Construction and Building Materials: M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas
Construction and Building Materials: M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas
Construction and Building Materials: M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper discusses the results of alkali-activating waste glass in pursuit of a new type of alkali activated
Received 17 November 2016 materials (AAMs). Waste glass pastes were prepared with different alkaline activators (NaOH, NaOH/
Received in revised form 14 February 2017 Na2CO3, sodium silicate hydrate and KOH) with different concentrations and cured for 20 h at 85 °C
Accepted 15 February 2017
and at 99% or 6.5% relative humidity to assess the effect of these variables on paste mechanical strength
Available online 24 February 2017
and microstructure. Compressive strength performance was better at the higher alkaline concentrations
and when the pastes were cured at low relative humidity (6.5%), which induced low porosity (MIP) and
high specific surface (BET). Irrespective of the type of activator or curing process, the main reaction pro-
Waste glass
Alkali-activated materials
duct was a Si-high, Al-low gel. As a raw material for alkaline cement manufacture, waste glass delivered
Mechanical behaviour compact, high-strength cementitious skeletons.
Microstructure Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Curing conditions
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 343
involved renders its reuse by conventional technological processes crushed and ultimately ground to a particle size of <45 lm and
highly complex. As a result, from 10 to 30% of waste glass is not specific surface area of 1.75 cm2/g [33–35].
recyclable for these purposes and alternative valorisation path- The chemical composition given in Table 1 confirms that it con-
ways must be sought. sisted primarily in SiO2, Na2O and CaO.
One possible outlet for such waste is the construction industry. The waste glass was activated with different solutions (Table 2).
Many studies were conducted In the nineteen sixties on the possi- Panreac analytical grade (98% pure) NaOH and (99.8%) Na2CO3
bility of using crushed waste glass as concrete aggregate [19–21]. were used; Merck analytical grade (99% pure) KOH was used;
Over the last 10 years, due to the high costs of eliminating waste and a Merck commercial waterglass (27 wt% SiO2; 8 wt% Na2O;
glass and in the wake of European and US legislation on the envi- 65 wt% H2O) solution with a SiO2/Na2O ratio of 0.86 was used.
ronmental impact of the use of natural aggregate, such research Moreover, two alternative solutions to commercial waterglass
has been renewed [22–28]. were used:
Papers [29–31] have also been published on the use of waste
glass as a raw material to produce cement, given that its main A NaOH/Na2CO3 solution with the preceding components plus
chemical component is SiO2. One of the concerns addressed in 25 g of dissolved glass as an alternative to commercial water-
those papers is how glass alkalis might affect cement clinker min- glass [33,35]. This is a solution resulting from 6 h at 85 °C of
erals and how much alkali might remain in the clinker or affect the chemical treatment to obtain an alternative to commercial
walls of the kiln. Both depend on the amount of waste glass used as sodium silicate.
a raw material: small replacement ratios can yield good results A likewise NaOH solution with the preceding component plus
[30]. (15 g per mL) waste glass as an alternative to commercial
Recent studies [30,32] have explored the pozzolanic properties waterglass [34].
of waste glass and its use as a cement replacement in concrete
In both cases, to prepare the alternatives solutions to a commer-
manufacture. A number of benefits would ensue from the reuse
cial sodium silicate, the procedure was as follows: the waste glass
of waste glass in cement and concrete production: environmental
with a particle size <45 mm is brought into contact with the alka-
conservation, longer landfill life, significant energy savings and
line solution (NaOH/Na2CO3 or NaOH) during a stirring time of
lower greenhouse gas emissions.
6 h and a temperature of 85 °C. After this time, the solution was fil-
The feasibility of using vitreous urban and industrial waste as a
tered to be used as an alternative solution in the activation of the
source of silica to wholly or partially replace sodium silicate
waste glass.
