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Showing latest 50 of 316 images tagged with Lagan Towpath tag.

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J3470 : Towpath and weir, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge Towpath and weir, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
An early winter scene along the towpath, near the Lockview Road, with the... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The Lagan towpath, between the weir and the entrance to the Lagan Meadows.
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The towpath looking towards the weir. Part of the fenced area (left) has had... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - February 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The towpath, near the weir, looking towards Shaw’s Bridge and Lisburn. Part of... (more)
J3269 : Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(1) by Albert Bridge Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3269
The original Lagan towpath, looking towards the boathouse. The official... (more)
J3369 : Restored Lagan canal barge, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Restored Lagan canal barge, Belfast - August 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3369
The barge at lock no 3. There is still some work to be done on the lock before... (more)
J3370 : Fingerpost sign, Lagan towpath, Belfast - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge Fingerpost sign, Lagan towpath, Belfast - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
A recently-erected fingerpost sign at one of the entrances to the Lagan Meadows.
J2866 : The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh (November 2014) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
Given the state of the towpath J3067 : Flooded towpath, Drumbeg, Dunmurry - November 2014(1) at Drumbeg I expected something... (more)
J3470 : Autumn colours, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge Autumn colours, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
There were large puddles in some places and, in others, the towpath was slippery... (more)
J3268 : The flooded Lagan towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - December 2015(1) by Albert Bridge The flooded Lagan towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - December 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
The Lagan towpath (left) hidden under the floodwaters of the very high and muddy... (more)
J3269 : Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(2) by Albert Bridge Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3269
See J3269 : Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(1). A close look at the remains of the original Lagan towpath,... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   former:Canal TowpathX   top:CanalsX   type:Close LookX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   paving material:Granite SettsX   Lagan Towpath   subject:PathX   top:PathsX   River LaganX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   Shaws Bridge (Belfast)X   Stone SettsX   TowpathX  
J3268 : The flooded Lagan towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - December 2015(2) by Albert Bridge The flooded Lagan towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - December 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3268
A hollow tree stump, normally well above river level, standing at the side of... (more)
J3470 : Towpath direction sign, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Towpath direction sign, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3471 : New Lagan towpath sign, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2014) (Lockview Road). Another of the new signs – at the entrance to... (more)
J3370 : Flood, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge Flood, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
This spot, below ground level, between the towpath and the Lagan Meadows is... (more)
J2866 : The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2866
The summer leaves almost hiding the view, from the footbridge J2866 : Footbridge, Ballyskeagh beside... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2019) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2019) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The current version of this long-running series of “towpath art”.
Tags: place:BelfastX   type:Close LookX   GraffitiX   subject:GraffitiX   Lagan Towpath   top:PathsX   Stranmillis (Belfast)X   Street ArtX   TowpathX  
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The autumn version. This series has been running sufficiently long, without any... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (April 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The ever-changing graffiti, beside the towpath, upstream of the Stranmillis Weir.
Tags: place:BelfastX   subject:GraffitiX   GraffitiX   Lagan Towpath   top:PathsX   Stranmillis (Belfast)X   TowpathX  
J3268 : The Lagan towpath near Minnowburn by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath near Minnowburn by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3268
Category: Towpath
The Lagan towpath, looking towards Lisburn, with the spring growth starting to... (more)
J3470 : End of summer, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge End of summer, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
A few days before the end of summer, between the weir and the Lagan Meadows.... (more)
J3067 : The Lagan and towpath, Drumbeg/Ballyskeagh (December 2014) by Albert Bridge The Lagan and towpath, Drumbeg/Ballyskeagh (December 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The Lagan and towpath looking towards Belfast. The river is still quite high.... (more)
J3268 : Flooded towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Flooded towpath, Minnowburn, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3268
The “muddy river” is the flooded towpath. The Lagan is out of picture to the... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (September 2014) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (September 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
A new design for September 2014.
