Acar 2023
Acar 2023
Acar 2023
Original Article
Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Department of Construction, Kayseri University, Kayseri, 38280, Turkey
Tomarza Mustafa Akincioglu Vocational School, Department of Construction, Kayseri University, Kayseri, 38940,
Department of Civil Engineering, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, 42100, Turkey
Article history: Using ground raw perlite through alkali activation to produce various construction materials
Received 27 December 2022 such as plaster, grouting, and concrete can provide economic and environmental advan-
Accepted 23 February 2023 tages by reducing Portland cement consumption. It is aimed to produce cementless pastes
Available online 6 March 2023 and cementless mortars based on the alkali activation of raw perlite and standard sand for
this study. Perlite and alkali activators (NaOH and Na2SiO3) were used as binding materials
Keywords: to produce cementless paste and mortar. In addition, aerated lightweight pastes and mor-
Lightweight tars were produced using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a blowing agent. Thus, the aeration
Geopolymer mechanism of the sample was examined, and the changes in apparent density, compressive
Aerated strength, and flexural strength values were determined. At the same time, the thermal
Eco-friendly conductivity properties of aerated paste and mortars were investigated. Geopolymers in
Energy efficient various Water/Perlite and H2O2/Perlite ratios were produced, and their thermal conductivity,
Ground raw perlite apparent density, compressive and flexural strength were contrasted. The experimental
Alkali activators finding revealed that adding 0.25% H2O2 (by mass of perlite) to the mixtures enabled the
production of lightweight pastes and mortars with lower density and lower thermal con-
ductivity coefficient without a significant loss of ultimate strength. The developed perlite
based aerated geopolymer is a eco-friendly and energy efficient solution to the buildings.
Based on the results, H2O2/Perlite% above 0.5% and water/Perlite% above 45% should be
avoided for both paste and mortars. In order to obtain optimum results in terms of work-
ability, strength, density, and thermal conductivity, it is recommended that the H2O2/Perlite
ratio for all samples should be 0.25% and the Water/Perlite percentage should be 40%.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y.O. Ozkılıç).
2238-7854/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
82 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
materials containing Al2O3, SiO2, and CaO is 88.4% indicates standard sand was used to prepare mortar mixes. CEN Stan-
that perlite has a binding (pozzolan) feature. dard (100% of sand passes 2 mm and 1% passes 0.08 mm) sand
The materials used in this study are shown collectively in is produced by Limak Cement Factory. Based on the studies in
Fig. 2 and flow chart of experiments is shown in Fig. 3. CEN the literature [42,48e50] and preliminary laboratory
Fig. 4 e Images of RP Paste and Mortar samples. a) Images of geopolymer RP paste sample. b) Images of molded RP Paste
samples. c) Images of geopolymer RP Mortar sample. d) Images of molded RP Mortar samples.
experiments for RP, it was observed that perlite was activated 2 min, 24 ± 0.5 h, before mixing with the RP. A 50% w/w H2O2
quite well with a mixture of NaOH/RP ratio of 0.133 and solution is used in all samples. The density of H2O2 solution is
Na2SiO3/RP ratio of 0.3 after two days of curing in a dry oven at 1.19 g/cm3 at 20 C. Sodium hydroxide/perlite and sodium
80 . Therefore, these ratios were kept constant in all tests. silicate/perlite ratios by mass were kept at 0.133 and 0.30,
respectively, and this ratio did not change in all paste and
2.2. Mixing methods of perlite-based geopolymer paste mortar mixtures throughout the experiment. Air was chemi-
and mortar cally created in paste and mortar mixtures by a gas release
reaction creating a cellular structure. Generally, air agents
The literature states that the best activators for perlite are hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are used [67]. The mixtures are
sodium hydroxide or sodium silicate [22,29,51e66]. Therefore, aerated with H2O2 and allowed to swell. In addition, mixtures
a mix of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution was of 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% for pastes and 40%, 45%, 47.5%, and
preferred as an alkali activator based on previous and pre- 50% for mortars were prepared for various W(Water)/RP
liminary studies. Solid NaOH in flake form with >99% purity percentages. According to the consistency, workability, flex-
and distilled water was used to obtain a 16 M solution. In ural tensile, and compressive strength of the paste and
addition, the sodium silicate solution, the other activator, has mortar, the most suitable W/RP percentages in the mixture
a chemical composition of Na2O ¼ 9.2%, SiO2 ¼ 29.3%, and were found. Some images of perlite paste and mortars are
H2O ¼ 61.5%. The solutions were mixed at medium speed for given in Fig. 4.
