Design of Machine Element
Design of Machine Element
Design of Machine Element
Types of load
Types of stresses*
Calculation of stress on different planes*
Different between stress and pressure
Definition of machine design
Classification of machine design
Design process/ procedure*
Load is defined as the set of external forces acting on a
mechanism or engineering structure which arise from service
conditions in which the components work
Common loads in engineering applications are tension and
Tension:- Direct pull. Eg:Force present in lifting hoist
Compression:- Direct push. Eg:- Force acting on the pillar of a
Sign convention followed: Tensile forces are positive and
compressive negative.
Types of load:
Tensile Stress
Compressive stress
Shear Stress
Torsional Stress
Thermal Stress
Crushing Stress
Different criteria for design (or)
Factors influencing Machine design:
1. Device or mechanisms to be used
2. Materials
3. Forces acting on the elements
4. Size, shape and space requirements
5. Method of manufacturing the components and their assembly
6. Reliability and safety
7. Maintenance and cost
1. Device or mechanisms to be used: this is best judged by
understanding the problems thoroughly. Sometimes a particular
function can be achieved by a number of means or by using
different mechanisms and the designer has to decide which one is
most effective under the given circumstances.
2. Materials: it is very important aspect of any design. A wrong
choice of material may lead to failure. Four basic factors which are
to be considered in selecting the material are availability, cost,
mechanical properties and manufacturing considerations.
3. Forces acting on the elements: different types of forces acting on
different parts of machines. So in order to know the forces acting
on the different parts, the free body diagram needs to be
4. Size, shape and space requirements
5. Method of manufacturing the components and their assembly: care must be
taken to ensure that the designed elements may be manufactured with ease, within
the available facilities and at low cost.
6. Reliability and safety: reliability is an important factor in any design. The
probability that an element or a machine will not fail in its use is called reliability.
Reliability lies between 0 to 1. Possible overloading, wear of elements, excessive
heat generation and other such detrimental effects must be avoided. And also
machine must be designed to serve mankind not to harm it.
7. Maintenance and cost: maintenance and safety are often interlinked. Good
maintenance ensures good running condition of machine. Often a regular
maintenance schedule is maintain and a through check up of moving and loaded
part is carried to avoid catastrophic failures.
Low friction and wear is maintained by proper lubrication.
High friction leads to increased loss of energy. Wear of m/c parts leads to loss of
materials and premature failure.
Design Consideration's:
Several design consideration should be taken into account for economical and efficient
1. Recognize and analyze the design problems: design must perform well under
expected and worst case conditions.
2. Determination load conditions: Structures will be subjected to different types of
load like tension, compression, torsion and bending. These loads must be
calculated under service conditions.
3. Productivity: the most elegant design is useless if it cannot be made efficiently.
Designers must and should familiar with the working condition and challenges of
shop floor people.
4. Strength: A machine part should not fail under the forces that acts on it. It should
have sufficient strength to avoid failure either due to fracture or due to general
5. Rigidity: a machine component must be rigid ,i.e. it should not deflect or bend too
much due to forces or moments that acts on it.
6. Wear resistance: wear is the main reason for putting the m/c part out of order. It
reduces useful life of component. Wear also leads to the loss of accuracy of m/c
7. Minimum dimension and weight: a m/c part should be sufficiently strong, rigid
and wear resistant and at the same time with minimum dimension and weight.
9. Safety: the shape and dimensions of the m/c parts should ensures safety to the
operator of the machine.
10. Conformance to standards: a machine part should
conform to the national or international standard covering
its profile, dimension, grade and materials.
11. Maintainability: a m/c part should be maintainable.
Maintainability is the ease with which a m/c part can be
serviced or repaired.
12. Minimum life cycle cost: life cycle cost of the machine
part is the total cost to be paid by the purchaser for
purchasing the part and operating and maintaining it over
its life span.
When a material is subjected to an external force, a resisting force is set up within
the component, this internal resistance force per unit area is called stress.
Stress is second order Tensor. (It require both plane as well as direction to
describe it position in which it is acting).
SI unit is N/m(Pa). 1kPa=1000Pa, 1MPa=10^6 Pa, 1 Gpa=10^9Pa, 1 Terra
Pascal=10^12 Pa
1. Calculate the force needed punch a sheet of metal 5mm thick and 0.8m wide.
Given that ultimate shear stress is 50Mpa.
2. Calculate the force required to shear a pin 8mm Diameter, given that
ultimate shear stress is 60Mpa.
The property of a body by virtue of which it undergoes
deformation when subjected to an external force and regains its
original configuration (size and shape) upon the removal of the
deforming external force is called elasticity.
The stress corresponding to the limiting value of external force
upto and within which the deformation disappears completely
upon the removal of external force is called elastic limit
A material is said to be elastic if it returns to its original,
unloaded dimensions when load is removed.
Hookes law states that: When a body is loaded within elastic limit, the
stress is proportional to strain developed or Within the elastic limit the
ratio of stress applied to strain developed is a constant
The constant is known as Modulus of elasticity or Elastic modulus or
Youngs modulus
Mathematically within elastic limit. Typically, E=210 x 10^9 N/m
(=210 GPa) for steel.
= P/A; e =L/L
Note: As per Hookes law, Stress is proportional to strain upto
proportionality limit but within elastic limit that comes after
proportionality limit in stress-strain curve.
A Limit of proportionality; It is the point where the linear nature of the stress
strain graph ceases.
