55 maintenance and rehabilitation strategy, it is of great impor- 120
56 tance for highway agencies to incorporate the powerful 121
57 analytical and mathematical tools into the PMS to realize the 122
58 effective and informed decision-making. Meanwhile, the 123
59 maintenance optimization methods were constantly chang- 124
60 ing with the changes in pavement management practices and 125
61 the development of mathematical tools. 126
62 127
63 128
Fig. 90 e Relationship between pavement condition when Expert experience-based methods. Expert knowledge
64 129
treatments are applied and the treatment cost (Galehouse and engineering experience play an important role in the
65 130
et al., 2003). pavement maintenance decision-making. At the very

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 132/185

132 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 beginning, the determination of pavement maintenance programming(Yeo et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2010a) and so on. 66
2 treatment heavily relied on the expert’s judgement on the If an optimization problem can be expressed in terms of 67
3 current condition of the in-service asphalt pavement (Allez et linear relations and there is no discrete constraint, then the 68
4 al, 1988). Although this method is quite simple and easy to problem can be solved by using linear programming. Golabi 69
5 70
implement, it highly depends on the experience of the et al. (1982) first developed a linear programming
6 71
technical experts. With the development of autonomous formulation for the Arizona pavement management system
7 72
pavement condition survey technologies, the quantitative (PMS). Integer programming is a mathematical optimization
8 73
9 evaluation of pavement performance using various problem in which some or all of the decision variables are 74
10 indicators (e.g., pavement condition index (PCI)) become restricted to integers. A large number of researchers simplify 75
11 available, which makes the threshold-based decision- the pavement maintenance decision-making optimization as 76
12 making methods widely used in practice (McQueen and an integer programming issue and the solution could be 77
13 Timm, 2005). In this method, pavement MR&R would be divided into exact algorithms and heuristic methods 78
14 triggered once the pavement condition meets its prescribed (Ouyang and Madanat, 2004). The dynamic programming 79
15 threshold, which was determined through experts’ decomposes an optimization problem into simpler sub- 80
16 experience (Chen et al, 2017e). Other expert experience- problems and uses the optimal solution of the sub-problems 81
17 82
based methods such as decision tree are also widely utilized to find an optimal solution of the up-scale problem.
18 83
in PMS (Hicks et al., 1997; Dong et al, 2015). These methods Dynamic programming is generally used to optimize multi-
19 84
20 are straightforward, flexible and easy to be implemented by year pavement maintenance strategies because of the 85
21 practitioners. Decision tree usually establishes a set of rules sequential nature of pavement maintenance and 86
22 for selecting a particular type of treatment through the use reconstruction strategies in the analysis period. Although 87
23 of branches that define various sets of decisions. Currently, these methods could produce the optimal MR&R strategy 88
24 the expert experience-based methods are still the most considering the long-term effectiveness and resource 89
25 widely used decision-making methods in practice. However, constraints, they would become computationally intensive 90
26 these methods can hardly consider all the influencing in larger scale pavement optimization problems. This also 91
27 factors and the complex combination of pavement motivated the application of various approximation 92
28 93
conditions. They may not be able to give a decision approaches to solve such problems, including Lagrangian
29 94
considering the long-term effectiveness of the treatment relaxation technique (Gao and Zhang, 2012), approximate
30 95
and the future deterioration of the pavement either. dynamic programming (Kuhn, 2010), etc.
31 96
32 97
33 Priority-based methods. The priority-based methods New-gen machine learning-based methods. Due to the 98
34 evaluate the prioritization of the maintenance activities recent advances in optimization theory and artificial intelli- 99
35 considering different criteria or objectives. A typical repre- gence, growing number of studies in pavement management 100
36 sentation is the ranking method (Peraka and Biligiri, 2020). The have attempted to solve the pavement optimization problems 101
37 ranking method could be used in both project-level and using advanced ML methods. Neural networks (NN) has 102
38 network-level decision-making. In network-level, a gained increasing attention in solving complex engineering 103
39 cumulative priority index is defined with a variety of factors problems in different disciplines. Pavement maintenance 104
40 105
such as traffic loading, distresses, and future condition. The optimization is also one of its important application areas. NN
41 106
segment with the high priorities would be maintained first. is a nonlinear dynamic system. It does not need to assume the
42 107
43 In project-level, economic indicators such as the cost-benefit relationship between input variables and output variables in 108
44 ratio and life cycle cost of all alternatives for each segment advance, but establishes the nonlinear mapping relationship 109
45 would be calculated first. Ranking method would then be between input and output through sample learning. The 110
46 used to select the most cost-effective treatment. The common application of NN in pavement maintenance opti- 111
47 limitation of priority-based methods is that only limited mization is to model the expert experience system to simplify 112
48 alternatives or scenarios are considered. When the problems the decision-making process (Abdelrahim and George, 2000; 113
49 are complicated, the priority of the alternatives or projects Elbagalati et al., 2018). However, this method is essentially a 114
50 cannot be easily measured or enumerated. structured representation of the expert experience, so it is 115
51 116
still heavily influenced by subjective factors.
52 117 Mathematical programming-based methods. Mathe- Genetic algorithm (GA) and its variations are the most
53 118
matical optimization methods are increasingly applied to popular methods for both single-objective and multi-objective
54 119
55 assist in pavement management decision-making as it faces optimization in pavement community due to its good prob- 120
56 more and more challenges, such as the expanding pavement lem-solving capability for complex optimization problems. 121
57 networks, limited resources and facilities, environmental Chan et al. (1994) applied GA in pavement management for the 122
58 pollution problems, conflicting optimization objectives, and first time. Since then, a large number of studies started to use 123
59 uncertainties. To date, various mathematical programming- GA to deal with the maintenance optimization problems 124
60 based methods have been used with different characteristics (Chootinan et al., 2006; Fwa et al., 1996; Santos et al., 2019). 125
61 and application scope, including linear programming (Amin These studies usually defined the pavement MR&R strategies 126
62 and Amador-Jime nez, 2016; Golabi et al., 1982; Mbwana and as genes and then simulates the crossover and mutation of 127
63 128
Turnquist, 1996), zero-one integer programming (Guo et al., genes to obtain the solutions. Fig. 91 shows an example of
64 129
2020a; Li et al., 1998), mixed integer programming (Lee and the decision variable in GA which is represented as a
65 130
Madanat, 2014; Medury and Madanat, 2014), dynamic chromosome In Fig. 91 Xi is the type of treatment 2 {0, 1, 2,