86 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
The sample molds are rectangular prisms with 1. The aeration process of the samples was made with
dimensions of 40mmx40 mmx160 mm and a cube of hydrogen peroxide to produce lightweight composites as
70mmx70 mmx70mm. The mixture ratios were prepared as in insulation and semi-structural materials in the construction
Table 1 in light of the literature and our preliminary laboratory industry.
studies. The initial and final setting times of pastes and In this study, two separate sample sets were prepared for
mortars were determined according to various W/RP ratios Paste and Mortar to conduct the experiments. Mixture iden-
using a Vicat needle according to ASTM C191. For the mortar tities of the produced samples were determined by P(Paste)
samples, standard sand was used with a Sand/Perlite ratio of and M(Mortar), W/RP percentage, and H2O2/RP percentage by
mass of RP. A trial and error procedure is carried out for the
percentages of water and H2O2 in the mix. The mix pro-
portions of RP paste used in this study are shown in Table 2,
and the perlite mortar mixture ratios are shown in Table 3.
Forty different mixtures were prepared, 20 for RP paste and 20
for RP mortar, to investigate the expansion mechanism and
mechanical properties of RP-based geopolymer. These are 20
different Paste mixtures containing 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50%
water, each containing 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, and 1% H2O2, by
mass of RP (Table 1.) In P40e0.25 MIX ID, P stands for perlite
paste (i.e., No-sand), 40 indicates the Water/RP percentage is
40%, and 0.25 indicates the H2O2/RP percentage is 0.25%
(Fig. 5(a)).
The mortar samples' mechanical properties and apparent Fig. 5 e Defination of samples. a)Paste: P40-0.25, P(Paste),
densities were investigated on 20 different mixtures. The 40 (W/RP %), and 0.25 (H2O2/RP %). b)Mortar: M40-0.50,
mortar mixtures containing 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50% water, M(mortar), 40 (w/RP %), and 0.50 (H2O2/RP %).
each with 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75%, and 1% H2O2 contents, are
prepared. The mixture identity of the samples is expressed
by their percentage of water and H2O2 content. For example,
in M40e0.50 mix ID, M means the mix type is mortar, 40
means the water content is 40% by mass of perlite, and
0.50 means the H2O2 content is 0.50% by mass of perlite
(Fig. 5(b)).
In preparation of mixtures, a 10lt capacity laboratory
mixer was used for all paste and mortar samples.
40 40 160 mm molds were used to determine flexural and
compressive strengths and apparent densities, and
70 70 70 mm molds were used to determine compressive
strengths and expansions. In addition, 140 120 40 mm
prism molds were used to determine its thermal conductiv-
ity. In the mixing process of Geopolymer pastes, RP was
added immediately after the alkaline solutions were added to
the bowl and mixed for 60 s. Then, the selected amount of
H2O2 was added with slow stirring. After stirring for another
120 s, the mixture was poured into molds. The total mixing
time of the paste sample was completed in 3 min. In mixing
alkali-activated RP mortars, alkaline solutions, RP, and sand
were mixed for 120 s, 60 s at low speed, and 60 s at medium
The total mixing time of a mortar sample was completed in
4 min. The specimens prepared in 160 40 40 mm di-
mensions were tested for flexural and compressive strength.
Varying percentages of H2O2 were added to the mix. The
mixtures were poured into molds by mixing for an additional
120 s at medium speed.
After molding, the samples were allowed to expand freely
for about 2 h. Then, just before the setting time (that is, before
fully hardened), the upper surfaces of the sample's expanded
and overflowed parts from the mold were cut off using a utility
knife. After two days of molding at room temperature, sam-
ples were cured in a dry oven at 80 for 48 h. The samples were
de-molded and kept at room temperature until the end of the
7, 14, and 28 days of testing. Compression and bending tests
were performed for all samples using a portable, 100 kN ca-
pacity automatic universal testing machine with a loading
speed of approximately 1.5 kN/s. Compression tests were
carried out on the remaining half samples after the bending
strength tests on 40 40 160mm sized samples. Tests of the
samples were completed as averages of compressive and Fig. 6 e Results of apparent densities for paste samples
flexural strengths. (affected by H2O2/RP% and Water/RP%).
