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Construction Materials Chapter Three 2022 Full

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Construction Materials

CENG 2092

Abenezer T.
December 2022
Chapter Three
1 Introduction

2 Water

3 Aggregate

4 Admixture

5 Properties of Concrete

6 Mix Design
 Concrete is the most commonly used man made construction
material in the world, and is the second as the most utilized
substance on the planet after water.

 The secrete of its popularity lies in the simple fact that except
cement, all other ingredients of concrete are commonly available
local materials like aggregate and water.

 The hardening is caused by chemical reaction between water and

cement and it continues for a long time, and consequently the
concrete grows stronger with age.
Constituents of Concrete

Portland Cement
Water Paste
Air (entrapped or entrained)

Fine Aggregate (Sand)
Coarse Aggregate (Gravel)

Admixture (If required)

 The property of concrete varies depending on
 The quality of the constituent,

 Proportion of the concrete mix,

 Quality of the workmanship

Constituents …..

Portland Cement :7% to 15% by Vol.

Air Fine
Water :14% to 21% by Vol. 2% Admixture Aggregate
Aggregates :60% to 75%
• coarse aggregates Coarse
• Fine aggregates

Cement 14-21%
Up to 2% air 7-11%
(depending on top size of coarse aggregate)
Advantages of Concrete
Good-quality concrete has many advantages:
 Concrete is economical in the long run as compared
to other engineering materials.
 Concrete possesses a high compressive strength,
and the corrosive and weathering effects are
 It has the ability to be molded or cast into almost any
desired shape.
 It is a non-combustible material which makes it fire-
safe and able withstand high temperatures.
 It is durable and requires very little maintenance.

Disadvantages of Concrete
Some of disadvantages of concrete are:
 Has low tensile strength and hence cracks easily.
(Should be reinforced)
 Can undergo some type of shrinkage, creep and not
entirely impervious.
 Difficult quality control on building sites, with the risk of
cracking and gradual deterioration, if wrongly mixed,
placed and insufficiently cured with water.

1. Aggregates

 Aggregates are the filler materials which make up a large

portion (roughly 65-80%) of the concrete volume.
Classification of Aggregates


Based on
Based on Based on Based on
Mode of
Source Weight Size

Natural Sedimentary Light Coarse

Artificial Metamorphic Normal Fine

Igneous Heavy
I. Based on Source
Natural Aggregates :
 Are taken from natural deposits without change in their
nature during production, with the exception of crushing,
sizing, grading, or during production.

 In this group crushed stone, gravel, and sand are the

most common.

Artificial aggregates: include blast furnace slag and recycled

Recycled-Concrete Aggregate
II. Based on Mode of Formation

A. Igneous rocks: C. Sedimentary rocks:

 Granite  Conglomerate
 Diorite  Sandstone
 Gabbro  Claystone,
siltstone, argillite,
 Peridotite
and shale
 Basalt
 Carbonates
B. Metamorphic rocks:
 Chert
 Marble
 Metaquartzite
 Slate
 Phyllite
 Schist
III. Based on Unit Weight

A. Normal-Weight Aggregate
Most common aggregates
 Sand
 Gravel
 Crushed stone
 Produce normal-weight concrete 2200 to
2400 kg/m3
Based on Unit Weight…..

B. Lightweight Aggregate

 Shale  Scoria
 Clay  Perlite
 Slate  Vermiculite
 Slag  Diatomite
 Pumice

 Produce structural lightweight concrete 250 to

1850 kg/m3
Based on Unit Weight…..
C. Heavyweight Aggregate
 Barite
 Limonite
 Magnetite
 Ilmenite
 Hematite
 Iron
 Steel punching or shot

 Produce high-density concrete up to 6400

III. Based on Size

A. Fine Aggregate

 Sand and/or
crushed stone

 < 4.75 mm

 F.A. content
usually 35% to
45% by mass or
volume of total
Based on Size…..
B. Coarse Aggregate

 Gravel and
crushed stone
  4.75 mm
 typically between
9.5 and 37.5 mm
Properties of Aggregates
Important properties of aggregates include:
 Gradation (grain size distribution)
 Shape and surface texture
 Bulk unit weight
 Specific gravity (relative density)
 Absorption
 Hardness (resistance to abrasion or wear)
 Durability (resistance to weathering)
 Crushing strength
 Cleanliness (deleterious substances)
 Chemical stability
Properties of Aggregates……
1. Gradation of Aggregate
Is the distribution of particles of angular materials among various
Properties of Aggregates……
The gradation of aggregates influences
 the amount of paste required

 the workability of the concrete

 the strength and

 water tightness of the finished product

 In general, it is desirable that the size increase uniformly from fine

sand to the maximum allowed for a given job.