(waterglass) in the alkaline activation of slag and fly ash has like-
wise been researched [33–38]. The process entails the partial dis-
2.2. Sample preparation and test methods
solution of the waste glass in highly alkaline media (NaOH/
Na2CO3 and NaOH) to obtain the type of silicon-rich solution that
Paste specimens measuring 1 1 6 cm were prepared from
has been shown to be usable as an alternative to commercial
the waste glass and aforementioned activators at a liquid/solid
sodium silicate activators. These waste glass-based alternative
ratio of 0.4. The conditions for activating and preparing the waste
solutions are less energy-intensive and more eco-friendly than
glass are given in Table 2.
waterglass, which is economically and environmentally problem-
Two curing methods were used.
atic to manufacture, for it calls for heating SiO2 and Na2CO3 to tem-
peratures of over 1000 °C. For every kilogramme of sodium silicate
Method 1: sealed mould curing [48]. Used in prior research, this
produced, an estimated 1.5 kg of CO2 is emitted into the atmo-
procedure ensures that humidity is held constant to prevent
sphere [39].
quick setting [49–51] and carbonation [52] while the material
Synthesised glasses has been used as a precursor in geopolymer
sets and hardens. The trial consisted of placing the moulds with
preparation [40–43]. The CaO content in synthesised glass and the
the fresh paste in water-containing sealed individual plastic
Si/Al ratios of the starting material are variables that must be borne
bags to prevent evaporation during initial oven curing for 20 h
in mind for their possible effect on the mechanical properties and
at 85 °C and 99% relative humidity. RH was logged continuously
microstructure of the gels forming during alkaline activation [40].
with an EL-USB-2-LCD temperature ( 35 °C–80 °C) and relative
The initial proportions of oxides used to generate the vitreous
humidity (0%–100%) sensor.
phase must be carefully controlled to ensure that the chemical
Method 2: the pastes were placed in sealed individual plastic
composition of the aluminosilicate precursor optimises alkaline
bags with no water. The specimens were cured at 85 °C for
activation and the production of high performance cements [40].
20 h, during which the relative humidity, held at approximately
Very few studies [44–47] have been conducted on the alkaline
6.5%, was monitored constantly with the EL-USB-2-LCD data
activation of urban and industrial waste glass, however, i.e., on
logger described above.
the suitability of such waste as a prime material (or precursor)
for activation. This study aimed to determine how intrinsic vari-
The prismatic specimens were tested for compressive strength
ables such as the nature and concentration of the alkaline activator
after 24 h of curing. After the strength tests, the pastes were frozen
and curing conditions affect glass activation and the microstruc-
in acetone/ethanol to detain the hydration/activation reactions
ture of the reaction products. That involved assessing the
prior to Hg intrusion porosimetry (MIP), BET, XRD, FTIR, SEM and
mechanical strength and microstructure of the mixes prepared
BSEM/EDX exploration on the following instruments.
with alkali-activated waste glass.
Mechanical strength tests were conducted to failure on an Ibert-
est Autotest 200/10 hydraulic press as specified in European
2. Experimental procedures
standard EN 196-1 at a rate of 2 400 N/s ± 200 N/s. Compressive
strengths was determined on 1 day specimens.
2.1. Materials
Total porosity and pore size distribution were found with Hg
intrusion porosimetry (MIP) on a Micromeretics Autopore IV
Soda-lime-silica glass sourced from an industrial and urban
9500 analyser able to exert pressure of up to 32,000 Psi (equiv-
waste management plant at Ajalvir, Madrid, Spain, was used in this
alent to pore sizes down to 0.0067 mm).
study (Fig. 1). Waste glass used was a mix of different colours glass,
344 M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354
Fig. 1. Treatment of waste glass of different colours (from a recycle plant at Ajalvir, Madrid, Spain) to obtain a particle size of <45 lm for subsequent alkaline activation: A)
clear waste glass; B) green waste glass; C) brown waste glass; D) mixed waste glass (used in the study).
Table 1
Chemical composition of waste glass (wt%) (XRF).
Table 2
Paste preparation: activation conditions.
BET specific surface area measurements, pore size distribution The FTIR spectra were obtained from 64 scans of
and nanoporosity were found from nitrogen adsorption iso- compressed KBr pellets containing 1.0 mg of sample in
therms generated by a Micromeritics ASAP 2010 analyser. 300 mg of KBr run on an ATIMATTSON Genesis Series
The XRD patterns for the samples were recorded on a Bruker FTIR-TM spectrometer operating in a range of 4000–
AXS D8 Advance diffractometer fitted with a Lynxeye super 400 cm 1.
speed XR detector and a 2.2-kW Cu anode. No monochromator Carbon-coated samples were examined under a JOEL JSM 5400
was used. The scanning range, from (2h) 5° to 50°, was covered scanning electron microscope fitted with a solid-state backscat-
in a 24 h period. The instrument was set at 40 kW and 30 mA tered electron detector (SEM) and a LINK-ISIS energy dispersive
and the sample was not rotated during scanning. (BSEM/EDX) analyser.