88 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
The size and amount of the pores of the pastes increased above 40%. In order to obtain optimum results in terms of
with increasing water and hydrogen peroxide content. While compressive stress and workability, it is recommended that
the percentage of Water/RP was kept constant, the apparent the H2O2/Perlite ratio for paste be 0.25% and Water/Perlite
density did not decrease at the same rate as the increase of percentage 40%. It is known that with the increase in water
hydrogen peroxide. When the percentage of H2O2/RP was ratio, the compressive strength decreases, and accordingly,
0.25%, the apparent density decreased significantly, but the there is an increase in water absorption and porosity [68]. The
increase continued up to 1%, and there was not much change concrete becomes lighter due to the contribution of the air
in the apparent densities. The pastes swelled more than the bubbles formed by inflating the raw perlite with H2O2. It is
mortars by air bubble formation due to the effect of hydrogen possible to obtain light and durable pastes with mixtures with
peroxide. Swelling of the paste was thought to allow the ox- an H2O2-perlite ratio of 0.25%e0.5% and a water-perlite ratio
ygen to remain trapped and cause air bubbles to form. When of 35e40%. When the hydrogen peroxide content increased by
the hydrogen peroxide amount increased from 0% to 0.25%, 0.25%, there was no significant decrease in the compressive
the apparent density decreased by 22%. strength, but the continued increase in the hydrogen peroxide
from 0.25% to 1% significantly reduced the compressive
3.1.2. Compressive strength strength of the samples. This may be due to a decrease in
Fig. 7 shows the effect on the compressive strength of aerated apparent density and an increase in the size and amount of
pastes at 7, 14, and 28 days with different hydrogen peroxide/ pores in the microstructure of the samples, as given in the
RP contents. In order to investigate the effect of water and SEM analysis (Fig. 16).
hydrogen peroxide content, the compressive strength tests of
the mixtures were measured after ambient dry-oven curing at 3.1.3. Flexural strength
80 C. The effect of hydrogen peroxide and water content on Fig. 8 shows the effect of the 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day flexural
the size and amount of the pores of the paste samples' strengths of pastes with different hydrogen contents. Flexural
microstructure was investigated by SEM analysis. The strengths were adversely affected much more by water in-
compressive strength of the 28-day peroxide-free P35- crements. When the 28-day peroxide-free P35-0 sample was
0 (water-perlite ratio 35%) sample is approximately 2%, 58%, compared with the P40-0, P45-0, and P50-0 samples, flexural
and 118% higher than pastes with 40%, 45%, and 50% water strengths decreased by 23%, 62%, and 82%, respectively,
content, respectively. The 28-day compressive strengths of relative to the increase in water content. Shi et al. (2020) stated
the P35-0 and P40-0 samples are almost close, although the that the compressive strength and flexural strength decrease
development of the 7-day and 14-day compressive strengths with the increase in H2O2, while the decrease in the flexural
slightly differ (Fig. 7). From this, it can be stated that the strength is approximately three times the decrease in the
compressive strength will increase in the future, and the compressive strength [69]. The results also show that the
results are getting closer. decrease in flexural strength is more than the compressive
Significant decrease in compressive strength was detected strength, similar to the literature results for the paste
when H2O2/Perlite% is above 0.5% and/or Water/Perlite% is samples.
90 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
Fig. 10 e The effect of 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day compressive and flexural strength of aerated paste on apparent density.
The flexural-compression strength ratios of the non- were measured using a heat flow meter (Thermtest HFM-100)
aerated pastes ranged from about 0.10 to 0.7. The compres- according to ASTM C518 and EN 12,667 standards. Adding
sive and flexural strengths of the samples decreased with H2O2 to the mixture increases the air spaces of the paste and
increasing water content, but the decrease in flexural strength decreases its thermal conductivity. However, adding too
was much more significant. For example, the 7, 14, and 28 days much H2O2 to the mixture causes the gas to escape [48].
flexural strengths of samples with 40% water content are Similar results were obtained in this study. Furthermore, the
approximately 800%, 327%, and 575% higher than samples relationship between decreased material density due to the
with 50% water content. The increased water content in the increased H2O2 ratio was revealed in the literature [69].
mixture caused porosity and cracks, significantly decreasing Considering the thermal conductivity coefficient of light-
the flexural strength value. weight pastes, the amount of H2O2 added to the mixture, and
the paste density, the results are reasonably compatible with
3.1.4. Thermal conductivity of paste samples the literature [70,71]. Thermal conductivity measurements
In finding the thermal conductivity coefficients, it was deter- were made on rectangular samples of 140 160 40 mm. The
mined that the best paste mix was P40-0 in workability, device's electrical cooling and heating system controlled the
compression, and flexural strength (Fig. 9). Then, the thermal surface temperature of the samples throughout the experi-
conductivity of the samples, which were made lightweight ment. The sample thickness was automatically measured
(i.e., to make them porous and reduce the density) with H2O2, during the test.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9 91
Fig. 11 e Results of apparent densities for mortar samples Fig. 12 e Results of compressive strength for mortar
(affected by H2O2/RP% and Water/RP%). samples (affected by H2O2/RP% and Water/RP%).