 Most specifications for concrete require a grain size distribution

that will provide a dense and strong mixture.
Maximum Size vs. Nominal Maximum
Size of Aggregate

 Maximum size ― is the smallest sieve that all of a

particular aggregate must pass through.
 Nominal maximum size ― is the standard sieve
opening immediately smaller than the smallest
through which all of the aggregate must pass.
 The nominal maximum-size sieve may retain 5% to
Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate

Size should not exceed ―

 1/5 then narrowest dimension
between sides of forms
 3/4 clear spacing between rebars and
between rebars and the form
 1/3 depth of slabs
Properties of Aggregates……
 The grading or particle size distribution of aggregate is
determined by a sieve analysis.

 Sieve analysis is the name given to the operation of dividing a

sample of aggregate into various fractions each consisting of
particles of the same size.

 A sample of aggregate for sieve analysis is first surface dried and

then sieved through the series, starting with the largest.

 The material retained on each sieve after shaking represents the

fraction of aggregate coarser than the sieve in question and finer
than the sieve above.
Properties of Aggregates……
 The summation of the cumulative percentage of material retained
on the sieves divided by 100 is called the fineness modulus.
 It is used as an index to the fineness or coarseness and
uniformity of aggregate supplied.
 The fineness modulus (FM) must not be less than 2.3 nor more
than 3.1
Fine-Aggregate Grading Limits

Sieve size Percent passing by mass

9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 100
4.75 mm (No. 4) 95 to 100
2.36 mm (No. 8) 80 to 100
1.18 mm (No. 16) 50 to 85
600 µm (No. 30) 25 to 60
300 µm (No. 50) 5 to 30 (AASHTO 10 to 30)
150 µm (No. 100) 0 to 10 (AASHTO 2 to 10)
Coarse Aggregate Grading

Percent passing
Sieve size
by mass
37.5 mm (1½ in.) 100
25.0 mm (1 in.) 95 to 100
12.5 mm (½ in.) 25 to 60
4.75 mm (No. 4) 0 to 10
2.36 mm (No. 8) 0 to 5
Grading Limits
Properties of Aggregates……
Ex-1 Sieve Analysis Results for Fine Aggregate (sample size = 500g)
Properties of Aggregates……
Ex-1 Gradation Curve for Fine Aggregate
Properties of Aggregates……
Reduction of Voids
Properties of Aggregates……

 The shape of aggregate is an important characteristic since it

affects the workability and strength of concrete.

 Not only the characteristic of the parent rock, but also the type of
crusher used will influence the shape of aggregates.

 From the standpoint of economy in cement for a given w/c ratio,

rounded aggregates are preferable to angular aggregates.
Properties of Aggregates……

 Angular aggregates give higher strength and sometimes greater

durability as a result of interlocking texture in the hardened

 Flat particles in concrete aggregates will have particularly

objectionable influence on the workability, cement requirement,
strength and durability. In general, excessively flat aggregates
make very poor concrete

 Aggregate should be free of flat or elongated particles. Because

they require an increase in mixing water and thus may affect the
strength of concrete particularly in flexure.
Properties of Aggregates……
Properties of Aggregates……
3. Quality of Aggregates:
An aggregate for concrete must be clean, sound, hard and strong and
durable. Harmful substances which may present in aggregate may be
classified as follows.

a) Substance causing an adverse chemical reaction.

E.g. organic materials such as loam, humus, sugar, etc.

b) Substances which undergo disruptive expansion example, shale,

colloidal silica (chert), iron Oxide etc …
Properties of Aggregates……

c) Clay and surface coatings

 Dust increase water requirement and clay prevents good bond

between cement paste and Aggregate.

d) Particles having an unduly flat oven elongated shape (offsets


e) Structurally soft or weak particles.

 Give lower strength and increase drying, shrinkage, abrasion.

Properties of Aggregates……
f) Alkali- Aggregate Reactivity .

 is a reaction between the active mineral constituents of some

aggregates and the sodium and potassium hydroxides and
calcium hydroxide in the concrete

 Causes abnormal expansion, map cracking, and popouts

Company Logo

Properties of Aggregates……

ii. APPARENT SP.GR.:- is the ratio of the wt in air of a materials (oven

dry)of a given volume solid matter to the wt. in air of an equal volume of
distilled water.

ii. Bulk Sp. GR (OD):- is the ratio of the wt in air of a materials (oven
dry)of a given volume solid matter plus impermeable pores or voids to
the wt. in air of an equal volume of distilled water.

iii. Bulk Sp. GR (SSD):- is defined as the ratio of the wt in air of a given
volume of a permeable(saturated surface dry) material ( including both
its permeable & impermeable voids) to the wt in air of equal volume of



Ii. Bulk Sp. GR(OD) =

iii. Bulk Sp. GR(SSD) =
Bulk Density/Unit Weight

 Sometimes names as “dry-rodded unit weight”: of an

aggregate is the mass of the aggregate divided by the volume
of particles and the voids between particles.
 Placing three layers of oven-dry aggregate in a container of
known volume, rodding each layer 25 times with a tamping rod,
leveling off the surface, and determining the mass of the
container and its contents.
 The mass of the container is subtracted to give the mass of the
aggregate, and the bulk density is the aggregate mass divided
by the volume of the container.

