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Engineering Materials Aggregate

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Engineering Materials

CE 201


Prepared by
Debasish Sen
Lecturer, Department of CE
Aggregates are defined as inert, granular, and inorganic materials that normally
consist of stone or stone-like solids.

In concrete two types of aggregate are used – Coarse and fine aggregate.

Form the body of the concrete, reduce shrinkage

Used as filler with binding material in mortar and concrete
Chemically inert/ Inorganic

Volumetric proportion of concrete

Ingredient Range
Cement 7% - 15%
Aggregate 60% - 80%
Water 14% - 18%
Air 2% - 8%
Classification of Aggregates

On the basis of geological origin

Natural aggregates
Taken from natural deposits
Properties are not changed during the process of production such as
crushing and grinding.
Sand, crushed limestone, and gravel are examples.

Manufactured (synthetic) aggregates

Man-made materials
Produced as a main product or an industrial by-product
Blast furnace slag, lightweight aggregate, heavy weight aggregates and
recycled concretes are examples.
Classification of Aggregates (Contd.)
On the basis of unit weight
Sp. Unit weight Bulk density
Aggregate Example
Gravity KN/m3 Kg/m3
Normal Sand, gravel, granite
2.5-2.7 23-26 1520-1680
Weight [Natural aggregates]
Magnetite, Baryte
2.8-2.9 25-29 > 2080 [Obtained from iron ores
, barium minerals]
Shale, Slate, Dolomite,
< 2.4 12 < 1120 Clay
[Synthetic aggregate]
Classification of Aggregates (Contd.)
On the basis of shape
Obtained from river or sea shore
Produce minimum voids in concrete
Minimum ratio of surface area to the volume
The cement paste required is minimum
Poor interlocking bond makes it unsuitable for high strength concrete
They have more voids (about 35-37%)
Require more cement paste a compared
to rounded aggregate.
Develop good bond by interlocking
Suitable for making ordinary concrete
The least lateral dimension should be less than
0.6 times the mean dimension.
These influence the concrete properties i.e.
durability adversely.
Classification of Aggregate(Contd.)
Have sharp edges
Have maximum voids [about 40%].
Provide very good bond
Most suitable for high strength concrete.
Requirement of cement paste is relatively more

On the basis of size

Coarse aggregate
Aggregates retained on the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve.[CA > 4.75mm]
Fine aggregate
Aggregates passing No.4 (4.75 mm) sieve and predominately retained on the
No. 200 (75 μm) sieve. [0.075 mm < FA< 4.75 mm]
 Particles size between 0.002-0.075 mm
Particle size smaller than 0.002 mm
Classification of stones
Geological classification
Igneous rock
Formed from the solidification of the magma.
Hard, tough and strong
Further subdivisions are
1. Intrusive igneous rock – Solidify below earth’s surface i.e. granite
2. Extrusive igneous rock – Solidify on earth’s surface i.e. basalt
Another subdivisions are
1. Acid – contains over 65% silica
2. Intermediate – contains 55-65% silica
3. Base - contains 45-55% silica
Sedimentary rock

Formed from the accumulation of sediments.

For example sand, gravel, limestone etc.
Basic types are
1. Clastic sedimentary rock – Formed from mechanical weathering
debris i.e. shale, sandstone, conglomerate etc.
2. Chemical sedimentary rock – Formed due to precipitation from
solution i.e. limestone, rock salt etc.
3. Organic sedimentary rock – Formed from the accumulation of
plant and animal debris i.e. coal, limestone etc.
Classification of stones (contd.)
Geological classification
Metamorphic rock
Formed from the igneous or sedimentary rocks due to chemical and physical
conditions below earth crust.
Physical conditions may be heat and pressure
This conditions accelerate the change of mineralogy, texture and chemical
For example sand, gravel, limestone etc.
Basic types are
1. Foliated metamorphic rock – Have a layered appearance i.e.
2. Non-foliated metamorphic rock – Don’t have a layered appearance
i.e. marble, quartzite etc.
Classification of stones (contd.)
Classification based on physical form
 Formed in a series of parallel layers i.e.
igneous and metamorphic rock
 Grains are bounded together by
cementing medium
 Strength and durability depends on the
cementing materials
 Not arranged in any definite form in
layer i.e. sedimentary rock.
 Ingredients are mingled together.