3.2.1. Density
After 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day curing, changes in the
apparent densities of perlite mortars were determined. Fig. 11
shows the effect of Water-to-RP% and H2O2-to-RP% content
on the apparent density of mortars. The apparent densities in
non-aerated mortars were 1582e1529, 1602e1518 and 1675-
1515 kg/m^3 for 7, 14 and 28 days, respectively. As the water
content progressed from 40% to 50%, the apparent densities
decreased due to the increase in water content, but the dif-
ferences were less compared to pastes. While the 28-day
apparent densities of non-aerated perlite mortars with
different water contents (i.e., M40e0, M45e0, M47.5e0, and
M50-0) are in the range of 1675e1515 kg/m3, the samples with
0.25% H2O2 added to the mixture (i.e., M40e0.25, M45e0.25,
M47.5e0.25, and M50e0.25), their apparent densities
decreased as H2O2 increased and became between 1277 and
1170 kg/m3. As a result, adding 0.25% H2O2 to mortar mixes
caused its density to increase by about 22%. As the hydrogen
peroxide content increased from 0.25% to 0.50%, the apparent
density slightly decreased. Continuing to increase more than
0.50% H2O2 did not affect the apparent density at all. Adding
0.25% hydrogen peroxide to the mortar mix effectively re-
duces the apparent density. Although the apparent density
values in this study were higher than the literature [37],
similar results were obtained regarding the effect of 0.25%
peroxide on the apparent densities of the mortars. Since the
densities of the obtained perlite-based geopolymer mortars
are between 1277 and 1170 kg/m3, they can be used in the
production of semi-structural concrete elements [72]
Very close values were obtained when M40e0 and M45-
0 mortars were compared in apparent densities and strength
properties. This result showed that the W/RP percentage of
the ideal mixture is between 40% and 45%. The M45-0 mix was
Fig. 13 e Results of flexural strength for mortar samples more workable and easier to process compared to M40-0.
(affected by H2O2/RP% and Water/RP%). When 0.25% H2O2 was added to the M45-0 mortar mix, the
apparent density decreased significantly, but the further in-
crease of hydrogen peroxide did not affect the apparent den-
sity much. As a result, it is thought that the oxygen may
pastes prepared with different hydrogen peroxide/RP contents. quickly escape without expansion due to sand, or the air
When the amount of hydrogen peroxide was 0.25%, a signifi- bubbles collapse easily with the increase in the mortar density
cant decrease was observed in the apparent density by 22% and by adding sand.
the thermal conductivity coefficient by 31%, while the
compressive stress was reduced by 17%. According to the re- 3.2.2. Compressive strength
sults, H2O2/Perlite over 0.5% and water/Perlite over 40% should Fig. 12 shows the effect on compressive strength of aerated
be avoided for paste. In order to obtain optimum results in mortars on days 7, 14, and 28 with different hydrogen
terms of workability, compressive strength, apparent density, peroxide/RP contents. When the 28-day peroxide-free M40-
and thermal conductivity, it is recommended that the H2O2/ 0 sample was compared with M45e0, M47.5e0, and M50-
Perlite ratio be 0.25% and the Water/Perlite ratio 40% in pastes. 0 samples, the compressive strength decreased by 1%, 23%,
Thus, it will be possible to produce building materials that are and 34%, respectively, due to water content variations. In
strong and light enough to be used in many construction works. Fig. 12, the 28-day compressive strengths of M40e0 and M45-