Properties of Aggregates……

Two types of moisture are recognized in aggregates:

 Absorbed moisture

 Moisture Content

 Surface moisture

Absorbed moisture is that which is taken in by the voids in aggregate

particles and may not be apparent on the surface.

Surface moisture is that which clings to the surface of the particle.

Properties of Aggregates……
The moisture conditions of aggregates are designated as follows :
Absorption Capacity and
Total Moisture Content
 Absorption Capacity: maximum amount of water
aggregate can absorb
Absorption Capacity (%)= x100
 Moisture Content: of an aggregate in any state
Total Moisture Content(%)= x100
 Surface Moisture: water on surface of aggregate
Surface Moisture (%) = Moisture Content (%)- Absorption
Example 1
Calculate the bulk density of an aggregate.
 Mass of aggregate and container = 36.8 kg
 Mass of container = 13.1 kg
 Volume of container = 0.0141 m3
Bulk density = = 1681 kg/m3
Example 2
Specific gravity calculation for coarse aggregate:
Oven-dry mass in air = 3168.5 g
Saturated surface-dry mass in air = 3190.0 g
Saturated mass in water = 1972.0 g

Bulk specific gravity (OD) = =2.6

Bulk specific gravity (SSD) = =2.62

Example 3
Calculation of aggregate AC ,TMC and SM.
 Mass of Aggregate Sample: 500g

 Mass of saturated surface-dry aggregate in air = 501.4g

 Mass of oven-dry aggregate in air = 490.7 g

Absorption Capacity (%)= x100=2.2%

Total Moisture Content(%)= x100=1.89%

Surface Moisture(%)=1.89%-2.2%=-0.31%( The aggregate can

absorb additional water) (if +ve: the aggregate gives off it’s
surface moisture)
It is needed for two purposes:
 Chemical reaction with cement

 Workability

only 1/3 of the water is needed for chemical reaction extra water
remains in pores and holes.
 Is Good for preventing plastic shrinkage cracking and for

 Is Bad for permeability, strength, durability.

Any impurities present will affect bond strength between the paste
and aggregate.

The total amount of water required per unit volume of fresh concrete
depends on:
 The desired consistency/workability

 The maximum size, particle shape, and grading of aggregate

 The water reducing or air entraining admixtures

Undesirable effects of impurities in mixing water:
Impurities in mixing water may cause any one or all of the following:

 Abnormal setting time

 Decreased strength

 Volume changes

 Efflorescence

 Corrosion of reinforcement
Some of the impurities in mixing water that cause undesirable effects
in the final concrete:


 Carbonates and bicarbonates of sodium and potassium have

different effects on the setting times of different cements.

 Sodium carbonate can cause very rapid setting.

 In large concentrations, these salts can materially reduce

concrete strength.

 Can attack the cement-aggregate bond, leading to early

disintegration of the concrete.

 Concern over a high chloride content in mixing water is chiefly

due to the possible adverse effect of chloride ions on the
corrosion of reinforcing steel.

 Chloride ions attack the protective oxide film formed on the steel
by the highly alkaline (pH greater than12.5) chemical environment
present in concrete.

Concern over a high sulphate content in mix water is due to possible

expansive reactions and deterioration by sulphate attack, especially
in areas where the concrete will be exposed to high sulphate soils or


 Seawater containing less than three percent salt is generally

acceptable for plain concrete but not for reinforced concrete.

 The presence of salt can lead to corrosion of the reinforcing bars

and a decrease in concrete strength by some 10-15%.
 Air-entraining admixtures
 Water-reducing
 Plasticizers
 Accelerating admixtures
 Retarding admixtures
 Hydration-control
 Corrosion inhibitors
 Shrinkage reducers
 ASR inhibitors
 Coloring admixtures
 Miscellaneous admixtures
The major reasons for using admixtures are:
1. To reduce the cost of concrete construction

2. To achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively than

by other means

3. To maintain the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing,

transporting, placing, and curing in adverse weather conditions

4. To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations

Air-Entraining Admixtures
 Air-entraining admixtures are used to purposely introduce and
stabilize microscopic air bubbles in concrete.

 Improve durability in concrete exposed to
 Freeze-thaw
 Deicers
 Sulfates
 Alkali-reactive environments
 Improve workability
Frost Damage
Water-Reducing Admixtures
 Water-reducing admixtures are used to reduce the quantity of
mixing water required to produce concrete of a certain slump,
reduce water-cement ratio, reduce cement content, or increase
slump. Typical water reducers reduce the water content by
approximately 5% to 10%.