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 345
Fig. 2. A) Compressive strength for waste glass activated with different activating solutions and cured at high (99%) or low (6.5%) relative humidity; B) percentage difference
between high RH (99%) and low RH (6.5%) curing conditions.
346 M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354
Fig. 3. Glass waste pastes activated with different solutions and cured at 6.5% relative humidity: A) pore size distribution vs total porosity; B) compressive strength vs total
Fig. 4. Waste glass paste cured at 6.5% or 99% relative humidity: specific surface for A) N10 + 15g, N/C + 25g and KOH; pore size distribution for B) N10 + 15g, C) N/C + 25g and
the main reaction products in the pastes prepared under those con- unhydrated soda-lime waste glass was amorphous with low range
ditions were characterised mineralogically and microstructurally. structural order. The respective XRD trace exhibited no reflections
attributable to any identifiable crystallised compound, but only an
3.2.1. XRD and FTIR amorphous hump (Fig. 5).
The 1 day diffractograms for the waste glass and the pastes pre- The XRD findings showed that the reaction products in the
pared with the activators studied are reproduced in Fig. 5. The pastes hydrated with each activator retained an amorphous struc-
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 347
ture with scantly any crystalline phases. The amorphous hump was at around 960 cm 1, characteristic of the formation of a CAAASAH
shifted slightly toward higher (30°–32°) 2-theta values, however, a gel (with a higher calcium content) [10].
finding attributed to a higher Na2O content in the main reaction Whilst carbonates were present in all the systems, the content
products formed [44,56]. was particularly high in the waste glass activated with KOH. The
The FTIR spectra for the waste glass pastes prepared with the intense wide band observed at around 1424 cm 1 is characteristic
activators used in this study are shown in Fig. 5B). The narrow sig- of K2CO3. In that vein, paste carbonation or weathering during
nal at 460–480 cm 1 was generated by the bending vibrations in preparation and analysis is difficult to prevent.
the SiAOASi bonds [57]. The likewise narrow signal at 775–
800 cm 1 was attributed to the symmetrical stretching vibrations
generated by the OASiAO bonds [57]. An intense narrow band at 3.2.2. SEM and BSEM/EDX
around 1050 cm 1 was related to the asymmetrical stretching The SEM micrographs of the waste glass pastes activated with
vibrations induced by bridging oxygen. Two small shoulders were the various alkaline activators and cured for 20 h at 85 °C and
observed on this signal, at 940 cm 1 (from non-bridging oxygen) 6.5% relative humidity are shown in Fig. 6. The waste glass pastes
and 1120 cm 1 (asymmetric vibrations from bridging oxygen in activated with NaOH/Na2CO3 and waterglass solutions (N/C, N/C
SiAOASi bonds) [57]. The weak signal at 1460 cm 1 was due to + 25g and 0.86 WG) exhibited non-uniform morphology. The unre-
the carbonate groups present in the glass [57,58]. acted (anhydrous) waste glass particles and the regions where the
As Fig. 5B shows, the main band (TAOAT: Si or Al) for all the glass had dissolved to form the main reaction products can be
activated glass pastes was located at wavenumbers (990– clearly distinguished.