Classification based on chemical composition

Silicious stone
 Silica is the main constituent.
Calcareous stone
 Carbonate of lime is the main constituent.
Argillaceous stone
 Alumina is the main constituent.
Particle size distribution
Sieve analysis
A sieve analysis is a procedure used to assess the particle size distribution or
gradation of a granular material.
ASTM Sieve designation

US sieve Sieve number [i.e. #4]

Opening (mm) A number used to designate
the size of a sieve, usually
6 in 150 mm the approximate number of
3 in 75 mm openings per inch. The

For CA
1.5 in 37.5 mm number is applied to sieves
with openings smaller than
3/4 in 19 mm 1/4" (6.3mm).
3/8 in 9.5 mm
#4 4.75 mm
#8 2.38 mm
#16 1.19 mm

For FA
#30 600 μm
# 50 300 μm
# 100 150 μm
# 200 75 μm
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Sieve analysis procedure

A representative weighed sample is poured into the top sieve which has the
largest screen openings.
The column is typically placed in a mechanical shaker.
The shaker shakes the column, usually for some fixed amount of time.
After the shaking is complete the material on each sieve is weighed.
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Example 1
Sieve Mass retained
% Retained % retained % Finer
size (gm)
(nearest 1)
1.5 in 0 0 0 100
0.75 in 0 0 0 100
3/8 in 0 0 0 100
#4 6 1.93 2 98
#8 31 10.0 12 88
#16 30 9.68 22 78
#30 59 19.02 41 59
# 50 107 34.5 75 25
# 100 53 17.1 92 8
# 200 21 6.8 99 1
Pan 3 0.97 - -
Total =310
Particle size distribution (Contd.)

Gradation Curve


Arithmetic scale

% Finer



0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Sieve Opening (inch)

Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Types of gradation
Types of Gradation curve

Well graded
A sample is said to be well graded if it has all sizes of materials present in it.

Uniform / Poorly/ Narrow graded

A sample that has aggregate of approximately the same size. The curve on the
gradation graph is very steep, and occupies a small range of the aggregate.

Gap graded
Gap graded aggregate consists of aggregate particles in which some intermediate
size particles are missing. The curve is horizontal in the medium size range on the
gradation graph.

Well Uniform Gap

Graded Graded Graded
Particle size distribution (Contd.)

Dense gradation
A dense gradation refers to a sample that is approximately of equal amounts of
various sizes of aggregate. By having a dense gradation, most of the air voids
between the material are filled with particles. A dense gradation will result in an
even curve on the gradation graph.

Open gradation
Open graded aggregate contains only a small percentage of aggregate particles in
the small range. This results in more air voids because there are not enough small
particles to fill in the voids between the larger particles. The curve is near vertical
in the mid-size range, and flat and near-zero in the small-size range in grain size
distribution curve.
Particle size distribution (Contd.)

Comparison of gradation curves

Dense and well-graded aggregates are desirable for making concrete, as the
space between larger particles is effectively filled by smaller particles to
produce a well-packed structure.
Gap-grading is a kind of grading which lacks one or more intermediate size.
Gap-graded aggregates can make good concrete when the required workability
is relatively low. When they are used in high workability mixes, segregation
may become a problem.
For the uniform grading, only a few sizes dominate the bulk material. With
this grading, the aggregates are not effectively packed, and the resulting
concrete will be more porous, unless a lot of paste is employed.
The open graded contains too much small particles and easy to be disturbed
by a hole.
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Fineness Modulus [FM]
Fineness modulus is defined as the sum of cumulative percentages retained on
the standard sieves, divided by 100.
#100, # 50, # 30, # 16, # 8, # 4, 3/8 in., 3/4 in., 1.5 in., 3 in. and 6 in. are the
ASTM standards sieves Cumulative %
Sieve size
Fineness modulus (FM) is an empirical value 1.5 in 0
Used mainly for FA rather than CA
0.75 in 0
Typical values range from 2.3 to 3 for FA
A smaller value indicates a finer aggregate 3/8 in 0
#4 2
#8 12