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The latest design. A close look, today, shows that the disused building is... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - July 2014(2) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast - July 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The second adornment during July 2014.
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
A theme of silver for July 2014.
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (December 2013) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (December 2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
An eye-straining end to 2013.
J3470 : Wild mustard, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge Wild mustard, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
One of a few isolated examples of wild mustard growing, between the towpath and... (more)
J3470 : Mallard, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Mallard, River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
Looking asleep but with eyes wide open, a mallard taking it easy in the reedy... (more)
J3370 : Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (4) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
It would be unusual not to see mallard along the Stranmillis section of the towpath.
J3369 : Autumn leaves, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge Autumn leaves, Lagan towpath, Belfast by Albert Bridge
for square J3369
Just as the trees are preparing for a display of autumn colour along come the... (more)
J3370 : Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
There is a damp spot, prone to flooding J3370 : Bench and floods, Lagan towpath, Belfast, between the towpath and the... (more)
J3370 : Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
There is a damp spot, prone to flooding J3370 : Bench and floods, Lagan towpath, Belfast, between the towpath and the... (more)
J3370 : Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge Mallard, Lagan towpath, Belfast (1) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
There is a damp spot, prone to flooding J3370 : Bench and floods, Lagan towpath, Belfast, between the towpath and the... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Belfast (July 2011) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Belfast (July 2011) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
See J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Belfast (August 2010). The same building displaying the latest example of quaint folk... (more)
J2967 : Seat, Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh/Lambeg by Albert Bridge Seat, Lagan towpath, Ballyskeagh/Lambeg by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J2967
A seat, beside the Lagan towpath, overlooking this part of the Lagan and the... (more)
J3370 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3370
Category: Towpath
See J3371 : Towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast. The towpath on the Lisburn side of the previous photo. There... (more)
J3067 : The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry - June 2018(2) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge, Dunmurry - June 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3067
The towpath, beside a very low River Lagan, during the current dry and hot weather.
Tags: DrumbegX   place:DunmurryX   type:GeographX   Lagan Towpath   top:PathsX   subject:RiverX   RiverX   River LaganX   top:Rivers, Streams, DrainageX   TowpathX  
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2017) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The River Lagan, looking upstream, from close to the Stranmillis weir. The... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The view downstream, towards the weir, on a mild mid-autumn day. The trees are... (more)
J3470 : The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge The River Lagan, Stranmillis, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The view upstream, between the weir and the entrance to the Lagan Meadows, on a... (more)
J3470 : The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge The Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
With the ferocity of storm Abagail yesterday (see J3775 : EI-EPU, George Best Belfast City Airport (November 2015)) I’d expected the... (more)
J1561 : Signs, Lagan towpath, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge Signs, Lagan towpath, Moira (May 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J1561
Two signs at this bridge J1561 : Canal bridge (road), Moira (2). One prohibiting horses on the Lagan... (more)
J3470 : Graffiti,  Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (February 2015) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (February 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
After several months with the same decoration, the building now has a new... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   subject:GraffitiX   GraffitiX   Lagan Towpath   top:PathsX   Stranmillis (Belfast)X   TowpathX  
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (May 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
A colourful end to spring.
Tags: place:BelfastX   subject:GraffitiX   GraffitiX   Lagan Towpath   top:PathsX   Stranmillis (Belfast)X   TowpathX  
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (September 2013) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (September 2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
A new adornment.
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2013) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Stranmillis, Belfast (July 2013) by Albert Bridge
for square J3470
The latest offering.
J3470 : Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Belfast (May 2013) by Albert Bridge Graffiti, Lagan towpath, Belfast (May 2013) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J3470
The latest display on this old building.
J3370 : Cattle, Lagan Meadows, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge Cattle, Lagan Meadows, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
One of two calves in a small herd close to the towpath. Not obvious here but... (more)
J3370 : Cattle, Lagan Meadows, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge Cattle, Lagan Meadows, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
for square J3370
One of two calves in a small herd close to the towpath. Not obvious here but... (more)
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