Test 4 - Stresses
Test 4 - Stresses
Test 4 - Stresses
1. A. C. 2. A. C. 3. A. C. 4. A. C. 5. A. C. 6. A. C. 7. A. C. 8. A. C. 9. A. C. In a specification schedule is used when the pipe specified as schedule 80, the pipe corresponds to the extra standard weight internal pressure B. D. allowable stress old standard weight
Test 4 - Stresses
10. The discontinuity or change of section, such as scratches holes, bends, or grooves is a A. C. stress caiser stress raiser B. D. stress functioning stress relieving
The modulus of elasticity for ordinary steel usually falls between _____ million pounds per square inch. 26 to 28 20 to 45 B. D. 28 to 31 50 to 30
11. The degree of stress concentration is usually indicated by the A. C. power factor service factor B. D. stress concentration factor stress factor
12. In a part of uniform temperature and not acted upon by an external load, any internal stress that exist is called A. C. Control stress Residual stress B. D. Form stress Superposed stress
The modulus of elasticity for most material in compression is usually taken as that in tension torsion The ratio of moment and stress is called: contraction section modulus B. D. proportional constant strain B. D. bearing yield
13. The stress or load induced by the tightening operation A. C. Initial stress Residual stress B. D. Initial tension None of these
14. A type of failure due to instability is known as A. C. Slenderness ratio Buckling B. D. Buckingham Stability
For a symmetrical cross-section beam the flexural stress is _____ when the vertical shear is maximum. infinity minimum B. D. maximum zero
15. The ratio of the length of the column and the radius of gyration of the crosssectional area about a centroidal axis is called A. C. Contact ratio Power factor B. D. Constant ratio Slenderness ratio
16. Formula that applies to a very slender column is called When tested in compression, ductile materials usually exhibit _____ characteristics up to the yield strength as they do when tested in tension. the same more than B. D. less than approximately the same A. C. Column formula Moment formula B. D. Eulers formula Slender formula
17. If two principal stresses are zero, the state stress is A. C. biaxial triaxial B. D. monoaxial uniaxial
It has been said that 80% of the failure of machine parts have been due to compression negligence B. D. fatigue failures torsion
18. If one principal stress is zero, the state stress is A. C. biaxial triaxial B. D. monoaxial uniaxial
Cazand quotes values for steel showing Sn/Su ratios, often called endurance ratio, from 0.23 to 0.65 0.34 to 0.87 B. D. 0.34 to 0.65 0.63 to 0.93
19. If all the principal stresses have finite values, the system is A. C. biaxial triaxial B. D. monoaxial uniaxial
Test 4 - Stresses
20. Under theories of failure for static loading of ductile material, the design stress is the A. B. C. D. endurance stress / factor of safety factor of safety / yield stress yield stress / factor of safety ultimate stress / factor of safety
Test 4 - Stresses
C. Shear modulus D. Young modulus
29. The ratio of the volume stress to the volume strain is called the coefficient of volume elasticity or A. C. Bulk modulus Shear modulus B. D. Hookes law Young modulus
21. Under theories of failure, the value of shear stress is ______ that of tensile stress A. C. equal half B. D. double three times
30. The action of the force is characterized by A. C. its magnitude point of application B. D. direction of its action all of the above
31. At highest or lowest point on the moment diagram A. B. C. D. shear is half, the maximum moment shear is maximum shear is negative shear is zero
22. The theory of mechanics of materials shows that the results from the octahe shear stress theory and those from the maximum distortion energy theory are _______. A. C. more than relevant B. D. less than the same
23. A kind of stress that is caused by forces acting along or parallel to the area is called A. C. Bearing stress Tangential stress B. D. Shearing stress Tensile stress
32. The built-in or fixed support is capable of supporting A. C. an axial load a bending moment B. D. a traverse focus all of these
33. The modulus of elasticity in shear is commonly called A. C. bulk modulus modulus of rigidity B. D. deformation young modulus
24. Obtained by dividing the differential load dF by dA over which it acts. A. C. Elesticity Strain B. D. Elongation Stress
25. The highest ordinate in the stress strain diagram or curve is called A. C. Elastic limit Ultimate strength B. D. Rapture strength Yield point
34. The stress beyond where the material will not return to its original shape when unloaded, but will retain a permanent deformation is termed as A. C. elastic limit yield point B. E. proportional limit all of the above
26. A pair of forces equal in magnitude opposite in direction, and not in the same line is called A. C. couple parallel forces B. D. momentum torque
35. Refers to the actual stress the material has when under load A. C. Allowable stress Ultimate strength B. D. Factor of safety Working stress
36. The safe soil bearing pressure of diesel engine is about A. C. 2000 kg per sq cm 4890 kg per sq cm B. D. 4600 kg per sq cm 5833 kg per sq cm
27. Framework composed of members joined at their ends to form a rigid structure is known as: A. C. Joists Purlins B. D. Machine Truss
28. The ratio of the tensile stress to the tensile stress is called A. Bulk modulus B. Hookes law
Test 4 - Stresses
Test 4 - Stresses
47. Typical values for Poissons ratio of cast iron is in the range of
38. The load acts over a smaller area, and the ______ continuous to increase unit failure A. C. actual stress compressive stress B. D. allowable stress tensile stress
0.30 to 0.33
0.27 to 0.30
C. 0.25 to 0.27 D. 0.35 to 0.45 48. Typical values for Poissons ratio of aluminum and titanium is in the range of A. C. 0.25 to 0.27 0.30 to 0.33 B. D. 0.27 to 0.30 0.35 to 0.45
39. In the stress strain diagram where there is a large increase in strain with little or no increase in stress is called: A. C. endurance strength rapture strength B. D. ultimate strength yield strength
49. The angle of inclination of the plane on which the principal stresses act is called C. A. normal plane B. principal plane D. tangential plane E. traverse plane F.
40. A _______ that carries load traverse to its axis. A. C. structure beam B. D. column frame
50. _______ provides a very accurate prediction of failure of ductile materials under static loads or completely reversed normal, shear or combined stresses. A. C. Shear stress theory Distortion energy theory B. D. Normal stress theory Soderberg line theory
41. Which type of load that is applied slowly and is never removed? A. C. Uniform load Equilibrium load B. D. Static load Impact load
42. When varying loads are applied that are not regular in their amplitude, the loading is called A. Repeated loading B. Random loading C. Reversed loading D. Fluctuating loading 43. A measure of the relative safety of a load carrying component is termed A. C. design factor ratio factor B. D. load factor demand factor
44. The condition which causes actual stresses in machine members to be higher than normal values predicted by the elementary direct and combined stress equations. A. C. Stress concentration factor Design factor B. D. Stress factor Load factor
45. The stress value, which is used in the mathematical determination of the required size of the machine member. A. C. Endurance stress Maximum stress B. D. Design stress Normal stress
46. Typical values for Poissons ratio of cast iron is in the range of A. C. 0.30 to 0.33 0.25 to 0.27 B. D. 0.27 to 0.30 0.35 to 0.45