0 samples are almost close, but the evolution of the 7-day
3.2. Effect of water and H2O2 in geopolymer RP mortar and 14-day compressive strengths increased over time.
Consequently, H2O2/Perlite% should be less than 0.5% for
In the experimental study, the effects of increasing water mortar mixes, and Water/Perlite% should be less than 45%. In
(water/RP%) and increasing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2/RP%) order to obtain optimum results in terms of compressive
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9 93
stress and workability, it is recommended that the H2O2/ (Fig. 13). The flexural-compression strength ratios of the non-
Perlite ratio be 0.25% and the Water/Perlite ratio 45% in the aerated mortar ranged from about 0.10 to 0.90. The compres-
mortar. sive and flexural strengths of the samples decreased with
Similar to pastes, the increased percentage of hydrogen increasing water content, but the decrease in flexural
peroxide causes a decrease in the compressive strength of the strengths was much more pronounced. For example, 7, 14,
mortars. This may be because the pores and pore size of the and 28 days flexural strengths of mortar samples with 45%
samples increased due to the increased hydrogen peroxide water content are approximately 900%, 192%, and 331% higher
content. The increase in the densities of the mortars provided than samples with 50% water content. The significant
an increase in their compressive strength. When non-aerated decrease in flexural strength of mortars is likely due to
samples are referenced for a given percentage of water- increased porosity and cracks due to increased water content.
perlite, it can be concluded that it is easier to achieve lower
densities and high compressive strengths by using 45% water 3.2.4. Thermal conductivity
content in mortars. The thermal conductivity of the geopolymer mortar samples,
M45e0, M45e0.25, M45e0.5, M45e0.75, and M45-1, decreased
3.2.3. Flexural strength with the increase of the hydrogen peroxide percentage. The
Fig. 13 shows the effect of the 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day thermal conductivity coefficient of the M45-0 sample was
flexural strengths of mortars with different hydrogen con- initially 0.3515 W/m.K. When 0.25% H2O2 was added to the
tents. Flexural strengths of mortars were adversely affected mortar mix (M45-0), the thermal conductivity coefficient
much more by water increments. When the 28-day peroxide- decreased significantly to 0.2625 W/m.K, and the apparent
free M40-0 sample was compared with the M45e0, M47.5e0, density decreased from 1631 kg/cm3 to 1277 kg/cm3. These
and M50-0 samples, flexural strengths decreased by 5%, 60%, results showed a remarkable decrease in thermal conductivity
and 71%, respectively, relative to the increase in water content and density. This significant decrease can be attributed to the
higher overall porosity of M45e0.25 compared to M45-0. As a
result of the increase in pores, the thermal conductivity co-
efficients decreased. It seems to match the result obtained by
Table 4 e Thermal conductivity coefficients of some Ref. [44]. Adding 0.25% (M45e0.25), 0.50% (M45e0.50), 0.75%
building materials (TS825) [73]. (M45e0.75), and 1% (M45-1) hydrogen peroxide to M45-
Building materials Thermal Conductivity 0 mortar mix are shown in Fig. 14. Thermal conductivity
Coefficient (w/m.K) decreased 25.3%, 34.9%, 40.7%, and 43.8%, respectively.
Compressive strengths decreased by 21%, 41%, 50%, and 60%,
Marble 3.5
Portland Cement Mortar 1.6 respectively, while flexural strengths decreased by 31%, 54%,
Reinforced concrete 2.5 51%, and 69%, respectively.
vertical hole brick 0.5e1.4 Some construction materials' thermal properties are given
Extruded polystyrene foam 0.030e0.040 in Table 4. According to Table 4, it has been proven that geo-
(XPS) sheets polymer paste and mortars are suitable building materials in
Glass wool 0.035e0.050
terms of thermal insulation. Compared to vertical hole brick
94 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
Fig. 15 e The relation between 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day compressive and flexural strength of aerated mortar and apparent
building materials in Table 4, geopolymers obtained from hydrogen peroxide content, oxygen was produced, and the
perlite have better thermal conductivity and similar separation rate increased. It is thought that air bubbles pre-
compressive strength (about 14 MPa). In addition, due to its cipitate or leave the mixture quickly in perlite mortars. Adding
superior fire resistance properties (100% non-combustibility), 1% H2O2 to the mortars decreased the compressive strength by
classified as Fire Class A1 according to DIN4102, it can be 65% and the flexural strength by 85%. The strength decrease is
used in the production of various construction materials such interpreted as the formation of a heterogeneous structure in
as plaster, joint filler, and concrete. geopolymer and the emergence of zeolitic phases. [71]. In
recent studies, it has been suggested that adding H2O2 to
3.2.5. General comments lightweight foam concrete obtained by adding materials such
Fig. 15 shows the relation between 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day as methacholine and expanded polystyrene reduces the
compressive and flexural strength of aerated mortar and strength but preserves its thermal conductivity [74e77]. This
apparent density. When the hydrogen peroxide ratio study with raw perlite confirms previous studies showing
increased from 0% to 0.25%, the apparent density of the good thermal insulation performance since the pores swelled
mortar decreased by 22% from 1631 kg/cm3 to 1277 kg/cm3, with H2O2 are filled with air bubbles. In addition, compressive
while the compressive strength decreased by 20% and flexural and flexural strengths can be three times higher than foam
strength by 31% (Figs. 12e13-14). Due to the increase in concrete. It is possible to produce these results with
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9 95
Fig. 16 e 28-day SEM images of paste samples according to varying H2O2 content.