 Primarily used to:

 Reduce mixing water required to produce a certain slump
 Reduce water-cement ratio
 Reduce cement content
 Increase slump
 Drawbacks: Rapid slump loss results in reduced workability and
less time to place concrete.
Water Reducing Admixtures

ASTM C 494 or AASHTO M 194

 Type A ―
 reduces water content at least 5%
 tends to retard ― accelerator often
 Type D ―
 reduces water content 5% min.
 retards set
 Type E ―
 reduces water content 5% min.
 accelerates set
Mid-Range Water Reducing

 Reduce water content 6% to 12%

 Reduce cement content
 Reduce water-cement ratio
 No retardation
 Improve workability
High-Range Water-Reducing

ASTM C 494 or AASHTO M 194

Type F― Water Reducing

Type G ― Water Reducing and

 Reduce H2O content 12% -30%

 Reduced W/C produces conc. with:
 Compressive Strength > 70 MPa
 Increased early strength gain
 Reduced Cl ion penetration
Plasticizers for Flowing
 Also known as ―Superplasticizers

 Essentially High-Range Water Reducer

Type 1 ―Plasticizing

Type 2 ― Plasticizing and Retarding

 Produce flowing concrete with high slump (190 mm)

 Reduce bleeding
Plasticizers for Flowing
 Following are a applications where flowing concrete is used:

(1) thin-section placements

(2) areas of closely spaced and congested reinforcing steel,

(3) Pumped concrete to reduce pump pressure, thereby

increasing lift and distance capacity,

(4) Areas where conventional consolidation methods are

impractical or can not be used,

Flowing Concrete
Retarding Admixtures
Delay setting or hardening rate for:
 Offset the accelerating effect of hot weather on the setting of

 Delay the initial set of concrete or grout when difficult or

unusual conditions of placement occur

 Delay the set for special finishing techniques, such as an

exposed aggregate surface.
Hydration-Control Admixtures
They consist of a two-part chemical system:
(1) A retarder that essentially stops the hydration of cementing
materials, and
(2) An activator that reestablishes normal hydration and setting
when added to the stabilized concrete. The stabilizer can suspend
hydration for 72 hours and the activator is added to the mixture
just before the concrete is used.
 These admixtures make it possible to reuse concrete returned in a
ready-mix truck by suspending setting overnight.
Accelerating Admixtures
Accelerate the rate of:
 Hydration (setting)
 Early-age strength gain

 Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is the chemical most commonly used in

accelerating admixtures, especially for nonreinforced concrete.

Calcium chloride accelerators drawbacks:

 Increase drying shrinkage, potential reinforcement corrosion,
potential scaling

 Darken concrete
Properties of Concrete

Fresh Concrete
Fresh Concrete……
Fresh concrete or plastic concrete is a freshly mixed material which
can be molded in to any shape.
Fresh Concrete……

Proportioning Mixing

& finishing

Fresh Concrete……
Major properties of fresh concrete
Fresh concrete is also known as plastic concrete. The major
Properties of concrete in its plastic state are:

 Workability

 Consistency

 Segregation

 Bleeding…etc
1. Workability
 Is the easy and homogeneity with which it can be mixed, placed,
compacted and furnish and serve the purpose it is intended for
when hardened.

 Concrete that is stiff or dry may be difficult to handle, place,

compact, and finish will not be as strong or durable when finally

 Workability is a parameter, a mix designer is required to specify

in the mix design process, with full understanding of the type of
work, distance of transport, loss of slump, method of placing, and
many other parameters involved.
2. Consistency
Indicate the degree of fluidity or the degree of mobility or the
freshly mixed concrete.

 A concrete which has a high consistence and which is a

more mobile, need not be of right workability for a
particular job, every job requires a particular workability.
Fresh Concrete……
Factors that affect workability and consistency

 Water content

 shape of aggregates

 Grading of Aggregates Aggregate Properties

 Size of Aggregates

 Surface Texture of Aggregates

 Admixtures

 Mix Proportion
Fresh Concrete……
 Water content: Water content in a given volume of concrete,
will have significant influences on the workability. The higher
the water content per cubic meter of concrete, the higher will
be the fluidity of concrete, which is one of the important
factors affecting workability.

 Mix Proportions: The higher the aggregate/cement ratio, the

leaner is the concrete. In lean concrete, less quantity of paste
is available for providing lubrication, per unit surface area of
aggregate and hence the mobility of aggregate is restrained.
On the other hand, in case of rich concrete with lower
aggregate/cement ratio, more paste is available to make the
mix cohesive and fatty to give better workability.
Fresh Concrete……
 Size of Aggregate: The bigger the size of the aggregate, the
less is the surface area and hence less amount of water is
required for wetting the surface and less paste is required for
lubricating the surface to reduce internal friction. For a given
quantity of water and paste, bigger size of aggregates will give
higher workability.
Fresh Concrete……
Surface Texture: The influence of surface texture on workability is
again due to the fact that the total surface area of rough textured
aggregate is more than the surface area of smooth rounded
aggregate of same volume.

 Rough textured aggregate will show poor workability and

smooth or smooth textured aggregate will give better

 A reduction of inter particle frictional resistance offered by

smooth aggregates also contributes to higher workability.
Fresh Concrete……
Grading of Aggregates: This is one of the factors which will have
maximum influence on workability. A well graded aggregate is the
one which has least amount of voids in a given volume.