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 133/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 133

1 66
2 67
3 68
4 69
5 70
6 71
7 72
8 73
9 74
10 75
11 Fig. 91 e Representation of decision variables (Chootinan et al., 2006). 76
12 77
13 78
14 3, 4}. In this case, the chromosome is coded as a series of the challenges summarized above from three aspects of 79
15 multi-year maintenance activities for all pavement “pavement construction management”, “pavement compac- 80
16 segments. However, it was also reported that GA may suffer tion technology” and “pavement maintenance decision- 81
17 from long computing time and premature convergence making”. 82
18 83
19 84
Furthermore, recent studies also leveraged reinforcement (1) Pavement construction management
20 85
learning to solve the pavement maintenance optimization
21 86
22 problems (Renard et al., 2021; Shani et al., 2021). Fig. 92 At present, the information management system based on 87
23 illustrates the framework of the reinforcement learning (RL) BIM has been applied and verified in the project, but its main 88
24 model proposed by Yao et al. (2020). RL is one of the three application stage is relatively single, mainly in the construc- 89
25 major areas of machine learning, alongside supervised tion stage. At the same time, the research on BIM information 90
26 learning and unsupervised learning. It is a common ML resource management process oriented to the whole life cycle 91
27 technique used for sequential decision-making problems. is mostly in the stage of theoretical or conceptual framework, 92
28 RL-based maintenance optimization methods promote the and further research on the solution of information creation, 93
29 managerial flexibility for pavement infrastructure and has integration and utilization oriented to the life cycle of trans- 94
30 95
the potential to solve the complicated real-world portation infrastructure is still needed. Furthermore, to
31 96
optimization problems. enhance the resolution of BIM and monitor the construction
32 97
33 schedule, more innovative technologies should be proposed to 98
34 6.2.4. Summary and outlook couple with the BIM, such as UAV, one of the innovative 99
35 In the future, it is evident that more advanced technologies technologies used in industry construction safety monitoring 100
36 will be implemented to the pavement constitution and and laser point cloud, an effective method to reconstruct 101
37 maintenance, which will be a rapid digital and intelligent spatial model. Innovative technologies should have the ability 102
38 transformation. Based on the above issues, difficulties and that capture the real-time images or videos of a construction 103
39 technical bottlenecks, future research is proposed to address site, realizing functions of site surveys, visual detection, 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
43 108
44 109
45 110
46 111
47 112
48 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130
Fig. 92 e An example of the RL model in pavement management (Yao et al., 2020).

