Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Single Shear
Double shear.
The area resisting the shear off the rivet,
Crushing Stress
A localised compressive stress at the surface of
contact between two members of a machine part, that
are relatively at rest is known as crushing stress
Bearing Stress
A localised compressive stress at the surface of contact between
two members of a machine part, that has relative motion is
known as bearing stress
Torsional Shear Stress
When a machine member is subjected to the action of two equal and opposite
couples acting in parallel planes (or torque or twisting moment), then the
machine member is said to be subjected to torsion. The stress set up by
torsion is known as torsional shear stress.
Torsion equation:
Bending Stress
In engineering practice, the machine parts of structural members may
be subjected to static or dynamic loads which cause bending stress in
the sections besides other types of stresses such as tensile,
compressive and shearing stresses.
Creep Curve
Fatigue: When a material is subjected to repeated stresses, it
fails at stresses below the yield point stresses. Such type of
failure of a material is known as *fatigue. The failure is caused
by means of a progressive crack formation which are usually
fine and of microscopic size. This property is considered in
designing shafts, connecting rods, springs, gears, etc
It may be defined as the safe maximum stress which can be
applied to the machine part working under actual condition.
It is defined as maximum value of completely reversed bending
stress which a polished specimen can withstand without failure
for infinite number of cycles.
Load factor (KL)
Surface finish factor(KSF)
Size factor(KSZ)
Reliability factor(KR)
Miscellaneous factors(K) ns.
This is defined as the degree to which the actual stress concentration effect
compares with theoretical stress concentration effect.
Factor of safety
It is defined, in general, as the ratio of the maximum stress to
the working stress Mathematically,
ductile materials e.g. mild steel, the fos is based upon the yield
point stress to the working stress.
brittle materials e.g. cast iron, the fos for brittle materials is
based on ultimate stress
Selection of Factor of Safety
Before selecting a proper factor of safety, a design
engineer should consider the following points :
1. The reliability of the properties of the material and change of these
properties during service ;
2. The reliability of test results and accuracy of application of these
results to actual machine parts ;
3. The reliability of applied load ;
4. The certainty as to exact mode of failure ;
5. The extent of simplifying assumptions ;
6. The extent of localised stresses ;
7. The extent of initial stresses set up during manufacture ;
8. The extent of loss of life if failure occurs ; and
9. The extent of loss of property if failure occurs .
Stress Concentration
Whenever a machine component changes the shape of its
cross-section, the simple stress distribution no longer
holds good and the neighbourhood of the discontinuity is
different. This irregularity in the stress distribution caused
by abrupt changes of form is called stress concentration.
It occurs for all kinds of stresses in the presence of fillets,
notches, holes, keyways, splines, surface roughness or
scratches etc.
Abrupt Change of c/s
Poor surface finish
Localized loading
Variation in the material properties