 Other factors being constant, when the total voids are less,
excess paste is available to give better lubricating effect.

 Aggregate particles will slide past each other with the least
amount of compacting efforts. The better the grading, the less
is the void content and higher the workability.
Fresh Concrete……
 Use of Admixtures: of all the factors mentioned above, the
most import factor which affects the workability is the use of
admixtures. Plasticizers and superplasticizers greatly improve
the workability many folds.
3. Segregation
Segregation is separation of coarse aggregates from the mass of

Segregation results from:

 Badly proportioned mix where sufficient paste is not there to
bind and contain the aggregates.

 Insufficiently mixed concrete.

 High consistency (excess water content).

 Dropping fresh concrete from a height.

 Conveyance of concrete by conveyor belt, wheel barrow,
dumper, etc to a long distance.

 Excessive or inadequate vibration.

Precautions to control segregation

 Placing concrete near its final position, instead of falling from
greatest heights

 Mix the concrete thoroughly

 Use a well graded aggregate

 Applying Admixtures : Plasticizer and air entraining

4. Bleeding
Bleeding is the appearance of water on concrete surface.
 It results from the inability of constituent materials to hold all the
mixing water as the relatively heavy solids settle.
 The rising water tends to carry with it many fine properties which
weakness the top portion.
 Bleeding is predominantly observed in a highly wet mix, badly
proportioned and insufficiently mixed concrete.
Water while travelling from bottom to top, makes continuous
channels. This continuous bleeding channels are often responsible
for causing permeability of the concrete structures

Measures to minimize bleeding

 Using well graded and proportioned aggregates

 Increasing amount of cement

 Applying air entering agents

 Reducing amount of water

Measurement of

Some of the methods of measuring Consistency/workability are:

 Slump Test: for general use concrete

 Compacting factor test: for concrete with slump of 0(very


 Vebe Time test : also for very dry mix

 Flow test: For flowable mix (Mortar)

Slump Test

The most commonly used method for measuring the workability of

fresh concrete both in field and in laboratory

 Standard Slump Cone (H=300mm, Dia(Top)=100mm &

 Tamping Rod

 Measuring Ruler

 Steel Float

 Base Plate
Slump Test
A. True Slump - Has even subsidence. This type of slump indicates a well-
proportioned concrete.

B. Shear Slump - Half of the cone slides, difficult to measure, and results
from harsh mixes deficient in fine aggregates. Shear slump indicates that
the concrete is non-cohesive and shows the characteristic of segregation.

C. Collapse Slump - Difficult to measure, results from very wet mixes.

Usually, when shear or collapse slump occur, the test is considered
Compaction Factor
For a concrete with zero slump/dry concrete

 Standard Apparatus

 Tamping Rod

 Compacting Rod

 Balance

 Two steel floats

Compaction Factor =
Harden Concrete
I. Strength of concrete
 Since most concrete structures are designed to resist compressive
stress, it is this property which usually prescribed by codes.

The strength of concrete is affected by a number of factors:

A. Effects of water/cement ratio

The water-cement ratio is the main factor affecting the compressive

strength of concrete at all ages.

 Strength of concrete primarily depends upon the strength of

cement paste.

 Lower water/cement ratios lead to higher strengths.

 Every increase of 0.01 in the water-cement ratio decreases the

strength by 1-1.5 N/mm2.
B. Effect of Compaction
 it is not only the water/ cement ratio but also the degree of
compaction, which indirectly means the volume of air filled voids
in the concrete is taken into account in estimating the strength of
 The presence of additional 1% voids in the mix reduces the
strength of concrete by 5%.
B. Effect of cement
 The effect of cement on strength of concrete is dependent both on
its type and quantity.
 The early strength of cement is related to tricalcium silicate
(C3S)content – the higher the C3S content relative to the C2S
content, more quickly the strength gained after mixing.
 Higher cement content increases strength and the heat generated.
 Finer cement causes faster hydration rate, more heat and faster
strength development.
Storage of cement :The quality of cement stored in bags gradually
deteriorates due to hydration. The loses in strength for different periods
of storage are 15% in 3 months, 30% in 6 months, and 50% in a year.
C. Effect of aggregates
 For a constant water cement ratio and the same degree of
compaction, the compressive strength of concrete decreases
when the specific surface area of the aggregate increases.
 For the same cement content and degree of compaction, when the
quantity of fine is increased, the demand for higher amount of
water arises and consequently leads to a weaker concrete.
Too large or too fine aggregate decrease strength.
Shape and Texture:
Crushed or rough surface provides better early strength and similar
long term strength as smooth aggregate.
Gradation: well grade aggregates insures better strength.
D. Effect of Age and curing condition
 From an age of about 12 hours, the strength of concrete increases
rapidly with time.
 Correlations between strength at different ages are important
since they often form the basis of 28 day, or later, strength
prediction, by testing at early ages.

 Best strength is ultimately obtained with concrete that is

continuously moist cured.
 Without moist curing, potential strength may reduce by 50%.
 In practice, concrete is designed and constructed in order to build
permanent structures.