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 134/185

134 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 construction monitoring, infrastructure measurement, and future trends were prospected. In the future, JTTE will 66
2 safety risk detection. continue to pay attention to the latest research advances in 67
3 order to provide reference for the majority of experts, scholars 68
4 (2) Pavement compaction technology and engineers, and promote the intelligent, green and sus- 69
5 70
tainable development of road materials and engineering.
6 71
On the basis of the existing mechanical test methods of
7 72
asphalt mixture, it is necessary to expand the laboratory vi-
8 73
9 bration compaction molding and unconfined material me- Uncited references Q4 74
10 chanical test combined with the characteristics of vibration 75
11 compaction. It is necessary to focus on the main external Imaninasab et al., 2016; Lackner et al., 2006; Lee et al., 1990; Li 76
12 factors of vibration compaction of asphalt pavement, such as et al., 2013a; Li et al., 2013b; Li et al., 2018c; Lo Presti, 2013; 77
13 pavement layer system structure, vibration compaction pro- Maria et al., 2013; Otsubo, 1994; Sreedhar and Biligiri, 2016a; 78
14 cess parameters (compaction work, etc.), frequency, and Sreedhar and Biligiri, 2016b; Wang et al., 2020p; Wang et al., 79
15 rolling speed. Therefore, it can improve and perfect the 2020g; Wang et al., 2020j; Wang et al., 2019i; Wang et al., 80
16 existing mechanical and empirical models for vibration 2019l; Wu et al., 2020c; Xu et al., 2020e; Zhang and Oeser, 81
17 82
compaction system analysis, so as to illustrate the interaction 2020; Zhang et al., 2016e.
18 83
mechanism of vibrating drum and compacted materials, and
19 84
20 decoupling problem of compaction contact. The compaction 85
21 process of asphalt mixture is inevitably accompanied by en- Conflict of interest 86
22 ergy dissipation. Based on the test and analysis of mechanical 87
23 dynamic response, and combined with the change law of The authors do not have any conflict of interest with other 88
24 material properties, it is possible to establish the energy entities or researchers. 89
25 dissipation model of vibratory compaction system, and the 90
26 quantitative relationship between asphalt mixture compact- 91
27 ness and asphalt mixture compactness. Therefore, it will help 92
28 Acknowledgments 93
to break through the technical bottleneck of asphalt pavement
29 94
compactness perception.
30 This paper is organized by JTTE editorial office and Prof. Dawei 95
31 Wang (JTTE editorial board member) and written by 43 experts 96
32 (3) Pavement maintenance decision-making 97
that from 24 universities/institutes of China, America, and
33 Europe. Thanks for the effort of all the authors to this paper. 98
34 Given the importance of environment protection and en-
The authors contributed equally to this paper and are listed in 99
35 ergy saving, it is necessary to incorporate the environmental 100
alphabetical order of the last names.
36 and social impact of the pavement maintenance treatments 101
It is appreciated for the funds supporting of: 13th Plan-
37 into the decision-making framework to enhance the sustain- 102
38 National Key R&D Program, China (2018YFB1600200, 103
ability of roadway infrastructure. Also, the expanding pave-
39 2021YFB1600200); National Natural Science Foundation of 104
ment network and frequent pavement maintenance demands
40 China (No. 51778038, 51808016, 51808403, 51908057, 51908072, 105
necessitate the consideration of the interdependency be-
41 51908165, 52078018, 52078025, 52078049, 52078209, 52108403, 106
tween individual road segment in a network, such as benefits/
42 52122809, 52178417); Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fel- 107
43 costs associated with joint maintenance, the collective impact 108
lowships of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 pro-
44 of segments on the road network connectivity or capacity, etc. 109
gramme (No. 101024139); Natural Science Foundation of
45 At the same time, it is necessary to explore the effective 110
Heilongjiang Province (No. JJ2020ZD0015); China Postdoctoral
46 method to solve the real-world large-scale pavement main- 111
Science Foundation funded project (No. BX20180088);
47 tenance optimization problems. Most likely, RL-based main- 112
Research Capability Enhancement Program for Young Pro-
48 tenance optimization methods could be one potential most 113
fessors of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Archi-
49 effective and efficient method for the complex pavement 114
50 tecture (No. 02080921021); Young Scholars of Beijing Talent 115
maintenance optimization problems.
51 Program (No. 02082721009); Beijing Municipal Natural Science 116
52 Foundation and Beijing Municipal Education Commission (No. 117
53 KZ201910016017); German Research Foundation (No. OE 514/ 118
7. Conclusions 119
15-1 (459436571)); Fundamental Research Funds for the Cen-
55 tral Universities (2020kfyXJJS127); Marie Skłodowska-Curie 120
56 The innovative pavement engineering theories and technol- 121
Individual Fellowships of the European Commission’s Hori-
57 ogies are significant and the strong supports for the high-
zon 2020 Programme (No. 101030767); Research Fund for High 122
58 quality development of highway engineering. In this paper, 123
Level Talent Program (No. 22120210108). Q3
59 the latest research efforts in pavement engineering were 124
60 summarized and they were divided into the five categories: 125
61 126
asphalt binder performance and modeling, mixture perfor- references
62 mance and modeling of pavement materials, multi-scale 127
63 128
mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, intelligent
64 129
pavement. The research advances, hot frontiers, challenges, Abdel-Mooty, M., Mohamed, E.-H.H., Haddad, J., 1996. Fiber optics
65 130
and countermeasures for problems were analyzed and the for evaluation of pavement reinforcement materials in

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 135/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 135