From the previous example: #16 22

#30 41
FM = (0+0+0+2+12+22+41+75+92) /100 # 50 75

= 2.44 # 100 92

Not # 200 99
Pan -
Fineness modulus of different types of aggregate
Type of aggregate Fineness Modulus Range
Coarse 5.5 – 8.0
Fine 2.0 – 3.5
All-in-aggregate 3.5 – 6.5

Type of Sand Fineness Modulus Range

Fine Sand 2.2 – 2.6
Medium Sand 2.6 – 2.9
Coarse Sand 2.9 – 3.2

Blending of aggregate

It is the process for making optimum combination of aggregate to meet the

maximum density grading for concrete mass. Blending of aggregate is
undertaken for various reasons-

To obtain desirable gradation

To remedy deficiencies in grading
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
FM of blended aggregates

Consider two aggregates designated as A and B, having fineness modulus

FMA and FMB respectively. If they are blended then-

FM of mixture = (FMA * PA)/100 + (FMB * PB) /100

Where, PA and PB are the percentage by weight of aggregate A and B in the


% Passing a given sieve

P = Aa + Bb + Cc + ….
P = Percent of material passing a given sieve for the blended aggregates A, B, C, …
A, B, C, … = % material passing a given sieve for each aggregate A, B, C, …..
a, b, c, …. = Proportions (decimal fractions) of aggregates A, B, C, … to be used in
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Example 2

Material Aggregate A Aggregate B Blend Target

% used ??? % ??? %
% % % %
Passing Batch Passing Batch
3/8 in 100 100 100
#4 90 100 90 to
#8 30 100 36 to 76

#16 7 88
#30 3 47
# 50 1 32
# 100 0 24
# 200 0 10 2 to 10
Example 2 [Cont.]
Trial 1 [ 30% A and 70% B]

Material Aggregate A Aggregate B Blend Target

% used 30% 70%
% % % %
Passing Batch Passing Batch
3/8 in 100 30.0 100 70.0 100.0 100
#4 90 27.0 100 70.0 97.0 90 to 100

#8 30 9.0 100 70.0 79.0 36 to 76

#16 7 2.1 88 61.6 63.7

#30 3 0.9 47 32.9 33.8
# 50 1 0.3 32 22.4 22.7
# 100 0 0.0 24 16.8 16.8
# 200 0 0.0 10 7.0 7.0 2 to 10
Particle size distribution (Contd.)
Example 2 [Cont.]
Trial 2 [ 50% A and 50% B]

Material Aggregate A Aggregate B Blend Target

% used 50% 50%
% % % %
Passing Batch Passing Batch
3/8 in 100 50.0 100 50.0 100.0 100
#4 90 45.0 100 50.0 95.0 90 to 100

#8 30 15.0 100 50.0 65.0 36 to 76

#16 7 3.5 88 44.0 47.5

#30 3 1.5 47 23.5 25.0
# 50 1 0.5 32 16.0 16.5
# 100 0 0.0 24 12.0 12.0
# 200 0 0.0 10 5.0 5.0 2 to 10
Properties of aggregate

Aggregate Particle Structure

A typical aggregate particle consists of

Solid portion
Water permeable pores
Water impermeable pores

These pores within the aggregate particle

Can become filled with water, binder or both.

Moisture condition

Oven Dry (OD)

 Permeable and impermeable pores are water free
 Obtained by keeping aggregates at temperature of 1100 C for
24 hours.
Properties of aggregate (Contd.)
Moisture condition
Air Dry (AD)
Obtained by keeping aggregates under room temperature and
Impermeable pores are water free.
Permeable pores of the aggregate are partly filled with water.
There are no surface moisture

Saturated Surface Dry (SSD)

 In this situation the permeable pores of the aggregate are fully
filled with water
The surface is dry.
Obtained by immersion of aggregate in water for 24 hours
following by drying of the surface with wet cloth.