 However, at times, its service life may be markedly reduced by the

disintegrating effects of either the environment to which it is
exposed or by internal causes within its mass.

 The durability of concrete is defined as its ability to resist

weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion, or any other process
of deterioration.
 Durable concrete will retain its original form, quality, and
serviceability when exposed to its environment.

Two key factors affecting durability are:

 compressive strength, and

 permeability.

Low strength and high permeability decrease durability.

Shrinkage and Creep

Volume change is one of the most detrimental properties of concrete,

which affects the long term strength and durability.

Shrinkage can be classified in the following way:

 Plastic shrinkage

 Drying shrinkage

 Carbonation shrinkage
Plastic Shrinkage

 Shrinkage of this type manifests itself soon after the concrete is

placed in the form while the concrete is still in the plastic state.

 Plastic shrinkage is considered to be reduction of volume of

plastic concrete (typically during first 12 hours after placement)

 Loss of water by evaporation from the surface of concrete or

absorption by the aggregate or subgrade, is believed to be the
reason of plastic shrinkage.
 Plastic shrinkage can be reduced mainly by preventing the rapid
loss of water.
Drying Shrinkage

 Shrinkage due to drying of hardened concrete.

Drying shrinkage of concrete is affected by:

a) Water content,

b) Cement content and quantity of the paste,

c) Composition and fineness of cement,

d) Type and grading of the aggregate,

e) Size and shape of the concrete mass, and

f) Curing condition
Carbonation shrinkage

 probably caused by dissolution of crystals of calcium hydroxide

and deposition of calcium carbonate in its place .

 As the new product is less in volume than the produce replace,

shrinkage takes place
 Creep can be defined as the “time dependent” part of the strain
resulting from stress.

 The gradual increase in strain, without increase in stress, with the

time is due to creep.

 From this explanation creep can be defined as the increase in

strain under sustained stress.

 Creep is a very gradual change in length (deformation) which

occurs over time when a material is subjected to sustained load.
Factors which influence creep are:
 Applied stress
 W/c ratio
 Curing condition
 Temperature
 Moisture
 Cement composition
 Chemical admixture
 Specimen geometry
Mix Design:
Can be defined as the process of selecting suitable
ingredients of concrete & determining their relative
proportions with the object of producing concrete of
certain minimum strength and durability and as
economical as possible.
A properly proportioned concrete mix should possess
these qualities:
1. Acceptable workability of the freshly mixed concrete
2. Durability, strength, and uniform appearance of the
hardened concrete
3. Economy

Material Properties Needed For Design:

Water: Coarse Aggregate:

 Bulk specific gravity
 Density (OD/SSD) ;
 Type  Moisture Content

 Specific gravity  dry-rodded unit

Fine Aggregate:  Absorption capacity
 Bulk specific gravity
 Absorption capacity;
 Fineness modulus
 Moisture content

ACI Standard Mix Design
 The standard ACI mix design procedure can be
divided up into 8 basic steps:

1. Choice of slump
2. Maximum aggregate size selection
3. Mixing water and air content selection
4. Water-cement ratio
5. Cement content
6. Coarse aggregate content
7. Fine aggregate content
8. Adjustments for aggregate moisture

Step #1: Select Slump

Recommended slumps for various types of construction

Maximum Slump Minimum Slump
Types of construction
(mm) (mm)
Reinforced foundation walls and footings 75 25
Plain footings, caissons, and substructure
75 25
Beams and reinforced walls 100 25
Building columns 100 25
Pavements and slabs 75 25
Mass concrete 75 25

Step #2: Nominal Agg. Size Check

 ACI Limits:
 1/3 of the slab depth

 1/5 the minimum dimension of structural members

 3/4 of the minimum clear space between bars/form

 Aggregate larger than these dimensions may be difficult

to consolidate and compact resulting in a honeycombed
structure or large air pockets.

Step #3: Determine Mixing Water
and Air Content

Approximate mixing water (kg/m3) for indicated nominal maximum sizes of aggregate
Slump (mm) 9.5 mm 12.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm 37.5 mm 50 mm 75 mm 150 mm
25 to 50 207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113
75 to 100 228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
150 to 175 243 228 216 202 190 178 160 -
More than 175 - - - - - - - -
Approximate amount of entrapped air in non-air-entrained concrete (%)
Slump (mm) 9.5 mm 12.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm 37.5 mm 50 mm 75 mm 150 mm
All 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2

Air-Entrained concrete
Water, kilograms per cubic meter of concrete,
for indicated sizes of aggregate
9.5 12.5 19 25 37.5 50 75 150
Slump, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
25 to 50 181 175 168 160 150 142 122 107
75 to 100 202 193 184 175 165 157 133 119
150 to 175 216 205 197 184 174 166 154 -
Recommended average total air content,
percent, for level of exposure
Mild exposure 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
Moderate exposure 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
Severe exposure
TMS(Target 7.5
Mean Strength)= Specified7.0 6.0 + Margin(8.5MPa)
Strength 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Step #4: Select W/C Ratio