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2 method for asphalt mixture. In: 9th International Conference Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (PhD thesis). 67
3 of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP), Harbin. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana. 68
4 Zhou, C., Zhao, Y., Wang, Z., 2009b. A numerical method for Zollinger, D.G., Senadheera, S.P., Tang, T., 1994. Spalling of 69
5 modelling discontinuous mechanics of asphalt mixture. continuously reinforced concrete pavements. Journal of 70
6 International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering 1 (6), 69. Transportation Engineering 120 (3), 394e411. 71
7 Zhu, C., 2018. Research on Road Performance and Mechanical Zopf, C., Wollny, I., Kaliske, M., et al., 2015. Numerical modelling 72
8 Properties of Diatomite-basalt Fiber Compound Modified of tyre-pavement-interaction phenomena: constitutive 73
Asphalt Mixture (PhD thesis). Jilin University, Changchun. description of asphalt behaviour based on triaxial material
9 74
Zhu, X., Bai, S., Xue, G., et al., 2018a. Assessment of compaction tests. Road Materials and Pavement Design 16 (1), 133e153.
10 75
quality of multi-layer pavement structure based on Zornberg, J., 2015. Geosynthetic reinforcements for paved roads.
11 76
intelligent compaction technology. Construction and In: 7th Brazilian Congress on Geosynthetics, Brasilia.
12 77
Building Materials 161, 316e329. Zuo, Z., 2010. Study on Distribution of Transverse Cracks and
13 Zhu, J., Balieu, R., Lu, X., et al., 2018b. Microstructure evaluation of Punchout Prediction of Continuously Reinforced Concrete
14 polymer-modified bitumen by image analysis using two- Pavement (PhD thesis). Chang'an University, Xi’an. 79
15 dimensional fast Fourier transform. Materials & Design 137, Zou, Y., Kiviniemi, A., Jones, S., et al., 2019a. Risk information 80
16 164e175. management for bridges by integrating risk breakdown 81
17 Zhu, J., Birgisson, B., Kringos, N., 2014a. Polymer modification of structure into 3D/4D BIM. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering 82
18 bitumen: advances and challenges. European Polymer 23 (2), 467e480. 83
19 Journal 54, 18e38. Zou, P., Lun, P., Cipolla, D., et al., 2017. Cloud-based safety 84
20 Zhu, X., Du, Z., Ling, H., et al., 2020a. Effect of filler on information and communication system in infrastructure 85
21 thermodynamic and mechanical behaviour of asphalt construction. Safety Science 98, 50e69. 86
22 mastic: a MD simulation study. International Journal of Zou, Q., Zhang, Z., Li, Q., et al., 2019b. DeepCrack: learning 87
23 Pavement Engineering 21 (10), 1248e1262. hierarchical convolutional features for crack detection. IEEE 88
24 Zhu, Y., Li, Y., Si, C., et al., 2020b. Laboratory evaluation on Transactions on Image Processing 28 (3), 1498e1512. 89
25 performance of fiber-modified asphalt mixtures containing 90
26 high percentage of RAP. Advances in Civil Engineering 2020, 91
27 5713869. 92
Jiaqi Chen is an associate professor at School
28 Zhu, T., Ma, T., Huang, X., et al., 2016. Evaluating the rutting 93
of Civil Engineering, Central South Univer-
resistance of asphalt mixtures using a simplified triaxial
29 sity. His general research is in the field of road 94
repeated load test. Construction and Building Materials 116,
30 engineering, including thermal interaction 95
31 between infrastructure and environment, 96
Zhu, W., Min, F., Lv, Y., et al., 2013. Subject of “mud science and
32 road surface icing forecast, multi-scale 97
application technology” and its research progress. Rock and
33 Soil Mechanics 34 (11), 3041e3054.
simulation of granular materials for trans- 98
34 Zhu, Y., Rahbar, R.R., Li, Y., et al., 2020c. Exploring the possibility
portation infrastructure, and reclaimed 99
35 pavement materials. 100
of using ionic copolymer poly (ethylene-co-methacrylic) acid
36 as modifier and self-healing agent in asphalt binder and 101
37 mixture. Applied Sciences 10 (2), 426e443. 102
38 Zhu, J., Sun, L., 2017. Determination of optimal backcalculation 103
39 point for three layer structure modulus backcalculation of 104
Hancheng Dan is currently an associate
40 asphalt pavement. Journal of Tongji University (Natural 105
professor and doctoral supervisor at School
41 Science) 45 (2), 203e208. 106
of Civil Engineering, Central South Univer-
42 Zhu, X., Wang, X., Yu, Y., 2014b. Micromechanical creep models 107
sity. He is currently serving as the deputy
43 for asphalt-based multi-phase particle-reinforced composites
director of Road Engineering Department. 108
44 with viscoelastic imperfect interface. International Journal of
His general research is in the field of road 109
45 Engineering Science 76, 34e46. 110
engineering, including intelligent compac-
46 Zhu, J., Wu, S., Zhong, J., et al., 2012. Investigation of asphalt 111
tion technology and theory of asphalt pave-
47 mixture containing demolition waste obtained from 112
ment, performance characterization of
48 earthquake-damaged buildings. Construction and Building 113
porous asphalt pavement, application of
Materials 29, 466e475.
49 deep learning technology in road engineer- 114
Zhu, Y., Zeng, X., Yu, X., et al., 2020d. Experimental study on the
50 ing, road de-icing technology, multi-scale simulation of granular 115
strength of cured saline soil with polymer materials. Highway
51 and bounded materials in road engineering, and reclaimed pave- 116
65 (5), 265e271.
52 ment materials. 117
Zhu, C., Zhang, H., Guo, H., et al., 2019a. Effect of gradations on the
53 final and long-term performance of asphalt emulsion cold
54 recycled mixture. Journal of Cleaner Production 217, 95e104. 119
55 Zhu, C., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., 2019b. Influence of layered silicate Dr. Yongjie Ding is an associate professor at 120
56 types on physical, rheological and aging properties of SBS School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Jiao- 121
57 modified asphalt with multi-dimensional nanomaterials. tong University. His specialty areas include 122
58 Construction and Building Materials 228, 116735. the molecular dynamic simulation of 123
59 Ziyani, L., Gaudefroy, V., Ferber, V., et al., 2013. Chemical asphalt, the application of recycling material 124
60 reactivity of mineral aggregates in aqueous solution: in pavement engineering, the innovative 125
61 relationship with bitumen emulsion breaking. Journal of pavement material, and the urban greenway 126
62 Materials Science 49 (6), 2465e2476. non-motorized transport system. 127
63 Zofka, A., Marasteanu, M., 2007. Development of double edge 128
64 notched tension (DENT) test for asphalt binders. Journal of 129
65 Testing and Evaluation 35 (3), 259e265. 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 181/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 181