Permeable pores of the aggregate are fully filled with water
Surface of aggregate is covered with a film of water.
Properties of aggregate (Contd.)
Specific gravity
The ratio of mass of a unit volume of material to the mass of the same volume
of water at the stated temperature.

Depending on the definition of volume, the specific gravity can be divided into
two types:
Bulk specific gravity
Bulk specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the weight of the aggregate (OD
or SSD) to the weight of water occupying a volume equal to that of the solid
including the permeable and impermeable pores.
Apparent specific gravity
Apparent specific gravity is the ratio of the OD weight of the aggregate to the
weight of water occupying a volume equal to that of the solid including the
impermeable pores.
Properties of aggregate (Contd.)

Absorption Free Moisture

Total water content
Absorption capacity
The maximum amount of water that aggregate can absorb to change the state
from OD to SSD.
AC = {( WSSD - WOD ) / WOD } x 100%
Effective Absorption Capacity (EAC)
The amount of water required to bring the aggregate from air-dry to the SSD
EAC = {( WSSD - WAD ) / WAD } x 100%
Properties of aggregate (Contd.)

Moisture content / Surface moisture

The amount of water required to bring the aggregate from the SSD condition to
wet state.
MC = {( WWET - WSSD ) / WSSD } x 100%

Bulk Density(Dry-rodded)
The ratio of the weight of the material and the volume of that material including
void spaces.
Bulk density is necessary when coarse aggregates are batched based on volume.
Influences on mix design, workability and unit weight
Deleterious materials

a) Organic impurities
Consists of products of decay of vegetable matter.
May interfere with the process of hydration of cement.
Affects the rate of gaining strength.
b) Clay and other fines
Acts as surface coating
May interfere with the bond between aggregate and the cement paste
Affects the strength and durability of concrete

c) Salt
Absorb moisture from the air
Causes efflorescence i.e. white deposits on the surface of the concrete/mortar
A slight corrosion of reinforcement may also result
Durability of aggregate

 Refers to the resistance to deterioration from the environment or service.

 Any lack of durability of the aggregate will have disastrous consequences
for the concrete
 Lack of durability governs due to physical and chemical causes.
 Physical durability problems include aggregates that are susceptible to
freezing and thawing or wetting and drying, as well as physical wear.
 Chemical durability problems are concerned with various forms of cement-
aggregate reactions i.e. a reaction between alkalis in the cement and
reactive silica contained in the aggregates
Function of Coarse aggregate in concrete

Coarse aggregate makes solid and hard mass of concrete with cement and
It increases the crushing strength of concrete
It reduces the cost of concrete, since it occupies major volume.
Influences of aggregate on concrete strength

 Rough and greater area of aggregate in contact of cement paste results

stronger concrete
 Rounded particles result in lower strength than crushed aggregates due
more void spaces.
 Large aggregates gives lower strength ,in rich mix.
 Large aggregate gives good strength, in lean mix.
 Surface texture of aggregates affects the bond to the cement paste and
water demand.
Maximum aggregate size
Larger aggregate size reduces water requirement of the concrete as
workability increases. Reduction of water may increase strength but large size
aggregate decrease the bond area. Below 1.5 inch the advantage of lowering
of the water is dominant. So maximum size is a matter of deep consideration.

In practice the dimensions of the forms or the spacing of the rebars controls
the maximum coarse aggregate size.
ACI 211.1 states that the maximum coarse aggregate size should not exceed:

1) one-fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of forms,

2) one-third the depth of slabs,

3) 3/4-ths of the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing

bars, bundles of bars, or pre-tensioning strands.
Tests for aggregates
 Bulk density and unit weight
 Abrasion test
 Elongation index
 Flakiness index
 Soundness
 Aggregate crushing value
 Ten percent fines value

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