Water-cementitious materials ratio by mass
strength (Target
Mean Strength) Non-air-entrained Air-entrained
at 28 days, Mpa concrete concrete
45 0.38 0.30
40 0.42 0.34
35 0.47 0.39
30 0.54 0.45
25 0.61 0.52
20 0.69 0.60
15 0.79 0.70

Target Mean Strength=Specified(Design) Strength + Constant*Standard Deviation

Proportioning from Field Data
Modification Factor for Standard Deviation
( 30 Tests)

Modification factor for

Number of tests standard deviation
Less than 15 see next slide
15 1.16
20 1.08
25 1.03
30 or more 1.00
Proportioning from Field Data
Required Strength When Data Are Available to
Establish a Standard Deviation

Required average
Specified compressive compressive strength, f'cr,
strength, f'c, MPa MPa
f'cr = f'c+ 1.34s
 35 f'cr = f'c + 2.33s – 3.45
Use larger value
f'cr = f'c+ 1.34s
Over 35 f'cr = 0.90f'c + 2.33s
Use larger value
Proportioning from Field Data

Required Strength When Data Are Not

Available to Establish a Standard

Specified compressive Required average

strength, compressive strength,
f'c, MPa f'cr, MPa
Less than 21 f'c + 7.0

21 to 35 f'c + 8.5

Over 35 1.10f'c + 5.0

Requirements for Exposure

Maximum w/c- Min. strength,

Exposure condition ratio by mass f'c, MPa (psi)
Select for strength,
No freeze-thaw, deicers, Select for structural
workability, and
aggressive substances requirements
finishing needs
Concrete with low permea-
0.50 28 (4000)
bility; exposed to water
Concrete exposed to freezing
and thawing in a moist 0.45 31 (4500)
condition or deicers
For corrosion protection for
reinforced concrete exposed to 0.40 35 (5000)
Requirement for Concrete Exposed
to Sulfates
Sulfate Minimum
(SO4) in Sulfate Maximum strength,
Sulfate soil, % by (SO4) in w/c-ratio, f'c, MPa
exposure mass water, ppm Cement type by mass (psi)
Less Less than No special
Negligible — —
than 0.10 150 type required
0.10 to 150 to IS(MS),
Moderate 0.50 28 (4000)
0.20 1500 P(MS),
0.20 to 1500 to
Severe V, HS 0.45 31 (4500)
2.00 10,000
Very Over Over
V, HS 0.40 35 (5000)
severe 2.00 10,000
Step #5: Cement Content

 The calculated cement amount is based on

the selected mixing water content and
water-cement ratio.

Step #6: Coarse Agg. Content
Volume of dry-rodded coarse aggregate per unit volume
of concrete for different coarse aggregates and fineness
modulus of fine aggregates.
Volume of oven-dry-rodded coarse aggregate per unit volume of concrete for
different fineness moduli of fine aggregate
maximum size of 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
aggregate (mm)
9.5 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
75 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
Absolute Volume Calculation
Absolute Volume: of a material occupies in concrete is
calculated as the mass of material is divided by the
absolute density which is the specific gravity multiplied
by the density of water.

Va(material)=Massmaterial /(ρ(water)*SG(material))

 Va(CA)=Mass(CA) /(ρ(water)*SG(CA))
 Mass(CA)=Vdr(CA)*ρb(CA)

Step #7: Fine Agg. Content

 Va(Fine Aggregate)=1m3-(Va(Cement)+Va(water)+Va(air)+Va(CA))

 Massmaterial =Va(material) *ρ(water)*SG(material)

Step #8: Batch Weight & Water Adjustment

 Aggregate weights.
 Aggregate volumes are calculated based on saturated
surface dry condition, but aggregate is batched in the field
are very seldom saturated surface-dry.
 Any moisture in the stockpiled aggregate will increase or
decrease its weight.
 Without correcting for this, the batched aggregate volumes
will be incorrect.
 Amount of mixing water.
 If the batched aggregate is not in saturated surface dry state
it will absorb water (if Air dry) or give up water (if wet) to the
cement paste.
 This causes a net change in the amount of water available in
the mix and must be compensated for by adjusting the
amount of mixing water added. 126

 Because total moisture content of the aggregate and

absorption are given on the basis of oven-dry aggregate
mass, saturated surface-dry masses must be converted to
oven-dry masses before making adjustments.