1 Dr. Yangming Gao is a Marie Sklodowska- Bin Hong is a lecturer, postdoctoral fellow 66
2 Curie Individual Fellow at the Delft Univer- and master supervisor of Department of 67
3 sity of Technology. His research is focused Road and Track Engineering at Harbin Insti- 68
on understanding, predicting and optimizing tute of Technology, awarded the fellowship
4 69
the mechanical response of infrastructure of China National Postdoctoral Program for
5 70
materials. He combines theoretical devel- Innovative Talents in 2018. His specialty
6 71
opment, experimental characterization and areas include Design, preparation, and
7 72
computational modeling to develop mecha- application of new polymer pavement ma-
8 73
nistic models that can reliably capture ma- terial and fiber reinforced polymer compos-
9 terial deformation, damage and fracture. ite. He presided over five longitudinal 74
10 Current research topics include the multi- research projects, including National Natu- 75
11 scale mechanistic modeling, molecular simulations, micro- ral Science Foundation of China, the sub-project of National Key 76
12 mechanics, continuum damage mechanics, interfacial adhesion, Research and Development Program of China, etc. He has pub- 77
13 fatigue damage and healing in pavement materials. lished more than 10 SCI papers and granted 5 national invention 78
14 patents. 79
15 80
16 81
Meng Guo is a full professor in the Key Lab-
17 82
oratory of Urban Security and Disaster En-
18 83
gineering of Ministry of Education at Beijing Dr. Yue Hou currently serves as professor
19 University of Technology. He holds his PhD position (appointment by the university) in 84
20 (2016) and master (2012) degrees all in rail- the College of Metropolitan Transportation, 85
21 way and highway engineering at Harbin Beijing University of Technology. His 86
22 Institute of Technology. In 2013-2014, he research interests mainly include the intel- 87
23 worked as a visiting scholar in civil engi- ligent transportation infrastructure system, 88
24 neering at the University of Texas at Austin and evaluation, monitoring and mainte- 89
25 for one year. In 2016-2018, he was an assis- nance on the transportation infrastructure 90
26 tant professor in the National Center for and materials using advanced sensing and 91
27 Materials Service Safety at University of Science and Technology AI technologies. 92
28 Beijing. His research interests are performance evaluation and life 93
29 extension technology of asphalt pavement. 94
30 95
31 Dr. Chichun Hu is a professor and PhD su- 96
32 Dr. Shuaicheng Guo serves as associate pervisor in the School of Civil Engineering & 97
33 professor in College of Civil Engineering, Transportation, South China University of 98
34 Hunan University. He received his PhD de- Technology. He is the director of Pavement 99
35 gree in civil engineering from Michigan Innovation Center. He visited FHWA for 2 100
36 Technological University under the supervi- years and EMPA for 1 year. He was accepted 101
37 sion of Prof. Qingli Dai and Prof. Zhanping in China-EU talent program in 2018. His 102
38 You. His major research interests include specialty areas include new pavement 103
39 durability of civil engineering materials and structures and pavement materials, new 104
40 structures, utilization of high-performance technologies for pavement preservation, 105
41 materials in structural and geotechnical en- recycled asphalt pavement, lightweight 106
42 gineering, and damage and fracture me- asphalt concrete, and self-healing of asphalt pavements. 107
43 chanics of concrete materials. 108
44 109
45 Jing Hu is an associate professor of road and 110
46 Dr. Bingye Han is currently serving as an railway engineering at Southeast University. 111
47 associate professor at Beijing University of His specialty areas include the numerical 112
48 Civil Engineering and Architecture. He simulation of microstructures, recycling of 113
49 received both doctoral degrees from Tongji solid waste building materials and structural 114
50 University and the University of Tennessee. condition detection based on artificial 115
51 His research focuses on base/subbase/sub- intelligence. 116
52 grade improvement, geosynthetic materials, 117
53 and sustainable. 118
54 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 182/185