1020 cm 1) slightly lower than observed on the spectrum for the On the other hand, the morphology of the pastes activated with
anhydrous waste glass (around 1050 cm 1). That finding may be a high alkaline concentration (N10, N10 + 15g and N10 + 15Wg)
regarded as evidence of the de-polymerisation of the silica network differed, mainly due to the use of higher concentrations. These
in the waste glass [45,59]. Moreover, the former signal is normally pastes contained less unreacted glass and the formation of hydra-
associated with the precipitation of a silica gel that incorporates tion products on and from the waste glass was more visible, with a
cations Ca2+ and Al3+ into its structure, for the replacement of a larger size that can form agglomerates of the main reaction prod-
Si4+ ion with a Al3+ ion shifts the signal to lower frequencies. The uct. No secondary zeolite-like phases were observed in these low
presence of system modifiers such as Na+ ions also lowers the band relative humidity systems, even when the activator provided extra
frequency [45]. This pattern is observed irrespective of the activa- silica (N10 + 15g and N10 + 15Wg). Although some authors have
tor used [41,60]. In this case, the shift was nonetheless less signif- reported that the presence of silicon sourced from the activator
icant than observed when blast furnace slag is activated with the induces greater zeolite crystallisation [61–63], in this study, the
same alkaline solutions [33]. There, the band generated by the presence of silicon in the activator was offset by the absence of alu-
SiAOASi or AlAOAAl bonds in the main reaction product is located minium, which deterred zeolite formation.
Fig. 5. Unhydrated waste glass and activated waste glass pastes: A) XRD patterns; B) FTIR spectra.
348 M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354
Fig. 6. SEM micrograph of 1-day alkali-activated pastes cured at 85 °C and 6.5% relative humidity.
The same pattern was observed in the pastes cured at 99% rel- strength and low porosity of the WG system. When more highly
ative humidity (Fig. 7). The microstructures of the pastes activated concentrated activators were used (Fig. 9), gel morphology was
with NaOH-glass (N10 + 15g) and NaOH-Waterglass (N10 + 15Wg) more compact and less unreacted waste glass was observed. The
exhibited more cracks than the materials cured at 6.5% RH. Mor- calcium content was found in all samples, although it was still
phologies typical of zeolites were not identified in these pastes insufficient to form a CASAHA, CAAASAHA or (N,C)A
either, likewise as a result of the low aluminium content [64]. AASAHAlike gel [10].
SEM analysis confirmed an open, scantly compact morphology, Lastly, the waste glass paste activated with KOH had a very
which would explain the lower strength and higher porosity of compact morphology with very few microcracks. Further to the
these materials. analysis in Fig. 10, the aluminium, calcium and sodium were dis-
The BSEM/EDX findings showed that the reaction products con- tributed across both the starting material and the products (gels)
sisted essentially in a silicon-high Ca- and Al-low gel, irrespective formed. FTIR analysis had identified potassium carbonate-like min-
of the type of activator (Figs. 8 and 9). The Si/Al ratios in the gel eralogical species in these pastes.
formed were consequently very high (Table 3).
The BSEM micrographs in Fig. 8 were obtained from the waste 4. Discussion
glass pastes activated with NaOH/Na2CO3, NaOH/Na2CO3-glass
and waterglass solutions, i.e., the solutions with a concentration This study assessed the possibility of using recycle plant waste
of 5% of Na2O. The lighter areas in each region constitute unreacted glass as the staring material (precursor) in the preparation of
(anhydrous) waste glass and the darker areas the reaction alkali-activated materials (AAMs). Such application would be envi-
product, a silicon-rich gel. When the activator used was waterglass ronmentally beneficial, for it would provide an outlet for waste
(WG 0.86), the gel formed was much more compact and glass that cannot be reused in glass manufacture.
uniform than the gels formed with NaOH/Na2CO3 (N/C) and The findings showed that the materials resulting from the alka-
NaOH/Na2CO3-glass (N/C + 25g), confirming the high mechanical line activation of waste glass exhibit high mechanical strength and
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 349
Fig. 7. SEM micrograph of 1-day N10 + 15g and N10 + 15Wg pastes cured at 99% relative humidity.
Table 3
EDX determination of atomic ratios.