OD =

AGG = OD (1+

 Free Moisture From Aggregates= OD*Surface Moisture(%)

 Total Free Moisture From Aggregates= FMFA+FMCA
 Adjusted Amount of water= Calculated Amount- Total Free
Moisture From Aggregates
Example One
 Concrete is required for an reinforced footing pad and
column .The 28-day compressive strength should be
25Mpa. The properties of the materials are as follows:

Material Properties:
Property of Cement:
• Type :OPC
• Specific gravity:3.15
Properties of coarse aggregate from the test results :
• Nominal maximum size =19mm
• Unit weight =1662.9 kg/m3
• Specific gravity(SSD) =2.83
• Absorption =0.8%
• Moisture content =0.64%
Properties of fine aggregate from the test results :
• Unit weight =1813.26 kg/m3
• Fineness modulus =2.8
• Specific gravity (SSD) =2.69
• Absorption =1.18%
• Moisture content =2.29%
Step #1: Select Slump: 25-75mm(Footing)

Step #2: Check nominal aggregate size

ACI Limits: minimum of
 One-fifth the narrowest dimension of a concrete
member= 200/5= 40 mm
 Three-quarters the clear spacing between
reinforcing bars and between the reinforcing bars
and forms= 50mm*(3/4)= 37.5 mm
 One-third the depth (thickness) of slabs= 250mm/3=

Therefore : 37.5 > 19mm OK

Step #3: Determine Mixing Water and Air Content

Approximate mixing water (kg/m3) for indicated nominal maximum sizes of aggregate
Slump (mm) 9.5 mm 12.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm 37.5 mm 50 mm 75 mm 150 mm
25 to 50 207 199 190 179 166 154 130 113
75 to 100 228 216 205 193 181 169 145 124
150 to 175 243 228 216 202 190 178 160 -
More than 175 - - - - - - - -
Approximate amount of entrapped air in non-air-entrained concrete (%)
Slump (mm) 9.5 mm 12.5 mm 19 mm 25 mm 37.5 mm 50 mm 75 mm 150 mm
All 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2

 Mass of Mixing Water:190kg

 Air Content(%)=2%

Step #4: Select Water Cement Ratio
Target mean strength calculation
Compressive Water-cementitious materials
strength ratio by mass for non air entrained concrete
(Target Mean Non-air-
Strength) at 28 entrained Air-entrained TMS=25+8.5=33.5MPa
days, Mpa concrete concrete
45 0.38 0.30 For 30 MPa W/C ratio is 0.54
40 0.42 0.34
and for 35 MPa W/C ratio is
35 0.47 0.39
30 0.54 0.45 0.47. The W/C ratio for 33.5
25 0.61 0.52
MPa can be found by
20 0.69 0.60
15 0.79 0.70
interpolation as follows:

Step #5: Calculate amount of Cement

Mass of cement= = =386.96kg/m3

Step #6: Calculate amount of CA

maximum size of 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00
aggregate (mm)
9.5 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
19 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.60
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
37.5 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
75 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81

 Mass(CA)=Vdr(CA)*ρb(CA)
 Mass(CA)=0.62m3* 1662.9 kg/m3=1031kg

Step #7: Calculate amount of FA
Va(Fine Aggregate)=1m3-(Va(Cement)+Va(water)+Va(air)+Va(CA))

Va(Fine Aggregate)= 1m3-( 𝟑 + 𝟑 +

+ 𝟑 )=0.314m3

Massmaterial =Va(material) *ρ(water)*SG(material)

MassFA= 0.314m3*1000 *2.69=844.66kg

Step #8: Batch weight and water
I. Batch weight adjustment
OD =
OD(𝑪𝑨) = =1022.81kg
𝑨𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚 (%)
) 𝟎.𝟖

OD(𝑭𝑨) = 𝟏.𝟏𝟖 =834.81kg 𝑪𝑨 =1022.81kg(1+ =1029.36kg

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕(%)

AGG = OD (1+ 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝑭𝑨 =834.81kg(1+ 𝟏𝟎𝟎


II. Water adjustment

 Free Moisture From Aggregates= OD*Surface Moisture(%)
 Total Free Moisture From Aggregates= FMFA+FMCA
 Adjusted Amount of water= Calculated Amount- Total Free
Moisture From Aggregates

𝟐.𝟐𝟗% 𝟏.𝟏𝟖%
FMFA=834.81kg* =9.26kg
𝟎.𝟔𝟒% 𝟎.𝟖%
FMCA=1022.21kg* =-1.63kg
Total Free Moisture From Aggregates=9.26kg-1.63kg
Adjusted Amount of water=190kg-7.76kg=182.37kg

Final Batch :
I. By Weight
• Cement:386.96kg
• Water:182.37kg
• Fine Aggregate: 852.92kg
• Course Aggregate:
Ratio: C:FA:CA

386.96kg 852.92kg 1029.36kg 𝐖 182.37kg

: : =0.47
386.96kg 386.96kg 386.96kg 𝐂 386.96𝒌𝒈
1 : 2.2 : 2.66

II. By Volume

• Cement: m3=7.74 Bags
1440 kg/m3

• Water: =0.182m3 =182.37lit
kg/m 3

• Fine Aggregate: m3
1813.26 kg/m3

• Course Aggregate: m3
1662.9 kg/m3
Ratio: C:FA:CA
m3 m3 m3
: :
m3 m3 m3
Note: Bulk Density of Cement is: 1440 kg/m3
1 : 1.74 : 2.3

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