182 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 Ju Huyan is an associate professor at School sustainable paving materials; (3) pavement distresses and main- 66
2 of Transportation Engineering in Southeast tenance technologies. His research has been funded by over 10 67
3 University, China. Her research areas projects including the two NSFC projects. His research findings 68
include automatic/intelligent pavement
4 have been published in over 50 technical papers. 69
distress recognition, performanc evaluation,
5 70
pavement maintenance and rebabilitation
6 71
management, and the implementation of
7 72
image/data processing, machine learning,
8 Pengfei Liu is the leader of the research 73
deep learning techonoligies into highways
9 and airport pavmement engineering. group “Simulation and Mechanics of Pave- 74
10 ment Materials“ in the Institute of Highway 75
11 Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Ger- 76
12 many. Dr. Liu received his doctoral degree 77
13 from RWTH Aachen University in 2017. His 78
Jiwang Jiang is currently a postdoctoral
14 main research area is multi-scale modelling 79
research fellow at the Department of Civil and characterization of asphalt mixtures. He
15 80
and Environmental Engineering, the Hong has published more than 70 SCI papers as
16 81
Kong Polytechnic University. His research well as 4 books. He serves as an academic
17 82
interests are recycling asphalt pavement editor for 4 technical journals and a reviewer
18 83
materials, multi-scale characterization and for 42 SCI journals. Dr. Liu has been recognized with 2017 Excel-
19 modeling of asphalt mixture, and intelligent/ 84
lent Self-Funded Student Scholarship of the Ministry of Education
20 sustainable pavement maintenance tech- 85
P. R. China.
21 nology. 86
22 87
23 88
24 89
25 Dr. Zhuangzhuang Liu is an associate pro- 90
26 Dr. Wei Jiang is a professor of pavement fessor in the School of Highway, Chang’an 91
27 engineering at Chang’an University. He is University. Dr. Liu focuses on the scientific 92
28 currently the deputy dean of School of issues and engineering problems in smart 93
and resilient road infrastructures. Recently,
29 Highway, Chang’an University. His research 94
interests span various research topics in his research includes: (1) behaviors and
30 95
pavement engineering, including eco- technical resilience of road materials, (2)
31 96
friendly pavement, functional pavement, roadway environment sensing and applica-
32 97
asphalt mixture performance and design. Dr. tions, and (3) self-powered and smart
33 pavements.
Jiang’s researches have been sponsored by
34 99
National Natural Science Foundation of
35 100
China, China Postdoctoral Science Founda-
36 101
tion, and other research funds. He is a recipient of the 2015
37 Dr. Guoyang Lu now serves as a research 102
Shannxi Science & Technology Award for Youth.
38 assistant professor in the Hong Kong Poly- 103
39 technic University (PolyU). Before joining 104
40 PolyU, he was a research engineer at RWTH 105
41 Dr. Cheng Li is an associate professor in the Aachen University, Germany. He received 106
42 School of Highway at Chang’an University. his PhD degree from RWTH Aachen Univer- 107
He got his PhD degree from Iowa State Uni-
43 sity under the supervision of Prof. Markus 108
versity in the United States. His research Oeser. He was awarded BSc and MSc degrees
44 109
focuses on transportation geotechniques from Southeast University, China and Uni-
45 110
including developing performance-based versity of Sheffield, UK respectively. Dr. Lu’s
46 111
QC/QA methods for pavement foundation research focuses on sustainable and inno-
47 112
systems and applications of image-analyses vative road infrastructures and materials; multi-scale and multi-
48 in geotechnical engineering. 113
physics modelling of asphalt materials; and pavement evaluation
49 114
and predictions for smart maintenance and management.
50 115
51 116
52 117
53 Prof. Yu Liu is the director of the Interna- 118
54 tional Education Center of Chang’an Uni- Dr. Jian Ouyang is an associate professor in 119
55 versity. He attained his doctoral degree in Dalian University of Technology. His research 120
56 civil engineering from Michigan Technolog- interests include sustainable and innovative 121
57 ical University in USA. He has chaired the road materials, the maintenance, preserva- 122
tion and rehabilitation of asphalt pavement,
58 committee of material mechanics and nu- 123
merical simulation in World Transportation and the materials characterization.
59 124
60 Convention (WTC). His research interests are 125
61 mainly focused on pavement engineering, 126
62 which include: (1) mechanics-based mix
proportion design and evaluation; (2)
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 183/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 183