B Elastic limit; It is the limiting point for the condition that material behaves
elastically, but Hooke's law does not apply . For most practical purposes it can be
often assumed that limit of proportionality and elastic limits are the same
Beyond the elastic limits, there will be some permanent deformation or permanent
set when the load is removed
C (Upper Yield point), D (Lower yield point) Points after which strain increases
without correspondingly high increase in load or stress
E Ultimate or maximum tensile stress; Point where the necking starts
F Fracture point
Special Cases:
Yield strength or Yield stress is the material property defined as the stress at
which a material begins to deform plastically whereas yield point is the point
where nonlinear (elastic + plastic) deformation begins.
In some ductile materials such as Aluminum, Copper, the yield point cannot be
clearly defined during tension test, therefore yield stress is Unknown. For such
metals design stress called PROOF stress is calculated using offset method.
Generally, Proof stress is taken at 0.2% of strain.
Max load that a structural member/machine component will be allowed to carry
under normal conditions of utilization is considerably smaller than the ultimate
Proof Stress: It is that point where 0.2% plastic
deformation occurs while returning to its original shape.
Common Terms related to stress-strain
1. Resilience
2. Proof resilience
3. Toughness
4. Modulas of Toughness
Resilience:(Strain Energy)
Ability of a material to absorb energy in the elastic region when it is strained
It is the ability of a material to regain its original shape on removal of applied
load is called Resilience.
Modulus of resilience
When stress reaches proportional limit, strain-energy-energy density is called
modulus of resilience
A materials resilience represents its ability to absorb energy without any
permanent damage.
pl pl pl2
ur = =
2 2E
Modulus of toughness
Modulus of toughness ut, indicates the strain-energy density of material
before it fractures.
Shaded area under stress-strain diagram is the modulus of toughness.
Factor of safety
It is defined, in general, as the ratio of the maximum stress to the working stress.
In case of ductile materials e.g. mild steel, where the yield point is clearly defined, the factor of safety is
based upon the yield point stress. In such cases,
In case of brittle materials e.g. cast iron, the yield point is not well defined as for ductile materials.
Therefore, the factor of safety for brittle materials is based on ultimate stress.
The above relations for factor of safety are for static loading.
Importance/ Significance: The structure should be able to withstand the variations in unexpected
loading up to some extent. Factor of safety covers uncertainties in forces or loads.
Factor Of Safety: (FOS)
Factor of safety is defined as the ratio of material strength and allowable stress.
Material strength includes ultimate strength, or yield strength or endurance
For brittle materials having static load, factor of safety is the ratio of ultimate
stress and design stress.
For ductile materials having static load, factor of safety is the ratio of yield
strength and design stress.
For fatigue load, factor of safety is the ratio of endurance limit and design stress.
According to Indian standard, IS : 1570 (Part II/Sec I)-1979 (Reaffirmed 1991), the
carbon steels are designated in the following order :
(a) Figure indicating 100 times the average percentage of carbon content,
(c) Figure indicating 10 times the average percentage of manganese content. The
figure after multiplying shall be rounded off to the nearest integer.
For example: 20C8 means a carbon steel containing 0.15 to 0.25 per cent (0.2 per
cent on average) carbon and 0.60 to 0.90 per cent (0.75 per cent rounded off to 0.8
per cent on an average) manganese.
Types of fits:
1. Clearance fit- In this type of fit, the size limits for mating parts are so selected that
clearance between them always occur, as shown in Fig. (a). In a clearance fit, the
tolerance zone of the hole is entirely above the tolerance zone of the shaft.
In a clearance fit, the difference between the minimum size of the hole and the maximum
size of the shaft is known as minimum clearance whereas the difference between the
maximum size of the hole and minimum size of the shaft is called maximum clearance as
shown in Fig.(a).
The clearance fits may be slide fit, easy sliding fit, running fit, slack running fit and loose
running fit.
2. Interference fit. In this type of fit, the size limits for the mating parts are so
selected that interference between them always occur, as shown in Fig. (b).In
an interference fit, the tolerance zone of the hole is entirely below the
tolerance zone of the shaft.
In an interference fit, the difference between the maximum size of the hole
and the minimum size of the shaft is known as minimum interference,
whereas the difference between the minimum size of the hole and the
maximum size of the shaft is called maximum interference, as shown in
Fig. (b).
The interference fits may be shrink fit, heavy drive fit and light drive fit.
Transition fit. In this type of fit, the size limits for the mating parts are so
selected that either a clearance or interference may occur depending upon the
actual size of the mating parts, as shown in Fig. (c). In a transition fit, the
tolerance zones of hole and shaft overlap.
The transition fits may be force fit, tight fit and push fit.
Basis of Limit System
2. Shaft basis system. When the shaft is kept as a constant member (i.e. when the upper
deviation of the shaft is zero) and different fits are obtained by varying the hole size, as
shown in Fig.(b), Then the limit system is said to be on a shaft basis.
Note: It may be noted that from the manufacturing point of view, Hole basis system is
preferred. This is because the holes are usually produced and finished by standard tooling
like drill, reamers, etc., whose size is not adjustable easily. On the other hand, the size of
the shaft(which is to go into the hole) can be easily adjusted and is obtained by turning or
grinding operations.
The dimensions of the mating parts, according to basic hole system, are given as
Hole : 25.00 mm Shaft : 24.97 mm
25.02 mm 24.95 mm
Find the hole tolerance, shaft tolerance and allowance.
Calculate the tolerances, fundamental deviations and limits of sizes for the shaft
designated as 40 H8 / f7.