lightweight and usable concrete raw perlite-based mortars porosity causes surface cracks and internal voids. These
without using too many additional materials. images prove the flexural compressive strength drop due to
As a result, the Water/RP percentage of the ideal mixture is voids.
between 40% and 45%, but M45-0 was more workable and Fig. 16(a) shows that perlite forms a good bond with alkali
easier to process than M40-0. When 0.25% H2O2 was added to activators (NaOH and Si2O3). Fig. 10(b) shows the pore bum
the M45-0 mortar mix, the apparent density decreased and voids in perlite along with the gelled surfaces. In forming
significantly, but the further increase of hydrogen peroxide perlite geopolymer, calcium carbonate crystals transform
did not affect the apparent density much. As a result, it is into aragonite, and calcite forms [78]. These structures are
thought that adding sand to the mixture increases the weight seen in Fig. 16 (c) in a spherical or crystalline geometric form.
of the mortar and allows air bubbles to collapse quickly. There are microfissure formations in Fig. 16(b and d). Calcite
symptoms in SEM images show similarities with [79]. The
3.3. SEM analysis H2O2 effect is seen less in sandy models. Sand particles do not
swell after a certain rate. It is seen that the sandy model
As a result of the experimental study of light concrete made Fig. 17(a) provides good bonding with perlite and contains
with ground raw perlite, SEM analysis was carried out on fewer voids than the sandless model. Although less expan-
sandless (Paste) and sandy (Mortar) samples. SEM analysis is sion was seen in the sandy models, the compressive and
performed to observe internal structure formations, cavities, flexural strength performance was better. In Fig. 17(b) lime-
and cracks in concrete [20]. The effects of H2O2 on perlite stone form, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is seen with good
expansion can be seen in the SEM results obtained by bonding between calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) sand parti-
magnifying 500 times. Fig. 16(aed) paste and Fig. 17(aed) cles. Fig. 17(c) shows more clearance and expansion reduc-
present essential sections from the mortar samples. As the tion. In Fig. 17(d), CaCO3 and CeSeH formations are more
H2O2 ratio increases, the perlite expands, but the increased striking. At the same time, in Fig. 17(d) interfacial transition
96 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 4 : 8 1 e9 9
Fig. 17 e 28-day SEM images of mortar samples according to varying H2O2 content.
zone (ITZ) is shown, with the boundary at 20 mm approxi- 31% reduction in the thermal conductivity coefficient, while
mately indicated. there was only a 20% reduction in the compressive strength.
Similar results can be stated for mortar mixes. As expected,
there was an inverse relationship between apparent density
4. Conclusion and recommendations and hydrogen peroxide content. As a result of this study, it has
been found that alkali-activated perlite cementless pastes and
In this study, cementless paste and mortar were produced mortars can be produced environmentally friendly without
based on the alkali activation of raw perlite, and it was proven requiring high energy and without causing greenhouse gas
that they could be used as construction materials. They were emissions. Alkali-activated raw perlite can be used as an
also aerated with a foaming agent called H2O2 (a blowing agent) alternative binder instead of cement, especially in our country.
to produce low-density paste and mortar. Thus, the binding It can provide economic and environmental advantages by
and pore formation mechanism, apparent densities, flexural reducing Portland cement consumption.
strength, compressive strength, and thermal properties of all
samples produced were tested. The durability of the mixtures
decreased with increasing water content. Geopolymer pastes Important conclusions can be summarized as
and mortars produced from raw perlite are lightweight and, at follows.
the same time, have adequate flexural and compressive
strength and low thermal conductivity. The aeration of mix- Cementless paste and cementless mortar were produced
tures mainly depends on the water and hydrogen peroxide based on the alkali activation of raw perlite, and it was
content. The apparent density decreased as the percentage of proven that they could be used as construction materials.
hydrogen peroxide increased in both paste and mortar sam- The durability of the mixtures decreased with increasing
ples. When the percentage of hydrogen peroxide in the paste water content in both paste and mortar.
mixture increased by 0.25%, the apparent density in the paste Lightweight geopolymer pastes and mortars with signifi-
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