1 Dr. Xin Qu is an assistant professor, master Dr. Di Wang is currently working in Depart- 66
2 supervisor of roads and airport pavements at ment of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, 67
3 School of Highway, Chang’an University. His Finland. He once worked as a post-doc 68
specialty areas include the technical prop- researcher at the Technical University of
4 69
erties, constitutive model, aging and modi- Braunschweig, Germany. His research in-
5 70
fication mechanism of asphalt binder, terests focused on the performance proper-
6 71
separation of asphalt binder and exploration ties of asphalt pavement, especially in
7 72
of the micro chemical structure of each intermediate and low temperature charac-
8 73
fraction, and micro-scale modeling for terization of bituminous materials, rheolog-
9 asphalt binder; technical performance of ical properties of asphalt binder and 74
10 emulsified asphalt binder and its mixture; as mixtures, green and circular materials used 75
11 well as the recycling technology for SBS modified asphalt mixture. in asphalt pavement, and sponge city, intelligent infrastructure. 76
12 77
13 78
14 79
Dr. Haopeng Wang is a Marie Sklodowska-
15 80
Dr. Dongya Ren serves as associate professor Curie Individual Fellow at the Nottingham
16 81
in School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Transportation Engineering Center (NTEC) of
17 82
Jiaotong University. He received his Ph.D. University of Nottingham. He received his
18 83
degree in civil engineering from Delft Uni- PhD degree from Delft University of Tech-
19 versity of Technology. His major research nology in 2021. His research interests include 84
20 interests include continuously reinforced multiphysics modelling of pavement mate- 85
21 concrete pavement, high performance rials and structures, polymer physics and 86
22 cement concrete, long-life pavements, and chemistry, micromechanics of infrastruc- 87
23 innovative paving materials. ture materials, damage mechanisms in 88
24 asphalt mixture (fracture, fatigue and heal- 89
25 ing), and sustainable pavement materials and technologies. He is 90
26 also member of several international academic associations, e.g., 91
27 TRB, RILEM, ISAP, APSE, and IACIP. He is also actively involved in 92
28 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dawei Wang is the pro- organizing academic conferences, e.g., Transportation Research 93
29 fessor in the School of Transportation Sci- Congress (TRC) and Chinese-European Workshop on functional 94
30 ence and Engineering at Harbin Institute of pavements (CEW). 95
31 Technology. His research interests and 96
32 expertise focus primarily on asphalt pave- 97
ment skid resistance, multi-scale character-
33 Dr. Hainian Wang is currently a professor at 98
ization of the asphalt pavement mechanical
34 School of Highway, Chang’an University. His 99
behavior and functional pavement theory
35 research interests include advanced pave- 100
and technology. So far, he has directed or
36 ment materials, advanced pavement main- 101
participated in more than 24 government-
37 tenance technologies, numerical modeling 102
aided scientific research projects and pub-
38 lished nearly 200 academic publications.
of civil engineering materials, and etc. 103
39 104
40 105
41 106
42 107
Dr. Chao Wang is an associate professor and
43 108
doctoral supervisor at Faculty of Architec-
44 109
ture, Civil and Transportation Engineering,
45 110
Beijing University of Technology. His Chaohui Wang is a full professor and PhD
46 111
research works mainly include the perfor- supervisor of road engineering at the School
47 112
mance modeling of asphalt pavement espe- of Highway, Chang'an University, China. His
48 cially for the fatigue and healing specialty areas include functional road ma- 113
49 characterization of cross-scale asphalt ma- terials, intelligent pavement technology, 114
50 terials. He has published more than 30 peer- recycling of waste resources, and durability 115
51 review papers and conference proceedings. improvement technology of roads. 116
52 He teaches several undergraduate courses 117
53 such as "Materials in Road Engineering” and “Subgrade and 118
54 Pavement Design”. 119
55 120
56 121
57 122
58 123
59 124
60 125
61 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 184/185