Ratio Number of analyses Anhydrous waste glass N/C N/C + 25g WG 0.86 N10 N10 + 15g N10 + 15Wg KOH
Si/Al 20 29.81 24.12 24.74 25.01 24.52 25.31 31.26 22.77
Ca/Si 20 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.25 0.23
that curing conditions (high and low relative humidity) and the The chemical composition of the AAMs produced and analysed
nature and concentration of the activator impacted mechanical is shown on the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary diagrams (Figs. 8 and 9). In
strength and microstructure. the activated waste glass, the Si/Al molar ratio for the main reac-
XRD, FTIR and SEM-BSEM--EDX exploration confirmed that the tion product was over 20 in all systems due to the low aluminium
reaction product formed in the alkaline activation of waste glass is content in the starting material (around 2.05%) (Table 3). The cal-
a silicon-high gel. Further to those findings, gel composition does cium content (Ca/Si ranging from 0.20 to 0.25), in turn, was lower
not appear to be affected by curing conditions or activator nature than in the materials obtained in blast furnace slag activation. Sev-
or concentration. On the contrary, microstructural characteristics eral authors have shown the latter to have a Ca/Si molar ratio of
such as moisture-induced cracking intensity do affect gel porosity 0.8–1.2, depending on the activator [33,68]. Due more than likely
and consequently strength. to the chemical composition of the waste glass used as a precursor
This main reaction product was a silicon-high gel identified by (Si-high and Al- and Ca-low), the alkali-activated products were
FTIR (Fig. 5B), in which, with the uptake into its structure of Al3+ scantly affected by the activating conditions.
and Ca2+, the band observed for the paste shifted to lower The microstructure developing in the pastes did appear to be
wavenumbers than the signal for the unhydrated waste glass, from impacted by the activating conditions (Fig. 7). Low (6.5%) humidity
around 1050 cm 1 to 990–1020 cm 1. As a rule, a high purity silica thermal curing yielded a much more cohesive microstructure with
gel generates a SiAOASi vibration band at around 1050– fewer macropores and microcracks and higher mechanical
1100 cm 1. That shift would therefore infer and be explained by strength than high (99%) relative humidity curing. The BET findings
some minor replacement of Si4+ with Al3+ in the main reaction pro- appeared to indicate that the gel forming at low RH had greater
duct, along with the presence of a network modifier such as Na microporosity and specific surface than the gel in the high RH
[45]. The possibility of the co-existence of this Si-high gel with pastes. Both these favourable characteristics would also help
other types of gels (CASAH, CAAASAH, NAAASAH or (C,N)A explain the higher mechanical performance in the former.
AASAH) was slight given the paucity of aluminium and calcium The findings illustrated in Fig. 2 infer that the curing conditions
in the system and the absence of a band at around 960 cm 1 on (relative humidity) had a likewise significant impact on strength
the infrared spectra that would denote the presence of CAAASAH development in the waste glass pastes activated by all the solu-
gel [10]. tions used except KOH. Whilst a number of studies have analysed
Geopolymers are normally non-crystalline materials containing changes in alkali-activated materials properties under different
silicon, aluminium and sodium in the main gel. After the activation curing temperatures [7,69–72], very few have been conducted on
of this waste glass, however, with an aluminium-low chemical the effect of relative humidity on curing [73,74]. One possible
composition (Table 1), the gels generated are likewise Al-low explanation for the higher mechanical strength when the pastes
(Table 3). Many studies have shown that the presence of alu- were heat-cured at a lower relative humidity is the significant role
minium in these systems, expressed as the Si/Al ratio, is directly played by the water (adsorbed, absorbed or both) present in the
related to mechanical strength. Although metakaolin-based this materials and its subsequent evaporation in the generation
geopolymers are characterised by an Si/Al ratio of around 1.8–2.0 of a product with fewer microcracks or micropores [73]. During
[65,66], values of about 16 raise mechanical strength more effec- the dissolution of (very aluminium-low) waste glass in a highly
tively. Mechanical strength is optimal in fly ash systems when Si/ alkaline medium, the water available in the aqueous phase to form
Al 5 [67], whereas in alkali-activated slag systems the optimum Si(OH)4 and Al(OH)4 monomers is partially released during subse-
ranges from 2 to 4 [33,68]. As noted earlier, the low Al content quent polymerisation [73]. The reaction between the glass and the
explains the absence of zeolite-like secondary species in the pastes OH groups always hydrolyses oxygen bridges, partially destroying
prepared in this study, where species such as sodalite hydrate the network [35,75]. In alkaline media, glass may be said to be
(Na4Al3Si3O12OH) or Na-chabazite (NaAlSi23H2O) were lacking, depolymerised, resulting in total destruction of its network and
for they are generally found at Si/Al ratios of 1 or 2, respectively. gradual dissolution [35,75]. Low RH leads to the formation of more
350 M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354
Fig. 8. Chemical composition of waste glass paste hydration products after activation with: A) NaOH/Na2CO3 (N/C); B) NaOH/Na2CO3-glass (N/C + 25g); C) waterglass
(0.86 WG).
cohesive AAMs with a smaller pore size, as the Hg porosimetry and specific surface and adsorb much of the water in the medium [45].