184 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx

1 Dr. Yue Xiao is a professor in the State Key Lingyun You is an associate professor of civil 66
2 Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Archi- engineering at Huazhong University of Sci- 67
3 tectures, Wuhan University of Technology. ence and Technology. His specialty areas 68
He is now serving as the direct in the Sub-lab include the physics and mechanics of pave-
4 69
of Construction Materials Recycling in the ment structures, sustainable road materials,
5 70
State Key Laboratory. He has been awarded and pavement maintenance technology.
6 71
as Fok Ying Tung Outstanding Young
7 72
Teacher by the Ministry of Education of
8 73
China. His research interests include eco-
9 efficient pavement materials and construc- 74
10 tion materials recycling. He is now serving as 75
11 junior editorial board members for four academic journals. He has 76
12 published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers, with a Google 77
13 citation of 1700 and H-index of 23. Dr. Zhanping You is Distinguished Professor 78
14 of Transportation Engineering and Mate- 79
15 rials, Michigan Technological University. Dr. 80
16 You has published over 300 papers in peer 81
Dr. Chao Xing is currently an assistant pro-
17 reviewed journals and conference pro- 82
fessor at School of Transportation Science
18 ceedings. These publications include presti- 83
and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Tech-
19 gious journals such as the Journal of the 84
nology. His main research areas include
20 Transportation Research Board published by 85
microstructure characterization and dam-
21 the National Academy of Sciences, the ASCE 86
age evolution of pavement materials.
22 Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 87
ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
23 88
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Road Materials
24 89
and Pavement Design, and Construction and Building Materials.
25 90
26 91
27 92
28 Dr. Bin Yu is a professor in the School of 93
29 Dr. Huining Xu is currently a full professor at Transportation, Southeast University. His 94
30 School of Transportation Science and Engi- research areas cover life cycle assessment of 95
31 neering, Harbin Institute of Technology. Her road, pavement performance evaluation and 96
32 main research areas include flow mecha- maintenance optimization, digitalization of 97
nism of asphalt mixtures, heat and mass transportation infrastructure, road geo-
33 98
transfer in soil/pavement profile, perfor- metric design and safety evaluation, and
34 99
mance evaluation of asphalt mixtures. solid waste recycling in pavement
35 100
36 101
37 102
38 103
39 104
40 Dr. Huayang Yu is an associate professor at 105
41 Dr. Yu Yan is a full professor at College of College of Civil Engineering, South China 106
42 Transportation Engineering, Tongji Univer- University of Technology. His research area 107
43 sity. His research areas include advanced mainly includes sustainable and intelligent 108
44 characterization of pavement materials, pavement design, functional pavement ma- 109
45 pavement response, design and evaluation, terials and modeling of road materials. 110
46 non-destructive testing of pavement, and 111
47 resilient design of transportation 112
48 infrastructure. 113
49 114
50 115
51 116
52 117
Dr. Huanan Yu is a full professor of road
53 118
Dr Xu Yang is currently a professor at engineering at Changsha University of Sci-
54 119
Chang’an University, China. His research ence and Technology, and he is also an
55 120
interests include automated pavement adjunct professor of Washington State Uni-
56 distress detection and repair, advanced versity. His research areas including me-
57 pavement materials and construction tech- chanical performance evaluation of 122
58 nologies, multi-scale modeling of road pavement materials, asphalt pavement 123
59 structures, etc. design method, asphalt pavement con- 124
60 struction technology, pavement evaluation 125
61 and simulation. 126
62 127
63 128
64 129
65 130

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/
JTTE371_proof ■ 27 November 2021 ■ 185/185

J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) xxxx; xxx (xxx): xxx 185

1 Dr. Henglong Zhang is an associate profes- Changhong Zhou is a distinguished profes- 22

2 sor at College of Civil Engineering, Hunan sor at Guilin University of Electronic Tech- 23
3 University. He received his PhD degree in the nology. His research interests mainly focus 24
field of asphalt materials from Wuhan Uni- on the "road þ x" multidisciplinary research
4 25
versity of Technology in 2012. His main field, including discontinuous numerical
5 26
research interests include development and calculation theory, multi-physics coupling
6 27
application of new pavement materials, and multi-scale calculation method, intelli-
7 28
durability theory and technology of pave- gent simulation algorithm, GPU parallel ac-
8 29
ment materials, recycling technology of celeration technology, cold mix asphalt
9 waste pavement materials. materials, natural disaster risk assessment, 30
10 and development of road material experi- 31
11 mental system. 32
12 33
13 Dr. Jizhe Zhang is an associate professor at 34
14 School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong 35
Xingyi Zhu is a professor of College of
15 University. He gained his PhD degree from 36
Transportation Engineering in Tongji Uni-
16 University of Nottingham, UK, under the 37
versity. She has been devoted to the research
17 guidance of Prof. Gordon Airey. In the past 38
of multi-scale analysis and numerical
18 ten years, his research focused on the 39
simulation of asphalt concrete and func-
19 micromechanics of asphalt mixture, 40
tional/smart pavement.
20 advanced pavement material and recycling 41
21 of waste pavement materials. He worked on 42
various frontier projects in these areas
founded by Engineering and Physical Sci-
ences Research Council (EPSRC), China National Science Founda-
tion, Natural Science Foundation Committee of Shandong
Provincial and etc.

Dr. Changjun Zhou serves as associate pro-

fessor in Transportation and Logistics
School, Dalian University of Technology. He
obtained his PhD degree in civil engineering
from University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His
research interests include long-life pave-
ments, sustainable paving materials, paving
material durability.

Please cite this article as: Chen, J et al., New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement en-
gineering research 2021, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), https://doi.org/10.1016/

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