BET findings showed (Figs. 3 and 4). The N10 + 15g sample exhib- In dryer environments, much more compact systems are formed,
ited the lowest total porosity and a higher specific surface with as water is eliminated from the pores, inducing the formation of
fewer <1 nm pores in the gel. Silicon-high gels tend to have a high a less porous, more cohesive gel.
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 351
Fig. 9. Chemical composition of waste glass paste hydration products after activation with: A) NaOH (N10); B) NaOH-glass (N10 + 15g); C) NaOH-waterglass (N10 + 15Wg).
In connection with activator nature and concentration, the solu- favoured the breakage of the SiAOASi bonds in the glass, prompt-
tions that induced the formation of pastes with higher mechanical ing more intense dissolution and generating reaction products that
strength were the ones with a high OH ion content. The OH ions afforded the system suitable mechanical stability [75]. Moreover,
352 M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354
Fig. 10. KOH-activated waste glass paste: A) BSEM map; B) chemical composition of hydration products; C) SEM micrograph.
the silicon-containing solutions (0.86 WG) delivered higher turn induced lower total porosity and enhanced pore size refine-
strength materials than the NaOH/Na2CO3 solution because silicon ment, raising 1-day mechanical strength.
favoured glass activation. The results obtained after the activation of waste glass with dif-
When the KOH solution was used as the waste glass activator, ferent alkaline activators and under different curing conditions
strength varied very little between the specimens cured at high provided us information at short study ages (1 day) in pastes, thus
and low relative humidity. From the compositional standpoint, leaving a door open in the investigation of these AAMs at more
however, all the systems generated the same main reaction advanced ages and in materials intended for an application in con-
product (silicon-high gel), irrespective of the nature and concen- struction, such as in concrete. Moreover, a need has been identified
tration of the activator (Figs. 8–10). The cation effect on precursor for future studies geared to determining the chemical and physical
dissolution was likewise significant. Cation K+ dissolves less of the stability of pastes generated by the alkaline activation of waste
Ca and Mg present in glass and, having a lower charge density than glass in aggressive media, for Si-high gels are known to exhibit
cation Na+, induces a smaller proportion of secondary products dimensional or chemical instability or both.
[54]. This study revealed differences between sodium- and
potassium-based activators in terms of strength development 5. Conclusions
and microstructure [44]. One of the determining factors in reaction
kinetics is cation size. As Na+ is smaller, it forms zeolites more The main conclusions drawn from the present findings are
readily [54]. listed below.
The solution pH, however, was observed to affect the formation
of the reaction product, with higher values generating a more - Waste glass is apt as a precursor for alkaline cements, for it
cohesive, higher strength gel. The use of solutions with a high alka- develops materials with suitable mechanical strength.
line content (N10, N10 + 15g and N10 + 15Wg) delivered a much - The main reaction product obtained in waste glass activation is
more compact microstructure (more compact hydration products) an alkali-activated material (AAM). The composition of this
(Fig. 6), as confirmed by the significant decline in total porosity in silicon-high, Al- and Ca-low gel is unaffected by activation con-
the systems with highest mechanical performance. Moreover, the ditions or the nature or concentration of the alkaline activator.
more alkaline solutions dissolved the waste glass more effectively, - Curing conditions, and more specifically relative humidity, have
raising system reactivity and favouring the formation of more pri- a significant effect on strength development in alkali-activated
mary reaction product. glass pastes. When cured for 20 h at 85 ± 2 °C and 6.5% relative
The BET study of these systems revealed a correlation between humidity, the pastes developed strength 50–75% greater than
the specific surface of the systems and the RH at which they were when cured for the same time and at the same temperature
cured. At low (6.5%) RH, paste specific surface was higher. That in but at 99% relative humidity.
M. Torres-Carrasco, F. Puertas / Construction and Building Materials 139 (2017) 342–354 353
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